Mental Health 2022

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Infection Prevention and Control


Policies and Safe Practice Guidance Manual Acute & Forensic Mental Health

Infection Prevention Solutions Gordon House 1-6 Station Road Mill Hill London NW7 2JU T: 020 8906 2777 F: 020 8906 2233 E:






Infection Prevention Solutions


Section Number

Policies: Infection Prevention and Control Management Policy Policy Statement for COVID-19 Management Recognition and management of an outbreak of infection Management of an outbreak of viral gastro-intestinal illness Antibiotic Prescribing Policy Sepsis Policy

1 2 3 4 5 5a

Safe practice guidance – General: Estates and Facilities Management Infection Control Principles - the spread of infection Standard Infection Control Precautions Hand Hygiene Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Safe Use and Disposal of Sharps Laundry Management Management of Healthcare Waste Environmental Cleaning Spillages of Blood and Body Fluids Pets In Mental Health Environments Pest Control

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Safe practice guidance – Clinical: Decontamination of Medical Equipment Single Use and Single Patient Use Medical Devices Last Offices – care after death Asepsis and care of Invasive Devices Isolation of Infectious Service Users Collection of Microbiological Specimens Infections with specific alert organisms Closure of rooms, wards and facilities

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Safe practice guidance – Personnel: Management of Occupational Exposure to Blood-borne Viruses Management of Infections in Staff Vaccination Programme for Staff and Service Users Uniform and Dress Code Policy

26 27 28 29



Sample Issue Date: 01/10/2022 Review Date: 30/09/2024

Contents Infection Prevention Solutions ©2022 Page 1 of 2

Infection Prevention Solutions


Sample Issue Date: 01/10/2022 Review Date: 30/09/2024

Contents Infection Prevention Solutions ©2022 Page 2 of 2

Infection Prevention Solutions

RECOGNITION AND MANAGEMENT OF AN OUTBREAK OF INFECTION INTRODUCTION An outbreak of communicable disease/infection can be defined as the incidence of disease above that normally expected. Usually this means that there are two or more linked cases with the same illness/symptoms. In some instances, only one case may be sufficient to instigate investigation as an Incident, e.g. meningococcal meningitis. Outbreaks in mental health settings will be similar to those experienced in acute hospital settings e.g. viral gastro-enteritis, influenza etc. Outbreaks of infection may vary in extent and severity, ranging from a few cases of infestation to a large number of food poisoning cases, affecting hundreds of people. Recognition of an outbreak in the early stages may be difficult, therefore medical and nursing staff must remain vigilant. The Consultant in Communicable Disease Control (CCDC) at the local Health Protection Unit (HPU) at UK Health and Security Agency (UKHSA) has overall responsibility for outbreaks of infection in all health and care provider settings (both NHS and independent sector) and the designated infection control advisor / senior manager on call must inform the local HPU of any suspected outbreak of infection. An on-call service is provided by the local HPU of PHE out-of-hours and at weekends.

STAFF RESPONSIBILITIES Individual staff – particularly senior clinical staff and senior managers should be able to recognise a potential outbreak of infection or food poisoning Staff should be familiar with the reporting system when they suspect an outbreak of infection. Staff should report their concerns promptly to the line manager who will investigate and advise necessary reporting. Staff have a duty of care to prevent further transmission of the outbreak by implementing appropriate IC measures as advised by their IPC Lead/Advisor or HPU. Staff have a responsibility to maintain communication with interested parties, especially service users and visitors as well as other clinical staff/areas which may be affected. Communication with external organisations e.g Care Quality Commission and local hospital Trusts, transport providers etc. is also important.


Sample Issue Date: 01/10/2022 Review Date: 30/09/2024

Recognition and management of an outbreak of infection Infection Prevention Solutions ©2022 Page 1 of 4

Infection Prevention Solutions


Senior Manager / Lead Nurse / Clinician /Occupational Health Adviser (Identifying possible/probable outbreak)

Infection Control Lead / Advisor

Health Protection Unit on call team

ACTION WHEN SUSPECTING AN OUTBREAK OF INFECTION All outbreaks of suspected or confirmed infection must be reported through the line manager and to the designated infection control advisor (if in post). Once an outbreak is suspected then the first step is to liaise with the local HPU who will provide guidance on the appropriate steps to be taken. Local arrangements for ongoing support and guidance vary. In some areas the local HPU will undertake this function. All senior staff should have easy access to local phone numbers which should be documented. Local teams contact details can be obtained here:

OUTBREAK MANAGEMENT TEAM Only large outbreaks (or those involving more than one facility) will require an outbreak control team to be convened and in most instances, this requirement will be decided by the local HPU. If convened, membership of the Outbreak Control Team will usually include the following: • • • • • • • • • • • •

IC Advisor / IC lead HPU Consultant in Public Health (usually the Chair) Environmental Health if required (food poisoning only) HPU health protection nurse Communications Manager if required Relevant clinicians/health care professionals inc. GPs Senior manager of area(s) concerned Pharmacist if required Estates and Facilities Housekeeping Occupational Health Advisor (if outbreak involves staff) Other members as deemed appropriate

Sample Issue Date: 01/10/2022 Review Date: 30/09/2024

Recognition and management of an outbreak of infection Infection Prevention Solutions ©2022 Page 2 of 4

Infection Prevention Solutions

OUTBREAK TEAM FUNCTION The function of the team will be to: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Review the problem; Decide on appropriate action; Specify tasks and responsibilities for team members; Communicate required action to affected care staff; Ensure all affected staff are aware of their responsibilities; Ensure appropriate supplies are available; Institute further investigation; Evaluate progress; Agree media statements and communication to service users/visitors/general public Ensure communication with senior managers and Board, local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) / acute NHS Trusts, ambulance Trust etc Agree report of outbreak and future recommendations to prevent similar recurrences; Prepare a final report at the end of the outbreak.

At the first meeting of the team an interim report of the outbreak will be prepared for the Chief Executive and the Management Board. The nominated lead person will inform all relevant external parties as appropriate. The team will also involve the Marketing and Communications Department and draw up a draft press release, as necessary. When the outbreak is declared over, a root cause analysis of the outbreak may be undertaken to systematically review all aspects of the management of the outbreak and to provide evidence for a final report including a review of actions taken, lessons learned and changes to be made to practice to avert a similar occurrence.

Sample Issue Date: 01/10/2022 Review Date: 30/09/2024

Recognition and management of an outbreak of infection Infection Prevention Solutions ©2022 Page 3 of 4

Infection Prevention Solutions


Is this an Outbreak?

YES Two or more service users and /or staff symptomatic with vomiting and/or diarrhoea / influenza etc.

NO Less than 2 residents and/or staff symptomatic

If NO Observe for further cases

If YES Contact Senior Manager immediately

Arrange for samples to be taken from service users who have symptoms if requested by IC Advisor or HPU

Document all symptomatic service users/staff Secure communication daily to ICA / HPU or as advised

(Documents 3 and 4) Complete Incident


Sample Issue Date: 01/10/2022 Review Date: 30/09/2024

Recognition and management of an outbreak of infection Infection Prevention Solutions ©2022 Page 4 of 4

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