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Volunteers supported the initiative “plastic free” launched by the Ministry of the Environment and joined by the Municipality of Geraci Siculo They had the chance to carry out cleaning actions of the green public spaces, the castle area and small interventions of embellishment of the fences along the path to the castle. Thematic workshops were held through non-formal methodologies, such as group discussions, simulations, games to make participants more aware of environmental issues and sustainability, share ideas to reduce the impact of plastics on the environment and how to inspire other people. Then, volunteers used their creativity to make a small sculpture by recycled material, and prepared a campaign to raise awareness about recycling and reduction of plastic consumption and about decomposition time While producing a short video, they collected interviews from local citizens about separating waste collection, and had the possibility to interact with the community about the topic. At the end of the volunteering activities, a public moment was organised in the presence of the mayor and public authorities to make visible the contribution given by the volunteers and the ESC programme. The activity agenda was complemented with visits to the surroundings to discover local tradition and culture, and better acknowledge the natural beauty and richness of rural areas


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