Townsville Airport Magazine Issue 25

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Issue 25 •










Gold Coast




500,000 400,000 300,000


Jun 12

Jun 08

Jun 04

Jun 00

Jun 96

Jun 92

Jun 88

Jun 84

Jun 80


Source: RPData (June 2012)






Median unit price ($)

The Gold Coast now represents attractive price growth potential following corrections in value


Median unit price performance

contents ISSUE 25


features 10

NEW YEAR NEW YOU The health benefits of travel


JETPACKING How it works and where you can do it


DIY TILING Save money with our step-by-step guide


FASHION IN FOCUS Wil Valor combines tailor made craftmanship with directional style


AVOID EXCESS BAGGAGE FEES Flight Centre gives us some top tips to send fees packing




Issue 25 •



on the cover 6

TERRI IRWIN Hear the Wildlife Warrior roar


HAYLEY LEWIS The Biggest Loser host talks health and fitness


A TANGALOOMA ISLAND GETAWAY There’s no better time to visit

4 Welcome to the Airport 5 Map 8 Chit Chat 10 Travel Bug Bites 14 Boy’s Toys 16 Your Place 25 Fashion Fever 26 Accommodation 29 Brain Teasers 30 Talk Back








On the Cover: Terri Iwin.

Issue 25


Welcome to Townsville Airport

PUBLISHER Patrick McElligott

EDITOR Bettina Maniatis


elcome to Townsville Airport Magazine, a free publication designed for Townsville Airport passengers.

Whether you’re looking for adventure and action on the Great Barrier Reef; seeking relaxation and solitude in the rainforests of North Queensland; wanting to learn more about our local culture and history through local indigenous attractions; or simply want to “escape the daily grind” and enjoy the beaches of Townsville, Magnetic Island and beyond, the Townsville region has the answers.

DESIGN Lawrence Borchers


As always, our local passengers have not been overlooked, with lots of exciting travel ideas to a vast array of exciting international and domestic destinations that you can access with ease, directly from Townsville Airport. BOATING INDUSTRY Brittany Cavill

On behalf of the entire Townsville Airport team, I thank you for choosing to travel with us and wish you a safe and happy journey. We look forward to welcoming you again soon.


Kevin Gill Chief Operating Officer Townsville Airport


John Atkin

Geon Airport Magazine is published bi-monthly by Inflight Publishing Pty. Ltd. Views expressed in Airport magazine are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. No responsibility is accepted by the publisher or the printer for the accuracy of information contained in the text or advertisements. Advertisements must comply with the relevant Trade Practices Act 1979. Responsibility for compliance with the act rests with the person, company or advertising agency submitting the advertisement. Neither the publisher nor the editor accepts responsibility for advertisements.


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Issue 25


Issue 25


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Issue 25




ver since the death of her husband, Steve Irwin back in 2006, Terri Irwin has been ferociously fighting to keep his legacy alive and with her latest show, Steve Irwin’s Wildlife Warriors, she’s roaring louder than ever.

are continuing Steve’s dream of protecting wildlife and wild places. Steve is still a really important part of the Zoo and the world is still so passionate about his legacy. Can you tell us why you think Steve is still so popular today? I think Steve Irwin’s Wildlife Warriors is such an exciting show because it also includes archived footage of Steve. People around the world still enjoy watching Steve’s passion for wildlife and his unbridle enthusiasm is contagious.

Congratulations on the show! Steve Irwin’s Wildlife Warriors gives viewers a chance to see the behind the scenes work we do at Australia Zoo, at our wildlife hospital and with our rescue unit. There are so many animals at the zoo– do you have a bond and love for each and every one? Each and every animal at Australia Zoo is unique and special. My favourite would have to be the crocodiles because they are so misunderstood. They are actually loving mothers, passionate lovers, and have their own individual personalities. Our wildlife make sure that every day is different for us here at Australia Zoo.

"People around the world still

enjoy watching Steve’s passion for wildlife and his unbridled

enthusiasm is contagious.”

- Terri Irwin

Can you tell us about any animals at the zoo that have a particularly interesting story? One of the most interesting animals we experience on the show would have to be an echidna baby. Its name is Muggle and it’s a puggle! Very few people in the world would know what it was just by looking at it. And obviously, as with all your ventures, the show strongly communicates the message of wildlife conservation… We are the most hands on zoo in the world

and it is one of the great elements of the show – it takes you to our conservation projects throughout Australia which is another reason I am so excited about SIWW. Steve Irwin Day was recently – can you tell us how that went? Steve Irwin Day was a huge success celebrating Steve’s life with family, fun and wildlife. We raised much needed funds for Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors and we

Both Robert and Bindi seem so genuinely passionate about following in their father’s footsteps and communicating his message – what do you see for their future? Both Bindi and Robert are passionate about continuing their Dad’s legacy and are loving filming for Steve Irwin’s Wildlife Warriors . Bindi has a real desire to showcase wildlife in need at our hospital and Robert just enjoys wrangling everything just like his dad! And your own future? Where do you see yourself in ten years? Ten years from now, we would love to be achieving more positive results for wildlife worldwide. This includes ending the consumptive use of wildlife and all wildlife trafficking. It’s only if we stand shoulder to shoulder as Wildlife Warriors that we will be able to achieve this. n

Issue 25



Hayley Lewis B

ettina Maniatis talks to the mother and wife, former Olympian, business owner, author, healthy living advocate and of course, presenter of Network Ten’s The Biggest Loser. So, you’re getting into the next series of The Biggest Loser, that’s pretty exciting… Yes, it’s very exciting – I can’t wait to start it actually. You know it’s that whole excitement about meeting the new contestants and seeing how far we can go with it and the changes that they make so yes, I’m very much looking forward to getting the ball rolling! Do you meet the contestants before the competition? No, which I think is a good thing. I think it’s exciting for me to meet them on the first day of filming as soon as the cameras start rolling. It’s as exciting for me as it probably is for them starting the whole competition. What are you most excited about for this season? It’s all about the next generation - it’s mothers and daughters and fathers and sons. I think it’s a main issue obviously with obesity in our country, that it’s usually a generational thing and it’s great that it’s being addressed. You learn mainly through a generational family situation. It’ll just be a wonderful opportunity for families watching at home to realise the standards that they’re setting in terms of health and fitness. Hopefully they’ll learn and realise that having great habits as a parent certainly can lend itself to the children being healthy and aware of how important it is to look after yourself. So I think that’s what I’m most excited about this season. And it will be interesting to see the interaction and how it all works. Everyone will be learning and there are all the different ages. Also we’ll be in a new house - we won’t be in Manly anymore we’ll be out in the western suburbs so that’ll be exciting for everyone as well. Obviously health and a healthy lifestyle is very important to you – how much of your day is taken up with keeping yourself healthy and active? Probably just over an hour a day. I like to go for a run in the morning just after I drop my kids at swimming training. I think an hour’s probably about as much as I can fit into my day and about as much as my 38 year old body can handle at this stage! I try to do that at least six times a week.


Issue 25



Do You Have a Sweet Tooth?


With our readers, being in the mining industry, many of them have similar lifestyles to yours in that they can sometimes work crazy hours and have to juggle a lot – what sort of advice can you offer them? Putting your health first. I know it’s hard in some circumstances because you have got a job to do and people are relying on you to do your job, however there’s not much use if you’re not fit and healthy and looking after yourself - you’re not going to be productive within your daily schedule. I guess being a parent as well, it’s important not only to set a good example for your own kids in terms of looking after yourself health and fitness wise, but also being there for them for the future and being around to watch them grow up and have a wonderful life as well. I think a lot of people have the excuse that they don’t have time to exercise and look after themselves which I think needs to be a number one priority. And also in common with our miners, you have to sometimes be away from your family – do you have any advice on that side of things? In terms of the time I have to be away from my immediate family, my kids and my husband, then obviously it’s my number one priority to speak with them when I’m away. With my kids, before they go to school and then before they go to bed at night and my husband, it’s sometimes keeping in touch a few times throughout the day, especially if we’ve got issues at work or things are bothering us, we obviously keep in close contact to make sure that everything’s going smoothly where ever we might be. It’s my top priority to keep in touch with my kids when I’m away from them, and know exactly what’s going on and if anything’s bothering them I want them to feel that they can still talk to me, even if I am away and things like that. So definitely family comes first above everything and then obviously looking after yourself with health and fitness comes second. What do you do outside of The Biggest Loser seasons? I own a gift and homewares store in Brisbane so I’m pretty much a Mum and business owner 12 months of the year. The weekends that I get home, I’m at my shop and with the kids and at the time I’m not filming The Biggest Loser, I’m at the shop. So my life is pretty full on and busy all the time – it’s just trying to manage things as best as I can and not to get too stressed and to be as organised as possible. I am very lucky to have the support of my husband. So being organised and making sure that everything’s working like clock work and I’m staying healthy. And I think that’s the other thing with fitness; you’re not only looking after yourself, but it’s a means of relaxation and of doing something for yourself. n


re you looking for sugar-free alternatives that allow taste without the calories? Over the festive season (or anytime for that matter), we find ourselves reaching for sweet food. The following is a list of alternatives and suggestions that you can incorporate into your plan. Try them out!

• Lollies – Citrus slices “carborite” - $4.95 at the GNC store; • Diet Jelly – Any Flavour - $2.00 at Coles/Woolies; • Pudding – Gourmet Banana Pudding “PVL” with 19g protein & no sugar - $9.95 at the GNC Store; • Protein Powder – Mixed thick with little water & “set” in the fridge; • Syrup – “Atkins” sugar free syrup for pancakes - $8.95 at GNC; • Homemade Pancakes –½ cup egg whites, ½ cup wholemeal flour, equal to sweeten & diet jam/marmalade; • Pancakes – “Atkins Pancake & one waffle mix” (makes 8 Peak Physique is most of Queensland's pancakes) - $11.95 at GNC; nal successful perso . • Strawberry Smoothie – training companies on on For more informati fresh strawberries, protein powder, body how to achieve the ice & water. n your dreams, visit

of www.peak-physique

Issue 25


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The many health benefits of travel BY BETTINA MANIATIS


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Issue 25

new year new you


t’s around this time of year that most give some extra thought to their health. From kick starting that long overdue healthy eating plan to perhaps purchasing some new runners, getting into the healthy lifestyle is usually on the top of people’s priority lists at the start of the year. So, I can imagine it will come as welcome news, and perhaps surprising to some, that travel offers some incredible health benefits. So many of us put off travelling, either for financial reasons or because we have too much on at work and many just simply can’t be bothered with the planning of it all. But what if you knew that taking that trip would actually invigorate your mind

New CEO to Drive Queensland's Tourism Industry


inister for Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games Jann Stuckey recently announced the appointment of Steven Wright as CEO of Tourism Queensland. Ms Stuckey said Mr Wright's role will transition to the position of CEO of the new entity, Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ). "This appointment represents an exciting new era for tourism in Queensland," Ms Stuckey said. "Steven has a proven track record of driving successful events and is one of Australia's most experienced administrators and advisors across the sport, tourism and event sectors with more than 25 years' experience and I am thrilled he has accepted the position. "Most recently his move to Queensland has seen him closely involved with Events Queensland and the tourism industry through his private consultancy. "Steven's experience will be invaluable as the transition to one 'super' tourism entity takes place. "I have no doubt TEQ will be able to better leverage activities to grow visitor expenditure and achieve the best results and the greatest value for money for

Queensland taxpayers." Steven Wright said the appointment is a great honour and he is eager to get started in the new role. "I look forward to working with the Minister and Government to further develop tourism as one of the State's four key economic pillars," Mr Wright said. "A collaborative approach between Government, industry groups and the tourism and events team will be crucial as we map out future strategies to achieve this." Tourism Queensland and Events Queensland Chairman Stephen Gregg welcomed Mr Wright on board. "Steven's extensive business and events background will be essential in bringing together the talents of both Tourism Queensland and Events Queensland," Mr Gregg said. "It will guide TEQ to reach the Government's goal of increasing tourism expenditure to $30 billion by 2020. "I'd also like to acknowledge Leanne Coddington, Acting CEO of Tourism Queensland and Kirsten Herring, Interim CEO of Events Queensland for their leadership during this transition and for the important role they'll play in the new organisation." n

and body to the point that both the physical and mental advantages become physically distinguishable? You’ve seen if for yourself. When your colleague comes back from their holiday looking refreshed - even ‘glowing’ - and mentally sharper than ever. So I’ve compiled a list of the top four health benefits that come from travelling.

Reduce Stress Coming in at the top of the list, and probably the most obvious health benefit to taking a holiday, is stress reduction. The chance to simply get away from it all and clear your mind is the main reason people choose to take a holiday in the first place. Stress is proven to contribute to many health issues from a stroke to heart disease, so getting your mind and body out of the stress zone is the best thing for you.

Boost the Brain There’s a lot of planning that goes into a holiday. Itinerary arranging, studying the geography of the region you’re visiting, mapping out your day, remembering your essentials – it all takes your mind and it works hard to make sure everything’s taken care of.

Improve Your Mood Feelings of dreading the work week or worrying over your to do list are replaced with excitement toward your holiday and happiness to be spending time with loved ones, or to simply being out of the daily grind.

Becoming More Active Whilst it’s true that many of us overindulge when it comes to eating on holidays, you also become much more active. From getting to tourist attractions, to bush hiking, or even just walking around to discover the region, you tend to take many more steps and spend a lot of time outside when you’re on holiday. So, if you’ve been putting off that holiday because you just have too much going on, there’s no better time to put everything else aside, and take that well earned break. Your body, and mind, will thank you for it. n

Issue 25




Issue 25


he day arrived, and as my son kept saying, “We going to feed the dolphins today!” We packed the car and headed off to Holt Street Jetty. When the time came to board, we handed our luggage in to the luggage handlers - they were going to take it on board the ferry, remove it from the ferry and transport it straight to our hotel room. Lovely! One less piece of luggage for mommy to carry (now it was my turn to be delighted!). We got on the ferry, and eagerly awaited our departure from the wharf as Dom waved goodbye to all the bystanders. The ride took just over an hour as I went through the booklet and saw the activities the resort had on offer. Every night there were options to choose from (karaoke, bingo etc.) for resort guests. Once we could see land from our ferry window, Dom got louder yelling out all the things he could see – beautiful beach, plenty of boats, people swimming! Stepping foot off the ferry, we were greeted by a happy staff member who showed us around the resort. Shortly afterwards, we hopped onto a large golf buggy to be whisked to our accommodation for the night. Dom spotted our luggage directly outside our room - I wish airports offered this sort of service for travelling mums! The room was clean and spacious – and had a beautiful view overlooking the sparkling swimming pool and the beach just beyond it! We quickly unpacked, got into our swimsuits and headed outdoors to enjoy all this beautiful resort had to offer. Our afternoon was spent playing in the sand, soaking up the incredible summer sun and chasing the sea gulls into the water. The hours went by so fast, I had to bribe Dom to leave the beach in exchange for an ice cream! On the way, we put our names down to participate in the dolphin feeding that night - the lady behind the counter assured me that Dom would be fine taking part. On the way back to our room for Dom’s afternoon nap, I noticed so much going on; parasailing, jet skis, banana boats, volleyball. I could not believe this serene and tropical place, yet only an hour away from Brisbane. I genuinely felt like I was in another part of the world. When arrived earlier, I remember one of the staff had mentioned how beautiful the sunset was from the jetty, so when Dom woke from his nap we took a nice stroll along the beach to enjoy this. By the time we got there, there was already a crowd of people waiting for the famous Tangalooma dolphins. We waited anxiously and the excitement when the first dolphin arrived was too much for Dom, as he squealed with glee. Eventually, the one fin in the water turned to two, then three and even a much smaller one as we realised there was a baby. When we had gone to the museum earlier that day I had read that one of the dolphins recently had a calf. The Tangalooma staff set out buckets of fish on the sand and it was time for what I knew would be the highlight of our trip. We

“I reflected on the past two days and knew we had just had one of the most memorable holidays I had ever experienced in my life, and one that my son would remember forever.” were given some information on the dolphins, including how they could be identified and a bit of history. I loved how they explained the importance of conserving the environment for these amazing creatures and informed us on the things we could do to help. Finally, we were summoned down to the sand to line up to feed the dolphins. We were told that we were to feed an alpha female named Tinkerbell, who is 22 years old. Dom took a few moments to eye up the bucket of fish and found a decent sized one that he was happy to give. I kept asking him if he was scared, and he kept telling me, “Dom Dom not scared Mom!” The Tangalooma staff member greeted us, and held our hands while we awaited Tinkerbell to come over to us. I think Dominic panicked with the size of the dolphin, and so he threw his fish at it. The Tangalooma Staff member gave him another one, and gently placed Dom’s hand under the water as the Dolphin grabbed the fish. I watched Dom, intensely fixated on the huge mammal in front of him. I was so proud of my boy and so happy for him to be so close to his favourite animal that I almost forgot to feed the dolphin myself! I quickly dropped my hand into the water looked up as the camera flashed! I managed to capture my own childhood wish on film. As we left the water, Dominic mouth was going a million miles a minute, telling me how he fed the dolphin, how big the dolphin was, “Did you see its teeth Mom?” We stopped at the beach café to grab some dinner and of course Dom reveled in the opportunity to tell the friendly staff member all

about his experience. I’m sure that night, I can guess what he dreamt of. The following morning, after a great sleep, we grabbed some breakfast at Tursiops and spent a bit of time on the beach again, before heading to Tanga Tours to get ready for our fish feeding boat tour. We grabbed our fish food and climbed aboard the boat. The tour guide was happy to assist Dom in spotting a dolphin – yes another dolphin, and another happy little adventurer! We spotted so many amazing things – a highlight for me was the huge turtle and dugongs! When we got to the wrecks, there were so many people kayaking and snorkeling around them. Dom and I had a great time watching the fish leaping for the food, making splashes in the water and there were hundreds of them all different shapes and sizes and some so brightly coloured, it truly was breathtaking. Once all our fish food was gone, it was time for our boat to head back to the resort, and soon after that for us to pack our bags and head back home. During the ferry ride back, I reflected on the past two days and knew we had just had one of the most memorable holidays I had ever experienced in my life, and one that my son would remember forever. Tangalooma Island Resort is exactly the type of holiday destination I will happily take Dom to every year. In fact, whale season starts in June, I’m thinking a mid year weekend escape is on the cards. And the best part? It’s in my budget! n

Issue 25




JetPacking G

o on an extreme adventure ride with the first jetpacks in the southern hemisphere and reach up to heights of 10 metres, ducking and diving like a dolphin. Able to carry up to 150kg, they are made from carbon fibre and work by pumping water from a jet ski like device up a large hose and to the JetPack which then propels you in whichever direction you choose. After a brief training tutorial, you’re ready to go - secured to the JetPack using a 5 point harness. For first time flyers, your flights are throttle controlled by a flight instructor with a remote

control and you’re required to wear a radio communications helmet so you can listen to instructions mid flight. Then all that’s left to do is enjoy as you can go backwards, turn, weave, duck, dive, go up high or down low. Flights are available on the Gold Coast, Brisbane, and in Sydney, and the total time allocation for new flyers is about 1 to 1.5 hours from arrival to departure. For more information, and to book your flight today, visit or phone 1300 538 538. n

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Issue 25



DIY Floor Tiling

Save money and tile your own floors?

PLANNING Planning is essential if you want a beautiful finish. Firstly do some homework and visit a few tile supply shops. They will be able to supply you with everything you need for your job, and they will also be able to refer professionals to you if required.

PREPARATION Once you have chosen your tiles, it is time to prepare the surface of your floor structure. If you are renovating a bathroom you will need to ensure the floor structure is sound before you start. Levelling. It is imperative at this time to work out the depth of the entire tile-bed so that there is very little 'step-up' onto your tiled area. Remember most standard houses are constructed with the same structural floor level throughout the entire house, allowing for no step-down to accommodate the tile bed. You will need to calculate the total thickness of your tiled floor at the wet-area door, and to include: tile thickness (e.g. 7mm) plus tile glue (1mm) plus cement bed (20mm) plus fibre cement linings (12mm). If, for example, you calculate that you have a total of 40mm in floor thickness, you need to be aware that it can be a tripping hazard and you will need to cut the thickness down to at least 25mm. You can accomplish this by doing research on different products or by reducing the level of the floor structure. Engage a professional for floor level reduction. When the level of the floor has been finalised, lining can begin. Lining. New fibre cement sheeting will need to be applied to all walls. Non-concrete flooring will required compressed fibre cement sheeting to comply with Australian standards for loads. Waterproofing. All internal areas that will see water use are called wet areas and will require waterproofing. The standard for waterproofing your tiled-area will vary depending on room use. Bathrooms, for example, will need to have the highest level of waterproofing (refer to the latest Australian Standard on water proofing).


Issue 25

There are water-proof professionals and it is highly recommended you don't do this yourself. Don't forget that tile expansion joints, shower set-downs, door thresholds and bath hobs will need to be factored into the bathroom before the waterproofing membrane is applied. Once the waterproofing is totally dry and has been certified by a professional you are ready to start creating a base for your tile bed. Create a base & fall in your floor. If you are tiling a bathroom floor it will need a fall to meet Australian Standards and to avoid internal flooding. You will need to check with your council for current complying floor falls but a 10mm fall over 1000mm can be used as a guide. Ensure the cement is thick enough in all areas to avoid cracking (i.e. a minimum of 20mm).

TILE INSTALLATION Now the fun bit - you are ready to start tiling. Dry-lay (tile without glue) one row of your tiles horizontally from the set-out point and the other adjacent to this row. This will allow you to see how the tiles are going to fit within the tiled space and which tiles need to be cut. Make sure you allow for 3mm grout (use a tape measure & tile spacers to be precise). You can play with the joint spacing and allow 2 to 5 millimetres of grout between tiles to avoid skinny cut tiles, but keep the joints uniform. If it looks like you will need to cut a tile, make sure you move this tile to a less noticeable place like behind a door.

TROWELLING THE TILE ADHESIVE Make sure you have chosen the recommended adhesive. Your tile supplier or manufacturer should advise on you which adhesive to use. One side of your trowel will have markings or notches. Use this end to apply the adhesive to the floor. This will give it a striped or grooved appearance. Place the first tile on the adhesive and wiggle it back and forth to ensure it is in position. Then lift the tile and examine its bottom. If the adhesive is not evenly spread over the tile adjust the thickness of your adhesive making sure there is enough, then



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replace this first tile in its correct position. Do not forget to twist and wiggle the tile to ensure a solid and accurate fit. Only lay two or three tiles at a time. Follow the lines you have drawn to ensure the tiles are in straight lines. If adhesive oozes up between the tiles when you press them into position you are using too much adhesive. Adjust the amount of adhesive accordingly. As you add each tile, use tile-spacers. These are removed just before you place the grout between the tiles.

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To cut tiles accurately and cleanly, you will require a tile-cutter. These can be purchased from a hardware store such as Bunnings or Mitre10 for anywhere between $20 and $100.

CURING Tiles must be allowed to cure for several hours, usually overnight. The manufacturer of the adhesive will have a recommended cure time. Do not walk on the tiles during the curing process, it will displace them. It is important to start tiling away from the door - and then working your way back to the door. GROUTING Prepare the grout according to the manufacturer's instructions. Grout has a thick, not a thin, consistency. There are many colours of grout and you can even change the colour to suit your tiles. Use a trowel known as a rubber float and work the grout into the spaces between the tiles on an angle. This enables the grout to be pushed deeply into all spaces. CLEAN-UP Do not delay - use a damp sponge and wipe away all the grout on the tiles. Do not remove the grout between the tiles. Constantly wash the sponge. Have a bucket of clean water at hand and regularly rinse the sponge, and just as you had to cure the adhesive when laying the tiles, so too you must cure the grout. The manufacturer of the grout mixture should have instructions on how to cure their product. It might mean carefully spraying the grout with a spray of water each day for a few days. Again avoid walking on the tiles wherever possible. The final step in the curing of the grout is to apply a sealant. This will prevent water seeping in under the tiles via the grout. FINISHING All tiled floor areas should be sealed before use and there are different sealants for different purposes. General sealants minimise water penetration, but there are others that offer extra floor grip and total water penetration (epoxy coating). n

Ph 07 4779 5700 25 Hamill Street Garbutt Townsville Fax (07) 4725 3136

Issue 25




f you’ve got the experience under your belt, now’s the time to get it onto paper with recognition of your qualifications. Australian Federal and State Governments have made things easier for those who have been doing what they do over many years at work but haven’t got the certificate to match with recognition of experience, or recognition of prior learning. This is a benchmarking of your skills and experience against the nationally recognised criteria for a qualification and is done so by a recognised training organisation licensed to conduct the process. But whilst the process may be easier than you think, don’t misunderstand - recognition is certainly not a quick delivery of a junk diploma in no time at all. There are strict guidelines in place to ensure only those who are fully qualified get the benefit. So how does it work? Depending on the type and number of qualifications sought, a recognised training organisation will conduct an assessment against the standard and the time it takes can range anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Underpinning the assessment is the candidate’s experience, which is gathered over many years of work in the industry corresponding with the qualification requirements. The quality of the qualification is ensured by quantifying the candidate’s experience and skill, the national assessment standards and audits of training/assessment organisations by


Issue 25

governing authorities. Aboard Training Australia is one of the recognised training organisations offering this service. They offer recognition for qualifications at diploma level in management, project management, HR, administration, business and retail. Aboard also offers innovative and secure enterprise training and administrative solutions to using cloud eLearning and assessment. Aboard Training’s manager Mr Frank Lee gives us some tips on how to prepare for your qualification assessment: RELAX A key role of the assessor is to ensure that the candidate is relaxed. That’s when good discussion flows and the candidate describes their roles and history in a natural way. For this reason, we offer face to face discussions either on site or off site in a place where the candidate can talk naturally. Of course all discussions are confidential; individual privacy and protection of company intellectual property are of utmost importance. BE PREPARED We can gather information to support a decision using questions, viewing appropriate samples, discussing scenarios and actual events, support from referees and acknowledgments. These combine to form the candidate’s personal story.

THINK AHEAD We look for descriptions of what is normal, what are signs of success attained, and what lessons were learnt from failures and near misses. These are the things that can illustrate a candidate’s skill, understanding of process and ability in production of services or goods. DON’T WORRY The Aboard method addresses doubts at a pre enrollment discussion between the assessor and the candidate. There is no obligation at this pre enrollment interview. This is where Aboard and the candidate can in effect conduct their risk assessments regarding likelihood of success. Aboard does not enroll everyone. If a candidate can’t make the level or has real doubts we don’t offer enrollment in RPL. As a private registered training organisation specializing in recognition, we have this advantage over public institutions that accept anyone into a course without any prerequisites. It is not in our brand’s interest to mismatch candidates to qualifications that they cannot reasonably attain by RPL. A good RPL should be efficient and not stressful, if you are matched to the correct qualification. For full details on how to gain your qualification on paper today, contact the Aboard Training team at or call 07 3105 5944 to fully discuss your needs with an experienced assessor. n

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Tired of watching huge chunks of your cash go straight to the taxman? Do you want your money to make money for you? Investment properties are the solution! Many of you have heard about investment property and after speaking with Allied Property Advantage (APA), it became clear property investment is the way to help maximize your wealth.

Maximise Your Wealth

As a miner you pay at least $35,000 in tax every year, but with strategic investment in residential rental property and with the correct financing strategies you can reduce the tax you pay to the taxman and start feeding that back into your own wealth creation. Speaking with an Allied Property & Financial Group representative you will find that with government incentives, tax advantages, rental income, and other financing techniques, your investment property could cost very little; or even be positively geared, putting money INVESTING BRICKS back into IN your pocket! AND MORTAR

ired of watching huge chunks of our income go straight to the tax man, many of us are looking for ways to invest to get the most from our hard earned dollar. Investment property has long been a favourite solution to this problem, and for those in the mining industry, it’s a successful way to maximise your wealth. As a miner, you pay at least $35,000 in tax every year but with strategic investment in residential rental property and with the correct financing strategies, you can reduce the tax you pay and start feeding “It does seem to be a shame to be paying so much that back into your own wealth creation. tax when, by some simple strategies you could be With Government incentives, tax advantages, rental income, and utilizing the tax saving to build your own other financing techniques, your investment property could cost very investment and setup a secure future”. little; or evenportfolio be positively geared, putting money back into your pocket! One such company that can help you do this is Allied Property & NotFinancial everyone can becan a stock maverick, but Group - they give youmarket information to make the decision on buyingin that investment easier. investing bricks andproperty mortar has never made does seem be a shame toproperty be paying socan much tax when, an by more “Itsense. An to investment produce some simple strategies could be utilizing the tax reduce saving to build extra $200 per week you in your pocket, help the your own investment portfolio and setup a secure future,” an APA amount of money you hand over to the taxman and commented. is an Not investment in your future. By utilizing the everyone can be a stock market maverick, but investing in bricks latest financial technology is possible to benefit and mortar has never made moreitsense. An investment property from strategies that will help you reduce loanthe can produce an extra $200 per week in your pocket, your help reduce term and save thousands of dollars in interest. It is in amount of money you hand over to the taxman and is an investment your future. important not to be careless with your money and technology, it is possible to benefit makeByitutilizing work the forlatest Invest today and gain the from strategies that will help you reduce your loan term and peace of mind with knowing your beating the save thousands of dollars in interest. It is important not to be careless with taxman. your money and make it work for you. Invest today and gain the peace of mind with knowing you’re beating the taxman. For more information contact APA by For more information, you can contact APA by calling (07) 55702579 or calling (07) 55702579 or emailing emailing n


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Issue 25


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Issue 25


CONVEYOR IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM OPTIMISES OUTPUT AND LOWERS SAFETY RISK W ith a view to improving industrial safety and productivity, Diacon Australia has succeeded in producing an innovative range of products that reduces conveyor belt spillage, improves belt capacity and greatly enhances conveyor belt safety standards.

“The incidence and severity of conveyorrelated injury is unfortunately quite high in Australia; unacceptably high,” said directors, Brendan Refalo and Brad Hamilton. “With so many conveyors around the nation, in such a wide range of industries and configurations, the potential for injury is very large indeed.” The Diacon Conveyor Improvement System has been designed and manufactured specifically to overcome that injury potential as well as to deliver a number of operational and productivity benefits that have proven very popular with operators. The system consists of three main components; the Diacon Hungry Board, the Diacon Conveyor Guard and the Diacon Safety Panel. The Hungry Board is a lightweight, aluminium-reinforced, plastic panel which mounts on conveyors via a dual wedge system. When installed on a conveyor, Hungry Boards contain product within the conveyor, reduce product spillage and can potentially increase conveyor capacity by up to 30 per cent. They have been found particularly beneficial when used on belts where load

fluctuations occur. Being made predominantly of plastic, the Conveyor Guards and Safety Panels are lightweight, corrosion-free and require no painting. The high density Polyethylene material, from which they are made, is both colour fast and UV stable. They mount onto conveyors using a “hook and hang” design and lock into place according to the requirements of each worksite and the need for guards to be removed by a specific tool. The Hungry Board and Guard are attached

to conveyor belts using a purpose-built mounting bracket bolted to the conveyor’s existing troughing frames in a swift, straightforward installation process. The entire system is engineered to optimise safety by being lightweight, easy to install, and remove. The guards are purpose-built to fit on adjacent handrails, which allows for their safe storage when removed for maintenance. All parts are engineered, manufactured and tested to comply with associated Australian Standards AS4024.1-2006, AS1755-2000 and they are manufactured using CNC equipment, which ensures a high degree of accuracy, consistency and lower production cost. “We’re really proud of our Diacon products,” Mr Refalo said. “The amount of in-built innovation and testing has paid off too, because our customers’ productivity and safety results speak for themselves. We get a real kick out of exceeding our customer’s expectations.” For more information on the Diacon Conveyor Improvement System, visit or contact 1800 342 266. n

Issue 25



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Issue 25



The Perfect Place for your Off-Work Weeks

ocated an easy 90 minute drive from Brisbane and an hour from the Gold Coast, Lake Maroon is Queensland’s best kept secret for water sports and relaxing in the beautiful Scenic Rim. When it comes to accommodation in the region, there’s no going past Lake Maroon Holiday Park, with direct frontage to Lake Maroon so you can easily launch your boat from the shoreline area or walk directly from your accommodation onto the water skis! Whether you’re an adventure enthusiast and want to mountain climb, water ski and even bass fish or you prefer a more laid back activity such as bush walking, bird watching, visiting the nearby waterfalls and wineries or just relaxing and enjoying the views, there’s something for everyone at Lake Maroon. If you want to venture a little further out, check out the surrounding towns of Boonah and Rathdowney, offering plenty more to see and do. At Lake Maroon Holiday Park, you can stay in a great lakeside cabin, or even own your own at Maroon Cove – offering the opportunity to buy a cabin in a great location. “I know there is some interest from FIFO miners,” said Jeff Hall, owner of Maroon Cove. “We sold our first cabin to a miner who works at Blackwater in a coal mine and he is going to live there on his off work weeks.” Select a site, cabin design and size with cabin prices starting from as low as $104,500 – you won’t find prices like that anywhere else! The cabins are designed for short term tourist accommodation, owned by you and rented out by Lake Maroon Holiday Park. You control when your cabin is available and what price you would like it to be rented at, or just keep it for your own use it when you have an off-work week. For more information, visit n

Welcome to Maroon Cove, a cabin village soon to be built on the edge of beautiful Lake Maroon, the best kept secret for water skiing, fishing and relaxing in the beautiful Scenic Rim. Lake Maroon is situated about 90 minutes drive from Brisbane and 60 minutes from the Gold Coast in South East Queensland (SEQ), not far from Boonah, in the heart of the Scenic Rim. CONTACT US NOW !! 1st stage release now selling. Stage 1 cabins (10 only) starting 2013. $500 deposit secures your holiday cabin.

Phone (07) 54 636 256 Mobile 0458 800 844 Postal address: Maroon Cove, 535 Burnett Creek Road, Maroon Qld 4310.


Issue 25



t a time when travellers are being asked to weigh-up a range of extra charges when evaluating airlines’ offerings, Flight Centre has scoured the fine print to compile ten tips for avoiding sky high luggage charges. Consider a full service airline When weighing up the various airline offerings, look beyond the headline prices. Extra luggage charges can be significant and can easily make a low cost carrier’s (LCCs) fare more expensive than a full service airline’s offering. Pay in advance, not at the airport Where checked luggage charges apply, fees are typically lower if you pay when you book your flight. Plan ahead Given that you’re required to guess the weight of your suitcase (and pay for it) well in advance of packing, it pays to have an idea of what you will be taking with you to ensure you buy the appropriate luggage allowance. It doesn’t pay to be overweight Once you’ve paid for your luggage allowance, stick to it as weight restrictions are enforced. Charges typically apply for every extra kilogram. Status can be important Luggage allowances may vary, depending on the type of fare you buy or the route you’re

travelling. You may also be in line for an additional allowance if you are a member of the airline’s loyalty program. Don’t assume hand luggage is free While most airlines will allow you to carry-on small items for free, some carriers now apply hand luggage charges. Make the most of your hand luggage allowance Where hand luggage is included in the fare, make the most of your allowance to minimise your suitcase’s weight – and the charges that may apply to it. Wear bulky clothing If you’re travelling with bulky coats or jackets and the climate allows, consider wearing them. This not only lowers suitcase weight, it may also help you avoid another potential fee – the in-flight blanket charge. Take note of cancellation policies Don’t assume that if you cancel your trip your pre-paid luggage fees will be refunded. Read the luggage fine print Policies change frequently and vary widely from airline to airline. Double-check the rules before you travel to avoid any luggage-related headaches at the airport. n


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Issue 25


BUSINESS FOR SALE Tired of working for someone else? Want to be your own boss? Lollipop’s Playland & Café is Townsville's market leader in children’s indoor play and all-weather adventure playground. For the astute investor, this business has 3 distinct revenue streams: 1. Casual pay for play 2. Café sales 3. Children’s parties If you’re looking for a profitable business venture with flexible working hours and the ability to be home every night for dinner, then Lollipop’s is for you. Lollipop’s is a great investment for a couple, partnership or an ideal family business. Location: Domain Central, Townsville Asking Price: $450,000 negotiable Contact: BIZRICH Business Sales Agent: Kirsten Gadsby - 0409 120 408

To register for more information please contact: Kirsten Gadsby - BIZRICH Business Sales. ENQUIRE: 1300 249 742 | DISCUSS: 0409 120 408 | ASK US: | DROP IN: 264 Sturt Street, Townsville City BIZRICH SALES OFFICE IS OPEN 7 DAYS BY APPOINTMENT


Issue 25

Puzzles Crossword



7 8 9 10 11 13 15 17 20 21 22 23

1 2 3 4 5 6 12 14 16 18 19 21

To prance (6) Prosper or be fortunate (6) The train _ _ _ _ s along (4) Lying outside the boundary or limit (8) Fragmented shapes at all scales of measurement (7) To represent as similar (5) To move from a lying position to a sitting one (3,2) The art of paper-folding (7) Prop or support (8) Garden (4) To do something at the same time (6) Obscene or indecent (6)


A thing that bathes (6) To lift or handle with tongs (4) A cushioned footstool (7) A particular condition of mind (5) A freshwater fish (8) A wide street (6) Wife of a Count (8) A struggle for mastery (7) A large lizard (6) Metamorphosed limestone (6) Something that exists (5) A small boat rowed by a crew of 4 or 6 (4)


Issue 25




OCCUPATION: Songwriter/musician and very average professional surfer (I got some free surf gear from Quicksilver once so I consider myself professional now!). FAVOURITE TRAVEL DESTINATION: I love any European destination. WHAT DO YOU NEVER TRAVEL WITHOUT? My guitar. TRAVEL TIP: Make sure you get on the right plane or if you are driving make sure you are heading in the correct direction to where you want to go. Also remember your passport! MOST EMBARRASSING TRAVEL MOMENT: I was backpacking years ago and I was in Venice. I got my room key and I went up to the room which had about six bunk beds in it. On the room key was a number but I didn't pay much attention to that. I put my bags on the bottom of one of the bunk beds and went out for the night. When I came back, some other guy was sleeping in my bed and my bags had been moved to the floor. The night before in another hostel I caught some guy with his hands in my bag trying to steal something so I was still angry about that and I wasn't going to take any crap so I picked up the whole mattress and tossed the guy off and onto the floor telling him that this was my bed. The whole room was awake by now and everyone was looking. I was thinking that I had made my point and that no one would mess with me again. The guy on the floor was trying to tell me something but he couldn't talk because he was crapping himself so much and I was still insisting that this was my bed and saying don't ever touch my bags again. He eventually held up his room key and his hand was shaking. The room key had a number on it and it was the same number as the bed that I had just tossed him out of. I suddenly realised that the room key had the number of which bed we were to stay in, and mine wasn't that bed but the bed above him. I was so embarrassed that I picked him up apologizing and made his bed. I just wanted to leave the place right there and then. The next morning, I made him breakfast! I haven't been back to Venice again (maybe this is the reason!!) - definitely not one of my finer moments. WHAT’S COMING UP FOR YOU NEXT? I'm going to be doing an Australian Tour in early 2013 as well as the Riverboats Music Festival (15th to 17th February) then off to North American for a tour in May 2013. n


Issue 16


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Issue 25


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