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Report with activities and tips from Youth Exchange

For youth organization and young people interested to organize project on the topics intercultural learning and cultural diversity

Godrano (Italy) 21. 6. – 29. 6. 2018

Project was coordinated by Associazione InformaGiovani, In partnership with: ANTIGONE - Information and Documentation Center on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non Violence (GR), Association For You (BG), Galeria Alternativa (ES) and ViksjĂśforsbaletten (SE) Project was founded by Erasmus Plus Programme.

4 THINGS YOU HAVE TO KNOW ABOUT OUR YOUTH EXCHANGE Why we organized the project? One of the main issues in today’s world is migration. People move from country to country, sometimes to try to make a better life for themselves, other times to flee prejudice and terror from their homelands. Arriving to a new country often face prejudice and discrimination because cultural difference are very often perceived as something potentially dangerous or unwanted. With this project we want to raise awareness of young people about migration, deepen understanding about issues which migrant face in their hosting countries and search how through culture and art we can overcome cultural and linguistic barriers and create more inclusive society.

Who were participants? The group of YE was composed by young people from 5 countries (Italy, Greece, Spain, Bulgaria and Sweden), but with very different cultural and social background. Many participants had migrant background coming from different countries: Colombia, Afghanistan, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Guinea, some were cultural minorities in their own country such as Roma or Russian minority in Bulgaria. Some where living in their new country already long time others arrived just 1-2 years ago. Our aim was to bring into groups diversity on many levels and to offer all participants possibility to get to know new cultures, languages but also life realities which allow them better understand life in current society.

What was our approach towards the topic One of our main topic was migration and living in multicultural environment. As this topic is very complex, we decided to approach it through individual stories and experiences of each participants. First part of project was focused on knowing each other as individualities and communicate and create a group through creative artistic activities. Just later we moved towards activities which were more directly connected to the main topic migration. Each participant had possibility to reflect about own cultural identity and identities, present it and compare to others. Discover diversity which is in the group and experience it as a positive value. Participants shared their knowledge and experiences with topic of migration with young people which live directly the situation.


Why through art? Art became main communication tool in our activities. Painting, acting, dancing , video and photography allowed participate to everybody also young people who didn’t speak English . Young people who participated in this project belonged to organizations which use art in their activities and therefore Youth Exchange was also opportunity to exchange experience in use of art for inclusion. Participants can experience impact of different activities on their own skin and learn new activities which are easy to re-use in different situations and project.

7 TIPS FOR MORE INCLUSIVE PROJECT After our experience we would like to recommend following TIPs for youth organizations and young people, who would like to organize similar project:


Don’t hurry, create enough time for young people to know each other. Bigger difference in group, means more stimulating environment, but also sometimes need of more time to know each other. In particular when young people don’t speak all the same language this process can be longer, in the same time if it is for majority of young people first international project and feel a little bit shy. Therefore is important to prepare many activities which can help young people to know each other and show something about themselves to make other curious to know them.


Prepare yourself for language barrier. Young people can speak 5 languages but any of them is English. Maybe one part of participants speak French, other Spanish other Russian or Arabic, but in group is any common language. There is nothing to worry. Important is that the group leader can support translation and even best if also some of participants. Everybody have a right to express themselves properly. In group activities can help us non-verbal activities, self-expression through art and first of all to leave enough space to speak for each participants. Doesn’t matter if it takes time. Participants which have difficulties to speak in English can not be ignored. Participants and leaders which have good level in working language should speak slowly and not to steal all time for them.

3. Participation of all at first place.

Preparing program of Youth Exchange is always very exciting. Everybody wants to show their favorite activity . When thinking about activity is very important to have in the mind for who is dedicated the activity. For example when in the group there are many young people who don’t speak the working language, is better to choose activities which are easy to explain. With translation there is always risk that some will not understand. Or when the discussion became to passionate there is a risk that some participants will remain out. To ensure that everybody listen and say what they want is always easier to organize discussion in small groups.


Art to work together. Artistic activities in our project were not focused just on showing individual skills or ideas of participants, but more on exchange of opinions, experiences and ideas. Participants working in groups were offering their skills and talents to creation of common works. Importance of teamwork was highlight from beginning and set up very good working environment.


Don’t hide the differences. Differences in opinions, values and way of thinking are natural. Sometimes also in very significant way. During our project appeared also situations and discussion where participants had very different opinions. What help us , was to look on the problem from different perspective. Is normal to think differently, but still we can respect each other and live together and even be friends.

6. Leave a space for informal learning and rest. Youth Exchange can be very challenging , especially when we speak about sensitive topics, therefore is important to balance the situation and create also space where young people can spend time together freely and discuss thinks which are for them important but are not part of program. During Youth Exchange we organized small walk in the forest which had very good impact on group and bring well deserved rest.

7. Everybody has his time, don’t force it.

Some participants at beginning didn’t feel comfortable to speak about their culture, but later when other shared information, pictures and traditions from their country, they changed idea and asked possibility to present own countries and regions. To leave the time is important also when speaking about sensitive topics, before opening sensitive issue is important to build good atmosphere between participants. Some participants want and are ready to express their opinion immediately, but some need more time.

5 TOP ACTIVITIES In this part we would like to recommend activities which participants appreciated the most:


Chair game teambuilding

This activity help to show participant how we often look on problem/task/difficulty from own perspective without trying understand the point of view of others or searching common solution. Activity is great introduction into Youth Exchange, making reflecting participants about how to work better in team. Participants are divided in 3 groups and each group will receive one task which they have to fulfill. They have 5 minutes to prepare. During preparation groups can not communicate or listen each other, so is better to leave each group in other room. Once activity starts participants cannot speak anymore. Task of first group : place all the chairs in the circle. Task of second group : place all the chairs upside down. Task of third group : place all the chairs in pairs. In the first part of the activity (5-10 minute), the organizer just observe different teams. Activity can get very dynamic, sometimes participants starts even fight for chair. Facilitator should calm the situation if necessary to avoid that anybody get hurt, (no violence is allowed) but conflict for chair is part of activity. If the participants have problem to find solution (they don’t try to communicate, just fight) facilitator can help them by inviting them collaborate between teams. End of the game : the teams found the solution. Solution: all chairs are in circle, in pair and upside down.

5 TOP ACTIVITIES Proposal for debriefing How did you feel during this activity (each participants respond by one word) Why did some people feel good or oppositely uncomfortable? (participants can explain they feelings) What happened? What was the task of each group? Why was difficult to find common solution? Why this activity ? How is this activity linked to teamwork? How we can use this activity to improve quality of teamwork? After this activity you can invite participants to create rules, how to better work in team.

2. Activity: Our story (creative teambuilding) This activity is also very efficient teambuilding activity, which help young people to know each other better, discover own talents and work together on creative tasks. It combine visual expression with words, what facilitate the communication between participants.

Materials: Dixit cards (or collection of creative photos or pictures), flipcharts and colors. Activity is very simple: Participants are invited to select one card which says something about themselves and what they would like to share with others. It can be some their memory, small story or talent. When everybody have their card, divide participants in groups of 4-5 and give them task to create together common story which includes cards and ideas of all group members, but also link them together. Participants can write the story or drawn as they want, important is that everybody participate., they have 30 min. In the end each group presents their stories.

5 TOP ACTIVITIES 3. What would you bring with you to your new country? This activity helps to look on the topic of migration from different point of view, not like a problem but like resource. Participants are invited to think about how they would like to contribute to their new society if they would have to move to other country. In the first part of the activity participants are invited to think about 3 things which they would take with them if they would have to immediately move from their city. Participants have 5-10 minutes to reflect and write 3 objects on the paper. After in small groups they discuss their choice. If they want they can change after discussion their 3 objects. Activity end in big plenary where each participant present their choice and can also say if they changed opinion and why. In the second part of activity participants have to think about 3 things how they would like to contribute in their new hosting country if they have to move. In this case they can not choose physical objects, but their skills, knowledge or characteristic. Participants present their ideas in plenary and discuss the activity.

4. The simulation activity Tribes. Although this activity can look very simple it brings very interesting discussion and reflections, in particular when is connected with actual situation, when is by many politicians underlined need of adaptation of migrants to majority. Materials: flipcharts, colors , box and mirror. Divide the participants into groups and give them flipchart where they can create their unique tribe (name, religion, skin color, habits, homes, school systems, etc.). They have 30 minutes and after they present it to the others. After presentation an alien disrupts this activity giving one of the tribes the secret weapon of massive destruction (a box with a mirror inside) with which they can destroy the other tribes if they want to. The aliens tell the other tribes to become one with the chosen tribe or they will come to kill them. The aliens then go away and don't come back for years, but the tribes need to decide what to do.

5 TOP ACTIVITIES Once the tribes decide what they'll do, they present their decisions in front of everybody. After that, each participant individually gets the opportunity to peak at the weapon that can destroy them. A discussion follows on how the participants feel about losing their identity, motivation of their decision and final revealing. Participants are encouraged to find similarities with reality., when we are put in black and white decisions, under the threat of danger.

5. Arrival to new country. This activity was introduced by serie of exercises which encouraged participants to express through body language, such as theatrical improvisational exercises or image theater. As resource of activities we recommend books of Augusto Boal, such as: Games for actors and non actors. Activity allowed to share different aspect of arrival as each group take the topic from different point of view. Showing excitement from new environment, fear from unknown, loneliness and difficulties but also hope. Activity encourage participants to express through body, but also focus on “reading� body language of other participants. The task of participants was very simple. To prepare short theater performance on the topic how it is to arrive to the new country without words. Participants could use experience of all participants and create one new story. Participants have 30 minutes. After preparation participants showed they performance and task of audience was in detail, describe and interpret what they have seen.

Youth Exchange CulturART was implemented by Association InformaGiovani (IT) in partnership with: ANTIGONE - Information and Documentation Center on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non Violence (GR), Association For You (BG), Galeria Alternativa (ES) and Viksjรถforsbaletten (SE)


The information and views set out in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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