2 minute read
America – it is Time to Wake Up
by Rev. Marcia Cantrell
Your world is in turmoil. You are seeing events and decisions being made you have never before experienced except those who witnessed the evil horror of the Nazi. There are so many who do not see what is being done to the population and are willing to accept and have accepted the changes in America and the world. These people are now known as sleeping or following as sheep. As Given to Rev. Marcia Cantrell
For those who are awake and aware know what Americans and the world are experiencing is not acceptable at any level. You were not placed in this world to be slaves to evil. But yet some have chosen this role and rolls with the status quo.
Let’s take a moment and look at what appears to be politics. One party trying to win over the other. Our Brothers and Sisters we urge you to wipe the sleep from your eyes and see what you would refer to as the big picture. Move beyond politics and see what is occuring. Do you see good and evil at play? Brothers and Sisters you are in the midst of a SPIRITUAL WAR directly in your eyes. So you might ask, if this is true, what can I do about it? Again we urge you to open your eyes, see what is occuring, stop listening to the lies on media and investigate for truth yourself.
Use discernment and your intuition. Gifts of guidance from your Creator God. What feels true? What does not feel true? You have been given a heart. Use your heart, the center of love along this truth fact finding. Your gifts will assist you to learn the truth. Amongst the evil happenings know it is possible to find peace. Peace is there within you if you allow yourself to feel it. Know that light will win over evil. Know that God has a plan and this plan will restore you to feel the truth and peace. This is the beginning of your faith moving you forward to higher consciousness. To a level needed to ascend to the New Earth. There will be healing time for Earth. Now we urge you to find healing and peace now through activities of nature, being with like minded people who support you and those you are close to. Sadly there is much separation of loved ones.
We encourage you to find solace with God through spiritual practices you find comforting. Our sister who is transcribing our message does this through gardening and her love of nature. We are here to assist this great planet we old so dear. We are serving humanity through healing and other services we are asked to do.
Our Beloved Brothers and Sisters stay in your heart space, the center of love and remember all lives matter.
With Great Affection Arcturians Patriots of the Sky
About the Author: Marcia is an ordained minister of the Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking founded by James Twyman. She has a Masters of Social Work degree and with the assistance of her Angels and Guides, provides spiritual counseling for those seeking healing. She offers other healing modalities including Seichim energy and Past Life Regression Therapy. Marcia is humbled and honored to channel other Light Beings including Yeshua and her Guardian Angel Angela.