MAGAZINE Sept/Oct 2020
5 Ways To Intui ti vel y
Nurt ure Your Net w ork MELI SSA HULL
How long does it take to Summarize a Deposition? ELSIE COOK
Fly Hummingbird
Don’t let the Pinballs OF LIFE Bring You Down DENISE M. MICHAELS
Photography by Alvin Acosta 113 Media San Diego
The most influential people in the world often aren’t the smartest or the wealthiest or even the most popular. The most influential people in the world today are those who ascend to a higher level of living, thinking, and being ~ Lori A McNeil
"If you're ready to take your life and business to higher levels and sustain continuous growth and improvement, then you must work with my friend Lori. She has the unique ability to connect on a level that instantly changes peoples lives! And, the best thing is that Lori comes from the heart and truly cares about making a positive difference in the lives of others! Do yourself a favor and work with Lori today! You'll be so grateful you did!" James Malinchak
Featured on ABCs Hit TV Show, "Secret Millionaire" One of America's Leading Keynote Speakers & Business Coaches
"Lori's energy is magnetic and transforms any room! She captures your attention and drives you to discover your deeper purpose while helping you craft your strategy for success. If you're wanting to take your life and business to the next level, you must work with my friend Lori." Sir Knight John Shin,
Royal Order of Constantine the Great and Saint Helen Executive Producer of Think and Grow Rich Legacy Movie Author o of How Rich Asians Think, in Association of the Napoleon Hill Foundation Philanthropist, Business Coach, Financial Expert
Photography by Alvin Acosta 113 Media San Diego
“Lori is amazing! She is dedicated to helping others achieve higher levels of success, and the results are incredible!” Robert J. Moore, Owner of Magnetic Entrepreneur & Guinness World Record Holder
We use our creativity, skills, enthusiasm to help people and companies to reach their goals in a different, better, and more sustainable way. The magazine covers visionaries, pioneers, and important leaders — and is one of the leading magazines worldwide
elcome back to Influential People Magazine! This month’s cover article features Lori McNeil. “The 9 Best Influential Attributes of An Influencer,” is a must-read for daily guidance that will elevate you to an influencer status faster. Lori has been featured on NBC, CBS, ABC, and FOX, as well as over 500 other media outlets. She is no stranger to the spotlight. Lori helps Entrepreneurs worldwide reach higher levels of success in life and business while building a true LEGACY! We had a great time this month working and interviewing Lori McNeil and Elizabeth Galvan. Elizabeth is our inside feature of the month. They both share their experiences and journeys. We will follow them on their path to success today. It is that time of year again, September is International Deaf awareness month. Our warmest gratitude goes to Elizabeth Galvan who is a deaf one arm bodybuilder. She shares her journey on how she became one of the most inspiring deaf strong women. I pray that you will have plenty of time to check out what we have in our Sept/Oct issue articles from our awesome writers. I trust you find each page informative and inspiring. I hope you enjoy, learn laugh, and share. We look forward to serving our audience around the world. ~Heide Dangelo POI
Special thanks to God, our partners, advertisers, community partners, contributors, sponsors, subscribers, and readers for making this magazine possible. The Publisher does not assume responsibility for statements or work by advertisers. The contents in Influential People Magazine, such as text, graphics, and other material. (“Contents”) are intended for educational purpose only. The Content or articles are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your health care provider with an questions you have regarding your medical condition. Events and the articles are presented are provided as a service, and do not represent an endorsement or recommendation of specific events or sponsors.
Influential People Magazine is published monthly. All rights are reserved. The entered contents of Influential People Magazine, are copyright 2017 by Sharing Our Fields of Dreams Publishing. Reproduction in whole or part, or sue without written permission of the publisher, or editorial, pictorial, or design content, including electronic retrieval systems is prohibited in the United States & International countries. The trademark and trade name, Influential People Magazine, is owned by Heide Dangelo. Disclaimer: The written, video contents, views, information, ideas, expression, advice, and suggestions expressed in this magazine are solely in part or whole of those individuals providing them which do not reflect on the opinions, ideas, or advisement of Influential People Magazine or it’s parent , affiliates or subsidiary companies.
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Heide Dangelo Founder/Publisher
Amalya Chrysty Assistant Editor
Jessica Dewey Publisher Assistant
Janine Holman Assistant Editor
Laine Dakin Chief Editor/ Contributing Writier
Janet Whitwoth Social Media Marketer FB: @findyourpassiontobesuccessful
Brenton Tyler Hoffman Co-Author, Speaker, Resilience Expert
Chris Salem Author, Speaker, Radio Show Host
Marton Varo Executive Video /Film Producer
Meridith Powell Author, Speaker, Business Strategist
Soulaima Gourani Author, Speaker, Investor, Life Coach
Trish Rock Author, Speaker, Intuitive Consultant
Ese Magege Founder, Health Coach, ER PA& MBA
Dr. David Friedman Author/TV/Radio Show Host
Melissa Hull Author, Speaker, TV show Host, Producer
Yoram Baltinester Speaker, Trainer, Coach
Michelle Winder Moore Author, Speaker, Business Consultant
Carma Spence Author, Speaker, Digital Marketer
Marley Baird Video Marketer
Mikey Adam Cohen Assistant Editor/ Interviewer FB: Mikey Adam Cohen Influencer
Mistie Layne Author, Keynote Speaker, TV/Show Host
Lori McNeil Author, Speaker, Media Strategist
Gitte Randuff HR Business Partner, Consultant, Recruiter, Blogger
Denise Michaels Author, Keynote Speaker, Ghostwriter
Contact us at to be on the show: INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE 11
14 ON THE COVER Interview with
The 9 Best Influential Attributes Of An Influencer
Cover Photography by Alvin Acosta 113 Media San Diego
Interview with Deaf One Armed Woman of Steel.
How long does it take to Summarize a Deposition?
Six Habits Of Highly Empathic Business Leaders
Fly Hummingbird Fly
How to Enhance Your Productivity (in 15 Steps)
The Confusion Of Humanity and 3 Ways To Find Peace
I refuse to be controlled by mediocrity
5 Ways To Intuitively Nurture Your Network
Don’t let the Pinballs OF LIFE Bring You Down
5 Leadership Strategies to Sustain Your Business Beyond Coronavirus
Feeling Blocked? Ask Yourself This Magical Question. SUSIE MOORE
People Who
W elcome to the world of influential people. From social media, business, health/fitness to transfor-
mational leaders like self-help gurus, educators, authors, speakers, artists, coaches, trainers, and mentors. All are heroes too often invisible heroes. All are visionaries coming forward to bring a message of hope and possibilities and developing a platform for creativity and excellence.
Our definition of an influential person is someone who chooses to impact those around them for the better, someone who encourages people to think beyond their own life so that they will aspire to inspire others. Influence is not enforced but gently led by personal example and. education. While big media would convince us that the world’s influencers are all on the ‘main’ stage we at Influential People Magazine disagree. Yes, we may read a book or see someone in a news report, but those people are too distant from our own sphere to make them relatable. We know, it is those in our communities who truly influence us, who teach us and inspire us, not by one deed but by how we see them live. The team at Influential People believes passionately in spreading that message and understands the need to provide exposure for people on a local level. We work hard to provide a forum for coaches, mentors, authors, writers, trainers, speakers, business owners, entrepreneurs, photographers, event producers, health & wellness practitioners, teachers, icons, heroes. We consider these people to be leaders whose voice and a story has still to be told to the world. Influential People Magazine is known as a place for emerging Influencers. Will you be one or will you find your next mentor in our pages? Join us to find out.
Www.i POI
Photography by Alvin Acosta 113 Media San Diego
Over the past century, technology has changed a lot regarding media. The transition from old media to new media has gone from the “old” previous generations using radio, newspapers, and television to the age of “new” media by expanding media into social media, online forums, news agencies, media outlets, and blogs to name a few.
tured in various media outlets across broadcasting, news programs, magazines, radio shows, and more.
With the great advancement of technology, our access and use of media are greater than ever before, providing individuals information they may need. Without the media, it is going to be difficult for many of us to effectively accomplish our day to day activities and routines.
IPM: Can you tell us a little bit about
When it comes to getting your message across to the general public, the mass media is an important factor (seen and coined as the ‘main-stream media’ or MSM), through one of the most advanced forms of communications and interactions with people currently is social media. However, Lori McNeil is no stranger to the media spotlight. She is a strong, passionate, influencer who leads people in building a Legacy that matters, and who teaches entrepreneurs to use National media to broaden their reach and impact. She has taken her work and advocacy to the national and international market, where she has been interviewed and fea-
She handles her attention with grace and humility, leveraging her opportunities to advocate for worthwhile causes, such as literacy, supporting troops abroad, entrepreneurs, and other individuals and organizations to find and get on their path to success, a fulfillment that results in getting their message out to the media outlets.
yourself and how you got to where you are today? LM: I grew up in an extremely creative, hard-working family. That ethic has been with me all my life. I started making barrettes for Christmas bazaars in first grade. I took out my first bank loan at age 11 (my mother co-signed with me on $3,500) to start my own hotdog stand. I have always been reaching for something bigger than myself. Entrepreneurship has been woven into the very fabric of my life. In my adult life, I spent years in both education and business, while being involved as a consultant, politician, community advocate, and volunteer. This has led to opportunities both nationally and internationally beyond my dreams.
IPM: What was the biggest obstacle you faced in the pursuit of your business and how did you overcome it? LM: One of the biggest obstacles I faced
early on was understanding that entrepreneurship is a lifestyle, not a job. Even though I knew that intellectually my hours would not be typical, I was used to working in a traditional atmosphere that I struggled to transform my thinking to accept the concept of what true time freedom is and what it would take to create it. Simultaneously, this new mindset came with the obstacle of creating healthy boundaries and understanding that I did not have to say, "yes" to everything, believing that it was "my job." In fact, saying, "no" to more people, actually means saying "yes" to my own goals. Working with coaches, engaging in live events, and building relationships with the right people made all the difference in the world for me as I learned to switch my brain from being in that traditional space to one which served my goals and lifestyle as an entrepreneur. Once that transition occurred and I began to realize the "how" I never looked back.
IPM: Is it difficult to find and talk to the media outlets? LM: Not at all. In Fact, it has never been easier. A decade or two ago it was a bit more difficult. The two elements that make it simpler today are that; one we have social media where practically everyone is approachable and reachable, and two there is quite a bit of information available online that on just over a few clicks one can find something that connects them to the right person.
IPM: What methods are best for interna-
IPM: You are an author, coach, speaker,
tional communications? LM: The methodology remains the same.
media strategist, and volunteer helping charities, fundraisers, and organizations for military, literacy, education, leadership, and etc.… Being an entrepreneur in those fields, how are you able to manage all in your life? LM: Well, now that I have debunked the
The process may be a little different depending on the country and what they allow. One important piece is to ensure that your messaging is translated correctly. Most people overlook this piece and since words have different meanings in other countries, it is an important element.
IPM: What are the common misconceptions people have about the media? LM: The most common perception is that you must know someone or know someone who knows someone. While this is still relevant, it does not stop there. Everyone is accessible. A second misconception is that the media is full of liars, thieves, and politically run. While this may or may not be true to some extent (not the best forum for that rabbit hole) the media still plays a prominent part in our culture. Because of that, media exposure is still one of the best ways to expand your reach which will position you and your brand.
IPM: What is the one common myth about your profession or field that you want to debunk? LM: The myth of work/life balance. Inside the corporate world of 9-5, there are set hours of work that one is expected to be at and perform at some level. The draw to entrepreneurship is having instant ‘freedom’ of time. Honestly, you work less in a 50-hour week than you will as an entrepreneur. There is no work/life balance. There is only life balance. Understanding this creates greater success and creates that freedom.
IPM: You wrote a book called “Media Secrets Revealed”, can you share with us about this? LM: Absolutely! I wrote the book to help others achieve the same results I have achieved. It contains the five strategies that have, for me resulted in obtaining a media spot 100% of the time. The second reason I wrote the book is to open the possibility for those who want to gain media attention but feel like they can’t.
myth of work-life balance, I feel like I can go a bit deeper. Entrepreneur balance comes down to one simple concept, time management. I know that whatever is important to me I will make time for. So, I build it into my schedule. Also, I include my family as much as possible.
Lori McNeil is a Author, International Speaker, Media Strategist, International Business Coach. She is a strong passionate, influencer who leads people in building a Legacy for themselves and their business. Lori is a advocate for worthwhile causes, such as literacy, supporting troops abroad, entrepreneurs, and other individuals and organizations to find and get on their path to success.
IPM: What is your favorite part of your
Lori A. McNeil
business you enjoy doing? LM: I love speaking. Having been a teach-
Lori A. McNeil
er I look at my speaking opportunities as opportunities to teach others. I have the privilege of imparting knowledge, and then I get to speak individually to people who are ready to act.
IPM: What motivates you to keep going in what you do? LM: My family. They are everything to me. Everything I do filters through them.
IPM: Do you have a message that you would like to let our readers know? LM: You’ve got this. The difference between someone who is successful and someone who isn’t is internal beliefs. Living in abundance is truly a mindset that is as unique as we are as people. The only person that determines your success or failure is you. If you have not ‘arrived’ at where you want to be at, but are making progress, you have not failed. I see too many people giving up on their dreams because of someone else’s definition of success. Set your goals, create the plan, and charge after it. You’ll ‘arrive’ before you know it.
coachlorimcneil Lori McNeil coachlorimcneil
One day the people wo didn’t believe in
you will tell everyone how they met you Lori A. McNeil Lori A. McNeil Lori A. McNeil coachlorimcneil lori mcneil
How To Get Media Features and Leverage Media Coverage With Lori McNeil 16 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE
What is BioHacking? B
Biohackers are individuals who believe in experience-based knowledge. Their mindset is, “Show me the research and then let me try it for myself.”
Iohacking is taking full control of your biology. If you’ve pursued ways to improve your health, that’s biohacking. But, it’s more than just putting butter in your coffee
every morning or taking a daily vitamin. Biohacking is the desire to understand the body and mind you’ve been given and using everything at your disposal — cutting-edge technology, tools, and science — to become the best version of yourself.
Why Biohacking? Biohacking is more than just reading mindless self-improvement tips. It is understanding
the why behind how you’re feeling, thinking, and performing. Knowing the “why” empowers you to not only biohack your body, but to make impactful changes to your overall health and well-being. At LifeVantage, we live for finding the “why” through relentless research, experimentation, and technology. Biohackers are individuals who believe in experience-based knowledge. Their mindset is, “Show me the research and then let me try it for myself.” Learn to pay attention to how you’re feeling. There is always something tangible that’s affecting your daily ability to be awesome. Instead of simply accepting aches, ailments, and exhaustion as part of growing old, start to question those setbacks. With the “biohacker mindset,” you’re not eschewing traditional medicine,
you’re just figuring out what works best for you. You’re actively seeking out a healthier lifestyle. And for that, your future self will thank you. With all this in mind, the real question you should be asking is…why not biohack?
A Healthier Day Starts with the Essentials Consider Activated Essentials your daily health tune up. It’s just like maintaining your car, except it won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Protandim® Nrf2 Synergizer™ keeps the rust off your cells, Protandim® NRF1 Synergizer™ makes sure you get all the power you can out of your engine, and ProBio is the fuel additive that keeps your motor clean and running efficiently. Three amazing products. One incredible system.* INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE 17
9 Best Influential Attributes Of An
Photography by Alvin Acosta 113 Media San Diego
Copyright Lori McNeil
Perhaps one of the best compliments a person can receive is to be known as an influencer. Influence is subjective at best and objective at worst. Objectively, if we say there is only one approach to defining who an influencer is, we have set ourselves up for failure. 18 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE
I’ll explain. Most of the time an influencer is defined as someone who persuades another person’s purchasing decisions based upon knowledge, authority, positioning, or relationships. This works fine in the world of marketing, specific products, however, have you ever…. ○ Received a message from someone you don’t know personally who just thanked you for what you do because it saved their life Been told that because of how you show up in the world other people are watching you I love your work These are simple yet powerful effects of being an influencer. The irony is your knowledge, authority, positioning, and even relationships are not what moves you to influencer status. What moves you to become an influencer is how you show up.
The most influential people in the world often are not the smartest or the wealthiest or even the most popular. The most influential people in the world today are those who ascend to a higher level of living, thinking, and being.
a leader provides. When power is harnessed in a certain way, it is unstoppable. The greatest leaders (both good and bad ones) in history have shown this to be true.
5. Understanding is one of the greatest attributes of influence and the simplest to explain. When you take the time to see another’s perspective, what you are saying is that you value them. When someone feels valued, they will listen to what you have to say. To understand means to listen. Listening is one of the greatest gifts we can give and receive.
The nine attributes are character traits that, when lived out daily will elevate you to influencer status faster than anything else. They
6. Energy
are having integrity, knowing your network, being a forward thinker,
exchange can be misunderstood. Giving away your energy signifies
perceptive leadership, understanding, giving away your energy, ap-
that you are investing in another person. Similar to understanding,
preciating your ability to compel others, staying engaged, and living
energy is something you give that has delivers an ROI. Extroverted
people know this. They are empowered by the energy they give to others. Regardless if you are introverted or extroverted when you
1. Integrity
devote energy (often in terms of time) to someone, they exchange is extraordinary.
is the number one attribute of influence. Living a life that is aligned to your values, ethics, and morals demand that you show up in those. The closer the walk the greater the talk. This means that when some-
7. Compelling
thing goes awry, you step up into accountability rather than place
others is the bottom line of influence. When other people are com-
blame or make excuses. Certainly, no one has perfected this, howev-
pelled by what we say or do we have captivated their attention. Like
er, those whose integrity is aligned with their walk are often talked
a good book or movie that draws you in from the beginning to end,
about in this way. This looks like trust.
when we are compelled by something it can’t help but influence us.
2. Networking
8. Engagement
is the second attribute. There is an old saying that says, “it’s not what
is a way to connect with others. Engaging is connecting on a deeper
you know it’s who you know” that is still thrown around today. This
level. One of the best tactics for determining if you are engaged to
saying is only partially true. For this to be accurate, the saying should
another person is to ask yourself if you can state three distinct as-
go like this: creating relationships is a three-part system – one part is
pects or qualities about them. When we engage at deeper levels with
what you know, the second part is who you know, and the third part
people, we gain influence in their lives.
is how you know them. I have a colleague that may not be considered hugely ‘successful’ yet has a large network of people he can access.3
9. Radical is a term most often associated with being ‘against’ the norm and in
3. Forward-thinking
this case, it is no different. Living radically implies that there are ele-
means that you are consistently looking at growth patterns. Being
unique. No doubt we are all unique, yet if you look at social media,
open to growth, implementing new technologies (which I am a huge
there are hundreds of coaches and consultants out there. Thinking,
proponent of), striving to change when and where it is needed is
living, and being radically different is what draws others to you and is
seen as someone who understands how business works. Using twen-
what allows influence to happen. Being different entails suggests that
ty-year-old thoughts and systems might hold a business together
you have something new to offer. As a society, we are drawn to the
however it will keep you from thriving. Thrive denotes being alive
new. Find a way to be sincerely new and real and what will come to
and people will align themselves with those who are living.
your surface is authenticity, determination, integrity that drives your
4. Leadership is an important attribute across almost every board you put it on. Without leadership, any entity will ultimately fail, whether it is a busi-
ness or a relationship. The key is understanding the power that being
ments of your life that are outside the norm. This is what makes us
communication methods, causes you to act in certain ways, and ultimately love yourself, love what you do, and love others. Becoming an INFLUENCER is solely up to you. Maintain awareness to these nine attributes and you will be positioned to be an influencer… knowingly or not.
~Lori McNeil
Get Booked In Media and Grow Your Business Without Getting Rejected By Media Outlets or Wasting Time Struggling to build social proof and credibility? Want to be seen as the expert? Curious how you get the media logos on your website? Do you want to pitch successfully to media but don’t know where to start? Register for Media Secrets and learn all the tools you need to build your brand and gain credibility. Media Secrets is an all inclusive program that is designed to get you booked! 20 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE
Photography by Alvin Acosta 113 Media San Diego
Get started today! Sign Up to get Your FREE Guide and you'll learn the TOP Media Mistakes and How To Avoid Them INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE 21
ORDER YOUR COPY! INTRODUCTORY SUBSCRIPTION PRICING Subscribe today and save 40% off our annual subscription price for the digital version. 6 to 12 Interactive Digital Issues Entrepreneurial Tips and Stories that Inspire and Motivates Business Collaboration and Resources Video Tutorials an Live Links at Your Fingertips
Deaf One Armed
WOMAN OF STEEL Everyone has a time in their life where they set their sights on a goal that they want to achieve. How would you feel if you were told you couldn’t do it because you were different? Would you believe them? Would you give up? Elizabeth Galvan was confronted with doubters her whole life. Galvan lost her right arm at age 3 in an accident with an old-fashioned washing machine. The same year, she developed a bilateral hearing loss as a result of an illness and was fitted with hearing aids. In high school, Elizabeth wanted to be a lifeguard. She was told no because she needed to have two arms to swim someone to safety. Elizabeth refused to take no for an answer and became a lifeguard. She entered pageants and modeled as well, even won Best Photogenic, Teen Spirit, Best Talent trophies, crowned Miss North Dakota. Elizabeth has also won a few awards for runway modeling, best fashion, and won first runner-up in St. Louis’ National beauty pageant then she went on to win second, third place and the inspiration trophy from the NPC Upper Midwest and third, fourth place trophies from State of Minnesota Sports Expo, for bodybuilding, she will keep on going.. Elizabeth Galvan refuses to let her disabilities slow her down. She is a one-armed deaf bodybuilder with Usher syndrome from Fargo, North Dakota. She has been through many challenges from the start. Where others saw limitations, she saw an opportunity to achieve greatness and inspire others who are different. Which makes her very influential person to know.
IPM: Tell us how you lost your arm and hearing at age 3.
the floor in order to avoid tripping and harming myself.
Elizabeth: My parents had divorced, and I was with my mother the day it happened. My mom wasn’t watching me at the time, and I somehow got my arm caught between the wringers of the washing machine. It was my mom’s boyfriend who found me. Because I had been there so long, circulation was cut off to my lower arm. Doctors tried to save the arm but later had to amputate it in order to save my life. Because of the neglect, likely due to mental illness, my mother lost custody and my father received full custody. My aunt took on the role of my mother.
IPM: How did you become a Lifeguard when you were told no?
IPM: At age 16, you found out you had Usher syndrome. How did you adapt? Elizabeth: It has been a slow progress of the vision decreasing on the sides and top and bottom. Many times, I've missed stuff, like bumping into people I didn't see. I have been adjusting my lifestyle, so I am often in daylight or am guided by someone at night. At my home, I make sure there is nothing on
Elizabeth: At first, I was rejected. The school board felt I wasn't the best choice, because how can I save people in the water, especially someone heavier or two people at the same time? They felt it was risky. I was determined, and with the help of an interpreter, I was able to voice my opinions and ask them to give me the chance to take all the tests that are required to be a certified lifeguard. They agreed, and I passed all the tests—in the water, on the floor, CPR, first aid, and written tests. I proved them wrong and worked as a certified lifeguard for four years. IPM: How did you get into doing pageants? How many have you won? Elizabeth: I was encouraged by my stepmom who I considered as my mom...she thought that would be a great opportunity because she saw the wonderful in me to show everyone. So, I agreed to
IPM: What awards did you win in bodybuilding? Elizabeth: In the 1st competition - 2nd place, 3rd place, and inspiration award, 2nd competition-3rd place and 4th place. Oct 24, 2021 NPC Upper Midwest competition Master figure 35+ 3rd, Novice Figure 40+ 5th, Mas-
ters Figure 40+3rd., Open Figure b 4th IPM: What’s the driving force in your life? Why do you set out to do things that you know will be difficult? Elizabeth: I am high driven that loved challenges, to prove myself and anyone’s doubts. When I am being told with challenge me to be determined to show that I can. So, with any doubts or no or I can’t give me the challenge to prove ourselves wrong. Challenging is something I love. IPM: What do you want to be remembered for? Elizabeth: What I wanted to be remembered is of who I am as deaf, one arm lady with Usher Syndrome that fought all obstacles in life challenges...that want to be known to show everyone and especially the children that they can achieve anything no matter if they doubted themselves. My favorite saying...If I can do it, you can do it too! IPM: Any advice for people facing challenges similar to yours? Elizabeth: Don’t give up!!!!! You will fail but it doesn’t mean it’s all over.... failure gives you the hunger to fight your doubts to try again, again until you succeed it. Keep going! Try again! You will see why it’s all worth the experience, failure, determination, and many more! Deafwomanofsteel79
try it out for the teen pageant. Then again in my adulthood, a friend thought I should run the pageant again. I was uncertain at first because I am a mother...She mentioned that there are mothers and daughters in its pageant. So, I thought it would be a great opportunity for myself and my daughter to run together. So, it had only been 2 pageants and won both. Great experience and very rewarding. IPM: Can you tell us, what made you decided to start body building? Elizabeth: After my recovery of major back surgery.... did my research and discovered that bodybuilding does improve and help with the health, stronger physically and mentally. So, I decided to start bodybuilding after my recovery and the excessive weight gain. It was the best decision made as ever. Bodybuilding helped a lot especially felt much stronger physically than I was before. Bodybuilding became a passion for me.
“Don’t give up!!!!! You will fail but it doesn’t mean it’s all over.... failure gives you the hunger to fight your doubts to try again, again until you succeed it.” 26 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE
A Strong Woman may remain silent when people talk.behind her back. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t notice. It simply means she chooses not to waste her energy on foolishness. She has more important things to do.
How long does it take to Summarize a Deposition? SHEILA LACIVITA
How long does it take to Summarize a Deposition? Copyrighted Elsie Cook
Depositions are one of the most vital and unavoidable factors in filing a lawsuit. So, it is important for a lawyer to have a thorough checking in all aspects of deposition summaries. While making the summary, it is important to note that the witness testimony is correct and should point out the vital parts which is helpful in the case.
What is Deposition Summary? A deposition summary is a prĂŠcised form of a witness sworn in a testimony. It is helpful during the trial. The vital part of the deposition summary is knowing the facts through discovery, interpreting the witnesses through practical experience, and the ability to organize and present these facts in the form of a document. A perfect deposition summary includes some important elements including the following: Deposition outline that helps in structuring the whole document. Digest of deposition for easy understanding of the facts Preparing additional discovery which is helpful in the case Making notes for effective and efficient presentation
What are the steps for preparing a Deposition Summary? While preparing a deposition summary some steps have to be kept in mind:
of the summaries should be strong so that it can be presented effectively n in the court.
What is the Preparation time for Deposition Summary? It is not possible to calculate the exact time to prepare the deposition summary. It varies with different aspects. Generally it takes around 2-4 hours to prepare a deposition summary. But for some complex cases, sometimes it may take several days to complete. As mentioned above it depends on the type of case. How-so-ever time is taken in preparing the deposition summary, the important thing is that if the summary is prepared well then it will be easy for the lawyers to attend to the case effectively and make their points clear to the court.
Final Words In the field of law deposition summary is one of the most important tasks. The destiny of a case depends on the deposition summary. Therefore, the time taken in preparing the deposition summary is not as important as its accuracy and perfection. ~ Elsie Cook
4Cornersdepo. 4cornersdepo 4Cornersdepo 4corners 4 corners deposition summary
The first and foremost is to read thoroughly the summary and go through the possible questions that can be presented in the court. The next one is to highlight the important points in the deposition, which can be added later in the summary.
Sheila LaCivita is a Founder, CEO at 4 Corners Deposition Summaries, Inc.
The final step is the conclusion of the summary. This includes the systematic and chronological order of the noted points as schematic diagrams, charts, etc. The base
Surviving and Thriving After Drugs, Guns, Gangs, Dysfunctionality, and Craziness A Book by Steve Cederquist by Angela Kelly Picture a dumpster - yes, a real dumpster! You know that big garbage container that is collecting things that people are throwing away. Have you gone “dumpster diving”? If you’ve ever been in a dark place, homeless, out of work, hungry, living on the streets - you may know what this is like. Just. To. Survive. But what about changing, getting rid of the things that are holding you down? Can we throw away these items into our “imaginary” dumpster and move on? Steve Cederquist says, “YES” in his new book, GET OUT ALIVE: Surviving and Thriving After Drugs, Guns, Gangs, Dysfunctional, and Crazy. This book is a major dumpster dive into his life, he has been to those dark places. He’s lived it. From being a drug addict to getting himself thrown in prison - he’s been there. He’s written and organized this book - his memoir about his life to set you up for success. This is not an ordinary memoir though - he has a message - a greater vision for you. If you have an incentive to change, “Life will take off in a new direction because you’ll be directing it - the stuff you don’t want will go in the dumpster”.
What are others saying about it?
“The power inbox is a message it transfers! That has the ability to impact the world in a way that can shift perceptions for the better as this is a book and a message that is massively needed in our time. A writer like this is a gift for the world!”
-Emmanuel Kelly, pop artist “If you ever feel STUCK, always seek out those who have been there before, learned how to rise, and conquer the odds by believing in themselves!”
-Erik “Mr. Awesome” Swanson 5 Time #1 Bestselling Author & Founder of Habitude Warriors, Speaker “With candor and courage, Steve Cederquist shares the capacity and potential we all possess when we are motivated to decide to create real change in our life! He proves that anything is possible!”
-Julie Jones Hamilton, Executive of World’s Greatest Motivators Television series
“Steve’s life story is one of true perseverance & inspiration. The writing is captivating, entertaining, and truly heart centered. I simply couldn’t put it down. Before I knew it, mascara was dripping down my face and I was ready to go tackle my dreams in a whole new inspired way. A great read for anyone: Young, old, thriving, or surviving.”
-DarcyK Simply Stunning Spaces “A great reminder that our past does not determine our tomorrow. Well done!”
-Greg S. Reid, author: Think and Grow Rich Series “The activities that Steve lays out for readers of Get Out Alive not only help you to take stock of how you became the person you are today, they also help you to shape a positive perspective on life that will empower you going forward.”
-David Meltzer, co-founder of Sports 1 Marketing, best selling author, and top business coach
Published by Ingenium Books, GET OUT ALIVE: Surviving and Thriving After Drugs, Guns, Gangs, Dysfunction and Crazy is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and all other retailers including online platforms.
Available in… ebook, paperback, and audiobook Wherever you buy your books. Get Your Copy Now
In today’s business world, it seems to get more polarized and divisive each year. It is a lack of communication that creates this divide and often prevents companies to play at a higher level, a sustainable way. Empathy is powerful and can have profound effects on how an organization or small business can elevate their business to the next level. It involves people first but always starts with you. Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in another’s position. Empathy brings people together to do great things. It does not mean everyone has the same values and beliefs but can relate to one another to find common ground to do bigger things together as one. Let’s look at some habits that transparent leaders practice every day to create shifts not only for themselves but for empowering the people around them.
Quiet, purposeful mediations done daily from
within allow us to get to the root cause of our limited beliefs. It is heard we can observe ourselves from a third-party perspective to see limited patterns that hold us back. It is here over time we can eradicate the root cause of these limiting beliefs and offset the negative emotions associated with them. It creates calm energy that leads to
clarity. With clarity, we become more decisive. As we become more decisive, we can take massive action.
This habit goes hand in hand with mediation. It is the
ability to write down what comes to mind following your daily mediation without overthinking or overanalyzing your thoughts. The two habits alone bring clarity to build a foundation from operating within the solution rather than managing the problem. One can be present more often and make sound decisions with action that leads to bigger leaps in their business.
Reading every day even if just one chapter sets the
mindset to be more focused and organized throughout the day. The key is to read content that is relevant to your growth personally and in business. Besides, it is good to mix it up with content that is fun and sparks the creative side of your mindset. Being laser-focused and organized with priorities that matter is the difference operating your business in a sustainable way or managing the problem each day.
The ability to listen effectively is truly important. Most
people listen to respond and not listen to understand. Learning how to relate to others upfront forges healthy and productive relationships. It builds trust and credibility with one another. Take time to learn how to relate to others to the best of your ability and listen to
understand without thinking how to respond. You will always have your chance to talk. It puts you in a better position to con-
Christopher Salem is an Executive Coach, Corporate Trainer, and
nect and to do even greater things together whether if it is with a
Professional Speaker mentors C-Suite, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and sales professionals to build and protect their brands by raising their level of influence as trusted advisors to maximize their results. He also works with companies to create an interdependent work environment and thriving culture through a growth mindset foundation, effective communication, transparent leadership, and higher engagement. His book Master Your Inner Critic / Resolve the Root Cause – Create Prosperity went international best seller in 2016. He also co-authored the recent edition to "Mastering the Art of Success" with Jack Canfield. His weekly radio show Sustainable Success is part of the Voice America Influencers Channel.
client or someone you work within your business.
Nelson Mandela said, “We must strive to be moved
by a generosity of spirit that will enable us to outgrow the hatred and conflicts of the past”. Conflict or disagreement with each other’s values and beliefs leads to nowhere good fast. It never leads to sustainable success in any situation including business. Coming from empathy and learning how to forgive creates peace from within and in time allows people to come together and do even greater things than serve others. A business foundation built on empathy and forgiveness is a
leads to a sustainable process to achieve your desired objectives in good recipe for sustainable growth.
Transparent leaders know energy is required to bring
these habits together to create empathy at the highest levels. Taking care of ourselves personally creates an example for others around you to do for themselves. The key here is consistency as well. Being active or exercising 4 to five times a week coupled
with eating right aligns well with these other habits to build a sustainable foundation. Take time to create a personal plan for
business. To your health & prosperity
~ Christopher Salem Chris Salem Christopher Salem @WHealthteam Christopher Salem ChrisrSalem
yourself. Empower others around you to do for them. Healthier people have higher self- confidence to embrace empathy and take their businesses to new levels. Let empathy be your new direction as a business leader. Look at these habits and being able to incorporate them into practice at your pace. The
key thing again is consistency which
Real Estate and Biz Magazine
All roads lead to Southern Utah “All Roads Lead to Southern Utah�, features articles and interviews with local business owners, entrepreneurs, and those whose business serves the community. Take the Gratitude Challenge and explore Fun Tips in our upcoming issue. This free quarterly publication is available in print and digital format. The fall issue, Launching January 2021 can be found here under the magazines tab. In print, at local business establishments.
Copyright Mistie Layne
My first grandbaby, Eliana, was born 9/18/2016, twelve years to the day I killed somebody in a car wreck. I had gone from medical school to prison behind a horrific accident that occurred during my ten-year addiction to cocaine. I rebuilt my life, rebuilt trust, regained my confidence, and set out to live a new life without cocaine. What happened to me twelve years into this new life was unexpected, not sought after, but certainly a blessing in disguise. Because my daughter's due date was the same, I thought God was replacing life with the life I felt I had stolen and it would somehow reduce the grief and pain I suffered through year after year. Consequently, her birth became so very much more and was what catapulted me into TRANSPARENCY and gave me the courage to release my life story in my book, What Goes Up. I wrote my book in jail while awaiting a possible forty-year prison sentence but didn’t release it until Eliana was born. This story is for you Eliana, my Hummingbird!
Eliana arrived on her due date but was stuck at 6cm in the birth canal and suffered a brain injury due to a lack of oxygen. She was diagnosed with HIE, GRADE III (hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathymost severe.) Her brain injury caused her to be blind, deaf, she couldn’t suck, cry, or even regulate her temperature. Eliana went through many surgeries during her first year of life and was fed through a feeding tube (g-button), had multiple respiratory issues, and required twenty-four hour around the clock care. I didn’t understand why back then, but I had a hard time bonding with her in the first few weeks of her life. I sat with my family day after day at the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) as she was put on a cooling pad, placed on an oscillator, and hooked up to machines and wires. Although my heart was grieving, I experienced joy as my daughter held her for the very first time, days after her birth. I loved her beyond measure but somehow felt disconnected. I suddenly realized I felt guilty, that I was somehow responsible for this! The devil convinced me her tragic birth injuries were my fault, I mean, the dates couldn’t have been a coincidence, could they? After realizing I was letting my TOXIC past rob me of my future, I knew I had to make some changes to release the SHAME and GUILT. I decided to rewrite my book from a dark tone of blame and anger to a new tone of accountability and forgiveness. I made a conscious decision to FORGIVE myself for the accident and move forward with my life so I could enjoy the road ahead instead of constantly looking in the rear-view mirror. Me blaming myself for her birth injuries and
grieving from the culpability I felt, forced me to make a pivot in my life to truly LIVE again. We started calling Eliana our Hummingbird because when the oscillator machine did the breathing for her the first week of her life, her lungs fluttered very fast, like hummingbird wings. Every time she would get sick, go into the hospital, or have surgery, people on social media started posting pictures of hummingbirds on my profile to show their support for her. Her health started declining and after counseling with Hospice, my daughter and son-in-law made the incredibly painful decision to withdraw her meds and let her go. Sadly, on January 11, 2020, we said goodbye to our sweet girl as she transitioned into Heaven while taking her last breath in my daughters' arms. Eliana had the very best parents any child could hope for and they loved her unconditionally. This was by far the hardest thing I have had to face to date. I felt pain and grieved for my daughter and her loss and felt my pain from losing her as her grandma (Mimzy)! There are no words, no memes, no counseling sessions or condolences that could take the pain of grief away from my heart, but I learned through my past adversity in life that we MUST grieve and heal from pain or it will eventually destroy us. As I was writing my book, I discovered writing was therapeutic and unleashed secrets to myself around painful issues I had never dealt with. Writing tapped inside my soul and exposed grief I had never gone through. Secrets from my past I had never shared started to emerge, abortion issues I
never confronted surfaced, and the loss of my own identity during my domestic abuse hostage situation came to light. Grief in itself will kill our spirit, numb our tongues, and harden our hearts. I feel it is imperative we work through the heartache, confront the demon of pain, and allow our anger to be released constructively. For example, I had multiple abortions during my cocaine addiction and took a “hit� of cocaine going into the procedure and was picked up outside the clinic and took another hit immediately after. I never addressed the pain, instead, I stuffed it down with cocaine, Little Debbie snack cakes, or denial it ever happened. I think denial was a way for me to be able to coexist with the pain of each abortion because had it been front and center, it would have eaten me alive like flesh-eating bacteria. We all grieve differently and, in our timing, but we MUST allow ourselves the space to grieve and process or we will never feel free. Although I’m sad Eliana was only here four short years, she taught me so many lessons in life. She taught me
patience because her disabilities were severe, and you could not rush her care or her progress. She taught me the awareness of the disabled community by educating me on the necessity of handicap parking spaces, letting a wheelchair-bound person cut in line, and by allowing me to learn compassion through walking the walk with her. I am a better person because of my sweet little darling, she pushed me to be better every day. When I had fear of promoting my book, speaking my story on a stage, or being transparent with my wrongdoings, she was the light that guided me because I knew I had experiences to help others that weren’t able to help themselves, for one reason or another. She pushed me to do more for myself, take better care of myself and stop procrastinating because I lived through watching her fight every day to live, even though she could never do anything on her own. Eliana will be known as a superhero that was placed on Earth as a blessing, even though it is hard to see her death as such. I found victories to focus on instead of losses. Life hurts, we all know it and go through it. Please give yourself space to be distracted, to cry anytime you feel like it, and to feel the anger. Permit yourself to feel guilty, mad, or even blameful over your pain. Allow ample time to process and plan for how your life will be different moving forward. Use writing to give your emotions a voice and as an outlet for your screams. Regardless of how you grieve, the point is YOU MUST. Do not pretend it doesn’t hurt, or pretend it didn’t happen or negate the validity of it because that only festers inside like an infection and will eventually spread and erupt in all areas of your life and well-being.
Mistie Layne is a Best-selling Author, Award-winning Speaker, Host Dare 2 Share with Mistie Layne talk show, Founder #BethatONE movement and the Write 2 Ignite Women's Empowerment Retreat. Mistie is no longer hiding behind her secrets, her best selling book of “What Goes Up”, she shares her RAW TRUTH of how she went from a Beauty Queen to sporting black eyes. While at the doorstep of medical school and becoming a surgeon, adversity struck and she fell prey to a horrific cocaine addiction. After being attacked and robbed, she was in an accident that led to another. She plummeted to her rock bottom, now facing a forty-year prison sentence. Mistie_Layne @transparencymovement Mistie Layne
You can and will survive through loss, pain, or even shame and guilt. To survive my past, I learned to find the silver lining in every situation so I could focus on the positive instead of dwell on the negative. I learned to give a hand and use my life experiences to help ease the suffering of others. Even though I am grieving Eliana being gone from this physical world, I smile with pride in knowing our hummingbird is flying high above the clouds with angel wings as she continues to sprinkle blessing on others with her life. Find your drive to be better, to overcome adversity, to rise above the shame. Find the person you were intended to be and let a loss of a loved one be your driving force to be better because of them! I pray every time you see a hummingbird you think of Eliana and remember to be kind to others and fight for yourself as hard as she fought to live. I pray you to find comfort in her story and learn to use your pain as fuel to become a better version of you.
Write 2 Ignite Women’s Empowerment Retreats at
Until we meet again my sweet girl, fly hummingbird, fly. -Mistie Layne
Watch Dare 2 Share with Mistie Layne every T/Th @ 6pm CST on
The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can not do. When you know you can do it. ~Elizabeth Galvan
How to
Enhance Your Productivity (in 15 Steps) Copyright Adam Strong As I sit on the sofa at home, I use this time to reflect on what I have achieved and not achieved in the past year, areas of improvement, and what I need to do to change for the year ahead of me. I’ve come to realize even with experience and success in business… … you can still feel overwhelmed, frustrated, fearful, self-doubt, and a lack of clarity. (Even though you know what must be done)
>> Important >> As a former elite athlete that studied and trained with Olympic athletes, I thought that I was invincible until I realized that actually we all have limiting beliefs and sometimes we are just so incredibly hard on ourselves. When I think of myself, I’m the biggest critic. I put all this pressure on myself of running a business (or three) balancing work and family life and setting myself high standards. All this pressure can somewhat paralyze our thinking and reduce our peripheral awareness. When I think of my position, I came to realize that many others are actually in a similar position. We all get stuck and it doesn’t feel good. So, the million-dollar question is… How will you ensure your business is more productive in 2020?
Here is my “15-step checklist” 1. Create a VISION Your vision needs to start with what impact do you want to leave the world, in 100 years how will you be remembered and what legacy do you want to leave? Yes, these are all big questions, don’t get overwhelmed! If you have created a why, goals, dream, or purpose in the past that you have not achieved, it’s likely that something didn’t feel right, you were disconnected and you were destined for something bigger than who you are. We all have a purpose in life, use a quiet space, or use meditation tools to help find some clarity allowing you to tap into what you want. It will also help you eliminate distractions, ego, and low self-worth. 2. ACTION PLAN One of the first things I teach my clients is creating a business blueprint! The blueprint needs to emulate according to your vision, this will help you become more focused. On one page, I start with my exit strategy (If you don’t want to exit that’s fine too, you may want to create a business where you have more of a backup scenes role). In 3-5 bullet points, I write out what I need in place to make my exit strategy hap-
pen this varies from business to business. Here are some ideas: What positions do you need to have filled? What new products/ services do you want to have developed, what systems do you need in place? What countries do you want to expand? Try to be as specific as possible. Next… A 12-month plan A 6-month plan A 3-month plan One month from today You will want to update your one-page blueprint every month as your business adapts and progresses. 3. Don’t be afraid to fail I have seen a common attribute in most entrepreneurs that I believe is our downfall, failure. I never see failure as a bad thing, I see it as a blessing. Failure is a way that has not worked it doesn’t mean it will never work. Did Thomas Edison have that mindset when he created the lightbulb? No, he just found 10,000 ways of how a lightbulb didn’t work. Does a baby give up that easily when they are learning to walk? No, they keep going until they figure it out. Accept It’s ok to make mistakes.
Don’t think you are going to fail after – One speaking gig – One webinar – One high-ticketed offer – One course launched – One Facebook ad – One event Keep going 4. Plan the day before This is a must-do if you want to kickstart every day with intention! Always plan your day the day before and split the day into thirtyminute segments. This is one of the key skills you need to develop to become more self-disciplined and focused. 5. Manage your energy If you want productivity, then you have to start managing your energy more efficiently. That means taking regular breaks every 2 hours, eating a healthy balanced diet, and staying in good physical shape too. I encourage my clients to set themselves a fitness goal, for example, one of my clients decided to pursue the challenge of running the great wall of China half marathon. It doesn’t have to be as extreme as that just something that will take you out of your comfort zone. 6. Speed is the new currency I’ve come across many companies that have spent years plateauing, losing money, and profits because they’re stuck. The story of Blockbuster Video failing in the face of innovation to Netflix is a common one. We see the same thing that happened to Toys-R-Us going into administration because they failed to identify the changing shopping habits of their customers, failed to embrace a digital platform, and failed to adapt to the new market. Slow-moving firms have no future. The world is continuously evolving. Big players like Amazon, Apple, Wholefoods, and Nike are beginning to swallow up the markets. These companies are making customers’ experiences quicker, easier, and more convenient. And because companies like Blockbuster Video and Toys-R-Us got complacent, they’re out of business.
“Success is all about Speed” To me, success is all about speed. I don’t care about anything else. Speed, both in people skills and hard work, will crush anything. How quickly you implement certain ideas, adapt to the market, and stay ahead of your competition will make all the difference in your business. As a former elite athlete, speed was so important, especially when it came to deciding on when we needed to step up a gear when we were going to overcome the competition when we’d win the race. It’s the same thing in business – you have two choices: hustle hard or get crushed by the competition. 7. No such thing as perfectionism Many business owners wait to make sure everything is perfect. It’s important to realize that perfectionism is BS and that you don’t have to get everything 100% right all the time. There will never be the perfect time, place, situation or circumstance just be happy with 80% and then move on.
“It’s not about perfection, but just getting things done quickly” 8. Measure everything As an athlete we measured everything, it was key to track the progress that ultimately gave us results.
If you want to improve you need to know where you were (past), where you are currently (present), and where you’re heading (future).
Do more of what work and stop what does not work. As an example, I use a system called ‘LAPS’ enabling me to measure my leads, appointments, presentations, and sales. 9. Stop doing list We all have an endless to-do list but one thing I teach my clients is to figure out their stop doing list. To do this you must…. Evaluate what business skills you have and rate yourself on key areas such as sales, marketing, pitching, networking, branding, finances, and operations. Delegate as much as you can enabling you to focus on the activities you enjoy and that you are good at. I’m not particularly great with numbers, therefore, I delegate that activity out to my finance team. What activities/ tasks can you list that you need to stop doing and how much will it cost you to give that activity/ task to someone else? 10. Know your value! When I sat down with one of my clients ‘Richard’ he was stuck, frustrated, and struggling to manage his time efficiently, he was stressed out not able to see his family and working in a business that was essentially him! I found that was trying to do everything (he was the bottleneck). Whether that be working on his website, scrolling through his social media feed, checking his email, or creating a logo. He was essentially doing tasks for little or no money. When he realized this, we used productivity hacks and created a small team of contractors (these we sourced on places such as,, or He discovered all these activities are transactional. Transactional tasks do not add revenue to your bottom line. During the day, you need to focus on revenue-generating activities that grow your business enabling you to delegate more tasks out. 11. Systemize everything! One of the biggest things I have been focused on this year is creating more of an online business. We live in a digital world and you can create so much more impact by reaching out to clients that you can help in other places in the world. To move to the next level and be successful you need to develop and create systems and processes that support a new way of life. The purpose of any business is to have a commercial and profitable organization that works without you. If your business depends on you or the knowledge is locked into your head begin to document everything and use the relevant systems to do the work. 12. Condition yourself This is one of the key foundations you need to develop from the start. It doesn’t matter about a strategy or success formula without conditioning your mindset first, you will fail. For thirty minutes a day (ideally in the morning) read, watch or listen to positive material that will energize, encourage you, and will help you overcome self-doubt. 13. Surround yourself with the right people Take yourself out of surroundings that make you feel like crap and plan time in places that uplift you! Spend less time with energy vampires and toxic people. These are the typical types of people that have limiting beliefs and want to put their s**t on you, or the ones that tell you you’re not good enough, or offer unsolicited advice on your expertise with what you
do, or those that just whine and moan about life and do nothing to changing their own. Unfortunately, the reality is they can be an employee, a friend/ family member, or worst of all your spouse. Choose positive people that uplift you and think like you. Create your circle of associations that have a growth mindset, those that share the same success principles and values as yours, empathy, integrity, and kindness. 14. Believe in yourself If you don’t believe in yourself there will be no shadow of a doubt that you are going to struggle! One of my clients ‘James’ didn’t believe in himself this created self-doubt and fear of rejection. He didn’t want to pick up the phone to follow up with clients after interacting with them. After revisiting his vision and understanding his client's pain points, he became motivated and believed that he could help his clients find a solution. 15. Get a coach or mentor From a very young age, I was exposed to coaching early on in my athletic career. Honestly, if I didn’t have a coach or mentor there is no way I wouldn’t have had the success I had if it wasn’t for him. If you look at Olympic athletes, celebrities, or successful entrepreneurs they have all had coaches and mentors. For most of you, coaches/ mentors can come from books, audios, YouTube videos, Instagram stories or just following successful entrepreneurs. If you want a shortcut to success then go and get a real coach or mentor, one that you invest time and money with. They will save you the most valuable asset ‘TIME’ which is something you can never replace! A great coach or mentor should encourage you, hold you accountable, and be honest be with you! When you work in the trenches it is hard to get a bird's eye view of what’s holding you back and how to fix your bottlenecks. It is critical to get some advice and have someone to turn to that will help you get to the next level (a place where you may have never been before!) It can be lonely running a business (trust me I know I own three). Don’t assume you know everything, be coachable. I teach this when I work with my clients. If it is good enough for me, it must be good enough for you too! Conclusion If you’ve read to the end, I’m sure there have been some points raised that have resonated with you. I wanted to share some insights into my life, my business, and what you can do in yours. Business is not easy (don’t let anyone tell you otherwise) I’ve seen so many business owners and entrepreneurs fall down the rabbit hole and it is tough to get out! The key is to spend more time working on your business not just in your business, and you need to learn how to work smarter not harder. . The truth is… you can patch some things together from this article and try to achieve success but both you and I know that’s a slow way. If you to build a successful business that gives you what you want out of life get a successful “mentor” or “coach” that can make it easier for you to give you a competitive advantage. . And that’s why I’m here to help… As a Business Results Strategist. I want to show you the right way to achieve faster results, create clarity, and grow and scale your business. So you can work less, make more, and serve your clients to a higher level.
. If you’re set on making 2020 a year of lasting change and achieving faster results. Message me and we can arrange a convenient date and time to speak. . And if I can help you with your desired outcome. We can discuss a tailor-made package that we can create to ensure your success. contact me at: and let me know you found me thru Influential People Magazine ~ Adam Strong Adam Strong Adam Strong Adam Strong Adam Strong Adamstrongofficial
Adam Strong is a former elite athlete who trained with Olympic goldmedalist Mo Farah. He has taken the principles of discipline, focus, and productivity and applied them to business to help entrepreneurs and medium-sized companies deliver fast and effective results. Adam is the creator of ‘Accelerated outcomes’ an 87-day online coaching course designed to increase speed, productivity, and profits, take a look here!
You are the physical embodiment of change. We invent. We create. We change.
Increase Your Productivity and Performance Now. Advice, Tools, Tactics and Productivity Hacks for your life and business- Get my most powerful tips for FREE. No Spam Sign up to Podcast
The Game Changers Experience are deep dive conversations with some of leading business disruptors, Olympic athletes, celebrities, entrepreneurs, influencers and movers and shakers from around the world. You will learn the insights about the winning principals in mindset, productivity, marketing, branding, entrepreneurship, business strategy and more. Entwining elite sports with entrepreneurship. The show is hosted by Ultra-High Personal Productivity Authority, Business Strategist, Former Elite Athlete, Author and Public Speaker Adam Strong.
“You can’t buy a Legacy, you BUILD it!” ~ Lori McNeil International Business Coach
Photography by Alvin Acosta 113 Media San Diego
"Loved my coaching experience with Lori! I was challenged far beyond what I would have done on my own. She helped me see things from a different perspective that changed my motivation and mindset to move forward in my goals. If you want someone to challenge you out of your comfort zone and get results, get Lori to coach you!" — Julius Kim, Coaching Client, New Jersey
"My Coaching experience with Lori McNeil was amazing!!!! She truly listens, shows genuine compassion and exudes passion, empowerment and confidence. She was super focused with keeping me on track and accountable throughout the process! She truly went above and beyond! Thank you Coach Lori!! You're incredibly gifted and your passion to witness people's transformation is undeniable. I'm grateful for our experience together and I'd do it all over again with you!" — Lisa Rimas, Coaching Client, Florida INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE 49
The Confusion of
Humanity and
3 Ways To Find Peace
Copyright Trish Rock
Do you feel like hopping on the next inter-galactic spaceship and traveling to a planet that makes sense right now? I don’t know about you but for me, the current world we live in is so confusing, recently I was struggling to understand not only what is going on, but how I felt about it! One thing I do know is that no matter what you believe right now, you will have people slam you, laugh at you, berate you, shame you, and yes, some will also believe you and support you. Often as humans, we feel safer, better, wiser, or also forced to take on the opinion of others as our own and I feel this has been intensified over the last few months but the other side of this is that with the huge energy shifts on this planet, anything that is not authentically felt as true for us will feel out of alignment and uncomfortable.
So, what DO you believe? My perception of things changes daily concerning all current matters and how this planet is transforming, thus throwing it into chaos.
Here are 3 ways I am slowing down the mind tornado and coming back into alignment with my clarity daily:
What is YOUR truth?
What do YOU believe? Are your current beliefs yours or a projection of someone else’s who you think is right and therefore you need to think the same? One thing I have certainly learned through all of this is that simply because someone else feels right with their opinion doesn’t mean it has to be mine. Sit quietly and feel into this one. What feels comfortable and has eased for you will be your truth. You may even need to do this several times a day if you start to feel out
of alignment or confused in any way about new information or events, or new opinions heard from others.
2. What type of truth-seeker are you? I have found this to be of the most important for me. Being shamed for not acting or protesting in the way that others do is not fair, and you have the right to be and have a different, or the same opinion, as others. · If you are a front-line person fighting the great battles! · If you are in the trenches supporting the front line that’s great! · If you are one of the planners and generals that’s great! · And if you are one of the energy workers behind the scenes that’s great! We ALL play an important part and we are ALL doing the best we can so really feel into this today and every day (as your perceptions and positions change) and ask yourself where and how do you feel comfortable right now in bringing more peace and oneness to this planet?
Find your peace first.
No matter how you are dealing with life right now, the confusion and frustration of things can send you astray and there is no peace when your mind has that tornado swirling around in it. Peace within your own heart can be underrated and seen as no action towards the whole but in fact, it is the beginning of peace in reality.
Trish Rock | Trusted Intuitive Guide for Aware Women seeking their Light & Pur-
pose Trish gives assured trusted guidance to women and remove the overwhelm in the discovery of self. She works with clients to boost their confidence, be a conduit and interpreter to their needs and desires and give them a loving ener-
So do whatever you can daily to find peace within your own heart and mind. Meditate, go into nature, close your eyes, and imagine a better world, do some deep breathing, or write daily in your journal.
Here is a fantastic Meditation you can download called Activate Peace: ActivatePeaceNow Your inner peace will be the foundation of whatever your next step is and will also help with the confusion in your mind. When you feel at ease with your current ‘now’, decisions are easier, the day makes more sense and your emotions and mind are more grounded and stable.
getic embrace of calm and peace while they become the best versions of themselves. Trish is a Psychic/Clairvoyant, Holistic Health and WellBeing practitioner, Meditation channel and holds a Post Grad in
Mind Body Medicine. With her natural ability to channel solutions and disrupt old stories, she has been helping women find their voice and shine their light for the past 30 years. She was named one of the 8 Female CHANGEMAKERS for 2020 in YMag and is one of the Enlightened Changemakers for 2020 in Holistic Bliss Magazine. Trish is also the Producer & Host of her own
These 3 action steps daily will at the very least allow you to let go of any energy, beliefs, or fear that is not yours and put you in a space where you can own what is yours and then either embrace that or change it. In the words of John Lennon…
“Imagine all the people, living life in peace. You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world can live as one”
show – TrishRockTV- Interviews with People on Purpose. Loving Life.
Breakthrough Session: 1 hour @ A$290.00 In this 60 minute session we focus on one issue you have in your life at the moment that is causing chaos, leaving you sleepless at night & in overwhelm and get you back to centre. During the session: We’ll work together to create a crystalclear vision for the outcome you want in your life and break free of your limitations You’ll uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your way to finding your light & purpose And you’ll leave the session peaceful, calm & inspired
Trish Rock | Helping Women Move from Confu-
sion, Overwhelm & Uncertainty To Calm, Peace & Clarity | Intuitive Guide & Transformation Coach Trish Rock - Spiritual Mentor @trishrock7 trish_rock_7
Trish Rock Trish Rock
happy or wanted to make a dream
has drained energy and joy from me.
come true.
It’s my impression that a lot of people would like to do something similar—
follow their dreams and get a more satisfactory working life. This is my impression because people have asked me about it with great interest. They have
Copyrighted by Gitte Randrup
asked how I dared to take these actions,
” How do you find the courage to go by yourself to Argentina without knowing anyone there?” a colleague asked me. I didn’t have a clear-cut answer; I simply had the courage and wasn’t afraid to do it.
and how they could do something simi-
Having the courage to make decisions provides a greater purpose in life. I’m one of those people who has “pulled the plug” several times, as doing
so was necessary for me to take my life in another direction, toward greater satisfaction or simply because I wanted to pursue a dream. I once asked for a leave of absence for three months so that I could go to Argentina and dance the tango. Another time, I quit my job because I wanted my career to go in another direction. People have asked me how I dare to do this. I’ll put it this way: “I don’t dare to do it.” Why is that? The answer is that remaining in mediocrity has never
lar themselves. What makes me sad is
Probably, the answer is that I didn’t
that, for some, this never becomes a
want to look back at age 90 and regret
not going to Argentina, as I wanted to
And I think that’s a shame. We each
delve deeply into the tango.
have only one life and that life should-
The same goes for situations in which
n’t be a rehearsal. My mother died at
I’ve either handed in my notice or de-
66. She had been more or less suffering
cided to not pursue a prolongation or
from an illness for the last 10 years of
permanent position when an interim
her life. This made me adopt a lifestyle
contract was about to end—when it
of eating organic and healthy food,
had reached a point where the price for
focusing on a partial vegetarian and
staying in the job was too high because
vegan diet. I combine it with walking,
I wasn’t able to use my skills and was
biking, Pilates, and tango–not in abun-
bored. Then I chose to quit and believe
dance but a few times a week.
something better would be waiting for me in another place.
I’m aware that this doesn’t guaran-
According to the 2017 Gallup report
tee a long, disease-free life. I’ve done
“State of the American Workplace,”
what I can do about it. And it feels
only 1/3 of the American workforce
good. My mother’s death also gave me
feels engaged at work; 16% are actively
the courage to change things if I wasn’t
disengaged and 51% are not engaged—
they are just there. Staying in a job you don’t like can have negative consequences. The book” Diagnosis Boreout,” written by Philippe Rothlin and Peter R. Werder, who have examined job satisfaction, states that approximately 10% of the workforce in the Western world doesn’t find their job meaningful. The authors state that especially behavioral strategies like pretending to be working, boredom, and a lack of challenges can eventually lead to illness if one succumbs to the pressure. Yet how can we make a change without losing our homes—which no one wants to do? I highly recommend putting aside money from your paycheck each month to secure a financial buffer. In time, this will give you freedom— the freedom to take a leave of absence to travel, to quit a job you don’t like and pursue a new career, to write a book or whatever you desire. You may also choose to move to a cheaper area. I know people who have done so to follow their dream of going freelance and to deal with the insecurity in earnings that follows. It’s only your fantasy that sets the limit. I believe that material stuff doesn’t provide real happiness. What does provide happiness is having something meaningful and energizing to look forward to every day. ~Gitte Randup Gitterandrup Gitterandrup
Gitte Randrup is an HR expert based in Copenhagen, Denmark, and the founder of GR Consult. She is an advisor and HR Business Partner to managers on a wide range of HR subjects, such as recruiting, onboarding and organization and management. Her vision is to create mutually satisfactory long-term working relationships between employers and employees combining business needs and strategy with the wants of the employees. Gitte holds university degrees within HR, Organization & Management and Languages. She has worked with HR in companies, such as GEA and Nordea. She is also an HR expert blogger on the Danish online debate forum Amino with more than 100,000 debaters and readers. LinkedIn: Gitterandrup FB: @Gitterandrup NEED TO RENT A HR BUSINESS PARTNER? NEED A BETTER ON BOARDING PROCESS?
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CREDITS: Photography by: Ngoc Nguyen of G&G Studios MUAH: Hair & Makeup by Karen Huynh of Melbourne’s Beautiful Bridal Gown by Arlene D’Monte Lulusecret is an on take, interviews, insight & sharing of inspiring & successful people’s secrets on the topics of Health, Wealth & Happiness. Video Interviews Blogs Articles Product Reviews Fitness Group Classes Seminars
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5 Ways To Intuitively Nurture Your Network
Copyright by Melissa Hull
Intuitively nurture your network with these five easy ways to connect, and let’s all find success together. When it comes to spreading a global, world-changing message, you’re going to need as many people in your corner as you can get — but that doesn’t mean collecting surface-level connections or Facebook friends. Building a network strong and wide enough to circle the globe means getting to know people authentically, even in our digital world. So, in 2020, let’s all make a resolution to throw out the small talk, marketing agendas, one-sided opportunities, and petty competition from our relationships. Instead, let’s connect by tapping into our intuitions, choosing collaboration over competition, and holding enough space for us to all succeed together. Ready to dive into my 5 easy tips for intuitive networking? Here are the tools I use to nurture your network.
5 Ways to Intuitively Nurture Your Network.
a message or a check-in from me later that day. I’ll send a text or write a card and drop it in the mail. If that friend is having a hard time or celebrating a milestone, I’ll make a note to send some flowers.
As I mentioned, I like to use my gut when deciding who to focus on each day. Some entrepreneurs may use a calendar or a more structured approach to nurturing professional and personal relationships, but I generally like to let my intuition lead the way. It feels more organic to me, and I think it helps me tap into relationships at the moment they need me, rather than according to the arbitrary rotation. Send your energy out there and see who needs to hear from you — you may be surprised how much you can intuitively sense.
Each day, as a part of my mindful morning routine, I take a few minutes to just be. I grab a notebook and journal, or sometimes I read and find some inspiration to start my day. During that time, whoever pops into my head at that time usually gets
Make thoughtful introductions.
Sometimes the best opportunity comes in the form of a well-placed introduction. Whenever I meet someone, I’m always thinking about who I can connect with. The strength of your network relies on the strength of each connection. By helping your friends strengthen their connections, everyone grows stronger together.
1. Make it part of your routine.
Trust your gut.
Pay opportunities forward.
Sometimes you hear about an opportunity that sounds exciting, but it’s just not for you at that moment. Instead of just deciding whether or not you’ll participate, spend an extra minute or two thinking about who else could benefit from that opportunity, then pass along the information. If nothing else, that person will know you were thinking about them
and investing in their success.
Manifest your network bucket list.
We grow in the direction of our networks and relationships. So, if you want to reach a certain level of success, first find the people who are already doing it. That’s who you want to dedicate intentional, focused energy to. Next, to manifest those relationships into being, start by writing down those names, big and small. Consider people in your communities, as well as people who you might consider totally out of reach. This is your relationship bucket list, after all. Great, now you’re nurturing your network with intention and intuition!
Share with Us! How do you nurture your network in an organic, intuitive way? What helps you stay connected and feel authentic? Share with us! We would love to know! Your story is so important. Want More? If you’re looking for guided, step-by-step help to put these exact strategies into practice, check out my Global MEDIA Membership. It has all the in-depth knowledge and step-by-step instruction you need to get from basic blogger to global media mogul. I believe in it so much that we’ll walk you through this formula for a $1 trial. Melissa Hull Gallemore
Melissa-Hull Melissa_Hull_ Melissa Hull Gallemore
Melissa Hull is E360tv's Creative Content Producer, an inspirational speaker, author, entrepreneur, business strategist consultant, and award-winning artist. She has shared the stage with Mitch Carson, Bill Walsh, James Dentley, Kevin Harrington, Joel Bauer, Forbes Riley and several other notable speakers. She is the author of “Lessons From Neverland” and is regularly sought out as a business consultant and mentor to several small businesses.
Don’t let the Pinballs
Bring You Down
Copyrighted Denise M. Michaels
“Well, THAT was obnoxious!” my good friend Karen whispered bitterly. She was reacting to a colleague who she felt should’ve connected with her before an important learning session coming up soon. In fact this colleague left her out of the loop until it was too late. “What was obnoxious about it?” I asked.
move. Now her event won’t be as successful as it could’ve been.” Karen smiled. Smart, resourceful, well-connected, creative and passionate, Karen is a successful entrepreneur with great ideas and plenty of positive energy. However, when this happened the hurt little girl inside
“I could’ve brought a lot of attention and attendees to what she’s
her felt miffed. Like she didn’t get an invitation to the birthday party
doing, but she didn’t let me know until the last minute. I could’ve
of the most popular kid in school.
sent the word out to my email lists a few times. Now, the learning session is only three days away. Plus, I wanted to go and I’ll be out of town,” Karen replied. “That doesn’t sound like ‘obnoxious’ to me,” I replied calmly. “It sounds like she’s disorganized, didn’t plan well and made a dumb
I asked her about it. At first she defended her choice of words. However, after a few more questions she sheepishly admitted there was a tiny spot inside that felt unwanted, unloved and left out at times. Instead of acknowledg-
ing her pain, she projected. In her moment of hurt and anger
she called the object of her
ire “obnoxious.”
comes or a negative one where you feel
a level of friendship where I can on
between a good day with positive out-
hurts from her past. We’ve reached her
those moments makes the difference
come to know about many of the
what people do. How we respond in
Karen and I are close friends so I’ve
like everyone else is the hammer and
you’re the nail.
“stuff” without her glaring at me or getting ticked off. I call her on her
Let it bounce off you and it has little
“stuff” without her glaring getting
effect one way or the other. Decide it
ticked off at me or consider it a
has something to do with you and after
badge of honor that we’ve grown to be such great buddies over the
awhile it’s easy to feel like you have little bruises all over from being
pinged with tiny steel balls.
We’re both happily married women who’ve been operating success-
If you let this stuff effect you in business, after awhile it can wear you
fully in the world of entrepreneurship for years now. However, no
down and leave you feeling cranky and irritable. That never goes
matter how mature and “got it all together” we strive to look on the
over well. As a result you start colliding with people like your clients,
outside, let’s be honest. Most of us walk around through life like big
your boss, your spouse or your kids. They all become like pinballs.
kids on the inside, trying to act like adults on the outside.
It certainly isn’t the desired outcome but it happens. When it does,
We have hurts, fears, triggers and concerns from way back when we
somehow as if by fate there are more little steel balls pinging around
were vulnerable children that have never left us. One of Karen’s trig-
banging into you and making your day and your life difficult, leaving
gers is feeling left out of things. One of my triggers is feeling I’m not
emotional bruises.
being heard. Maybe that’s part of why I became a writer and speaker. So I wonder: What are your hurts, triggers and concerns?
We humans have a way of dreaming up stories based not in reality, but on our perception of reality. There’s no way we can see the world and events except through the lens of our own experiences. The more our perception includes the goofy idea people do or say
How do they result in you “acting out” in your day to day life?
things purposefully to make our lives difficult, the more every facet
of our lives become difficult. How have they impacted your business or career? Some people are
Changing perceptions from your usual kneejerk reaction of, “Why did
quick to anger when a pressure point wells up from inside becoming
she do that to me?” to “Gee, I guess she’s having a bad day,” takes
inflamed and enraged. Others do a slow burn, smile and say mean-
time. It didn’t happen instantly for me and probably won’t for you,
spirited things to others about the person they feel slighted them.
They become gossips. Gossip actually casts more aspersions and negativity on you then the person you’re talking about.
However, if you practice detaching yourself from other people’s reactions, the more you won’t be subjected to whatever happens in the
One way to alleviate the emotional sting of our trigger points is to
their life. You and only you get to choose what you want and make
follow the words of Don Miguel Ruiz in his book The Four Agree-
every day the best you possibly can.
ments published in 1997. The second agreement from this iconic book says, “Don’t take any-
thing personally.” This agreement is a vital part of my anti-drama lifestyle and way of looking at the world. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve repeated it to myself, to Karen and to others I care about.
~Denise M. Michaels Denise M. Michaels
Denise M. Michaels writersmeditate.denisemm DeniseMM Denise M Michaels
She’s often amazed how easily I’m able to let things go. Not just little things like a rude barista, but big things as well. Here’s my secret: in my heart of hearts I truly believe the vast majority of people don’t do things to purposely hurt us. It’s simply a moment where their perception of the world slams up against your perception of the world. The person who became annoying or demanding never said, “Gee, I wonder how I can get a rise out of him or her today?” Not likely.
Denise M. Michaels is a ghostwriter and book coach. She helps entrepreneurs, therapists, CEOs, speakers and aspiring authors become more recognizable, influential and indemand. Using the leverage a book provides – you can become the go-to expert in your niche. To contact Denise about your book or book idea click here now.
Instead they were going about their day and the two of you collided
Copyright by Meridith Powell
impact our economy, and the level of change it will invoke.
Look to what you can control, and pretty much forget the rest. Of course, you need to keep an eye on what is happening with the virus. But do not obsess. There is nothing you can do about travel being closed to Europe, events being canceled, or the media hyping up the dangers. As a leader, your energy is better spent focusing on your business and what you can control: helping your customers, looking for revenue opportunities, limiting expenses, and working with your key team members on finding new opportunities. We are living in a time of constant change. We have a global market that has opened up opportunities. New competitors entering daily. Technology is constantly redesigning the marketplace. The one thing we can all agree on, it is probably the one thing we are all worried about, is what has made us successful to this point, what has grown our companies, it is not going to be enough going forward. We need a different approach and a new style of leadership. In my new book, “ (due December 2020), we explore the methodology for that style of leadership and the in-depth plan for growth no matter what the marketplace does. But today, we need a plan for the Coronavirus, (COVID-19) because who knows how long this will
Communication is important at this time. Be as open as you can with your team right now. If this is impacting your business, even if you are worried, as a business owner, it is ok to share that with them. Your team can handle tough news; they can handle challenges; what they can’t handle is the unknown. Right now, it is better to over-communicate than undercommunicate, and do everything you can to keep your team and your customers in the loop.
After you share information with your team, ask them for their ideas
and opinions. It would be best if you had all hands on deck right now, and everyone fully engaged. Remember, people support what they help create, and asking your team for their input will ensure you are tapping every resource you have at this critical time.
Ask yourself if you can diversify revenue at all? Whether your income stream is compromised or not, it is still a good time to diversify. Can you offer some things online? Can your salespeople sell into different markets? Is there a new service you could be offering? It may take a while to get these revenue streams going, but now is a great time to plan.
with your team to create the strategy for situations like this. Remember, if you see change coming, it is an opportunity, ignore it, and it will defeat you. Change grows like kudzu in our marketplace today, and as a leader, you have to be prepared. These strategies will help you get through this crisis, but stay tuned because each week I will be sharing research, stories, and steps in the methodology of how exactly you turn all of this uncertainty to your competitive advantage. ~ Meridith
Powell Meridith Elliott Powell Meridith Elliott Powell Meridith Powell
Create a plan if you do not have one. Coronavirus will not be the recent disruption we have to the marketplace, and you need to work
Meridith Powell Powell Meridith Elliott
Meridith Elliott Powell, Business Growth Expert Voted one of the Top 15 Business Growth Experts to watch by Currency Fair, a Top Sales Experts To Follow by LinkedIn, and Top 41 Motivational Sales Speakers. Meridith has a cutting-edge message, rooted in real-life examples and real-world knowledge. She is the author of six books, including “Cut Through The Excuses – Send Sales Through The Roof” , and her latest
“Thrive: Strategies To Turn Uncertainty To Competitive Advantage,”
You’re assured success when you go with the S.U.R.E. Team. Introducing Scott and Holly Porter, leaders of the S.U.R.E. Team. Scott brings over 3 decades of expertise as a building contractor and former owner of Kong-Crete LLC. to the partnership. Holly continues as a Broker and RealtorŽ. Scott and Holly both have spent most of their life in Southern Utah where they raised a family of 8 and now have 11+ grandchildren. Whether you are downsizing, relocating your family, or looking for a recreational property in the mountains, the S.U.R.E. Team has you covered. Check out our free gift available to you here under the gifts tab. 62 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE
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Oleander PR, Public Relations is a Texas based Freelance PR agency serving the Entertainment, Fashion, Luxury Lifestyle, Non Profit, LGBTQ & Military Communities - handling Traditional & Digital PR, Marketing, Event Promotions and Social Media Campaigns. INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE 65
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At the end of the day public relations, marketing and advertising are about communicating a story. The “why” is identical: Get customers. Move product. Drive revenue. “How” is what sets us apart from other companies How The Umbrella Syndicate differs from other PR/Marketing Firms At the end of the day public relations, marketing and advertising are about communicating a story. The “why” is identical: Get customers. Move product. Drive revenue. “How” is what sets us apart from other companies. The lines between the various forms of mass communications have definitely blurred in recent times, as more and more of our lives migrate online. The Umbrella Syndicate’s mission is to amplify good people, good messages, and good causes through social media.
You’re Assured Success when you go with the S.U.R.E. Team Introducing Scott and Holly Porter, leaders of the S.U.R.E. Team. Scott brings over 3 decades of expertise as a building contractor and former owner of Kong-Crete LLC. to the partnership. Holly continues to build on her expertise as a Broker and RealtorŽ. Scott and Holly both have spent most of their life in Southern Utah where they raised a family of 8 and now have 11+ grandchildren. Whether you are downsizing, relocating your family, or looking for a recreational property in the mountains, the S.U.R.E. Team has you covered.
435-531-6723 www.SoUtah.RealEstate Raising the Bar on Real Estate
Southern Utah Real Estate and Biz sponsors both a show and a magazine. These video podcasts are “The Show”. Holly Porter interviews the movers and shakers of the Southern Utah community. Join in the interviewee’s enthusiasm for building relationships and establishing roots in the business world of Southern Utah. You’ll soon learn that community is what brings partnerships and opportunities in this growing region of Utah. The video podcast is launching September 2020 and can be found here under the Podcast tab.
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YOU CAN HAVE IT. I CAN HELP. LET’S MEET FOR A (VIRTUAL) COFFEE. Yoram Baltinester is known as The Personal Development Samurai for his unique ability of cutting straight to the epicenter of any issue. Why this is important to you? It shortens the time needed to course correct your life, your relationships, your money and your health. Let’s find out together, in a COMPLEMENTARY CHAT : 1.
Which area in your life is actually your weakest link? (It may not be what you think it is)
How fulfillment can co-exist with success and, not at the expense of other areas of life?
What is the biggest roadblock right now?
What are the best strategies for you to catapult to the next level of your success?
Photography by: Debbie Lefever
Join Influential People TV Host l Author l Speaker l Publisher
on her upcoming new show
Featuring Influential People who are making an enduring impact on people lives around the world... Do you have a compelling idea for our show? Come and join our Facebook group for updates, news, idea sharing, to featured in our upcoming shows, and etc… FB: InfluentialPeopleTV Despite all of the obstacles in her way, Heide persisted and went on building 3 successful businesses and 3 magazine companies. Her energetic personality, charm, and sincerity have contributed to her successful magazine company; Influential People Magazine and becoming known as one of the top “Influential People. ” Heide’s business success can largely be credited to her instinctive ability to create an irresistible exposure for people she has helped. Heide will give you the industry insider points for making sure your message gets known throughout Influential People Magazine and Influential People TV show.
FB: @InfluencerHeideDangelo
So you want to lose weight, too? Transform your mind, body, and life with this comprehensive toolkit and easy to use step by step guide which takes you through a personal self assessment process unique to you; offers you a clear, concise, and complete system for positive self development; and helps you change your relationship with food by starting from within. Psychiatrists can struggle with life problems, just like you. After years of going through different diets, Dr. Greg Brown recognized that to really change his body, he needed to change his mindset. He succeeded in making fundamental and permanent changes in his own life without sacrificing anything of the lifestyle he wanted to enjoy. He shared his program, The EATT Plan, with friends and family and now offers it to you. Dr. Greg's insights and experiences from his personal journey to health are paired with a fun and engaging set of tools that support any chosen diet plan.
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#1 National Bestseller: Food Sanity – How to Eat in a World of Fads and Fiction As health expert for Lifetime television’s morning show and syndicated radio host, Dr. Friedman has spent the last fifteen years interviewing hundreds of health advocates, scientists, doctors and New York Times bestselling authors. His goal has always been to share cuttingedge topics and advice to help his audience reach their optimal health. Unfortunately, that’s not what happened. Instead, every guest would end up leaving them (and Dr. Friedman) more and more confused. From proponents of a Vegan, Paleo, Mediterranean Diet to a Gluten Free and Low Carb Diet, the opinions are as different as night and day. After becoming frustrated with so much biased (often paid for) and conflicting research, Dr. Friedman created a common science meets common sense approach that finally puts an end to the culinary conundrum!
Amazon—Food Sanity
Business Card Ad Page
BOOK YOUR BUSINESS CARD AD ~ ON SALE NOW 75% off~ FOR ONLY $5 A MONTH FOR A YEAR! (Offer good till 8/1//2020) You will be placed in our magazine, JV magazines, and website which has over 350K viewers!!!! More exposure for you!!! Please help to support our advertisers, check out their pages, and let them know you saw them in Influential People Magazine. If you would like to place an business card Ad, please contact Editor at: (Business card Ad in Subject line)
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Drive sales and increase visibility with book advertising Whether you’ve published one title or thousands, Influential People Magazine offers unique advertising solutions for the books category through Influential People Magazine Marketing (IPMM). These advertising solutions are currently available to authors and books vendors with a retail relationship.
Promote titles alongside similar books and authors
Feature new releases to drive sales as soon as they publish
Run continuous backlist campaigns to attract new readers
What’s Included: Online Ad – Creation of your book’s ad in various formats: Web image ads, Web text ads and mobile Web ads. 6 Months or 1 yr Placement – Your book’s ad will secure placement on our websites and in our magazine that are part of the Influential People Magazine Display Network of your choice 6 Months for $14.95 per month or 1 year for $9.95 per month.. 86 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE
Learn How to Grow Your Business With Persuasive Speaking! Even If You Have Never Been a Public Speaker Before
Let Arvee Robinson Master Speaker Trainer, International Speaker, and Author, teach you to become a Pubic Speaking Superstar in your industry! INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE 87
BRIAN TRASCHER Amazon—Laws And Sausage
Your book will be featured in our Magazine, website, and it’s JV magazines. More exposure for you!!! Inquire within: (Book Placement in Subject line) INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE 89
Brian Sebastian Movies Reviews & More
Theodosia McLean
Matt J Doyle Actor, Producer, & Entrepreneur
Daniel Faust Relationship Consultant
Heide Dangelo Publisher, Author, TV Host, & Entrepreneur
More listing coming soon, check in our next issue!
Welcome to the eZWay Wall Of Fame. The people you find on this wall have proven to either go above and beyond for the eZWay Family, have researchable and validated credits as a expert in their field, or has celebrity name recognition and has world wide proven influence
(JOIN OUR EZWAY FAMILY) The eZWay Wall Of Fame was made to reward our ezwayfam members, highlight and feature our influencers and celebrity experts. This is not just a wall to look at, visitors can click on any of the members which take you to a special page that showcases, promotes and highlights that particular member. This page features a featured picture, bio, video, builds a subscriber base, share buttons and social media and website promotion buttons. It will also have a rss feed to highlight the members social media posts from their facebook like page. This increases followers. Each member has the option to have their own profile on our social network which is similar to facebook. Want to join our ezway family? Text ezway to # 55678 Call EZWay: 877-399-2929 By Eric Zuley and Pattie Sadler The eZWay Wall of Fame was created by one of the top ten social media influencers in the world. Ranked # 7 of the top ten, by “Hollywood Weekly Magazine,” “Actors Reporter”, “Cold Heat News”, and many more, Mr. Eric Zuley founded eZWay Broadcasting, Inc. His business is now branded as eZWay Network, a multimedia conglomerate affiliated to thousands of other media companies. The eZWay wall of Fame is a platform used to honor their clients, members, and the eZWay Family. This collaborative network creates social proof and assists each other in monetizing their businesses. Digitally, it makes subscribers, clients, and supporters able to find one another. This clever creation promotes relationships and collaborations that were unreachable in the past. The network provides a user login for all visitors to be able to be seen by their 478,000 hits per month. This promotional tool is the only one of its kind and promotes users’ social media, websites, videos, audio and picture galleries. Others have compared it to a digital “Hall of Fame” or digital “Hollywood Walk of Fame”. Who’s Who among celebrities, influencers, and changemakers are promoted on the wall. Over 75 eZWay Fam, Influencers, and Celebrity
experts…all at your fingertip. Literally! There have been hundreds of people that have praised eZWay promotions and the Wall of Fame because of their results after being a part of this new platform! The Wall of Fame features your picture along with top influencers and celebrities which helps edify your brand credibility and gives you social proof. Members can get verified badges as well as what we like to call “Give Back Badges.” This is acquired by how many times you give back and help others. You can earn a certain amount of points that will help you to be awarded badges to get quantified. These points can be redeemed for extraordinary marketing and promotional services. Do you want to be noticed, and get more credibility? Want to be on the wall? Submissions to be on the wall: Subscribe at: Create your own account at: (Click signup/login at top of page)
Celebrities, CEO’s, Top-Performers, and Experts give their best secrets to success and influence. Never-beforeshared nuggets from the eZWay World of Influencers.
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Lori MCNeil is no stranger to the media spotlight. Her work and advocacy have taken her to locations both domestic and international, where she has been interviewed and featured in various broadcasts, competitions, and news programs. Lori handles the attention with grace and humility, leveraging her opportunities to advocate for worthwhile causes, such as literacy and support of our troops abroad, while helping entrepreneurs and individuals find and get on the path to success and fulfillment.
Photography by Alvin Acosta 113 Media San Diego