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The Inferno Metal Auction, is hosted by Tore Bratseth of the beloved Motörhead cover band, Bömbers (NO). The auction is a highly anticipated and humorous event that will take place in the lobby bar at the festival hotel. Besides rare and legendary items from the extreme metal scene, the auction will also include a very special package, consisting of a hotel room and festival passes for 2 people. The total value is around 9500NOK. Past auctions have included mentionable items such as Abbath's signed leather boot from the 1993 "Fuck Christ" tour, a cymbal used on Mayhem's "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas," and even Fenriz's acoustic guitar.
The 2023 auction promises to be just as entertaining as past years, though it remains to be seen what items will be up for sale. One thing is for sure! you don't want to miss your chance to bid on the hotel room and festival passes package!
14.00 The Hub Bar. Saturday 8. April. free Entrance!