Influential Doctors Magazine April 2021

Page 38

The Single Most Common Cause of Fatigue (and Sleep Problems): Disrupted Circadian Rhythm Ari Whitten has a B.S. in Kinesiology, holds two certifications from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (as a Corrective Exercise Specialist and Performance Enhancement Specialist), and has a recently completed his 3 years of coursework for his PhD in Clinical Psychology — an education that rounds out his approach to health optimization through body and mind. Ari was voted the #1 health influencer in 2020 by the Mindshare natural health community. He is the founder of The Energy Blueprint and is a #1 best-selling author and natural health expert who specializes in fatigue and human energy optimization. He has an extensive background in nutrition, exercise physiology, fat loss, body composition optimization, circadian rhythm, gut health, light therapies, and overall metabolic health. He has dedicated his life to studying health science for over 23 years. .


Let’s start with a simple fact that everyone dealing with poor sleep and fatigue needs to know: The single most common cause of fatigue is circadian rhythm disruption. Now, that we know that, let’s talk about what

your circadian rhythm is, and how to fix it. First, you may want to know what all this talk of circadian rhythm can do for you. So here’s the bottom line of what optimizing your circadian rhythm can do for you: Fix night-time awakenings Fix insomnia Dramatically increase your energy Fix trouble falling asleep due to a racing mind

@theenergyblueprint Ari Whitten

Boost your mood and brain function Dramatically decreases your risk of the

What Is Your Circadian Rhythm? This world of ours is changing so fast that it’s hard to keep track. Yet, there is one thing that remains constant: Every 24 hours, the sun rises and the sun sets. As it turns out, that simple fact is a massively important part of all our lives. Indeed, many of our most basic physiological functions (and those of virtually all of the millions of species of microorganisms, plants, and animals on the planet) are tied to this rise and fall of the sun. So what exactly is the circadian rhythm? Simple: It’s the 24-hour biological clock built into your brain. The link between the outer world of light and

darkness, and the inner world of our biochemistry is the circadian clock or circadian

major killers like heart diseases, diabetes,


cancer and more

As much as this talk of “circadian rhythm”

Sleep deeper than you have in years or decades Wake up bursting with energy every morning Sound pretty good? Okay, so now let’s talk about the science of what the circadian rhythm is and how to optimize it…

may seem odd and not very relevant to everyday life, in fact, you experience the circadian rhythm in action every single day. This is the reason you go to sleep each night and are awake each day – because of this 24-hour clock in your brain regulating your hormones and neurotransmitters that control sleep and wakefulness. So why does the circadian rhythm matter?


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