Internet Marketing Course

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Assumption University Graduate School of Business MBA FAST TRACK HUA-MAK Program Graduate School of Business’s Vision “Educating Intelligences and Active Minds to Change the World”


To provide graduates competent for management and able to assume administration responsibilities with foresight and vision, who have a head to think critically and creatively, a pair hands to act with a sense of purpose and an ear attuned to the people around them. To generate new knowledge in management and administration, particularly in the Asian context, in this information rich, globalized economy in which we all live.


BM 6895 INTERNET MARKETING SECTION 8 Semester 2/2011 (September - October 2011) 

Kitikorn Dowpiset, Ph.D. Major: Computer and Engineering Management IRCA Auditor for Information Security Management System

Soontorn Laohapattanawong Certification Professional of Marketing, Singapore.



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Internet marketing is a major component of electronic commerce, the fastest growing area of business. As such, people with expertise in the field are in great demand. This course provides an introduction to the field, and explains its various roles in an organization’s total marketing program. Students will be trained how to specifically use the internet and related technology to strategize and implement the research,


advertising, selling, merchandising, customer service and other marketing mix-related functions. This is a practical, hands-on course. It explores Internet technologies as products in and of themselves, as a mass and personal communications tools, and as distribution/transaction channels. It will also address user characteristics and behavior, direct marketing and online strategies for relationship marketing. Lastly, the basics of web site design will be introduced. 2.1 2.2



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To explore in new ways that organizations apply the Internet for marketing to support them to achieve competitive advantage. To understand the perspective that use the Internet as supporting tools for traditional marketing concepts, and question the validity of existing models given the difference between the Internet and traditional media. To review the relationship between the Internet and modern marketing concepts; the benefits from the Internet as a digital media included its impact on different parts of the marketing communication mix. To consider buyer behavior and buying process in the Internet context. To learn how to use a generic strategic tools and approach with the goal setting, macros and micros environment study, strategy formulation and evaluation.

Chaffey, D., Ellis-Chadwick, F., Johnston, K. and Mayer, R. (2009). Internet Marketing th 4 Edition, Prentice Hall. Hanson, Ward and Kalyanam, Kirthi. (2007). Internet Marketing & e-Commerce, Thomson South-West.



Learning outcomes On successful completion of this course students will be able to: o

Understand the role of information technology in establishing and maintaining different forms of competitive advantage within a range of key business sectors,


Compare, contrast and distinguish critically between traditional Marketing Communications methods


Propose strategic approaches that businesses can use to exploit the Internet and compile a typical Internet/e-commerce marketing plan,


Design or redesign the website under the usability and value perceived by customers to enhance the opportunities to increase the relationship with your customers.


Critically appraise Internet and e-commerce activities of companies, from using the Website as a communications tool to the impact of the Internet on distribution channels, marketplaces and relationships with business partners.

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Course name BM 6895 INTERNET MARKETING o



Develop the Internet Marketing Strategy the alignment with the organization marketing strategy to serve the need of your customers under the 7Ps or 4Ps.

Methods of teaching and learning Formal lectures (45 hrs.) will be used to introduce topics and students will be expected to complete background reading prior to the lectures as directed. Considerable emphasis will be placed on current international business issues, hence a large proportion of the teaching material will relate to topical issues discussed in the business newspapers and journals and from the World Wide Web. Class rules Classes will be a combination of lectures, interactive class discussions, and student presentations. Punctuality, courtesy and respect are as essential to this course as they are to the Board Room and the conduct of business generally. All assignments will be typed and formatted in a clear and business like manner free of spelling and grammatical errors. Each student will compile a Portfolio of all his or her class work, including assignments and class presentations this Portfolio must be handed up at the final lecture and shall be graded as part of ongoing assessment. During lectures mobile phones must remain turned during every class unless pre-agreed special circumstances exist. In every sense class participants are expected to conduct themselves professionally at all times. When you enter my class room you enter the corporate world. Students are asked to ensure that their culinary, “washroom” and other needs are attended to before coming into class. There will be a fifteen minute break mid-way through each lecture and the lecture will resume when all students have returned to class. As an aspect of showing courtesy and respect no extraneous reading material should be read during class and mobile phones should be turned off during class unless pre-arranged with the lecturer. Students are encouraged to undertake academic research of topics under discussion and when including the work of others in their assignments and presentations must acknowledge sources with accurate references, using both in-text citations and a bibliography if appropriate. Plagiarism, or any other form of cheating will not be tolerated and any assignment containing plagiarized (unreferenced) material will receive a zero grade.

In-class participation As an aspect of the learning process the active sharing of ideas and experiences is most important and hence students are required to participate in class discussions. Students who participate constructively receive higher grades. In particular, students will be expected to work at different times with fellow students in researching, documenting and presenting several set assignments. There will be a major project, which will include group presentations during the latter part of the course. Because of the current state of world trade negotiations you are encouraged to read the local and international business press daily and be prepared to discuss newspaper articles and business journals in class. You will be evaluated overall not only on your group presentations but also on your individual participation in in-class discussions.

Class Attendance: In compliance with Assumption University’s policy on class attendance, the Graduate School of Business requires all students enrolled in courses to have a minimum class attendance of 80% to be eligible to sit the final examination. The 20%-absence rule, the maximum allowable absences, is inclusive for all excuses i.e. sickness, personal commitments, family trips, business trips, and other reasons.

Automatic withdrawal without students’ consent: The Dean, the Program Director, and the Lecturer are each empowered to withdraw or withhold correction of the final examination papers of any student who fails to meet the class attendance requirements.

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Marks allocation Final Examination Attendance & Assignment Workshops Midterm Internet Marketing Plan Web site redesign

30 10 10 20 20 10




Date ‌TBA WeekDay 18.30-20.30... at Hua Mak (two hours)


Date‌23 Oct. Hua Mak (three hours)

This class is not the technical issues then the class content will not provided the detail of website development or programming. Main context of the course is to study the steps to develop the Internet Marketing Plan for the organization. Students must be alert and prompt to study more by using the Internet, Tools, Software, and textbook.

Course Outline Presentation and Reports o 4 Workshops o Internet Marketing Plan o Web site Design o Weekly Learning Activities Each week the class will be two parts. The first part will be a dissemination of the theory underlying Internet Marketing. It will generally be in the form of Power Point presentations. The second part of each session will be more interactive. We will have structured discussion groups on a related topic, or an assignment for each group that assign to each week. Sessio n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



4 Sept 11 9.00-12.00 4 Sept 11 13.00-16.00 11 Sept 11 9.00-12.00 11 Sept 11 13.00-16.00 18 Sept 11 9.00-12.00 18 Sept 11 13.00-16.00 25 Sept 11 9.00-12.30 25 Sept 11 13.00-16.00



Overview of Internet Marketing

A. Kitikorn

Marketing Applications and Benefit of Website

A. Kitikorn

Internet Marketing Strategy Internet Marketing Strategy: SWOT Situation Analysis: Five Force under Internet, Value Chain and Revised Value chain, Channel chain Business Model, Mode of buying, Trading area on Internet, Customer Demand Analysis and Competitors The Internet and the marketing mix

A. Soontorn A. Soontorn A. Kitikorn A. Kitikorn A. Soontorn A. Soontorn


Guest speaker TBA, weekday 18.30-20.30 Midterm Examination 2 Oct 11 9.00-12.00 B2C Internet Marketing 2 Oct 11 13.00-16.00 B2C Internet Marketing


9 Oct 11


9 10

9 Oct 11 13 Sessio n


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A. Soontorn A. Soontorn


Online Experience and website content design Interactive marketing Communication I and 13.00-16.00 Website Promotion Workshop TIME


A.Kitikorn Instructor


14 15

16 Oct 11 NO CLASS 23 Oct 11 9.00-12.00 Internet Marketing Plan Presentation 23 Oct 11 13.00-16.00 Final Examination



A.Soontorn/ A.Kitikorn

This course outline is subject to review and may be amended to meet students’ needs

Guideline for Internet Marketing Plan and Website Design for Online Experience. 1. Development of an Internet Marketing Plan for a company. Prepare an Internet Marketing Plan of the websites that assigned by instructor to demonstrating how to secure competitive advantage through the benefits of the Internet. Written report 2000 words or - alternatively - a set of PowerPoint presentation slides (15 - 25 in numbers - appropriate for a 30-40 minutes presentation) complete with accompanying narrative. In the PowerPoint alternative, the PPT file should be submitted in two read-only copies on a CD, and in addition a printout of the PowerPoint presentation should be submitted with the CD , in case there are problems with transcription and also for verification and external marking purposes. 2. Development of a prototype website to support the online experience Following on the first part of the assignment, construct a completed website (on disk) or developed at (or any free web hosting) to illustrating best practice in design and implementation, and based on sound theoretical principles. This site should consist of at least 12 pages and be viewable by the majority of Internet users. Student shall printout of the web pages, in case there are problems with transcription and also for verification and external marking purposes. An index or home page should be included as a starting point. Note: All reports / papers required the in text citation and bibliography based on APA style and electronic resource reference based on APA style also.

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