HOW TO TREAT MENIERE’S DISEASE NATURALLY DR KYLE COLLINS DC UPPER CERVICAL CHIROPRACTOR Dr Collins DC graduated from Arizona State University. He then pursued his passion and received his Doctorate from the Life Chiropractic College West in the California Bay area. Later he then continued his education in Upper Cervical Care. Dr. Collins believes there is nothing more fulfilling for him than to see his patients’ lives changed by empowering them to take responsibility of their own health. “As a Chiropractor, my job is to educate patients on how to maximize their health potential. Allowing them to express health the way their body was intended. It’s a lifestyle… Its not a gimmick, pill, potion or lotion… We create long lasting true health changes that allow people to not only feel better, but to function better. The common perception is that if we are symptom free then we must be healthy… Nothing can be further from the truth.. I believe that is one of the main reasons our healthcare system is in the position it is today. Our model of health and how to achieve it is wrong. We need a new model. One that’s actually based on the workings of the human body that if embraced has the ability to change your life and the lives of the people around you” .
Kyle Matthew Collins Beginwithinfamilywellness
Copyright Dr. Kyle Collins In the United States, it’s estimated that 615,000 people have Meniere’s disease. One of the tell-tale symptoms of Meniere’s disease is severe dizziness. This can feel like you’re on a ship, even if you’re not. Other symptoms of Meniere’s disease include ringing in the ears as well as nausea and headaches. If you have Meniere’s disease, natural treatment is likely an option you’ve considered to find relief. That being said, it’s important to find the natural treatment that is appropriate for your situation. Keep reading to learn more about natural Meniere’s disease treatment you can try. Meniere’s Disease Treatment & Exercises Where to Start with Meniere’s Disease Treatment Merely treating the symptoms of your Meniere’s disease can make those symptoms go away—temporarily. If you don’t discover the root cause of your symptoms, it’s more likely that they’ll keep coming back. A commonly overlooked root cause of Meniere’s disease is a neck injury. A neck injury causes pressure on the nerves in your neck and can lead to a variety of symptoms, including Meniere’s disease. By and large, your nervous system—through your upper cervical spine—connects your brain to everything throughout your body. So, if there’s pressure on those nerves, your brain cannot get the right messages to your body. The result? You can develop various symptoms, including those for Meniere’s disease because your brain and body aren’t working
together cohesively. Chiropractic Treatment for Meniere’s Disease If your brain and body need to communicate with one another, how can you check if something is preventing that communication? By visiting an upper cervical chiropractor, you can determine if the top part of your spine is out of alignment. This misalignment can be the root cause of your symptoms, as it can put pressure on the nerves that then prevents proper communication from the brain to the body. Your first visit to a chiropractor will involve a comprehensive examination, including X-rays and mobility tests. Your chiropractor will examine the results to see if there is a misalignment in your spine that is causing the disease. If it is a misalignment, your chiropractor will determine if chiropractic care is the best way to treat your symptoms. If chiropractic care is the right solution for you, your chiropractor will share the results of your exam with you and create a personalized treatment plan. This plan can include referrals to doctors that can best help you if chiropractic care isn’t an option. If chiropractic care can fix the cause of your problem, the next steps would be adjustments that support your spine to get back into alignment. Future visits with your chiropractor will help you maintain an aligned spine and overall wellness.
At Begin Within, our chiropractors are dedicated to helping you feel better and stay healthy