11 hand hygiene

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Infection Prevention and Control


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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Hand Hygien Â

St Peter's Hospice Start Date: 01 July 2015 End Date: 30 June 2017

1 0f 8 Infection Prevention and Control Procedure for Female Intermittent catheterisation

When to Perform Hand Hygiene There is no set frequency for performing hand hygiene. It is the responsibility of the individual to undertake a risk assessment adhering to the principle of “what have I just done and what am I about to do?” However, the World Health Organisation (WHO) (2009) identified 5 key moments whe hand hygiene should be performed: 1. Before touching a service user

3. After body fluid exposure risk 4. After touching a service user

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5. After contact with service user surroundings


2. Before clean / aseptic procedures

An assessment must be undertaken prior to commencement of intermittent catheterisation by the Urologist or Nurse specialist, who will decide the most appropriate size and type of catheter for the service user.



To reduce the risk of infection

Prepare equipment and ensure packaging is intact and products are within the expiry date

To ensure equipment is single use sterile and within the expiry date


Perform effective hand hygiene by washing hands with soap and water or using alcohol gel if hands are visible clean

Prepare in advance area where service user is to receive intervention

To facilitate service user privacy. To allow dust and airborne organisms to settle before sterile field is exposed




3 0f 8 Infection Prevention and Control Procedure for Female Intermittent catheterisation

Single use sterile lubricant/anaesthetic gel Urinary catheter of appropriate size / length and type of material as per urologist or nurse specialist advice Clean container (e.g. plastic envelope) for catheter Urine specimen container for specimen if required

To reduce the risk of infection. Hands may have become contaminated by handling the outer packs

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Cleanse hands with alcohol hand rub


Follow manufacturer’s instructions to activate lubricated coating if applicable To ensure that device is adequately lubricated before insertion (Note - some catheters require activating with water or gel, others are ready to use)

To reduce the risk of infection

Take the sterile towel, place across the service user’s thighs

To provide a sterile field

Using non-dominant hand clean the labia majora and then the labia minora with Sodium Chloride 0.9% using downwards strokes with a clean piece of gauze for each stroke

To reduce the risk of cross-infection and introduction of skin and meatal flora


Put on 1st pair of sterile single use gloves

Separate vulva using non-dominant hand then swab urethral meatus using dominant hand

Remove gloves, perform hand hygiene and put on a 2nd pair of sterile single use gloves

Inadequate preparation of the urethral orifice is a major cause of infection following catheterisation

To reduce contamination following skin and meatal contact with 1st pair of sterile single use gloves.

Clinical waste bag



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Infection Prevention and Control Gordon House, Station Road
 Mill Hill, London NW2 2JU Telephone 020 8906 2777 Fax: 020 8906 2233
 8 0f 8 Infection Prevention and Control Procedure for Female Intermittent catheterisation www.infectionpreventionsolutions.co.uk

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