career - the brochure

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My Erasmus+ cookbook Serbia - Vitamin booster What you need?Any fruit or nuts you want. (Stay healthy.) Water. (Stay hydrated.) And a bit of sugar. (Stay happy.) How to prepare? Listening to a Serbian grandpa stories while waiting for the liquid to cook in big ‘kazan’. Final results - drink only with people you love and trust. Small doses but a lot of happiness. Živeli! Latvia - Vampire repellent What you need? Piece of bread, garlic and a conversation with a smart Latvian girl. How to prepare? Preheat the oven at 200°C. Invite your other half to help you. Final resultsDelicious and crunchy snack that can finish with a kiss because you both ate garlic. North Macedonia - Macedonian caviar What you need? 80kg of peppers, salt, sugar, oil and a pinch of babushka’s secret ingredient. How to prepare? Relatives and neighbours around the fire chitchatting and gossiping while mixing it all up. Final results- A nice memory, a lot of gossips and a jar of Nutella filed with Macedonian caviar. Best enjoyed with vitamin booster. Hungary - Red gold What you need? Paprika, garlic, onion, tomato paste, salt, sugar and megszentséghetetlenségeskeitekért. How to prepare? Take your friends with you and go to the nearest supermarket. Final results - If you make a mistake and buy the spicy one don’t forget to also buy tissues for your tears. Turkey - Sweet cube, sugar dust What you need? Grapes, water and a loooooooot of sugar! How to prepare? Pick the grapes with your family, dry them on the sun, boil everything and make Rubic’s cubes. Final results - It’s catching on your teeth and on your heart. Sincerely yours, -Dusica and Аleksandra

This brochure was developed and designed by the participants during the multimedia and dissemination sessions. "The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

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