West Wing Aviation Inflight Magazine Issue 26

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Issue 26 • www.inflightmagazine.com.au



Legally Blonde




Winter Holidays Feature


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page 24

on the cover 17 CAVALIA A magic bond between horse and human 20 LEGALLY BLONDE Hit musical turns Brisbane pink 24 WINTER HOLIDAYS FEATURE Where you should holiday this winter season


page 10


ARJ BARKER American stand-up comedian and actor, Arj Barker is heading to Australia for a whirlwind tour


TAKE A BITE Food, glorious food events across Queensland

23 TEE OFF IN VEGAS Golf with the pros in sin city 44 GIRL POWER Fast Femme steps up to the plate 45 WANT AN E-CIG? Want to give up smoking – try this out

page 17

page 20


page 23

4 5 6 10 13 23 30 33 38 40 43 46

Welcome Aboard Map & Aircraft Guide Money Matters Chit Chat Fighting Fit Travel Bug Bites Mind over Matter Your Place Talkin Tech Boys Toys Brain Teasers Talk Back


Issue 26


Welcome Aboard m








PUBLISHER Patrick McElligott patrick@inflightmagazine.com.au

EDITOR Lahnee Pavlovich lahnee@inflightmagazine.com.au

DESIGN Lawrence Borchers lawrence@inflightmagazine.com.au

ADVERTISING & ENQUIRIES WESTERN EDITION [WA] Daniela Raos daniela@inflightmagazine.com.au


NORTHERN EDITION [QLD] elcome aboard your flight today with West Wing Aviation. Our

Robyn Crouch

dedicated crews will do their very best to make your trip as


comfortable and enjoyable as possible. At has been a very light wet in our Western area of operations.

Our thoughts go out to the graziers throughout the region who do not have a season yet for their herd. Hopefully we will see some winter rain for some relief. So far, 2013 has proved to be an exciting start year for us here at West Wing having resigned two major contracts. We want to say a big thank you to all of our staff as well who have already

SOUTHERN EDITION [NSW] Brittany Cavill brittany@inflightmagazine.com.au BOATING INDUSTRY Brittany Cavill brittany@inflightmagazine.com.au

brought fresh ideas and strength to our company and culture in 2013. We look


forward to a prosperous year ahead.

John Atkin

The 2 new Cessna Caravan 208B’s introduced late last year are well and truly bedded in. One of them has the new state of the art Garmin 1000 system including all the latest state of the art safety hardware. They have proved a great success and management are actively seeking another 2 aircraft for the fleet to finalise the move out of the older piston aircraft. Also just a reminder to passengers; we offer an online booking service to 15 of our destinations. It’s fast and simple - visit www.westwing.com.au. So now just sit back and relax and we hope you enjoy this edition of West Wing Inflight Magazine. Remember we’re always interested in any feedback or suggestions about our services here, so feel free to send us an email at westwing@westwing.com.au. On behalf of the entire West Wing Aviation crew, we thank you for choosing to travel with us and look forward to welcoming you back on board again soon.

john@inflightmagazine.com.au PRINTING www.platypusgraphics.com Inflight Magazine is published bi-monthly by Inflight Publishing Pty. Ltd. Views expressed in Airport magazine are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. No responsibility is accepted by the publisher or the printer for the accuracy of information contained in the text or advertisements. Advertisements must comply with the relevant Trade Practices Act 1979. Responsibility for compliance with the act rests with the person, company or advertising agency submitting the advertisement. Neither the publisher nor the editor accepts responsibility for advertisements.

Yours in aviation,


Managing Director West Wing Aviation

Ph (07) 3891 7793 • Fax (07) 3891 7702 PO Box 6133, Buranda, Qld 4102


www.inflightmagazine.com.au TRADE SHOW ORGANISERS


Issue 26




Boigu Saibai Darnley Island

Port Moresby

Yorke Island

Yam Island


Coconut Island


Warraber Island

Murray Island

Kubin Village

Horn Island


Karumba Cairns

Century Mine Normanton

Palm Island Townsville

Mt Isa

Charters Towers






Seating Capacity: 19 PERFORMANCE Maximum Speed: 533km/h Cruise Speed: 480km/h Range: 2,776km Service Ceiling: 10,000m

Seating Capacity: 9 PERFORMANCE Maximum Speed: 518km/h Cruise Speed: 500km/h Range: 3,388km Service Ceiling: 9,997m

Seating Capacity: 5 PERFORMANCE Maximum Speed: 346km/h Cruise Speed: 312km/h Range: 1,915km Service Ceiling: 5,915m

Seating Capacity: 11 PERFORMANCE Maximum Cruise Speed: 341km/h Range: 1,698km (2,075 miles) Service Ceiling: 7,620m


Issue 26


Relationship finance: top 4 romance busters



oney is the major reason for divorce, as well as the major source of friction in many relationships. Researchers are increasingly seeing that ‘financial cheating’ as in lying or hiding financial issues from a partner is as damaging as the traditional kind. Likewise, finding a financial simpatico with another person is one of the major pillars of a good relationship. So what are the top four relationship busters when it comes to money, and how can we avoid them in our own relationship? Weigh me down It’s unlikely, in the modern world, that two people can come together without one or both bringing with them some kind of debt. From youthful indiscretions with a credit card, student debt, a mortgage, a car loan; debt is a major factor in most of our financial arrangements. Sadly, when it’s not dealt with openly, it can also be a major sticking point in our relationships. The fix - the only course is to be straight up. This debt is going to be a drain on your


Issue 26


finances for a while yet, and will mean you can contribute less to the joint finances. That’s the reality of the scenario, and honesty is the only way to approach it. Your partner will deal with it, or they won’t. Joint or separate Relationship finance is often regarded as a tell-tale sign for the overall wellbeing of the couple. Serious judgement calls are attached to how couples deal with their finances. Trying to organise your finances according to what the rest of the world says will only strain the relationship. The fix - your relationship is unique, as your financial organisation should be. The key is to communicate with your partner about what they feel is appropriate, and be open to change it as the relationship evolves. Know the type When you get together, nothing is more important than whether he likes Neil Young or not. We tend to spend so much time on the inconsequential, often the really big issues get left to the side. However, you’ll

be able to get a pretty good feel for how a person deals with money. Spender? Saver? Frugal to the point of no fun? These are big issues, and pretending otherwise is just putting your head in the sand. The fix - be open with how you see money, and where you would like your finances to be in 5 and 10 years. Talk about how their parents dealt with money, research shows it’s a big indicator. Little tykes Every self-help book in the world has told us what issues to avoid talking about when we start a relationship. Heaven forbid you scare him off, talking of kids or money. Well, the final major relationship buster is a combination of the two- the finances of having kids. The fix - generally, you ascertain whether you want to have kids first, but with the costs of raising a kid now hitting the $1 million mark, you also have to discuss how to structure your finances to adapt, especially with one partner out of the workforce for a while. n

Gaining the Mindset of Successful Investors BY RUN PROPERTY CEO ROB FARMER


ave you ever read about a 24-year-old on an average salary who owns four investment properties? Or the single mum who bought her first property out of desperation for a better life and accumulated a $5 million portfolio within a few years? How are some people able to achieve what so many others can’t? Why have they been successful beyond the wildest dreams of many in the same situation? Data from the Australian Tax Office shows that more than 1.2 million people own an investment property, but the number of investors who own five properties drops dramatically to less than 14,000 and a few own more than 50 investments. RUN Property is Australia’s largest metropolitan real estate agency managing properties valued at more than $10 billion. Surveys of our database show that investors own an average of 1.2 properties each. Despite more than 90 per cent of investors saying they thought property was a good investment for them, most have been unable to focus on expanding their portfolio. Why?

Create a burning desire Whether you are an aspiring Olympic athlete, an artist or property investor, desire is an intriguing aspect of the ability to achieve greatness. Some people are born with extraordinary natural talents, but on the whole, I believe that if the desire is strong enough, anything is possible. I love the saying, “necessity is the mother of all invention” and I think this can be applied to wealth creation. If your need is strong enough you will find a way to change your circumstances. The reverse is also true. If you are comfortable in life with a fair paying job and food on the table, it can be difficult to create a strong desire to get out and take action. Many people I speak with who have successfully built large property portfolios have either had, or been able to create, a burning desire for success. The first and most important step in setting a path to create wealth is to determine what will fuel your desire. You must be able to clearly visualise and describe what success looks

like for you and not let go of that picture. The stronger your emotional responses to this vision, the greater chance you have of being able to break through and achieve it.

Develop a plan To fail to plan is to plan to fail. More than 1.5 million Australians own investment properties. Many of them are what I call “accidental investors”. You could argue they are not investors at all – they just happen to own an investment property. It is remarkable how many Australians own an investment due to circumstances. For example, they may have got married and their partner also owns a property so they rent out one and live in the other. Or they might have inherited the property. There is nothing wrong with being an accidental investor. In fact, it can be a great opportunity to turn one property into many more. But if you plan to use property as a vehicle to create wealth then you need to develop a plan to achieve your investment goals. The plan needs to cover: • What is your current reality? • What is your desired outcome? • What actions do you need to take to move from your current reality to your desired reality? These need to be specific, measurable, realistic and set against timeframes. • How are you going to measure and report on your overall success? • What support, education and resources do you need to meet your plan?

your portfolio. Hasten slowly, but be flexible enough to move quickly if the right opportunity comes along. Learn from your mistakes. Consider them not as a cost but as an investment in your future success. Be determined to make up for mistakes with future decisions that will more than compensate for the earlier failure. View finance as a tool, not a burden. Property is a product and financial arrangements and the ability to leverage through equity helps you to use it to maximise your advantage. Work to your strengths. If you find a property sector that works for you, stick with it and don’t listen to the doomsayers if your experience says what you are doing works for you. Exploit your risk profile. If you are an aggressive investor, maximise your borrowings with a clear conscience, but make sure the “sleep at night” factor is balanced with the reality of your cash flow. Look and listen. Not all successful investors were a success when they started but they learned how to improve their chances of winning while reducing their risks.

Get off the couch and take action

Enliven your strategy Investors with large portfolios follow their investment strategy vigorously. Some go for capital growth properties and others prefer positive cash flow properties or a blend of both. Whatever your approach, stick to it. Buy on mathematics, not emotion. Do the numbers on each potential investment and be prepared to walk away if the property does not match your criteria. There is a saying in real estate, “The deal of a lifetime comes up every week.” Hold properties long term. Do not be pushed into a short-term decision that could damage

Too often I hear phrases such as “I would never invest in the current property market,” “interest rates are going up,” “I don’t have enough time,” “some people have all the luck,” and “I should have bought that property five years ago.” Some of my favourite sayings are: “There is no time like the present,” “Nothing ventured nothing gained,” “If you want something done, give it to a busy person,” “Create your own luck,” “You miss 100 per cent of the shots you never take,” and “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” If there is one action I urge you to take, it is to set some time aside each week to focus on your property investing activities. View property investment as a business, not a spare time hobby. RUN Property is Australia’s largest metropolitan real estate agency which manages property valued at more than $10 billion and has a dedicated team of sales specialists in Victoria, NSW and Queensland. RUN Property – sales, leasing and management. For more information, visit www.run.com.au. n


Issue 26





Cash Cash

Positive positive Investment investment


Government invests in investment

does your financialfuture future look? look? Unfortunately the vast ow ow does your financial



Unfortunately the vast majority of Australians are looking at an

majority uncertain of Australians are looking at an uncertain financial future financial future in today's economy. in today's economy. However with NRAS, the National Rental However with NRAS, the National Rental Affordability Scheme, you can Affordability Scheme, you can guarantee your financial future is guarantee your financial future is bright. bright. There an alarmingly high shortage of housing for medium Thereisiscurrently currently an alarmingly high shortage of housing for wage earners, a shortfall thanof 30,000 per year. medium wagewith earners, withofa more shortfall moredwellings than 30,000 NRAS isper notyear. a social housing program, but Housing it is an incentive aimed dwellings NRAS is not a Social Program, butatis providing housing for people such as fire fighters, health workers and an Incentive aimed at providing housing for people like fire their families. fighters, health workers and their families. In the the construction of quality houseshouses and Inorder ordertotostimulate stimulate construction of quality and apartments, the the Australian government provides investors with both apartments Australian government provides investors witha both a monetary benefit and abenefit. tax-free benefit. This means you monetary benefit and a tax-free receive over $95,000 over 10 than years and aover significantly large This means you receive more $95,000 10 years and a saving in thelarge taxes youinpay. This is a pay. Government guaranteed significantly saving the taxes you Incentive, ensures your investment will continue to rise in This is awhich Government guaranteed incentive which ensures your worth. investment will continue to rise in worth. Rigorousselection selection criteria is applied the Australian Rigorous criteria is applied by thebyAustralian Government to Government to ensure the quality of the properties complies with ensure the quality of the properties complies with Government planning Government planning and building codes; ensuring your and building codes; ensuring your investment property is built to the investment property is built to the highest standard. highest standard. NRAS will provide over 50,000 homes and is designed to NRAS willinvestors provide more than 50,000 homes and is designed encourage to develop additional housing for thetorental encourage investors to develop additional housingtargeted, for the rental market. market. With long-term tenancy agreements marketWith long-term tenancy agreements targeted, market assessed renthas assessed rent and an annually indexed Incentive your profit andpotential an annually incentive, your profit has the potential to the toindexed continue growing. continue growing.of people are investing in wealth creation every Thousands Thousands of people aremoney investing in wealth every year and year and watching their grow. The creation Australian government has committed a billion dollars over four years to has address the $1 watching their money grow. The Australian government committed undersupply ofyears housing in Australia, which could resultininAustralia, a billion over four to address the undersupply of housing substantial wealth for you and your for family. which couldamount result in aofsubstantial amount of wealth you and your family. Tosee see if you eligible for once this once in a lifetime opportunity, To if you areare eligible for this in a lifetime opportunity call APA call for a comprehensive analysis of your for aAPA comprehensive analysis of your financial future.financial future. Formore moreinformation information contact callingor For contact APA APA on 07by 55702579 (07) 55702579 or emailing apa@ozemail.com.au email apa@ozemail.com.au

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Issue 26


Smiles Townsville ALL ROUND AT



ustralia’s largest publicly listed provider of dental services 1300SMILES Ltd is the new naming rights partner for the former Dairy Farmers Stadium in Townsville. The stadium – home of the North Queensland Cowboys - will now be known as 1300SMILES Stadium. The five year deal, with a further five year option, includes the potential for the transfer of naming rights to a new local stadium, a proposal being pursued by local community leaders in Townsville. 1300SMILES Ltd is an expanding national dental group, based in Townsville. It owns and operates twenty-four multi-dentist facilities in Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, Rockhampton, Gladstone, Bundaberg, the Sunshine Coast, as well as several locations in greater Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Toowoomba. 1300SMILES Managing Director Dr Daryl Holmes said gaining the naming rights for the stadium would support the group’s national expansion plans and allow them to promote the benefits of dental health to a national audience. “1300SMILES understand how important the Stadium and the NQ Cowboys are to the people of this region,” Dr Holmes said. “More needs to be done to improve community awareness of the importance of dental care and this is a great way to do that. “Up to 70% of Australians don’t see a dentist unless they find themselves in pain. “We hope the brand awareness we generate will spark conversations about oral health, not just by encouraging the use of mouth protection in sport, but more broadly by having families talk about dental issues and the need for regular care.” Sports Minister Steve Dickson said naming rights sponsorship was invested back into the venue and assisted with the maintenance and upkeep of the venue, and improving the facilities for the Cowboys and those who attend their games. “In addition the improvements that can be made through a naming rights sponsorship help attract other events to the venue which can be enjoyed by the people of Townsville and NQ,” he said.

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Factoring & Debtor Finance Specialists Locally owned and operated “I congratulate 1300SMILES on their commitment to this venue, the people of Townsville and also for using this stadium as a way of getting people to think about dental health.” Stadium Manager Glenn Arboit welcomed the new long term partnership. “1300SMILES Stadium provides a terrific talking point amongst fans and sports commentators. The variety of events held at the stadium from concerts such as Elton John, to Nitro Circus, and the NQ Cowboys, have certainly put plenty of smiles on the faces of regional and national fans.” Mr Arboit said. “Naming rights will provide great recognition for 1300SMILES throughout Queensland and into New South Wales. Like the Cowboys they started in the north but are increasingly gaining national attention. “Naming rights are tightly held in North Queensland with 1300SMILES just the third company to be associated with the stadium since 1995. “With the potential of the Cowboys in 2013 we’re excited about the new partnership and encourage North Queenslanders to take ownership of the new name by getting out to an event.” New signage around the venue will begin to be introduced during the lead up to the 2013 NRL season, which kicks off when the North Queensland Cowboys take on the Melbourne Storm on Saturday March 16. Tickets from www.ticketek.com.au n

Email: linda.soblusky@fifocapital.com



Issue 26



S U A J R A o t s d a e h

ra to Australia fo g in d a e h is r arke n. d actor, Arj B the funny ma n h a it n w ia d ts e a h m c o nd up c Maniatis American sta r and this issue, Bettina u whirlwind to


Issue 26



How much did you have to change your approach, content, and delivery to appeal to an Australian audience and how different Australian humour is to US humour? I don’t change my humour! If you think about your sense of humour, everyone has one sense of humour. So I don’t change that! The only thing I would worry about is references. Something poignant. In our country right now, gun control is a hot topic because of the terrible events recently. And I have some material about that, actually which I wrote this summer, so I was working on this material and it’s fairly relevant here although I don’t really know if it’s as relevant there because I don’t think you guys have a gun issue.

ast time I spoke with you, you were just winding down from your last Australian tour – what are you up to now? I’m just doing some final preparations for my tour and my next visit to Australia. And also visiting family and all that sort of stuff. Taking a little time off but also working and preparing my new show. You’ve been to Aussie shores a couple of times now - what brings you back here? House payments! (Laughs) I seem to have a great rapport with the public there and I like it there! It’s too tempting I can’t stay away. What can the Australian audience expect for your next tour? Jokes and humour - and I always like to spice up my shows with a little surprise. You know with other shows I’ve used the guitar, harmonica, short film. So I have a little something musical in store with this show too but I don’t want to give away the surprise. It’s a solid show. The main thing to expect is an hour of stand up and if you like my stand up then that’s what you’d expect to enjoy! There are all different subjects you know, from things that have happened to me, to the state of the world, to politics and various issues so it’s got a wide range of subjects – something for everyone! What’s your writing/producing process for your shows? I don’t have a way to ensure that I think of something hilarious. But I try to write through something. So I might just write about my day. I like to just try to loosen things up in my mind and then hopefully I think of stuff. But also things just happen in life and then you go, “Oh, that’s it!” You’ve been doing stand up for many years now, but Flight of the Concords gave you a whole new audience - how did you get involved with those guys? The same way I meet so many comedians throughout the years, touring. They’re just your colleague. And that’s the same way I met them. We were working together in Auckland NZ - and when I say working together, we were sharing a venue. They’re really friendly. And you know, they’re Kiwis so they said ‘we know a few people in Auckland,’ they introduced me to their friends. That’s how all good friendships start! Are you still working with them? No that show’s finished. I recently toured Australia and New Zealand with them as their support act during their big stadium tour. We’re still great friends. I’m sure I’ll work with them again in the future; I just don’t know what it’ll be. Maybe it’ll be something Flight of the Concords related, or something else.

So it all boils down to references and how relevant, and what your subject matter is. But I don’t change my approach or how I tell a joke or my sense of humour. It is what it is, I can’t change it. I only have one personality. Unfortunately that’s what I’m stuck with! (Laughs) You travel a lot obviously – do you have any travel tips for our frequent flyers? Hold on tight! It gets bumpy on those small planes!

“I always like to spice up my shows with a little surprise.”

…you did an interview for us a couple of years back and mentioned you got into a bit of trouble from a flight attendant thanks to a certain video? Oh yeah! That was when I was watching an adult film! I couldn’t believe that! I was just so bored I’d been travelling for like 20 hours and I was on my third flight. And I was just watching it on my iPod just to kill time - I wasn’t going to do anything untoward or anything, and the guy scolded me! There was no one sitting behind me either! I was alone in the row. I still don’t know how he saw it to this day, but I don’t know.

What kind of things do you like to do in your down time? I’m a very active guy. I like mountain biking in California and I did learn to hang glide in 2012, but I’m still a beginner. But I did do two solo flights. That was a life-long dream, at least 20 years I planned to do that. Bit of a Daredevil are you? It’s quite a safe sport actually, if it’s done carefully. In fact I think mountain biking is more dangerous. Everyone who does mountain biking long enough crashes. Most hand gliders have never had a serious crash because that’s quite serious if you do. And let’s see what else, what else do I like? Just trying to stay healthy takes up a lot of my time. Looking after this and that, travelling. I went to China and did some sight seeing, I saw the Great Wall. I like to mix touring with enjoyment too.

So can we take that as your travel tip? No dirty movies? Oh yes. No adult movies on the airplane, they don’t like it. Also, get to the airport on the early side rather than the late side because you save yourself a lot of stress. It’s better to be there a little too early and have a coffee than to be there a little too late and stress about whether you’ll make it through the queue in time. That’s a big one. That’s my favourite travel thing is I always leave early for the airport. It keeps my stress levels down. OK well thank you Arj, we look forward to seeing you in Australia very soon! Yes I’m definitely going to come around to a lot of the cities so I look forward to seeing all you guys! n To book your tickets to see Arj in Australia, visit www.arjbarker.com


Issue 26


Tilt cab for easy maintenance access

Quality Isuzu truck with excellent back up

Rollover compliant to Australian Design Rules with a Rollover Protection System to Australian Standards 1636.1 and 2294.2

Australian designed and built air conditioning for rugged and remote conditions

Comfortable coach seats with seatbelts

Bus module transferable onto new cab-chassis when required

Industry standards are, well, standard with this 4WD Able Bus & Coach This Able Bus & Coach 4WD 18-seat remote area bus ticks all the boxes for a minesite. It isn’t over-engineered. Its simple built-for-purpose design means it gets the job done without overselling itself. For safety compliance, the vehicle meets strength and design requirements. All the engineering tests are validated. Extensive safety features come standard. These include a built-in Rollover Protection System (ROPS) to Australian Standards 1636.1

and 2294.2 and Australian Design Rule rollover compliance, full size coach seats with seat belts and driver’s air bag. Air conditioners designed and built for extreme heat and vibration also come standard.

It’s built on a bigger truck and put less passengers in. It may cost a little more but it’s better in the long run, giving a stronger, more reliable vehicle.

Another key feature of the vehicles is inter-changeability with passenger modules Testament to the that can be removed company’s business from older cab chassis philosophy of building and placed on a new tough yet safe, reliable and cab chassis reducing comfortable vehicles that replacement costs for meet the highest standards companies. are customers such as BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Able Bus & Coach’s vehicle make of choice is Isuzu – NationWide Hire and a and for good reason: repeat business rate of 90 per cent. A key proposition of the vehicle is robustness.

Isuzu isn’t just a good make of vehicle; after sales service is unsurpassed. The tilt cab of the chassis also allows easy maintenance and access to the motor. A higher ground clearance than a conventional bus chassis is also ideal for mine site and remote areas. For more information call Able Bus & Coach on 08 9371 7100, info@ablebusandcoach.com.au or visit ablebusandcoach.com.au

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iabetes Queensland has welcomed the Queensland State Government’s announcement of a hard-hitting public health campaign to address the state’s skyrocketing obesity epidemic. Diabetes Queensland CEO Michelle Trute said the government was to be applauded for taking a tough stance to tackle the state’s burgeoning chronic disease burden. “Type 2 diabetes is the world’s fastest growing chronic disease, with 62 people diagnosed every day in this state alone,” Ms Trute said. “And rates are expected to triple across Australia by 2025.” Ms Trute said government and organisations like Diabetes Queensland, the Heart Foundation, Cancer Council and Nutrition Australia needed to work together if Queensland was to effect real change and address this deadly issue. “More than two thirds of adults are classified as overweight or obese,” she said. “It’s vital that we take community action to increase education and support, and help people make better lifestyle choices.” Type 2 diabetes is a known a major cause of avoidable hospitalisation in Queensland, above the flu and asthma. “Type 2 diabetes is one of the country’s greatest emerging health and economic burdens, at a financial cost of up to $6 billion annually,” Ms Trute said. “Every person with diabetes costs the health system up to $10,000 per year. “This is a costly condition which we all have a responsibility to tackle together, to stop this epidemic spiralling out of control.” Type 2 diabetes is known as a lifestyle condition which can be largely prevented or delayed through regular exercise, ensuring a nutritious diet and maintaining a healthy weight.



s part of the Swap It, Don’t Stop It campaign, and as an initiative to help curb the development of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers, this year has been deemed “The Year of Take Your Own Lunch”. Take Your Own Lunch encourages Queenslanders to swap takeaway lunches for healthy, home prepared meals. According to Nutrition Australia taking your own lunch is an excellent way to kick-start a healthier lifestyle and save money. Nutrition Australia spokeswoman Aloysa Hourigan said Queenslanders would see the benefits of swapping takeaway for take your own in their wallets and their waistlines. “Buying your lunch can result in eating more kilojoules, salt, fat and added sugars as well as less fibre, vitamins and minerals. “In the long run this can increase your risk of developing chronic diseases. “The other negative is the cost. Buying your lunch everyday adds up. Even if it is only a sandwich and drink, at $10 that adds up to $50 a week, or $2,400 a year.” Ms Hourigan said there was a huge range of healthy lunch alternatives people could swap into their lunch boxes. “Sandwiches and wraps are always a great choice and so are tasty salads,” she said. “If you’re looking for something a little different why not combine a delicious tin of flavoured tuna with a bowl of lettuce, carrots, corn and tomatoes.” Ms Hourigan reminded Queenslanders they didn’t have to abandon their favourite takeaway treats, but rather swap often for sometimes. “Swapping, not stopping, is the perfect way to set yourself on a path to a healthier 2013.” n


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Issue 26


to get time HEALTHY W

e’re making our way through the new year so now is the time to set some goals, get fit, and get healthy. Below are some tips on how to do it.

Set some realistic goals: It is all well and good to say you want to look like Joe Manganiello or Angelina Jolie but you may not have their body shape or genetics, not to mention their personal trainer or dietician. While it is great to use others as inspiration, it is important to set realistic goals and then stick to them. Try to set smaller goals each week so you can keep track of your progress. A safe way to determine weight loss is 0.5 – 1kg per week depending on how much you have to lose.

Get a training buddy: You will be more likely to stick to your plan if you have support. Get your friends or partner involved and set out on a journey to health and fitness together.

Eat well and often: There is no need to pick at salads to lose weight. Eating healthy, wholesome foods regularly is the way


Issue 26


to go. You will have the energy you need to get through the day, you will feel better on the inside and you will start to notice added benefits such as glowing skin and shiny hair. As a general rule, a small meal or snack every three hours helps speed up your metabolism and keeps you feeling satisfied. Stay away from processed foods and fill your tummy with lean meats, fruits, veggies, and

complex carbohydrates.

Get physical: The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to eat a healthy diet and to incorporate regular physical activity into your lifestyle. Thirty minutes of exercise per day is a great place to start. So hit the pavement for a walk or run, join the local gym and get active.



mental health


ith almost half of Australians likely to experience a mental illness in their lifetime, it is highly likely that we all know someone affected by mental illness or will ourselves experience a mental illness at some point in our career. Research by the national mental health charity, SANE Australia, found that a staggering 95% of respondents said employers and managers needed education on mental illness, and training on how to manage its effects in the workplace. SANE Australia’s CEO Jack Heath said mental illness was a major problem throughout Australia, affecting many people and costing the economy over $6.5 billion every year. He said employers should play their role in raising awareness of mental health and treat it with the same understanding and openness as physical health. A recent survey by SANE Australia found that a majority of the 520 people surveyed said that no support had been provided to them at work when mentally unwell, and less than half of managers (43%) had an understanding of mental illness. “It’s important to promote awareness about mental illness and the factors that contribute to it, such as bullying and work stress. Managers need to take the initiative and raise the topic of mental health in a routine team meeting, to ensure a neutral, open and non-stigmatising forum,” Mr Heath said. ‘We need to understand it’s not a

supervisor’s role to diagnose a mental illness nor should a supervisor be expected to be a counsellor. They should however have the skills to respond to any early signs of mental health problems in the workplace.” If a manager or supervisor notices concerning changes in an employee’s work or interactions with other staff, it is appropriate to discuss such changes with them. Consider these four steps, taken from SANE Australia's Mindful Employer program: Plan a meeting with the staff member – think about what you want to say and stay focused on work-related issues; Set-up the meeting at an appropriate time and place, ensuring the employee feels comfortable and well-supported; Express your concerns in a non-confronting and clear manner – it can be helpful to give examples of what you feel are concerning changes; Offer support if required, including an employee assistance program (EAP) and how can it assist, suggest your employee visit their GP or discuss possible workplace adjustments. Mindful Employer is an initiative of SANE Australia. Mindful Employer is a training solution that provides managers with the skills and confidence to respond effectively to signs of mental health problems at work. For more information visit www.mindfulemployer.org or call SANE on (03) 9682 5933. n


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Issue 26



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rom March 6 – April 7 the grand-scale multi-media and multi-disciplinary production created by one of the co-founders of Cirque du Soleil, Normand Latourelle, will light up the White Big Top near the DFO in Brisbane. Enjoyed by some 3.5 million people across North America and Europe, Cavalia is a lavish production involving 50 magnificent horses and featuring 42 riders, aerialists, acrobats, dancers and musicians from all over the world. Founder and Artistic Director Normand Latourelle said the art of Cavalia was truly a universal language and he couldn’t wait for Australians to experience its magic. “We are thrilled to announce our first ever Australian tour and it is an honour to bring this show, an idea that started in Canada, to a country which has such a great affinity with both the performing arts and the horse,” he said. A show unlike any other, Cavalia celebrates the relationship between humans and horses. In Cavalia, horses cavort with the many artists in front of a constantly changing digital background projected onto a 60 metre-wide screen drawing spectators into dream-like virtual environments. Unlike traditional horse shows, Cavalia’s audience faces a single 50 metre-wide stage which allows the horses space to gallop at full speed, at times running completely free, unfettered by bridles or halters. Cavalia bareback, tricks and dressage performer Katie Cox said the show was unlike anything else she had been involved in.

“Most of the artists in Cavalia have had a passion for horses since the very beginning,” she said. “Cavalia is different from most other shows involving horses because the focus really is on the bond between horse and rider. It is not just a circus where you come to watch the horses

do tricks, you come to experience the beautiful interactions between human and horse. “As a performer, because you are not riding in the normal fashion, you have to have a special connection with your horse because they learn to recognise your voice, the sounds you make, movements and gestures and there is a huge amount of trust between you and the horse.” Cavalia Roman rider and tricks performer Fairland Ferguson said when you had a job that incorporated your passion and your skills it was a real blessing. “Working on Cavalia is exactly that for me - a blessing. I get to combine a love of horses and a love of performing,” she said. “And as an audience member you really get the feel of how much the horses are loved. “Cavalia is so different because we invite the audience in and show them just how much we value the connections we have with the horses. “There are two different VIP tickets you can purchase where you can actually go backstage after the show and interact with the horses. It’s a special experience to be up close with them like that.” And even if you don’t have a love of horses, Cavalia offers something special for everyone. Tickets for Cavalia are priced from $39.00. Special pricing is available for children (2-12), juniors (13-17), senior citizens (65+) and for groups. Visit www.cavalia.com.au for more information. n


Issue 26



Gourmet travel in the sunshine state F

rom Kenilworth to Kingaroy, Brisbane to Ballandean the next few months in Queensland will be all about food and wine… and lots of it! During your travels be sure to check out one, or all, of these events made for the foodies of the world.

Ballandean Opera in the Vineyard

MARCH Kenilworth Cheese, Wine and Food Fest March 30 Where: Kenilworth A day out for the whole family, the Kenilworth Cheese, Wine and Food Fest celebrates the best produce from the renowned Mary Valley. There’s cheese making demonstrations for the foodies, a Cheester Egg Hunt for the kids and a cheese-rolling competition for the young at heart. Nosh your way through a wide variety of local produce including nougat, fresh fruit and vegetables, pizza, fruit wine, port and liqueurs, dessert sauces and Turkish, German and Japanese fare. www.kenilworthfoodfest.org.au

APRIL Feast of the Senses April 12-21 Where: Innisfail Innisfail celebrates the produce of the tropical north with a strong focus on rare and exotic fruits of the region. During the festival, enjoy food events, farm trails, art, photography and cooking competitions and don’t forget to attend the huge market day extravaganza on the final day of the festival. www.feastofthesenses.com.au


Issue 26


Food Wine and a taste of port in Port Douglas

this year include the Asian, seafood and hinterland food trails, the theatrical chef’s demonstrations accompanied by the Queensland Virtuosi Orchestra and appearances by celebrity chefs Poh Ling Yeow, Adriano Zumbo and Matt Moran. www.noosafoodandwine.com.au Paniyiri Greek Festival May 18-19 Where: West End Embark on a gastronomical tour of Greece at Paniyiri, home to 200,000 honey puffs, 500 kilograms of haloumi and much more. Sample treats from the Aegean, Mainland Greece, Cyprus, Chios, Crete and Rhodes at the 30+ food stalls or join the Greek olive and honey puff eating competitions. There will also be live entertainment including traditional Greek dancing and music, cultural lectures, plate smashing, amusement rides, and fireworks. www.paniyiri.com Noosa Food & Wine Asian Food Trail

Felton Food Festival April 14 Where: Felton The Felton Food Festival is back for its second year in 2013, just 30 minutes southwest of Toowoomba. Celebrity appearances include Chef Alistair McLeod, who will be leading cooking demonstrations and competitions, and gardener Costa Georgiadis of SBS TV’s ‘Costa’s Garden Odyssey’ fame, who will be sharing his knowledge and enthusiasm for homegrown cooking. www.feltonfoodfestival.org.au

MAY Opera in the Vineyard at Ballandean Estate May 4 Where: Ballandean What began as a popular pastime between two friends has become one of South East Queensland’s premier cultural events. Since its inception, the black tie charity event has raised almost $1 million for charity and continues to offer world class performers, award-winning wines, a sumptuous sit down lunch and a gala dinner dance. www.ballandeanestate.com/OperaInTheVineyard.aspx Caxton Street Seafood & Wine Festival May 5 Where: Paddington Drawing crowds of 15,000 in 2012, the Caxton Street Seafood & Wine Festival is one of the most highly anticipated events in the Brisbane foodie calendar. Cars are kept out of the street to make way for a full day of live music, market stalls serving up fresh seafood cooked every way imaginable, and special menus from the restaurants along the strip. www.caxtonstseafoodandwinefestival.com Noosa International Food & Wine Festival May 16-19 Where: Noosa Heads Returning with the most impressive program yet for its 10th anniversary, the Noosa International Food & Wine Festival continues to celebrate Noosa as a premier food and wine destination. Not-to-be-missed events

Hampton High Country Food & Art Festival May 19 Where: Hampton Support the Darling Downs’ food and creative arts at the annual Hampton Food & Arts Festival. Enjoy sampling local foods and talking with farmers to gain insight into regional food production. Sit in on cooking demonstrations lead by celebrity chefs and enjoy taste sensations from the restaurant, winery and market stalls at the festival. www.hamptonfestival.com Port Douglas Carnivale May 17-26 Where: Port Douglas Head to the tropics and get involved in one of the biggest events to hit Port Douglas each year. Feast at the Longest Lunch, sit seaside under the palm trees and indulge in food, wine, a taste of port, book tickets to the degustation delight, Palates of Port, and enjoy a packed program of yacht racing, wine tastings, a golf tournament, music festival, and much more. www.carnivale.com.au Goomeri Pumpkin Festival May 26 Where: Goomeri Leave the masher at home and roll a pumpkin down Policeman’s Hill in Goomeri, north of Kingaroy, instead. The competition is fierce with the chance to take home up to $1000 in prize money. The competitive spirit doesn’t end there, with pumpkin shot put, pumpkin bowls and a competition to judge the biggest pumpkin. Street markets and live music bring the festival spirit alive during this intense one-day event. www.goomeripumpkinfestival.com.au Italian Week May 26 – June 2 Where: Brisbane Embrace and celebrate all corners of Italy with a week of delectable food markets, master classes, film screenings, language lessons and of course, plenty of traditional Italian cuisine. Check the website closer to the date for updates on the 2013 program. www.italianweek.com.au n


Issue 26


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Issue 26


Bend & Snap I

f there is ever a time to bring out your inner goddess and pink it up – it’s to go and see Legally Blonde the Musical. So at the premiere of the international awardwinning hit stage show on March 12 at QPAC, Brisbane; this is exactly what your editor did! Rocking the pink tulle frock, pink nails and 5 inch heels I embarked on a night filled with pink champagne, and an overload of song and dance as Elle Woods and the gang tore up the stage letting the audience relive their favourite scenes from the movie Legally Blonde. To start the night in style my bestie and I attended Queensland Performing Arts Centre’s (QPAC’s) newest bar, the Bend & Snap Bar, open exclusively for the Brisbane season of Legally Blonde. The pre-show soiree under a pink marquee included a selection of De Bortoli sparkling and still wines, Skinny Girl white cosmos and canapés specially prepared by QPAC Executive Chef, Anthony Fullerton. And, if that wasn’t enough reason to head to the pre-show event, there were hairdressers and makeup artists on hand under the ‘pink top’ give your look a few finishing touches before you took your seat in the Lyric Theatre. Legally Blonde has been a smash hit musical in New York for two years and for three years in London where it won the coveted Best New Musical Award. Legally Blonde the Musical is an awardwinning production of effervescent fun. From start to finish, the crowd of sorority sisters (and brothers) that attended the Brisbane Premiere were crying with laughter, shimmying in their seats and swooning over the


UPS delivery guy. Do yourself a favour, gather up some friends, or fellas show how much you care by taking your other half along, and follow Elle Woods (Lucy Durack) as she packs up her Chihuahua Bruiser, trading the social whirl of Californian campus life for Harvard Law School to win back her man, Warner (Rob Mills). With the help of her new found friends, Paulette (Helen Dallimore) and Emmett (David Harris), Elle realises that staying true to yourself never goes out of style. Led by Tony Award-winning director and Olivier Award-nominated choreographer Jerry Mitchell (Hairspray), this all Australian cast will have you singing along in no time. As Elle would say, watching the show was “just like senior year only funner!” To secure your ticket to the Bend & Snap Bar book at qpac.com.au or phone 136 246. Limited tickets may be available for purchase on the night at the QPAC box office. Visit www.legallyblonde.com.au for more information. n

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colour me happy C

olor Run is rolling into QLD to spread its multi-coloured magic across the Gold Coast on April 14. The five kilometre fun run with a colourful twist will see participants of all ages and fitness levels covered in colour, food grade corn starch with added food colouring, by the time they’ve completed the course. Inspired in part by the Hindu Holi festival, with its tradition of welcoming Spring by throwing natural coloured powders, The Swisse Colour Run will see more than 250 volunteers squirt, throw and shower runners with around 3,000kg of colour as they hit each kilometre mark on the course turning their pristine white attire into a rainbow explosion of colours. Affectionately known as ‘The Happiest 5k on the Planet’, The Swisse Color Run marks the launch of Swisse’s new national community program. Donating through its Celebrate Life Foundation, Swisse hopes to generate more than $1 million in charitable contributions over the next 12 months through this event and other fundraising efforts. The Foundation, in conjunction with The Swisse Color Run, will make a donation to a selected charity at the conclusion of each event. National Manager Luke Hannan said he was delighted to bring this truly unique event to QLD. “The Swisse Color Run is not a race – it’s not about competing or running a personal best, it’s about connecting with friends and

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family, being active and enjoying yourself,” he said. Once runners complete the course, the fun and festivities continue with the Finish Festival; a coloured extravaganza of epic proportions featuring music and a familyfriendly party atmosphere with celebrations culminating in a mass throw of colour powder packets. Color Runners can enter as individuals, or register as a team of four or more. Entry fees of $55 per person ($50 per person for a group of four) include: • White T-shirt • White sweatband • Race bib number • The Color Run temporary tattoo • 1 x colour powder packet for Finish Festival Events: Gold Coast – Sunday, April 14, 2013 Newcastle – Sunday, May 5, 2013 Adelaide – Sunday, May 19, 2013 Sydney (2nd event) – Sunday, August 25, 2013 Brisbane dates TBA Visit www.theswissecolorrun.com.au for more details and to register. n

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Issue 26



fter four years of playing sold out runs in cities around the world including New York, Madrid and Buenos Aires, it's now Australia’s turn to experience the global phenomenon - Momentum. With an international cast of performers who are not only masters of their own skillset but also flexible and coordinated enough to adopt other abilities with a sense of mischief, spark of madness and a special glow, Momentum is an intoxicating blend of unstoppable beats and rhythm, live music, humour, stunning visuals and daredevil dance routines that come together in a high energy spectacle. Created by Eylon Nuphar and Boaz Berman, the artistic force behind the Mayumana Group, Momentum premiered in Madrid in 2008 and has since enjoyed a sold-out run on Broadway. Momentum is a 90-minute full scale stage production with a specially designed clock set and is based on a precisely timed dialogue that will spark

your curiosity and alter your perception of time. Movement sensors activate sound and light effects, live sampling and synchronised video segments are created and edited during each show, 3D depth sensing technology responds to movement and gestures, and touch screens establish a dialogue with the audience through playful interactions. The sophisticated systems create an ever-changing experience, ensuring no two shows are ever exactly the same, which means Momentum is made by the talented performers and you. Acrobats become singers, singers become actors, actors become beat-boxers, beat-boxers become dancers and dancers become drummers…and all possess mandatory rhythm! See Momentum from March 1 – June 16 2013 exclusively in the Jupiters Theatre on the Gold Coast. Visit www.ticketek.com.au or phone 132 849 to book. n

You’ll feel thousands of miles away... You’ll feel thousands of miles away...




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Issue 26


Tee off in Vegas F

or those of us who know what it means to hit the ‘sweet spot’ or ‘drive the ball across the fairway’, maybe even score a ‘birdie’, the idea of tee-ing off with some of the world’s best golfers may sound like an experience not to miss. So Wilcox Events are offering avid golfers this very opportunity with a unique eight day Ultimate US Masters Tour via Las Vegas. The tour is a once in a lifetime opportunity for everyone from the novice to the expert golfer. It has been set up to allow keen golfers

the chance to enjoy exclusive access to Las Vegas’ most luxurious, private golf courses reserved only for members and high rollers where they can battle it out during 72 holes of golf over four rounds played on the Anthem Country Club, Cascata Golf Club, Rio Secco Golf Club and TPC Summerlin Golf Club. A visit to attend the final two rounds of the US Masters at the famed Augusta National Golf Club will also be included, as will the chance to rub shoulders with current and former USPGA Tour players and attend a private dinner in Augusta with cricketing legend Brian Lara. Founder and Director of Wilcox Events Adam Wilcox said this was an extremely unique tour. “We strive to provide experiences that one wouldn’t think possible,” he said. “Our aim for this tour is to ensure guests


have a memorable experience at the best golf tournament in the world and at the same time meet sports people that inspire them. “I have spent years playing professionally and these courses really are some of the best in the world, they spare no expense with their golf courses in Las Vegas.” The $13,000 p/p (twin share) package includes entry into the final two rounds of the 2013 US Masters, eight nights of luxury accommodation at the Bellagio Las Vegas and Country Inn & Suites Augusta, daily cooked breakfast, private transfers, a Golf Tournament ‘Players Pack’, and the unmissable opportunity to explore the entertainment capital of the world - Las Vegas. The tour runs from April 7 – 15, 2013. For more information visit www.wilcoxgolf.com.au or phone 0410 049 419. n


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Issue 26


Winter Holiday Ideas


An Aussie

winter W

elcome to winter in Australia. Those few months of the year where the days get cooler, the sun

sets sooner, and snow begins to fall in the south. Although the days of sunbaking start to


Issue 26


slip away, winter brings its own dose of fun to those who dare to enjoy it. The next six pages are dedicated to winter holidays in Australia. Pull out the winter woollies for a trip to the snow after reading all about the NSW ski fields with firsthand accounts

Photo courtesy of Tourism QLD.

TELL US WHAT YOU THINK! www.facebook.com/inflightpublishing @InflightPublish info@inflightmagazine.com.au

from our writers, cruise the Kimberly’s on a fishing adventure with K2O or explore Australia’s magnificent coastline. No matter how you choose to spend your winter, get out and about and enjoy what this country has to offer. n

BOAT (Bring out another thousand)


s boat ownership leaving a hole in your pocket? Are you like the majority of people who only use their boat 10-15 days a year? Then Boab may be the alternative you have been looking for. Boab Boat Hire is a unique and exciting company that allows you to hire trailer-able high powered vessels Australia wide. With 24 locations there is no need to worry about towing your own boat thousands of kilometres away on holidays or hiring an undersized unsafe tinny. Boab provides locals and tourists with an affordable alternative to boat ownership. Hiring a boat through Boab is as easy as hiring a car - customers can tow boats away themselves, or Boab can deliver a boat to a specified location and have it waiting on the water for you when you arrive. Boab offers the choice of several fully equipped, fuel efficient, off shore vessels from a 6m Centre Cab with an impressive 150 Honda, a 5.7m Sports Rider with a 135 Honda, a 5.2m Kimberley All-Rounder suited for all on water activities, and a 4.5m Runabout which you can hire unlicensed. Boats are fitted with quality marine electronics, GPS, sounders, live bait tanks, all your safety equipment, and other essential equipment to ensure a safe and exciting day out on the water. Whether you’re a keen angler, water sports enthusiast, interested in a day out sightseeing and cruising, a diving fanatic or anyone in between, Boab has got the boat for you. Boab Boat Hire – 1300 00 BOAB (1300 00 2622) or visit: www.boabboathire.com.au n

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Issue 26

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Kimberley Cruising aboard K2O


Are we there yet? “It is a place of legends and memories, many which can be revisited by ongoing generations who create their own legends in their own time.”


ll Mums and Dads in Australia are bound to have heard these words whilst travelling on a road trip with their kids. Maybe it’s not moaned as much these days with mini TVs and DVDs strategically placed for smaller passengers in the rear. iPads, iPods, smart phones, and a plethora of computer games have replaced ‘eye spy with my little eye’ and ‘Spotto’ but combined these distractions do give a vague glimmer of hope towards arriving at your destination without hearing those four little words, “Are we there yet?” Family road trips, the good and bad, hold a special place in our memories. Times we shared, argued, laughed, and explored all in the comfort of our tight family unit away from the responsibilities of school, work, and home. For the older among us, it was the old family valiant and the bare essentials. They were sunny days filled with adventure and exploring nooks and crannies along the quieter villages and towns, beaches, lakes, rivers, rainforests, and mountains on the north coast NSW. It was a special, quality time. Memories were made as we reconnected with our families and friends lolling on the beach, enjoying a casual meal, or sitting round a campfire. They were great, relaxing times, savoured and favoured with many families choosing to do the same trip to the same place year after year to enhance memories, create new experiences, and carry the sights, smells and tastes of that time to adulthood with sighs of nostalgia. This is why The Legendary Pacific Coast is called just that because it is a place of legends and memories, many which can be


Issue 26

revisited by ongoing generations who create their own legends in their own time. There is so much to explore spreading across the 930km between the cities of Sydney and Brisbane and there is something for every member of the family. Beaches for the kids, fishing for the boys, and best of all the great outdoors. The good news is with much of the highway now upgraded you don’t have to drive too far to stunning locations whether it’s a few hours or a day to travel to your destination.

See where it takes you – to a State Forest or two? For a new experience, why not try visiting some of the 12 State Forests located along the drive? Here you can enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors with amenities, including picnic and camping areas – and it’s absolutely free! It’s an ideal opportunity to pack up the electronic equipment for a few hours or a few days and enjoy places such as the beautiful Strickland State Forest on the Central Coast. Walk through wildflowers and forest on tracks purpose-built by the Friends of Strickland. Just north are the State Forests of the Watagan Mountains, where


visitors can picnic under towering pines. Adventure activities are welcome, with mountain bike, trail-bike, horse-riding, and hiking experiences on offer. Wang Wauk State Forest located near Wootton, north of Bulahdelah, showcases beautiful rainforest via the Wootton Historical Railway Walk. Follow the remnants of an old logging railway from Sam's Camp Picnic Area, through 6km of rainforest and cleared, grassy areas used by logging vehicles in the early 1900s. The walk includes bridges over waterfalls, bubbling creek crossings, gully rainforest, and magnificent regrowth flooded gums. A trip north to Coffs Harbour on The Legendary Pacific Coast wouldn’t be complete without visiting Orara East State Forest, only 5km from Coffs Harbour. This unique forest is home to Sealy Lookout and the spectacular Forest Sky Pier - an impressive structure stretching out over the forest canopy, offering panoramic views over the Coffs coastline and mountain ranges. And best of all it’s free! For information visit www.pacificcoast.com.au/must-see-and-do n

Stay overnight in your tent, caravan or campervan and wake up to breakfast with the birds. There’s so much to see and do in NSW State Forests, all within a short drive along The Legendary Pacific Coast - and best of all, it’s free.


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Walkin’ IN A

winter wonderland BY LAHNEE PAVLOVICH


TELL US WHAT YOU THINK! www.facebook.com/inflightpublishing @InflightPublish info@inflightmagazine.com.au


Issue 26


s a kid I always believed those dreamlike faraway lands in fairy tales were real. And after spending seven days at Charlottes Pass in NSW, I know for sure. Charlottes Pass is a small snowfield located 10km from Perisher Valley in NSW. To get there you catch a snow cat from Perisher which is exactly what my husband and I did. Our journey into the towering mountains began and it was unlike anything we’d ever seen before; snow covered hills and gigantic boulders of all shapes dusted with white powder; snow gums covered in icicles that looked like someone had actually painted on the bark the colours were so perfect. 30 minutes through windy roads passed and our snow cat pulled up out front a magnificent building made of wood and stone. This was our stop, ‘Snowbird Lodge’, and it was beautiful. Our first day was spent exploring the village. Holding only 600 people at any one time including the hundred or so staff members,

Charlottes Pass is the perfect place for quiet time and to get back in touch with yourself and nature. A few little lodges similar to ours, the big castle-like Kosciusko chalet, two restaurants and bars and that’s about it besides the glorious white mountains stretching as far as the eye can see. The next few days were spent carving up the slopes on our boards for the first time. It was so many things all at once, fun, scary, hard, and a damn good workout. The ski slopes at Charlottes Pass are quite small compared to some of the other ski resorts in the area but that makes them perfect for beginners and people wanting to get away from the crowds. Another great reason to visit Charlottes Pass is to do some back country hiking. The village is surrounded on all sides by lofty mountains including Australia’s tallest peak, Mt Kosciuszko. We started off our hiking day bright and early after a delicious brekky. Backpacks filled with the safety essentials, boards strapped to our backs we took the chairlift to the top of the slopes for a cheat start up the mountains. The view from the top of the chairlift was breathtaking with nothing but white powdery snow in all directions, soaring peaks, and icy cliffs. It’s a long hike to the top of Mt Kozzy and not for the faint hearted. But when you reach the top you will not be disappointed and the snowboard or ski back down the few kilometres you’ve just walked is very rewarding and an absolute blast. It was another day well spent in our snow covered fairy land and with a hot cup of chocolate in hand sitting in the onsite spa we thought to ourselves that this was not a bad way to finish off our winter holiday. n

House of Ullr, Thredbo

• 20m to shuttle bus • 200m to Kosciuszko express chair • 5 nights $775 pp 4 share, breakfast daily, 2 dinners included • 7 nights from $645 to $1195 pp 4 share, breakfast daily, 3 dinners included All subject to availability and excluding NSW school holidays

The House of Ullr is named after the Norwegian God of Snow—the huge medieval doors, wood and stonework are reminiscent of Nordic culture. The lodge is ideally located in the heart of Thredbo Village, with an easy level walk to the ski lifts, night life, shops, overnight parking and the Thredbo courtesy shuttle bus (winter only). Your host, Andrew, together with his friendly team of staff, aim to provide a high level of professional service and comfortable accommodation with an emphasis on cleanliness and friendliness. We look forward to welcoming you as our guest. Lot 89 Mowamba Place, Thredbo Village NSW 2625 Ph: (02) 6457 6210 E: reservations@houseofullr.com.au www.houseofullr.com.au


Issue 26




t is a common perception that Gen-Yers are selfish, lazy and hard to get along with. GenYers are said to have no interest in hard work and are typically a “me” generation interested only in themselves and what they want. Elements of this statement are definitely true and, of course, there are always bad eggs. But Gen Y is also a smart breed and, if you get them onside, a loyal breed. Being a member of this generation myself, I feel now is a good time to come clean about how we work and what makes us work better. I put in the hard yards, worked for free for many years with many companies and now I am a 25 year-old Editor here at Inflight Publishing and testament to the fact that we Gen-Yers do have it in us to succeed. The truth is Gen-Yers are both highperformance and high-maintenance. With high expectations of both themselves and of their employers, the Gen Y employee will work hard and fast if they feel they are getting the respect and recognition they deserve. A simple “well done” is often enough; we are not really that hard to please! Gen-Yers crave creative challenges and will actively seek to be engaged in everything they can be, so as an employer of this generation,

use this to your advantage and become a valuable resource to your eager employees. I think it is fair to say that not all Gen-Yers possess these “go get ‘em” traits, but if you treat your staff well no matter the age, you will reap the rewards. Gen-Yers don’t want to work long and hard; they want to work smart, so you can be sure they will work quickly. Gen-Yers want to be in charge, they want to be successful and take it to the top as soon as they can. This means Gen-Yers will work to impress you if you give them the chance. Allow your younger employees to take on more responsibility and even management roles because the truth is seniority does not make a good manager. People skills make a good manager, and Gen-Yers understand what they want from the person in charge. Gen Y is obsessed with career development. They understand the importance of great mentors and will often actively seek them out. The trouble is that many older workers have no interest in mentoring younger employees because of the stigma attached with the Gen Y “attitude problem”. Gen-Yers can also be useful as mentors themselves. We know technology, we know

about social media and, believe it or not, because of Facebook we are up to date with what’s going on in the world. Gen-Yers can teach older co-workers about new technologies and the supremacy of online communities. Don’t be afraid to hire younger employees. Yes, Gen Y can be a little self-obsessed and egotistical. We are a spirited bunch and we get excited about new things, so use this to help teach us how to work well in your company because born from Gen Y will be our country’s newest leaders, billionaires and entrepreneurs! n

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Issue 26


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uperannuation is a long term retirement savings plan for Australian workers aged between 18 and 70. It also provides a safety net for people who come down with illness and can no longer work. However it is a common misconception that superannuation is only for after retirement. If a person becomes chronically ill they can make a Total and Permanent Disability Claim through their superannuation fund. People often think the level of disability required to make a claim must be high, however it actually applies for anyone who simply can’t do the job they were reasonably trained, or qualified, to do. Work super has been compulsory since 1992. Employers must pay contributions of 9% of salary into a super fund for their employees who earn at least $450 per month. The super salary usually includes bonuses, allowances and leave payments but not overtime or worker’s compensation payments. Most super funds also include disability and death benefits. They are usually insurance benefits which top up your superannuation to support you or your dependants. If you have an injury or sickness you might have a claim. Unfortunately a lot of people do not engage with their superannuation fund because they are not aware they can claim for illness. There are in fact many avenues for people who are injured to claim compensation but super is a way to be insured if you are chronically ill and can no longer do your job. The process to claim a total and permanent disability benefit involves a lot of paper work and people should seek legal advice to see where they stand before making a claim. Super funds have rules to deal with claims and complaints. If your claim is rejected there are also various avenues of appeal including internally through the super fund, if this is still rejected it can be taken to court or through the ombudsman scheme which is a cost neutral service. Superannuation is different to the various compensations schemes because if you have more than one super fund you can make numerous claims. You will usually be able to choose what super fund your employer pays contributions to. Before choosing or changing funds, make sure you check the disability and death benefits the fund offers and whether you can also keep any insurance cover you have with existing funds. To find out what old super funds you have, you can check the Australian Taxation Office lost super register. n

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hen you are building a deck, there are some very common mistakes that can be made in the construction process. This article will cover five of those simple mistakes.



Steel fixings of any sort (nails, bolts, screws etc.), need to be galvanised. Galvanised steel is coated in zinc and has a dull grey appearance. They do cost more, however if you don’t use them your deck may be in need of major repairs in a year or two. The zinc coating protects the steel from the corrosive chemical reaction that naturally occurs between steel, moisture and the tannins in timber.



This is not a structural problem, but it is unsightly, unprofessional and screams DIY. The simplest way to lay decking boards straight is to install a grid board (every fifth board) to a straight line. To get your straight line for your grid boards use a chalk line to mark out where they

go. A chalk line is a string line covered in chalk, and when flicked against the timber, it leaves a straight line that can be used as a guide. From here, nail off all your grid boards completely. Now go through and install the remainder of the boards using timber wedges cut from decking off cuts (off cuts are the left over short pieces of decking) to evenly space the boards in between the grid boards.



DON’T MAKE THESE COMMON MISTAKES WITH A DIY DECK www.homedesigndirectory.com.au costs involved in repairing them. You need to call 'Dial before you dig' on 1100 (within Australia) before you begin work. You will also need to contact your local service providers as well as your local council/government. This way you can double check all the available information.



This happens most often because too much

Surprisingly, the most common leaks come from roof screws being over tightened. In the process of over tightening the roof screws, the rubber washer that is meant to seal the roof sheet gets damaged. Consequently, the damaged washer doesn’t seal the hole that the screw has made, allowing water to enter.



timber has been cut out of the piece of timber being used. There is a rule that more than 1/3 of the timber should not be removed, and even experienced builders can get caught out here. If you need to notch in a floor joist, for example, over a bearer, you must have at least 2/3 of the timber sitting on top of the bearer. If you need to cut more than 1/3 of your


timber floor joist out, you will need to consider

The consequences of hitting mains of any sort could be anything from annoying, to serious injuries or worse, not to mention the potential

adding some additional supports. If this does happen it is best to call your engineer for advice.


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Issue 26


PNG and Australian miners will come together in Cairns M

embers of the mining and resources industry will gather over two days on June 13 and 14 at the Cairns Showgrounds for the Australia & PNG Mining Resources Exhibition. With the inaugural event in October 2012 attracting 125 exhibitors, organisers said current numbers indicated a significant increase of stall holders in 2013 and an expected 5,000 people through the gates over the two days.

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Issue 26


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The Expo pairs suppliers with workers of the mining and resources industry with a focus on Papua New Guinea, north, central and west Queensland. “The expo will showcase new and upgraded products as well as services relevant to the mining and resources industry,” Trade Show Organisers CEO Patrick McElligott said. “There will be both internal and external stalls and for the first time we will have a business centre on the mezzanine level where exhibitors can entertain potential clients in a relaxed atmosphere on a more personal level.” Patrick said he chose to host the expo in Cairns Australia because of its great locality, proximity to PNG and because it made connections with the PNG and Queensland mining industry workers and suppliers easier. “We are hoping people will extend their stay in Cairns so we are putting on a Reef and Beef Meet and Greet on June12, an Awards Presentation Dinner at the Hilton Hotel with live entertainment and special guest speakers on June 13, and a Charity Golf Day on June 15. It’s a great way for the miners and suppliers to enjoy a hit of golf together,” Patrick said. Opportunities for exhibitors and sponsors are still available. Entry to the expo is free. Contact Event Manager Keryn Haynes via email Keryn@inflightmagazine.com.au or visit www.tradeshoworganisers.com.au for more information. n







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Issue 26


When W worry becomes dangerous

hile everyone will feel a little anxious from time to time, some people experience feelings of anxiety so strongly it affects their everyday lives. Anxiety is one of the most common mental disorders in Australia with one in four people experiencing an anxiety disorder at some point during their life. The best way to describe it is like worry. It is an emotion felt by people when they are faced with challenges, put under stress or when they feel fear. It is very common to suffer from anxiety when working in high stress jobs. Mild anxiety, like the type felt before a significant event, is harmless. And often people confuse anxiety disorders with stress which is a normal reaction to a situation where someone feels pressured. But when anxiety starts to affect daily living, causes serious distress, or persists for long time frames then it is a problem and should be addressed.

• Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD):

Types of anxiety disorder:

healthy balanced diet and getting 30

There are a number of anxiety disorders and each has different signs, symptoms and treatments. They include: • Generalised anxiety disorder: Constant worry about everyday things such as work and relationships • Panic disorder: Having panic attacks and worry about having another panic attack

Reliving bad memories to the point

where they affect your everyday life

• Specific phobias: Intense fear of a

particular situation or object.

• Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD):

Obsessions are unwanted thoughts,

and compulsions are unwanted actions

that can result.

Getting help: Different types of anxiety disorders require different treatments. A good place to start is by talking to others you trust about your thoughts and feelings. You should also seek advice from your GP, a counselor, a psychologist or psychiatrist, or another mental health worker. If medication is required, your doctor can help with this. Taking a natural remedy such as St Johns Wort assists in calming the nerves and relieving stress, as does eating a minutes of exercise daily. You can also try listening to calming music, reading and doing activities that make you happy. Anyone suffering from anxiety should avoid alcohol and other drugs as they often make it worse. Visit beyondblue.org.au for more information.


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magine this common scenario. The temperature in the sun is 55 degrees. Even in the shade it’s in the 40s. You’re not on the end of a shovel, but you are working with tools or machinery, and you are hot and sweaty. In those conditions you are probably losing about a litre of fluid an hour. The sweat and urine that leaves your body is part of the natural cooling process, but obviously it’s not all water. There are salts, electrolytes and all sorts of essential elements that the body requires to work efficiently. If the fluids and nutrients are not replaced, the mind and body doesn’t work like it should. Dehydration can adversely affect worker productivity, safety, and morale. Your ability to think clearly is diminished, your coordination becomes less efficient and you become tired – and that’s just in the first stages of dehydration. If the fluids and essentials continue to leave the body and are not replaced, things can get really bad. Say you’re working below a gantry with someone above handling tools. You want him to be thinking clearly, be confident in the way he moves and handles the tools, because if he is not functioning efficiently and his grip is

not sure, he could drop those tools… on you. And if you have a dehydrated workmate in charge of a large machine or crane, imagine the consequences of a miscalculated movement. Medical science agrees that you must drink a minimum of a litre of water an hour if your body is being exerted and you are sweating. To prevent dehydration, it is recommended that plenty of fluids be consumed before you get thirsty, however, when working hard in hot and humid conditions, water may not be enough to replace the other nutrients being lost through sweat. There are a number of “sports drinks” available that will replace lost fluids and essential salts and minerals. When you think of a game of football, whatever the code, you need immediate energy to perform at your best for about an hour and a half. That is why “sports drinks” have more sugar and other nutrients that are required for more sustained work. If you’re working hard in the heat for eight hours, you need a drink that will keep you going for the full shift. An example of such a drink is a formulation called THORZT which has been especially

designed for workers and extreme working conditions. Thorzt replaces electrolytes in a scientifically proportioned formula to optimize hydration and energy replacement. Regardless of the drink you use to replace lost fluids, be sure to drink plenty of it BEFORE your performance suffers and encourage your work mates to rehydrate regularly as well - the safety of all could depend on it. Make this the accepted practice in your workplace this summer. n


Issue 26



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Issue 26


p JENKINS DESIGN SERIES HEADPHONES These headphones are perfect for the style conscious music lover Available at Officeworks [www.officeworks.com.au] >> $48.00

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estselling author, Forbes columnist, master coach and dynamic speaker Margie Warrell challenges and empowers people globally to live and lead more courageously. In her new book, Stop Playing Safe, Margie draws on her diverse background in psychology and Fortune 500 business to get to the heart of what holds people back in their careers, and equips them with the strategies and inspiration to make the contribution they are capable of. In today’s culture of fear, our inclination to “play safe” is stronger than ever. Yet it’s those who are decisive amidst ambiguity and ready to take risks who will differentiate themselves in a competitive market, build influence, get ahead faster and enjoy more success. As Margie Warrell says in her book, “Playing safe can be highly risky. To achieve outstanding success you must first be willing to stand out.”

WIN: Inflight Publishing is giving away 4 copies of, Stop Playing Safe. Email me at Lahnee@inflightmagazine.com.au and tell me what you love about our magazines. Entries close May 1.


Issue 26



2013 STX-15F POWER KING Kawasaki introduced the JET SKI name to the world over 30 years ago and now, after decades of technological development, they have built the ultimate high-performance, large capacity watercraft: the all-conquering STX-15F 4-stroke JET SKI. Combining cutting-edge engine technology borrowed from Kawasaki’s legendary range of Ninja hyper-sports motorcycles with breakthroughs in hull design and construction, the STX-15F manages to be both serenely userfriendly and heart-stoppingly exhilarating at the same time. Casual cruising with a couple of passengers, towing a water skier across your local dam or screaming along the coastline on your own, the STX-15F will blow your expectations into the sunset. DIGITAL FUEL INJECTION The 60mm single throttle body fuel injection system utilises an individual injector per cylinder to provide instant starting, superb throttle response, quick acceleration, smooth engine performance and a dramatic reduction in fuel consumption. HIGH EFFICIENCY EXHAUST SYSTEM The engine’s highly tuned exhaust system is water-jacketed to help reduce underhood temperatures and keep the STX-15F running as quietly as possible. It features dual water mufflers to maintain very low exhaust noise levels. ADVANCED JET PUMP The STX-15F’s drive system consists of an axialflow pump utilising a three-blade oval-edge stainless steel impeller to provide excellent hookup and maximum drive at all operating speeds.


Issue 26

is electronically linked to an on-board

microprocessor and automatically adjusts engine speed and thrust while cornering to ensure a smooth, controlled turn. EASY REVERSING Greatly assisting low-speed manoeuvring is a reverse ‘bucket’ fitted to the steering nozzle. Shaped to deliver optimal thrust and directional control when reversing, the bucket is made from injection moulded plastic, which virtually eliminates corrosion. SUPERIOR HULL DESIGN The STX-15F’s deep-V hull is made of fibreglass and gel-coated for a lustrous, scratch-resistant finish and features the moulded-in Kawasaki Splash Deflector (KSD) to help minimize spray on the operator. High-performance sponsons help get the hull up on plane and provide “grip” while the hull design facilitates precise cornering, increased stability at high speed and POWERFUL 4-STROKE ENGINE The STX-15F’s high-performance, 1,498cc, 4 cylinder, DOHC, fuel injected, 4-stroke engine was adapted from technology developed through Kawasaki’s leading edge range of Ninja sports motorcycles. A long-stroke version of the unit used in the STX-12F, it produces a flat torque curve for a smooth spread of power across the entire rev range. SMART STEERING Designed to assist inexperienced riders, the Kawasaki Smart Steering system


a smoother ride in rough water. FEATURE PACKED The STX-15F boasts a host of handy features including storage compartments in the bow, glove box and under seat for carrying a fire extinguisher, tool kit, cooler and more. There are adjustable rear-view mirrors, finger throttle control, a magnetic ignition switch for extra security, plus an adaptor to connect the fresh water flushing fitting to your garden hose. Visit www.kawasaki.com.au for more details


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One stop boating shop Melissa and Randall


ueensland’s longest established Riviera dealer R Marine Jones has recently undergone a name change to reflect the personalised service Melinda and Randall Jones offer their customers. The unique one-stop-shop on the waterfront within Riviera’s 14-hectare state-ofthe-art Coomera facility is a family owned and operated dealership specialising in Riviera and Belize Motor yachts. Dealer principals Melinda and Randall are proud to have their entire sales and service team together under one roof. “The team at our Coomera office fulfil our motto of providing a one stop shop of sales,

service and maintenance all under one roof,” Randall said. “There is no better place to buy a Riviera than direct from the factory where it is built. “We can take our customers through the boat building process and if they can’t visit the factory while the boat is being built, we are right here on site to take photos during the build process. “The Riviera facility is perfect for upgrading, refurbishing, servicing and detailing any age of Riviera, with undercover marina berths, travel lift, hardstand facilities and a waterfront restaurant. “We also have marina berths for more than 30 vessels right on our doorstep. Many of our interstate and north QLD customers moor their boats here because they know we are on site and can offer a valet service and driving tuition. “We take pride in our service commitment; after all, it’s not just another boat we are looking after it is our customer’s dream and a large investment. “We invite anyone interested in purchasing a Riviera to come and see how our boating experience is good for your boating experience.” R Marine Jones is located on the waterfront

The R Marine team

“We take pride in our service commitment; after all, it’s not just another boat we are looking after it is our customer’s dream and a large investment.” within the Riviera complex, 50 Waterway Dr, Coomera. For more information call 07 5502 9544, email info@rmarinejones.com.au or visit www.rmarinejones.com.au n

Live. Work. Play.

CHoose a RiVieRa To sUiT YoUR LiFesTYLe PRE-OWNED RIVIERAS FROM $120,000 Call now or visit our website to discover more R MaRine Jones 50 Waterway Drive Coomera QLD 4209 Australia 07 5502 9544 info@RmarineJones.com.au


Issue 26



Puzzles Crossword


Can you find all the countries? Afghanistan Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Finland



1 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 18 19 20 21

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 13 14 16 17

Evidence of payment for entry (7) Chocolate drink (5) Plane driver (5) Accommodate (7) Using comparison (13) Sweet baked food (6) Assisted (6) Cooling boxes for food (13) Localised wind storm (7) Perfect (5) Affected by unhappiness (5) Focused, well balanced (7)

Subject (5) Upright support systems (7) Amazing, bizarre, unusual (13) Public, friendly (6) Careful thought (13) Pursue (5) Irritated (7) Johnny Depp movie, ..... of the Caribbean (7) The first in a field enquiry or discovery (7) Daring, brave (6) To be dismissed from a job (5) Cold dish consisting mainly of vegetables (5)

France Greenland Hungary Libya Mexico

Nepal Norway Russia Seychelles Sudan

Thailand Ukraine USA Vanuatu Zimbabwe



Issue 26




Fast femme steps up for 2013 campaign Q

ueensland’s Jodanna Pullen is set to take the next step in her motorsport career next month when she graduates to the Sportsman drag racing category of Super Stock thanks to the purchase of a powerful new race car. Pullen, who has been competing in motorsport since she was eight, has acquired the proven car of well-known professional drag racer Denis Whiting. This beauty of a vehicle will allow her to make the jump to the ‘group two’ sportsman bracket known for its V8 and rotary sedans boasting more than 1000 horsepower. The VZ Holden Monaro was until recently the national speed record holder in the professional (group one) Pro Stock class and is the perfect vehicle for the blonde pocket rocket who wants to take the next step within the highly competitive Australian drag racing arena. “I have been racing for 20 odd years, most recently in the group three Super Sedan bracket,” said Pullen, the Mining Sales Account Manager for resources giant Komatsu. “I started out as just a kid in the Junior Dragster bracket before dabbling in Modified and then competing in Super Sedan. I am so excited to now have the opportunity to step up into Super Stock thanks to the purchase of Denis’ respected and proven race car. “While I have a lot of experience at the wheel, the VZ Holden Monaro takes us to the next level as far as equipment and sees us ready to make a full assault on the Super Stock category. “Growing up as a female racer I remember sitting on the hill watching my idol Donna

Sizmur, a multiple-time Super Stock champion. It really is special to me that I now have the chance to race in the same category she had so much success in." Pullen and her team FemRPM Racing will debut in the new car and class at the Willowbank Raceway’s Easter event – the Santo’s Cranes Super 3 Extreme Drag Race. Pullen is the only female competitor in the bracket but certainly isn’t tentative about taking on the boys. “People are always saying I don’t really fit the average perception of a drag racer, or someone who works in the mining industry for

that matter,” she said. “Both drag racing and the resources industry are predominately male arenas – but that doesn’t bother me at all. “Drag racing really is my passion. I live for the sound and fury of the sport, and the adrenalin rush I get from the acceleration and braking force provided by these amazing machines. “When it comes down to it, this is what I love, so it really doesn’t matter who is in the lane next to me, I just want to race hard and race fair and do a good job for my team and for my sponsors.” n

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Issue 26

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ou want to quit smoking, but as any smoker knows, it’s not always that simple. Nicotine, a stimulant that causes us to temporarily feel good or energised, is highly addictive. It causes the release of natural chemicals in the brain called beta-endorphins. These chemicals calm and soothe and provide a short boost to the users’ mood. The problem is that the effects only last a short time so the body wants more nicotine which leads to addiction. But nicotine itself is not what makes cigarette smoking so harmful. The smoke from cigarettes is a complex mixture of more than 7,000 chemicals produced by the burning of tobacco and its additives including about 60 chemicals known to cause cancer. In fact an average cigarette only yields about 1 mg of absorbed nicotine. But even that amount is enough to make smoking a highly addictive habit. That along with the fact smoking is a learned behaviour meaning the habit of holding a cigarette can also become addictive. This is why e-cigarettes might just be one of the best ciggy kicking methods available. Electronic cigarettes deliver the experience of smoking while eliminating the smell and health risks associated with tobacco smoke. Each e-cig is powered by a small lithium battery that atomizes a propylene glycol/nicotine solution. The substance, which is inserted into the e-cig in liquid form, is inhaled and then exhaled as a vapour that looks almost like fog and contains a dosage of nicotine which can be controlled. Over time the user might use no nicotine at all. The e-cigs are battery powered, charged by a battery pack with a USB port. There are even solar charged battery packs available. The e-cig batteries range from 650 milliamps which stays charged up to 24 hours; 1100 milliamps which stays charged up to three days to 1300 milliamps which has up to one week of power. There is a safe start-up procedure to activate the E-cigarette and because there is no flame, and no smoke or toxic chemicals released, you have the convenience of ‘lighting up’ anywhere. And it is only when you actually draw on it that the e-cig is activated. The cost of having your e-cig equates to about 60c per day as opposed to around $20 per day for a pack a day smoker. And although the jury is still out on long term effects, researchers believe there is little to no risk associated with e-cigarettes if the nicotine dosage is kept at an acceptable level. Because you are still holding something in your hands and going through the motions of ‘having a cigarette’ this becomes an effective way of slowly kicking the habit for good. For more information and to purchase your e-cigarette with battery pack visit www.shopping.inflightmagazine.com.au n


Issue 26



CAMERON DADDO OCCUPATION? Entertainer, part story teller, part salesman; mostly survivor and thriver. There's never a dull moment because everything is always changing. FAVOURITE TRAVEL DESTINATION AND WHY? Australia! I have yet to see all of our country. I tend to find a new location and have to keep going back. I am slow to move on. There's so much to discover here. WHAT WILL YOU NEVER TRAVEL WITHOUT? Toothbrush and toothpaste, I hate that furry feeling! TRAVEL TIP? Wherever I land, I always get out and into the fresh air as soon as possible. It really helps me with the jetlag, and so does a swim. Must be the oxygen. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING TRAVEL MOMENT? More excruciating than embarrassing - getting stopped by a stranger on an aeroplane as we crossed paths in the aisle. He wanted to congratulate me on my series on TV. Problem was, it wasn't my show and I wasn't Julian McMahon, but try telling that guy! WHAT’S COMING UP FOR YOU IN 2013? More Legally Blonde in Brisbane and Melbourne and radio on SMOOTH FM. And maybe some more surprises.... I am very excited for this year. n

TELL US WHAT YOU THINK! www.facebook.com/inflightpublishing @InflightPublish info@inflightmagazine.com.au


Issue 26



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Issue 26



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