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INTEREST (INTERNATIONAL RADIO EMERGENCY SUPPORT TEAM) Founded in March 23, 2014. Founder: Wyn WP AB2QV/YB3WWP. Contact persons: AB2QV/YB3WWP, W7NZ/YE1NZ & AB1EA/YB1EA. Located in Java island, Indonesia. INTEREST members included those Indonesian decents who have US-FCC hamradio callsigns. A few of its members are currently living in America. Some of its members are now living in Indonesia. Several INTEREST members have taken emergency courses and joined field days in the U.S. A few of its members have joined disaster relief task force internationally. Some of its members have joined disaster relief operation in several places in Indonesia. INTEREST serves radio emergency operation to support any disaster relief effort in Indonesia and surrounding countries. Indonesia has thousand islands incl Java, Bali, Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi and west part of Papua. Amongs those islands regularly have trouble with natural disaster caused by earthquake, volcano, flood, land slide, typhoon, twister, blizzard storm and tsunami. Recently, INTEREST members in Java island conducted digital emcomm drill via RoIP (Echolink etc.) and practiced in a distance with its emcomm counterparts from Central State of New York and State of New Jersey.

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