Influential Doctors Magazine July 2020

Page 8


ESE MAGEGE FOUNDER, HEALTH COACH, EMERGENCY ROOM PA, & MBA Ese Magege ER PA & MBA is a seasoned Health Professional with over 12 years of Blended Health Care experience. She holds 2 Bachelors', an MBA, and several professional board certifications. She is a graduate of the Sophie Davis School of Biomedicine, City College in 2009 where she undertook her physician assistant studies. She has been practicing as a PA for over a decade in multiple specialties of medicine. Her practice areas include internal medicine, family medicine, cardiology, Critical care, pulmonary, and Emergency Medicine. She currently practices in the Department of Emergency Medicine at NYU. She believes in an integrative approach to healing. One that explores emotional, mental, and physical health- the totality of being. Ese developed a passion for helping people make healthy choices because early identification and modification of unhealthy behaviors/ lifestyle can decrease the prevalence of the disease. This belief led her to further advanced studies and recently completed her integrative health studies at Duke integrative medicine. After this, she founded the Alchemical Center of Change (ACC) wellness center in New York City with a mission to transform lives and create a positive impact on society. She is also the founder and chief executive of Touching Hearts Foundation USA- a non for profit organization devoted to the alleviation of human pain and suffering by providing food, disaster relief, and education. She has been speaker and presenter at various professional conferences within the United States and internationally in her homeland Nigeria, on mindful practices. Her latest research and presentation titled: “ Food on the Endocrine glands” explored mindful eating. Her book “Happiness for no reason” will be released this winter. Alchemical - Center Of Change


Copyright Ese Magege As an Emergency Room physician Assistant &

majority of people do not drink adequate

a Duke certified integrative health coach car-

water. Water is essential for radiant health.

ing for patients sick with the COVID 19 virus, I

Your body depends on water to survive. Wa-

find these 5 simple health practices very help-

ter makes up about 60 percent of your body

ful in boosting immunity and shortening heal-

weight. The national academies of science,

ing time when battling with the virus.

engineering, and medicine note that adequate


daily fluid intake is about 2.7 liters for women

Eating Plant-based Foods:

Eating a balanced diet is important for radiant

and 3.7 liters for men. Anyone with underlying

health. Your daily diet should include a por-

medical conditions such as heart failure, hypo-

tion of plant-based foods. Plant-based food

natremia, SIADH, or anyone on medications

includes fruits and vegetables. There are so

that retain water should seek medical advice

many health reasons to eat plant-based foods

on how much water to consume.

but for the purpose of this article, we will stick


to the antioxidant benefits in fruits & vegeta-

During inhalation, air flows into the lungs and

bles. Most fruits and vegetables contain anti-

fills the tiny air sacs. These air sacs contain

oxidants which are nutrients that can boost

small blood vessels that circulate blood. Oxy-

your immunity when down with a viral illness.

gen and carbon dioxide are exchanged at the

Some foods are higher in antioxidants than

point where the blood vessels and air sac

others. Examples of antioxidants are beta-

meet. The airways and blood vessels can be-

carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, Zinc, Copper,

come stiffened by respiratory infections,

Selenium, etc. Foods high in antioxidants in-

smoking, air pollutants, and so forth. Doing

clude blueberries, broccoli, spinach, sweet

deep breathing exercises regularly can im-

potatoes, ginger, garlic, almonds, and so forth.

prove lung function and endurance. A deep

To learn more about antioxidants see the

breathing exercise entails taking in full breaths

article by Harvard health publishing https://

to completely expand the lungs and then ex-

haling completely. Deep breathing has also


been shown to reduce stress and anxiety.



Drinking Adequate Water;

Deep Breathing Exercises:

Get Morning Sunlight:

It might shock you to know that this basic

Excessive sun exposure can be detrimental to

practice is so often ignored. An overwhelming

your health however lack of sunlight can also

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