Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
In the very first session we opened with the introduction of the project’s purpose. All of us have gathered here from many different countries, and although we share interest in the same topic which got us all together in Bremen, each of us had a different reason and motivation for attending.
Some of us are teachers and youth workers, others are here to gain knowledge for their future profession or to educate themselves in a topic they relate to, like myself.
We came here to learn about human rights, with the main focus on the LGBTQ+ community. And to gain an insight on how to help them and raise awareness, we first had to learn about what the LGBTQ+ community goes
borders of the EU. Our partner countries are Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Latvia, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Tunisia. We had an evening dedicated to getting to know our countries and experience their culture through activities and local food, which was very appreciated.
Overall, although some of us came from far away and spent a long time travelling, we know the cause is worthy. Not only have we gained insight into many topics and learned a lot, but we also especially enjoyed meeting each other and being here together, no matter our sexual orientation. Because that’s not what defines us and we’re worthy of basic love and respect regardless.
After the introduction to the Loesja organisation, the project team And What we will do as participants, the session that followed started with a short presentation about all the opportunities that Are available to us through Erasmus+ projects.
E+This was one of the least creative parts of the whole project, But it provided us with a lot of useful information. After we brainstormed our ideas of What Key action 1,2 And 3 are, participants who Had more Experience with Erasmus+ projects contributed by sharing their personal experiences. Project team prepared some Visual aids In advance - They Made posters with different mind maps And drawings through which we got better understanding of all the different types of Erasmus+ programs.
Afterwards, we Had another short presentation regarding the Youthpass. One of the participants explained to us why do we actually need the youthpass and showed us some of the key competences we gain when taking part In training courses. For the more interactive part of this session, we Split into pairs And discussed why we decided to partake In this specific project and shared our expectations And fears of coming here with each other.
All participants anonymously shared their pair’s opinions with the group after which we ended the session with some physical exercise to get our blood pumping. The result of this session Wasnt any visible product But we have gained a lot of useful information And knowlage that we will be able to use In the future. The purpose of this session was to make us realize how Many different opportunities we have as young people to travel, make connections, meet people And gain skills we will be able to use In our future Professional And private life, as Well as to motivate us to use them as much as we Are able to. Even If this session was more static than other ones, all of the presentations were interesting so it never got boring.
Whenitcomestothepreparationonthis topic, we each got one random small pieceofpaperwithatitleonitregarding some profession or label and we also had a partner with a matching profession For example I got the title “student” and i was supposed to find my matchwhichwas“teacher”byactingout what was written on my paper. The topic was “The building of power dynamics” and we were acting out stereotypical ideaofthetitlewegot. When we got our title, we were thinking about how we were going to act it out. It took us very little because all of the titles weresuggestingaverystereotypicalway when it came to the title. Personally, i found my matching partner very fast because she was writing on the imaginary table and catching imaginary students cheating on an exam There were a few that couldn’t find their match becauseofsomeconfusionthattheyfelt After our coffee break, when we came back to the conference room there were 4blackchairs,oneredone,atableanda cup sitting in the middle of the table waiting for us It was the next task We were seated in a circle and we were instructed that one by one, whoever wants to come up and change the order and position of the objects in front of us, could
. We had different thoughts about how we interpreted the situation, the order and the placement of the objects. From my standpoint, i viewed the red chair as the power over people, the government and people that usually have the control over us, nepotists and the other 4 chairs as normal living humans with regular jobs on whom the nepotists are able to impose outrageous and unfair salaries, education system, atrocious health system and so on. The bottle represented the control, according to my way of thinking I decided toplacethe4chairsontopofthetablewith the bottle on top of them, to show that the people, the society took the power and the control in their own hands, while the red chair was flipped over in the ground, representing the government fallen down and finally making the life of the people better.
Thegainofthesesessionsandthesepower dynamics was that in society, there is always gonna be some kind of power that people possess and are bowed down from. Whether that is a teacher having power over the student, a parent having power over the kids or the government having power over all of us The thing that matters ishowwereacttoit,howweperceiveitand the different perspectives we have over it.
Weendedonagoodnoteknowingthatwe allstriveforjusticewherejusticeisneeded
Preparation: this was a session that didn't require a lot of preparation and materials We used A4 papers with different terms written on them and a flipboard to make a glossary
For the introduction to the theme Rola pointed out the importance of having unified glossary with all the terms we may use throughout our training course so we know what we ' re referring to and/or to learn terms that weren't familiar to us Terminology in this kind of project is really important part because the amount of terms is continously growing and somtimes we don't chatch up Furthermore, some participants are not ignorant if they don't know what per example queer means, they maybe just live in an enviroment where they do not have the opportunity to ask or explore Therefore we step in and help them to understand Another point of view of the importance of making one unified glossary is that everyone ' s experiences are different and so are their definitions and personal understandings of some terms so we all needed to agree on one precise and concise explanation for each
The process started by organisers dividing us in four groups and each group draw a paper with few LGBTIQ* terms on them After that we, as groups, seperated and had 10 to 15 minutes to come up with short but precise definitions of the terms we got By finishing that we all came back together and explained our given terms followed by Marina writing them on the flipboard while at the same having a discussion about whether or not the definition is something that we all agree on. With the discussion going on about definition, even the ones who weren't familiar of expression got wider explanation or asked for one Finishing the glossary meant that everyone of us is on the same page and informed enough to continue further with the project We put the glossary on the wall that is visible to us at all time if we need to recall some of the meanings
As the session finished, we were given a task to write feedback of the day Firstly the team explained the reasons why we write feedbacks: to acknowledge the results of the day, to reinforce positive behaviour, to motivate them and for them to learn (develop), to encourage their effort and to improve confidence All of the reasons are important so the team Loesje can continue doing the good job The feedback consisted of three parts The first one we used to describe some positive or negative things that happened to us, the context of situation where it happened and the result of action Next one was expressing Expressing how we felt after whole day, how the mentioned situation made us feel, how the day and/or the situation impacted our behaviour and knowledge In the end we specified what and would we make different about our day and how, and what should stay as it is The team also encouraged us to communicate and to express ourselves
The materials that we used for this activity were the following: a flipchart with a human figure drawn all over it, a flipchart where the definition of human rights by UN was written, 4 A4 papers explaining the words ‘universal’, ‘interdependent’, ‘indivisible’ and ‘inaliable’, a TedTalk video and specifically ‘What are the universal human rights’? by Benedetta Berti (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDgIVseTkuE ), 30 papers where 1 article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was written, 1 flipchart with nothing written on it.
Using the flipchart with the human figure drawn all over it, the facilitator asks the group of participants to tell 1 word that comes to their mind when they hear ‘Human Rights’. As the group is saying their responses, the facilitator is writing these words around the human figure on the flipchart. This process goes on until the group has nothing else to add. When they finish, the facilitator is sharing with the participants the definition of ‘Human Rights’ according to the United Nations and further explain the terms ‘universal’, ‘interdependent’, ‘indivisible’ and ‘inaliable’. Then, the facilitator shows to the participants the TedTalk video ‘What are the universal human rights’? by Benedetta Berti. After that, the facilitator mentions shortly how the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was created and why and highlights its significance for human rights.
Using the flipchart with the human figure drawn all over it, the facilitator asks the group of participants 1 word that comes to their mind when they hear ‘Human Rights’. As the group is saying their responses, the facilitator is writing these words around the human figure on the flipchart. This process goes on until the group has nothing else to add. When they finish, the facilitator is sharing with the participants the definition of ‘Human Rights’ according to the United Nations and further explain the terms ‘universal’, ‘interdependent’, ‘indivisible’ and ‘inaliable’. Then, the facilitator shows to the participants the TedTalk video ‘What are the universal human rights’? by Benedetta Berti. After that, the facilitator mentions shortly how the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was created and why and highlights its significance for human rights. At this moment, the facilitator asks the participants to check behind their chairs, since the facilitator put to each chair that state one article Declaration of participant that has Article 1 has to get and stick their paper flipchart and optionally an example regarding depicted on the until all 30 articles Declaration of Human flipchart. Later, divided in 5 groups, 15 minutes to prepare or a short theatre presentation in someone the concept to someone who that topic. Afterwards, come back and they they have prepared. A short debriefing finalizes the session.
Participants have a better understanding on the topics of human rights and human rights education, as well as they get information about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
In regards with material, we have 1 flipchart with words associated to Human Rights around the human figure and 1 flipchart with the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
6. What was the purpose – why was it needed
This session was an introduction to the topic of human rights and human rights education.
The following questions were used for the debriefing: How was the preparation process in the groups? , Was it difficult? , Did you learn something new about human rights?
This activity started with a short discussion about human right and human right violations. Afterwards we were devided into 4 groups and at the four groups that we were divided in, we were able to prepare theatre pieces after receiving an A4 paper with written questions for the teams to discuss and then play it out.
After a short energiser, we started discussing, and explaining the human rights violations , and why human rights are so important
For the third one, we had- Some people in the world have only what is necessary to survive while others have luxury. Is this a human rights violation? For this one we had a gay couple and their child being taken away by a policeman just because the parents were same-sex partners.
And for the fourth one- Do all human beings deserve respect? Why? How do you show respect for others? We had a class scene and the teacher was teaching the students about rainbow families and then we had two scenarios-The first one showing one of the students, not being able to understand what the teacher is talking about, and getting extremely frustrated about the topic and just leaving class, and then in the second scene the same kid did not understand what it meant, so the class explained it to them, and they understood it and accepted it.
For the topic of what does it mean to be fully human? How is that different from “being alive” or “surviving”? We had a group doing a sketch with Jessica in James where Jessica was a really rich girl that had the best possible life travelling around doing whatever she wanted while James was the same age as Jessica, but barely made ends meet and often could not even have a proper meal
For the second theme of What is dignity for you, and what people need to do to live in dignity? We had a group do a circle of life which was how life actually works, and how stress is passed on when the boss of a company yells at the manager, and then the manager yells at the worker and then the worker starts being mean to the customer, and the customer which was also a parent starts being mean to the child, and then the child takes it out onto his classmates.
The four different groups presented the theatre peaces and explained the process in the discussion of the topics, and which were the more difficult parts like getting the teams to work together and agreeing on the same opinion for the theatre piece, which made it better and more clear for the whole group to understand the importance of human rights, and why we
So this session was quite different from the others and for the first time in this project it included us in the way that we were presenting in front of the other participants
● What was the topic
Basically, we all had a task to collect informations about the status of LGBTQI* community in our countries.
So some of the teams had an already done presentation from home, others just knew everything about the topic and made a free style presentation, but also we had some that were even more creative and prepared posters with interesting drawings etc
They had nicely prepared presentation, a story that included a lesbian murder from the partner that increased stereotypes about LGBTQI* community, not any law supports the community but they started to finally take actions in 2022 witn cases for same sex couple adoption.
Presentation was perfect, lot of pictures from artists that support LGBTQI* etc... In general there is an absence of awareness, 2005 "deleting" homosexuality from the military law, 2020 adoption law is accepted, things that they need to approve are hate crime cases
So, basically they are LGBTQI* friendly. They support same sex couple adoption, trans operations but procedures are made in Belgrade, discrimination is banned, 2001 first pride parade, same sex couple sued the government and won
In the 60's communism ruled and same sex couples were forbidden by law 45 people imprisoned. 2008 first pride and until today many law companies joined with support for the LGBTQI* pride
Late education, no laws and no protection for the community, lot of suicides ind forced people from the community to sex work. 2021 Tbilisi pride
Legal since 60's, age of consent is 15 years old, positive changes 2005 2018, no same sex marriage yet, 2011 Prague parade festival
First pride 2002 with 300 participants. 2013 referendum for definition of marriage, 2014 civil union for same awx couple, no adoption yet Positive examples - during covid 19 there were made a lot of info centers amd support organisations
Still far behind, no law to protect the community, trans woman brutally killed in 2021, not any NGO that motivates and helps.
We have watched an interesting video Homo in tunis, they have support NGO's, pride parades.
The situation is worsening after the new political situation, lack of law against homophobical acts, missed chance of bringing protections laws, pride parades.
Legal since 60's, age of consent is 15 years old, positive changes 2005 2018, no same sex marriage yet, 2011 Prague parade festival Germany
The Information that we heard we surely can not find anything online, because there were pretty personal experiences , emotional and touchy stories and definitely explicit happenings. We for sure want to share with the world what we heard in every possible way, because there's still a lot of countries that live miserable and have a lot questionable laws.
started with the question of what's
After that a brainstorm started, through the feeling and the personal experience of every person, so we had more clear the concept of discrimination trough
points of view, feeling and not just the concept given by the bibliography, after that, two questions were made; Do we have been discriminated? And have we
other people?
After the intro, we were divided in 5 groups We had 15 minutes to share different experiences and choose one to discuss it with the all the group and show how you can be victim of discrimination and the perpetrator of discrimination
After we choose the experience, we discussed it from different perspectives It was choking to know how the discrimination it's in so many aspects of our daily life
We understood how violence and discrimination damage people and how the culture and the system are promoting different forms of discrimination and normalize them
We identify how us we discriminate people, what are the factors that make us do it, the influence of the system trough stereotypes and the normalization of many forms of discrimination
What can we do about it? Realize that we are connected by similar experiences.
As activist of Human rights and members of social organization We need to understand the deep of the topic of discrimination, the roots of it, how the influence of the system, how the context of our lives can transform us in to the perpetrator and in other moments the victims. What should we do to start to change that kind of behavior and identity the differents forms of discrimination.
It was very choking and reflexive. We could identifysome of the different faces of discrimination and how we were perpetrator through our life What can we do about it? the reasons why we were discriminated. How the discrimination to LGBTIQ+ groups it's related to the sexism system and other kinds of discrimination, how the binarian concept establish a false normalty where privilege are giving to heteronormativity and the establishment of thoughts that excludes the differents forms of gender and sexuality and the expressions and identities out of the sexual and gender spectrum We understood things that we didn't identify and how it affected and influence us through our life.
In this session we were introduced to DecontRamination project and its really interesting way of fighting the hate speech in the street graffiti A easy to use tool kit and a website, where you can submit pictures of graffiti with different types of hate speech and provide their location around the world. Even if the graffiti is in different language, the people who submit the photos, can provide translation in English.
The submitted locations are shown on a map, where street artists can find and cover or transform the hate speech into something more positive and valuable. On the map, the decontraminated graffiti are shown in blue and the ones which are not, are in red We were introduced to the mobile application of the tool and we looked for any submitted photos in our cities or photos of already decontraminated graffiti. We saw different examples of graffiti and their transformation, which gave us some creativity.
After getting to know the tools we were separated in 5 groups and we were given 3 photos of graffiti hate speech. The main activity was to brainstorm as a group and to transform the images, which we did without any difficulties
Afterword, we gathered together and shared our ideas and more information about how it was as a process proving that everybody is capable of decontramination and its power. Many of us were inspired to keep using decontramination in our countries.
This session started as one of the mentors started by telling us a story that was about Loesje he explained how a little baby (Loesje) was born and how it grew up over the years. I think this was a pretty good starting because it was a random and different from the other sessions Then we were divided into groups with one mentor each group and they gave us A4 papers and markers. The main topic was “Creative text writing” where we were supposed to learn to think like Loesje and write sentences that would Loesje write. It was interesting to learn to think about like someone else.
We were into few groups with one mentor that explained us the exercises or let’s call them games that were supposed to teach us to think like Loesje. So first we were asked which word first comes up in your mind when you think about “Home”? We all needed to write a word and pass the paper to the person on our right, then we needed to write a word that is similar to the first one.
We wrote three words and then two random characters they could’ve been famous, imaginary whoever we wanted and wrote an object that we first think of when we hear “kitchen room”
Aslastweneededtowriteaproblem it could’ve been our personal problem, a worldwide problem anything we wanted. So as a last result we had to write a postcard to one of the characters how we solved the problem with the object from the kitchen We also needed to use the wordsfromthebeginning
The second thing we did was preparing our content for the Loesje posters We were told to write a random topic Then we mixed up all the topics and we all started to write sentences, words, phrases for that topic but our way of writing was like we had Loesje’s mind We circled the phrases we liked the most and they wentforthefinaleditingoftheLoesje posters
Thefinaleditingweweredividedinto different groups and we did a last examination of the content we had highlighted. Then as a whole team together with the Loesje team we chose the best ones for Loesje posters.
As result we got to make positive, empowering,strong,touchingwritings to share them with world and to actually try to spread motivation betweenpeopletomakeadifference in this world with baby steps by starting from ourselves. After this personallyIfeellikeamoreorganized, motivated and positive person than I’veeverbeen.
At the end we were asked if we were satisfied with the posters we chose? Did we understand more about the backgroundprocessofmakingLoesje posters?Didweenjoythissessionand ifnotwhatshouldbechanged?
In this session we were introduced to DecontRamination project and its really interesting way of fighting the hate speech in the street graffiti A easy to use tool kit and a website, where you can submit pictures of graffiti with different types of hate speech and provide their location around the world. Even if the graffiti is in different language, the people who submit the photos, can provide translation in English.
The submitted locations are shown on a map, where street artists can find and cover or transform the hate speech into something more positive and valuable. On the map, the decontraminated graffiti are shown in blue and the ones which are not, are in red We were introduced to the mobile application of the tool and we looked for any submitted photos in our cities or photos of already decontraminated graffiti. We saw different examples of graffiti and their transformation, which gave us some creativity.
After getting to know the tools we were separated in 5 groups and we were given 3 photos of graffiti hate speech. The main activity was to brainstorm as a group and to transform the images, which we did without any difficulties
Afterword, we gathered together and shared our ideas and more information about how it was as a process proving that everybody is capable of decontramination and its power. Many of us were inspired to keep using decontramination in our countries.
Aron was facilitator of this workshop It was the first workshop of the day so we started with an energizer to wake us up. After that Aron set boundaries of the workshop to set the safe space atmosphere so everyone feels comfortable He emphasized that anyone can leave the room at anytime is they become uncomfortable or have issues with the discussion
The topic of the workshop was body positivity and getting in touch with yourself For the beninning Aron put four signs in each corner of the room First corner was labeled with "yes", second one with "this doesn't apply to me", third one with "no" and the last one with "I don't know" We cen see now that "yes" and "no" corners were diagonally opposed to each other while "I don't know" and "this doesn't apply to me" seemed to stand between them. He explained to us that he would read statements and that we need to go to the corner that represents our opinion
The statements he used were:
I like the way I dress
The way I dress represents who I am
I have been judged based on my appearance
My family supports the way I present myself
I have experienced certain priviledges because the way I look.
I judge others based on their appearance
I have never changed my body to fit society's standards
I love my body
I am happy with my gender identity
I would go to great lenghts to change the way I look
Social media affects the way I see my body.
I would be able to express myself freely if I lived elsewhere.
During the workshop we were able to see the way others see themselves and also to hear comments on statements and reasons why participants choose their "corner" Some statements were discussed longer, some shorter but every statement had a discussion on why people answered the way they did When we finished with the main part, Aron asked us questions
as a reflection part Question were based on our feelings, if our perspectives changed, if any questions stayed with us.... Aron did great job with this workshop for us to realise the connection we have with our bodies and also with our mental health. Some questions were hard for some people to answer but crucial thing with the workshop was freedom we had to leave the workshop if we don't want to participatre or to step out of the circle if we don't want to answer
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.