Teachers as Learners and Staff Engagement Staff Composition
In 2021, teaching staff at the College numbered 63 full time and 13 part-time employees. Additionally, 38 full time and 62 part-time employees undertook non-teaching roles in the business, catering, maintenance, health, residential, Arts and Sporting facets of College operation.
Participation in Professional Learning
Professional Learning opportunities at the College encourage continuous professional growth as there is a strong connection between teaching standards and teacher Professional Learning; the link to student learning is clear. Our staff endeavor to deepen their subject knowledge, develop their teaching skills and stay current with new research while striving to remain innovative and imaginative in their field. In addition to Professional Learning days, visiting experts, keynote speakers, collaborative work, seminars, workshops and conferences, for both academic and non-academic, staff covered a disparate range of fields and topics in the past year. The College values the knowledge and commitment of its employees. We recognise teacher knowledge and skills contribute significantly to the quality of teaching and learning at the College. Therefore, Fairholme actively supports the professional development of our staff which included the following area of learning: Maintaining a Professional Workplace Child Protection Restorative Practice Facilitation Work Health and Safety Training Inclusion, Diversity and Trauma-Informed Practice Disability Standards First Aid and CPR COVID Management Information and Communication Technologies Management
Number of School Days
Total Number of Absences
Average Attendance Rate
Proportion of Teaching Staff Retained from Previous Year 97.3% of permanent teaching staff from 2020 retained for the 2021 school year. Teaching Staff, end 2020 76
Staff Retained Retention Rate in to 2020 74
QUALIFICATIONS OF ALL TEACHERS Qualification Doctorate Masters Bachelor Degree Diploma Certificate
Number 1 17 73 25 6
100% of the teaching staff participated in at least one Professional Learning activity in 2021. TION OF TEACHING STAFF RETAINED FROM PREVIOUS YEAR 100% of permanent teaching staff from 2018 retained for the 2019 school year.
Expenditure on Professional Learning
In summary, $37,047.79 was spent supporting Professional Learning for 76 teachers. Average expenditure per person sat at $487.47.
Staff Attendance
Average staff attendance for the school, based on unplanned absences of sick and emergency leave periods of up to 5 days: Average staff attendance for permanent staff, temporary staff and school leaders = 96.87%