Mining Life & Living QLD Issue 24

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Life& Living QLD magazine

Issue 24 FREE


Men’s Health



contents ISSUE 24

features 5

MINING RELATIONSHIPS The top three issues and how to overcome them


WOMEN IN MINING A woman’s guide on how to thrive in the industry


DROP TO GAIN MUSCLES Our resident personal trainer gives us some top tips


MEN’S FASHION Look sharp with Digby’s Menswear


TAKING THE PLUNGE INTO PROPERY INVESTMENT So you’re ready to buy – now what?


THE YEAR OF THE FARMER The value of farming to boarding schools


DISCOVER FIJI Plenty to see and do


HAYMAN ISLAND HAVEN Discover what’s on your doorstep


ALL ABOUT BOATING Haines Group ‘Signature’ marks a new generation in fishing boat innovation


EXPO IN THE SPOTLIGHT The Australia & P.N.G. Mining Expo went off with a bang

41 29 16 on the cover 9

MEN’S HEALTH Man up shape up


RUSSELL BRAND Heading to Aussie shores


THE TWILIGHT SAGA We have Breaking Dawn Part 2 prize packs to give away

regulars 4 Welcome from the Editor 5 Family Focus 16 Fighting Fit 18 Fashion Fever 20 Your Place 28 Your Back Pocket 29 Travel Bug Bites 35 Local Travel 36 Boy’s Toys 43 ‘Tis the Season 46 Talkin’ Technology 48 Accommodation 52 Brain Teasers 54 Talk Back


Life& Living QLD magazine

Issue 24 FREE


Men’s Health MAN UP SHAPE UP


On the Cover: Russell Brand.

Issue 24


Welcome to Mining Life & Living Magazine


ello and welcome to Mining Life & Living QLD, a free publication catering to employees of the mining and resources industry. With a clear direction toward health and lifestyle, Mining Life & Living Magazine aims to provide interesting stories to assist in the improvement of reader’s work-life balance as well as to simply entertain with interviews, profiles and regular columns from experts in their field. With Christmas fast approaching, as scary as that may be, we have included a special Wish List lift-out for you in the hope that it will make your shopping a little easier during this very hectic time of year. With a special section for men, women as well as the younger ones, there is something to suit every member of the family. Additionally, as the main story in this issue we have focused on how to engage yourself more in a healthy way of living. With some startling figures relating to health in our country, everyone is encouraged to take a step toward making some small changes that can make a huge impact on your life and that of your loved ones. Mining Life & Living Magazine has been around for over a year and a half now, meaning we’re no longer a new magazine, but a well-established publication with a loyal readership. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for making Mining Life & Living such a great success and continuing to send your feedback so we can constantly work toward improving your magazine. As always, I am keen to hear any opinions you may have on this issue, good or bad, so please feel free to send me an email to We might even publish your letter in the next issue! So until next time, I hope you enjoy reading this issue and keep safe and healthy in your mining life and living.


Life& Living magazine

PUBLISHER Patrick McElligott

EDITOR Bettina Maniatis

DESIGN Lawrence Borchers


Bettina Maniatis Editor, Mining Life & Living Magazine Inflight Publishing

Mining Life & Living Magazine is published bi-monthly by Inflight Publishing Pty. Ltd. Views expressed in Airport magazine are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. No responsibility is accepted by the publisher or the printer for the accuracy of information contained in the text or advertisements. Advertisements must comply with the relevant Trade Practices Act 1979. Responsibility for compliance with the act rests with the person, company or advertising agency submitting the advertisement. Neither the publisher nor the editor accepts responsibility for advertisements.


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Issue 24

The Top

Three Issues



here's no such thing as a perfect couple or a perfect relationship. All relationships have ups and downs, and in relationships where one partner flies or drives in and out for work, the ups and downs can feel extreme. I know that many FIFO couples love the buzz of seeing each other again after time apart. I've heard many couples say that the high of the re-connection makes it all worthwhile. There's no doubt in my mind that couples like these, who actually enjoy FIFO and all it brings, are those who understand how to manage the tricky parts of the lifestyle. So what are those tricky issues to negotiate? Well, in my opinion they are: communication, how time is spent and sex. I've compiled this list of do's and don'ts from conversations with couples who love FIFO, as well as those who struggle with it. >>

Issue 24


1. Communication

DO: Know your hot topics. What are you likely to argue or disagree about? Get a plan on how to deal with this properly so you can stop going over the same old ground. For example, if you find yourselves constantly arguing about how to discipline the kids, come up with a discipline plan. Try different ways of staying connected when one partner is away. Notes, letters, texts, phone and video calls all have you feeling closer. Try to work as a team even when your partner is away for work. Frequently use the term "we" in conversations. For example, "What shall WE do" ... about whatever the problem is (rather than "what are YOU going to do about it" or "what do you want ME to do about it"). Know yourself - notice your own thoughts and feelings and monitor your own behaviour within the relationship. Regularly check in with each other about how the lifestyle is going. DON'T: Stick your head in the sand and hope problems will go away. Name the problems, work to solve them together.


Issue 24

Personally criticise each other. Ever. It's fine to complain about a behaviour you're not keen on ("I really don't like it when you leave your work gear in the hallway"), but not "You’re such a lazy slob". Expect deep and meaningful conversations every day. You wouldn't have them if you both worked 9-5, so don't expect them when one partner is away. Allow FIFO or DIDO to be an excuse for bad relationship habits. 'Side effects' of FIFO, like fatigue, can lead to bad habits if you're not careful. And finally, remember that good communication does not mean endless talking about all your problems or difficulties. Good communication is a daily task in a relationship: little things like saying thank you, making a cup of tea, remembering to ask how things are for your partner and being aware of your own relationship behaviours.

2. How time is spent

Lots of FIFO couples argue about how each person spends their time. There are many variations on this: the home partner getting annoyed with how shift change is spent; or how much time is (not) spent with family when he's home; the away partner annoyed with how often the partner at home is going out; or how much time she spends with her family when he's at home. There is no 'one size fits all' answer to this, but it's worth remembering that arguments about how time is spent usually come down to differing priorities. DO: Talk about priorities and areas of importance. You might not share your partner's priorities and motivations around how time is spent, but when you hear about what is important to them, you might start to understand their reasons for spending their time the way they do. For example, you might rate your family higher than friends in how you want to spend your time, but this doesn't mean your partner will. Understanding each other's time priorities can lead to respectful compromises. Agree on a realistic list of jobs/tasks that need doing while the 'away' partner is home. Let your partner know one or two fun/relaxing things you'd like to do in R&R time. Be clear about who is responsible for which jobs. Allocate task by roster or list. It sounds very regimented, I know, but it saves a lot of arguments. Build a support network of family, friends or paid help. Plan on spending some time doing things separately in R&R time. If you're the 'away' person, make sure you keep in contact with friends and family while you're away - it will ease the pressure to see everyone and 'catch up' every time you're home. Try to keep important connections continuous.

DON'T: If you're the 'home' person, don't try to squeeze everything into the time your partner is away. Young male FIFO workers tell me they feel under pressure when they're home ... their partner has often squeezed everything else in her life into the time he's been away, so she can be available for him every minute he's home. It sounds lovely in theory, but it's a huge amount of pressure. Expect to always agree on how each other's time should be spent. The intensity of the time together can definitely add to the pressure for "everything to be perfect" but it won't be. There will be times when you disagree. Always do things just to please your partner (this goes for both the 'home' and 'away' person). While compromise is obviously a very important part of a healthy relationship, always giving in to your partner’s priorities isn't.

3. Sex and intimacy

It's an issue in many relationships, and sex and intimacy can definitely be affected by FIFO and DIDO. The pressure to squeeze all the loving into a week or so, and differing libidos (common in all long-term relationships) can leave one or both partners feeling disappointed, dissatisfied and disconnected. DO: Stay connected when one of you is away for work. This could take the form of raunchy text messages or phone calls if you're comfortable with that, or little gifts or notes left for each other. Think about your partner while he's away (or while you're away...). Remember the things that first brought you together and what you love about them now.

Work on breaking your 'sex cycles'. If you always wait for your partner to initiate sex, you do it next time. If you always initiate in a certain way at a certain time, try something different and unexpected. Discuss your satisfaction with your sex life in a respectful way. Understand each other's 'love language'. Some people feel most loved when their partner makes love to them, others feel loved when their partner hangs out the washing, and others still feel the love when their partner tells them how great they are. Gary Chapman has written an excellent book on the subject called The Five Love Languages - check it out. DON'T: Emotionally disconnect from your partner when you're apart. I know this is a big ask. Some people protect themselves from feeling too lonely or sad by cutting off emotionally. While this can work OK in the short term, it's a habit that will add strain to a long-term FIFO/ DIDO relationship. Allow stress, worry and resentment into the bedroom. Work to resolve any problems outside of the bedroom (as much as possible!). Withhold sex as a way to try to get your partner to understand your feelings. This is serious miscommunication. They won't understand the message and the lack of intimacy is likely to contribute to any problems you already have! Worry if your sex life is not perfect. As a FIFO/ DIDO couple you can always start fresh next time round! I think mining couples actually find it easier than most to break bad sex cycles. There are my tips for keeping your relationship healthy and happy. Good luck! n

Issue 24


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man up & shape up BY ANDREW STEPHENSON


grew up on a sheep farm in the north west of New South Wales. My father is a third or fourth generation farmer and although he’s no longer on our family’s original property, he carries with him the weathered shadows of his forefathers. Like many Australian bushmen, he somehow continues to find the resilient fortitude to work hard and provide for his family, despite the harsh landscape and fickle weather that so often seems to taunt him. Who else would toil dusk till dawn without holiday pay for 10 year stints of barely breaking even with eternal optimism that next year will be a ‘good’ year? I’ve worked three different jobs since I left university about eight years ago, and that’s four less than my brother, only two years my senior. We’ve grown impatient. Twenty-four-seven connections, millions made and lost in a heart-beat, who sticks around in a job that’s not paying or progressing? But despite the many differences, in many ways I am my father’s son. I have a deep love for my family I rarely voice, I certainly don’t take life too seriously and, well, I have high cholesterol. I no longer live in a country town like the one I grew up in. In fact I have married and settled abroad with plans of soon beginning my own family. I’ve always had a passion for sports, fitness and helping others which evolved into a degree in health science and a career in health promotion. For several years, I’ve worked in both Australia and North America for a company that helps organisations improve the health and safety behaviours of their employees. And something I see time and time again is something I realise I’ve been seeing all my life; men don’t admit to weaknesses, and they don’t like asking for help. Perhaps it’s evolution or self preservation, the strongest bull rules the herd, so wear your strengths on your sleeves and bury your problems behind that hard worked leathery skin? Perhaps it’s the sense of responsibility to protect and serve your family, to be the one who listens to problems, fixes problems but never create the problems? Whatever it is fellas, it’s killing us. Just like farming has changed, so too must our attitudes and behaviours if we want to adapt and survive. Our traditional views on masculinity need

“The health of Aussie men is rapidly deteriorating, and yet it is largely within their means to prevent it. But it simply won’t happen unless we first shift our attitudes and approaches to the way we educate men about health behaviours.”

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reform. Steak and eggs are no longer the breakfast of the burly, it’s the plate of heart attack patients. Salads aren’t for wusses, they’re for the champions that will pity our future diabetic selves. For the first time in our history we face the prospect of the next generation having a shorter lifespan than ourselves. That’s not what I want to pass on to my children, and it is within our power to prevent it. It’s not only about length of life, but quality of life. The prospect of multiple stent procedures, bypass surgeries and living the restrictive life of a person with heart disease, like my grandfather, is not overly appealing to me. And while I’ve played quiet observer

as my father has supported his own father and vented frustration at his stubbornness, his lack of willingness to accept help, slow down, move off the farm and give his health the attention it deserves, I’ve begun to witness a strange metamorphous. I am becoming him, while he is becoming my grandfather. Although he is leaps and bounds ahead of my grandfather in many aspects of his preparation for retirement, and despite never smoking and being in far better health than I’ve ever known my grandfather, it is his attitudes towards health that concerns me. Despite his vow that if faced with the same situation as my grandfather, he would listen

Issue 24


to his children, I’m yet to see that claim put to practice. Don’t get me wrong, he’s not a walking heart attack waiting to happen, he is relatively fit for his age, but he has a very strong family history of cardiovascular disease, and cholesterol issues have plagued him for years. When I last broached the subject with him, the quiet response I got was that his previous visit to the doctor had revealed an elevation in cholesterol, so he hadn’t bothered going back. With a smirk and the mischievous twinkle in his eye I recognise from my childhood he adds, “No news is good news, right?” Come on dad, your son’s profession is educating people on how to make small changes in their lifestyle to improve their health and quality of life. Your two sons married a physician and nurse respectively, and while you routinely ask us to interpret the “doctor speak” you hear regarding your parents, you have never once asked me how you might go about proactively lowering your cholesterol to avoid medication, or worse, following in your father’s footsteps. As I contemplate becoming a father myself, I can’t help wonder, will my son witness the same sequence of events unfolding between my father and I? I’m not mad at my dad; he’s my hero. But I understand that like so many others, he just doesn’t quite get it. It’s not that he doesn’t want to be healthy, but it’s a part of the culture and generation he grew up in not to ask for help, not to appear vulnerable and not to burden others. Perhaps he thinks his future health is out of his control, a trait I see replicated in men everywhere. Whatever it is, I want to set the record straight. The health of Aussie men is rapidly deteriorating, and yet it is largely within their means to prevent it. But it simply won’t happen unless we first shift our attitudes and approaches to the way we educate men about health behaviours. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, around one third of all health costs in Australia are a direct result of health risk factors which are largely preventable. As significant as that sounds, it’s possible that it may even be underestimated, considering some figures from other developed nations, such as the U.S. in which 70 to 75 cents in every one of the two-plus trillion dollars spent on health care annually is spent on a preventable condition (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Either way, it’s significant national burden which could be avoided, or more importantly significant personal suffering that can be prevented. Research estimates as many as 60 to 80 per cent of type 2 diabetes cases can be prevented through lifestyle adjustments to diet and exercise patterns. Did you


Issue 24

know Aussie men are more overweight than Australian women? We also smoke more, drink more, eat a lower quality diet and have higher rates of hypertension (high blood pressure). So come on fellas, come on dad, I know you work hard and you think you are “active”, but it’s time to stop denying the numbers and time you started taking a daily walk for your health. It’s time to ‘pass’ on the pie at smoko and switch to the grilled fish and salad at lunch instead of the burger and chips or ham and cheese sandwich. If you work for an employer that has developed a health promotion program then understand that it’s actually to your benefit to participate. Stop snickering at it and making fun of the blokes stretching at lunchtime and join in. Your quality of life as you age and the example of healthy values you instill in your children are in your hands. Many things change, and culture and attitudes can evolve. The way we can fashion a shift in the culture of men’s health is if we tip the scales of acceptance and participation towards the majority. As long as it remains the minority who openly speak about health and proactively change their behaviours to improve it, it will continue to face cultural resistance. Man up fellas. You have a choice. Do nothing, maintain your crusty exterior fortress and don’t let anyone in to help you improve your health; I urge you to ponder the likely destination of that path. Or, go to the doctor. Learn about your current health status and ask them about small changes you can make to your lifestyle to improve or maintain it. Do you want to enjoy a healthy and active retirement with your loved ones? Which path do you think will get you there? If you need motivation, do it for your spouse or do it for your children. But most of all, you should do it for yourself. Dad, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but what you can do for me now is take some time and make more of an effort to look after yourself. n

About the Author: Andrew Stephenson was born in Victoria but spent most of his childhood in regional New South Wales. He now lives and works in the north-eastern United States, consulting with employers and developing workplace health programs as a National Manager for Health by Design. He is married with a dog and regularly contributes health-related articles to magazines or industry publications in both the U.S. and Australia.

Information Sources: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, "Australia's Health 2010", 2010 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Diabetes Australia World Diabetes Foundation n

Guilt Free Pleasure


“I really feel like that cake - but I shouldn’t.” “It’s ok if I eat this - I will burn it off at the gym tomorrow.” “I should have herbal tea instead of a coffee.” “I better not have another beer.” “I need to cut back on my carbs.” We all know that little voice of internal self talk. The reasoning, the justifying, that ultimately leads us to indulge then to berate ourselves after. Well, that little voice of self talk may just be the key in determining whether we store those extra calories or just carry on with the rest of our lives in a happy and harmonious way. The father of the New Science, Epigenetics, Bruce H. Lipton PhD has provided scientific proof that the cells of our body are directly affected by our thoughts. Just like we respond to our daily stresses, so too our cells respond to the messages we send them with our relationship to food. If we sit and enjoy the slice of pizza or a coffee with a friend, our cells will embrace what they can and discard any waste. Food consumed with the thoughts that this is bad for us will cause our cells to respond in a rejecting way and the internal battle is sustained. So, the solution; unless of course you are on a restricted diet for medical reasons, is to enjoy an indulgence in moderation. Embrace the flavors, the company, environment you are in. Food is our fuel and a treat is just that - a treat! n

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Lot 23 Lot 22

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Issue 24



ussell Brand fans have rushed to the box office following the announcement of his I AM A WALRUS TOUR which will be on the road nationally till December. Described by the Telegraph as "the most talented standup comedian to emerge in Britain so far this decade" Russell Brand shot to fame when he was seen as rocker ‘Aldous Snow’ in the Judd Apatow produced comedy Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Since then, the British star has become an international comedic success. Brand recently wrapped production on Diablo Cody’s directorial debut in Mandate Pictures’ untitled film, previously titled Lamb Of God. The film also stars Julianne Hough and Octavia Spencer and is slated for release in 2013. Brand is currently in development to star in and produce The President Stole My Girlfriend. Producing with Brand is his Branded Films partner Nik Linnen. This will be the first project by Branded Films. Russell is also in pre-production for Paramount Pictures’ The Hauntrepreneur produced by Michael Bay. Also an acclaimed author, Brand has written two books, My Booky Wook: A Memoir of Sex, Drugs and Stand-Up, which was on The New York Times best-seller list for five weeks in a row, and the follow up, Booky Wook 2: This Time It’s Personal. For television, Brand hosted the 2012 MTV Movie Awards and the MTV Video Music Awards in 2008; he hosted the MTV VMA’s again in 2009 and garnered the biggest VMA audience since 2004, with nearly nine million viewers. Beginning his career as a stand-up comedian, Brand rose to fame in the UK in 2003 for his “Big Brother” spin-off, “Big Brother’s Big Mouth.” He has toured internationally since 2006 and has released DVDs from those tours Russell Brand Live, Only Joking and Doin’ Life. Russell Brand currently splits his time between New York and Los Angeles. For more information on the tour and to book your tickets, visit n

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Issue 24





now yourself, be thick skinned and regulate your emotions! These are just some of the tips that were offered at AIMEX – Asia-Pacific’s International Mining Exhibition in Sydney in September. Mining Family Matters psychologist Angie Willcocks joined an expert panel offering guidance to mining women at the expo. She said mining offers great opportunities for women who can adapt to life in a maledominated industry. According to Ms Willcocks, women in mining need to understand their personal values, goals, strengths and weaknesses and strive to keep moving forward –


Issue 24

personally and professionally – when the going gets tough. "This might sound obvious, but any woman considering a mining career should acknowledge from the outset that she is entering a male-dominated industry," Ms Willcocks said. "There's no point getting onto an outback mine site and realising you can’t handle the blokey culture. "It’s worth drawing up a personalised management plan that considers the specific job as well as your own history and personality. A woman who grew up with three brothers, for example, will probably cope in an all-male mining team much better than a woman who grew up with few male @InflightPublish


role models." Angie's tops tips for mining women are drawn from discussions with successful women in a range of male-dominated industries, combined with general workplace resilience philosophies. ANGIE'S TOPS TIPS FOR MINING WOMEN • Understanding your own values: Identifying your core values will help you to make positive decisions about what you want from your career, and will guide your behaviour and attitude when the going gets tough. Your values will also help you to set meaningful goals. To establish your own values, it’s worth

Women in mining panel discussion at AIMEX 2011

– Angie Willcocks, Mining FM Psychologist

thinking about the people you admire (real people as well as fictional characters from movies etc.) and name their specific characteristics. Examples are compassionate, assertive, strong, intelligent, innovative and calm.

Be clear about your goals: They will help to keep your mind occupied with problem solving at challenging times. Enlist the support of a trusted manager or supervisor to help with setting and reaching goals, or seek external coaching or mentoring.

Adjust your thinking style: This includes positive problem-solving skills and an optimistic view of the workplace. When working in a tricky situation it's important not to fall into unhelpful thinking patterns. Common thinking traps are ‘magnifying’ (blowing a problem out of proportion), ‘personalising’ (making the problem all about you) and ‘over-generalising’ (making any problem about your gender, when the issue might actually have nothing to do with it).

Emotional regulation: Basically, this means recognising that you are angry, upset or excited, but keeping these feelings in check so they don't feel overwhelming. Women traditionally tend to show their feelings more than men, and can sometimes let their emotions inform their decision-making. Knowing yourself is important for emotional regulation – for example, what situations are likely to bring up strong emotions for you?

Impulse control: This is a bit like emotional regulation, but refers to behaviours. Good impulse control means that you are able to think and feel strongly about something, but keep your behaviours in check. It's not just about keeping your cool when you feel angry, but also about being able to act assertively even when you don't feel confident.

• Look after yourself physically: Physical health is important for any career, but especially in male-dominated industries which might be more physically demanding. • Be prepared to work hard (maybe even harder than you think you should have to). • Pick your battles. • Keep your sense of humour. • Know what problems are yours to solve and what aren’t. • Be thick skinned: This comes back to your thinking style – try not to take things personally. Let comments slide unless they are offensive or ongoing. • Be willing to 'put yourself out there' for new challenges. • Know your industry and join industry groups to promote yourself. • Avoid sexual relationships with colleagues. For further information, visit the Mining Family Matters website at n




hether you hate it, admire it, practice it or avoid it, office politics is a fact of life in any organisation. And, like it or not, it's something that you need to understand and master to be sure of your own success. "Office politics" are the strategies that people play to gain advantage, personally or for a cause they support. The term often has a negative connotation, in that it refers to strategies people use to seek advantage at the expense of others or the greater good. In this context, it often adversely affects the working environment and relationships within it. Good "office politics", on the other hand, help you fairly promote yourself and your cause, and is more often called networking and stakeholder management. Making Politics Work FOR You To deal effectively with office politics and use it yourself in a positive way, you must first accept the reality of it. Once you've done this, you then need to develop strategies to deal with the political behaviour that is going on around you. Here are some tips: Re-Map the Organisation Chart Office Politics often circumvent the formal organisation chart. Sit back and watch for a while and then re-map the organization chart in terms of political power. Who are the real influencers? Who has authority but doesn't exercise it? Who is respected? Who champions or mentors others? Who is "the brains behind the organization"? Understand the informal network Once you know who's who in the organisation, you have a good idea of where the power and influence lay. Now you have to understand the social networks. Who gets along with whom? Are there groups or cliques that have formed? Who is involved in interpersonal conflict? Who has the most trouble getting along with others? What is the basis for the interrelationship? Friendship, respect, manipulation? How does the influence flow between the parties? Next issue, I’ll finish off Part 2 of this article and discuss some more important points in office politics. n

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“Mining offers great opportunities for women who can adapt to life in a male-dominated industry.”

Issue 24








Drop to



ver wondered what actually makes your muscles grow? How they become stronger? How they develop more tone? Interestingly enough, I became pretty focused on this concept from a pretty young age, and was always exploring ideas and methods to accelerate this process. Whether we think that we need it or not, our muscles need to have some type of resistance applied to them in order to stop them shrinking. Of course, when it applies to body fat, shrinking is really good but when talking about muscles, shrinking is definitely no good! You only need to see the old lady crossing the street, hunched over to see the effects of muscles that atrophy (shrinking). So, if your muscles are doing only one of two things - growing or shrinking - which one do you choose? If you are like most, you chose growing - good choice! And if you’re worried you’ll end up looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger with strength training, don’t despair - just ask anyone who has wanted to gain muscle how hard it really is! So if you are engaged in some type of resistance work / strength training, then you need some strategies to

maximize performance. This issue’s solution: drop sets. If you were to perform, let’s say 8 repetitions of a tricep pushdown at 5 plates, and you pushed to your maximum - 8 was exactly the maximum you could have done. No more, no less. Now consider the set you completed. The first 1, 2 and 3 repetitions were pretty easy, 4 and 5 not too hard, then by 6, 7 and 8, it was really working, sound right? Now you might suggest that repetitions 6, 7 and 8 were the only ones where you really worked. But if you up the weight to 8 plates, now you may squeeze out 3 or 4 repetitions (all working hard), then drop the weight to 6 plates and punch out another 3 reps, and finally drop the weight to 4 plates and squeeze out another 3 reps! This way, you have worked to your maximum on three different occasions within the one set (as opposed to only once!). Try this technique the next time you work out. Pick an exercise you are familiar with and use this strategy. Feel the difference in the muscle. Recognise that you may need to use less time to achieve the same effect! Happy pumping!

Your Trainer Brad Sheppard B.Ed (Phys.Ed) Fitness Australia REPS Council member and Queensland Fitness Professional of the Year title winner; Brad Sheppard, has run Peak Physique Personal Training ( in Brisbane for 17 years, lectured nationally and is the Inflight Publishing and Ultra-Fit Magazine’s own Personal Trainer. Brad has a real passion for any challenge being a former Mr Australia Bodybuilding Champion and now competes in Ironman triathlons and marathons. Brad is also the co-founder of Create PT Wealth (, Australia’s leading business coaching and mentoring program for personal trainers. n


Issue 24

Weight Loss & Weight Control


– Part 2



ast issue, I talked about some important points for weight loss and my first 5 tips for successful weight reduction. This issue, we’ll go through tips 6 to 10.

6. Eat slowly. The brain needs about 20 minutes to receive a signal that you’re full; it doesn’t matter how much food you’ve consumed during this time. Try to pace your eating by putting the fork down between bites, chewing slowly, and enjoying your food. 7. Eat your favorite foods regularly. Believe it or not, you can still eat your much-loved potato chips and lose weight. If you deny yourself permission to eat your favorite foods, you are much more likely to binge. A handful of potato chips once or twice a week is much better than devouring a whole bag in 30 minutes after days of denial! 8. Stay away from foods that tempt you. Out of sight, out of mind, and out of mouth. Storing cookies and other fattening snacks in see-through containers on the counter will more than likely tempt you every time you walk by. Store them in areas out of sight. Better yet, keep tempting foods out of the house.


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9. Exercise consistently. Exercise regularly but don’t overdo it. Don’t punish yourself after a day of overeating by pushing yourself twice as hard or twice as long. One day of overeating will not make you gain weight. Remember that it takes 3,500 extra calories to gain one pound of weight. Realistically, it’s almost impossible to consume this amount over your required needs to gain 1 pound in a day. 10. Think Fit and Healthy! Every day, visualize yourself as getting fitter and leaner. Be patient with yourself; you didn’t gain weight over night. Changing your eating and exercise habits for life takes time. Positive self-talk is very important to your well being and will help not only with weight loss, but also with daily living. Thought For The Day Talk to yourself like you would to your best friend.


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Issue 24



Issue 24




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Issue 24




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HOW TO… Insulate the home


orrect insulation can effectively reduce your heating and cooling costs, helping the environment and your budget. Insulation retains heating and cooling, helping to reduce operating costs while extending the life of electrical appliances such as heaters and air conditioners. So, it’s important to insulate your ceilings for the most noticeable increase in internal warmth and energy savings. MATERIALS NEEDED TO INSULATE THE HOME

Insulation (cellulose or fibreglass) – like the, Insulation Roll G/Wool Knauf Earthwool (0810890)>> RRP $29.58 Insulation supports – vents Polyethylene sheeting Dusk mask – Like the, Dust Mask Trojan (1660435)>> RRP $8.90 Tape measure - Like the, Stanley Tape Measure 8M (5662104)>> RRP $9.86 Stanley knife – Like the, Knife Stanley Fatmax Retractable (5760082)>> RRP $14.98 Staple gun and staples – Like the, Trojan Staple Gun Medium duty metal (5914589)>> RRP $26.95 Ladder – Like the, 3.7M Aluminium Multi Purpose Ladder (0860243)>> RRP $99.00 Pencil – Like the, Carpenters graphite Fat pencil (5660173)>> RRP $3.98 Goggles – Like the, Dewalt Protector Safety Googles Smoke (5810260)>> RRP $17.42

PREPARE BEFORE YOU INSTALL Before undergoing roof insulation as a D.I.Y. project, it’s best to consult an expert Bunnings team member to help you determine how much insulation your roof requires and also the type of insulation suited to your home as this can vary according to where you live. LAYING YOUR MATERIAL Use a tape measure to calculate the space between ceiling rafters. Also measure the clear dimension of the man hole to determine the width of insulation required. It’s helpful to lay a plywood or wooden plank to create a temporary walkway over ceiling rafters. Start by laying the insulation from one edge of the roof and lay it between the rafters. The insulation should fit tightly between the rafters. If insulation needs to be cut, compress it with a straight edge and cut along the edge with a Stanley knife. ADDING THE FINAL TOUCHES During winter, it’s important to draught-proof your home by checking doors and windows to protect from storms. It’s useful to seal them with weather stripping along external doors, vents, unused chimneys, fireplaces and air conditioning units. For more information on Bunnings D.I.Y. home renovations, head to your nearest store or visit n


Issue 24

There has never been a better time to buy

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taking the plunge



he time for talking is over. You’re ready to buy your first investment property. You’ve read a few books, attended a few seminars and researched the property market. The bank has confirmed how much you can borrow and you’ve been inspecting properties to buy, but still there are so many questions. Which type of property should I buy? A house or an apartment? A new property or an established home? A property in the city, suburbs or a regional town? Should I be focused on capital growth or rental yield? The answer to many of these questions will depend on your personal circumstances and there are no fixed answers. But as the CEO of Australia’s largest metropolitan property agency, I’ve heard all the reasons for and against all

the main property investment strategies. Some investors favour buying “the worst house in the best street” and renovating it to generate equity. Others love buying apartments off the plan because of the stamp duty savings, depreciation benefits and lack of maintenance. And some will only buy near where they live because they have a thorough knowledge of local property values while others aim for the next “hot” suburb to buy before prices skyrocket. This should not be confusing. It is heartening to know that there are many ways to make money from property and they can all work. It depends on your strategy. The thing to note is that there are several factors that are common to many property investment philosophies.

Here are my highlights: LOCATION. Buy close to services that people want such as shops, train stations and schools. Avoid noisy roads and favour attractive neighbourhoods. SCARCITY. Art deco apartments and Victorian cottage houses are popular throughout property cycles because they are in limited supply which increases demand and price. FEATURES. Properties with views or attractions such as outdoor living spaces or units in small blocks with off-street parking attract premium prices and rents. DEMAND. Median valued properties will have broad appeal. Low rental vacancy rates prove high demand and ongoing income. Ensure regional infrastructure can

Issue 24


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Median unit price performance


Gold Coast




500,000 400,000 300,000


Jun 12

Jun 08

Jun 04

Jun 00

Jun 96

Jun 92

Jun 88

Jun 84

Jun 80


Source: RPData (June 2012)




Median unit price ($)

The Gold Coast now represents attractive price growth potential following corrections in value

visit our sales display at 29 Queensland Ave, Broadbeach | call 1800 138 011 No warranty given either expressly or implied by the vendors or their agents in respect of the accuracy of the Photographs, information and illustrations. Photographs, information and illustrations are indicative only for presentation purposes and are subject to change. They should not be relied upon as an accurate representation of the final product. Specification may change at any time. Sustainability Declarations available on request. SYN25001. Produced by

“There are many ways to make money from property and they can all work. It depends on your strategy.” support a range of industries and activities which draw tenants through growth in population and jobs. CAPITAL GROWTH. Increasing property prices build equity or profit which can be used to expand a portfolio, reduce debt or finance lifestyle. Negative gearing advocates aim to maximise how much capital growth their money can buy rather than how many rooms or how much land. In other words, they might buy a one-bedroom apartment instead of a four-bedroom house at the same price.

RENTAL YIELD. Strong rental income finances investment and builds a portfolio with a cash flow buffer that protects against debt. With “cash flow as king”, many investors have built substantial portfolios in relatively short periods.

capital growth and better tenants.

WOW FACTORS. Impressive features such as water views, closeness to beaches, rooftop decks or over-sized garages can draw extra dollars now and in future.

COMPROMISE. Write a list of factors you want in a property and aim for the main targets. Rarely will the first purchase be your dream home. Use it to kick-start your property portfolio.

POTENTIAL. What can this property be turned into? Can you create an extra bedroom with a wall in the lounge? Can the backyard be subdivided for sale or construction of a second dwelling?

BUY VALUE. Aim to make money when you buy, not when you sell.

THINK OUTSIDE THE SQUARE. Consider buying an investment property while you rent. By renting where you want to live and buying in an area you can afford, you can get a foot on the property ladder. Or buy with a friend if you can’t afford a property alone.

PRESENTATION. Investors willing to renovate don’t have to pay for presentation if they get a tired property and significantly improve it with inexpensive cosmetic changes such as repainting or renewing kitchen doors or benches. This can lead to higher rent, faster

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Issue 24


The Year of the Farmer

2014 Scholarships

Adapted, with permission, from an article published in the term 4 edition of the Australian Boarding Schools Association Quarterly Magazine “Lights Out” written by the Chairman of ABSA, Dr Tim Hawkes.

and Bursaries

Visit to register online for the 2013 Scholarship Exam for entry into Year 8, 2014. Applications for needs-based bursaries for entry into Years 8 to 11 also now open.


any Australian boarders come from rural areas of Australia and many of these live on farms. Inspired by this fact, and by this being the Year of the Farmer, I felt it appropriate to pen a few lines on the importance of the farming sector not only for our boarding schools, but also for our nation in general. Last year, Australia had 134,000 farms. On average, each of these farms fed 150 people in Australia and 450 people overseas. Although produce leaving the farm gate may only contribute 3 per cent to our gross domestic product, farming, in some form other, takes place on 61 per cent of our land. Our land is not a magic pudding. It must be nurtured through drought, plague and fire. It must be nourished through periods of high dollar and low demand. It must be nursed through soil-loss and salinity. In this Year of the Farmer, we must realise the value of land. In a world of burgeoning population, food and water will become vital commodities. By 2030, we will need 50 per cent more food and 30 per cent more water. Some countries have woken up to this and are buying vast tracts of land around the world. They call this land-banking. Others call it food-banking. Australia, like its farmers, must think long-term. Most of us would benefit from a few more days in the country. We might connect rather more with what is real and realise rather better what is false. It is exciting to note that boarding schools do provide a wonderful mix of cultures and backgrounds, and that our boarders learn the importance of the country we live in and the wonder of its rich resources. The wonderful tapestry which forms the boarding community means that these teenagers experience and learn from people of all walks of life, and develop lifelong friendships which endure not only time but distance and life-changes. Where better could a young person grow up? n

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Issue 24

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re you getting the professional recognition that you deserve? Looking for measurable continual improvement? Then perhaps recognition of experience to get the qualifications that you crave is your best option. And you might not need to spill copious amounts of blood, sweat and tears to get a diploma or two on to your resume. For many years now, Australian Federal and State Governments have opened the door for those of us who have ‘been there done that’ over many years at work but haven’t got the certificate to match this experience. The process unleashed is called recognition of experience, or recognition of prior learning. Recognition of experience is a benchmarking of your skills and experience against the nationally recognised criteria for a qualification. This is done by a recognised training organisation licensed to conduct the process. One such organisation is Aboard Training Australia, a specialist assessment organisation registered with the Australian Skills Quality Authority that regulates all vocational education providers including assessment organisations. “It is best that anyone conducting a recognition have a solid work history in the qualifications that they offer as well as solid experience in the specialty of assessing,” said Mr Frank Lee, manager of Aboard Training Australia. “Only then are you assured that the assessment will be true to the standard and fair to the customer.” There are some casual misunderstandings about recognition. One such misconception is that recognition ‘delivers’ a junk diploma in a few days. This is not so, and it is plainly impossible to develop diploma level skills in a short space of time. However, an assessment against the standard can be conducted ranging from five hours to a few days, depending on the type and number of qualifications sought. The candidate’s experience that underpins the assessment is of course gathered over many years of work in the actual workplace, doing the work roles that match the qualification requirements. The quality of the qualification is ensured by

quantifying the candidate’s experience and skill, the national assessment standards and audits of training/assessment organisations by governing authorities. According to Mr Lee, the fundamental approach that Aboard uses to determine if a person’s experience supports a decision of competent or not competent is to start with the best assessors. “A key role of the assessor is to ensure that the candidate is relaxed,” said Mr Lee. “That’s when good discussion flows and the candidate describes their roles and history in a natural way.” “For this reason, we offer face to face discussions either on site or off site in a place where the candidate can talk naturally. Of course all discussions are confidential; individual privacy and protection of company intellectual property are of utmost importance.” “We can gather information to support a decision using questions, viewing appropriate samples, discussing scenarios and actual events, support from referees and acknowledgments,” said Mr Lee when asked about the Aboard recognition method. “These combine to form the candidate’s personal story.” “We look for descriptions of what is normal, what are signs of success attained, and what lessons were learnt from failures and near misses. These are the things that can illustrate a candidate’s skill, understanding of process and ability in production of services or goods.” It is common for those of us that have never undergone a recognition to have many questions and doubts including the burning question of whether you will make it. “The Aboard method addresses these doubts at a pre enrollment discussion between the assessor and the candidate,” Mr Lee said. “There is no obligation at this pre enrollment interview.” “This is where Aboard and the candidate can in effect conduct their risk assessments regarding likelihood of success. Aboard does not enroll everyone. If a candidate can’t make the level or has real doubts we don’t offer enrollment in RPL. As a private

registered training organisation specializing in recognition, we have this advantage over public institutions that accept anyone into a course without any prerequisites. It is not in our brand’s interest to mismatch candidates to qualifications that they cannot reasonably attain by RPL. A good RPL should be efficient and not stressful, if you are matched to the correct qualification.” Aboard has been quietly conducting assessments for individuals and companies throughout the mining and business sectors since 2007. According to Mr Lee, there are many reasons for the rapid growth of the Aboard method. “Firstly there is a definite need, secondly we come from a production and business background and most of our assessors have in excess of 30 years success in their fields,” Mr Lee explained. “This is what the VET vision is about; industry assessing and training industry.” “Thirdly, it is more successful to grow assessors from industry than to drive genuine industry experience into a theory based educational profession. Having industry experienced assessors makes the assessment process better focused.” Aboard offers recognition for qualifications at diploma level in management, project management, HR, administration, business and retail. Aboard also offers innovative and secure enterprise training and administrative solutions to using cloud eLearning and assessment. Some subsidies are still available to eligible candidates through Skilling Solutions Queensland, a State Government body which provides a fast efficient evaluation and same day issue of your subsidy letter. Call Aboard for contact details. Aboard is a Skilling Solutions Queensland approved supplier of recognition services. Don’t delay, places are limited and subsidies may not be available from future government budgets. For full details on the Aboard method, go to or call 07 3105 5944 to fully discuss your needs with an experienced assessor. n

Issue 24


A credit card that won’t put you in the naughty corner QUEENSLAND COUNTRY WON’T PUNISH YOU WITH OBSCENE INTEREST RATES. Could our 13.2%p.a interest rate credit card save you money? Call us today to switch and we’ll waive your annual fee* on both the credit card and the rewards program... *Credit card and Rewarder annual fees waived for the first 12 months. Offer valid to November 30 2012 for new business only. Queensland Country Credit Union Limited ABN 77 087 651 027 Australian Credit Licence 244533. Normal lending criteria and fees and charges apply. Interest rate quoted is per annum and is subject to change. Full terms and conditions available on request. Participation in the reward program is by separate application and not automatic and an annual fee of $58 is payable. Points redeemable for goods and services at the rate of 150 points equals $1.00. Monthly cap of 10,000 points applies. Before acquiring this product you should consider whether or not it is appropriate for you.

a refreshing attitude to banking





hether we like it or not, there is a sense of satisfaction that is gained from spending money and buying things we want. This mindset is risky, as it links your ability to be happy with spending money – something any reader of Savings Guide will know I am against. However recent research* has shown some very interesting statistics and observations as to how our brain works and how our purchases impact our happiness. Here are some of the main findings that were rather eye opening. These findings are definitely worth considering next time you go to make a purchase. SPEND MONEY ON TEMPORARY PLEASURES It is suggested that spending money on small, temporary pleasures yield more happiness in general than larger/bigger purchases. Although somewhat counterproductive to the notion of ‘getting ahead financially’ – it appears happiness is much more likely to arise from smaller pleasures then say saving for a holiday in five years time. SPEND MONEY ON EXPERIENCES Experiences such as travelling, sporting events and concerts to name a few are capable of making happiness more so than material goods. Nearly 57 per cent of surveyed people noted that the greatest happiness came from these events as opposed to only 34 per cent which stated material goods made them happy. DON’T SPEND MONEY ON EXTENDED WARRANTIES It was noted that ‘hedging your bets’ against future regrets has a severe impact on your happiness. What this means is that buying an extended warranty on say a digital camera, actually lowers the happiness of the buyer. It was also noted that many times these extended warranties and insurances were undermined by the stores return policy, meaning money was spent for nothing. GIVE MONEY TO NEEDY CAUSES Whether it be charity, politics or personal relations – giving money to others, rather than using solely on yourself was reported to give people a greater sense of happiness from the emotional rewards of helping others. CHANGE YOUR THOUGHT PROCESS ON SPENDING The research found that the mentality of ‘consumer now, pay later’ was not as good as ‘pay now, consumer later’. This is because thinking about future events can help trigger stronger emotions and happiness. THINK BEFORE YOU BUY You should also think carefully before committing to a purchase, as over time the distress a regretted purchase can cause is significant. DON’T BUY SOMETHING JUST BECAUSE IT IS CHEAPER Comparison shopping can be risky, as often people purchase items that are comparatively better on paper but not fulfilling the happiness factor that originally lead them to want to buy. Don’t seek products that are always the best deal, instead think of happiness also. ASK OTHER CONSUMERS FOR THEIR OPINION It is also suggested that by gauging opinion of other consumers, we are able to get a close predication as to how much we ourselves will enjoy the product. This means looking for reviews and thoughts on a product online while carefully avoiding the comparative shopping path. n *(Journalist’s Resource, 15/08/2011)


Issue 24






fter a three hour flight, I landed in Fiji – somewhere I hadn’t been since 2002, yet it looked completely unchanged – lush and green. I was to stay at the Outrigger on the Lagoon, described as one of the most enchanting resorts in the South Pacific and occupying 40 acres on a calm beachfront on the Coral Coast of Viti Levu Island. The rooms were really beautiful. Mine had a balcony overlooking the resort and the bay and the massive beds were extremely comfortable. Even though the resort’s been around for over 20 years, it’s obviously been refurbished as the rooms were modern and very clean looking. I was feeling very spoilt when I heard a knock at the door. It was the butler service offering me champagne and canapés before I made my way down to dinner. After enjoying this little treat, I went down to the reception area that led out onto a big balcony overlooking the whole resort. You could see the pool, the roofs of the different restaurants through the trees, and the bay – a magnificent sight. Next it was down to have dinner at Sundowner Bar & Grill. The food was amazing - the perfect way to begin my Fijian holiday. The next morning it was off to breakfast at The Vale Ni Kana Restaurant where there was a

smorgasbord of fruits, cereals and hot food. Fruit is cut off as you ask for it, not just sitting there drying out – something I particularly appreciated. After the indulgent breakfast, it was off to do a bit of exploring, first to the Tian Organic Farm where I was given a tour by Executive Chef Shailesh Naidu and then to the Sigatoka Produce Market. The market was huge and there was everything on offer from fruits and vegetables to seafood. Of course, these tours lasted a couple of hours and the sights and smells of all the fresh produce were starting to take effect on my stomach. Lunch time, for which I was to have a cooking lesson with Shailesh at the Ivi Restaurant. He did four dishes - mainly seafood – including Chilli Crab, Coconut Curry Fish and of course some cocktails to wash it all down. After lunch, it was off to another lavish experience as I was transported by golf cart up to the Bebe Spa. I chose the Myoxy Caviar Facial which was too good for words and has to be experienced to be truly understood. The whole experience was a delight as the staff take you in, give you a small green tea and then after a change of clothes, give you a robe and take you into a room for your treatment. The private rooms have glass sliding doors with balconies that overlook the coastline, villages and houses. The facial included

Issue 24


Sigatoka Sand Dunes

Bebe Spa Sanctuary balcony bath

a neck and shoulder massage, so needless to say I was feeling pretty good when it was time to head back to my accommodation, by cart once again. That night, I had dinner at the Ivi Restaurant which was described as dining in true Fijian luxury and comfort. It was a small intimate restaurant with no children as it’s adults only. The food was phenomenal with options ranging from duck and beef to seafood and at the end of the meal, the head waiter came to the table and made Crepe Suzette. After another great nights sleep, the following day was a little more active than the last. Taking a two hour guided walk to Sigatoka Sand Dunes, I was amazed at the visible evidence of history surrounding us. Of course not everyone in the group was athletic but we were very well looked after by the guides who let us go at our own pace. The heritage listed sand dunes covered an area of 650 hectares and pottery shards, stone tools, remains and other archaeological relics are still being uncovered to this day by natural processes. On the other side of the dunes, we headed toward the beach then back to the rainforest and onto the bus, which had cold water and fresh moist towels awaiting us. This time we had lunch in the Bavari Pool Bar & Restaurant and I had a delicious Thai Beef Salad. After lunch, I was once again transported by golf cart up to the Bebe Spa for another glorious treatment. Back to the accommodation to freshen up and again, I got champagne and canapés before dinner with the butler service. Tonight, it was dinner at the Vale Ni Kana Restaurant – the same place I was used to for breakfast. There was a beautiful assortment of seafood, roast meats, pasta, schnitzels, sushi, sashimi – and anything else one’s heart might desire. After the meals, the Polynesian and Fijian dancers put on a wonderful show and led us outside where they continued the show with fire dancing. Then it was time for some after-dinner drinks at the Vakavanua Lounge Bar where I danced and drank the night away. The next morning, I had breakfast at the Sundowner Bar & Grill where I enjoyed the best and biggest omelette I have ever had! Then it was off to pack my bags. Before I headed off, I took a stroll around the huge resort and all I could do was smile as I felt refreshed and rejuvenated and reflected on my Fijian holiday. The staff at the Outrigger were a real stand out for me – their service and friendliness was the best I have experienced and made my stay a holiday that I will not forget. I certainly hoped it wouldn’t be another ten years before I could visit again. n


The Outrigger pool


Issue 24

Enjoy a family holiday in Fiji at the Radisson Blu Resort

Radisson Blu Resort Fiji E

xperience Radisson Blu Resort Fiji Denarau Island - a tropical oasis of pure relaxation and indulgence. Nestled around one of the largest lagoon style

swimming pools in the Pacific, the property is located within an integrated resort complex. Just a short 20 minute transfer from Nadi International Airport and only minutes away from Port Denarau retail centre, one thing you’ll discover about Radisson Blu Resort Fiji Denarau Island is that it’s always



$pe4r 6nig8hFtJD

Accommodation in a one bedroom suite Breakfast daily for two adults and two children Kids Club up to 2 sessions per child per day 10% discount at CROSS restaurant for the parents with free evening Kids Club for 2 children

Couples can enjoy the comfort of a luxury resort room, adults only pool and the romantic Signature tables dining for couples.

about YOU! Radisson Blu Resort Fiji Denarau Island Fiji offers 270 contemporary and luxuriously appointed Guest Rooms and Suites positioned overlooking the tropical gardens, nearby golf course and lagoon swimming pools. Complimentary internet is available in the accommodation rooms and


throughout the resort. The resort has four restaurants located either on the beach front or in the lobby area. These include BLU (the all day buffet restaurant), Water Court Asian cuisine, Neptune’s casual dining for the family and CROSS the signature restaurant for

COUPLES PACKAGE Package Includes

fine dining. With an array of activities at your fingertips to entice,


entertain, relax and delight your senses, at Radisson Blu Resort Fiji Denarau Island they encourage you to do as little or as much as you want! Choose from the extensive leisure

$pe2r 4nig0hFtJD

Accommodation in a luxury resort room Breakfast daily for two adults Free high speed internet in accommodation rooms and throughout the resort

and cultural activities available, including world-class golf, snorkeling, diving and fishing or perhaps just visit a local village to experience another dimension of ‘Fiji time’. Be one of the first in the world to greet the new day with a hot air balloon ride over the Garden of the Sleeping Giant, or perhaps choose a faster pace with skydiving or white water rafting. Alternatively just relax by one of the five lagoon swimming pools, including the exclusive Adults Only pool, explore the 10 acres of tropically landscaped gardens, try your hand with the complimentary paddle skis or really immerse yourself at the swim-up pool bar! For more information, visit

n Ph reservations-(679) 6756677 E-mail: * Conditions Apply * Go to our website and quote this Pac code MICRAD

Issue 24


Experience Fiji.

Experience Sonaisali.

Escape to Sonaisali Island Resort, your gateway to the islands.

Photo: Sand bar & coral located 12min boat ride from Sonaisali.

Also receive Free welcome Cocktail per person, Free meals for 12 years and under, Free kids club, Free Jungle Cruise per person, Special invitation to GM Cocktail party on Monday Evenings (1hr free drinks). *Special terms & conditions apply. T +679 670 6011 F +679 670 6092 E


Sonaisali Island Resort


iji’s Sonaisali Island Resort is a 4 Star island escape; a tropical green oasis set in warm, Pacific waters. Yet the world is only a three-minute boat ride across the sleepy lagoon to the mainland, and 25 minutes by car to Nadi International Airport. On Sonaisali you can be as exclusive and as private as you like, or you can make every day an adventure - the choice is yours. Simply relax and unwind, or experience the exciting activities on offer on the island, the mainland, or in the neighbouring islands of the famous Mamanuca Group. On Sonaisali, if you’re doing nothing, or on the go all day, it's because you want it that way! All of Sonaisali’s 123 rooms/bures have expansive ocean views and represent a variety of accommodation choices, ranging from air-conditioned and beachfront hotel rooms, to Oceanview bures, Beachfront Spa bures, and two-bedroom family bures, giving a traditional Fijian experience. With a fantastic choice in cuisine and location, enjoy the retreat’s restaurants and bars.

The Sunset Terrace Restaurant overlooks

sandy area adjacent the swim up Pool Bar. The Plantation Fine Dining Restaurant

the large free-form pool and serves continental buffet breakfast, and a-la-carte.

features strictly limited seating. Guests select from either an a- la-carte or 9 course degustation menu in air-conditioned comfort. Plantation decor reflects Fiji’s colonial past, complete with historic prints and commentary on the bygone era. Meals plans are available for purchase either prior to guests arriving or from the reception upon check-in. There are a myriad of activities on offer at Sonaisali - jet skis, horse riding, all day cruises, a PADI Gold Palm Dive Centre, paintball, surf tours and excursions to the mainland for cultural tours and shopping. Additionally, there’s the Frangipani Day Spa, business centre, boutique, games room available and Kids Club is from 9am to 9pm. free activities include day/night tennis, all non powered water sports, windsurfing and hobby cats.

The Poolside Grill which offers al fresco

For more information, visit

dining at its best and is situated on the white


Issue 24


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Visit New Zealand’s

Lake Wanaka

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 Rippon Vineyard, Lake Wanaka

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Issue 24


ocated in the heart of New Zealand’s southern lakes region, Lake Wanaka is the gateway to Mount Aspiring National Park and Te Wahipounamu world heritage area. It’s been described as a region of soaring mountains and deep alpine lakes and is a popular year-round holiday destination. Now coming into summer, the braided rivers and lakes are alive with people enjoying waterbased leisure sports including boating and fishing. The mountains offer extensive hiking tracks, mountaineering and rock climbing for outdoor enthusiasts. For those nature lovers, Wanaka’s natural environment is a haven for rare native birds and plant life, including endangered buff weka on Mou Waho Island - a nature reserve in the middle of Lake Wanaka. If you’re more into your action and adventure, you’ll be kept busy as the region is known as New Zealand’s rock climbing capital with hundreds of rock routes - ranging from grade nine to 30 - on the edge of Mt Aspiring National Park. Additionally, award-winning skydiving experiences give another perspective on the Wanaka landscape. From a 15,000ft drop, skydivers experience up to 60 seconds of

Autumn Willows, Lake Wanaka. Images courtesy of Lake Wanaka Tourism.

freefall over an alpine wilderness that includes New Zealand’s highest mountains, isolated glaciers, and lakes. So if you’re in the midst of planning your summer holiday, try out Lake Wanaka – you will love it. For more information on Lake Wanaka New Zealand, visit n


Hayman Island

Haven I

wanted somewhere close - as I could only lose one day away from work - somewhere that I could afford, I wanted somewhere beautiful, somewhere that was totally different to my current environment. Luckily for me, I found exactly what I was looking for. For this recharge. My partner, Margaret, and I chose Hayman Island - right in the middle of the Whitsundays. We caught a Saturday morning flight direct to Hamilton Island and by midday, the staff of Hayman had met us at the airport, collected our bags, and escorted us down to an enormous catamaran for the trip to the island. While waiting for other guests to arrive, the complimentary champagne, orange juice, beer and water flowed. Within four hours of leaving home, just from being treated like kings and queens, my batteries were in full recharge mode! The voyage from Hamilton Island to Hayman island was not only pleasant, but turned out to be a real money saver as we were privileged to see a pod of whales, one with a calf, frolicking in the bay. The size of the boat ensured we had a smooth and comfortable ride, and an invitation from the captain to join him on the bridge made it even more enjoyable. Picture me if you will, a glass of champagne in one hand standing on the bridge of this magnificent multimillion dollar boat with the captain in front of me giving a running commentary on the islands. Add the calm seas, beautiful sunny day, whales frolicking in the bay not 100 metres away - eat your heart out Gunga Din. Upon arrival at Hayman Island, we were met by more staff who escorted us individually to our rooms with a guided tour of the resort


Margaret and I and our transport for the day

making us feel totally at home instantly. The resort is situated on a beautiful calm bay on the south side of the island with all rooms facing the bay. For the adventurous, bushland at the back of the property is perfect for those keen to explore the walking tracks. The rooms appeared to be in three sections: the pool section, with an enormous pool; special Beachfront Bungalows; and Seaside Apartments. In my opinion, the pool

section was perfect for families with young children and the Beachfront Bungalows would have been well suited to those who want to indulge. We chose a Seaside Apartment with views of the bay - perfectly comfortable and with an enormous king-size bed. After a short relaxing period, the body was hinting it was time to eat. My research told me with many restaurants, we had plenty of different styles of food to choose from. On the first night, we chose the Oriental restaurant. Not even 24 hours into the getaway, I was already totally relaxed. My mind went into total recharge, and I could not help but think how lucky I am to live in this beautiful country with a destination like this so close to home. Sunday the decision was made to totally overindulge. We had the opportunity to book ourselves on a sea plane or helicopter flight to Whitehaven Beach - definitely one of the most beautiful and pristine beaches in the world. Margaret had never been in a helicopter so we chose this for our flight over all the islands. The pilot was our guide with descriptions of all the sights below and at a leisurely speed with a birds eye view, it was absolutely awesome. Landing on a pristine beach in a helicopter was a fantastic way to top it all off. The pilot set us up with our own shade shelter with champagne, orange juice and water and we enjoyed lunch in the idyllic setting. After another night of total relaxation and being waited on, I was ready to return to work with an attitude that even surprised me, let alone my boss! What a way to recharge. For more information on Hayman Island so you can begin to plan your own recharge, visit n

Issue 24



New Generation



he Haines Group, one of Australia’s long-time boat builders, has launched the first boat in its New Generation Signature series. Almost 30 years after the Signature series boats were first unveiled; the 575RF is the first completely new boat launched since the passing of company founder and boating legend, John Haines Senior, in 2009. The Haines Group prides itself in the ability to tailor products to individual specifications and have hit the mark this time, with a new design that meets needs of the most serious anglers through a dramatic evolution of the Signature Variable Deadrise Hull. “We feel we have achieved the perfect combination of performance through the water under power and stability at rest,


Issue 24

“We feel we have achieved the perfect combination of performance through the water under power and stability at rest, developing arguably the most stable fishing platform ever.” - John Haines, The Haines Group

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developing arguably the most stable fishing platform ever,” said John Haines, CEO, The Haines Group. “Not only does the 575RF boast the most stable platform but also the largest for its size, while still remaining comfortably within legal towing limits.” Truly innovative, the 575RF features a full one-piece lining in construction, which strengthens the hull by up to 30 per cent, making it one of the toughest fibreglass boats on the market.

The new design hull also delivers one of the softest rides in the category due to the fiberglass construction, while the completely integrated full Nexus Liner means keeping the deck clean is easy. The New Generation Signature series is a fresh approach to design, manufacture and business led by John Haines, son of John Haines Senior. From the ground up, the New Generation Signature 575RF is a proudly Australian creation. n

FACT SHEET (AT A GLANCE): Moulded length with bowsprit: 5.95m Length: 5.70m Beam: 2.38m Deadrise: 21-33 degrees Fuel: 220L Berths: 2 Power - Outboard: (single) 115-175hp Transom height: 25 inch Max O/B weight: 240kg Hull weight: 1000kg Towing weight (incl. fuel): 1900kg BMT length: 7.12m BMT height: 2.25m BMT width: 2.38m Max people: 7/360kg Max load (people, fuel, gear): 830kg

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Issue 24


Heliwest Queensland


eading Helicopter Company Heliwest is delighted to announce a further strengthening of its commitment to Queensland through the establishment of a helicopter base at Roma, Southwest Queensland. The opening of the Roma base in September took Heliwest’s presence in Queensland to five locations, which now includes Ballera, Toowoomba, Gold Coast and Mt Isa. Heliwest is a wholly Australian owned and operated company established in 1992. The company operates a fleet of 36 aircraft from 12 locations across Australia. Since inception, the company has progressively grown in capacity and developed its capabilities to the point where it is now recognised as one of Australia’s leading helicopter operators and the largest onshore provider of helicopter services. Heliwest capabilities include; mining and exploration, oil and gas, aerial intelligence and fire surveillance operations, power line inspection, gas pipeline survey, emergency medical services, news gathering, VIP and charter, tourism services, pilot training, parts distribution, aircraft sales and maintenance. Heliwest is an ISO 9001:2008 accredited organisation, is BARS endorsed and is a Registered Training Organisation. For more information, visit n

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Heliwest’s services include Power line and pipeline survey

Medivac and emergency services for remote area operations Aerial intelligence surveillance and mapping

Mining and Exploration support 38

Issue 24


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Issue 24

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Breaking Dawn


Part 2 T

he Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 is the highly anticipated conclusion to the series. Illuminating the secrets and mysteries of the spellbinding romantic epic that has entranced millions, the film focuses on Bella’s transformation into a vampire and the battle to save her family after the Volturi discover the existence of her half-vampire child, Renesmee and mistake her for an immortal child. In cinemas November 15, 2012. n

TELL US WHAT YOU THINK! @InflightPublish

Inflight Publishing has 5 Breaking Dawn Part 2 prize packs to give away! For your chance to win, email us at and tell us in 50 words or less why you love the magazine. THE BEST ANSWERS WILL WIN! COMPETITION CLOSES 14TH DECEMBER 2012.

Issue 24


ity Qual ian ral Aust Wine & Food pers Ham

Hamper World The Gift Specialists

Are you going to miss that Special day? Show them that you care by giving them a gift from Hamper World. Gifts

y t i l a u Q h t i w d e l l i F s e e r n i a W s r Hampe ralian Food and t s u A % 100 From $15

acks P e n i W & Her rs  m e i p H m r a o f H as  Gifts s t e k  Christm s a aby B B  r the s e r t e n p E m , a n H o i y a ct e

t Se u o k c e h ite C ” for s T b H e G I W L F e “ h In t ode C n ide o W p u a i o l C a r t s y Au r e v i l e D Free

 Birthd

Fre rd Gift Ca ery with Evase Purch

Hamper World has come a long way since our humble beginnings in 1999. Here we are, almost 13 years later and we are still committed to supplying our customers with the best value for money gift giving hampers. We pride ourselves in being an Australian owned and run family business which sources 100% of the food and wines used in our hampers by local Australian companies. The gift of giving is not just for the Christmas period, our entire hamper range can be ordered throughout the year, with substitutions of our Christmas products for quality chocolates and biscuits. Feel free to pop into our retail showroom in Brunswick to view samples of our hamper range, for all your gift needs including but not limited to Birthdays, Christmas, New Born Arrivals, and Get Well Hampers. You can be sure that should you have any queries our friendly sales team will be sure to lend a hand to meet all your gifting needs. We look forward to being a part of the tradition of sharing the gift of giving.

“Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give” – Ben Carson.  03 9386 6647


OUR MONEY SAVING CHRISTMAS TIPS! SECRET SANTA Instead of forking out on a million different gifts, why not suggest a secret Santa and discuss a budget with your friends. You save time and money only having to buy one person a gift.

RECYCLE CHRISTMAS CARDS Do you throw away all your Christmas cards in January? This year, save them, cut them up and use them as Christmas gift tags!

SHARE THE RESPONSIBILITY If you’re putting on a Christmas party, instead of supplying everything get your friends and family to each bring something. Most people don’t mind and you’ll save a bucket load in cash as well as time!

CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS GALORE Instead of buying new decorations for the tree and around the house, re-use the ones you already have but put them in different spots to last year. Additionally, you can get the kids to make some Christmas decorations – craft time!

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE SALES If you’re not seeing some members of the family or friends until after Christmas Day, why not be sneaky and get their gifts on Boxing Day. I’m sure you’re well aware of the hefty savings to be made!

DITCH THE TAXI OK so it’s the holiday season and you want to have a good time, but instead of drinking too much and feeling horrible the next day, why not only have enough to keep you under the limit so you can save on the cab fare and drive home.

GIFT IDEA Following the award-winning success of Bundaberg® Master Distillers’ Collective (MDC) 10 Years Old, Port Barrel and Golden Reserve, comes the latest release from Bundaberg’s artisan rum range, Bundaberg® MDC Dark Oak. n

Issue 24











N .G

CAIRNS OCT 12&13 2012 44

Issue 24


he inaugural Australia & P.N.G. Mining Resources Exhibition, which was held on 12th and 13th October 2012, was a huge success with many exhibitors and attendees expressing their delight in the turnout. Attracting representatives of the mining resources industry from Papua New Guinea and North Queensland extending to Weipa and the West Queensland mines, the event was held at the Cairns Showgrounds and according to event manager, Keryn Haynes went off without a hitch. “It wasn’t the quantity of people we were most pleased with, but the quality and it was so good to hear from a lot of happy exhibitors that this was spot on,” Keryn said. “Most have already confirmed they had a

really successful exhibition and it was great to see some exhibitors even making sales amongst each other!” Presented by Trade Show Organisers and Inflight Publishing Pty Ltd, the Expo provided exhibitors and delegates with an atmosphere to discover a huge range of goods and services available to the mining resources industry. The Expo’s technical coordinator Ken Furst said he was told of many success stories resulting from the event. “Tropic Air confirmed they did a deal in charter within New Guinea and apparently Pioneer Transportables sold ten of their 3 bedroom dongas,” Ken said. “Also I heard K.K.Kingston did a deal on sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid which they’re going to be

Stand Out

FROM THE CROWD Volume 4 • Iss ue 2

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Issue 24 • www.inflig htmagazin










supplying to one of the gold mines.” “Dexion was another one that apparently had a brilliant show from the point of view that they actually sold some gear to K.K.Kingston because they found some racking that was chemically impervious and TeleBizz’s satellite phones proved very popular as well.” Held from 9.00am to 6pm both days, the Expo was the perfect platform for suppliers of the mining and resource industry to directly reach this niche market. The two social events of the Expo were the Meet & Greet on the Thursday evening and the Gala Dinner on the Friday which also proved very popular amongst all who attended. According to Mining Life & Living Magazine representative, Robyn Crouch who attended both days of the Expo as well as the social events, the environment was something she particularly enjoyed. “Everyone was so friendly and all the exhibitors were committed to making it a good

LOOK WHO ATTENDED! Brisbane Grammar School BosBox Coventry Fasteners Fusion Plast Australia Pty Ltd Spraying Systems Co Pty Ltd Traverse Drilling PNG Ltd Energy Correction Options Pty Ltd The Rack'n Stack Warehouse Royal on the Park Hotel (Brisbane) JM Switchboards Haymans Northern Iron & Brass Foundry Pty Ltd Energy Power Systems Australia Biotropica Australia Pty Ltd Betterpromo Independent Aviation Lucas Mill Pty Ltd First Response Aust Pty Ltd Cat Rental Energy Power Systems Watchout Concepts TE (PNG) Ltd

show,” Robyn said. “The atmosphere was very social and happy.” “I particularly enjoyed the entertainment provided at the Gala Dinner by Billy Moore and Brad Manuel – they were excellent.” So with the success of this year’s Australia & P.N.G. Mining Expo now etched in the minds of all involved, thoughts are already on next year’s event which will be held on the 27th and 28th June 2013. “There has been a lot of interest in next year’s event from exhibitor’s as well as those who just came to have a look around,” Keryn said. “We’re excited about it and have well and truly hit the ground running with the planning and prepping for next year’s expo which will be bigger and better again.” For further information, including details on how you can become an exhibitor or register as a delegate at next year’s Expo, visit or phone Keryn on 07 3891 7793.

CNW Electrical & Samuels Plumbing Alliance Safety Equipment BlueScope Water Technofast & Total Fluid Solutions Sunlec International Spill Station Australia Pty Ltd Smart Staff International St John Qld Rolco Pty Ltd Environex International IBS Engineering Supplies Charter Yachts Australia Best Tractor Parts Terrain Tamer Clark Equipment Ludowici Perrott Engineering Cutting Edge Tropicair PNG Forest Products Bearing & Power Transmission Solutions The Cathedral School

Johnathan Thurston





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Mine Spec Ltd / Brahman Motor Company PNG Ports Richard Jay Laundry Service Advance Cairns Tong Sing Pty Ltd B & R Enclosures Hyundai Construction Equipment All Aussie Sheds Light Fleet Safety Solutions GBR International Marine College CFP Hydraulics Replas & FNQ Medibank Total Interiors Absolute Enterprises K.K.Kingston Ltd Alsco Federal Tyres Naked Energy Pacific Radiator Services


Issue 24









Issue 24

p NAVMAN EZY45 GPS >> RRP $166.00


p ULTRABOOK CONVERTIBLE Can’t decide between a laptop and a tablet? The latest innovation in computer technology will be available in Australia from October with the brand new ultra sleek Ultrabook convertible range of stylish devices that can flip between the convenience of a touchscreen tablet to a fullyfunctional keyboard enabled laptop. Ultrabook prices start from $700.



Hailed the most life-like prawn imitation ever, the Zerek Live Shrimp comes pre-rigged with weighted weedless hook. Its unique segmented tail is held together by Kevlar matting to give durability and life-like action. With an in-built rattle chamber, it comes in 10 life-like colour ranges with Lumo eyes and unique moving leg action. It can also be re-rigged with a standard jig head or worm hook. The unique ridding slots in the body to shield hook make the lure super-snag resistant whilst maintaining great hook up ability. ZEREK LIVE SHRIMP>> AVAILABLE IN 2 SIZES: ZLS35 3.5” (89MM) 7G & ZLS50 5” (127MM) 15.5G For more information, visit

Issue 24


Not just your ordinary airport hotel…


f you’re like me, when you think of an airport hotel you think of an old motel in the middle of nowhere with not much else to do besides watch TV in your not-so-fancy room. But as recent traveller Daniela Raos found out, Novotel Brisbane Airport is no ordinary airport hotel. “It has clean facilities, modern rooms with a refreshing feel, and most important of all, comfort,” said Ms Raos. “When travelling, whether on a long haul flight or on an extended business trip, it’s the perfect accommodation to ensure you that quality sleep.” When it comes to location, you can’t get much better as Novotel Brisbane Airport is right next door to DFO and supermarkets so you can even get some Christmas shopping in! And if you’re sick of bad room service and meat pies from the local 7-Eleven, according to Daniela the restaurant is standout when it comes to this accommodation, yet another welcome change from your average airport accommodation. “Catalina Restaurant is absolutely superb,” Daniela said. “It’s got a relaxing environment and the buffet breakfast comes complete with pancakes, a variety of pastries, gourmet meats and deli as well as fresh eggs made to your desire.” So for all the frequent flyers out there literally tired of the norm when it comes to airport accommodation, book in to Novotel Brisbane Airport during your next Brisbane trip. Visit to book your accommodation today. n


Package from $515 per person includes:

2 nights accommodation, dinner each night, continental buffet breakfast daily, deluxe lunch, sunset cocktail, fruit & cheese platter with champagne; and 2 selected luxury Day Spa treatments or ph: 026646 8600 48

Issue 24

Peppers Coral Coast A

irlie Beach is the gateway to the Whitsunday islands - a colourful, cosmopolitan and inviting holiday town lying on the shores of a palm fringed beach overlooking the Coral Sea and yachts scattered throughout Pioneer Bay. Relax and indulge by the wet edge pool at Peppers Coral Coast Resort and take in the stunning ocean views; pamper yourself at the Endota day spa or chill out on the balcony of your apartment and unwind. That’s a holiday in itself without even leaving the resort! The on-site Tides Restaurant and Bar offers modern Australian with Asian flavours and influences. Chef Greg Devine’s innovative menu has been specially crafted ensuring each dish complements the other with an extensive wine list to match. The ‘Four Tastes of the Sea’ tasting plate and Valrhona chocolate dessert plate for two are not to be missed! Airlie Beach is easily accessed from Proserpine Airport or Shute Harbour and Peppers is a short 5 to 10 minute stroll to the centre of town where a variety of bars, eateries and shops are available or take a stroll along the magnificent boardwalk which links the Airlie Beach lagoon to nearby Cannonvale and Shingley Beach. Visit for bookings and further information or phone Peppers on 07 4962 5100. n Peppers Coral Coast, Airlie Beach is offering two nights luxury accommodation in a One Bedroom Apartment at the time of your choice. For your chance to win, email us at

with your name, mailing address and why you love the magazine. The best answers will win! Competition closes 14th December 2012.


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Issue 24


Davson ~ the $5.2m artist

by Rod Towers

Points of View


1985 painting titled Points of View by Sharon Davson recently re-sold for $5.2 million (US $5.4). It well and truly became the highest price for a painting by a living Australian artist. Davson is not necessarily a ‘household’ name. The sale even took many art dealers and auction house experts by surprise. However, the new owner has been repeatedly reported as “very happy with his new painting”, and his lawyer Boyd Nelson has publically validated the sale.

Q. Why do you think this is the case? A. Davson hasn’t been part of the usual art sales industry because she didn’t need to. She has run her professional (and staffed) studios with private galleries since the early 1980s.

Together We Can in the James Fairfax AO collection

So WHO is DAVSON and WHY is her art so valuable? I spoke with a collector and investor in her art, Tony Lawder, to gain a better insight. Q. How many works by Davson do you own? A. Five. I purchased two works in 2006 for my superannuation fund; the others since then were for my home. Q. How did you find out about her art? A. I met her through a business function, got curious, and proceeded to conduct appropriate due diligence. I discovered that the values of her art had been doubling better than within a five period for thirty years; and I looked at how and why. She is rather unique, and unique tends to pay dividends from a whole range of perspectives. It is pretty extraordinary for an artist to be successful and financially independent from any requirement to teach or have another income; AND stay out of the main-stream


Issue 24

Pat Farmer with Davson & Pole to Pole Run art on which she is working

sales mechanisms of commercial galleries or auction houses. Q. Why buy her art? A. For both the love of it and investment. Investment came first. Q. What would you say to someone considering acquiring art by Davson? A. I recommend a painting over other works; and ‘sit on it’ for a little while. Her art is continuing to gain momentum. Many dealers are just becoming aware of her Australian and international credentials.

Her career evolved in that way. You see, in late 1980, she set out on a journey across much of Australia with her dog in an exgovernment bus pulling a horse-float with her horse and motorbike. To help fund the venture, she met with numerous corporate leaders selling them sponsorship’ in the form of advertising on the side of the bus. So she saw the inside foyers of many buildings, and decided she wanted to create art in the method of the old masters – that is on commission - knowing then that her art would have a ‘home’ and purpose before it was created; rather than do paintings and put them in an art gallery and ‘hope’ they all sell. Working on commission also gave her financial stability. Davson set up studios with formal art galleries included to showcase her drawings, etchings and other original prints, as well the finished commissions prior to delivery. Some of these galleries also held exhibitions for other artists. By 1985, she was completely independent of the mainstream art dealer system; and through art commissions, the values of her art rose steadily. Q. What kind of prices did her early commissions achieve? A. Her first commission in 1984 was for a 9ft

Singing legend Neil Diamond with Davson & Echidna

Pat Farmer with Davson and Points of View

by 18ft painting in three panels for $5,000. The next large commission was in 1985 – half the size, 4½ft by 18ft for $12,000; the following year in 1986 – 6ft by 10ft for $22,000. And prices for her paintings have kept rising, doubling frequently.

Film star Paul Newman with Davson

ultimately read about in the art books. You can start with Rembrandt and just keep going. Add Davson to the list!

Since 2003, almost all of Davson’s art has been sold for investment with significant paintings being in six figures, and more recently seven. Q. Why then has she created so few paintings and lived ‘reasonably modestly’? A. Well, Davson has followed her passions. Creating art and selling it has been erratic for her. She has started two not-for-profit organisations and mostly financing them by sales of her art. Davson also voluntarily dedicated literally years of personal time to these causes. Her creativity and generosity attracted celebrities and very notable people from all walks of life to be associated with her work and initiatives. ‘Hands Up’, which she initiated in 1992 with singer Neil Diamond, and personally painted the hands of over 300 celebrity leaders, has been copied in almost every country on the planet to assist most conceivable causes. Her “Artist For Life” initiative through its Blue Mountains Branch and the National Parks & Wildlife Service created the very FIRST education kit in Australian schools for endangered species education. They also gained a State Tourism Award for their festival. Through her “48 Hours to World Peace” initiatives, she helped establish free New Year’s Eve concerts in many local council municipalities in Australia lowering delinquent behaviour, hospitalisations and vandalism. In Newcastle, she and her group of volunteers ran the concert for several years until it became institutionalised by the Newcastle City Council as an annual event under its jurisdiction! Recently, Davson was a significant sponsor of an international sporting event with Pat Farmer’s run from the North Pole to the South

Opera diva Dame Joan Sutherland with Davson

Q. Any further advice for someone considering investing in art. A. What you buy is up to your own preferences, and acquiring art by ‘safe’ artists known through all the ‘established’ circles is fine. You could also acquire art with a little more ‘edge’ by a world leading female artist who has so far created less than 100 paintings in her professional career. This is the work I choose. Her work is rare and valuable.

Pole through the Americas. The book, Pole to Pole run, immortalises his venture and acknowledges Davson. Q. What do you think of her relative to other artists? A. Davson has achieved way above most artists on the local and global arenas, for both the quality of her art and also for her international influence across environmental and charitable initiatives. Her jig-saw puzzle motifs and water patterns have been widely copied, and she has inspired the makings of a new Spiritual movement in art.

Contact Davson Art management to acquire her art from $5,000 and upwards; to learn more about why Davson’s art has experienced better than approximately 20% per annum growth for collector / investors for more than two decades; or to find out more about the Artists of the Ark.

Yes, Davson is an “inspirational” artist who has achieved well outside of what we normally think of for an artist. She has had major retrospective exhibitions of her art tour in public regional art galleries, is represented in major galleries in Japan and Australia, and has sold her art in Australia, the USA, New Zealand, Japan, China and Malaysia. She is represented in two Royal Collections and many other public, corporate and investment collections. And, she even has an arts museum named after her! Q. Any comment on about those who doubt her value? A. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Besides, it is mostly the artists who are at least for some of their art careers ‘outside’ or ‘criticised’ by the art establishment that we

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Issue 24


Puzzles Crossword

ACROSS 1 5 8 9 10 11 12 15

Break away from (7) Ice - _ _ _ _ _ (5) Arrangements (5) Not natural (3-4) Proper (13) An outdoor meal, usually on a blanket (6) Inferior (6) Items that keep food fresh (13)

18 19 20 21

First (7) Picture (5) Endures (5) Small domestic horse-like mammals (7)

Glasbergen Glasbergen cartoons are available for newsletters, presentations and other professional purposes. For more info, please visit


Injury, loss (6)


Mental analysis (13)


Sand and sea (5)


Thin, tall (7)


Part of (7)



Capacity of space for storing (7)

1 2 3


Mended (6)


Unhygienic insects (5)


Structures built for storage (5)

Finished (5) Timeless (7) Opportunities (13)

Fast tracks to Brisbane City & the Gold Coast. 52

Issue 24

Can you find all the flowers? Geranium Bluebell Jasmine Clover Lavender Myrtle

Lilac Daffodil Sunflower Blossom Orchid Violet

Aloe Vera Rose Daisy Lily




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Issue 24




FAVOURITE TRAVEL DESTINATION AND WHY: My favourite travel destination would have to be Rome. The Italians are all so incredibly friendly and the architecture is so fascinating. It’s such a great city to visit. Rome is also home to my favourite hotel, The Hotel Eden, which is at the top of the Spanish Steps. TRAVEL TIP: Don’t drink on flights!!! MOST EMBARRASSING/FUNNY TRAVEL MOMENT: About five years ago, I was flying to Perth to sing the national anthem at the Perth Cup and the guy sitting next to me on the plane fell asleep and spilt his glass of champagne all over me! I had to head straight to the event and turned up smelling like a brewery which was very awkward trying to explain! WHAT’S COMING UP FOR YOU NEXT? Up next for me is the national tour of my new show Songs and Stories of Peter Allen which kicks off in Perth on October 18. It’s a project that is very near and dear to my heart and something I’m very excited about. Head to my website, for more details. n


Issue 24

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