Service Oriented Technologies and Web 2.0 Portfolio

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Service Oriented Technologies and Web 2.0 Portfolio

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Copyright 2009 Š info2people

Service Oriented Technologies and Web 2.0 Portfolio

About info2people info2people was founded in august 2002 to deliver individual, teacher assisted education for software developers. Twenty years of experience and development have gone into developing the current educational methods. In the experience of info2people it is precisely this educational format and it’s foundation that deliver added value and enhanced benefits for its students. Info2people’s customers benefit from our extremely flexible setup: learn only when necessary and convenient; call today, start tomorrow, no planned courses. info2people exploits the following product lines: •

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Content Info2people works closely with Time2Know. Time2Know is a high-tech firm dedicated to providing premium content for the IT courseware market. As the preferred info2people content provider, Time2Know does not only create excellent deliverables, they provide supplementary materials to help your professionals improve their knowledge level and technical skills.

Introduction This info2people course portfolio is a contemporary curriculum targeting various job roles in software application development, system modeling, enterprise architecture, business consultancy and IT management. Due to the fact that the courses focus on various technologies, best practices and expert programming knowledge, the portfolio provides a complete educational solution for large audience – from schools and universities, to ICT-related companies, to individuals who seek professional certifications. Below, you can find the various trajectories for the current portfolio with a short resume of each course, target audience, and general directions. Detailed synopsis of the courseware is available from our website:

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Service Oriented Technologies and Web 2.0 Portfolio

Contents: About info2people Content Introduction

Curriculum: Service Oriented Technologies Introduction SOA Fundamentals (1 day) Web Services Fundamentals (3 days) Second Generation Web Services: WS-* (1 day) SOA and Web Services Master Class (4 days) RIA – The Ubiquitous Visual Interface to SOA (2 days)

Curriculum: Web 2.0 and Web Technologies Introduction Introduction to Rich Internet Applications (RIA) (1 day) RIA – The Ubiquitous Visual Interface to SOA (2 days) Ajax Fundamentals (1 day)

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Service Oriented Technologies and Web 2.0 Portfolio

Curriculum: Service Oriented Technologies Introduction Service Oriented Architecture - SOA - is the modern reincarnation of patterns that have been recognized from the emergence of the very first computer-backed business systems, and then sometimes even before. These pattern encourage splitting business processes into separate units called services, that are loosely coupled and do not come into contact with each other. While SOA is simply an architectural style that is not bound to any specific technology, nowadays one of the main implementation models for a SOA are Web Services. Web Services use a set of standard protocols and specifications, like SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) and WSDL (Web Service Description Language) for describing and accessing the service. The Info2people SOA curriculum explores the world of Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) and Web Services as a possible underlying implementation technology. It covers both the basics - what SOAs are, what benefits they bring to the enterprises, to the developers, to the architects, how they compare with former methodologies and architectures - and the advanced technology details, using a practical, hands-on approach to the subject.

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Service Oriented Technologies and Web 2.0 Portfolio

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Copyright 2009 Š info2people

Service Oriented Technologies and Web 2.0 Portfolio

SOA Fundamentals (1 day) Positioning The SOA Fundamentals course provides a practical overview over the Service Orientation, SOA fundamentals and architectures. As such, it provides a representative, platform-independent introduction to the Service Oriented Architectures. Driven by the appearance of XML and Web Services, and further influenced by distributed computing and business process modeling, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) has evolved to represent the IT industry's principal computing platform. All major software producers and vendors are promoting support for SOA; some even through direct involvement in the development of open standards. As a result, every major development platform now officially supports the creation of service-oriented solutions. SOA establishes a powerful fundament for building solutions, unifying business and technology domains of an enterprise, insuring integration of platforms and increasing the agility at which an organization operates by streamlining the automation solution creation process. However, it brings with it a multitude of new technology, concepts, and requirements.

Audience The learning material is targeted towards business analysts, web and enterprise developers, who desire to benefit of the emerging trend of service orientation, service design and planning. The course is also suitable for software managers who need to be conversant in key Service-Oriented (SO) concepts to better work with team members and lead SO related projects.

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Service Oriented Technologies and Web 2.0 Portfolio

Web Services Fundamentals (3 days) Positioning Web Services Fundamentals is an intensive workshop module. The course represents a handsdown study of design, development and deployment of Web Services and the underlying standards. The reading is centered around the Java language and Java related technologies for implementing Web Services. The Web services technology platform provides the principal means of realizing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). The increasing variety of Web services technologies (and WS-* specifications) is broadening the reach of this platform to unprecedented levels. This course will provide the student with this understanding. It covers a wide range of basic to advanced topics associated with the concepts and technologies behind Web services principles, technologies and best practices.

Audience The module is targeted towards experienced (2+ years) Enterprise Java developers, who desire to benefit of the emerging trend of service orientation, web services and related technologies.

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Service Oriented Technologies and Web 2.0 Portfolio

Second Generation Web Services: WS-* (1 day) Positioning Second Generation Web Services: WS-* is an advanced workshop course. The training represents the new wave of Web Services standards and the corresponding Java technologies. The idiom "WS-*" has become a generally used abbreviation that refers to the second-generation Web services specifications. WS-* are extensions to the fundamental Web services framework established by first-generation standards represented by WSDL, SOAP, and UDDI. The term "WS-*" became popular because the majority of titles given to second-generation Web services specifications have been prefixed with "WS-". This module provides you with a practical overview of the WS-* technologies and the way they overcome the drawbacks of the first generation Web Services.

Audience The module is targeted towards experienced (2+ years) Enterprise Java developers, who desire to benefit of the emerging trend of service orientation, web services and related technologies. A prerequisite to this training is the “Web Services Fundamentals� training provided by Info2people.

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Service Oriented Technologies and Web 2.0 Portfolio

SOA and Web Services Master Class (4 days) Positioning This practical workshop explores the world of Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) and Web Services as a possible underlying implementation technology. It covers both the basics - what SOAs are, what benefits they bring to the enterprises, to the developers, to the architects, how they compare with former methodologies and architectures - and the advanced technology details, using a practical, hands-on approach to the subject. Step-by-step exercises and solutions are presented using standard Java APIs for each of the WS technologies discussed: SOAP, UDDI, XML Encryption, XML Digital Signature, etc.

Audience The first part of the courseware “SOA Fundamentals” is targeted towards architects, senior managers, project leads, CIOs and in general, decision-making people interested in learning about the global concepts and benefits of Service Oriented Architectures The second part of the courseware “Web Services – Core and Advanced Topics” is targeted towards architects and developers interested in knowing how exactly SOAs can be implemented in the Java world using Web Services and the WS-* set of technologies.

Relevance to Sun certifications •

Sun Certified Developer for Java Web Services (

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Service Oriented Technologies and Web 2.0 Portfolio

RIA – The Ubiquitous Visual Interface to SOA (2 days) Positioning This course module offers a modern hands-on introduction to the world of Rich Internet Applications (RIA), Web 2.0 and mash-ups - architectures, concepts, and applicability - in the context of SOA. Rich Internet Applications (RIA) and Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) have become the buzzwords of the moment. Every day a new "Web 2.0" site seems to pop up - yesterday it was Flickr, today it's Digg or Reddit, tomorrow - who knows? This courseware introduces the technologies underlying the RIA revolution, to show their relative weaknesses and strengths, and to illustrate how they are a perfect match for deployed Service Oriented Architectures. A wide variety of technologies (Flex, Flash, Ajax, WPF, JavaScript, etc.) are introduced in a contemporary study about providing flexible and attractive User Interface solutions for SOA applications. Practical exercises demonstrate best practices and valuable use cases of utilizing RIA in cooperation with service-oriented systems.

Audience This training module is targeted at managers, business analysts, decision makers and lead software developers wishing to explore and understand the key aspects of RIA technologies as premier UI solutions to the SOA ecosystem. Provided that practical exercises are supplied, a general knowledge in web technologies is assumed.

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Service Oriented Technologies and Web 2.0 Portfolio

Curriculum: Web 2.0 and Web Technologies Introduction Web 2.0 is perceived as the new generation of World Wide Web (WWW) that uses the Internet as a platform. Web 2.0 is NOT a new version of WWW but rather refers to the concept as how the WWW can be leveraged to meet the rising demands of individual users and Enterprises. Web 2.0 focuses on enabling interaction with content through collaboration rather than only serving content. In Web 2.0 all users can collaborate and interact with the content rather than simply accessing it. RIAs are beginning to transform the Web as we know it, changing it from a collection of hyperlinked pages filled with data into a collection of interactive, graphically rich applications, buzzing with social interaction and collaboration and interconnected among them, each drawing data from the others. Rich Internet Applications (RIA) and Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) have become the buzzwords of the moment. RIA fits so well as a complement to the SOA world that some authors have went so far as to say that SOA + RIA + OSS (Open Source Software) = Web 2.0. The Info2people Web 2.0 curriculum will help to understand and appreciate the world of Web 2.0, practice with some RIA technologies and explore them in bigger domain of Enterprise business modeling with SOA technologies.

Introduction to Rich Internet Applications (RIA) (1 day) Positioning This course module offers an introduction to the world of Rich Internet Applications (RIA), Web 2.0 and mash-ups - architectures, concepts, and their applicability - in the context of the development process. A wide variety of technologies (Flex, Flash, Ajax, WPF, JavaScript, etc.) are introduced in a contemporary study about providing flexible and attractive User Interface solutions for e-commerce applications. RIAs are beginning to transform the Web as we know it, changing it from a collection of hyperlinked pages filled with data into a collection of interactive, graphically rich applications, buzzing with social interaction and collaboration and interconnected among them, each drawing data from the others.

Audience This training module is targeted at managers, business analysts, decision makers and lead software developers wishing to explore and understand the key aspects of RIA technologies as premier UI solutions to Web applications.

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Copyright 2009 Š info2people

Service Oriented Technologies and Web 2.0 Portfolio

RIA – The Ubiquitous Visual Interface to SOA (2 days) Positioning This course module offers a modern hands-on introduction to the world of Rich Internet Applications (RIA), Web 2.0 and mash-ups - architectures, concepts, and applicability - in the context of SOA. Rich Internet Applications (RIA) and Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) have become the buzzwords of the moment. Every day a new "Web 2.0" site seems to pop up - yesterday it was Flickr, today it's Digg or Reddit, tomorrow - who knows? This courseware introduces the technologies underlying the RIA revolution, to show their relative weaknesses and strengths, and to illustrate how they are a perfect match for deployed Service Oriented Architectures. A wide variety of technologies (Flex, Flash, Ajax, WPF, JavaScript, etc.) are introduced in a contemporary study about providing flexible and attractive User Interface solutions for SOA applications. Practical exercises demonstrate best practices and valuable use cases of utilizing RIA in cooperation with service-oriented systems.

Audience This training module is targeted at managers, business analysts, decision makers and lead software developers wishing to explore and understand the key aspects of RIA technologies as premier UI solutions to the SOA ecosystem. Provided that practical exercises are supplied, a general knowledge in web technologies is assumed.

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Service Oriented Technologies and Web 2.0 Portfolio

Ajax Fundamentals (1 day) Positioning This practical course provides a pragmatic view over Ajax - the technology that recently boosted the commercial web sites, allowing making richly interactive web-based applications. Ajax is playing an increasingly important role in the world of web development, and customers are getting used to Ajax enabled applications and even start expecting Ajax functionality in web applications they use. The world of IT is amazing with how an unknown or nonexistent term can become extremely popular in few years. If you are wondering how come you are hearing about Ajax all the time, whereas no one mentioned it some years ago, you are not alone. The explanation is simple – the term didn’t exist few years ago. As a matter of fact, the ideas behind Ajax are not new. However, the favorable circumstances and the presence of success stories like Google's lately have generated a lot of buzz around this new amalgamation of technologies. It is not that hard to demystify what’s behind this brand new name. The course builds a solid base for a wide range of learning directions, such as Rich Internet Applications (RIA) and Web 2.0, Advanced Ajax techniques, Ajax and PHP, Ajax in the light of Spring, Favorite Ajax Patterns.

Audience This course is targeted at IT managers and decision makers, Web developers and User Interface (UI) designers who consider applying the new Ajax technology to create Rich Internet Applications.

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