Address: 535 Fifth Avenue, 4th Floor New York City NY 10017 Email: Phone: 212-935-3810
ACC’s Health and wellness coaching programs are designed to assist members make lasting changes in different areas of their life. Whether its weight management, stress management, exercise or nutrition, we help people achieve their specific goals. Our programs are highly personalized no matter if you train individually or within a group.
We integrate a wide range of healing modalities in areas of physical, emotional, spiritual and mental wellbeing to create constructive changes in your life. ACC integrates different methods and strategies to create a holistic program for a member. It’s our core belief that implementing changes such as smoking cessation or undertaking weight loss requires mind, body and spirit to be focused on a singular purpose. This is impossible if wellbeing is only examined from physical or mental perspective. ACC wellness corporate solutions will collaborate with you to develop a program that will help you with:
Members benefit greatly by taking part in our programs. Here’s what you can achieve with ACC:
Becoming more self-accepting and self-aware
Manage stress and emotions more efficiently
Trying new things that bring gratification
Build and sustain healthy relationships
Working towards personal and professional goals
Live a lifestyle around your personal values, motivation and drives
Increasing your self-efficacy and agency
Develop behaviors that are good for physical well-being
Understanding what bring you a sense of purpose and meaning
Maximize strengths and discover hidden potential