Influential People Magazine July/Aug 2020

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elcome back, grab a chair and some coffee. When we see someone score amazing attention, win some award, or snag the perfect client, and we wonder, how did they pull that off? What do they have that we don’t? How did luck happen to come their way? I used to wonder this all the time. But now, after meeting so many entrepreneurs who have triumphed and influenced people in so many ways, I see a pattern in their success. Here it is; They make it as easy as possible to be rewarded. They become the most responsive, most motivated person available. They become solution machines. They become impossible to not help.

Magazines like Influential People Magazine are designed to help our readers navigate their world, however, we do it in a way by having the experts influence us into greatness and to help teach us how to improve our business or lives to the next level though their articles in our magazine talking to experts, interviewing successful entrepreneurs and so on. In this issue, our cover feature is Adam Strong who is an author, speaker, podcast host, and productivity coach. along with many various articles from our writers. I pray that you’ll have plenty of time to check out what we have in our June issue: featuring various articles to read while you’re self-quarantined. I trust you find each page informative and inspiring, enjoy, learn laugh, and share. We look forward to serving our audience around the world. ~Heide Dangelo POI

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The Game Changers Next Level Club is for six figure business owners ready to unleash their full potential by creating clarity, focus and momentum. Every month we run a focused workshop for three hours to help you improve your pitching skills both online and offline, clarity and productivity. We also have a high profile speaker on a specialist subject designed to help you Improve your entrepreneurial skills and accelerate your business growth. The club is by VIP invitation only and you can apply to join by filling in the following questionnaire, where one of the team will be in touch. Click on the link below:

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A TOP INFLUENTIAL ULTRA HIGH ACHIEVER, PERSONAL PRODUCTIVITY AUTHORITY, PODCASTER, SPEAKER Contents INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MEDIA GROUP 20 How to Increase Speed in Your Business ADAM STRONG 24 How to Emerge Successful From this Crisis MERIDITH POWELL 28 How To Protect Your Boundaries With Honest Conversations MELISSA HULL 32 Tips How to Increase Your Happiness as an Introvert GITTE RANDRUP 36 CORPORATE VIDEO PRODUCTION: TipstoStepUpYourMarketingGame DuringaPandemic MARTON VARO 40 HIGH-PERFORMANCE DRIVING SCHOOL INSTRUCTOR MIKE MC GOVERN: TheLifeand LapsStory LORETTA MARTINEZ-ACOSTA Sponsored by 42 How Do I Get My YouTube Channel Noticed? MARLEY JAXX 46 Developing a Powerful BackEnd Marketing Strategy CARMA SPENCE 50 Why Most (Women) Give Up On Their Dreams SOULIMA GOURANI 54 3 Steps to Alignment MICHELLE MOORE 58 How to Love Yourself HEIDE DANGELO 64 Feeling Blocked? Ask Yourself This Magical Question. SUSIE MOORE



Welcometotheworldofinfluentialpeople.Fromsocialmedia,business,health/fitnesstotransformationalleaderslikeself-helpgurus,educators,authors,speakers,artists,coaches,trainers,andmentors. All are heroes too often invisible heroes. All are visionaries coming forward to bring a message of hope andpossibilitiesanddevelopingaplatformforcreativityandexcellence.

Our definition of an influential person is someone who chooses to impact those around them for the better,someonewhoencouragespeopletothinkbeyondtheirownlifesothattheywillaspiretoinspire others. Influence is not enforced but gently led by personal example and. education. While big media would convince us that the worlds influencers are all onthe main stage we at Influential PeopleMagazinedisagree.Yes,wemayreadabookorseesomeoneinanewsreport,butthosepeoplearetoodistant fromourownspheretomakethemrelatable.Weknow,itisthoseinourcommunitieswhotrulyinfluence us,whoteachusandinspireus,notbyonedeedbutbyhowweseethemlive.

The team at Influential People believes passionately in spreading that message and understands the needtoprovideexposureforpeopleonalocallevel.Weworkhardtoprovideaforumforcoaches,mentors, authors, writers, trainers, speakers, business owners, entrepreneurs, photographers, event producers,health&wellnesspractitioners,teachers,icons,heroes.Weconsiderthesepeopletobeleaderswhose voice and a story has still to be told to the world. Influential People Magazine is known as a place for emergingInfluencers.Willyoubeoneorwillyoufindyournextmentorinourpages?Joinustofindout.



Adam is an Ultra High Achiever, Personal Productivity Authority, Entrepreneur, International Speaker, and Founder of ‘The Game Changers Experience’. He currently runs two different businesses and enjoys working with business owners and entrepreneurs of small to medium-sized companies.

Adam is also Former Elite Athlete that trained with Olympic and World Champion Sir Mo Farah for three years. Adam takes the same skill set that he learned as an elite athlete to teach his clients how to create high performance, increased productivity, and growth. He is the author of two books ‘Move it or Lose it’ and ‘Fit body Fit Business’. Both written for business owners and teams that want their businesses to excel and to accelerate faster, quicker, and become more focused.

He has a podcast show called ‘The Game Changers Experience’ sharing tips and insights with other entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and sports celebrities. Entwining elite sport with entrepreneurship. He is hugely passionate about helping his clients in growing and scaling their businesses in a fast and strategic way. Tying that with helping people he believes is a great catalyst for creating results and success in life.

Adam is champion for supporting women and became the ‘Best Man’ for supporting women in business 2016. He has been featured the front cover of ‘Global Man’ magazine,

in People Management magazine just to mention a few. He has interviewed influencers and thought leaders such as Jack Canfield, Dr. John Demartini, Chester Elton, Olympic athletes such as Neil Fachie, Jonathan Horton, and Kate Strong. He has shared the stage with celebrities such as John Travolta, Vanilla Ice, Calvin Klein, 50 Cent, and Dr. Nido Qubein.

IPM: As a former Elite Athlete that trained with Mo Farah for 3 years, what made you decide to retire and start your own business teaching clients how to create highperformance work cultures?

Adam: There comes a time when you have to start making some serious choices when you’re an athlete. Should I go all-in with my athletics career or do I get educated to start a working career? I came from a family that didn’t particularly have a large amount of wealth, it was my mum, my younger brother and I at the time and we lived off the state. My mum did her best looking after two young boys, things were tight and at Christmas time we would share our main present because my mum simply could not afford it.

My journey as an entrepreneur started just before my athletics career at the age of 11. It was a tough period of my life because growing up, as a child was hard, the year

common form of hair loss due to stress and worry. One day as I was out walking in my local nature reserve something caught my eye there were golf balls in the streams and rivers lost from golfers playing a game of golf. This gave me an idea! I saw an opportunity to help my mum out so the next day I went back with a bucket to start collecting golf balls. I got into the rivers and forged through the long grass looking for balls. As I was walking around the perimeter of the fairway, golfers would approach me. They were intrigued; an 11-year-old boy was on his own holding a bucket? As they approached they would see me with my collection of golf balls, they asked me where I had got all the golf balls, and I would tell them I was rescuing lost golf balls from the streams and bushes. They would go on and tell me how they were low on balls and worried they didn’t have enough to complete their game. They then asked me if I would be interested in selling my balls. “Of course, I replied”. I learned quickly that golfers were looking for two things. One, is the golf ball in prestige condition and two, brand. I knew that a Dunlop, Nike, or Slazenger golf ball would fetch a far higher price compared to your standard ones. This is where I started learning sales and negotiation. I knew some balls would cost up to 10-12 pounds each. They would offer me a price; I would haggle for a higher one and we would meet somewhere


in the middle. Every time, we both walked away with smiles on our faces making it a win-win for both of us.

When I went home my mum would ask me where I got all this money from, I told her and gave her a contribution towards groceries out of my earnings every time I went out to collect golf balls.

At that very same age of eleven, I got into distance running which at the time I was an asthma sufferer. Now you’re properly thinking why an asthma sufferer would take up distance running? On top of that, I was bullied at school I wore a cap because I was so ashamed about the way I looked, I did not like people judging me. I was low in self-esteem and confidence. Sick and tired of being made to feel like a black sheep. As I embarked on my athletics journey, I wasn’t bad, I was terrible. I couldn’t run 100 meters without having breathing difficulties. I started to cast doubt over my decision to start athletics, but I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Nine months in and my persistence had started to pay off, my asthma had completely disappeared, and my times were getting faster. This is where I met two special people. The first was my coach ‘Alex McGee’ who had a lot of success back in the day; he turned normal people into champions. And second, my training partner Mo Farah who is now the current World and Olympic champion in 5 and 10,000 meters. Mo immigrated to the UK from Somali with very little English. He also suffered from low confidence, so we had something in common. We trained on Tuesday and Thursday evenings on the back of the boggy field, developing our competitive nature and motivating each other. Through my success as an athlete, I had developed some key attributes and skills that I now use in the entrepreneur world.

IPM: How did you generate your idea or concept for your business?

Adam: From my athletics career, I transitioned into sports performance coaching which was a natural fit for me. I loved helping people prepare for big sports events, from injury prevention to overcoming their limiting beliefs. After working with hundreds of clients over the years on a one to one basis I felt something was missing. Although I loved working one to one, I was destined to create an impact on a bigger scale. There I started my journey into personal development and self-discovery. I became a sponge attending personal development seminars and events to help me find clarity. After 18 months, I discovered a common pattern, most speakers would teach content and pressure to sell you at the end. In which I was not a fan because I didn’t feel I received enough value. I did what most entrepreneurs do, try to figure it out myself and go slow. This made me lost and confused with information overload. I could not understand why I wasn’t getting the results I wanted. I needed a breakthrough and some help, but I suffered from exostosis, I’m not worthy, I don’t have money, I don’t have time. I needed to make some different choices in my life, I said to myself I could stay where I am, or move forwards. I chose the latter, and this is where I met my first real business coach. He helped me demystify everything by identifying the skills I had developed from the elite sport in helping business owners achieve faster results in their business.

IPM: What was your key driving force to start your business helping other businesses’ increase their productivity?

Adam: My main key driving force in starting a business was to create a business that would give me the freedom to do what I want, with whom I want, and when I want to do it.

From a background of elite sport, I had developed key habits and skills that helped me become a successful athlete such as selfdiscipline, time management skills, and creating a bulletproof mind-

set. These skills and attributes can easily be used in the entrepreneurial world to fast track success both in your personal and business life

On an authentic level, I enjoy helping people create momentum and to provide them with a blueprint to achieve success in both their business and life.

IPM: What attributed to your success?

Adam: From a young age, I developed the ability to become mentally tough. Your mind is the foundation of success; I decided to take full responsibility and to stop blaming others for my circumstances. As soon as I did, I moved forwards. I’ve realized that becoming successful is a marathon and not a sprint.

Clarity was a real sticking point for me as for most entrepreneurialbased business owners however, I found by aligning my values and living by them every day, you attract what you truly want in life and then opportunities begin to appear.

IPM: What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?

Adam: Whether you’re just going into entrepreneurship or have been an entrepreneur for years it’s not for everyone. It’s hard work and can be lonely running a business; I know this because I’ve experienced this for years.

The three skills I would highly recommend you master is :

1. Become an expert at building strong and meaningful relationships. If you want to do business with others and attract new clients/ customers, you have to build trust and credibility. Find out what’s important to them, add value, and help them achieve their goals and desires.

2. To develop a results-orientated mindset using positive self-talk, visualization, and a powerful why.

3. To develop the habit of self-discipline enabling you to achieve faster and quicker results maximizing efficiency and productivity.

IPM: What entrepreneurial tricks have you discovered to keep our readers focused and productive in their day-to-day busy schedule?

Adam: As there are many, I’ve listed my top 10-entrepreneurial tricks:  1) Complete 10 things before 10 am

Plan the evening before

Block your day into 30-minute segments

Exercise at least three times a week

Focus on one thing at a time

Read, watch, listen or do an activity for at least one hour on improving yourself

Create a stop doing list

Turn our passions into something you can scale

Accept that perfectionism doesn’t exist 10) Start a gratitude journal

IPM: What key activities would you recommend entrepreneurs invest their time in?

Adam: Success leaves clues when I interviewed some of the top influencers and industry experts such as the likes of Jack Canfield, Dr. John Demartini, and Bob Burg they followed the same common patterns to create their success, which is to learn new skills and sharpen your axe daily. I’m not a keen reader however, I make that up by listening

9) linkedin: adamistrong, adamistrong, adamistrong, adamstrong, adamstrongofficial/

that you need to associate and rub shoulders with people that are more successful than you. You become the five most common people you

Lastly, is to focus on your strengths and delegate your weakness. I see business owners and entrepreneurs over and over again. They wear too many different hats because they feel it s easier and quicker to do it themselves. This comes down to understanding your value. Why, would you spend hours trying to figure out how to design a logo when you can find an expert for less than £50 to do the same job that looks better?

IPM: Did you experience failures? if so, what did you learn from them?

Adam: I’ve experienced more failures than I have successes. When I started athletics with Asthma, I could barely run one hundred meters without gasping for air. There was an endless amount of times that I had thought of giving up because I felt I wasn’t good enough. I kept on comparing myself to others and it always bothered me what others thought about me. This is the same for society today.

For me I discovered, I had a fear of rejection. At a younger age, I was bullied, this affected my confidence and self-worth. As I progressed as an athlete, those fears started to diminish because athletics became my safety net. These negative thought patterns were just distractions holding me back from my true potential. It was not until the age of 16 when I had developed the confidence to take my cap off permanently and to focus on my strengths and not my weakness.

During my entrepreneurial career, I am starting a new food delivery company called ‘Nourish Food Club’. The concept was to provide busy parents with pre-packed healthy snacks through a subscription model. As a parent, I became frustrated with the lack of healthy snacks that were priced well and nutritionally complete for toddlers in Scandinavia. I frequently travel to the UK and I would often bring back these snacks for my toddler. The concept looked good on paper but in reality, was an epic failure. It was completely out of my comfort zone. I learned to never start a new business without making my main business more streamlined and solid first. That way I could have given the dedicated time needed to make it work. I should have sought out a mentor specializing in the space to allow me to understand what I was getting myself into too. This would have saved me valuable time.

IFM: What drives you to keep going when times get tough?

Adam: I’ve been an entrepreneur since the age of eleven; I choose a different path to how society has taught us. School taught me to get good grades, go to university, and go find a good-paying job, you’ve properly heard the same? To me, I live and breathe what I do, If I

could not do what I do, I wouldn’t be the same person. I’ve ridden the entrepreneurial roller coaster more times than most, it’s no difference to my athletic career. I’ve come to learn I must become adaptable and agile. Let’s take the global pandemic, whilst most entrepreneurs are still struggling to adapt, I decided to take full responsibility and change the way my business worked by working more virtually. For most that know me, I make decisions quickly and take action fast. These are the same values that I teach my clients if they choose to get the same desired results.

IPM: What was the most important part of your entire business journey?

Adam: It is to be yourself and not what others want you to be. You’ve properly heard the saying fake until you make it? Well, I don’t believe that. I believe in focusing on your passions, monetizing what you love, and making an impact on a massive scale. If I could take anything from my business journey, it is to get a coach that can help you get there quicker, don’t waste valuable time because in the long term it will cost you more.

IPM: Do you have a message that you would like to share with our readers?

Adam: As you know I’ve been an entrepreneur for over 28 years. In that time I’ve witnessed and been part of the entrepreneurial community that have gone through world recessions, property crashes and now a global pandemic, which is impacting peoples health, livelihoods, industries and economies around the world. One thing I’ve learned is how mentally tough and resilient we have become. However, this pandemic has created fear and uncertainty paralyzing our ability to move forwards. In challenging times, we must take responsibility, come together and lean in. The best way to overcome fear is to take fast action. If you find it difficult to create momentum feel free to reach out and I’ll be happy to make some suggestions.

IPM: Thank you so much Adam for taking the time and for the wonderful interview you have given us, we have learned so much from you. Adam Strong Adam Strong Adam Strong Adam Strong Adamstrongofficial

Adam Strong and Randi Zuckerberg John Travolta and Adam Strong

The Game Changers Experience are deep dive conversations with some of leading business disruptors, Olympic athletes, celebrities, entrepreneurs, influencers and

You will learn the insights about the winning principals in mindset,

The show is hosted by Ultra-High Personal Productivity Authority, Business Strategist, Former Elite Athlete, Author and Public Speaker Adam Strong.

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AdamStrongisaformereliteathlete whotrainedwithOlympicgold-medalist MoFarah.Hehastakentheprinciplesof discipline,focus,andproductivityand appliedthemtobusinesstohelp entrepreneursandmedium-sized companiesdeliverfastandeffective results.Adamisthecreatorof ‘Acceleratedoutcomes’an87-day onlinecoachingcourse designedto increasespeed, productivity,and profits,takealookhere!

How to Increase Speed in Your Business

I was recently asked to briefly consult and mastermind with the senior board members of a financial firm. They had enjoyed some growth over several years but were experiencing a plateau in that growth. The Board was bickering, causing conflict, and I was surprised to find that the values of these leaders were not aligned with each other and not aligned to the values of the company. The company was not clear about the direction they wanted to move in, the reasons why the company existed, and the experience they wanted to give to clients.

With new competitors coming into the marketplace, this company had started to suffer. Their problem was that their politics had caused analysis by paralysis – giving competitors the advantage.

I’ve come across many companies that have spent years plateauing, losing money, and profits because they’re stuck. The story of Blockbuster Video failing in the face of innovation to Netflix is a common one. We see the same thing happening with Toys-R-Us going into administration because they failed to identify the changing shopping habits of their customers, failed to embrace a digital platform, and failed to adapt to the new market.

Slow-moving firms have no future. The world is continuously evolving. Big players like Amazon, Apple, Wholefoods, and Nike are beginning to swallow up the markets. These companies are making customers’ experiences quicker, easier, and more convenient. And because companies like Blockbuster Video and Toys-R-Us got complacent, they’re now struggling or out of business.

Success is all about Speed”

To me, success is all about speed

I don’t care about anything else. Speed, both in

people skills and hard work, will crush anything. How quickly you implement certain ideas, adapt to the market, and stay ahead of your competition will make all the difference in your business.

As a former elite athlete, speed was so important, especially when it came to deciding on when we needed to step up a gear when we were going to overcome the competition when we’d win the race.

It’s the same thing in business – you have two choices: hustle hard or get crushed by the competition.

Speed is about who wins the gold medal, who gets to the finish line first and who wants to win more. I’m extremely competitive and I don’t like to lose. For me, it’s about how we take every single minute and make it count. How is it that I can squeeze in more meetings, how is it that I can add more value to my clients, how can I get on to a call or respond to a certain email, how do I deliver more results for my clients? At the end of the day, I have the same 24 hours a day, 7 days a week as

“Speed to me is the difference between winning and losing”

everybody else. I don’t have time for politics and bureaucracy.

It’s the little things that matter. Daily, I’m debating on whether I should take a fifteen-minute train journey or have someone drive me for thirty minutes. Yes, it may take an extra fifteen minutes above ground and cost me more money, however, I can use the extra minutes to work. 15minutes vs 30 minutes.

And believe me, I’m making decisions daily that could hurt the growth of my companies if I get it wrong and have a direct impact on the success of the business.

For me, speed works in many different ways. Speed makes it possible for me to come up with new ideas, to implement those ideas, to be able to create new products and services for my clients so that they can get quicker results. One of my strengths as a results-orientated person is the fact that I can quickly unravel problems and challenges and come up with solutions and get people to implement those solutions as quickly as possible. It’s not about what costs money, it’s about what makes you money. I always ask myself what will it cost me if I don’t take quick and decisive action?

Speed creates momentum and builds confidence

If you execute with hustle, then you’re going to be more confident moving forward because you don’t have time to think. Many business owners wait to make sure everything is perfect. It’s important to realize that perfectionism is BS and that you don’t have to get everything 100% right all the time. It is ok to make mistakes. I learned more from losing than I did from winning.

“It’snotaboutperfection,butjustgettingthingsdone quickly”

Speed crushes limitations and limiting beliefs

It gets rid of ego; it gets rid of negativity and it sets a standard in your culture.

As a leader and role model, supporting a culture of speed is important because staff members seeing that you’re able to move fast, motivates them to also move fast. ~ AdamStrong

Adam Strong

Adam Strong

Adam Strong

Adam Strong


Productivity authority, Adam Strong’s latest signature program gives you the ultimate productivity tools for maximizing your performance and profits. This program is the only of its kind giving you the skills needed to build your business as well as physical exercise. The topics covered are suitable for any business, investor, start-up no matter what size. Dis-

cover how setting goals, in the same way elite athletes do, can make

Productivity authority, Adam s latest book examines the link between physical and mental health and business performance. Just a bit of time spent on keeping fit can result in success at work, through increased levels of energy and focus. The techniques discussed in the book are suitable for any business, no matter what size. Discover how setting goals, in the same way elite athletes do, can make your organization more agile, efficient and competitive.


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lines. Still, like the rest of us, you have no idea how long this crisis will last. You’re wondering what the long-term impact will be, and when, if ever, things will get back to normal. Whatever “normal” is going to look like now.

It’s become pretty clear that if businesses are going to make it, it’s up to us. “Us” being the business owners, franchisees, sales professionals, and CEOs. It’s time to take action, get creative, and do whatever it takes to keep our businesses going and keep our communities strong.

Let’s Turn Uncertainty into Opportunities

The best person to position your business for success is you. Now it is not easy – it is going to take creativity, courage, and a whole lot of resilience. But the pay-off is more than worth the investment. You will be among the few who turn this uncertainty into opportunity and emerge from this crisis successfully.

Here are four of my favorite stories to show you how. Innovative business owners have shifted their strategies to make it through this crisis. Their stories are inspiring, their ideas solid, and their message relevant.

tightening, cleaning services were something many customers felt they could eliminate from the expense column.

Seeing the writing on the wall, Aman for Home immediately pivoted and started offering cleaning services for office buildings, public areas, and spaces that are still in use. Focusing on sterilization and disinfectant, they started differentiating themselves from the competition. While demand is not as high as the residential cleaning business, it is enough to keep the doors open, the lights on, and the team employed.

Collaborate to Expand:

Some industries have just been the unfortunate casualties of this crisis. Their livelihood depends on crowds of people gathering in one place. For them, surviving this crisis is a more significant challenge. They must not only deal with the reality of changing their business model but overcome the fear people have just thought about doing business with them.

Movie theaters across the country have been gravely impacted by this pandemic, with no end in sight. Predictions of when people will feel safe to go back into a crowded theatre go as far as mid-2021. But some innovative movie theaters have not let this deter them; they have gone old school back to the drive-in theatre. Some are teaming up with local restaurants and breweries to provide dinner, a movie, and a beer – what could be better!

4 Inspiring Stories That Show You the Path Forward

Find New Markets:

For many of us, not only how we do business changed, but who we did business with may need to change as well. Aman for Home is a residential cleaning service working in client’s homes. When COVID hit, the entire business model was impacted immediately. Understandably, people

This innovative industry has recognized that there is an opportunity in the fact that people are looking for entertainment and things to do in this new world of social distancing. As long as those things are safe and meet the social distancing guidelines, customers are receptive. By working together, restaurants and entertainment– two struggling industries, can reinvent the experience they provide and calm the fears of how consumers view them.


Repackage Your Product:

This is a time when our customers may still want to do business with us, but how we traditionally served them is no longer an option for now.

West Orange Creamery and Soda Fountain owner, Jo Eveland, had been in business for just three years when this crisis hit. Her shop had created a loyal customer base who would come in regularly for ice cream, shakes, and sodas. Not ready to give up when she had to close her doors, Jo immediately turned to curbside pickup. When that worked so well, she expanded to include delivery with a purchase of $20 or more. Her loyal customers, many of whom came in monthly, are now ordering weekly, and getting their friends and neighbors to support as well.

And this innovative business owner keeps innovating. Recognizing so many people are home with their children, and looking for things to do, Jo expanded into making ice cream making kits. Selling the kits to loyal customers who want to help her keep her doors open and their kids entertained.

Communicate to Learn:

It can be challenging to know which direction to take. As a leader, determining what the best strategies are to keep your business open and running is stressful. The best place to start is by listening to your customers. They have the answers. Reach out, start a conversation with them, and listen to learn. Your customers will guide you as to not only what they want to buy, but how they want to buy it. They will show you the path forward.

A small toy store located in the Southeast relied one hundred percent on foot traffic for their sales. Their niche was inviting children into their store and letting them play with lots of toys before they chose the perfect one. Children loved it!

When the crisis hit, their business strategy went down with it. The business owner, Tom Shevda, quickly started contacting customers just to check-in, see how they were doing, and let them know he was still in business. These conversations turned out to be invaluable, as customers shared their challenges with finding Easter Baskets, new games for Family Nights, and the upcoming virtual birthday parties they were planning.

Tom had no idea there was so much opportuni-

ty. He quickly shifted his business model, and now not only finds the perfect gift he and his team safely deliver it to your home.

Share your story and ideas

This crisis has undoubtedly changed how we do business and surviving it will be a challenge for entrepreneurs and CEO people who own their businesses is how creative, innovative, and resilient they are.

I would love to include your story here, or inspiring ideas you have come across to ensure that we all emerge successfully. Contact me at

Resources for You to Emerge Successful

If you haven’t been to this page yet Successfully –out. I have been updating it pretty often, it is full of webinars, videos, and articles. All of them with the intent to help you, the business owner, and leaders to find inspiration and information to help you emerge successfully from this unusual challenging times. ~ MeridithPowell Meridith Elliott Powell

Meridith Elliott Powell

Meridith Powell Meridith Powell Powell Meridith Elliott

FREE on LinkedIn Learning right now strategies to increase your sales ability to win more deals. Check it out!

As a sales professional, you probably know your product inside and out. But success in sales requires more than just technical know-how. Soft skills those tough-to-define relational skills that help you earn your customer's trust are equally essential to your bottom line. In this course, business strategist and instructor Meridith Elliott Powell covers soft skills in depth, sharing strategies that can help you bolster your emotional intelligence and communicate more effectively with prospects. Meridith begins by explaining why soft skills are crucial to sales success. She then dives into some of the most essential soft sales skills, including building connections, listening, and selling with greater emotional intelligence. Throughout the course, Meridith also uses real-world scenarios that help illustrate soft skills in action. Learning objectives

What are soft skills?

Why soft skills matter in sales

Connecting with your customer

Developing your emotional intelligence for sales

Collaborating effectively with your team Being confident in your sales decisions

Building your empathy muscle in sales

Integrating soft sales skills with hard sales skills

Leveraging storytelling in sales



Surviving and Thriving After Drugs, Guns, Gangs, Dysfunctionality, and Craziness

A Book by Steve Cederquist

Picture a dumpster - yes, a real dumpster! You know that big garbage container that is collecting things that people are throwing away. Have you gone “dumpster diving”? If you’ve ever been in a dark place, homeless, out of work, hungry, living on the streets - you may know what this is like. Just. To. Survive. But what about changing, getting rid of the things that are holding you down? Can we throw away these items into our “imaginary” dumpster and move on?

Steve Cederquist says, “YES” in his new book, GET OUT ALIVE: Surviving and Thriving After Drugs, Guns, Gangs, Dysfunctional, and Crazy. This book is a major dumpster dive into his life, he has been to those dark places. He’s lived it. From being a drug addict to getting himself thrown in prison - he’s been there.

He’s written and organized this book - his memoir about his life to set you up for success. This is not an ordinary memoir though - he has a message - a greater vision for you.

If you have an incentive to change, “Life will take off in a new direction because you’ll be directing it - the stuff you don want will go in the dumpster”.

What are others saying about it?

“A great reminder that our past does not determine our tomorrow. Well done!”


“The activities that Steve lays out for readers of Get Out Alive not only help you to take stock of how you became the person you are today, they also help you to shape a positive perspective on life that will empower you going forward.”

-DavidMeltzer,co-founderofSports1Marketing,best sellingauthor,andtopbusinesscoach

“The power inbox is a message it transfers! That has the ability to impact the world in a way that can shift perceptions for the better as this is a book and a message that is massively needed in our time. A writer like this is a gift for the world!”


“If you ever feel STUCK, always seek out those who have been there before, learned how to rise, and conquer the odds by believing in them-

Mr.Awesome”Swanson5Time#1BestsellingAuthor& FounderofHabitudeWarriors,Speaker

With candor and courage, Steve Cederquist shares the capacity and potential we all possess when we are motivated to decide to create real change in our life! He proves that anything is possible!”

Jones Hamilton, Executive Producer World’s


s life story is one of true perseverance & inspiration. The writing is captivating, entertaining, and truly heart centered. I simply couldn’t put it down. Before I knew it, mascara was dripping down my face and I was ready to go tackle my dreams in a whole new inspired way. A great read for anyone: Young, thriving, or surviving.”


Published by Ingenium Books, GET OUT ALIVE: Surviving and Thriving After Drugs, Guns, Gangs, Dysfunction and Crazy is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and all other retailers including online platforms.

Steve Cederquist Available in… ebook, paperback, and audiobook Wherever you buy your books. GetYourCopyNow


Wanttolearnhowtoprotectyourboundarieswithhonestconversation?Herearemy besttipsforcreatingboundariesevenwhen it’stough.


Sometimes we get so caught up in being agreeable or people-pleasing or doing allthe things that we stop protecting our boundaries. We don’t check in with our energy levels or ask what’s expected of us before we volunteer our time. We put the needs of others in front of our own. We get so wrapped up in someone else’s enthusiasm that we prioritize their goals instead of our own. But if we want to achieve incredible things in this new decade, we have to start making different choices with our time, energy and resources. We need to embrace the power of honest conversation and choose to be truthful in the moment because that’s how you’re going to protect your boundaries andshow up as your best self for others.

Why You Need to Protect Your Boundaries

One of the biggest lessons I learned in 2019 was the power of saying no.

In order to up level, to grow, to scale, I have to be able to dedicate my mental focus to taking steady steps in the direction of my dreams every day. That also means making sure each of my commitments aligns with that plan, too. It means making choices like there’s no time to waste, yet a finite amount of energy to accomplish it. I can’t be stretched too thin, or nothinggets done well. Not to mention I also

want to have the reserves to spend time with my family, go on vacation or practice some self-care.

Now I know there’s a strong culture of the hustle mentality in the entrepreneurial world, and I’m not knocking that. Building a global reach requires consistent hard work and dedication.

But that’s just it a longgame.

And that means you need to reserve your resources, whether that’s your mental, emotional, intellectual, financial or physical resources. You need to make sure you’re moving at a pace that’s sustainable over the long run. Because global growth doesn’t happen overnight.

5 Tips for Protecting Boundaries Through Honest Conversation

figure it out.

If the mere thought of that commitment gives you anxiety, you should probably say no. Just to be clear, I’m talking about the gut-level, red-flag anxiety not the healthy dose of fear that comes with new opportunities and challenges.

Know What’s

In Alignment With Your

Goals in order to successfully have those tough, boundary-preserving conversations, first you need to be extremelyclear about what you want to achieve and what’s in alignment with that ultimate, top-level goal. So make sure you’ve honed in on that top goal. Then break it down so you can see the steps it takes to get there. Once you can visualize the steps, you’ll have a much clearer vision of what’s in alignment and what’s not.

Now, even if you know exactly what your goal requires of you and your team, recognizing what’s in or out of alignment can be easier said than done. So here are a few tips to help you

Don’t say yes until you have all the details. In most cases, you won’t have enough detail on the spot and will need to schedule a follow-up call. You can even prepare questions, so you knowyou’re covering all your bases.

Listen to that sense of inner knowing within you. Close your eyes, tune in or meditate on it. Or sleep on it. Sometimes a day of space will help your access that inner guide a little easier.

Honest but Tough Answers Avoid Future Frustration

Once you know your answer, you may need to have an honest but tough conversation. While nobody likes to turn down a friend or colleague, sometimes it has to be done. However, it doesn’t

have to be done in a way that hurts others’ feelings, so let’s go over some quick tips to honest, tough conversations that strengthen relationships rather than harm them.

Always give them your answer as soon as you have it. Prolonging the conversation can cause unnecessary frustration and create tension. The sooner you allow them to move on, the better.

Part of showing up authentically is being able to exercise truthfulness. Let them know you’re working toward a big goal and need all your commitments to deeply align with that goal; otherwise, you can’t make the commitment. If you respect yourself, others will, too.

If it doesn’t align, say: I so appreciate you thinking of me for this incredible opportunity. If it were up to me, I would say yes in a heartbeat. But this year, I’ve committed my time to a huge goal: ____. Maybe we can talk again next year, if you’re still interested in working together.

If you’re too busy, say this: I am so grateful that you thought of me. That’s such a huge compliment. Unfortunately, I’m already feeling a little over-committed, and I wouldn’t be giving you the best of me. I don’t think it would be fair to you if I couldn’t show up as my best self.

Simply: If I’m spread too thin, you’ll get what’s left of me instead of the best of me and I don’t think that’s right.

Say No for Now

Sometimes, an offer comes along and, even though it doesn’t align with your current goal, you’re dying to say yes. Most entrepreneurs and creative spirits are multi-passionate, and we can often get ourselves in trouble that way. While you don’t have to limit your creative passions, make sure you’re prioritizing them appropriately. There’s time to get everything done just not all at once.

In these cases, the answer is no for now. It doesn’t have to mean never.

And remember to think of the long game in these instances. I’m looking at the next decade to see what I can accomplish, not simply the next 365 days.

Recognize When Your Commitments Evolve

It can take a lot of mental space, time and awareness to collaborate with others. Many times, it can take more energy than it would have if you simply did it yourself. Though collab-

orations also yield results you couldn’t reach alone, there’s something to be said about the energy required of a good collaboration.

And often, the commitment you originally signed up for evolves. Sometimes it becomes more streamlined; yet more often, it can grow or spiral into something entirely different. If you’re a doer, or you’re skilled at executing tasks instead of just ideating, this can be especially true for you.

That’s why these tough, boundary-setting conversations never really go away. You have to get good at having them because you’ll likely have to continue to protect them throughout the lifetime of your relationships and collaborations. Here are a few circumstances to watch out for in your existing collaborations:

Your partners/relationships have taken your “yes” and stretched it to meet their goals.

Your partners/relationships became so excited by your contributions that they grew your commitment and assumed your availability would also grow to accommodate their vision.

Your partners/relationships set certain expectations in the beginning and changed them on you halfway through the process.

If you find yourself in these circumstances, you need to honor yourself enough to have the tough conversation. Let them know that things have changed, and the commitment is no longer a good fit for you. Tell them this is healthier and less frustrating for everyone because you’re protecting the relationship from becoming too strained. Just speak from your heart and stick to the truth even when it feels tense in the moment.

Protect Your Team, Too

Lastly, remember to protect the boundaries and energy reserves of your team, too. Once other entrepreneurs find out I have a skilled team of specialists from photography to video to content creation they often ask to hire their time for joint projects. While I used to allow this all too often, I now see that this kindness also pulls energy away from our mission and toward the missions of others. That would be fine if I wasn’t soul committed to my global mission.

It’s not just you, as the leader of the ship, who must stay focused on the course ahead. You need all the support you can get, and that means the support of your team. To reciprocate that support, don’t overload or distract them with projects that are out of alignment. Instead,

ask them to refer other professionals in their fields for your colleagues. Everyone will appreciate the opportunity being created, and more importantly, you’ll still be on track.

Share with Us!

How do you handle those tough, boundarysetting conversations? What do you say? What tools do you have in your back pocket?

Share with us! We would love to know!

Your story is soimportant.

Want More?

If you’re looking for guided, step-by-step help to put these exact strategies into practice, check out my Global MEDIA Membership. It has all the in-depth knowledge and step-by-step instruction you need to get from basic blogger to global media mogul.

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Melissa Hull is E360tv's Creative Content Producer, an inspirational speaker, author, entrepreneur, business strategist consultant, and award-winning artist. She has shared the stage with Mitch Carson, Bill Walsh, James Dentley, Kevin Harrington, Joel Bauer, Forbes Riley and several other notable speakers. She is the author of “Lessons From Neverland” and is regularly sought out as a business consultant and mentor to several small businesses.

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I use the cards I have in the best way possible.

I am an introvert. This means that I get energy and recharge my batteries at home–not among other people. Though I enjoy talking to and being inspired by other people, I need to limit my time around them, as this interaction takes away my energy.

As a consequence, I stay for only about 1½ to 2 hours at larger networking meetings and other events. I have accepted that, as a consequence, I may miss out on meeting new and interesting people.

“ItalsomeansthatIhaveaquietside,andIlistenalot.Foryears,I wasashamedofthat.Inschool,thequiet,listeningtypewasnotpopularwithteachersintheoralcourses Countlesstimes, Iwastoldto raisemyhandandshowmyabilitiestotheclass.”

The teachers thought that it was a pity that someone so skilled would not show it. This had a negative effect on my oral grades. In my recent study a couple of years ago, I was told that it would be beneficial for me to attend a course on presentation skills so that I would be better at presenting oral exams.

When I was in school, I would have loved to change this aspect of myself, but I didn’t know-how. At the time, I didn’t realize that I’m a person who loves to listen. Now, at this point in my life, I have learned to cherish what my introverted side offers me.

In the field of HR, it is an advantage to be a good listener because it gives you the opportunity to hear what is being said between the lines and to help people accordingly.

Part of being introverted is doing better in one-on-one relationships. This means that while I don’t know everyone on the planet, I have deep, close, and high-quality relationships with fewer people.

For me, one of the advantages of knowing fewer people is that those relationships are stronger. I have an advantage because people

don’t expect me to remember a lot of details about their lives.

” To me, small talk is ok. A few wordsaboutthisandthatthecoffee machine is ok. However, if it turns intoalargeconversationaroundthe table,Istartgettingbored.I they’redoing.”

Another side of my introversion is that I love to immerse myself in tasks and crack a tough nut within a given subject. When I do this, I feel so happy inside. I’m able to acquire a high degree of knowledge in the subjects that I work with and that interests me.

Our society pays homage to extroversion. The ability to present, be articulate, and open – that is a success. However, according to research, there is a good reason to appreciate introverts’ features – for example, at work. The traditional mindset is that leaders do best if they are extroverts.

In the study “Servant leaders inspire servant followers,” researchers found that introverted features can create effective leaders – also called servant leaders. A servant leader is a person who is good at focusing on the team’s wellbeing as a means of achieving good performance. Moreover, introverted features such as the ability to listen and to think analytically are assets for leaders.

So, I call out to every introvert! I sincerely hope that you will accept the fact that you are an introvert and focus on its advantages. It’s said that between one-third and one-half of us are introverts, so let’s start by standing up for ourselves and getting a louder voice in society. It’s far better than hiding or pretending to be someone other than who you are. !GitteRandup Gitterandrup Gitterandrup

She is an advisor and HR Business Partner to managers on a wide range of HR subjects, such as recruiting, onboarding and organization and manage-

Her vision is to create mutually satisfactory long-term working relationships between employers and employees combining business needs and strategy with the wants of the employees.

Gitte holds university degrees within HR, Organization & Management and Languages. She has worked with HR in companies, such as GEA and

She is also an HR expert blogger on the Danish online debate forum Amino with more than 100,000 debaters and readers. LinkedIn: Gitterandrup FB: @Gitterandrup

Let us
find the right
hire and help them NEED TO RENT A HR
Gitte Randrup is an HR expert based in Copenhagen, Denmark, and the founder of GR Consult.
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SkyWay is the world’s first High Speed (300 MPH), Elevated, String Rail Transportation System. SkyWay is Eco friendly, 2nd level (Elevated), has the highest safety rating and is the transportation of the future - being built as we speak! Included in the SkyWay Transportation System is Cargo, Unibike, Urban, High-Speed, Unimobile and Linear City

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At the end of the day public relations, marketing and advertising are about communicating a story. The why is identical: Get customers. Move product. Drive revenue. How is what sets us apart from other companies

How The Umbrella Syndicate differs from other PR/Marketing Firms

At the end of the day public relations, marketing and advertising are about communicating a story. The why is identical: Get customers. Move product. Drive revenue. How” is what sets us apart from other companies. The lines between the various forms of mass communications have definitely blurred in recent times, as more and more of our lives migrate online. The Umbrella Syndicate’s mission is to amplify good people, good messages, and good causes through social media.


good example.

Whether your business is still operating remotely or has been continuing normal operations, your marketing strategy will certainly change during these challenging times. In this article, we will share some useful tips on how to step up your marketing game during the ongoing pandemic.

Boost Social Media Marketing

Utilize social media to inform your consumers about the changes you’ve made to your products and services. Many businesses, for instance, are modifying their working hours or products to meet the needs of their customers daily.

Your Facebook account is the most up-to-date source of information in this situation, including Twitter accounts and other social networking channels. Don’t hesitate to go live on Facebook or Instagram and show your customers how your company is adjusting to cater to their needs and keep helping them in the pandemic as best as you possibly can.

Keep Your Content Relevant

You may post constant updates on your blog or official website to notify people about the recent events concerning the pandemic. Take the chance to conduct a series of blog posts about how you are dealing with

buttons to promote the exchange of relevant information. This is an excellent way of spreading brand awareness without making people doubt

Take Advantage of Video Marketing

Did you know? Video tutorials are often appreciated by many consumers because it helps them become informed about the features of a product or service without the need for any tangible resources. Not to mention, there are tons of video marketing benefits supported by statistical data.

Some common examples of these are demonstration videos, product videos, explainer videos, and even company videos. When taking advantage of video marketing, it is essential to show empathy while helping your audience solve a problem. Keep in mind that it is necessary to establish an emotional connection to achieve effective video marketing.

Finally, according to corporate video production companies, whatever marketing strategies you use during the pandemic, always ensure that it will be easy for your existing and prospective customers to spread the message. ~ MartonVaro Marton Varo


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More engagement from your people across the company continuum

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McGovern, now a 37+ year veteran and Chief Driving Instructor at Bondurant HighPerformance Driving School, started putting feelers out for a summer job, he never realized how much it would shape his life. And he certainly didn’t know the shape would be an oval that measured a quartermile.

LAP 1: Just a kid lookin’ for a job

A friend told McGovern about a guy who was looking for someone to help him take care of his car. Young McGovern, already a muscle car enthusiast, applied for the job. I showed up and interviewed with a guy named Bob Bondurant,” said McGovern. “I had no idea who he was or why it was a big deal to work for him.” McGovern got the job and started running errands for Bondurant and doing miscellaneous work around the shop.

A few weeks into his new job, an instructor took him on a hot lap around the track. It was at that moment that McGovern was all-in when it came to the track. “I was hooked after that,” said McGovern. “I was just so taken with it all.” So taken, in fact, that he almost risked his employment the third week in, when he decided to take his Camaro out on the track with no warning, permission, or authorization. “I thought I was going to lose my job,” said McGovern. “Fortunately, they took mercy on me and let me hang around. And, after about six months, Bob let me go through the school.”

LAP 2: From behind the wheel to head of the class

With proper training under his belt, McGovern now had the all-clear to drive the track as much as he wanted. Anyways, he did just that, getting behind the wheel as much as he could and earning the seat time it takes to become a good driver. “They must have seen something in me because, after a while, I was asked to be an instructor.” McGovern jumped at the chance, started hanging around the other instructors, went to

“I earned my chops as an instructor, and I taught law enforcement and performance classes. It was a dream job, and I loved it.” It was his beloved position as an instructor that led him to love of another kind.

LAP 3:

Love of the track turns into the love of his life

Fast forward a few years when Marcia, also an employee of the school, took the driver’s course in another instructor’s class. Marcia had a little trouble, and, as fate would have it, ended up training with Mike. “We hung out all day that day, started dating and spending most of our time together.”

Two years later, Mike and Marcia were married at the Bondurant School in a wedding suitable for the bride and groom. The school’s cars were on display, and the bride and groom drove around the track in Bondurant style before walking down the aisle. Marcia and her parents were driven into the arena by none other than Bob Bondurant himself. Not long after their nuptials, McGovern was asked to be the Chief Instructor at Bondurant. Naturally, the answer to that question was also “I will.”

LAP 4: Practice goes pro Just as life hit a rhythm, things changed again. John Lee, a car dealer in

Copyright: Mike McGovern

North Carolina, invited McGovern to go to North Carolina to race cars for real. “I jumped at the chance and had a blast doing it. I even had some success. And man, it was fun!”

The fun was short-lived, though. The economy took a turn, and racing slowed down. The McGoverns, however, only needed to make a call back home to Bondurant – now relocated to Arizona. There, McGovern rejoined the Bondurant team, again as the Chief Instructor.

His race career, however, was not over. A few years later, McGovern met Jim Click, a student at the school. Jim invited McGovern to race his private collection of cars all around the country. And this time, McGovern didn’t have to leave his job to do it. “I took Jim’s private plane back and forth to races on weekends. I had the time of my life. I raced premium sports cars and vintage cars, Cobras, Mustangs, Trans Ams. You name it. I drove amazing cars on tracks all over the country.” I’m extremely fortunate. I’ve never paid for racing. And I have been given the best opportunities.”

LAP 5: The race continues, and a few celebrities show up for the ride

Now, McGovern is more passionate about his career and more filled with gratitude than ever. “What I’m most proud of is the Teen Driving Defense course. The kids always leave telling us how much they’ve learned and let us know what a great time they’ve had.”

According to McGovern, one of the highest compliments is the number of kids and grandkids who come to the training school because their parents and grandparents have gone. “The training we give people on the front side of their driving career is valuable for their whole life. I believe it has saved thousands of people’s lives.” “I’ve been lucky enough to coach some truly amazing individuals.” And a lot of celebrities too. McGovern has trained the likes of Jimmie Johnson, Denny Hamlin, Kurt and Kyle Busch, Joey Logano, Tim Allen, Nicolas Cage, and most recently, Kevin Hart.

“One of my favorite things to do is coach the Demon and SRT® programs and the Grand Prix Road Racing class.” New owners of a Dodge SRT model gets to take the full-day session for free, as part of the Dodge//SRT Package. This gives them the opportunity to learn how to get the optimum performance from their new vehicle in a controlled environment, from a professional instructor. “I’m so impressed with the Dodge SRT vehicles. We run them hard day in and day out, and they never get tired and never slow down. We have 500 or more launches on each vehicle and have no issues.”

Check out more on Mike McGovern on the Bondurant site.

a lot of people think if you build it, they will come but that s not necessarily the case when it comes to YouTube now, is it?

Well that’s because a lot of people are using YouTube as a social media platform but it’s a search engine, what is it? A search engine, I’m so glad you reminded me. YouTube is a search engine it’s owned by Google which is the largest search engine. So, what happens when people have a question that they need to be answered? Well, a lot of times we’d go to our mom’s, but oftentimes we’ll go to Google or go to YouTube so that we can find links to give us the answer to the problem that we’re trying to solve. That’s exactly how you should use YouTube knowing that people are searching for the content all the time.

How do you get your YouTube content noticed in a sea of other content? I’m going to show you exactly how and if you want to skip the guesswork on all of these elements where I can walk you through step by step, I have a 45-minute free masterclass that you can take and implement immediately called How to create 60 days of social media and video content in only eight hours.

Step one, Content, what kind of content are you going to create? Well, ideally you want to create content that people are looking for. So, I’m going to show you some of my steps for how to create ideas for content and never run out of ideas. Firstly, I look at what are the frequently asked questions that people are asking me. I create a spreadsheet where I keep track of all those questions, turn it into YouTube video ideas. The other thing is I’ll think of what were the questions that I had when I was first starting or when I was learning this topic myself. I’ll kind of brain dump a list of those ideas and wallah! There is another list of topic idea. Then I’ll also

my brain what would you ask me? Boom, there s tons of ideas right there, and when in doubt look at what other people in the same space as you are doing. So if you know your competitors or other people who are succeeding in your industry, look up their social media, look up their YouTube channels, look up other things that are on their websites even blog ideas, Facebook live ideas, things that they’re talking about, you can take the same topic and make your own produce YouTube video exactly on that. So, once you know what kind of content to create, the content that’s going to drive people to notice your YouTube channel.

The next thing you need to know is like I said, YouTube is a search engine, so search engine optimization is so important. A lot of people want to put up these clickbait titles that have nothing to do with YouTube and have nothing to do with what people are searching for. So when I first start on YouTube one of my first videos if you scroll down to the beginning of my channel you’ll still see it there, it’s called, “DidyouknowInstagramdoesthis?” And I thought oh how mysterious, how clickbait, people will be like what does Instagram do, tell me, tell me the secrets. And what happened was crickets, crickets happened. No one watched that video because do you think people are typing into a search engine, did you know Instagram does this, no they’re not. They’re looking for actually what they want to know, so they’re looking at how do I create hashtags for Instagram, how do I grow my following on Instagram, how do I do Instagram stories, how do I do IGTV? They’re looking for actual things, a lot of how-to content, so when I created that video that was all mysterious and had no keywords, no inclination about what this video is about, of course, no one found it because it didn’t use Search Engine Optimization. So first thing when you’re creating a video, you want to think of what’s the title that would drive people to this video? What kind

CopyrightbyMarley Jaxx

of terms, what kind of keywords can I put in my title, in my description, in my tags that would be exactly what people are searching for on YouTube? And there’s a lot more to Search Engine Optimization so I’ve linked a Search Engine Optimization YouTube checklist so that you can make sure every single time you are uploading a video you don’t miss a single step. And once you have your content, you know how to optimize your video. The next thing you need is A Great Thumbnail. So when you’re looking at all these video options that you can watch on YouTube, there are tons of that, and a lot of times we’ll go to watch a channel from we know someone we trust, a YouTube influencer that has a lot of social proof and credibility. But the other thing that we look for is the thumbnail that caught my attention, what little picture looked engaging or entertaining that I might want to click on? So the same thing for you is when people are looking for your content, you want to have that picture that’s like your first impression, that’s going to draw people in. And I have a whole video on how to create an amazing YouTube thumbnail because there’s a science behind thumbnails.

And to know that a YouTube thumbnail is successful is you want to look at your metrics and your analytics in the YouTube dashboard and see that you have a click-through rate of at least 4%. Meaning that of all of the thumbnails that people saw, people have clicked through on yours. So out of a hundred, you got four clicks on yours and I know that metric might sound low but there’s a lot of thumbnails and a lot of content for people to choose from. So if you have a metric that is less than 4% go back into your YouTube manager and change out that thumbnail tries to design something new and in my other tutorial I will show you exactly how you can design it yourself or outsource it and all of the keys you need to create the science of thumbnails that is going to mean success.

And lastly, every single time you put out a YouTube video, you should treat each video as its launch. You don’t just post it and walk away and hope that people will find it. Send it out to your people, if you have an audience, if you have an email list, a Facebook page, Instagram anything, repurpose that video into a small little clip, create an image, you can even post the thumbnail that you just made and ask people to go watch it. Tell them what benefits they’re going to get by watching this video, what value you’ve provided, what answers you can solve for them maybe even some humor or fun tidbits that they’ll get along the way and tease them for why they want to watch that full video.

What we do is we’ll take a 30 to 60-second little clip of that video and think of the same way that when you go to the movies and there are these trailers on before the full movie starts and they hook you in you think, I got to come back to watch that movie. That’s the same thing you’re doing when you’re posting a teaser video on all your other social media platforms and telling them, go watch the full video on my YouTube channel. And while you’re there like, comment and subscribe because the other thing that’s going to get your channel noticed, is when YouTube sees that your video has the authority and has that social proof that people are enjoying your videos, that you’re keeping people on the platform because YouTube is going to reward channels that keep people watching, that keep people entertained on YouTube, it’s going to boost your rankings higher. Ask them for those likes, comments, and shares and keep

driving your traffic right back to watch your YouTube videos.

So those are my best tips for how to get your YouTube channel notice and you can implement all of these, go ahead and get those freebies that I mentioned. -MarleyJaxx

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How to Get Your YouTube Channel Noticed?

Register for my FREE MASTERCLASS TRAINING: How to Create 60 Days of Social Media and Video Content in 8 Hours YouTube SEO Checklist Marley Jaxx1

Marley Jaxx

Marley Jaxx

Marley Jaxx



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If you want your business to be robust and grow during downtimes and up, you need to develop a strong back-end marketing strategy.

What is a back-end marketing strategy?

Back-end marketing is part of the sales process or funnel and is used to increase the amount of a sale. There are three general forms:

1. Cross-selling: Since you bought this, would you also like that? For example:Ifyoulike “LordoftheRings”byJ.R.R.Tolkien,youmightalso like“TheSwordofShannara”byTerryBrooks.

2. Down-selling: Was this offer at too high a price? How about this one -time offer at a lower price? Forexample:Wouldyoulikeado-it-yourself courseratherthanfullcoaching?

3. Up-sells and Bumps: Would you like to add this other item that goes

well with what you are buying right now? Forexample:Wouldyoulike frieswiththat?orWouldyoulikethatsupersized?

Back-end marketing also includes any and all follow up you do with your prospects and customers, such as email marketing and postcard marketing.

Much of this can be automated, which makes it all the more attractive. Modern shopping carts give you opportunities to program in cross-sells, up-sells, down-sells and bumps.

How to incorporate these techniques into a powerful backend marketing strategy

Step One: Understand Your Current Products

You need to understand how your current products interrelate. What products and services logically balance or go with each other? These are the products that you need to set up a cross-selling system for.

Use the features in your digital shopping cart to suggest these products when one is placed in the shopping cart. Include promotions for these products in your follow-up autoresponder sequence for those who buy one of the products.

Plan it out, implement and let it run on autopilot.

Copyrighted by Carma Spence

Step Two: Fill In The Gaps

You need to understand what products you don’t have that would be good to develop and harmonize with what you currently have. For example, if you sell dog collars, could you also sell dog leashes? If you sell an information product about parenting toddlers, could you also sell one about parenting tweens? I hope you get the picture. Whenever you develop a new product, you should be thinking about other products you could create that would interest people who purchase the one you are currently developing.

Step Three: Design Down-Sells, Up-sells and Bumps ……..

Once you have your cross-selling strategy laid out, start thinking of ways to create down-sells for your more expensive products. Are there things you can remove from the package so you can offer it at a lower price point? You’d be surprised how many more sales you can make when you offer a lower-priced option.

Do the same with bumps and up-sells. What can you addto a package to enhance its value to your customers? Remember, at this point, your customer already has his or her wallet open and is more likely to increase their current purchase than at any other time.

Leverage other people’s products for your back-end marketing

You don’t need to create all these back-end sales opportunities yourself. You can become an affiliate for a product or service that complements your product and offer that as a cross-sell. An easy way to do this, especially as an author, is to become an Amazon Associate, and recommend other books to read.


Developing a powerful back-end marketing strategy takes some forethought, but once you get started, you’ll find that thinking along these lines becomes easier and easier. And, when implemented, your profit margins should grow. ~ CarmaSpence

CarmaSpenceConsultant Carmap Carmaspence Carmaspence cspothitt

Carma Spence is an International best-selling author and award-winning speaker who helps women, introverts and shy people unleash their content creation superpowers and communicate their message with confidence so that they can create a meaningful and fulfilling legacy.

With 20+ years experience in marketing communications and public relations, natural intuitive skills and certification in using some of the most effective transformational coaching tools available, Carma’s mission and commitment is to unleash the inner power her clients' possess so they can boldly go out into the world, transforming the fabric of people’s lives in meaningful and positive ways.

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DatafromtheGlobalDreamsIndexSurveyshowsoverhalfofthe world’swomenadmittedtogivingupontheirdreams.Overhalfof thewomen!Whyisthat?

Iadmitchasingadreamoftenmeansalotofsacrificesandfor realizingadreamyouoftenneedenergy,competences,economic resources,andsupport.Butso,domen,sowhydotheynotstop dreaming?

Mentally devoting in your outlook is key. I am nothing if I don’t dare to dream.

But many women are being told to stay realistic, stop dreaming and get “their heads out of clouds”. I am writing my next book called “design your future” and during my interviews, I realize that women are being advised to play safe, don’t take chances, etc.

Inevitably, even in the most allegedly enlightened families and workplaces, we try to “take care of the girls and women”. We don’t want them to feel unsafe, get into trouble. We need many more women to seek out bravery. To be brave is an emotion that’s unfamiliar to many women. It’s considered the purview of men (

A few years back I met with a headhunter, and he told me “all women want is security”. I am not sure about that. But I admit many women do. It is partly caused by hormones and culture. That being said I admit lots of statistics show how hard it is for women to make it to the “top” that being said sometimes it is good not to read those statistics. If you don’t know it is impossible you will think about it “Iampossible”.

If I, as an unwanted immigrant, 7th-grade school “drop out” had read all the data on how bad my life would be, I would today not be where I am today. I simply did not pay attention to the fact that I was doing something almost impossible. In the late 90s when I started following my dreams of a significant corporate career, I did not spend one mental calorie on how few % of women succeed in doing so, fewer immigrant women of color. I just decided to be the first but not the last one. We cannot truly achieve if we do not dream.

We need the “dreamers”. I am a proud dreamer. Beingadreamerisa goodtraittopossess. If it wasn’t for all the dreamers out here of the past, so many things, innovations wouldn’t have been around.

I know a smart and hardworking woman and she is the chief executive officer in one of the biggest insurance companies in Germany. Previously, she had a senior executive job in London. She loved London and had no plans to return to Germany. Then she became pregnant. Then her husband left. Suddenly she was a single mom. You can say she was hit by reality and she gave up her passion for the paycheck.

She decided to move back to Germany, where her parents lived, and for a long time, she looked for a job in a specific region and finally found one. It is not the best job, but itisgoodenough. She changed her appearance and went from being outgoing and positive to more introverted and less optimistic. It was hard to witness.

Sometimes life just hits you hard and life sometimes does ask us to settle for “less” for a period of time and that is ok. But if you stay in that zone Youmightaswelljustsaygoodbyetoyourdreams.

When I ask the women, I work with what are their reasons are for not living out their dreams they point of one or more of five reasons It is lack of money or caused by lack of financial security? Money is not the reason, as you might think!

Women’s financial opportunities have improved dramatically over the past years. In 1967, only 27 percent of mothers were breadwinners or cobreadwinners, in 1976, only 56.3 percent of married mothers worked for pay, compared with 69.6 percent in 2017. In 2017 41 percent of mothers were the sole or primary breadwinners for their families, earning at least half of their total household income.

In the United States, women now earn more college and graduate degrees than men do. And women now make up half the workforce, and they are closing the gap in middle management. So, should that not make women dream more or at least bigger? Is it lack of time, competences, energy, and stamina or is it lack of confidence?

The major and main reason for not living out their dreams is not money nor lack of stamina etc. The biggest reason why women

CopyrightedbySoulaima INVESTOR,

don’t pursue their goals is a lack of confidence! Research shows on average, that men are more confident than women.

Lack of confidence does not lead to much success in life.

So many women are full of negative, self- sabotage that keeps us from reaching our full potential. I am fully aware dreams change as you face major sit backs, failures or you lose trust in your partner, mentor, job, etc. Data shows how devastating this lack of confidence is. Success correlates just as closely with confidence as it does with competence. Let us remind our self by the wise words of Tina Fey: “Confidenceis10percenthardworkand90percentdelusion just thinkingfoolishlythatyouwillbeabletodowhatyouwanttodo.”

Having confidence is a lifelong process marked with ups and downs. I have a daughter and I see how her confidence is being challenged by social media.

I tell her to shift from self-criticism to inspiration and not to compare and not to compete with others. Nothing good has ever come out of unhealthy comparison and competition.

Self-confidencedoesnotjusthappen.Itisnotsomethingyou canwithdrawalinanATM!It’sadevelopingprocess.

My former employer at Hewlett Packard did fascinating research. They found that men are not exempt from doubting themselves, but they don’t let their doubts stop them as often as women do. It is time for a global confidence-building journey!

Low self-esteem can get in the way of your dreams and this is why this is urgent to do something about. If you do not feel like you deserve (happiness, good health, good health, etc.) then you will never be happy, fulfilled, and successful (whatever that means for you).

Lack of self-confidence can have an extreme impact on your career. It can challenge your desire to move outside your comfort zone because that’s where you feel most safe with little risk of a fiasco.

After a long career, I have realized that f I compete and compare myself to others it is a lot of pressure.

Womenareoftentoldtomakeachoice. They are often asked to slow down and let go of their ambitions a bit while especially when they are having kids or pregnant.

Why on earth would you do that? It is not your head that is pregnant!

The problem is that when you slow down, getting back in the game very often seems overwhelming almost impossible and it becomes an evil circle. It can harm your confidence.

As long as I could recall I have a dreamer and I’m not alone in that. There are so many dreamers out there. I suggest you connect with likeminded and dare to not only dream, but also turn your dream into a concrete actionable plan. Start today by sharing your dream with others. ~SoulaimaGourani

Ps: Want to know more about being a dreamer? Do you know I have a community called “Women Reignite”? find us on Facebook or here:

soulaimagourani/ Soulaima Gourani

Soulaima Gourani is the founder and CEO of Tradeconductor, a highly successful business, and global trade marketing consultancy that has helped countless major corporations become what they are today and an official expert at World Economic Forum’s (Expert Network) Behavioral Sciences & Education and Skills. She is a frequent motivational speaker at conferences with approximately 200 public talks/year around the world, online coach, corporate advisor to major companies on customer loyalty, sales, service strategies and employee motivation and the future of business + author of several bestseller books and has contributed to more than 14 books on leadership, change mgt, SCM and how to get success in life. Soulaima helps to serve a common purpose: to create more innovators, critical Thinkers, and problem solvers–more peace in the world.

The Lord has been speaking to me about alignment a LOT lately. I had a stiff neck for almost a week & I felt like my hip was slightly out of place before I realized He was speaking to me. This morning I was prompted to look up the definition.

a·lign·ment /əˈlīnmənt/ noun arrangement in a straight line, or incorrect or appropriate relative positions. a position of agreement or alliance.

The words ‘appropriate relative position’ and ‘agreement’ really stood out to me. We are all designed perfectly by our Creator and we need to be aligned with Him in an appropriate relative position if we want our life to work properly. It benefits us to remember HE is the head & we are the body- and to align ourselves according to His plan.

I was prompted to take this further The Consequences of Misalignment: Being out of alignment with our Designer & Creator will bring us far-reaching consequences, which often include pain.

Issues include:

1. Lost Sense of Mission: When God’s plan & purpose for our life are aligned, they create a compass that gives us a sense of clarity and a mission that guides our ac-

tions and decisions. When that alignment fails, we default to self-serving behaviors, and our sense of mission is lost.

2. Disorientation: When our internal values differ from our behavior, we feel confused, frustrated & unclear about our goals. We’re like a ship sailing on a sea without a compass.

3. Damaged Image: When our plan & purpose are aligned with God’s strategy, our internal & external images are united. Failure to maintain alignment with the One who created us causes us to be hypocritical.

4. Pain & Frustration: When we are wellaligned with our Creator, following His strategies creates a sense of belonging & loyalty. When that alignment fails, our sense of loyalty is nearly impossible to maintain; we find ourselves flailing between right & wrong. We often find ourselves frustrated, in physical pain or disease.

5. Wasted Energy: Struggling between who your spirit knows you’re meant to be, and who you presently are, causes energy loss & misalignment- and often presents physically as exhaustion, back, neck, or joint pain.

We often forget that we are spirit. We live in a

Michelle Winder is an engaging author, coach and speaker who is authentic and entertaining. Her life experiences, including being raised from the dead, provide a wealth of wisdom for her dynamic, informative, speaking topics. She’s the first to tell you that TIME is not Money. TIME is LIFE- and we cannot waste it as though it’s loose change!

Michelle believes too many people waste their lives watching other people and she’s passionate about showing people how to make the most of their own stage. She demonstrates how to walk through the challenges we all face, head on, without fear. She emphasizes that YOU are the LEAD on YOUR Stage in Life- she’ll show you how so you can Rock YOUR Red Carpet!

Copyrighted by Michelle Winder

will & emotions) When our spirit & soul are at odds, there is friction which causes physical issues in our body. It always benefits us to align our soul with our spirit, as our body takes orders from them. The good news is that alignment is just 3 steps away!

3 Steps to Alignment:

The five issues above are red flags that you may be out of alignment. If you’re experiencing them, take these three steps to start the process of realignment:

1. Examine yourself. Maker. Are you aligned with His strategy and purpose? Do you know what your purpose is?

2. Examine your values. with God’s? Are your spirit & soul clear message?

3. Watch your Words. (With God? With yourself? With others?) What principles are outlined in God’s word? Are you following them? Do your words support a life that’s aligned with God

Romans 12:1-2 says it well,

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers & sisters, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.

As always, I’m here for you if you need help. God is relentlessly pursuing you. Let him bring order to your life. Michelle Winder 7/10/20 ~MicheleWinderMoore

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God spoke to us in the bible telling us to love God first, before we can love ourselves and others. It was tough for me to grasp as I did not understand how that works. I thought that by loving others first, I would eventually grow into loving myself; I found out I was wrong. Self-love is a journey that we go through with God. It takes dedication, devotion, practice, realization, growth, discovery, and much more. And it all starts with God. “Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love. God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life with him. This is real love not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.” (1 John 4:7

I realized that our greatest life lesson is learning how to fully realize, accept, and love God. It will happen when we understand who we are in him. For God so loved the world that he GAVE his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) But to all who believe in him, and accept him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or pain, but a birth that comes from God. (John 1:12-13). Once we know and love God, he shows us our value to him. Out of a heart full of gratefulness, we give our love to others without becoming resentful and depleted.

As A child growing up into adulthood, I was a victim of all kinds of abuse; neglect, starved, physical, mental, verbal, and emotional by my mother, sister, stepmom, and classmates from school. However, God was always at my side assuring me that he was there and loved me when no one else did. At age 19, I left home to get away from the cycle of abuse. I had no self-esteem, no one thought I was worthy of love, so how could I love myself? I started my spiritual journey in the wrong place. I wanted to find a man who would love me for who I am, I dated many different men to find love and went to many different varieties of churches to help me find the love I longed for. I wanted human love and affirmation so badly that I believed God show me a vision of a figure of a man whom I would marry in the future.

I finally met the man whom God had shown me in the vision, and I asked God, what about love? I am not in love with him, but this is the man you showed me in the vision. God seemed to be telling me that love will come later. I later had three kids and my love grew for my kids and others however my love for my husband was still not there. I asked God again, “I worked on myself with self-help spiritual books, and still could not figure out how to love him. I still didn’t know how to love God or

quality time with myself, I went to workshops, seminars and more to help myself to love him and myself, that elusive love still did not come.

I knew something needed to change, when all my kids grew up and moved out on their own, I sat down with my husband informing him of my goals. I expressed to him that I decided to pursue my dreams teaching the Law of Attraction to the Deaf community and to become an author and speaker, he replied: “what about me?” Since I still did not understand how God fit into the equation, I was unable to explain my heart to him. All I could tell him that he is an adult, like me, and I cannot make him happy, but he can only make himself happy.

My husband did not like seeing me happy doing things I liked to do and started to become verbally, emotionally, and mentally abusive towards me. I became more and more depressed as he continued his ways by not feeding or watering me (spiritually). I was slowly dying. I had a heart attack from all the stress, my hormones were out of whack, I was getting sick often with fibromyalgia flare-ups, shingles flare-ups, lack of sleep, overworking, and other illness appearing.

I asked God again when would love for my husband come? This time God seemed to say, “the grass is greener on the other side.” I asked, “how can I survive on my own, plus I can’t leave him because he loves me.” God seemed to say, “When there is fear, there is no love.” Shortly thereafter, my husband raised his hand as if to strike me, I ducked like I


did as a child, at that moment I realized I had married my mom! There was something wrong with me because I was in fear like I had as a child. There was no love there. I decided to divorce him and he wanted to hold on to me. Then one day he texted me and asked if there any chance for us to get back together again, I said, you, I was slowly killing me. I was under so much stress that my health was tanking. I was not happy. I had a choice to be happy or die, I am now choosing to live and to be happy.”

During the divorce, my kids were mad at me. Their father had convinced them that I was the bad person and didn’t love them. During this time, I really learned to trust and lean on God. I learned that to love God meant that I should love myself. He gave his life to pay the penalty for my sins. If he loved me that much, how could I not love him? I trusted in God and asked him to help us all get through this without more drama.

I did not want to date or have any relationships after the divorce since God had showed me that I was attracting the same type of people that my mom and husband had been. If I continued dating these people, the cycle of being a “victim of abuse on my self-improvement, and let him lead me where he wanted me to go, be it to a man who would love me, or if I would have to be single, he knew what was best for me. Then it happened, I met the man who would become my soulmate! I found out we both had issues from the past that we were dealing with, and we enjoyed going to workshops and seminars to learn how to break the cycles of thinking that keep us trapped in negative behaviors.

At one of the workshops, we were challenged to give dating a chance. We both hesitated, but then decided to give it a try with the understanding that we did not want to have a relationship at that time. I however, had a question for him that had been bothering me a lot. I asked him, me talking to another guy? Would you become jealous, or accuse me of cheating on you?

would be putting my trust in God and in you. relieved from my him, knowing that we trusted each other on the same level.

We found out we liked the same things, had the same experiences, did the same things, our body were alike (sciatic nerve pain in our lower back and our neck), we like the same food, believed in the same things, we even have the same food allergies, we both like to help others, we realized we are soulmates.

However, I did realize something

liked the same things, do the same things, think alike, believe the same as me, he trusts me completely, and much more We were so much alike, and I was in love with it and felt so free, it dawned on me that I loved myself more because he was like me. Once I realized it, I thanked God for him and my love for God was real and found myself loving myself more, my love for everyone increased It was an amazing love that I never knew. The love became a complete circle as it was written in the bible. 1. Love God 2. Love yourself 3. Love thy neighbor as yourself 4. Back to loving God. (The complete circle of Love)

The answer how to love yourself, is in God alone. He will lead you to the things you like/love and enjoy doing, He will lead you to the desire of your heart, if your heart is in tune with him. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” (Proverbs 3:5-6

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Going along in your life and business, doing fine...….until



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As a life coach and self-A couple of months ago, I felt blocked. I felt like I could not make a business decision, and my indecision was keeping me stuck, frustrated, and irritated with myself. So I spoke with my tapping coach (if you haven’t tried Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) yet, it’s amazing).

He asked about the options I had before me, my feelings about each potential outcome, and then he asked the magical question that changed everything:

“What is the advantage of staying blocked, Susie?”

What?Ithought.Advantagesofbeingblocked. Thereisnone!Zip!Zero.Ishecrazy?Man,Ineed anewcoach.

Until I thought about it. I thought, after some contemplation, I knew it: Being blocked was a wonderful excuse not to take any action. Meaning that if I could not make a decision and act, I could not fail. My “block” was a defensive emotion to keep me safe. Even though inaction is never safe, really (my logical mind knows it’s a form of action too often the worst kind), my subconscious knew the decision was a big one for me, so it put a block in my thinking.

Being blocked was a wonderful excuse to not take any action.

“I guess the upside would be that if I don’t make a choice, I can’t screw

things up at least in the short-term,” I said. Now, as a coach myself, I have since used this question. Here are some ways it’s popped up in my conversations: What is the advantage of not getting healthy?

Deeper answer: If I am overweight and single, it means that’s why I’m single. It means there is nothing more serious wrong with me.

What is the advantage of comparing yourself with your college friends (and feeling competitive and distant from them)?

Deeper answer: If I keep them at arm’s length, they won’t see my flaws. I feel behind and sad and I don’t want them to see me (parts of me are inadequate).

What is the advantage of not asking for a raise?

Deeper answer: I don’t want to be rejected and if I get the outcome I want, my husband might resent my new income. He is already insecure, and I don’t want to rock the boat at home.

What is the advantage of not confronting your controlling sister?

Deeper answer: I don’t feel good enough to stand up for myself. Maybe I’m not good at making my own decisions, perhaps I’d be lost without her I don’t feel strong or capable of running my life on my own.


arisen) or an old block (being stuck in an unhealthy relationship for five years).

Ask yourself:

-What is the upside of this block/problem/issue?

-What might be keeping me here if I think about it and am honest with myself?

-What could happen if I lose my belief about this block? How can I see this situation or problem differently?

-And finally, if I loved and approved of myself, how would this problem change?

Awareness about our beliefs and the truth behind them is the first step in reducing their power over us.

What can you start to see differently now? Please leave me a comment below.

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susiemoore.writer susiemoore susiemoore/ susie.moore/ Susie Moore

Susie Moore is a former Silicon Valley Sales Director turned Life Coach and Advice Columnist.

Her work been featured on the Today show, Oprah, Business Insider, The Huffington Post, Forbes, Time Inc, Marie Claire and she’s the resident Life Coach Columnist for Greatist. Susie’s work and insights have been shared by celebrities and thought leaders including Arianna Huffington, Paulo Coelho, Kris Jenner and Sara Blakely.

Her first book WhatifItDoesWorkOut?was named by Entrepreneur as one of the8BusinessBooksEntrepreneurs MustReadtoDominateTheirIndustry

Stop Checking Your Likes: Shake Off The Approval And Live An Incredible Life…

Your freedom s knocking. Are you ready?

Millions of us waste huge chunks of our days checking our phones and devices, looking for just one more thumbs -up or red heart. It’s the modern measurement of how accepted, wanted, or valued we seem to be. Susie Moore is going to help you shake off the need for that hollow approval and live the incredible, confident life you were meant to live. It’s time to proclaim and cele- brate your talents, fend off naysayers, and live your life with mag- netism and unshakable selfconfidence.

Here’s the

rub: A perfect life doesn’t exist. Those perfectly tanned peo- ple sailing in Ibiza have problems just like you. But what Susie Moore has learned (and will show you) is that truly successful and self-assured people have something in common: They are willing to experience “failure” without getting bummed out or overwhelmed. They simply build up from it. On the path to satisfying your deep, personal desires, when things go wrong or feel off (and they will), you can always ask not what’s wrong, but what’s missing, because what’s missing can be found. In fact, it’s waiting and wanting to be found. In StopCheckingYourLikes , you’ll learn how to break free of the outside “approval traps” and focus on nourishing and loving yourself. Stop checking your likes and find your purpose and your power. Fast.



Project Karma was established in 2016, to focus on combating child sex exploitation. Project Karma is based in Melbourne, Australia but works to combat child sex exploitation both within Australia and in key regions of South East (SE) Asia where the majority of these crimes occur.


Since it started, Project Karma has relied on donations from individuals as its main source of funding, and we still rely enormously on individual donations. Any amount, however small, helps us to protect vulnerable children.

If you are interested in fundraising or volunteering your time (particularly if you are based in Melbourne, Bali or Cebu) or have a company that you believe would be able to provide pro-bono support for Project Karma’s activities, then please contact Project Karma at Or go to:





BUSINESS Breakthroughs: Strategies for boosting your revenues

Bringing back the HEART: Nurturing your relationships at work and home

BALANCE and fulfillment: Achieving success and fulfillment at the same time?


Yoram Baltinester is known as The Personal Development Samurai for his unique ability of cutting straight to the epicenter of any issue. Why this is important to you? It shortens the time needed to course correct your life, your relationships, your money and your health.

Let’s find out together, in a COMPLEMENTARY CHAT :

1. Which area in your life is actually your weakest link? (It may not be what you think it is) 2. How fulfillment can co-exist with success and, not at the expense of other areas of life? 3. What is the biggest roadblock right now? 4. What are the best strategies for you to catapult to the next level of your success?


Photography by: Debbie Lefever

Despite all of the obstacles in her way, Heide persisted and went on building 3 successful businesses and 3 magazine companies. Her energetic personality, charm, and sincerity have contributed to her successful magazine company; Influential People Magazine and becoming known as one of the top “Influential People. ”

Heide’s business success can largely be credited to her instinctive ability to create an irresistible exposure for people she has helped. Heide will give you the industry insider points for making sure your message gets known throughout Influential People Magazine and Influential People TV show.

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Drive sales and increase visibility with book advertising Whether you’ve published one title or thousands, Influential People Magazine offers unique advertising solutions for the books category through Influential People Magazine Marketing (IPMM). These advertising solutions are currently available to authors and books vendors with a retail relationship. Promote titles alongside similar books and authors Feature new releases to drive sales as soon as they publish Run continuous backlist campaigns to attract new readers What’s Included: Online Ad – Creation of your book’s ad in various formats: Web image ads, Web text ads and mobile Web ads. 6 Months or 1 yr Placement – Your book’s ad will secure placement on our websites and in our magazine that are part of the Influential People Magazine Display Network of your choice 6 Months for $14.95 per month or 1 year for $9.95 per month..
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Welcome to the eZWay Wall Of Fame. The people you find on this wall have proven to either go above and beyond for the eZWay Family, have researchable and validated credits as a expert in their field, or has celebrity name recognition and has world wide proven influence (JOIN OUR EZWAY FAMILY)

The eZWay Wall Of Fame was made to reward our ezwayfam members, highlight and feature our influencers and celebrity experts. This is not just a wall to look at, visitors can click on any of the members which take you to a special page that

showcases, promotes and highlights that particular member. This page features a featured picture, bio, video, builds a subscriber base, share buttons and social media and website promotion buttons. It will also have a rss feed to highlight the members social media posts from their facebook like page. This increases followers. Each member has the option to have their own profile on our social network which is similar to facebook. Want to join our ezway family? Text ezway to # 55678 Call EZWay: 877 399 2929

The eZWay Wall of Fame was created by one of the top ten social media influencers in the world. Ranked # 7 of the top ten, by “Hollywood Weekly Magazine,” “Actors Reporter”, “Cold Heat News”, and many more, Mr. Eric Zuley founded eZWay Broadcasting, Inc. His business is now branded as eZWay Network, a multimedia conglomerate affiliated to thousands of other media companies.

The eZWay wall of Fame is a platform used to honor their clients, members, and the eZWay Family. This collaborative network creates social proof and assists each other in monetizing their businesses. Digitally, it makes subscribers, clients, and supporters able to find one another. This clever creation promotes relationships and collaborations that were unreachable in the past.

The network provides a user login for all visitors to be able to be seen by their 478,000 hits per month. This promotional tool is the only one of its kind and promotes users’ social media, websites, videos, audio and picture galleries. Others have compared it to a digital “Hall of Fame” or digital “Hollywood Walk of Fame”.

Who’s Who among celebrities, influencers, and changemakers are promoted on the wall. Over 75 eZWay Fam, Influencers, and Celebrity

experts all at your fingertip. Literally!

There have been hundreds of people that have praised eZWay promotions and the Wall of Fame because of their results after being a part of this new platform!

The Wall of Fame features your picture along with top influencers and celebrities which helps edify your brand credibility and gives you social proof. Members can get verified badges as well as what we like to call “Give Back Badges.” This is acquired by how many times you give back and help others. You can earn a certain amount of points that will help you to be awarded badges to get quantified. These points can be redeemed for extraordinary marketing and promotional services.

Do you want to be noticed, and get more credibility? Want to be on the wall?

Submissions to be on the wall:

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How To Navigate Your Business To A Profitable Exit Paperback Workbook available now New Version available soon.. Build your business to sell devise your business exit strategy with this easy to use work book by the Wealth Builder Jeffrey Levine
Celebrities, CEO s, Top Performers, and Experts give their best secrets to success and influence. Never before
shared nuggets from the eZWay World of Influencers.

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