Midia kit itf 2014 eua

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IN THE BUSINESS IT MÍDIA knows the CIOs community better than any other Brazilian company. Although it seems like a bold statement, this is the feedback that we receive every moment. Logically such achievement comes from years of dedication to professionals and companies in the market. A sublime market, which solidified and rose efficiently as a wall made with rigid blocks and well finished grout. Consolidated wall that IT MÍDIA has been always colouring with our human way of dealing with the business. So we want to make you an offer. Or rather, two offers. One you can check on this material, which was prepared carefully so that your company can sell much more in 2014 by structured connection and visibility. Other offer is to do all this in an innovative way, fun, human and colourfull. How about ?

365 DAYS


We are present 365 days in the past 15 years, with the CIOs responsible for the IT purchase decision making at their corporation. IT Mídia was the first company to offer content, so the technology can be used as a strategic tool of business inside Brazilian companies, focusing on the 1,000 biggest companies in Brazil (by their revenue).

Through the digital, printed, presence and research platforms, IT Mídia develops and generates content, structured connection and visibility on the IT sector, offering relationship and business between suppliers and CIOs. The concept “365 days with the CIO” suggests that the IT decision makers use our content platform on a continuing basis, to be connected, to develop and strengthen relationships with companies that communicates their products/services.


IT MĂ­dia, leader in business medias in the country, for over 15 years develops professionals and companies on the IT and Health sectors, offering to these executives, 365 days by year, Content, Relationship and Business, through 4 platforms: digital, meeting events, magazines and researches.


To develop business communities through information, knowledge and integration between professionals and companies from the Information Technology and Health sectors.

OUR VALUE PROPOSITION IT MĂ­dia dedicates itself every day to take relevant information that helps CIOs to develop in a professional and personal way, through our magazines, researches, presence and digital meetings. To our sponsor customers, IT MĂ­dia helps them to increase their sales, through visibility and structured connection, on the CIOs community. All of our products promote relationship between these two characters at the IT scenario as this sector grows and develops on a continuing basis. This is what moves us. This is what makes us want to offer more content that touches, motivates and inspire our readers and guests and moments to delight our customers.

April 30 to May 4, 2014



The most important finding of IT in Latin America. IT Forum is the most important meeting of IT in Latin America. Brings together leading CIOs(Chief Information Officer) of 500 largest companies in Brazil. From end to end, IT Forum is structured to help establish lasting relationships and the realization of business: it is - in the opinion of participants - the meeting more effective in generating leads for IT industry andTelecom. It is held in a highly relaxed atmosphere and formatted so that, for 5 days every participants can interact in the most activities of content, social and sporting. Finally, IT Forumpresents in its program a perfect balance between work and entertainment so that good deals and relationships are made differently and very efficient. TARGET: CIOs of the 500 largest companies in Brazil, of the sectors that are investing more in technology (Telecom, Finance, Government, Commerce, Industry and Services) with strategic decision-making power in aquisition of products and services of IT and Telecom.


Access to leaders Structured Connection

Leads generation Reduction on the sales cycle


ACCESS TO LEADERS The customer prospection, in addition to evolve costs and time, sometimes cannot reach the goal. Access a community with important IT leaders in Brazil and have the opportunity to offer your products and services in an environment of exclusivity, in addition to get the chance to connect with them.

STRUCTURED CONNECTION We are concerned about every detail in our Forums. We develop structured activities, such as 1.2.1 business meetings previously scheduled by sponsors and guests, in addition to the activity named “IT Mídia Debate”. The activities are thoroughly planned to enable the complete integration between guests and sponsors.

LEADS GENERATION The main concern of any company is to generate business opportunities and to be able to win the battles to gain new customers. However, how do you know where to invest your budget in a way to measure and generate ROI? Our Forums were designed to be a real factory of leads. Check the tools that may help your company to win this battle. Get efficiency on the opening and on the strategic business opportunities.

REDUCTION ON THE SALES CYCLE Considering that about 40% of the time of the sales team is dedicated to the prospect phase, in our forums, the sponsor starts to have more time to be prepared technically, to know better the needs of the IT leaders, to bring new ideas and approaches, in addition to use the planning tools in an effective way. Invest where there is more value generation. This way, the sales cycle management has a different dynamic, with results with a short-term.

VISIBILITY It is obvious that the success of any company or professional depends strongly on exposure quality. Visibility represents the identity consolidation, the differential, the memory. Focus on the CIOs community, with no dispersing. Whatever is your visibility strategy, our Forums are the right place.

MAIN DIFFERENTIALS • Exclusive research – Before IT, the Strategy • 1.2.1 Business meeting pre-scheduled • Integrated Content • Great Shows, Great Artists • SLA (Service Level Agreement) Social Responsibility: Professional of the Future

1.2.1 Business Meetings pre-scheduled Different opportunities to establish structured and individual contact, during 30 minutes, inside a business suite, with pre-scheduled CIOs. On the researches made by IT Midia at the IT Forum 2014, 100% of the CIOs affirm that use the IT Forum as an unique moment to search, to know and to quote products and solutions for their companies. The moment of the meeting becomes the best opportunity so the sponsor presents and converts leads into business.

Exclusive Research Relevant information and content about IT sector were always a differential of the IT MĂ­dia. The evidence of this is the research Before IT, the strategy, that brings the analysis of the challenges and the investment trends in hardware, software, services and solutions for the next year, made between CIOs of the 1,000 greatest companies.

Disclosure In addition to bring information about investments on the sectors and technologies, the research brings in the accordance to some CIOs to open their answers individually to a selected group of customers*. This information is strategic to the commercial and marketing department of the sponsors, due to the possibility to schedule meetings with the CIOs that will invest on offered technologies. * Only Premium and Target sponsors

Integrated Content The IT MĂ­dia forums are directed to a central theme of a great relevance, that search to inspire the sponsors and guests to discuss contemporary and vanguard issues that impact everyday business in the sector, always directed by renowned experts. In addition to the IT Forum, there are other meeting forums recurrent from the IT Forum 365 platform, in addition to the other presence meetings, where the relevant subjects are discussed, pointed in researches made with our guests.

Great Shows, Great Artists IT Forum is a balanced mix of content, relationship and business, in proper environment for this to happen. That is why, after the dinners, we select great national and international artists to offer a good time.

SLA (Service Level Agreement) IT Mídia was the first company of the sector to guarantee SLA (Service Level Agreement) for the sponsor. See below the differentials: • Sponsor’s investment protection • Allow the sponsor to extract all the potential from the forum • Optimize the guest standard • Guarantee the IT Mídia standard of quality • Clarify the process, rules and procedures so IT Mídia • Sponsors and Guests to maximize the conditions proposed on the trinomial: Content, Relationship and Business.

IT Mídia Institute The IT Mídia Institute is a social organization, responsible for the Professional of the Future Project, that aims to promote the professional dream of young people through education and corporate connection on the IT and Health sectors, which IT Mídia acts. The goal of the Institute is to be a reference on the professional development of young people and to be their corporate connection according to the tripod that rules the organization work, which are: Professional Development, Corporate Connection and Promotion of the IT and Health Sectors.



IT Forum Debate Activity of the content agenda of IT MÍDIA gathers CIOs to knowledge exchange , understanding and relevant issues analysis to community development. CIO chooses the topic of his interest and register it in advance at our digital platform of cheduling. Therefore it is a unique opportunity to present their solutions and products to an audience that needs or has interest in the subject. • It will be possible to contact up to 40 CIOs • Speech and Video : 5 minutes • Application of trademark (guide and indicative totems) • SLA (Service Level Agreement) of 24 guests • For 2 (two) Executives

IT forum Case A different way to present a “CASE” of your company to CIOs in IT Forum 2014. Your company sends us one “CASE”, which involves analysis and approval of the Editorial Team. After these procedures, the “CASE” becomes part of the official content’s agenda in IT Forum. Feel the privilege of staying an hour and ten minutes with CIOs, exclusively dedicated.

• Contact with up to 20 CIOs. •Application of trademark (guide and indicative totems). • SLA (Service Level Agreement) of 12 guests. • For 2 two) Executives.

IT Forum CHALLENGE Through our study, “Before the IT, the Strategy” we will identify the challenges main in IT ofCIOs at their companies in 2014. After identifying these themes, if your company has an efficient solution for these challenges and the “CASE” has been approved by our editorial team, you will have the opportunity to show it to interested CIOs and generate business opportunities. • It will be possible to contact up to 20 CIOs. • Application of trademark (guide and indicative totems). • SLA (Service Level Agreement) of 12 guests. • For 2 (two) Executives.

TYPE OF EXPERIENCE: RELATIONSHIP Relationship: great opportunities that can not be missed. It’s need to know more, understand more and be more participatory. Sponsor the relationship experiences and interact with CIOsin a special way. There are several options, but the important thing is to see the need of this versatility of options. Remember that you will find in these spaces CIOs waiting for you to talk and to seek a way to recognize their credibility. Through a structured agenda that allows moments of relationship, such experiences permit your exposure and interaction, where you can move, find CIOs and become (more) known by them.

DINNER WITH SHOW Your brand can be exposed during dinner in the IT Forum 2014, for 100% of participants.Then there is a great show. Increase your relationship and your institutional communication with exposure and visibility of your brand. • 1(one) exclusive table in prime location. • Speech or video with duration of 5 minutes. • Application of trademark (in the screens, signaling on the tables, guide, entrance’s totem and indicative totems ). • For 2 (two) Executives

Cafeteria Nothing better than a break between the activities of IT Forum 2014. Relaxing and inviting, the Cafeteria is a right place for a pleasant chat.

• Service A&B (machine of express coffee , petit fours, water and soft drinks. •Application of trademark (board hung and/or counter, guide, indicative totems and napkins) • For 1(one) Executive

ICE CREAM PARLOR Between an activity and other of business and content, nothing better than the warm climate of Salvador, a delicious ice cream to refresh the mind and body. • Service A&B (freezer, ice cream with regional flavors, one waiter for exclusive service) • Application of trademark (board hung and/or counter, guide, indicative totems and napkins) • For 1(one) Executive

BEER HOUSE Simply a super special place the IT Forum 2014. There is a large movement of guests. • Service A&B ( beer machine, water and soft drink, 1(one) waiter for exclusive service). • Application of trademark (board hung and / or counter, guide, indicative totems, napkins and armchairs). • Live music • For 1(one) Executive


If barbecue of rib prepared by Chef Charlie Awoki is a big attraction of IT Forum 2014; drinks prepared on time is its big success. Through an amazing ability, Chef Charlie Awoki provides a real show of exotic flavors and delicious during Happy Hour. • Services A&B (cocktails of several flavors, waiter service and specialist professional in drinks) • Application of trademark (board hung and / or counter, mixers, napkins, guides and indicative totems). • 1 (one) Executive

Golf Relationship and Business. Never a sport has been so associated to these words as in recent years in Brazil. Undoubtedly, the Golf has become the best investment to divulge your brand and make business in a relaxed, friendly enviroment and with a large number of CIOs. • Professional to coordinate the sport. • Delivery of trophies and sponsor’s short speech at the awards ceremony. • Application of trademark on all communication of the Forum and on the local. (boards in the golf field, tees, flags on the field, small balls, guide and indicative totems) • For 1(one) Executive.

SOCCER Join your brand with the most popular sport in Brazil. Being a local very visited during the IT Forum, surely it will be a sucess of brand exposure. Mainly for being the year of World Cup in Brazil ! • Sports team for coordination of the action. • Delivery of medals and short speech of theSponsor during the awards cerimony. • Application of trademark on all communication of the forum and on the local. (boards in the soccer field, jackets, medals, guide and indicative totems) • For 1(one) Executive.

TENNIS Classic: the word that comes closest to define this sport. Recognized as one of the favorite sports of brazilian executives, join your brand in an elegant way and strong. • Sports team for coordination of the action. • Delivery of medals and a short speech of the Sponsor during the awards ceremony. • Application oftrademark on all communication of the forum and on the local (board in tennis court, medals, guide and indicative totems). • For 1(one) Executive.

BEACH VOLLEYBALL Enjoy the magic of the Forte Beach and advertise your brand in a sport that interacts with nature in a strong way and unforgettable. • Sports team for coordination of the action. • Delivery of medals and short speech of theSponsor during the awards cerimony. Application of trademark on all communication of the forum and on the local (board in court, medals,vests, guide and indicative totems). • For 1(one) Executive.

beach tenis Enjoy the magic of the Forte Beach and advertise your brand in a sport that interacts with nature in a strong way and unforgettable. • Sports team for coordination of the action. • Delivery of medals and short speech of theSponsor during the awards cerimony. • Application of trademark on all communication of the forum and on the local (board in court, medals, vests, guide and indicative totems). • For 1(one) Executive.


Welcome Drink Welcome to your guests in an warm and pleasant way, exposing your brand to 100% of CIOs. • Mobile service of waiters with drinks. • Application of trademark (mixers, napkins, guide and indicative totems)

BARBECUE Barbecue of rib prepared by Chef Charlie Awoki undoubtedly turned the big attraction of culinary and moment relaxing in our Forums. Chef Charlie Awoki commanded notorious restaurants as Esplanada Grill, São Paulo Grill, among others, and will surely bring a unique exhibition for your brand during the IT Forum 2014. • Professional expert on barbecue • Application of trademark on all communication in theForum and on the local (guide and indicative totems)


Another great moment of the IT Forum, the Paella, the saturday lunch prepared by Chef ofIberostar Bahia Hotel, brings together a large number of CIOs. Enjoy this time to expose your brand in an effective way.

• Application of trademark on all communication in the Forum and on the local (guide and indicative totems)


Your brand can be exposed at a local of circulation of 100% of CIOs in most of the IT Forum 2014. Be seen !

• Application of trademark on all communication in the Forum and on the local. (guide and indicative totems)


Your brand can be exposed at a local of circulation of 100% of CIOs in most of the IT Forum 2014. Be seen !

• Application of trademark on all communication in the Forum and on the local. (guide and indicative totems)

BEACH RESTAURANT Your brand can be exposed at a local of circulation of 100% of CIOs in most of the IT Forum 2014. Be seen ! • Application of trademark on all communication in the Forum and on the local.(guide and indicative totems)

Happy Hour We are waiting for you in a of the moments main of relaxation in presence of CIOs, during theIT Forum 2014. • A&B Services (cocktail : waiters will be circulating) • Live music • Application of trademark (guide and indicative totems )

COCONUT WATER We are waiting for you in a of the moments main of relaxation in presence of CIOs, during theIT Forum 2014. • A&B Services (cocktail : waiters will be circulating) • Live music • Application of trademark (guide and indicative totems )

Transfer Be the first Sponsor to welcome to 100% of guests at IT Forum 2014. • 2 (two) receptionists exclusives (welcome and distribution of folders or gifts) • Application of PVC on buses, head’s supporte, guide and indicative totems).

SWIMMING POOL Iberostar Bahia Hotel presents one of their most beautiful places: the swimmingpools. Expose your brand in a moment of relaxation and pleasure. • Application of trademark on all communication of the Forum and on the local. (guide and indicative totems)


Expose your brand at one of the visited and most busiest places in the IT FORUM.

• Inserção da logomarca em toda comunicação do fórum e no local (guia e tote • Application of trademark on all communication of the Forum and on the local. (guide and indicative totems) ns indicativos)

BADGE RIBBON During the IT Forum 2014, your brand will be exposed and in touch with CIOs 100% of the time ! • Application of trademark on all communication of the Forum and on the local. (guide and indicative totems)

it forum mobi It is an applicative of the IT Forum with multiplatform Interface in HTML5 that includes the meeting agenda, exclusive content, services and a number of collaborative possibilities during the IT Forum 2014. The possibilities for sponsorships and benefits involve: VISIBILITY: Sponsored sections by trademark. VISIBILITY, INTERACTION AND TRACKING: Video: 1 (one) minute. STRUCTURED CONNECTION, LEADS AND METRICS: Polls and Surveys.

COMPANIONS’S SCHEDULING Be in touch with not only CIOs, but also with their companions, absolute and essential part of our forums. • Application of trademark (guide, realization locals and indicative totems)


Better than a fair where only it’s possible you expose your product, in this experience it’s possible also relating with CIOs. Enjoy the opportunity to interact and show the features and benefits of your product for 5 days of the meeting.

Net Point Necessary stop of all participants, CIOs look for net point in our forums to work out the emails and access the Internet with more quality and comfort. • Application of trademark on all communication of the Forum and on the local ( board hung and/or counter, guide, indicaive totems).

Print Center Efficient solution to associate your brand / products with convenience and agility for CIOspresent in IT Forum 2014. •Application of trademark on all communication of the Forum and on the local (ad board and/or counter, guide, indicative totems).

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