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Artichoke Hearts The Food that Loves You Back
Artichokes are technically a thistle, the edible part of the artichoke is the bud inside the flower actually before it blooms. The most desired part of the artichoke is part of the thistle, called the “heart”.
Artichokes are abundant in minerals and vitamins. Potassium included, this amazing blossom can help to regulate blood pressure and reduce levels of bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol levels.
Studies show that consuming artichokes may promote regrowth of the liver, they have been known to be used as a liver tonic for centuries, helping to eliminate toxins from the body. They aid with digestion by improving gall bladder function, stimulating gastric juices and bile that could prevent gall bladder disease.
16 possess one of the highest antioxidant levels found in food. The extracts from artichokes have been studied and regarded as a powerful tool in preventing cancer and using it in therapy.
Artichokes contain high levels of folate and phosphorus, with women who are expecting, folate is especially important because it can be essential in preventing birth defects and assuring a healthy newborn. Phosphorus increases bone and brain health in the body, creating density in the bones and helping to improve brain function for anyone who may experience deficiencies or want to enhance their health.
The incredible artichoke is used in many fine cuisines, they are easy to cook and are quite delicious in dips and sauces. It is important to note, that people with