PROBIOTICS: EVERYTHING you need to know! Dr. David Friedman ND, DC is the International award-winning, #1 national best-selling author of Food Sanity, how to eat in a world of fads and fiction. He's a Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist and Chiropractic Neurologist. He received a post -doctorate certification from Harvard Medical School, is a Board Certified Alternative Medical Practitioner, Board Certified in Integrative Medicine and a registered Naturopathic Diplomate. He’s a former teacher of neurology and author of the college textbook, “Understanding the Nervous System.” Dr. Friedman is a contributing writer for a plethora of leading news, health and fitness magazines including U.S News & World Report, Newsweek, Readers Digest, Better Nutrition, AARP Magazine, and Woman's Word, just to name a few. He’s been a guest on over a hundred syndicated radio and television shows and his bestselling CD, America’s Unbalanced Diet, has sold over a million copies, helping raise awareness about the unhealthy foods people are consuming.
@Dr. David Friedman @drdavidfriedman Dr. David Friedman drdfriedman
DR DAVID FRIEDMAN ND,DC AUTHOR, SPEAKER, TV/RADIO SHOW HOST, HOLISTIC DOCTOR Copyright By: Dr. David Friedman Probiotics are the latest health buzz, and de-
the gut is the first place to focus on if you
servingly so. They are the “good” bacteria in
want to optimize your health. This makes
your gut that can help keep your microbi-
sense considering 75% of your immune sys-
tem lives in your gut.
population in balance. Your gut also
contains “bad” bacteria which, unfortunately for some people, outnumber the good. Ideally, the balance of gut flora should be approximately 85 percent good bacteria and 15 percent bad bacteria. When this ratio gets off balance and there’s too much of a certain type of fungus, yeast or bacteria, it can lead to disharmony and disease. The word probiotic broken down actually means “promoting life.” Indeed, our life is dependent on these little bugs.
you ever had a gut-wrenching car ride, or a gut instinct about someone, or butterflies in your stomach? Research shows, the gut, and the mind communicate with one another. So much so, many scientists have called the gut microbiomes the “second brain.” If you are struggling with depression, constantly feeling stressed out or always seem to be in a bad mood, probiotics may offer a solution. Probiotics also help improve daily bowel move-
When probiotics first came on the scene, they
ments and reduce inflammation and pain
were used only as a remedy for diarrhea after
throughout the body. This is welcome news
taking antibiotics or for people that visited a
for those taking opioid pain medication be-
country with sketchy water. Today, science
cause they alter nerve input to the gastroin-
has discovered many more health benefits
including the treatment for Alzheimer’s dis-
(movement required for proper elimination.)
ease, irritable bowel syndrome, digestive
Opioids also increase the absorption of elec-
disorders, depression, obesity, eczema, un-
trolytes and water (making drier and thus
healthy gums, urinary and vaginal health
harder poops). These factors lead to constipa-
problems. How can these little microscopic
tion and a plethora of related health issues.
bugs do so many wonderful things? Because
Probiotics can offer natural pain relief and
they help to regulate your enzymes, hor-
give needed balance to your digestive system.
mones, digestion, mood, and even your quali-
ty of sleep! Most health experts agree that
Your gut also affects your emotions. Have