2 minute read
We Are Reminded
by Cynthia White Flower
Summer Bliss brings us brightness and light! The warmth of the sun can heal us on so many levels. Just like noon is the height of the day, summer is the height of the year. It inspires us to rise. We can be our own best friend or our own worst enemy. Each step we take into the lightness of being, makes our world glow a little brighter. Summer reminds us that we are given opportunities to shine.
Lightness of spirit and lightness of being helps us to get through in hard times. We must recognize the light to embrace it. Look up. Summer glows all around us reminding us that we are a part of its glow. We are the important rays of light holding the vision of a brighter tomorrow. Summer’s glow inspires the music of the soul to join in nature’s dance. We are reminded that we have an open invitation to participate.
The light reminds us of the strength of heart. As that light grows, so does our conscious connection to all that is good. The abundance of this goodness shines forth in all that the season brings. New life abounds! We are reminded that we have only to command that “new life is ours” for that door to open.
Summer’s inspiration nudges our senses. “Wake up,” it says “and fill your eyes with brightness. Listen to the sounds of life: birds chirping, bees
buzzing… Smell the sweetness of abundance and touch nature’s beauty as you taste of its delights.” We are reminded of the richness of our blessings.
The dance of life is everywhere, inspiring, enticing, inciting… The summer’s momentum builds to a crescendo, then sustains the goodness of that growth. We are reminded that we have an invitation to dance in the light. Summer invites us to take the first step. Summer shows us how to use the light to build more within ourselves. It shows us that living life with passion is fulfilling and that the goodness of the glow continues. Summer reminds us to live!
Summer enthusiastically gives. It brightens the atmosphere and fills it with delight. It is tenacious in its intent to provide. It rhythmically rises like a heartbeat, as steady as the day is long, providing security. Longevity is its creed as it shows us what life is about. We are reminded to enthusiastically provide the very best for ourselves as life zealously provides the very best for all.
Summer is our time to shine. It is the time to make ourselves the best that we can be. It is time to invest in ourselves and in the positive nature of being. We are reminded to allow the light to shine through and experience all the delights the season has to offer!
About the Author: Cynthia McNabb, BS, M.S., (aka, Cynthia, White Flower) is an author, teacher, counselor and an ordained spiritual minister. The late James McNabb is her beloved and is with her in spirit as she carries on her journey.
Please contact Cynthia for an appointment, email:cynthialynnmcnabb@yahoo.com or phone/ text 734-904-0075
Divinity Spiritual Church
“A Place of Love, Light, Truth, & Freedom”
4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield 45014
Contact Rev Mary Margaret Denholm at 513-289-2914 for more information
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3rd Saturday of the Month
at 5:30 pm. All are welcomed.