Influential Doctors Magazine April 2021

Page 58

IS SMOKING MARIJUANA GOOD FOR YOU? STEPHEN R SMITH AUTHOR, SPEAKER, CEO, FOUNDER, BROADCASTER Copyright Stephen R Smith Stephen R Smith is author and podcast show host “Live With Nature”. He is a man who has gone to hell and come back from the depths of darkness to a place filled with Light, Love of God, himself and others. He made many good, but too many poor decisions that cost him everything he had. He lost businesses, two marriages, good family and friend relationships and everything else in between. He survived a few near fatal car accidents, deadly diseases including Hepatitis C and alcohol and drug addiction. Having for the most part lived an abundant and blessed life, he found himself fresh out of jail, homeless living in the woods and nothing but himself left. Today, he earned back most of what he lost. A real survivor, God fearing, honest, caring and compassionate person who strives to help others and give back freely in an effort to pay it forward with no expectation of reimbursement. Stephen strives daily to become a better person and has made a transitional change which resulted in a lust for life and becoming a role model for others and an asset to the community.

The Facts About Smoking are it is harmful to

and Washington State. Several more states

your lungs and many vital organs in your

are considering doing the same.

body. When you smoke it can cause dis-

Willie said that the lungs are the biggest

ease. Medical experts agree that it’s not

muscle you’ve got and it’s a workout sing-

considered a healthy habit. Quitting smok-

ing on stage for an hour or more. He claims

ing will improve your health and can add

that there is nothing more fun for him than

many years to your life. For help to stop

to step out on stage and connect with his

smoking contact your doctor or local health

audience. The crowd gives him positive


energy and he wants to return that positive

Willie Nelson Shares His Story about Smoking Marijuana


He indicated that he has abused his lungs

that he has quit smoking Marijuana due to

since the age of five. He started smoking

health-related issues. Willie Hugh Nelson is

cedar bark, cigarettes, and then weed. His

86 years old and was born on April 29,

breathing is a little more difficult these

1933. He is an American Country Music

days, so he doesn’t smoke anymore and

Artist, Songwriter, and an Icon in the music

he’s taking better care of himself. Willie

industry. His music and lyrics have made

loves to entertain the people who flock to

him one of the most recognized artists in

see him by the thousands. Amid rumors of

Country music. Willie is known as an Out-

him being near death, he is scheduled to be

law, Actor, Author, and activist concerning

on the Willie Nelson and Family tour which

Bio-fuels and the legalization of Marijuana.

kicked off in San Diego, California on Janu-

Nelson is a liberal activist and Co-Chairman

ary 3, 2020. There are 18 shows and will

on the advisory board of the National Or-

end in New Braunfels, Texas.




which favors marijuana legalization. Legalization of Hemp


practicing healthy routines.

According to Willie Nelson, he admitted

ganization for the Reform of Marijuana The LWN Foundation

energy to them. In order to do this, he is

Marijuana is still a very controversial issue and is not legalized for recreational use by the US Federal Government. However, on December 20, 2019, President Trump

Currently, there are 33 states and the

signed a bill legalizing industrial hemp. The

District of Columbia that have passed laws

bill was spearheaded by Kentucky Senator

broadly legalizing Marijuana in some form.

Mitch McConnell. He drafted the legaliza-

The District of Columbia and 11 states –

tion of hemp within the Farm Bill of

Alaska, California, Colorado, Illinois, Maine,


Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont,



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