3 minute read
We Are the Twilight
We Are the Twilight by Cynthia White Flower
The summer’s twilight reminds us to walk in faith and embrace the light. The sun is below the horizon, emanating soft, glowing illumination. We are encouraged to realize that there is more to come. It is the light that sustains this moment - a symbol of hope. Twilight says, “I am the consciousness rising.” (1) We are encouraged to look up, recognizing that there is a bright side to every situation. Optimism is the tool, for “You, too, must uphold your faith in the sons and daughters of God in the moment of supreme testing.”(2)
Twilight encourages us to know that more light is coming. We are offered a process to assist with the direction of our light:
“Visualize electronic light – unformed – with every electron, receptive, obedient, alert, waiting for your message. Then set up a vibration consciously in your feelings. See the energy waves pass out from you in ever widening circles and the obedient electrons start into motion. Choose… a particular quality or a blessing that would benefit…the world and all humans.” (3)
Faith propels us. Our thoughts, statements, affirmations, visualizations and prayers are all instruments of change. Accepting the responsibility for holding the light takes tremendous courage and faith, but this is our reason for living. This is our mission. Daily we must act from a place of faith as we hold the balance within our hearts that reverberates in our actions. This is who we are: The Light Bearers.
Prayer is a powerful tool of faith. There are four keys for the amplification of our prayers. The first is to call upon the spiritual hierarchy to pray with you. Be specific. You are asking for help. Karmic law says that they cannot step in if you do not ask. The second is to give them authority to act on your behalf. (4) Karmic law says that it is your responsibility. If you give them permission to act on your behalf, they can do so with
your permission under the laws of karma. The third is to request “righteous justice” for who and for what you are praying. (5) Whatever the karma is for that person or situation, we honor the law and pray for the highest good, acknowledging the law in our request. The fourth is to ask for the mitigation of the karma. (6) Is it possible to reduce the severity? We cannot receive if we do not ask.
Now is the time to make a difference. What we hold together in unity, we hold in strength. If we are divided, we stand a good chance of falling together. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” (7) As the unveiling of truth emerges, it is unconditional love that will heal and unite us, aligning with nature one and all.
God help us… to live the truth within our hearts.
God guide us…to be The Conscience of what is humane.
God bless us…with another chance to be a part of the solution.
God assist us… with the courage to stand against manipulation.
God hold us… as we hold mankind in our hearts and feel the oneness that is our truth. Amen.
About the Author: Cynthia McNabb, BS, M.S., (aka, Cynthia, White Flower) is an author, teacher, counselor and an ordained spiritual minister. She is a Psychic Medium and is available for readings. The late James McNabb is her beloved and is with her in spirit as she carries on her journey. Please contact Cynthia for an appointment, email:cynthialynnmcnabb@ yahoo.com or phone/text 734-904-0075
1. Faith, Archeia, Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 18 No. 36, VIALS OF THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES II The Judgment of the Dweller on the Threshold, 9/7/1975, The Summit Lighthouse Press.
2. Faith, Archeia, Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 18 No. 36, VIALS OF THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES II The Judgment of the Dweller on the Threshold, 9/7/1975, The Summit Lighthouse Press.
3. The Ascended Masters, Electrons, The Building Blocks of the Universe, p. 66 copyright 1995, Ascended Master Teaching Foundation, Mount Shasta, CA.
4. Covington, Marsha Dawn, Cyber Tetons Conference, New Wisdom University, 7/7/2020, Jackson Hole, WY.
5. Covington, Marsha Dawn, Cyber Tetons Conference, New Wisdom University, 7/7/2020, Jackson Hole, WY.
6. Covington, Marsha Dawn, Cyber Tetons Conference, New Wisdom University, 7/7/2020, Jackson Hole, WY.
7. King Jr., Martin Luther, The first National Conference on Christian Education of the United Church of Christ at Purdue University, E. Lafayette, Indiana, August 1958.