How To Sell A Price Increase?
Become an Everyday I C O N
Strategies to Turn Uncertainty To Competitive Advantage MERIDITH POWELL
Natural Ways to Combat Stress and Hormone Imbalances DAVID FRIEDMAN
How Strong are you? DENISE MICHAELS
Quick Tips to INSTANTLY boost your Happiness SUSIE MOORE
Exclusive interview with
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elcome to March/May’s Issue of Influential People Magazine! We are excited you took
time out of your precious day to read this amazing issue! The month of March focuses on International Women's Day! This annual award recognizes and celebrates women, in all their diversity, who have dedicated their lives to promoting human rights, gender equity and equality, peace, justice, the rule of law, and accountability – often at great personal risk or sacrifice. While May is the month celebrating and honoring the mother of a family or individual, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in the society. And the month of May is the World Economic Forum that brings together communities of leaders around the world on
Global issues, such as the pandemic, climate change, food issues, schools, and technology. It is also a day that is celebrated in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May. This month’s issue we feature the inspirational Shellie Hunt! She is doing it all with her non-profit organization “Women of Global Change”. Shellie Hunt is a Global Entrepreneur, Business Strategist, International Motivational Speaker, Trauma Expert, Author of the “Success is by Design” Series and TV executive producer. Shellie is Founder and CEO of the Women of Global Change, Success is by Design, ReMake MY Life LLC, and other multiple companies. Shellie is honored to have received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the White House, and the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award from Barrack Obama! As you cruise through the pages you will find articles form our accomplished contributing writers. You may also find inspirational stories, business tips, personal life tips, and many more positive and helpful stories. We trust that you will enjoy these inspiring stories of success from our talented contributing writers and our amazing cover feature! Influential People Magazine strives to make content for all to enjoy. We know you will find something for your reading pleasure. POI
The Power of Persistence—And Our BIG Test
Exclusive Interview with Larry Namer
The Exclusive Interview with An Influential and Inspiring Expressionist Artist of Our Times Vian Borchert
6 Natural Ways to Combat Stress and Hormone Imbalances DAVID FRIEDMAN
40 44
Become an Everyday ICON MELISSA HULL
How to Sell A Price Increase? 5 Strategies to Turn Uncertainty to Competitive Advantage MERIDITH POWELL
Cover photography by Robert Zee Photo :IG
48 51
H o w S t ro ng A re Y o u?
8 Quick Tips to INSTANTLY boost Your Happiness
History of International Women’s Day
Does Influence Work Best to Build Your Business? CHRIS SALEM
HEIDE DANGELO Founder/Publisher
JESSICA DEWEY Publisher Assistant
LAINE DAKIN Chief Editor/ Contributing Writier
CHRIS SALEM Author, Speaker, Radio Show Host
DARLA ALLGOOD Contributing JV Partner
RICH PARSONS Coach and Magazine Publisher
MERIDITH POWELL Author, Speaker, Business Strategist
MELISSA HULL Author, Speaker, TV show Host, Producer
YORAM BALTINESTER Speaker, Trainer, Coach
SOULAIMA GOURANI Author, Speaker, Investor, Life Coach
MICHELLE WINDER MOORE Author, Speaker, Business Consultant
DR. DAVID FRIEDMAN Author/Speaker, TV/Radio Show Host
TRISH ROCK Author, Speaker, Intuitive Consultant
MARLEY JAXX Video Marketer
GITTE RANDUFF HR Business Partner, Consultant, Recruiter, Blogger
MISTIE MORGAN Author, Keynote Speaker, TV/Show Host
ESE MAGEGE Founder, Health Coach, ER PA& MBA
JANET WHITWOTH Social Media Marketer FB: @findyourpassiontobesuccessful
AMALYA CHRYSTY Assistant Editor
DENISE MICHAELS Contributing Writer
JULES LAVALLEE International Journalist Celebrity Interviewer
Cover photography by Robert Zee Photo :IG
Every year, during the month of March, marks the time to honor, elevate, and celebrate women and their accomplishments, who are strong, determined women around the world on International Women’s Day. Women around the world are divinely called to help to change the world of business by focusing and making an positive impact to someone’s life. Every woman has a story to tell and gifts to share with the world, while May is the month celebrating and honoring the mother of a family or individual, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in the society. And the month of May is the World Economic Forum that brings together communities of leaders around the world on Global issues, such as the pandemic, climate change, food issues, schools, and technology. It is also a day that is celebrated in may parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May. however this month is about honoring magnificent women, we would like to put a special spotlight on one of the Top Influential Woman to know, who is doing it all in her non-profit organization, “Women of Global Change” and making an influential impact on people lives around the world, Shellie Hunt. Shellie Hunt, a Global Entrepreneur, Author, Trauma Expert, single mom, and TV executive producer; where she and her daughter soon are working on a new TV show to empower others around the world. She is the founder and CEO of Women of Global Change, and Success is by Design. Shellie has been in the human potential industry for over 25 years and has shared the stage with some of the top human potential and business speakers in the world as a international motivational speaker. Her gift of transformational impact has taken her clients beyond motivation, to lasting results teaching her precise message “How to” in the designs of your
success from the inside out, which landed her being appeared on numerous national talk and radio shows from CBS, USA Today, ABC, CBS Moneywatch, Beyond the Dow, HLN, Fox, and many others along with honor mention in She has been honored receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award from the White House and the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award from Barrack Obama, where she has been recognized by several branches of the US Government for her dedication, services, and work to include multiple awards in areas of Business Leadership, Mentorship, and Entrepreneurship. These accolades include the U.S. Congress Business Leader Award, Business Leadership Award from the California State Senate, and the California Merit Award. The California State Board of Equalization has presented Shellie with an Award in Business and she earned from the California Legislature Assembly the Local Businesswoman Award. The City and County of Los Angeles presented her with Recognition and Commendation Speaker Awards, and she accepted an Entrepreneurship Award from the State Attorney – County of Maryland. Shellie has been honored in the area of mentorship and innovation by California State University Long Beach with the Team Mentor Award and has been recognized internationally with the Global Iconic Innovation Award. In addition, she received the Diamond Rose Award in Motivational Speaking from the Multicultural Motion Picture Association, Global Humanitarian Award at the World Congress Center, and the International Women’s Day Outstanding Service Award for Excellence. She also has appeared as a featured host/speaker in a documentary series entitled “Freedom” for the Human Potential Network. Shellie currently is a proud member of the Alliance of Women and Media, which promotes positive progress and change for women and sits as a judge for the last seven years for nationally televised Gracie Awards. Shellie served as a national board member for the NWPC (National Women’s Political Caucus) and hosted the 2014 Emma Awards. In 2014, the special honor of knighthood was bestowed upon Dame Shellie Ann Hunt by the Order of the Orthodox Knights Hospitallers of St. John, now known as The Order of St. John Russian Grand Priory. This is the oldest historical charitable order, which started the world’s first hospitals to serve humanity, regardless of caste, creed, or ability to pay. As the First Lady of Entrepreneurs, she has served well over tens of thousands of women and children worldwide in communities and outreach programs. Shellie has also taught reintegration to Veterans in transition at Cal State Long Beach.
Shellie has currently been described in the international press as “One of the best orators and coaches of human potential available for public speaking and a master of business structure and multiple sources of income.” Her speaking skills and courses cover the full spec-
trum. She has focused her life’s work on the realm of human potential and business success. Shellie has presented to and coached well over ten thousand individuals from all walks of life. These include CEO’s, business owners, inventors, authors, managers, Supreme Court Judge, blue-collar industries, teen trainings, as well as the general public. For over 25 years Shellie Hunt has specialized in personal improvement and corporate leadership trainings. She has worked with major corporations to include Time Warner, M3, The Young Entrepreneurs Society, VH1, Pacific Electric, and Kimberly Clark to name a few. Having grown up in poverty, Shellie’s passion and mission is to show people they too can create their own life success and awaken to all that is possible! With all Shellie achievements she is certainly one of the most influ-
ential women, she has the strength, courage, confidence, and assertiveness to beat any challenges that comes her way and making an influential positive impact on people lives around the world.
Women of Global Change is an inspirational network of humanitari-
ans, what inspired you to start this? SHELLIE: I literally woke up one night from a dream. A vision came to me to bring together and activate leaders of all different organizations in collaboration to create change bigger than we ever could alone. Together we create positive progress and change for ourselves and our communities in the world. IPM: Can you tell us about your favorite mission you did with Women of Global Change? SHELLIE: There have been so many memorable missions on this journey but one of my personal favorites was in Roatan Honduras. The AIDS rate for babies under 2 was extremely high. We went in Honduras during our WGC International Summit in 2013 and built an infant care unit center and mothers facility. When I went back six years later, the AIDS rate for babies under two, was zero in Roatan. They have been living under these conditions for generations and in six years it was eradicated. They went on to turn The Infant Care Center into a school to assist the school system as they were not prepared for the influx of children surviving. We were not the only ones fighting this battle but WGC was definitely a part of making a difference. This
is when I really realized the power we had to make a positive impact. IPM:
How did you feel receiving the President’s Lifetime Achievement
Award from Barrack Obama in 2015 and later a second lifetime achievement award from President Biden in 2021? SHELLIE: I was so humbled and honored and almost in disbelief but then when I stepped back and really looked at the lives and the number of people served nationally and globally I understood. In addition my awards, Women of Global Change (WGC) has received its own White House Service Awards and Recognitions from four sitting presidents.
Have you drawn professional inspiration from
other influential women? Can you tell us about someone who has inspired you? SHELLIE: There are many different women that have influenced my life as mentors, some historically and some in person. Frankly, my mom and her network of courageous women had a big influence in my life and it has continued from generation to generation as my daughter just graduated from law school, passed the bar and is now writing her own path as she drafts bills for congressional review. IPM:
What is one major thing you wish more people
knew about women in the workplace?
SHELLIE: It is so important for women to support women in the workplace. Studies have shown it’s not as much as the men holding us back as it is us as women not supporting other women. It is important we support women in managerial positions as we still are not equal in board rooms. It is time for us to join together and give each other, as sisters, a reputation to live up to.
photography by Robert Zee Photo :IG
IPM: Did you come across any major barriers when on your path to success? SHELLIE: The first problem I ran into was trying to do it all myself. You may start out that way but I learned that to have a team that is good at what they specifically do is imperative. Then you have to let them run doing what they do in that lane while you stay in your own. This makes for very harmonic growth. And it is a place where you and others can win as a team and as a corporate culture of growth. IPM: What pushed you to go down the path of helping people become successful? SHELLIE: I literally grew up in a home with a single mom on the East Coast and one pair of shoes at a time to my name. I came to realize, if I could do it, anyone
can do it. I also think it is a time for women to rise as leaders around the world. The planet is in need of the balance that women in power provide. I like sharing my knowledge with others so they no only have more success in their lives but also more fulfillment as they become active contributors in the world they serve. IPM: What motivated you to start Success is by Design? SHELLIE: I wanted to design a program that was individualized yet worked within the principles and systems of business. We are not cookie cutter people. We are all individuals with gifts and talents and in our hearts we carry great purpose. A purpose I believe we are born to share with the world. I wanted to create a Program that worked with how an individual works so they could not just have business success but also a balanced successful and more joyful personal life .
photography by Robert Zee Photo :IG
IPM: Can you share one “how-to” tip with us on how to design our own success? SHELLIE: Have clarity of the vision of what you want to create. Then worry about the mechanics. It is never about the mechanics, it is always about the intention. Intention brings mechanism. Look at other industries or businesses that are doing what you want to accomplish. Look at their models and systems, start to incorporate what you need and make adjustments from there. The other thing to remember is you are not alone, so many times as entrepreneurs we feel that way and as women we feel we have to be strong. But it’s all about asking for what you need. And looking out for what you need next. I am constantly asking myself what do I need next, even now.
IPM: With being so busy managing multiple companies, what are the ways you stay grounded and take care of yourself, your motivation? SHELLIE: When it feels like I don’t have enough time or I feel ungrounded I would try to do more only to become less effective . So I found what feeds me naturally in nature and what I mean by that is what energizes me and replenishes me. And for me it is plants and animals. After mentoring from some of the best in the world, what I did come to notice is all great leaders recognize when their energy is waning and they are perfectly OK to step to the side to rejuvenate. There are times I have taken my shoes off and just walked in the grass. I know it sounds funny. There are other times I play with my animals. I have had clients whom the ocean called to them and I would
tell them to just sit in front of the ocean until their mind starts to calm and their shoulders drop. So find what feeds you from nature. I have found nature has divine intelligence and a divine balance. IPM: How important is it to have a mentor and grow as a leader? Do you feel everyone who wants to grow in leadership needs a mentor? SHELLIE:
I think mentorship is incredible not only do you
learn what works, you also get to avoid what doesn’t work. And if you are truly growing and developing, mentorship is imperative I IPM: How can women support other women in their organizations? SHELLIE:
Engage and work in camaraderie not competition
with other women owned businesses and with coworkers. We rise together. IPM:
What advice do you have for women looking to grow
either their own business or within the company they work for? SHELLIE: Understudy and engage in relational currency. Also learn the art of negotiation. Don’t try to do it all and don’t wait till it’s perfect to do it, it will never be perfect except it will always be the perfect time to start. IPM: Do you have any advice for the next generation of female leaders? SHELLIE: You are the next generation of the Feminine corporate culture! Do what you’re good at, do what you enjoy. Recognize the gratitude in all of it, even if you fail forward. You are the leader of the world is waiting for ! IPM: Do you have any comments or anything you would like to share?
SHELLIE: It has been a absolutely hard year both personally and professionally. Starting with the loss of our international board member Frank Shankwitz who was the co– founder of “Make A
WGC awards Shirley Hunt YouTube Influential People Magazine
Wish” Foundation and tow of our avid supporters and advisers Bob Proctor, and my mom Shirley Hunt. They believed in the vision for the betterment of humanity. Women of Global Change wouldn’t be what it is without them and our Global Chapter leaders being active participants in the world. They are truly “The Changemakers” and together they create a wave of change around the world.
Shellie Hunt
Shellie Hunt
Shellie Hunt
Shellie Hunt
WGC awards Frank Shankwitz
WGC interviews Frank Shankwitz
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More than Just a Moment,
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WWW.WOMENOFGLOBALCHANGE.COM @WGCCorporate @WomenOfGlobalChange The Women of Global Change womenofglobalchange
Vian Borchert Along Side Her Painting “Floating Water Chair” Photo Credit: Oliver Borchert
AN INFLUENTIAL AND INSPIRING EXPRESSIONIST ARTIST OF OUR TIMES Vian Borchert is an established award-winning contemporary expressionist artist. V. Borchert has exhibited in many group and solo exhibitions within the USA and internationally. The National Gallery of Art in Amman, Jordan has her artwork in their permanent collection. Vian is a graduate and “Notable Alumni” from the Corcoran College of Art and Design George Washington University, Washington, DC. Vian considers her expressionistic and abstracted art as visual poems. Vian Borchert’s art has been on exhibit in prestigious places such as the United Nations General Assembly’s Public Lobby Gallery, NYC, andin “Art Basel Miami Beach” Spectrum Miami, 1stdibs Design Center in Chelsea, NYC and the LA Art Show. Vian’s art is in private collections worldwide, embassies, and museums. Borchert exhibits in major world cities such as NYC, LA, DC, London, Rome, and Berlin. V. Borchert’s art has been featured in numerous well-regarded press such as The Washington Post, ARTPIL, Art Reveal magazine, 300 magazine, Art Market magazine, HappenArt, Vie magazine, Al-Tiba9 International Art magazine, Metro Weekly magazine, Elan magazine, Dart International Magazine, The Miami Art Scene, DC Modern Luxury magazine, NPR’s Art Beat, Influential People News, and others. Vian Borchert has worked in major museums such as the National Gallery of Art, Washington DC and the Phillips Collection Museum. Borchert is an art educator teaching fine art classes in the Washington DC metropolitan area for over a decade.
Interviewed by Jessica Dewey IPM: What does your work aim to say?
Vian: There are times where my work has touched upon subject
Vian: I am an expressionist artist; I consider all my artwork to be
matters that are ailing the world. To illustrate, when COVID-19
visual poems. My artwork aims to deliver my environment and
hit and our whole world was affected by this pandemic; seques-
the way I see the world through my lyrical vision and sense of
tered in my studio and quarantining at my home, I set forth to
aesthetics. For me nature is very important and plays an essen-
create works that are symbolic of such times. Summer of 2020, I
tial role in my life. I am a nature lover. Therefore, I want through
created a body of work that was rooted by the influences of this
my work to reawaken the visual senses of the viewers where
pandemic. Until today, I still wake up every morning questioning
they also will attain the rejuvenation, calm, and peace feelings
the fact that we live in a pandemic, and that we are plagued by
achieved through viewing and taking in the art. I aspire to bridge
such an infectious and mutating disease. The paintings created
the gap between the visual world and the real world while al-
from the Summer of 2020 and until recently have all dealt with
lowing the viewers to revive their imagination and exploration.
the idea of reflection and reminiscence to a simpler time where
Hence, I aim to create a thought-provoking visual dialogue be-
life was much easier and uncomplicated, where travel was more
tween the viewers and the art on a higher cognitive creative
feasible and the world was better connected.
The work that I created last Summer in a series titled
IPM: Does your work comment or relate to any current social or political issues?
“Reflection” ended up in a solo art exhibition in September of 2020 in
IPM: How have you developed your career?
a gallery in Arlington, Virginia. The “Reflection” paintings’ series was
Vian: I developed my career throughout many years of rigorous and
very well received.
continuous hard work and many sleepless nights. I like to point out
IPM: Who are your biggest influences? Vian: My biggest and foremost source of inspiration and influence is mother nature – the mother of all. For me being in nature, be it meditating upon the beauty of the sunrise and the sunset or simply gardening in my garden all connects me to the earth and its abundant bounty that it bestows upon humanity through its ever-flowing daily giving. Besides nature, my children are my biggest influences. It is through their eyes, their energy, and their love for life that I reenergize myself daily to do better for them, for their generation, and
for the current world and the world to come. I also like my plants; they are some of my influences. For example, when my Shamrock plant grows and flourishes with its delicate white flowers, I feel this inner deep love for such a quiet yet essential source of life. For if we don’t have trees, plants, and flowers, we have no life. The circle of life is apparent to me through the world of botany and flora world and the world to come. I also like my plants; they are some of my influences. For example, when my Shamrock plant grows and flourishes with its delicate white flowers, I feel this inner deep love for such a quiet yet essential source of life. For if we don’t have trees, plants, and flowers, we have no life. The circle of life is apparent to me through the world of botany and flora.
that the path of an artist is no walk in the park. There are lots of ups and downs to the artist’s journey and career. If I have to give an analogy it would be like viewing an iceberg, the viewer only sees the tip of the iceberg but doesn’t see how deep and far below the surface it goes. For me my art career of many long years of hard work, painting, working along exhibiting over the decades have gotten me to the point where I am at today. IPM: How do you cultivate a collector base? Vian: Same thing, the development of a collector base does also come with time. The art collectors come from all facets of life. Be it, the art fans that follow one’s footsteps and growth and ultimately love my vision and art that I present to the world. I’ve had art collectors from the time I was back in college during my Corcoran days who are still in touch with me till today. On the other hand, I’ve had collectors whom I don’t know at all, collect and acquire my work at the galleries that I exhibit at. So, there is really no recipe. I believe wholeheartedly as an artist that art should speak on its own to the viewer and collector, and good art does that! I’ve recently had embassies acquire artwork of mine so the collector is not necessarily an individual who wants to put my art up on their house walls, it can go beyond
that. I’ve also had international museums acquire my art as well. Overall, a collectorship can come from different sources. I have
Vian: I grew up in an art household. As a child and as far as I can remember, I recall my mother holding a brush, listening to classical music
especially Beethoven and making one painting after another. For me, art runs in my blood. It is hereditary, everyone from my mother’s side of the family is artistic and creative. I was born with this gift and talent, and I was highly encouraged by my family, school and teachers to become an artist. For me, art was not a choice, it was part of who I am, similar to walking and talking. IPM: What is your style of painting? Vian: My painting style is an abstract expressionist one with a minimal touch. Also, my work is very painterly which is my signature style – strong brush strokes with blues and purple tones. observed that it is usually those who keep an eye on my art progress that end up attending the exhibits or contact me personally to acquire
IPM: Tell me about the texture in your painting.
some artwork.
Vian: The texture in my paintings is essential. I am a painter, and I am
IPM: What’s integral to the work of an artist?
one who believes that the artist’s hand at work should be visible in the
Vian: The most integral and fundamental to the work of the artist is to
artwork. Thus, I execute my paintings in a painterly fashion which is a
have passion. Love to the art is in my humble opinion the vital element
signature of my style and identity as an artist. Big brush strokes with
in creating art. Besides the love for the art, a sense of discipline to carry
meaningful colors be it blues, or lavender tones depict some of my
on the path is necessary. Producing art is not for everyone. There are
latest series that are currently on exhibit in my “Lavender Fields
lots of ups and downs and curvy roads throughout the artist’s path and
Paintings” series on view in Manhattan, NYC at Lichtundfire “In Full
journey. Yet, discipline, perseverance and most importantly love for the
Bloom” art exhibition for the Summer 2021.
craft is at the end what’s going to make the journey better traveled.
IPM: What inspired your recent lavender paintings?
Vian: The lavender fields paintings were inspired by the lavender plant IPM: What has been a seminal experience that pertains to your art? Vian: I believe the seminal and major experiences that have affected
that I planted in my garden at the beginning of COVID times. I had
my art are not exactly the happiest moments in my life. It is actually the
found the plant not only beautiful in its lavender hues but resilient and
opposite, the hardships and those very difficult life and death situations
poignant throughout the seasons. Simply seeing the lavender growing
that I have lived through that caused me to escape into my art to find
and prospering during this time, gave me an incredible amount of hap-
solace and refuge in the creative world away from the sadness and the
piness and inner satisfaction. Moreover, lavender farms have become a
morbidity of those difficult times, have affected my art. Art for me is
staple of nearby farms that I have visited and enjoyed while taking in
not only a form of self-expression, but it has helped me heal and es-
the beautiful landscapes that have also contributed to the lavender
cape into my own created world. Consequently, art throughout my
painting’s creation.
life’s ups and downs has always been not only a creative outlet but a
source of mediation and escape IPM: What do you want your art to say to people? Vian: I feel that my art presents me as a visual storyteller where people can through viewing the art and its titles enter my own world be it a day by the sea where you can observe the seagulls and the birds flying up high, or feel the waves collide and rush to the shore while a gentle
IPM: Anything you would like to share with our readers who have a
dream to pursue art? Vian: For the readers who have a dream to pursue art, I advise them as an art educator to start off by taking art courses from artists/teachers whose work they admire. Therefore, enrolling in art classes such as drawing, and painting will allow them to learn how to draw freehand which will help them in their path of discovering their inner creativity.
touch of light comes through a misty sunset in the distance. I want through my art to say enjoy the simple pleasures of life and nature’s offerings while taking in the beauty of everyday life as it comes. IPM: Who/what inspired you to get into art? Vian Borchert Fine Arts ViansArtCorner @vianborchert
Vian’s stunning recent Lavender paintings are currently on Selected Artwork by Vian Borchert - 3D virtual exhibition by Vian Borchert Gallery | art.spaces | KUNSTMATRIX exhibit
By: Dr. David Friedman
Here are my six favorite adaptogens:
can protect the liver against toxic chemicals, help to lower blood sugar, and inhibit the growth and progression of cancer.
How to take it: Holy basil comes in a variety of forms from the
Ashwagandha is my top recommendation for combating stress
fresh herb to various extracts. The most common form of Holy
and anxiety. It also helps improve sleep. This adaptogen herb
Basil is a dry extract; it can be found in various strengths and
relieves stress by lowering cortisol (stress hormone) and bal-
qualities. Around 300 mg to 600 mg is the recommended dos-
ancing thyroid hormones. Ashwagandha is comparable to com-
age on most products, but follow the directions on the label.
mon anti-depressant pharmaceutical drugs lorazepam and imipramine, without the side effects. If you’re an insomniac and
Cordyceps Mushroom
have a hard time turning off your brain, this adaptogen can calm
Cordyceps is often called the “Olympic mushroom” because it
the mind and put you in lala land! It’s been shown to help peo-
increases the body’s
ple reach deep, restorative sleep, which is crucial to keeping
triphosphate (ATP), which is essential for delivering energy to
your hormones in check. Ashwagandha may also be useful in
the muscles. The body uses cordyceps as ATP without having
supporting adrenal function which can help increase your ener-
to expend energy to make it. This specific type of mushroom
gy levels during the day.
helps to fight stress and help balance hormones. Additionally,
When choosing an ashwagandha product, look for a root pow-
cordyceps increase lung capacity and, therefore, enhances oxy-
der or a root extract. It should have at least 5% withanolides —
gen absorption and utilization on a cellular level. This enables
key marker compounds which may also play a role in the herb's
the body to better deal with stress and increases our endur-
activity. Sometimes this is labeled as "steroidal lactones." The
ance during physical exertion.
milligrams in the product don't have anything to do with the po-
Research conducted on cordyceps mushroom powder on exer-
tency – what really matters is the percent of withanolides, and
cise performance showed after only three weeks, participants’
the extraction process. Also, it’s best to find a brand that has
VO2 max had increased by 11%, compared to a place-
third-party, independent testing.
bo. VO2 max is a measurement used to determine fitness lev-
How to take it: 1200 mg capsules per day. It doesn’t need
el. This power-house mushroom has also been shown to in-
to be taken with food. Ashwagandha liquid extract is also availa-
crease athletic performance and improve endurance.
In addition, cordyceps have been found to have a beneficial
production of the molecule adenosine
effect on the heart. So much so, it’s used in China as Holy Basil (Tulsi)
a treatment for arrhythmia, a condition in which the heartbeat is
As we age, many of us experience “brain fog.” We have a hard
too slow or too fast.
time concentrating, remembering where we left our keys, or
“bad” LDL cholesterol and cordyceps may also have a beneficial
what we needed at the grocery store once we get there. Holy
effect on lowering triglyceride levels.
Basil can help! This adaptogen has been shown to help im-
How to take it: You may not find fresh organic cordyceps at
prove memory and remove brain fog.
Holy basil promotes
your local grocery store, but you can find it in a powdered or pill
memory and attention by increasing acetylcholine levels
form at most health food stores or online. It goes great added to
(a neurotransmitter.)
Holy basil also plays a role in normal tis-
a smoothie or brewed into tea. Dried whole mushrooms can
sue growth and repair processes such as neurite growth, sug-
often be found online. The dosage commonly used in human
gesting that it may help to restore our blood-brain barrier which
research is 1,000–3,000 mg per day.
It’s also a great remedy for lowering
improves cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and
dementia. According to the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative
Medicine, holy basil has antidepressant and anti-anxiety proper-
Astragalus is a member of the bean/legume family. This adap-
togen has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thou-
In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, extract
sands of years for immune support and combating disease. A
of holy basil, was found to be 39 percent more effective in the
review published in the American Journal of Chinese Medi-
management of stress symptoms than the placebo. It can al-
cine found that astragalus-based treatments have demonstrated
so reduce anxiety and feelings of depression. Brain improve-
significant improvement of the toxicity induced by drugs such as
ment isn’t the only benefit of taking holy basil.
immunosuppressants and cancer chemotherapeutics. Astraga-
In vitro (laboratory or test-tube) experiments show that holy bas-
lus extract has a beneficial effect on the immune system, and it
il may have immune system boosting and antiviral properties.
protects the body from gastrointestinal inflammation and can-
Additional studies have also suggested that holy basil
immunoglobulin) activity, production, and function. At the first sign of a cold, flu, or cough, I always have my patients take astragalus and they see amazing results.
How to take it: The recommended dose for a standardized extract is 250 – 500 mg, three to four times a day. When making tea, boil four grams of dried root per 12 ounces of water three times a day. You can get a tincture of astragalus which actually has a pleasant taste (which is rare among most tinctures.)
Rhodiola Rhodiola is a flowering plant, long hailed for its ability to increase energy, endurance, strength, and mental capacity. It’s considered an ‘adaptogenic’ herb, because of its proven effects at helping people adapt to stress. According to one study published in Phytomedicine, this natural energy-booster can help reduce mental fatigue and improve performance on work-related tasks by up to 20 percent. One study found evidence to suggest that Rhodiola may reduce symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder in two months. This herb is also great for improving memory, reducing anxiety, depression and improving athletic performance.
In addi-
tion, Rhodiola contains salidroside, which has potent anticancer properties. Rhodiola contains high levels of a compound called rosavin which can help to lower the stress hormone cortisol. Having high levels of cortisol can wreak havoc on the body and cause an increase in life-threatening belly fat. Cortisol also reduces the body’s ability to fight
toxins and pollutants that cause aging.
How to take it: This herb is better taken as an extract or tea. The amount depends on how much standardized extract it contains. Rosavin, in particular, is one of the compounds named as having an effect on reducing stress.
• •
360-600 mg daily of an extract standardized for 1 percent rosavin 180-300 mg of an extract standardized for 2 percent rosavin
100-170 mg for an extract standardized for 3.6 percent rosavin
Schisandra Schisandra is a traditional treatment for anxiety, insomnia, and fatigue. It also helps to calm the mind and shortens the amount of time it takes to fall asleep and allows you to stay asleep longer. The benefits of this herb extend throughout the day. Schisandra aids in giving you a mental and physical boost when you’re dragging and helps to restore balance to your body. It aids in increasing dopamine, a hormone that’s important for a general feeling of well-being. When our dopamine levels are off-balance, this can cause us to seek out dopa-
mine in unhealthy ways to diffuse anxiety, like alcohol and drugs. A 2017 study found that Schisandrina has a beneficial, positive effect on Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers determined that this was caused by Schisandrina’s ability to block the formation of excess amyloid-beta peptides in the brain. Another study in 2016, found Schisandra extract can have a profound improvement for women with menopausal symptoms including hot flashes, sweating, and heart palpitations.
How to take it: There are several options available, ranging from tincture, pills, capsules, to teas and tonics. If taking in the liquid form, generally it’s best to go with doses of 20–30 drops daily. For capsules take 500 mg.
About the Author
Dr. David Friedman is the author of the award-winning, #1 national best-selling book Food Sanity, How to Eat in a World of Fads and Fiction. He's a Doctor of Naturopathy, Chiropractic Neurologist, Clinical Nutritionist, Board Certified Alternative Medical Practitioner, and Board Certified in Integrative Medicine. Dr. Friedman is a syndicated television health expert and host of To Your Good Health Radio, which has changed the face of talk radio by incorporating entertainment, shock value, and solutions to everyday health and wellness issues
. drdavidfriedman Dr David Friedman Dr. David Friedman Dr David Friedman Dr David Friedman
#1 National Bestseller: Food Sanity – How to Eat in a World of Fads and Fiction As health expert for Lifetime television’s morning show and syndicated radio host, Dr. Friedman has spent the last fifteen years interviewing hundreds of health advocates, scientists, doctors and New York Times bestselling authors. His goal has always been to share cuttingedge topics and advice to help his audience reach their optimal health. Unfortunately, that’s not what happened. Instead, every guest would end up leaving them (and Dr. Friedman) more and more confused. From proponents of a Vegan, Paleo, Mediterranean Diet to a Gluten Free and Low Carb Diet, the opinions are as different as night and day. After becoming frustrated with so much biased (often paid for) and conflicting research, Dr. Friedman created a common science meets common sense approach that finally puts an end to the culinary conundrum!
ORDER NOW Amazon—Food Sanity
Copyright by Melissa Hull
Iconic lives aren’t reserved for celebrities and legends. There’s an icon in every woman, and it’s the everyday icons that the world needs most.
Meet My Icons The first woman I ever considered to be an icon was my grandmother. She was diagnosed with breast cancer back when it was an almost certain death sentence. But I watched her face her illness with a kind of strength that would become my model for overcoming chal-
Some people might call it their higher self or authentic self. Maybe
lenges for the rest of my life.
for you, it’s God or faith or source. Or it could simply be intuition,
Out of sheer determination, she willed herself to survive it. She
gut instinct.
didn’t stop fighting until she found a way through the pain, struggle
Whatever you call it, we all feel it at some point in our lives.
and sickness. And she did it. She survived.
For me, that elusive inner knowing is a little different than the soft,
Though my grandmother was my first example of iconic strength –
wispy voice of a “higher self.”
she wasn’t my last.
In fact, my inner voice is a little bit of a badass. She’s resilient and
Decades ago, my mother was diagnosed with brain cancer and was
determined. She’s a fighter, a disrupter. And she creates her life
told she had one year to live. But she ended up living 26 years past
from a place of love and truth.
the life expectancy they gave her.
The more I get to know her, the more I realize she is unstoppable.
Her strength literally defied what was medically possible.
She’s an icon.
You know how she did it? She visualized the life she wanted and
And there’s an icon in every woman who chooses to believe it.
never let go of that vision. She held it in her mind and her heart like
a truth until it became one. At the time of my mom’s diagnosis, my sister was in elementary
school, but my mom visualized herself at my sister’s high school
Defining The Everyday Iconic Woman On my way to discovering my own inner truth, I realized that all women had the potential to become an icon.
graduation. She visualized years into the future, an entire lifetime of moments and memories before they even happened.
You see, it’s easy to look at a celebrity or famous person and say: She’s an icon. Maybe we admire her talents, distinct style, or unique
Both of these incredible women could see their futures before they
way of being that allows her to captivate the world. Her fame sets
manifested them.
her apart and makes her a cultural icon.
Yes, it meant they’d have to face intense challenges along the path
But I’m talking about everyday icons.
to healing. They’d have to endure hardship as they fought for the future they knew was possible.
The kind of woman who doesn’t need a spotlight to be a force in her own life. Who learned to love and embrace herself without judg-
But they also trusted that inner voice that was deep inside – that
ment but with conviction. She trusts her heart, believes in her own
part of them that could see something the doctors couldn’t. They
capabilities, knows her values – and stands up for it all with strength
never wavered. They never doubted. They never believed anything
and grace. Whether the world notices or not, she lives confidently in
else than the truth they felt inside.
alignment with her truest self.
Years later, I asked my mom how she beat the odds. She simply said:
Because here’s the thing. Even though the everyday iconic woman
I knew I would be there. I can’t explain it to you, but I just knew. No
has so much to contribute and share with the world, the world will
matter how many times the doctors told me this was it, I could see
most likely overlook it. That’s why it’s so important to find your way
that it wasn’t.
back to the truth of who you are. To tap into that inner icon. Be-
That’s when I realized these two women, like so many others, had
cause when you find her, you’ll no longer need others to agree or
tapped into something truly transformative. They had connected
approve or validate your path.
with a part of themselves that made them unstoppable.
In fact, you’ll commit to living in your power and sharing the best of
And because of that, they became my icons.
you with the world. You’ll unabashedly connect with that part of you
How I Found My Inner Icon
that wants more. If you feel so inspired, you’ll create from a place of
It was around that time that I decided I would spend my life culti-
But most importantly, you’ll find the clarity, connection and will to
vating the kind of inner power and faith my mom and grandmother
manifest anything you can envision. Why? You’ve already created it
had accessed to beat all odds. I may not have known it then, but I
in a spiritual, emotional place – you’ve seen it in it’s completion.
was searching for my own inner icon – a journey that would take me
When you envision outcomes from that internal space, it’s so much
20+ years.
easier to manifest them externally. All you have to do is take the
Thankfully, I have not had to fight a life-threatening illness, but I
steps to get there.
have survived many situations that made me question if I could go
You can call it whatever you want – higher self, authentic self, God,
on at all. I survived the kind of loss that shatters your heart into un-
intuition, faith – but there’s something indescribably powerful about
recognizable pieces. I’ve endured abuse, deceit and lies. I’ve
connecting to that real, authentic you.
watched what I thought was a forever love fall apart on more than one occasion. But I’ve always remembered my mother and grandmother in those moments. Over the years, their iconic examples have helped me
purpose and divine connection.
To your Inner Icon.
Why I Believe You’re One Too When I talk about finding your inner icon, some women say: Well, I
remember the truth.
don’t feel like an icon.
I am not broken.
But I think most women start off thinking they can become one –
I might be bent by the weight of my pain, but I will not break. I will
they just lose sight of it along the way. When we’re young, we
rise again. I will stand. And I will face this.
dream of the biggest, boldest future we can imagine for ourselves.
Though I had witnessed their examples, if I wanted to find my own
But it fades over time.
inner icon, I knew I would have to discover it in my own right. Their
Someone tells us we can’t. We’re not strong enough or smart
example would be the lighthouse that guided me to shore, but I
enough. Or they’ll say, What are you thinking?
would have to navigate through my own storms to reach it.
Our true passions get lost, buried, forgotten. We let those words and
Through that journey, I discovered something truly incredible.
experiences from the past keep us from reaching our potential in the future.
Until … someone reminds you what’s really inside. Someone sees the
Melissa Hull is E360tv's Creative Content
woman who can hold onto her most iconic vision for the future and bring
Producer, an inspirational speaker, author, entrepreneur, business strategist consultant, and award-winning artist. She has shared the stage with Mitch Carson, Bill Walsh, James Dentley, Kevin Harrington, Joel Bauer, Forbes Riley and several other notable speakers. She is the author of “Lessons From Neverland” and is regularly sought out as a business consultant and mentor to several small businesses.
it to life no matter what. That woman is an everyday icon. And that woman is you, too. How do I know? Because that kind of power is in every woman. Including you. And it doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t have to take years. That’s why I designed a community to provide all the education, tools and support to unlock the inner icon in you. Because, honestly, the world needs that iconic version of you. We need you to step forward and give your best. I want to see you in your fullness and boldness. I want to see your talents
reach their highest potential. And I want you to show me without any apology for your greatness. Even more than that – the world needs you to do it now. Because we need more everyday icons.
Ready To Take Action? I’ve been working on this practice for over 20 years, and I’ve learned quite a few tools, techniques and mindsets along the way. I share all my best strategies for navigating life’s toughest moments inside of my membership community. You can even find a video course on this exact topic that includes everything you need for self-discovery and empowered action. All you have to do is show up for the journey. `Melissa Hull
Melissa Hull Gallemore
Melissa-Hull Melissa_Hull_ Melissa Hull Gallemore
Copyright by Meridith Powell
How To Sell A Price Increase? 5 Strategies to Turn Uncertainty To Competitive Advantage I was delivering a keynote in Miami Florida this past week, and the
Great question. So how do you sell a price increase?
meeting planner asked if I would mind hanging around for a little question and answer (Q&A). Now, I love Q&A and engaging with the
5 Strategies Every Sales Team Needs to Turn Un-
audience, so I was more than happy to agree.
certainty To Competitive Advantage
We were talking sales, and just how much the sales process has changed since the pandemic, inflation, supply chain issues and the
1. Get Your Head Right – first and foremost if you are going to sell a
constant impact so much change is having. The audience was active
price increase you need to believe in that price increase. More than
and asking lots of great questions and keeping me on my toes. Then a
anything, your customers and prospects are taking their cue from you.
CEO, looking profoundly serious and concerned, stepped to the micro-
If you are confident in what you are selling, and what you are selling it
phone, and asked the one question that seemed to be at the top of
for, so will they.
everyone’s mind.
Train Your Team – do not expect that your team has the skills,
The question of how to raise prices, and then get your sales team on
the verbiage, or the knowledge to sell a price increase. Spend
board with embracing the concept. The CEO wanted to know specifi-
time with them understanding what they feel like they do well,
cally how you get your sales team to sell a price increase and under-
why, and where they are struggling to position a price increase,
stand that the market will bear and prospects will accept paying a
and then coach them for success. Go on a sales call, lead by ex-
higher investment. She went on to explain that even though her com-
ample, and help them gain what they need to sell confidently.
petition was raising prices, and customers had an expectation of pric-
3. Know Your Reasons – before the team ever goes out the door to
ing going up, she just could not get her sales team to buy in.
sell a price increase, they need to understand the why. What
are the reasons that charging this price is going to make sense for the customer? In other words, what is the customer getting for the price they are paying, what is the return on investment? Far too often, I see leaders spend time explaining a price increase by talking
about how cost of supplies have increased, or labor costs are rising etc. All good and accurate, but who cares, customers want to know why and how if they pay this price, it is worth it for them.
Choose The Right Target – price increases only work for prospects and customers that see the value and can gain benefit of what you are offering. To sell a price increase effectively you need to choose the right target – target market. Some prospects are willing to pay more for the value they receive, some are not, and you need to know the difference.
Position Risk and Value – if you are losing on price, it is because price is all you are offering. It is myth that customers are price sensitive – a myth. But they will default to price if they believe that price is all you are offering. You need to stop focusing on the price and start focusing on the risk and value.
Everyone seems to think that selling a price increase is hard when it really is not. It is really quite simple; people pay for what they believe has value. Sell the value and you will take price off the table and put yourself well on the path to turn all of this uncertainty to your competitive advantage.
Meridith Elliott Powell, Business Growth Expert Voted one of the Top 15 Business Growth Experts to watch by Currency Fair, a Top Sales Experts To Follow by LinkedIn, and Top 41 Motivational Sales Speakers. Meridith has a cutting-edge message, rooted in real-life examples and real-world knowledge. She is the author of six books, including “Cut Through The Excuses – Send Sales Through The Roof” , and her latest “Thrive: Strategies To Turn Uncertainty To Competitive Advantage,”
AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR KEYNOTE SPEAKER, BUSINESS STRATEGIST, SALES/LEADERSHIP EXPERT Meridith Elliott Powell Meridith Elliott Powell Meridith Powell Meridith Powell Powell Meridith Elliott
@successisbydesign Shellie Hunt
Shelliehunt1 Shellie Hunt Shellie Hunt Shellie Hunt
@successisbydesign Shellie Hunt Shelliehunt1 Shellie Hunt Shellie Hunt Shellie Hunt
HOW STRONG ARE YOU? Copyrighted Denise M. Michaels
There’s a quote you may have heard before, originally said by First
in the water I hear it. Maybe they want everyone to know it. Most-
Lady Eleanor Roosevelt:
ly I think it’s a visceral, masculine response after doing something hard and then letting go.
“A good woman is like a teabag You never know how strong she is until you get her in hot water.”
The women, never groan, huff or puff. They go through the class and endure exactly the same hour of “torture.” They do the same
I’m reminded of that quote on days when I need to be
amount of movement, resistance and everything else. They might
strong. Sometimes I think about it when I remember how much I
“Whooo-hoo!” once in awhile or sing along with a song they like
enjoy a big latte cup of tea and almond milk to start my day. When
on the speaker system but there’s no verbal, open demonstration
I travel I bring my English Breakfast teabags and find a market
of brute strength.
where I can pick up almond milk. No sugar please. Men are excellent at the explosive power necessary when it comes
Strength shows up differently in different people. In some people it
to tackling the guy on the other team, self-defense that
doesn’t show on the outside at all. Their strength is bottled on the
springs from a gut place of “It’s him or me,” or running into
inside. Like ten pounds in a five pound sack. Just because you
a burning building to save a little girl.
can’t see a demonstration of brute power and domination doesn’t mean strength is lacking. Yes, there’s strength in brute horsepow-
Women are good at the long range endurance necessary over the
er. There’s also strength in the willingness to have tenacity, perse-
long haul. This isn’t scientific, but as a gender I think women are
verance and see things through over the long haul.
more patient. I don’t think men could endure a 28-hour labor and childbirth. Men might be amazed how much strength it sometimes
On Saturday morning and Tuesday evening I go to a class at the
takes to hold your tongue and not say a word.
gym in the big pool. Like most gym classes the members who participate are mostly women but there are a few men as well. I’m
Being able to perform Herculean feats like lifting massive weights
not sure why, but the men in class seem to grunt and groan with
shows physical strength. However, the real power required of suc-
regularity. When they push a weight or do three sets of crunches
cessful entrepreneurs is seen in human tests and non-
physical feats of strength that make a big difference in the quality of our lives, our businesses and our relationships. These aren’t the strengths on display in an amazing ten second burst of physical prowess – instead they’re strengths you cannot see. It requires strength to:
• •
Start a business and face all the people who say, “Get a real job.” Author a book and handle comments like, “You can’t write a book.”
• • • •
Be patient when selling, then ask for the sale at the right time. Focus and keep believing in yourself even when people say “no.” Get to work every day without a boss breathing down your neck. Complete your toughest tasks in the morning without procrastinating.
Acknowledge you need help when it’s important and it’s tough.
This is the strength both men and women excel at when they focus on building those characteristics, qualities and inner strengths within themselves. That’s why I’ve said for many years, “Your business growth cannot happen any faster than your personal growth.” There’s no true gender advantage when it comes to patience, focus or learning and applying new skill sets. We may not all be able to lift a bar with 225 pounds of weight loaded on it, but that’s not often required in business or in life.
Author John Maxwell said, “A leader is someone who goes first.” Even
the willingness to go first, encourage others and be at the front of the pack is a strength that can be learned. It’s probably one of the most important assets necessary to be successful in business. No physical force is required, but emotional strength is a necessity to lead. There are energized, new and seasoned entrepreneurs with a fire in their belly so strong it won’t go out. That fire knows no gender, age,
Denise M. Michaels is a ghostwriter and book coach. She helps entrepreneurs, therapists, CEOs, speakers and aspiring authors become more recognizable, influential and in-demand. Using the leverage a book provides – you can become the go-to expert in your niche. To contact Denise about your book or book idea click here now.
race or religion. There are others who look the part right down to their expensive suits and well-pressed shirts who are resting on their laurels and have done so for years. As they say in Texas, “It’s all hat and no cattle.”
What matters, especially in the era of online business, isn’t how you look or even what you say.
What matters is what you do with
that powerful longing deep inside to help others, and build something new.
The strong have a powerful desire to create something that’s never been done before and they act on it even against the odds.
The weak keep hoping a warm gust of wind will pick them up and toss them effortlessly to a place called “success.”
The strong accomplish amazing things and the weak make excuses for not doing so. Or at least not yet.
Which one are you?
• • • • • • Denise M. Michaels Denise M. Michaels writersmeditate.denisemm
DeniseMM Denise M Michaels
Does Influence Work Best to Build Your Business?
Have you ever truly assessed why you do what you do in business? Does your business and audience align with your core values and beliefs? While there are people who truly know this about themselves, there are many that do not and go through the motions looking for shortcuts to generate revenue. Many do not consider their core values and beliefs as they are not clear due to limited beliefs or coming from a fixed
influence they are more likely to commit to do their part to solve their problem through your service. Marketing says we can solve your problem. This is not true even though people buy into this concept upfront but eventually stop. They may move on to the next shiny object or quick fix only to be let down again. It is not because the product or service does not work. It is because they do not do their part to solve their own problem.
mindset. They often rely on the latest marketing schemes to sell their
Influence allows them to draw their own conclusion and see that they
products and services. Ask yourself honestly if this is a sustainable
must do their part with your solution to solve their problem. The expe-
model to grow and sustain your business long term.
rience while perhaps difficult upfront so much rewarding to them long
Here is a recommendation for you to consider: Go within to resolve your limited beliefs first. Create a foundation from same place of habits and disciplines that allow you become the example of the core values and beliefs you represent in your business offerings. Clarity from within allows you to be clear on value statement
term. When they achieve results they are likely to refer you business. This now is a better strategy to grow a sustainable business. How do you become a master influencer in your area of expertise? Be the example and empower others to make their own decisions and do their part. Interdependence is the answer through the art of influence.
in business upfront and to determine if it aligns with your business plan
To your health & prosperity,
and most important your niche audience. Being clear leads to be deci-
Christopher Salem
sive and then taking massive action.
This operates from a growth
mindset of limitless beliefs rather than fixed mindset of limited beliefs. Look to becoming a Influencer in your area of expertise as it align with your product and service. If you are a Realtor, there are thousands alone like you in a 60 mile radius. Become a trusted advisor not just a realtor coming from your core values and beliefs to be the example for your niche audience. Being the example offers something compelling to others in terms of value and not just making you unique or standing out among others. Offer more than just what you do in terms of perceived value to create an experience for your audience. Marketing is great and required but not alone in itself. Influence is powerful become it empowers your audience to draw their own conclusion about what aligns with their requirements and core values and beliefs. When people choose to buy your product or service based on Chris Salem Christopher Salem @WHealthteam Christopher Salem ChrisrSalem
Christopher Salem is an Executive Coach, Corporate Trainer, and Professional Speaker mentors C-Suite, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and sales professionals to build and protect their brands by raising their level of influence as trusted advisors to maximize their results. He also works with companies to create an interdependent work environment and thriving culture through a growth mindset foundation, effective communication, transparent leadership, and higher engagement. His book Master Your Inner Critic / Resolve the Root Cause – Create Prosperity went international best seller in 2016. He also coauthored the recent edition to "Mastering the Art of Success" with Jack Canfield. His weekly radio show Sustainable Success is part of the Voice America Influencers Channel.
7 years old Author
Hylan Tillman Releases His First Book
Hylan Infiniverse Coloring Book is 8.5x11 action packed, creative coloring book for sports lovers, with a unique blend of modern and classic, cool sports-based coloring pictures that ages 5-13 will enjoy. All coloring images have been carefully chosen and then illustrated for the right level of detail for the age range - making this fun and creative. From football and basketball to baseball, soccer and ice hockey, right through to extreme sports like martial arts etc., this book definitely contains a rich variety of awesome coloring pictures, which are sure to hold attention. All designs are premium paper well designed binding. Makes a great gift for family and friends.
Healthier Digestion. Better Results When it comes to weight management and digestive health, sometimes your gut is wrong. Science, on the other hand, is usually spot on. And according to research, a healthy digestive system needs the right amount of beneficial bacteria to help you feel better and break through dieting plateaus. ProBio is science’s answer to gastrointestinal health, giving you the right balance of probiotics and immune system support to keep your body on track.* In fact your gut could win awards (if it wasn’t too humble to even consider entering a contest). It comes with a wide range of healthy benefits that include:
Benefits •
6 Billion CFUs of beneficial bacteria to support your digestive system ‡
Provides beneficial bacteria to maintain a healthy gut flora *
• • •
Helps maintain gut integrity *
Safely enhances your immune system *
Features a unique controlled-release technology, delivering probiotics throughout the day and deep into your digestive system — where they are needed most * Helps improve tight junctions and the communication between your brain and gut to help signal that you are full *
The Science Behind Smart Probiotics Maintaining the balance of good bacteria in your gut is important to maintaining good mental and physical health. That’s why LifeVantage chose naturally derived probiotics delivered by BIO-tract controlled-release technology to give you the support you need. Combined with clinically proven Wellmune to encourage optimal immune system health, LifeVantage ProBio uses the natural potency of probiotics to support your journey of uncovering a healthier self. ProBio delivers 6 Billion CFUs of beneficial bacteria‡ and each strain of bacteria has a unique benefit. Probiotics are measured in Colony Forming Units (CFU), which is a measurement of the live and active bacteria in each serving of a probiotic supplement. Using a broad array of probiotic strains provides you with a spectrum of benefits for your gut. More is not always better — especially when it comes to probiotics. Having a balanced amount of probiotics that are alive when they arrive in your gut is more important than the quantity you ingest. That’s why ProBio uses BIO-tract controlled-release technology to deliver live probiotics deep into your small and large intestine.*
What is BioHacking? Biohackers are individuals who believe in experiencebased knowledge. Their mindset is, “Show me the research and then let me try it for myself.”
Iohacking is taking full control of your biology. If you’ve pursued ways to improve your health, that’s biohacking. But, it’s more than just putting butter in your coffee every morning or taking a daily vitamin. Biohacking is the desire to understand the body and mind you’ve been given and using everything at your disposal — cuttingedge technology, tools, and science — to become the best version of yourself.
Why Biohacking? Biohacking is more than just reading mindless self-improvement tips. It is understanding the why behind how you’re feeling, thinking, and performing. Knowing the “why” empowers you to not only biohack your body, but to make impactful changes to your overall health and well-being. At LifeVantage, we live for finding the “why” through relentless research, experimentation, and technology. Biohackers are individuals who believe in experience-based knowledge. Their mindset is, “Show me the research and then let me try it for myself.” Learn to pay attention to how you’re feeling. There is always something tangible that’s affecting your daily ability to be awesome. Instead of simply accepting aches, ailments, and exhaustion as part of growing old, start to question those setbacks. With the “biohacker mindset,” you’re not eschewing traditional medicine, you’re just figuring out what works best for you. You’re actively seeking out a healthier lifestyle. And for that, your future self will thank you. With all this in mind, the real question you should be asking is…why not biohack?
A Healthier Day Starts with the Essentials Consider Activated Essentials your daily health tune up. It’s just like maintaining your car, except it won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Protandim® Nrf2 Synergizer™ keeps the rust off your cells, Protandim® NRF1 Synergizer™ makes sure you get all the power you can out of your engine, and ProBio is the fuel additive that keeps your motor clean and running efficiently. Three amazing products. One incredible system.*
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