Influential Doctors Magazine April 2021

Page 20

How To Activate the Little Known Enzyme That Promotes Weight Loss and Longevity DR LORI SHEMEK, PHD, CNC, CLC is well known as a pioneer in creating global awareness of low-level inflammation and how it is the underlying cause of most illness, disease, faster aging and weight gain. She has been sending out the message about inflammation long before it was a buzz word. Dr. Lori has uncovered the pathway to the core cause of weight: inflamed fat cells that not only promote unwanted excess weight gain and belly fat, but poor health as well.

Lori Shemek is a Nutrition and Weight Loss expert, a best-selling author and specializes in weight loss resistance. She has helped many people to once and for all.. lose the weight and feel better fast. She shows people how to spot sneaky foods that create weight gain, to kick sugar addiction to the curb, and shift from eating the wrong foods to the exact foods that burn fat. Dr. Shemek is an award-winning, bestselling author of How To Fight FATflammation!; The Ketogenic

Key; Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting and Fire-Up Your Fat Burn! She is a leading health and weight loss expert and also known as “The Inflammation Terminator.” She has made it her mission to help clients lose weight and educate the public on the toxic effects of certain foods and lifestyle choices and how they create inflammation in the body resulting in weight gain. She is a leading authority on inflammation and its role in weight loss, preventing disease and optimizing health. LoriShemek DrLoriShemek drlorishemek 20 INFLUENTIAL DOCTORS MAGAZINE


New research is showing that a tiny enzyme

mal health and longevity. These mitochondria

within our cells promotes big results when

are the powerhouses within each cell in our

activated in weight loss, optimal health and

body and when we lose them or they lose their

longevity success.

This enzyme, AMPK

ability to power-up, we age. Our mitochondria

(Adenosine Monophosphate-Activated Protein

are one of, if not the most important compo-

Kinase) is found inside every cell in the body

nent of your cells. They supply over 90 percent

and serves as your body’s “master regulating

of your body’s energy needs by converting the

switch” – our master metabolic molecule that

food you eat and the air you breathe into usa-

influences how cells process energy. Overall,

ble energy.

this enzyme plays a major role in determining our body fat composition.

The SIRT1 enzyme is boosted and required by AMPK as well. Until only recently has it be-

When our cells lose energy, the cell degrades

come apparent that they have similar effects

and so does our health. AMPK determines

on as cellular metabolism, inflammation, and

body fat composition, optimal health and how

mitochondrial function – they work hand-in-

long you’ll live. When AMPK is activated, cells

hand. The SIRT1 molecule has the very im-

do not make or store fat, burning-up only

portant role of silencing the genes that pro-

stored fat. Our cells are less toxic, healthier

mote poor health effect and boost resilience to



stress, promotion of mitochondrial function,

activated. When the garbage can (our cell) is






protection from heart disease and cancer, as

emptied of junk, optimal health, longevity and

well as a reduction of inflammation.

weight loss can occur.

Why AMPK Levels Declines

Why We Need AMPK To Make Us Leaner and

Excess food intake, poor nutrition and the


resulting excess of cellular metabolic debris

AMPK is crucial to our health by pro-

within our cells, promotes inflammation and

moting insulin sensitivity – perhaps the great-

impairs our longevity genes. When there is

est marker for optimal health. This enzyme

too much of an energy onslaught to our



cells, AMPK activity diminishes and so does our

our mitochondria – little organs in every cell

health. This can result in weight gain, degener-

that turn oxygen and food into energy. Our

ative conditions, diabetes and a shortened




‘Mighty Mitochondria’ are crucial to our

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