Influential Doctors Magazine July 2020

Page 20


Dr. Chris Marrone is the owner of

Copyright Dr. Chris Marrone

Peak Wellness Family Chiropractic, a pediatric based chiropractic office in Summit NJ. Dr. Chris’s focus is on ensuring the health and proper development of children’s spines so that they may experience less injury and illness through their adult lives. Although Dr. Chris’s passion is in helping children, he sees a wide variety of ages and conditions. It is the sole mission of Peak Wellness Family Chiropractic to teach people about the detrimental effects that vertebral subluxation has on the spine. In doing this we hope to empower people to make more educated decisions regarding their health and wellbeing so that they may seek to prevent disease. If we can prevent conditions from occurring in the first place, we will lead to happier and healthier lives.

A rundown of what stress, distress, and eu-

is beneficial to health, performance, motiva-

stress are, affects they have on the body and

tion, or emotional well-being. Distress is a

ways to manage them.

much more common type of stress. It’s the

Stress. It seems to be a buzzword in today’s

negative side that over time destroys our

society. Everyone is talking about how

health, motivation, performance, or emotional

stressed they are and are looking for ways to

well-being. Avoiding distress is impossible; it’s

manage and reduce stress. Here are some

just a natural part of life. In an 80-year

sources I have identified. People are working

lifespan, there are 29,200 days. There will

longer hours, more days, with less time off. It

undoubtedly be days that do not go well. The

seems, for many people, the traditional 9-5

point is to minimize and manage distress as

doesn’t exist anymore. People are taking more

best as possible while also seeking out mo-

prescription medication than ever before

ments of eustress. Moments of eustress in-

(about 70% of Americans take at least one

clude listening to music you love, being

daily prescription medication). Fast food and

around close friends and family, meditation,

convenience-driven food are everywhere.

physical exercise, skydiving, getting a promo-


These foods provide almost no nutritional

tion at work, starting a new job, playing with a


value and shouldn’t even be considered food

pet, and receiving a chiropractic adjustment.

(in my opinion). For example, I spent almost 4

Some of these moments occur for everyone

years in Spartanburg, South Carolina before

and some occur for certain people. Not every-

moving back to New Jersey to start my chiro-

one experiences eustress in the same way,

practic practice. On Boiling Springs Road, with-

just as not everyone experiences distress in

in a 3-mile stretch, there are 13 fast-food res-

the same way. However, the physiological


response for both is the same, but the cogni-

Taking care of families is extremely important to me. My goal is to help children grow into healthy adults by maintaining a properly aligned spine. In doing this those same children will experience significantly less health issues later on in life. But it doesn't stop there, once you reach adulthood your spine doesn't all of a sudden stop being important. It's the core and foundation of your body, taking care of it is the most important thing you can do for your health! Check us out at https://


tive interpretation behind it is different.

Eustress Vs. Distress People very commonly use the word stress to describe the negative things that are happening to them but fail to realize that stress can be




ries: eustress (pronounced



and distress. Eustress is positive stress that

Distress is a very interesting topic with a lot of research behind it. As I said at the beginning of the article, people seem to be in more distress than ever and are looking for ways to help reduce it. Distress in itself is not inherent-

ly bad. The purpose of distress is to warn you

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