Tacchini 2016

Page 1

Tacchini T’16 Chapter (A) (1.0) T’Center 005 007

‘Handmade’ ‘Hands, Tools and Gestures’

(2.0) T’Catalogue (2.1) Sofas 020 028 036 050 056 064 068 072 078 086 092 096 098 104 110 120 126 132 136 140

Sesann Chill-Out Galleria Polar Perch Highlife Crystal Dressed Montevideo Polar Quilt Labanca Labanca System Lima Quadro Stone Intercity Havana Sliding Millennium Drive Happy Hour

(2.2) Armchairs 154 156 164 172 180 186 192 196 200 204 208 212 216 218 220 224 226 228 230 234 238 242 246 248 250

Sesann Agnese Shelter Pisa Dot Kelly E⁄H⁄L+F Bianca Jacket Jacket Outdoor Isola Crystal Curve Sancarlo Dressed Baobab Ipanema Girola Compact Mayfair Moon Misura S⁄M⁄L⁄XL Glide XL Parentesi SouthBeach

Index Chapter (B)

(2.3) Ottomans 254 258 260

Quartier Spin Trifoglio

(2.4) Chaises-longues

(3.0) Technical Overview (A – Z) (3.1) Sofas

397 398 262 Atoll 398 268 Pick-Up 399 272 Slalom 400 275 Slalom Outdoor 400 401 (2.5) Chairs & Stools 401 402 286 Kelly C⁄S⁄P 402 290 Babela 402 294 T-Chair 403 298 Fixie 403 302 Dressed 403 306 Montevideo 403 310 Doodle 404 318 Eddy 404 320 Mayfair 405 322 Parentesi Light 405 (2.6) Furnishing Accessories 406 326


(2.7) High & Low Tables 342 352 360 366 372 376 380 384 388 390 392 394

Kelly T Spindle Nastro Kelly O⁄B⁄W Monzino Split Ruler Cage Coot Polar Nara Labanca T’Curation




(A) ‘A Traveller’s Handbook’ Photography by Marina Rosso (B) ‘Tacchini in the Making’ Illustrations by Karin Söderquist (C) ‘Hand Notes’ Photography by Andrea Ferrari

Chill-Out Crystal Dressed Galleria Happy Hour Havana Highlife Intercity Labanca Labanca System Lima Millennium Drive Montevideo Polar Polar Perch Quadro Quilt Sesann Sliding Stone

(3.3) Ottomans 414 414 415

Quartier Spin Trifoglio

(3.4) Chaises-longues 415 415 415 415

Atoll Pick-Up Slalom Slalom Outdoor

(3.5) Chairs & Stools 416 416 416 417 417 417 418 418 418 419

Babela Doodle Dressed Eddy Fixie Kelly C⁄S⁄P Mayfair Montevideo Parentesi Light T-Chair

(3.6) Furnishing Accessories

(3.2) Armchairs


407 407 407 407 408 408 408 409 409 409 409 410 410 410 411 411 411 412 412 412 412 413 413 414 414

(3.7) High & Low Tables

Agnese Baobab Bianca Compact Crystal Curve Dot Dressed Girola Glide Ipanema Isola Jacket Jacket Outdoor Kelly E⁄H⁄L+F Mayfair Misura S⁄M⁄L⁄XL Moon Parentesi Pisa Sancarlo Sesann Shelter SouthBeach XL

420 420 421 421 422 422 422 423 424 424 425


Cage Coot Kelly O⁄B⁄W⁄T Labanca Monzino Nara Nastro Polar Ruler Spindle Split

(4.0) Read More (A – Z) 427 432 437 438 438 441 441

Sofas Armchairs Ottomans Chaises-longues Chairs & Stools Furnishing Accessories High & Low Tables

Tacchini T’16 Made by Hand A Agnese 022, 156–162, 328, 407, 432 Atoll 262–267, 415, 438 B Babela 059, 060, 278, 290–293, 352, 354, 356, 360, 364, 416, 438 Baobab 220–223, 407, 432 Bianca 192–195, 407, 432 C Cage 022, 026, 065, 067, 077, 086, 155, 167, 206, 210, 222, 244, 384–387, 441 Chill-Out 028–035, 397, 427 Compact 228–229, 407, 433 Coot 069, 070, 221, 270, 388, 389, 420, 441 Crystal (Sofa) 064–067, 398, 427 Crystal (Armchair) 065, 066, 208, 211, 378, 379, 408, 433 Curve 212–215, 408, 433 D Doodle 310–317, 359, 360, 362, 439 Dot 180–185, 277, 408, 433 Dressed (Armchair) 219, 220, 409, 433 Dressed (Chair) 302–305, 416, 439 Dressed (Sofa) 068–071, 398, 427 E Eddy 318, 319, 417, 439 F Fixie 298–301, 417, 440 G Galleria 036–049, 399, 427 Girola 226, 227, 409, 434 Glide 107, 139, 242–245, 409, 434

H Happy Hour 140–143, 400, 428 Havana 126–131, 400, 428 Highlife 056–063, 401, 428 I Intercity 120–125, 401, 428 Ipanema 224, 225, 409, 434 Isola 087, 088, 204–207, 410, 434 J Jacket 196–199, 410, 434 Jacket Outdoor 200–203, 410, 434 K Kelly 186–191, 284, 286–289, 327, 342–351, 366–371, 411, 417, 421, 435, 440, 442 L Labanca (Sofa) 92–95, 402, 429 Labanca (Table) 104, 394, 395, 421, 442 Labanca System 96, 97, 402, 429 Lima 098–103, 402, 429 M Mayfair (Armchair) 230–233, 411, 435 Mayfair (Chair) 320, 321, 418, 440 Millennium Drive 136–139, 403, 429 Misura S⁄M⁄L⁄XL 238–241, 411, 435 Montevideo (Sofa) 72–77, 403, 429 Montevideo (Chair) 306–309, 379, 418, 440 Moon 234–237, 412, 436 Monzino 035, 101, 184, 194, 195, 372–375, 422, 442

Analytical Index (A – Z) N Nara 392, 393, 422, 442 Nastro 059, 060, 290, 324, 325, 360–365, 423, 443 Nebula 326–331, 419, 441 P Parentesi 248, 249, 412, 436 Parentesi Light 322–325, 418, 441 Pick-Up 268–271, 415, 438 Pisa 145–152, 172–179, 282, 412, 436 Polar (Sofa) 050, 078–085, 403, 430 Polar (Table) 78, 79, 82–84, 108, 109, 119, 252, 253, 390, 391, 423, 443 Polar Perch 050–055, 280, 403, 430 Q Quadro 104–109, 404, 430 Quartier 068, 075, 216, 254–257, 414, 437 Quilt 086–091, 404, 431 R Ruler 060, 062, 073, 075, 086, 088, 089, 098, 173, 188, 189, 192, 196, 198, 199, 205, 216, 263–265, 266, 267, 279, 380–383, 424, 443 S Sancarlo 066, 216, 217, 412, 436 Sesann (Sofa) 020–027, 283, 405, 431 Sesann (Armchair) 154, 155, 413, 431 Shelter 027, 164–171, 413, 436 Slalom 272–274, 374, 375, 415, 438 Slalom Outdoor 275, 415, 438 Sliding 132–135, 405, 431 SouthBeach 250–253, 414, 437 Spin 258, 259, 414, 437 Spindle 352–359, 424, 443

Split 029, 051–055, 057–059, 061, 080, 085, 090–092, 094, 095, 142, 143, 162, 181, 187, 192, 232, 233, 239, 256, 257, 292, 304, 306–309, 376–379, 425, 443 Stone 110–119, 406, 431 T T-Chair 294–297, 419, 441 Trifoglio 260, 261, 415, 438 X XL 246, 247, 414, 437

T’16 Contents


Made by Hand: the craftmanship of Tacchini production in 1 comprehensive volume, divided into 2 chapters — Chapter (A): T’Center, T’Catalogue, T’Curation; Chapter (B): Technical Overview, Read More. Edition 2016, format 21×25 cm, 444 pages on quality coated and uncoated papers, 340 pictures, 8 sketches, 85 products, 21 designers and 3 artists. With contributions by Marina Rosso (Berlin) p.144 — 153, Karin Söderquist (Stockholm) p.276 — 285 and Andrea Ferrari (Milan) p.332 — 341. (1.0)


(A, B, C)



Made by Hand




(1.0) T’Center

p.005 — 015

T’16 Made by Hand, Chapter (A)

Fatto a Mano


and honing history and memory. Doing things by hand means (IT) Tacchini è un luogo dove le mani establishing a precise relationship sono il primo tra gli strumenti che between the object and its creator, hanno imparato a valorizzare, e che a perceptible, visible transmittance continuano a impiegare per riconoscere of sensitivity and respect: and all il pregio e valore dei materiali, per poi this will be palpable to the person trasformarli, cucirli, e accostarli who ultimately possesses the item tra loro: procedendo secondo un in question. A kind of ongoing relay ritmo di gesti sapienti e antichi, between what our fingers can detect, ripercorrendo, e migliorando ogni volta, in the folds of a piece of leather la storia e la memoria. Fare le cose a or in the curve of a frame, and the mano significa stabilire un rapporto actual hands that have made those preciso tra oggetto e creatore, una shapes possible. Design is central, trasmittanza, percepibile e visibile, di set between before and after, sensibilità e rispetto: e che si rivelerà a simultaneous translator between anche a colui che possiederà quel thoughts, actions and feelings: manufatto. Una sorta di staffetta nothing that can age, everything that continua tra quanto le nostre dita simply wears well. riconoscono, nelle pieghe di una pelle o nella curva di un telaio, e le mani Mit den Händen gemacht stesse che hanno reso possibile (DE) Bei Tacchini sind die Hände das quelle forme. Il design è centrale tra erste Werkzeug, das wir gelernt il prima e dopo, traduttore simultaneo haben, uns nutzbar zu machen, und tra pensiero, azione e sentimento: die weiterhin eingesetzt werden, um niente che possa invecchiare, tutto die Güte und den Wert von Materialien semplicemente vissuto. zu erkennen, sie zu verwandeln, zusammenzunähen und miteinander Handmade zu verbinden: das alles im Rhythmus (EN) At Tacchini, hands were the first weiser, althergebrachter Gesten, die tool they learnt to harness, and they Geschichte und Erinnerung durchlaufen continue to use them to discern the und immer noch besser werden. quality and value of the materials, Etwas mit den Händen zu schaffen, before transforming them, sewing them stellt eine klare Beziehung zwischen and combining them together: following dem Gegenstand und seinem Schöpfer ancient, knowing rhythms, retracing her und vermittelt – wahrnehmbar

(1.0) T’Center


und sichtbar – ein Gefühl der Sensibilität und Achtung: dieses Gefühl teilt sich auch dem Besitzer des Gegenstandes mit. Wie ein ständiger Staffellauf zwischen dem, was unsere Finger in den Falten des Leders oder der Biegung eines Gestells erkennen, und den Händen, die diese Formen ermöglicht haben. Design ist eine zentrale Größe im Vorher und Nachher, simultaner Übersetzer von Ideen, Handlungen und Gefühlen: nichts was altern könnte, alles einfach nur gelebt.

Une sorte de relais continu entre ce que nos doigts reconnaissent, dans les plis d’une peau ou dans la courbe d’un châssis, et les mains qui ont rendu ces formes possibles. Le design se situe à mi-chemin entre l’avant et l’après, tel un interprète simultané entre la pensée, l’action et le sentiment : rien qui puisse vieillir, tout simplement vécu.

(1.1) T’Center

007 Hands, Tools and Gestures

Fait main Tacchini est un endroit où les mains sont le premier des outils qu’ils ont appris à mettre en valeur et qu’ils continuent à utiliser pour reconnaître la qualité et la valeur des matériaux, pour ensuite les transformer, les coudre et les marier entre eux : procédant selon un rythme de gestes savants d’antan, en refaisant le parcours de l’histoire et de la mémoire tout en l’améliorant à chaque fois. Faire les choses à la main signifie établir un rapport précis entre l’objet et son créateur, une transmission, perceptible et visible, de sensibilité et de respect, qui se révélera aussi à la personne qui possédera cet article fait main. (FR)

(1.0) T’Center

Tacchini’s heritage means to hand down the skills and craftmanship of production, and to bulid strict relationships with the environment in which Tacchini created its family story: the design district of Brianza.

T’16 Made by Hand, Chapter (A)

(1.1) T’Center



Hands, Tools and Gestures

Mani, Strumenti e Gesti

Le mani sono tramite per conoscere: manipolare, afferrare, trasformare, sono le azioni che ci rivelano il miracolo dei sensi e della nostra immaginazione. L’esperienza di un gesto, ripetuto molte volte, e ogni volta con più sapienza e consapevolezza, ci permette di addomesticare un materiale, regalargli nuova forma, e renderlo bello, funzionale, ergonomico, personale: svelando ciò che era già dentro, magari nascosto nelle pieghe di un tessuto, nella durezza di un legno, nella lucentezza di un metallo.

Una forbice, un martellino di gomma, una morsa, ma anche dime, modelli, sagome e stampi: un vasto abaco di attrezzi e supporti a cui le mani attingono per trasformare, tagliare, piegare, i materiali che altre mani avranno ispezionato, verificato e riconosciuto. Quasi delle istantanee segnaletiche, dove la bellezza dell’oggetto e in quello che è in grado di fare e raccontare una volta maneggiato: storie poi tramandate da ognuno dei progetti Tacchini.

(1.1) T’Center

Hands, Tools and Gestures


The hands are a means of knowing: manipulating, grasping and transforming are actions that reveal to us the miracle of the senses and of our imagination. The experience of a gesture, repeated time after time with ever-increasing awareness and skill, enables us to tame a material, giving it a new form, and making it attractive, functional, ergonomic and personal: revealing what was already within it, perhaps hidden in the folds of a fabric, in the hardness of a wood, or in the lustre of a metal.


A pair of scissors, a rubber hammer, a vice, as well as templates, models, patterns and moulds: a vast abacus of equipment and supports on which the hands can draw to transform, cut and fold the materials that the hands have first inspected, checked and recognised. Almost like snapshots, in which the beauty of the object lies in what it is capable of doing and narrating once it has been handled: stories which are then handed down in every single Tacchini design.

(1.1) T’Center

Hände, Werkzeug und Gesten


Die Hände lassen uns erkennen: bearbeiten, festhalten, umformen sind die Handlungen, die uns das Wunder der Sinne und der Fantasie enthüllen. Durch die Erfahrung einer Geste, die vielmals wiederholt wird und jedes Mal an Weisheit und Bewusstsein gewinnt, können wir uns einen Rohstoff gefügig machen, ihm eine neue Form geben und ihn schöner, zweckmäßiger, ergonomischer und persönlicher machen: zeigen, was bereits enthalten war, versteckt vielleicht in den Falten eines Stoffs, in der Härte eines Holzes oder im Glanz eines Metalls.


Schere, kleiner Gummihammer, Zwingen, aber auch Vorlagen, Muster, Schablonen und Formen: die Hände nutzen zahlreiche Werkzeuge und Hilfsmittel, um die Materialien zu formen, zu schneiden und zu biegen, die andere Hände untersucht, geprüft und erkannt haben. Fast wie Momentaufnahmen, die uns die Schönheit eines Gegenstandes zeigen und das, was er machen und erzählen kann, wenn er fertig ist: Geschichten, die von jedem Tacchini-Entwurf an die Zukunft weitergegeben werden.

(1.1) T’Center

Mains, Outils et Gestes


Les mains sont des intermédiaires pour connaître. Manipuler, saisir, transformer, telles sont les actions qui nous révèlent le miracle des sens et de notre imagination. L’expérience d’un geste, répété maintes fois et chaque fois avec davantage de sagesse et de connaissance, nous permet d’apprivoiser un matériau, de lui offrir une nouvelle forme et de le rendre beau, fonctionnel, ergonomique et personnel, en dévoilant ce qu’il contenait déjà, peut-être dissimulé dans les plis d’un tissu, dans la dureté d’un bois, dans le brillant d’un métal.


Un ciseau, un marteau de caoutchouc, un étau, mais aussi des gabarits, des modèles, des patrons et des moules… un vaste gamme d’outils et de supports dans lequel les mains puisent pour transformer, couper et plier les matériaux que d’autres mains auront inspectés, vérifiés et reconnus. On dirait presque des instantanés signalétiques dans lesquels la beauté de l’objet réside dans ce qu’il est en mesure de faire et de raconter après avoir été manipulé : des histoires que transmet ensuite chaque projet Tacchini.

(2.0) T’Catalogue


Tacchini Collection (A – Z)

Discover Tacchini collection of Sofas p.020 — 143, Armchairs p.154 — 253, Ottomans p.254 — 261, Chaises-longues p.262 — 275, Chairs & Stools p.286 — 325, Furnishing Accessories p.326 — 331, High & Low Tables p.342 — 395. Designed by Franco Albini, Pietro Arosio, Barazzuol ⁄ Malisan, Achille + Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, Claesson Koivisto Rune, Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance, Monica Förster, Gianfranco Frattini, Gordon Guillaumier, Lievore Altherr Molina, Luca Nichetto, Patrick Norguet, Pearson Lloyd and Christophe Pillet. (2.1)

T’Catalogue — All Tacchini products from A to Z: Agnese , Atoll , Babela , Baobab , Bianca , Cage , Chill-Out , Compact , Coot , Crystal , Curve , Doodle , Dot , Dressed , Eddy , Fixie , Galleria , Girola , Glide , Happy Hour , Havana , Highlife , Intercity , Ipanema , Isola , Jacket & Jacket Outdoor , Kelly , Kelly (Table) , Labanca , Labanca System , Labanca (Table) , Lima , Mayfair , Millennium Drive , Misura , Montevideo , Monzino , Moon , Nara , Nastro , Nebula , Parentesi , Parentesi Light , Pick-Up , Pisa , Polar … 156
















068, 218, 302




064, 208











T’16 Made by Hand, Chapter (A)












342, 366



186, 286







230, 320






072, 306











Tacchini Collection (A – Z)



… Polar Perch , Polar (Table) , Quadro , Quartier , Quilt , Ruler , Sancarlo , Sesann , Shelter , Slalom & Slalom Outdoor , Sliding , SouthBeach , Spin , Spindle , Split , Stone , T-Chair , Trifoglio , XL . 050








020, 154



(2.0) T’Catalogue

p.020 — 395

















Discover Tacchini collection of (2.1) Sofas p.020 — 143, (2.2) Armchairs p.154 — 253, (2.3) Ottomans p.254 — 261, (2.4) Chaises-longues p.262 — 275, (2.5) Chairs & Stools p.286 — 325, (2.6) Furnishing Accessories p.326 — 331, (2.7) High & Low Tables p.342 — 395. Designed by Franco Albini, Pietro Arosio, Barazzuol⁄Malisan, Achille + Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, Claesson Koivisto Rune, Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance, Monica Förster, Gianfranco Frattini, Gordon Guillaumier, Lievore Altherr Molina, Luca Nichetto, Patrick Norguet, Pearson Lloyd and Christophe Pillet.

T’16 Made by Hand, Chapter (A)

(2.1) Sofas

020 Sesann (Design Classics), designed by Gianfranco Frattini, 1970

Category: Sofa (Armchair p.154) Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2015

Technical Overview: p.405 Read More: p.431


Designed by Gianfranco Frattini, 1970. Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2015. Category: Sofa. Technical Overview on p.405. Read More p.431.




Designed by Gianfranco Frattini, 1970. Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2015. Category: Sofa. Technical Overview on p.405. Read More p.431. On these pages with Agnese (Armchair p.156) by Gianfranco Frattini and Cage (Table p.384) by Gordon Guillaumier.

(2.1) Sofas





Designed by Gianfranco Frattini, 1970. Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2015. Category: Sofa. Technical Overview on p.405. Read More p.431.

(2.1) Sofas




Designed by Gianfranco Frattini, 1970. Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2015. Category: Sofa. Technical Overview on p.405. Read More p.431. On these pages with Shelter (Armchair p.164) by NoĂŠ Duchaufour-Lawrance and Cage (Table p.384) by Gordon Guillaumier.

(2.1) Sofas


(2.1) Sofas

028 Chill-Out, designed by Gordon Guillaumier, 2013

Category: Modular System (Sofa, Armchair, Table, Bench)

Technical Overview: p.397 Read More: p.427


Designed by Gordon Guillaumier, 2013. Category: Modular System (Sofa, Armchair). Technical Overview on p.397. Read More on p.427. On this page with Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.



(2.1) Sofas



Designed by Gordon Guillaumier, 2013. Category: Modular System (Sofa, Armchair). Technical Overview on p.397. Read More on p.427.



(2.1) Sofas



Designed by Gordon Guillaumier, 2013. Category: Modular System (Sofa, Armchair). Technical Overview on p.397. Read More on p.427.




Designed by Gordon Guillaumier, 2013. Category: Modular System (Sofa, Armchair). Technical Overview on p.397. Read More on p.427. On these pages with Monzino (Table p.372) by Franco Albini.

(2.1) Sofas


(2.1) Sofas

036 Galleria, designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2013

Category: Modular System (Bench)

Technical Overview: p.399 Read More: p.427


Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2013. Category: Modular System (Bench). Technical Overview on p.399. Read More on p.427.




Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2013. Category: Modular System (Bench). Technical Overview on p.399. Read More on p.427.

(2.1) Sofas





Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2013. Category: Modular System (Bench). Technical Overview on p.399. Read More on p.427.

(2.1) Sofas




(2.1) Sofas


Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2013. Category: Modular System (Bench). Technical Overview on p.399. Read More on p.427.




Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2013. Category: Modular System (Bench). Technical Overview on p.399. Read More on p.427.

(2.1) Sofas




(2.1) Sofas



Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2013. Category: Modular System (Bench). Technical Overview on p.399. Read More on p.427.




Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2013. Category: Modular System (Bench). Technical Overview on p.399. Read More on p.427.

(2.1) Sofas


(2.1) Sofas


Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2013. Category: Modular System (Sofa). Technical Overview on p.403. Read More on p.430. On right page with Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune. On this page with Polar (Modular System p.078) by Pearson Lloyd.

051 Polar Perch, designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2013

Category: Modular System

Technical Overview: p.403 Read More: p.430

Polar Perch


Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2013. Category: Modular System (Sofa). Technical Overview on p.403. Read More on p.430. On these pages with Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

(2.1) Sofas


Polar Perch

Polar Perch


Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2013. Category: Modular System (Sofa). Technical Overview on p.403. Read More on p.430. On these pages with Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

(2.1) Sofas


(2.1) Sofas



Highlife, designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2011

Categories: Sofa, Armchair

Technical Overview: p.401 Read More: p.428


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2011. Categories: Sofa, Armchair. Technical Overview on p.401. Read More on p.428. On this page with Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.



(2.1) Sofas


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2011. Categories: Sofa, Armchair. Technical Overview on p.401. Read More on p.428. On these pages with Babela (Chair p.290) by Achille + Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, Nastro (Table p.360) by Pietro Arosio and Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.




Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2011. Categories: Sofa, Armchair. Technical Overview on p.401. Read More on p.428. On this page with Ruler (Table p.380) by Gordon Guillaumier and on right page with Babela (Chair p.290) by Achille + Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, Nastro (Table p.360) by Pietro Arosio and Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

(2.1) Sofas





Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2011. Categories: Sofa, Armchair. Technical Overview on p.401. Read More on p.428. On these pages with Ruler (Table p.380) by Gordon Guillaumier.

(2.1) Sofas


(2.1) Sofas


065 Crystal, designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2011

Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2011. Categories: Sofa, Armchair. Technical Overview on p.398. Read More on p.427. On right page with Cage (Table p.384) by Gordon Guillaumier.

Category: Sofa (Armchair p.208)

Technical Overview: p.398 Read More: p.427



(2.1) Sofas



Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2011. Categories: Sofa, Armchair. Technical Overview on p.398. Read More on p.427. On these pages with Sancarlo (Armchair p.216) by Achille Castiglioni and Cage (Table p.384) by Gordon Guillaumier.

(2.1) Sofas



Dressed, designed by Luca Nichetto, 2010

Category: Sofa (Armchair & Ottoman p.218, Chair p.302)

Technical Overview: p.398 Read More: p.427


Designed by Luca Nichetto, 2010. Category: Sofa. Technical Overview on p.398. Read More on p.427. On these pages with Coot (Table p.388) by Gordon Guillaumier. On left page with Quartier (Ottoman p.254) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.




Designed by Luca Nichetto, 2010. Category: Sofa. Technical Overview on p.398. Read More on p.427. On these pages with Coot (Table p.388) by Gordon Guillaumier.

(2.1) Sofas


(2.1) Sofas



Montevideo, designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2008

Categories: Sofa, Armchair (Chair p.306)

Technical Overview: p.403 Read More: p.429 Montevideo

Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2008. Category: Sofa. Technical Overview on p.403. Read More on p.429. On this page with Ruler (Table p.380) by Gordon Guillaumier.




Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2008. Categories: Sofa, Armchair. Technical Overview on p.403. Read More on p.429. On these pages with Ruler (Table p.380) by Gordon Guillaumier and Quartier (Ottoman p.254) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

(2.1) Sofas




(2.1) Sofas



Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2008. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.403. Read More on p.429. On left page with Cage (Table p.384) by Gordon Guillaumier.

(2.1) Sofas

078 Polar, designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2006

Category: Modular System (Sofa, Armchair, Bench – Table p.390)

Technical Overview: p.403 Read More: p.430


Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2006. Category: Modular System (Sofa, Armchair). Technical Overview on p.403. Read More on p.430. On these pages with Polar (Table p.390) by Pearson Lloyd.



Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2006. Category: Modular System (Sofa, Armchair). Technical Overview on p.403. Read More on p.430. On these pages with Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

(2.1) Sofas





Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2006. Category: Modular System (Sofa). Technical Overview on p.403. Read More on p.430. On these pages with Polar (Table p.390) by Pearson Lloyd.

(2.1) Sofas




(2.1) Sofas



Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2006. Category: Modular System (Bench, Armchair). Technical Overview on p.403. Read More on p.430. On left page with Polar (Table p.390) by Pearson Lloyd and on this page with Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

(2.1) Sofas


Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2007. Category: Sofa. Technical Overview on p.404. Read More on p.431. On this page with Cage (Table p.384) and on right page with Ruler (Table p.380) by Gordon Guillaumier.

087 Quilt, designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2007

Categories: Sofa, Armchair, Ottoman

Technical Overview: p.404 Read More: p.431




Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2007. Category: Sofa. Technical Overview on p.404. Read More on p.431. On these pages with Isola (Armchair p.204) by Claesson Koivisto Rune and Ruler (Table p.380) by Gordon Guillaumier.

(2.1) Sofas




Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2007. Category: Sofa. Technical Overview on p.404. Read More on p.431. On these pages with Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

(2.1) Sofas


(2.1) Sofas

092 Labanca & Labanca System, designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2004â „2008

Categories: Sofa, Armchair, Bench

Technical Overview: p.402 Read More: p.429

093 Designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2004. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.402. Read More on p.429. On left page with Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.



(2.1) Sofas

095 Designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2004. Category: Sofa. Technical Overview on p.402. Read More on p.429. On these pages with Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

Labanca System


(2.1) Sofas

Labanca System


Designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2008. Category: Sofa. Technical Overview on p.402. Read More on p.429.

(2.1) Sofas


099 Lima, designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2012


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2012. Categories: Armchair, Ottoman. Technical Overview on p.402. Read More on p.429. On this page with Ruler (Table p.380) by Gordon Guillaumier.

Categories: Sofa, Armchair, Ottoman

Technical Overview: p.402 Read More: p.429



(2.1) Sofas


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2012. Categories: Sofa, Armchair. Technical Overview on p.402. Read More on p.429. On these pages with Monzino (Table p.372) by Franco Albini.


102 Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2012. Categories: Armchair, Ottoman. Technical Overview on p.402. Read More on p.429.

(2.1) Sofas


(2.1) Sofas



Quadro, designed by Pietro Arosio, 2001

Category: Modular System (Sofa, Armchair, Ottoman)

Technical Overview: p.404 Read More: p.430


Designed by Pietro Arosio, 2001. Category: Modular System (Sofa, Ottoman). Technical Overview on p.404. Read More on p.430. On left page with Labanca (Table p.394) by Lievore Altherr Molina.



(2.1) Sofas



Designed by Pietro Arosio, 2001. Category: Modular System (Sofa). Technical Overview on p.404. Read More on p.430. On these pages with Glide (Armchair p.242) by Monica Fรถrster.




Designed by Pietro Arosio, 2001. Category: Modular System (Sofa, Ottoman). Technical Overview on p.404. Read More on p.430. On these pages with Polar (Table p.390) by Pearson Lloyd.

(2.1) Sofas


(2.1) Sofas


Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2009. Category: Modular System (Sofa, Table). Technical Overview on p.406. Read More on p.431.

111 Stone, designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2009

Category: Modular System (Sofa, Table)

Technical Overview: p.406 Read More: p.431



(2.1) Sofas


Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2009. Category: Modular System (Sofa, Table). Technical Overview on p.406. Read More on p.431.




Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2009. Category: Modular System (Sofa). Technical Overview on p.406. Read More on p.431.

(2.1) Sofas



116 Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2009. Category: Modular System (Sofa, Table). Technical Overview on p.406. Read More on p.431.

(2.1) Sofas





Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2009. Category: Modular System (Sofa). Technical Overview on p.406. Read More on p.431. On right page with Polar (Table p.390) by Pearson Lloyd.

(2.1) Sofas


(2.1) Sofas


Designed by Pietro Arosio, 1999. Category: Modular System (Sofa, Bench). Technical Overview on p.401. Read More on p.428.

121 Intercity, designed by Pietro Arosio, 1999

Category: Modular System (Sofa, Table, Bench)

Technical Overview: p.401 Read More: p.428



(2.1) Sofas


Designed by Pietro Arosio, 1999. Category: Modular System (Bench). Technical Overview on p.401. Read More on p.428.




Designed by Pietro Arosio, 1999. Category: Modular System (Sofa). Technical Overview on p.401. Read More on p.428.

(2.1) Sofas


(2.1) Sofas

126 Havana, designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2005

Categories: Sofa, Sofa Bed, Armchair, Ottoman

Technical Overview: p.400 Read More: p.428


Designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2005. Categories: Sofa, Sofa Bed. Technical Overview on p.400. Read More on p.428.



(2.1) Sofas



Designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2005. Categories: Sofa, Sofa Bed. Technical Overview on p.400. Read More on p.428.



(2.1) Sofas



Designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2005. Categories: Sofa, Sofa Bed. Technical Overview on p.400. Read More on p.428.

(2.1) Sofas

132 Sliding, designed by Pietro Arosio, 2000

Categories: Sofa, Sofa Bed

Technical Overview: p.405 Read More: p.431

133 Designed by Pietro Arosio, 2000. Categories: Sofa, Sofa Bed. Technical Overview on p.405. Read More on p.431.



(2.1) Sofas



Designed by Pietro Arosio, 2000. Categories: Sofa, Sofa Bed. Technical Overview on p.405. Read More on p.431.

(2.1) Sofas



Millennium Drive, designed by Christophe Pillet, 2008

Category: Sofa

Technical Overview: p.403 Read More: p.429 Millennium Drive

Designed by Christophe Pillet, 2008. Category: Sofa. Technical Overview on p.403. Read More on p.429.

Millennium Drive


(2.1) Sofas

139 Designed by Christophe Pillet, 2008. Category: Sofa. Technical Overview on p.403. Read More on p.429. On these pages with Glide (Armchair p.242) by Monica Fรถrster.

(2.1) Sofas


141 Happy Hour, designed by Pietro Arosio, 2003

Category: Sofa Happy Hour

Designed by Pietro Arosio, 2003. Category: Sofa. Technical Overview on p.400. Read More on p.428.

Technical Overview: p.400 Read More: p.428

Happy Hour

Happy Hour


Designed by Pietro Arosio, 2003. Categories: Sofa. Technical Overview on p.400. Read More on p.428. On these pages with Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

(2.1) Sofas



A Traveller’s Handbook Featuring Pisa by Claesson Koivisto Rune

T’Curation (A)


After getting a bachelor’s degree in Architecture in Udine, Marina Rosso moved to Berlin to attend the photo school Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie und Gestaltung, followed by a two year residency at Fabrica, the visual communication research center. During this period she collaborated as researcher for Colors Magazine and as photo editor for several editorial projects; her work has been reviewed worldwide and exhibited in Turin, Milan, Rome and New York.

Featuring Pisa, designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2015

T’Curation (A)

Marina Rosso

Dopo la laurea in Architettura a Udine, Marina Rosso si è trasferita a Berlino dove ha frequentato la scuola di fotografia Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie und Gestaltung. Successivamente ha trascorso due anni a Fabrica, centro di ricerca sulla comunicazione visiva. Durante questo periodo ha collaborato come ricercatrice per la rivista Colors e come photo editor per numerosi progetti editoriali. La sua opera è stata recensita a livello internazionale con esposizioni a Torino, Milano, Roma e New York.


T’Curation (A)

A Traveller’s Handbook Featuring Pisa by Claesson Koivisto Rune


(A) A Traveller’s Handbook

After getting a bachelor’s degree in Architecture in Udine, Marina Rosso moved to Berlin to attend the photo school Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie und Gestaltung, followed by a two year residency at Fabrica, the visual communication research center. During this period she collaborated as researcher for Colors Magazine and as photo editor for several editorial projects; her work has been reviewed worldwide and exhibited in Turin, Milan, Rome and New York.

Featuring Pisa, designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2015

T’Curation (A)

Marina Rosso

Dopo la laurea in Architettura a Udine, Marina Rosso si è trasferita a Berlino dove ha frequentato la scuola di fotografia Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie und Gestaltung. Successivamente ha trascorso due anni a Fabrica, centro di ricerca sulla comunicazione visiva. Durante questo periodo ha collaborato come ricercatrice per la rivista Colors e come photo editor per numerosi progetti editoriali. La sua opera è stata recensita a livello internazionale con esposizioni a Torino, Milano, Roma e New York.


T’Curation (A)

A Traveller’s Handbook Featuring Pisa by Claesson Koivisto Rune


(A) A Traveller’s Handbook

After getting a bachelor’s degree in Architecture in Udine, Marina Rosso moved to Berlin to attend the photo school Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie und Gestaltung, followed by a two year residency at Fabrica, the visual communication research center. During this period she collaborated as researcher for Colors Magazine and as photo editor for several editorial projects; her work has been reviewed worldwide and exhibited in Turin, Milan, Rome and New York.

Featuring Pisa, designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2015

T’Curation (A)

Marina Rosso

Dopo la laurea in Architettura a Udine, Marina Rosso si è trasferita a Berlino dove ha frequentato la scuola di fotografia Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie und Gestaltung. Successivamente ha trascorso due anni a Fabrica, centro di ricerca sulla comunicazione visiva. Durante questo periodo ha collaborato come ricercatrice per la rivista Colors e come photo editor per numerosi progetti editoriali. La sua opera è stata recensita a livello internazionale con esposizioni a Torino, Milano, Roma e New York.


T’Curation (A)

A Traveller’s Handbook Featuring Pisa by Claesson Koivisto Rune


(A) A Traveller’s Handbook

After getting a bachelor’s degree in Architecture in Udine, Marina Rosso moved to Berlin to attend the photo school Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie und Gestaltung, followed by a two year residency at Fabrica, the visual communication research center. During this period she collaborated as researcher for Colors Magazine and as photo editor for several editorial projects; her work has been reviewed worldwide and exhibited in Turin, Milan, Rome and New York.

Featuring Pisa, designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2015

T’Curation (A)

Marina Rosso

Dopo la laurea in Architettura a Udine, Marina Rosso si è trasferita a Berlino dove ha frequentato la scuola di fotografia Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie und Gestaltung. Successivamente ha trascorso due anni a Fabrica, centro di ricerca sulla comunicazione visiva. Durante questo periodo ha collaborato come ricercatrice per la rivista Colors e come photo editor per numerosi progetti editoriali. La sua opera è stata recensita a livello internazionale con esposizioni a Torino, Milano, Roma e New York.

T’Curation (A)


T’Curation (A)

A Traveller’s Handbook Featuring Pisa by Claesson Koivisto Rune


(A) A Traveller’s Handbook

After getting a bachelor’s degree in Architecture in Udine, Marina Rosso moved to Berlin to attend the photo school Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie und Gestaltung, followed by a two year residency at Fabrica, the visual communication research center. During this period she collaborated as researcher for Colors Magazine and as photo editor for several editorial projects; her work has been reviewed worldwide and exhibited in Turin, Milan, Rome and New York. Marina Rosso

Dopo la laurea in Architettura a Udine, Marina Rosso si è trasferita a Berlino dove ha frequentato la scuola di fotografia Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie und Gestaltung. Successivamente ha trascorso due anni a Fabrica, centro di ricerca sulla comunicazione visiva. Durante questo periodo ha collaborato come ricercatrice per la rivista Colors e come photo editor per numerosi progetti editoriali. La sua opera è stata recensita a livello internazionale con esposizioni a Torino, Milano, Roma e New York.

(2.2) Armchairs

154 Sesann (Design Classics), designed by Gianfranco Frattini, 1970

Category: Armchair (Sofa p.020) Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2015

Technical Overview: p.413 Read More: p.431


Designed by Gianfranco Frattini, 1970. Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2015. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.413. Read More on p.431. On this page with Cage (Table p.384) by Gordon Guillaumier.

(2.2) Armchairs

156 Agnese (Design Classics), designed by Gianfranco Frattini, 1956

Categories: Armchair, Ottoman Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2014

Technical Overview: p.407 Read More: p.432


Designed by Gianfranco Frattini, 1956. Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2014. Category: Armchair, Ottoman. Technical Overview on p.407. Read More on p.432.



Designed by Gianfranco Frattini, 1956. Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2014. Category: Armchair, Ottoman. Technical Overview on p.407. Read More on p.432.

(2.2) Armchairs




Designed by Gianfranco Frattini, 1956. Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2014. Category: Armchair, Ottoman. Technical Overview on p.407. Read More on p.432.

(2.2) Armchairs





Designed by Gianfranco Frattini, 1956. Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2014. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.407. Read More on p.432. On these pages with Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

(2.2) Armchairs


(2.2) Armchairs



Shelter, designed by NoĂŠ Duchaufour-Lawrance, 2014

Categories: Armchair, Ottoman

Technical Overview: p.413 Read More: p.436 Shelter

Designed by NoĂŠ Duchaufour-Lawrance, 2014. Categories: Armchair, Ottoman. Technical Overview on p.413. Read More on p.436.



(2.2) Armchairs


Designed by NoĂŠ Duchaufour-Lawrance, 2014. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.413. Read More on p.436. On these pages with Cage (Table p.384) by Gordon Guillaumier.



(2.2) Armchairs



Designed by NoĂŠ Duchaufour-Lawrance, 2014. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.413. Read More on p.436.




Designed by NoĂŠ Duchaufour-Lawrance, 2014. Categories: Armchair, Ottoman. Technical Overview on p.413. Read More on p.436.

(2.2) Armchairs


(2.2) Armchairs

172 Pisa, designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2015

Category: Armchair

Technical Overview: p.412 Read More: p.436


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2015. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.412. Read More on p.436. On this page with Ruler (Table p.380) by Gordon Guillaumier.



(2.2) Armchairs


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2015. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.412. Read More on p.436.




Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2015. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.412. Read More on p.436.

(2.2) Armchairs





Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2015. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.412. Read More on p.436.

(2.2) Armchairs


(2.2) Armchairs

180 Dot, designed by Patrick Norguet, 2015

Category: Armchair

Technical Overview: p.408 Read More: p.433


Designed by Patrick Norguet, 2015. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.408. Read More on p.433. On this page with Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.




Designed by Patrick Norguet, 2015. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.408. Read More on p.433.

(2.2) Armchairs




(2.2) Armchairs



Designed by Patrick Norguet, 2015. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.408. Read More on p.433. On left page with Monzino (Table p.372) by Franco Albini.

(2.2) Armchairs


187 Kelly E⁄H⁄L+F, designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2013

Kelly L

Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2013. Category: Chaise-longue. Technical Overview on p.411. Read More on p.435. On right page with Split(Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

Categories: Armchair, Chaise-longue, Foot-stool

Technical Overview: p.411 Read More: p.435

Kelly E⁄H⁄L+F

Kelly E⁄H


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2013. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.411. Read More on p.435. On these pages with Ruler (Table p.380) by Gordon Guillaumier.

(2.2) Armchairs


Kelly Eâ „Hâ „L+F

Kelly E


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2013. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.411. Read More on p.435.

(2.2) Armchairs

Kelly L


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2013. Category: Chaise-longue. Technical Overview on p.411. Read More on p.435.

(2.2) Armchairs


Designed by Franco Albini, 1939. Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2012. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.407. Read More on p.432. On this page with Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune and on right page with Ruler (Table p.380) by Gordon Guillaumier.

193 Bianca (Design Classics), designed by Franco Albini, 1939

Category: Armchair Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2012

Technical Overview: p.407 Read More: p.432


194 Designed by Franco Albini, 1939. Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2012. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.407. Read More on p.432. On these pages with Monzino (Table p.372) by Franco Albini.

(2.2) Armchairs


(2.2) Armchairs


Designed by Patrick Norguet, 2012. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.410. Read More on p.434. On right page with Ruler (Table p.380) by Gordon Guillaumier.

197 Jacket & Jacket Outdoor, designed by Patrick Norguet, 2012â „2013

Category: Armchair

Technical Overview: p.410 Read More: p.434


198 Designed by Patrick Norguet, 2012. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.410. Read More on p.434. On these pages with Ruler (Table p.380) by Gordon Guillaumier.

(2.2) Armchairs


Jacket Outdoor


(2.2) Armchairs

Jacket Outdoor


Designed by Patrick Norguet, 2013. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.410. Read More on p.434.

Jacket Outdoor

Jacket Outdoor


Designed by Patrick Norguet, 2013. Category: Armchair, Ottoman. Technical Overview on p.410. Read More on p.434. On these pages with Trio (Table) by Patrick Norguet.

(2.2) Armchairs


(2.2) Armchairs


205 Isola, designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2012

Category: Armchair Isola

Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2012. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.410. Read More on p.434. On right page with Ruler (Table p.380) by Gordon Guillaumier.

Technical Overview: p.410 Read More: p.434


206 Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2012. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.410. Read More on p.434. On these pages with Cage (Table p.384) by Gordon Guillaumier.

(2.2) Armchairs


(2.2) Armchairs

208 Crystal, designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2011

Category: Armchair (Sofa p.064)

Technical Overview: p.408 Read More: p.433

209 Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2011. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.408. Read More on p.433.




Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2011. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.408. Read More on p.433. On these pages with Cage (Table p.384) by Gordon Guillaumier.

(2.2) Armchairs


(2.2) Armchairs



Curve, designed by Gordon Guillaumier, 2010

Category: Armchair

Technical Overview: p.408 Read More: p.433 Curve

Designed by Gordon Guillaumier, 2010. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.408. Read More on p.433.



(2.2) Armchairs



Designed by Gordon Guillaumier, 2010. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.408. Read More on p.433.

(2.2) Armchairs


Designed by Achille Castiglioni, 1982. Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2010. Categories: Armchair, Sofa. Technical Overview on p.412. Read More on p.436. On these page with Ruler (Table p.380) by Gordon Guillaumier and Quartier (Ottoman p.254) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

217 Sancarlo (Design Classics), designed by Achille Castiglioni, 1982

Categories: Armchair, Sofa Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2010

Technical Overview: p.412 Read More: p.436

(2.2) Armchairs


Designed by Luca Nichetto, 2010. Categories: Armchair, Ottoman. Technical Overview on p.409. Read More on p.433.

219 Dressed, designed by Luca Nichetto, 2010

Categories: Armchair, Ottoman (Sofa p.068, Chair p.302)

Technical Overview: p.409 Read More: p.433

(2.2) Armchairs

220 Baobab, designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2005

Category: Armchair

Technical Overview: p.407 Read More: p.432


Designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2005. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.407. Read More on p.432. On this page with Coot (Table p.388) by Gordon Guillaumier.



(2.2) Armchairs



Designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2005. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.407. Read More on p.432. On these pages with Cage (Table p.384) by Gordon Guillaumier.

(2.2) Armchairs

224 Designed by Pietro Arosio, 2009. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.409. Read More on p.434.

225 Ipanema, designed by Pietro Arosio, 2009

Categories: Armchair, Sofa

Technical Overview: p.409 Read More: p.434

(2.2) Armchairs

226 Girola, designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2004

Category: Armchair

Technical Overview: p.409 Read More: p.434


Designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2004. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.409. Read More on p.434.

(2.2) Armchairs


229 Compact, designed by Pietro Arosio, 1999

Categories: Armchair, Sofa Compact

Designed by Pietro Arosio, 1999. Categories: Armchair, Sofa. Technical Overview on p.407. Read More on p.433.

Technical Overview: p.407 Read More: p.433

(2.2) Armchairs

230 Mayfair, designed by Christophe Pillet, 2008

Categories: Armchair, Sofa (Chair p.320)

Technical Overview: p.411 Read More: p.435


Designed by Christophe Pillet, 2008. Categories: Armchair, Sofa. Technical Overview on p.411. Read More on p.435.




Designed by Christophe Pillet, 2008. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.411. Read More on p.435. On these pages with Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

(2.2) Armchairs


(2.2) Armchairs

234 Moon, designed by Pietro Arosio, 2002

Category: Armchair

Technical Overview: p.412 Read More: p.436

235 Designed by Pietro Arosio, 2002. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.412. Read More on p.436.




Designed by Pietro Arosio, 2002. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.412. Read More on p.436.

(2.2) Armchairs


(2.2) Armchairs


239 Misura S⁄M⁄L⁄XL, designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2007

Misura M

Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2007. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.411. Read More on p.435. On right page with Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

Categories: Armchair, Sofa, Sofa Bed

Technical Overview: p.411 Read More: p.435



(2.2) Armchairs


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2007. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.411. Read More on p.435.

(2.2) Armchairs


243 Glide, designed by Monica Fรถrster, 2006

Category: Armchair Glide

Designed by Monica Fรถrster, 2006. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.409. Read More on p.434.

Technical Overview: p.409 Read More: p.434




Designed by Monica Fรถrster, 2006. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.409. Read More on p.434. On these pages with Cage (Table p.384) by Gordon Guillaumier.

(2.2) Armchairs


(2.2) Armchairs


247 XL, designed by Pietro Arosio, 2000

Category: Armchair XL

Designed by Pietro Arosio, 2000. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.414. Read More on p.437.

Technical Overview: p.414 Read More: p.437

(2.2) Armchairs

248 Parentesi, designed by Pietro Arosio, 1997

Categories: Armchair, Sofa

Technical Overview: p.412 Read More: p.436

249 Designed by Pietro Arosio, 1997. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.412. Read More on p.436.

(2.2) Armchairs


251 SouthBeach, designed by Christophe Pillet, 2006

Category: Armchair SouthBeach

Designed by Christophe Pillet, 2006. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.414. Read More on p.437.

Technical Overview: p.414 Read More: p.437




Designed by Christophe Pillet, 2006. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.414. Read More on p.437. On these pages with Polar (Table p.390) by Pearson Lloyd.

(2.2) Armchairs


(2.3) Ottomans


255 Quartier, designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2010

Category: Ottoman Quartier

Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2010. Category: Ottoman. Technical Overview on p.414. Read More on p.437.

Technical Overview: p.414 Read More: p.437



(2.3) Ottomans



Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2010. Category: Ottoman. Technical Overview on p.414. Read More on p.437. On these pages with Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

(2.3) Ottomans

258 Spin, designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2010

Category: Ottoman

Technical Overview: p.414 Read More: p.437


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2010. Category: Ottoman. Technical Overview on p.414. Read More on p.437.

(2.3) Ottomans

260 Designed by Pietro Arosio, 2002. Category: Ottoman. Technical Overview on p.415. Read More on p.438.

261 Trifoglio, designed by Pietro Arosio, 2002

Category: Ottoman

Technical Overview: p.415 Read More: p.438

(2.4) Chaises-longues

262 Atoll, designed by Patrick Norguet, 2014

Category: Chaise-longue

Technical Overview: p.415 Read More: p.438


Designed by Patrick Norguet, 2014. Category: Chaise-longue. Technical Overview on p.415. Read More on p.438. On this page with Ruler (Table p.380) by Gordon Guillaumier.



(2.4) Chaises-longues



Designed by Patrick Norguet, 2014. Category: Chaise-longue. Technical Overview on p.415. Read More on p.438. On these pages with Ruler (Table, p.380) by Gordon Guillaumier.



(2.4) Chaises-longues


Designed by Patrick Norguet, 2014. Category: Chaise-longue. Technical Overview on p.415. Read More on p.438. On these pages with Ruler (Table, p.380) by Gordon Guillaumier and Nebula (Furnishing Accessory p.326) by Pearson Lloyd.

(2.4) Chaises-longues


269 Pick-Up, designed by Pietro Arosio, 1999

Category: Chaise-longue Pick-Up

Designed by Pietro Arosio, 1999. Category: Chaise-longue. Technical Overview on p.415. Read More on p.438.

Technical Overview: p.415 Read More: p.438



(2.4) Chaises-longues



Designed by Pietro Arosio, 1999. Category: Chaise-longue. Technical Overview on p.415. Read More on p.438. On these pages with Coot (Table p.388) by Gordon Guillaumier.

(2.4) Chaises-longues

272 Slalom & Slalom Outdoor, designed by Pietro Arosio, 2002â „2003

Category: Chaise-longue

Technical Overview: p.415 Read More: p.438


Designed by Pietro Arosio, 2002. Category: Chaise-longue. Technical Overview on p.415. Read More on p.438.

Slalom & Slalom Outdoor

Slalom & Slalom Outdoor


Designed by Pietro Arosio, 2002â „2003. Category: Chaise-longue. Technical Overview on p.415. Read More on p.438.

(2.4) Chaises-longues


T’Curation (B)


Tacchini in the Making 8 sketches by Karin Söderquist on recycled paper, 17,5×21 cm, featuring Tacchini products p.277 — 284. With, in order of appearance: Dot by Patrick Norguet, Babela by Achille + Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, Ruler by Gordon Guillaumier, Polar Perch by Pearson Lloyd, Doodle and Pisa by Claesson Koivisto Rune, Sesann by Gianfranco Frattini and Kelly by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

T’Curation (B)

Karin Söderquist is an illustrator and designer based in Stockholm. She graduated from Camberwell College of Arts in 2011 with a BA in illustration. Since graduating Karin has worked mainly on editorial commissions but also on projects including food illustration, advertising and packaging design as well as showing her work in several exhibitions. Her work is a playful mix of digital and hand drawn illustration.

Karin Söderquist

Made by Hand


Karin Söderquist è un’illustratrice e designer di Stoccolma. Nel 2011 ha ultimato il suo percorso al Camberwell College of Arts, conseguendo la laurea in Illustrazione. Successivamente Karin ha lavorato soprattutto su commissioni editoriali ma anche a progetti di illustrazione pubblicitaria per prodotti alimentari e packaging design, oltre ad aver esposto la sua opera in numerose mostre. Il suo lavoro è un mix giocoso di illustrazioni digitali e disegno a mano libera.

T’Curation (B)


Tacchini in the Making 8 sketches by Karin Söderquist on recycled paper, 17,5×21 cm, featuring Tacchini products p.277 — 284. With, in order of appearance: Dot by Patrick Norguet, Babela by Achille + Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, Ruler by Gordon Guillaumier, Polar Perch by Pearson Lloyd, Doodle and Pisa by Claesson Koivisto Rune, Sesann by Gianfranco Frattini and Kelly by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

T’Curation (B)

Karin Söderquist is an illustrator and designer based in Stockholm. She graduated from Camberwell College of Arts in 2011 with a BA in illustration. Since graduating Karin has worked mainly on editorial commissions but also on projects including food illustration, advertising and packaging design as well as showing her work in several exhibitions. Her work is a playful mix of digital and hand drawn illustration.

Karin Söderquist

Made by Hand


Karin Söderquist è un’illustratrice e designer di Stoccolma. Nel 2011 ha ultimato il suo percorso al Camberwell College of Arts, conseguendo la laurea in Illustrazione. Successivamente Karin ha lavorato soprattutto su commissioni editoriali ma anche a progetti di illustrazione pubblicitaria per prodotti alimentari e packaging design, oltre ad aver esposto la sua opera in numerose mostre. Il suo lavoro è un mix giocoso di illustrazioni digitali e disegno a mano libera.

T’Curation (B)


Tacchini in the Making 8 sketches by Karin Söderquist on recycled paper, 17,5×21 cm, featuring Tacchini products p.277 — 284. With, in order of appearance: Dot by Patrick Norguet, Babela by Achille + Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, Ruler by Gordon Guillaumier, Polar Perch by Pearson Lloyd, Doodle and Pisa by Claesson Koivisto Rune, Sesann by Gianfranco Frattini and Kelly by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

T’Curation (B)

Karin Söderquist is an illustrator and designer based in Stockholm. She graduated from Camberwell College of Arts in 2011 with a BA in illustration. Since graduating Karin has worked mainly on editorial commissions but also on projects including food illustration, advertising and packaging design as well as showing her work in several exhibitions. Her work is a playful mix of digital and hand drawn illustration.

Karin Söderquist

Made by Hand


Karin Söderquist è un’illustratrice e designer di Stoccolma. Nel 2011 ha ultimato il suo percorso al Camberwell College of Arts, conseguendo la laurea in Illustrazione. Successivamente Karin ha lavorato soprattutto su commissioni editoriali ma anche a progetti di illustrazione pubblicitaria per prodotti alimentari e packaging design, oltre ad aver esposto la sua opera in numerose mostre. Il suo lavoro è un mix giocoso di illustrazioni digitali e disegno a mano libera.

T’Curation (B)


Tacchini in the Making 8 sketches by Karin Söderquist on recycled paper, 17,5×21 cm, featuring Tacchini products p.277 — 284. With, in order of appearance: Dot by Patrick Norguet, Babela by Achille + Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, Ruler by Gordon Guillaumier, Polar Perch by Pearson Lloyd, Doodle and Pisa by Claesson Koivisto Rune, Sesann by Gianfranco Frattini and Kelly by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

T’Curation (B)

Karin Söderquist is an illustrator and designer based in Stockholm. She graduated from Camberwell College of Arts in 2011 with a BA in illustration. Since graduating Karin has worked mainly on editorial commissions but also on projects including food illustration, advertising and packaging design as well as showing her work in several exhibitions. Her work is a playful mix of digital and hand drawn illustration.

Karin Söderquist

Made by Hand


Karin Söderquist è un’illustratrice e designer di Stoccolma. Nel 2011 ha ultimato il suo percorso al Camberwell College of Arts, conseguendo la laurea in Illustrazione. Successivamente Karin ha lavorato soprattutto su commissioni editoriali ma anche a progetti di illustrazione pubblicitaria per prodotti alimentari e packaging design, oltre ad aver esposto la sua opera in numerose mostre. Il suo lavoro è un mix giocoso di illustrazioni digitali e disegno a mano libera.

T’Curation (B)


Tacchini in the Making 8 sketches by Karin Söderquist on recycled paper, 17,5×21 cm, featuring Tacchini products p.277 — 284. With, in order of appearance: Dot by Patrick Norguet, Babela by Achille + Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, Ruler by Gordon Guillaumier, Polar Perch by Pearson Lloyd, Doodle and Pisa by Claesson Koivisto Rune, Sesann by Gianfranco Frattini and Kelly by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

T’Curation (B)

Karin Söderquist is an illustrator and designer based in Stockholm. She graduated from Camberwell College of Arts in 2011 with a BA in illustration. Since graduating Karin has worked mainly on editorial commissions but also on projects including food illustration, advertising and packaging design as well as showing her work in several exhibitions. Her work is a playful mix of digital and hand drawn illustration.

Karin Söderquist

Made by Hand


Karin Söderquist è un’illustratrice e designer di Stoccolma. Nel 2011 ha ultimato il suo percorso al Camberwell College of Arts, conseguendo la laurea in Illustrazione. Successivamente Karin ha lavorato soprattutto su commissioni editoriali ma anche a progetti di illustrazione pubblicitaria per prodotti alimentari e packaging design, oltre ad aver esposto la sua opera in numerose mostre. Il suo lavoro è un mix giocoso di illustrazioni digitali e disegno a mano libera.

(2.5) Chairs & Stools

286 Kelly C⁄S⁄P, designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2014

Category: Chair, Stool, Ottoman

Technical Overview: p.417 Read More: p.440


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2014. Category: Chair. Technical Overview on p.417. Read More on p.440. On these pages with Kelly T (Table p.342) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

Kelly C⁄S⁄P


(2.5) Chairs & Stools

Kelly C


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2014. Category: Chair. Technical Overview on p.417. Read More on p.440.

(2.5) Chairs & Stools



Babela (Design Classics), designed by Achille + Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, 1958

Category: Chair Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2010

Technical Overview: p.416 Read More: p.438


Designed by Achille + Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, 1958. Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2010. Category: Chair. Technical Overview on p.416. Read More on p.438. On left page with Nastro (Table p.360) by Pietro Arosio.



(2.5) Chairs & Stools



Designed by Achille + Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, 1958. Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2010. Category: Chair. Technical Overview on p.416. Read More on p.438. On these pages with Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

(2.5) Chairs & Stools

294 T-Chair, designed by Barazzuolâ „Malisan, 2011

Category: Chair

Technical Overview: p.419 Read More: p.441


Designed by Barazzuolâ „Malisan, 2011. Category: Chair. Technical Overview on p.419. Read More on p.441.



(2.5) Chairs & Stools



Designed by Barazzuolâ „Malisan, 2011. Category: Chair. Technical Overview on p.419. Read More on p.441.

(2.5) Chairs & Stools

298 Fixie designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2011

Category: Stool

Technical Overview: p.417 Read More: p.440

299 Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2011. Category: Stool. Technical Overview on p.417. Read More on p.440.




Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2011. Category: Stool. Technical Overview on p.417. Read More on p.440.

(2.5) Chairs & Stools


(2.5) Chairs & Stools

302 Dressed, designed by Luca Nichetto, 2012

Category: Chair (Sofa p.068, Armchair & Ottoman p.218)

Technical Overview: p.416 Read More: p.439

303 Designed by Luca Nichetto, 2012. Category: Chair. Technical Overview on p.416. Read More on p.439.



(2.5) Chairs & Stools



Designed by Luca Nichetto, 2012. Category: Chair. Technical Overview on p.416. Read More on p.439. On these pages with Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

(2.5) Chairs & Stools

306 Montevideo, designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2008

Category: Chair (Sofa, Armchair p.072)

Technical Overview: p.418 Read More: p.440


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2008. Category: Chair. Technical Overview on p.418. Read More on p.440. On these pages with Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.




Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2008. Category: Chair. Technical Overview on p.418. Read More on p.440. On these pages with Split (Table p.376) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

(2.5) Chairs & Stools


(2.5) Chairs & Stools


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2008. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.416. Read More on p.439.

311 Doodle, designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2008

Category: Chair, Armchair, Stool

Technical Overview: p.416 Read More: p.439



(2.5) Chairs & Stools


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2008. Category: Armchair. Technical Overview on p.416. Read More on p.439.




Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2008. Categories: Chair, Armchair. Technical Overview on p.416. Read More on p.439.

(2.5) Chairs & Stools





Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2008. Category: Armchair (Lounge). Technical Overview on p.416. Read More on p.439.

(2.5) Chairs & Stools



Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2008. Category: Stool. Technical Overview on p.416. Read More on p.439.

(2.5) Chairs & Stools


319 Eddy, designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2010

Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2010. Category: Chair. Technical Overview on p.417. Read More on p.439.

Category: Chair

Technical Overview: p.417 Read More: p.439

(2.5) Chairs & Stools

320 Mayfair, designed by Christophe Pillet, 2008

Category: Chair (Sofa, Armchair p.230)

Technical Overview: p.418 Read More: p.440


Designed by Christophe Pillet, 2008. Category: Chair. Technical Overview on p.418. Read More on p.440.

(2.5) Chairs & Stools



Parentesi Light, designed by Pietro Arosio, 2000

Category: Chair

Technical Overview: p.418 Read More: p.441 Parentesi Light

Designed by Pietro Arosio, 2000. Category: Chair. Technical Overview on p.418. Read More on p.441.

Parentesi Light

Parentesi Light


Designed by Pietro Arosio, 2000. Category: Chair. Technical Overview on p.418. Read More on p.441. On these pages with Nastro (Table p.360) by Pietro Arosio.

(2.5) Chairs & Stools


(2.6) Furnishing Accessories

326 Nebula, designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2015

Category: Furnishing Accessory

Technical Overview: p.419 Read More: p.441



Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2015. Category: Furnishing Accessory. Technical Overview on p.419. Read More on p.441. On this page with Kelly E (Armchair p.186) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.




Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2015. Category: Furnishing Accessory. Technical Overview on p.419. Read More on p.441. On these pages with Agnese (Armchair p.156) by Gianfranco Frattini.

(2.6) Furnishing Accessories




(2.6) Furnishing Accessories



Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2015. Category: Furnishing Accessories. Technical Overview on p.419. Read More on p.441.

T’Curation (C)


Hand Notes ‘The pictures included in this envelope’ is Andrea Ferrari’s first major publication. The work is a visual investigation of a series of objects, photographs and memorabilia found in the house of an unknown Milanese chemist. The collection and the biographical notes of Giulia C., the enigmatic figure at the origin of this work, allow Andrea Ferrari to ponder the topic of a visual alphabet.

Made by Hand

(C) Hand Notes


(C) Hand Notes



(C) Hand Notes



(C) Hand Notes



(C) Hand Notes


T’Curation (C)


Andrea Ferrari (born 1970) lives in Milan, where he graduated in philosophy. He is a self–taught photographer and has an impressive career in publishing and design photography. This backgroung let him to develop several strands in his visual research, through a multidisciplinary approach.

Andrea Ferrari

Andrea Ferrari (nato nel 1970) vive a Milano, dove si è laureato in filosofia. È un fotografo autodidatta e vanta una carriera di prim’ordine nell’editoria e nella fotografia di design. Questo background gli permette di sviluppare diversi filoni nella sua ricerca visiva, attraverso una approccio multidisciplinare.

(2.7) High & Low Tables

342 Kelly T, designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2014

Category: High Table

Technical Overview: p.421 Read More: p.442


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2014. Category: High Table. Technical Overview on p.421. Read More on p.442.

Kelly T

344 Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2014. Category: High Table. Technical Overview on p.421. Read More on p.442. On this pages with Kelly C (Chair, p.286) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

(2.7) High & Low Tables


Kelly T

Kelly T


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2014. Category: High Table. Technical Overview on p.421. Read More on p.442. On right page with Kelly C (Chair, p.286) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

(2.7) High & Low Tables


Kelly T

Kelly T


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2014. Category: High Table. Technical Overview on p.421. Read More on p.442. On these pages with Kelly C (Chair, p.286) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

(2.7) High & Low Tables


Kelly T


(2.7) High & Low Tables

Kelly T


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2014. Category: High Table. Technical Overview on p.421. Read More on p.442. On these pages with Kelly C (Chair, p.286) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

(2.7) High & Low Tables


353 Spindle, designed by Gordon Guillaumier, 2014

Category: High Table Spindle

Designed by Gordon Guillaumier, 2014. Category: High Table. Technical Overview on p.424. Read More on p.443. On these pages with Babela (Chair p.290) by Achille + Pier Giacomo Castiglioni.

Technical Overview: p.424 Read More: p.443



Designed by Gordon Guillaumier, 2014. Category: High Table. Technical Overview on p.424. Read More on p.443. On these pages with Babela (Chair p.290) by Achille + Pier Giacomo Castiglioni.

(2.7) High & Low Tables





Designed by Gordon Guillaumier, 2014. Category: High Table. Technical Overview on p.424. Read More on p.443. On right page with Babela (Chair p.290) by Achille + Pier Giacomo Castiglioni.

(2.7) High & Low Tables




(2.7) High & Low Tables



Designed by Gordon Guillaumier, 2014. Category: High Table. Technical Overview on p.424. Read More on p.443. On left page with Doodle (Armchair p.310) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

(2.7) High & Low Tables


Designed by Pietro Arosio, 2009. Category: High Table. Technical Overview on p.422. Read More on p.443. On left page with Babela (Chair p.290) by Achille + Pier Giacomo Castiglioni. On right page with Doodle (Armchair p.310) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

361 Nastro, designed by Pietro Arosio, 2009

Category: High Table

Technical Overview: p.422 Read More: p.443



(2.7) High & Low Tables



Designed by Pietro Arosio, 2009. Category: High Table. Technical Overview on p.422. Read More on p.443. On these pages with Doodle(Armchair p.310) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.




Designed by Pietro Arosio, 2009. Category: High Table. Technical Overview on p.422. Read More on p.443. On these pages with Babela (Chair p.290) by Achille + Pier Giacomo Castiglioni.

(2.7) High & Low Tables


(2.7) High & Low Tables

366 Kelly O⁄B⁄W, designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2014⁄2015

Category: Low Tables

Technical Overview: p.421 Read More: p.442


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2014⁄2015. Category: Low Tables. Technical Overview on p.421. Read More on p.442. On left page with Kelly H (Armchair p.186) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

Kelly O⁄B⁄W

Kelly O⁄B


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2014. Category: Low Tables. Technical Overview on p.421. Read More on p.442. On these pages with Kelly E (Armchair p.186) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

(2.7) High & Low Tables


Kelly O⁄B⁄W

Kelly O⁄B⁄W


Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2014⁄2015. Category: Low Tables. Technical Overview on p.421. Read More on p.442.

(2.7) High & Low Tables


(2.7) High & Low Tables


Designed by Franco Albini, 1939. Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2013. Category: Low Table. Technical Overview on p.422. Read More on p.442.

373 Monzino (Design Classics), designed by Franco Albini, 1939

Category: Low Table Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2013

Technical Overview: p.422 Read More: p.442




Designed by Franco Albini, 1939. Re-Edition by Tacchini, 2013. Category: Low Table. Technical Overview on p.422. Read More on p.442. On these pages with Slalom (Chaise-longue p.272) by Pietro Arosio.

(2.7) High & Low Tables


(2.7) High & Low Tables



Split, designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2007

Category: High & Low Table

Technical Overview: p.425 Read More: p.443 Split

Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2007. Category: High Table. Technical Overview on p.425. Read More on p.443.




Designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune, 2007. Category: Low Table. Technical Overview on p.425. Read More on p.443. On this page with Crystal (Armchair p.208) by Pearson Lloyd. On right page with Montevideo (Chair p.306) by Claesson Koivisto Rune.

(2.7) High & Low Tables


(2.7) High & Low Tables


381 Ruler, designed by Gordon Guillaumier, 2012

Category: Low Table Ruler

Designed by Gordon Guillaumier, 2012. Category: Low Table. Technical Overview on p.424. Read More on p.443.

Technical Overview: p.424 Read More: p.443


382 Designed by Gordon Guillaumier, 2012. Category: Low Table. Technical Overview on p.424. Read More on p.443.

(2.7) High & Low Tables


(2.7) High & Low Tables



Cage, designed by Gordon Guillaumier, 2010

Category: Low Table

Technical Overview: p.420 Read More: p.441 Cage

Designed by Gordon Guillaumier, 2010. Category: Low Table. Technical Overview on p.420. Read More on p.441.



(2.7) High & Low Tables



Designed by Gordon Guillaumier, 2010. Category: Low Table. Technical Overview on p.420. Read More on p.441.

(2.7) High & Low Tables



Coot, designed by Gordon Guillaumier, 2010

Category: Low Table

Technical Overview: p.420 Read More: p.441 Coot

Designed by Gordon Guillaumier, 2010. Category: Low Table. Technical Overview on p.420. Read More on p.441.

(2.7) High & Low Tables


391 Polar, designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2007

Category: Low Table Polar

Designed by Pearson Lloyd, 2007. Category: Low Table. Technical Overview on p.423. Read More on p.443.

Technical Overview: p.423 Read More: p.443

(2.7) High & Low Tables



Nara, designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2005

Category: Low Table

Technical Overview: p.422 Read More: p.442 Nara

Designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2005. Category: Low Table. Technical Overview on p.422. Read More on p.442.

(2.7) High & Low Tables



Labanca, designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2004

Category: Low Table

Technical Overview: p.421 Read More: p.442 Labanca

Designed by Lievore Altherr Molina, 2004. Category: Low Table. Technical Overview on p.421. Read More on p.442.

(3.0) Technical Overview


(3.1) Sofas

Technical Overview (A — Z): a complete directory about Tacchini T’16 Collection of Sofas p.397, Armchairs p.407, Ottomans p.414, Chaises-longues p.415, Chairs & Stools p.416, Furnishing Accessories p.419 and High & Low Tables p.420 designed by Franco Albini, Pietro Arosio, Barazzuol ⁄ Malisan, Achille + Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, Claesson Koivisto Rune, Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance, Monica Förster, Gianfranco Frattini, Gordon Guillaumier, Lievore Altherr Molina, Luca Nichetto, Patrick Norguet, Pearson Lloyd and Christophe Pillet.



by Gordon Guillaumier

Modular System (Sofa, Armchair, Table, Bench)







OCHILN141C OCHILN141V H 71 – Seat 44 P 69 L 144

OCHILM141C OCHILM141V H 71 – Seat 44 P 69 L 144 Sx⁄Dx

OCHILL141C OCHILL141V H 71 – Seat 44 P 69 L 144

OCHILE212C OCHILE212V H 71 – Seat 44 P 69 L 214

OCHILS212C OCHILS212V H 71 – Seat 44 P 69 L 214 Sx⁄Dx

OCHILR70C OCHILR70V H 71 – Seat 44 P 69 L 74

OCHILQ70C OCHILQ70V H 71 – Seat 44 P 69 L 74 Sx⁄Dx

OCHILP70C OCHILP70V H 71 – Seat 44 P 69 L 74

OCHILO141C OCHILO141V H 71 – Seat 44 P 69 L 144 Sx⁄Dx

OCHILF212C OCHILF212V H 71 – Seat 44 P 69 L 214 Sx⁄Dx

OCHILI70C OCHILI70V H 44 P 69 L 74

OCHILH141C OCHILH141V H 44 P 69 L 144

OCHILG141C OCHILG141V H 44 P 69 L 144

OCHILA212C OCHILA212V H 44 P 69 L 214

OCHILB212C OCHILB212V H 44 P 69 L 214

Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

Piano Top Tischplatte Plateau

Marmo Carrara Opaco Matt White Carrara Matt Marre Carrara Marmor Carrara Opaque

Base cromata Chrome-plated base Gestell verchromt Base chromée

Cromo Satinato Satin Chromed Satiniert Verchromt Chrome Satiné

OCHILD212C OCHILD212V H 71 – Seat 44 P 69 L 214



T’16 Made by Hand, Chapter (B)


T03 Grigio Grey Grau Gris





Oro Champagne Opaco Matt Champagne Gold Champagner-Gold Matt Or Champagne Opaque

Rame Spazzolato Opaco Brush Matt Copper Matt Gebürstet Kupfer Brossé Mat Cuivre

OCHILC212C OCHILC212V H 44 P 69 L 214

T35 Basaltina Opaco Matt Basaltina Matt Basaltina Basaltina Opaque

(3.1) Sofas



by Pearson Lloyd

OCRY153 H 68 – Seat 42 P 85 L 153

OCRY213 H 68 – Seat 42 P 85 L 213


by Luca Nichetto

ODRES175 H 81 – Seat 40 P 88 L 175

ODRES220 H 81 – Seat 40 P 88 L 220

T02 Piedi verniciati Painted feet Füße lackiert Pieds laqués

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

(3.1) Sofas





by Pearson Lloyd

Modular System (Bench)


OGALSI300 Single — H 42 P 49 L 300

OGALA250 Type A — H 42 P 250 L 250

OGALB250 Type B — H 42 P 250 L 250

OGALC250 Type C — H 42 P 250 L 250

OGALD300 Double — H 42 P 98 L 300

OGALSH400 Shear — H 42 P 98 L 400

OGALSS400 S-Shape — H 42 P 250 L 400


T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir


T45 Cerniera Zip Reißverschluss Fermeture éclair

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

Nero Black Schwarz Noir

Piano legno Wooden top Holzplatte Plateau en bois

Frassino Naturale Natural Ash Frêne Natural Eche

Piano tavolino Table top Tischplatte Plateau table

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

T49 Tinto Grigio Grey Grau Gris


T03 Grigio Grey Grau Gris

T02 Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

T03 Grigio Grey Grau Gris

T30 Marmo Carrara Opaco Matt White Carrara Matt Marre Carrara Marmor Carrara Opaque


(3.1) Sofas

Happy Hour


by Pietro Arosio

(3.1) Sofas





by Claesson Koivisto Rune

Sofa, Armchair

OHIGH145 H 95 – Seat 40 P 76 L 145

OHIGH225 H 135 – Seat 40 P 96 L 225


T03 OHAF100 H 73 up – 53 down H Seat 36 P 100 L 100

OHAA135 H 73 up – 53 down H Seat 36 P 100 Sx ⁄Dx L 135

OHAG135 H 73 Up – 53 Down H Seat 36 P 100 L 135

OHAB205 H 73 Up – 53 Down H Seat 36 P 100 L 205

OHAD205 H 73 Up – 53 Down H Seat 36 P 100 Sx⁄Dx L 205

OHAH205 H 73 Up – 53 Down H Seat 36 P 100 Sx ⁄Dx L 205

OHAL205 H 73 Up – 53 Down H Seat 36 P 100 L 205

OHIGH75 H 85 – Seat 40 P 76 L 75

OHIGH95 H 105 – Seat 40 P 96 L 95


OHAC270 H 73 Up – 53 Down H Seat 36 P 100 L 270

OHAE270 H 73 Up – 53 Down H Seat 36 P 100 Sx⁄Dx L 270

OHAI270 H 73 Up – 53 Down H Seat 36 P 100 Sx⁄Dx L 270

OHAM270 H 73 Up – 53 Down H Seat 36 P 100 L 270

OHAN100⁄OHAO135 H 36 P 100 L 100⁄135

OHAP205⁄OHAQ270 H 36 P 100 L 205⁄270

OHIGH165 H 115 – Seat 40 P 96 L 165

by Pietro Arosio

OHIGH245 H 125 – Seat 40 P 96 L 245

Modular System (Sofa, Table, Bench)

Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

Grigio Grey Grau Gris


OINA60 H 77 – Seat 42 P 76 L 60

OINB90 H 77 – Seat 42 P 76 L 90

OINC120 H 77 – Seat 42 P 76 L 120

OIND150 H 77 – Seat 42 P 76 L 150

OINAP60 H 42 P 76 L 60

OINBP90 H 42 P 76 L 90

OINCP120 H 42 P 76 L 120

OINDP150 H 42 P 76 L 150

OINFP30 ⁄ OINEP135 L 30 R 21 ⁄ 96 L 135

OINGP67 ⁄ OINIP98 L 67 R 178 ⁄ 253 L 98

OINE135 H 77 – Seat 42 L 135 R 96 ⁄ 21 L 30

OINF30 H 77 – Seat 42 L 30 R 21 ⁄ 96 L 135

OING67 H 77 – Seat 42 L 67 R 178 ⁄ 253 L 98

OINI98 H 77 – Seat 42 L 98 R 253 ⁄ 178 L 67

OINH135 H 77 – Seat 42 L 135 R 178 ⁄ 253 L 198

OINL198 H 77 – Seat 42 L 198 R 253 ⁄ 178 L 135

1INXL30 1INXV30 H 28 P 75 L 30

1INAL60 1INAV60 H 28 P 75 L 60

1INBL90 1INBV90 H 28 P 75 L 90

1INCL120 1INCV120 H 28 P 75 L 120

1INDL150 1INDV150 H 28 P 75 L 150

1INGL67 1INGV67 H 28 L 98 R 253 ⁄ 178 L 67

1INHL135 1INHV135 H 28 L 198 R 253⁄178 L 135

Piani tavolo Table top Tischplate Plateau table

Laminato Nero Black Laminate Schwarz Laminat Stratifié Noir

OINHP135 ⁄ OINLP198 L 198 R 178 ⁄ 253 L135

T23 Piedini Feet Füße Pieds

Cromo Lucido Polished Chromed Poliert Verchromt Chrome Brillant


by Lievore Altherr Molina

Sofa, Sofa Bed, Armchair, Ottoman


T50 OHAV135 H 69 – Seat 38 P 102 L 135

OHAV225 H 69 – Seat 38 P 102 L 225 Bed 100 × 190

OHAV255 H 69 – Seat 38 P 102 L 255 Bed 100 × 220

OHAVP100 H 38 P 60 L 100

Base Base Sockel Base

Alluminio Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium

Alluminio Lucido Wengè Gloss Aluminium Aluminium Glänzend Aluminium Poli

T60 Cristallo Acidato Etched Glass Mattglas Verre Dépoli

1INEL30 1INEV30 H 28 L 30 R 21 ⁄ 96 L 135

(3.1) Sofas


OLABA80 H 74 – Seat 39,5 P 62 L 80

OLABP80 H 39,5 P 62 L 80


by Lievore Altherr Molina

OLABB140 H 74 – Seat 39,5 P 62 L 140

OLABP140 H 39,5 P 62 L 140

Labanca System

OLABC200 H 74 – Seat 39,5 P 62 L 200

OLABP200 H 39,5 P 62 L 200

by Lievore Altherr Molina

(3.1) Sofas

Sofa, Armchair, Bench


OLABD240 H 74 – Seat 39,5 P 62 L 240


Millennium Drive

by Christophe Pillet



OMIL208 H 70 – Seat 42 P 84 L 208

OMIL248 H 70 – Seat 42 P 84 L 248


by Claesson Koivisto Rune

Sofa, Armchair


OMON192 OMONTP192 H 78 – Seat 40 P 90 L 192

Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

OLABP240 H 39,5 P 62 L 240


p.096 T02 OMON96 OMONTP96 H 78 – Seat 40 P 90 L 96

OMON162 OMONTP162 H 78 – Seat 40 P 90 L 162

Polar OLABS140 H 72 – Seat 44 P 81 L 140

OLABS200 H 72 – Seat 44 P 81 L 200


OLABS240 H 72 – Seat 44 P 81 L 240

by Claesson Koivisto Rune

OLABT200 H 72 – Seat 44 P 81 Sx ⁄ Dx L 200

OLIM153 H 78,5 – Seat 39,5 P 91 L 153

Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

OLIM183 H 78,5 – Seat 39,5 P 91 L 183

Sofa, Armchair, Ottoman


OLIM213 H 78,5 – Seat 39,5 P 91 L 213

T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir

T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir

by Pearson Lloyd

Modular Sysytem (Sofa, Armchair, Bench)


OPOLB234 H 73 – Seat 37 P 107 L 234

OPOLD234 H 73 – Seat 37 P 107 L 234

OPOLAP234 OPOLCP234 H 37 P 107 L 234

T08 Marrone Brown Braun Brun

p.098 OPOLA234 H 73 – Seat 37 P 107 L 234

OPOLC234 H 73 – Seat 37 P 107 L 234

Polar Perch

by Pearson Lloyd

OPER207 H 46 P 84,5 L 207

OPER220 H 70 P 79 L 220

OLIM70 H 38,5 P 70 L 89

T08 Marrone Brown Braun Brun

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

OLABT240 H 72 – Seat 44 P 81 Sx ⁄ Dx L 240

OPOL107 H 67 – Seat 37 P 81,5 L 107

OLIM89 H 78,5 – Seat 39,5 P 91 L 89

OMON222 OMONTP222 H 78 – Seat 40 P 90 L 222

OPOLP107 H 37 P 81,5 L 107

Modular System


OPOLBP234 OPOLDP234 H 37 P 107 L 234

(3.1) Sofas


OQA100 H 66 – Seat 36 P 98 L 98


by Pietro Arosio

OQB70 H 66 – Seat 36 P 98 L 70


(3.1) Sofas

Modular System (Sofa, Armchair, Ottoman)

OQD70 H 36 P 70 L 70

by Pearson Lloyd



OQE35 H 36 P 35 L 98

Sofa, Armchair, Ottoman


by Gianfranco Frattini

OSESC240 OSESV240 H 67 P 94 L 240 Seat 38

Struttura cromata Chromed structure Struktur verchromt Structure chromée

Cromo Lucido Polished Chrome Poliert Verchromt Chrome Brillant

Cromo Satinato Matt Chromed Satiniert Verchromt Chrome Satiné

Struttura verniciata Painted structure Struktur lackiert Structure laqué

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

Nero Black Schwarz Noir

Piedini Feet

Tinto Noce Scuro Dark Walnut Dunkel Walnuss Noyer Sombre

p.086 T24

T64 OQUB100 H 68 – Seat 41 P 80 L 100

OQUC160 H 68 – Seat 41 P 80 L 160

OQUN80 H 41 P 80 L 80

Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

Grigio Grey Grau Gris

OQUF220 OQUI260 H 68 – Seat 41 P 80 L 220 ⁄ 260

OQUD140 ⁄ OQUE140 H 68 – Seat 41 P 80 Sx ⁄ Dx L 140

Base cromata Chrome-plated base Gestell verchromt Base chromée

Cromo Lucido Polished Chromed Poliert Verchromt Chrome Brillant



OSESC180 OSESV180 H 67 P 94 L 180 Seat 38


OQUA100 H 68 – Seat 41 P 80 L 100


OQUG200 ⁄ OQUH200 OQUL240 ⁄ OQUM240 H 68 – Seat 41 P 80 Sx ⁄ Dx L 200 ⁄ 240

Rame Spazzolato Opaco Brush Matt Copper Matt Gebürstet Kupfer Brossé Mat Cuivre



T62 Ocra Ochre Ocker Ocre

T25 Oro Champagne Opaco Matt Champagne Gold Champagner-Gold Matt Or Champagne Opaque

T63 Blu Blue Blau Bleu




Cromo Nero Lucido Polished Black Chromed Schwarz-Glänzend Noir Brillant



Arancio Orange Orange Orange


by Pietro Arosio


Cromo Nero Opaco Matt Black Chromed Schwarz Matt Noir Opaque

Verde Green Grün Vert

T49 Tinto Grigio Grey Grau Gris

Sofa, Sofa Bed


T03 OINGV200 H 83 – Seat 42 P 100 L 204

Divano aperto Open sofa Sofa geöffnet Canapé ouvert

H 42 P 144 L 204

Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

Grigio Grey Grau Gris

Nero ⁄ Alluminio Black ⁄ Aluminium Schwarz ⁄ Aluminium Noir ⁄ Aluminium

(3.1) Sofas



by Pearson Lloyd

OSTABC150 ⁄ OSTABV150 OSTAAC150 ⁄ OSTAAV150 OSTBBC170 ⁄ OSTBBV170 OSTBAC170 ⁄ OSTBAV170 H 68 ⁄ 77 – Seat 36 ⁄ 45 P 73 L 150 ⁄ 170

OSTCBC190 ⁄ OSTCBV190 OSTCAC190 ⁄ OSTCAV190 H 68 ⁄ 77 – Seat 36 ⁄ 45 P 73 L 190 sx ⁄ dx

Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

Modular System (Sofa, Table)

OSTDBC200 ⁄ OSTDBV200 OSTDAC200 ⁄ OSTDAV200 OSTEBC230 ⁄ OSTEBV230 OSTEAC230 ⁄ OSTEAV230 H 68 ⁄ 77 – Seat 36 ⁄ 45 P 73 L 200 ⁄ 230


(3.2) Armchairs

OSTGBC120 ⁄ OSTGBV120 OSTGAC120 ⁄ OSTGAV120 H 68 ⁄ 77 – Seat 36 ⁄ 45 P 112 L 238



OSTHBC90 ⁄ OSTHBV90 OSTHAC90 ⁄ OSTHAV90 H 68 ⁄ 77 – Seat 36 ⁄ 45 P 134 L 250

OSTFBC90 ⁄ OSTFBV90 OSTFAC90 ⁄ OSTFAV90 H 68 ⁄ 77 – Seat 36 ⁄ 45 R 30 ⁄ 103 L 144

OAGN84 H 73 – Seat 44 P 76 L 84

by Gianfranco Frattini

OAGNP57 H 42 P 51 L 57




Finiture Finishes Vollendungen Finitions

1STO80 H 25 P 73 L 80

Base cromata Chrome-plated base Gestell verchromt Base chromée

OBAO80 H 69 – Seat 40 P 77 L 80

Cromo Satinato Matt Chromed Satiniert Verchromt Chrome Satiné

Piano Top Tischplatte Plateau

Nero Lucido Gloss Black Schwarz Glänzend Noir Brillant

Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

T21 Bianco Lucido Gloss White Weiß Glänzend Blanc Brillant


Tinto Grigio Grey Grau Gris



by Franco Albini



Su ruote With wheels Mit Rollen Avec roulettes

1STOTER L 45 P 27

OBIA70 H 79 – H Seat 42,5 P 70 L 70

Base Base Struktur Basement

Compact T20


Tinto Noce Scuro Dark Walnut Dunkel Walnuss Noyer Sombre

by Lievore Altherr Molina

T44 1STO120B H 25 P 73 L 120


T57 Full Color Bianco White Full Color Weiß Full color Full Color Blanc

T58 Full Color Nero Black Full Color Schwarz Full Color Full Color Noir

T59 Laminato Bianco White Laminate Laminat Weiß Blanc Laminé

Tinto Noce Chiaro Light Walnut Licht Walnuss Noyer Clair

T45 Frassino Naturale Natural Ash Frêne Natural Eche

by Pietro Arosio

T46 Tinto Bianco White Weiß Blanc

T47 Tinto Nero Black Schwarz Noir

Armchair, Sofa

T49 Tinto Grigio Grey Grau Gris


T60 Laminato Nero Black Laminate Laminat Schwarz Noir Laminé

T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir



Nero Black Schwarz Noir


1STO120 H 72 P 73 L 120

Armchair, Ottoman

T23 OCOC70 H 70 – Seat 46 P 72 L 69

OCOL70 H 70 – Seat 46 P 72 L 69

OCOC145 H 70 – Seat 46 P 72 L 145

OCOL145 H 70 – Seat 46 P 72 L 145

Cromo Lucido Polished Chromed Poliert Verchromt Chrome Brillant

T43 Piedini Noce Scuro Dark Walnut Feet Dunkel Nußfuß Pieds Noyer Sombre

T50 Piedini Wengé Wengé Feet Füße Wengé Pieds Wengé

(3.2) Armchairs


(3.2) Armchairs


by Pearson Lloyd




OCRY103 H 68 – Seat 42 P 85 L 103

OCRY96 ⁄ OCRYG96 H 68 – Seat 42 P 80 L 96

Base fissa (OCRY96) o girevole (OCRYG96) Fixed (OCRY96) or swivel (OCRYG96) base Mit fixer (OCRY96) oder drehbarer (OCRYG96) basis Base fixe (OCRY96) ou pivotante (OCRYG96)

ODRES80 H 97 – Seat 42 P 81 L 80


by Gordon Guillaumier




by Luca Nichetto

Armchair, Ottoman



OCUR75 H 75 – Seat 43 P 67 L 75

OGIR87 H 64 – Seat 40 P 74 L 87


by Patrick Norguet


T02 ODOTM87 ODOTL87 H 92 P 81 L 87 Seat 42

Base metallo verniciata Painted metal base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

Bianco White Weiß Blanc


T04 Grigio Grey Grau Gris

T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

Bianco White Weiß Blanc


by Monica Förster



Bianco White Weiß Blanc

by Pietro Arosio

T44 Tinto Noce Chiaro Light Walnut Licht Walnuss Noyer Clair

OIPAN80 H 72 – Seat 43 P 65 L 80

Cerniera Zip Reißverschluss Fermeture éclair


T02 OGLI106 H 61 – Seat 37 P 65 L 106

T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir

by Lievore Altherr Molina

T61 Verde Green Grün Vert

Ipanema Base legno Wooden base Holzsockel Base en bois

Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

Base girevole Swivel base Drehgestell Base pivotante


T08 Marrone Brown Braun Brun

ODRES64 H 42 P 64 L 64


OIPAN143 H 72 – Seat 43 P 65 L 143

T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir

T08 Marrone Brown Braun Brun

Armchair, Sofa

T16 Blu Blue Blau Bleu


Nero Black Schwarz Noir

(3.2) Armchairs



by Claesson Koivisto Rune

(3.2) Armchairs



Kelly E⁄H⁄L+F


by Claesson Koivisto Rune

Armchair, Chaise-longue, Foot-stool

Kelly L OKELL104C OKELL104V H 84–Seat 36 P 116 L 104

Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué


T02 With table OIS118CT ⁄ OIS118VT H 85 – Seat 40 P 86,5 L 118 H table 57,5

Without table OIS118C ⁄ OIS118V H 85 – Seat 40 P 86,5 L 118

Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

Tavolino in marmo Marble table Marmortish Table en marbre

Biancone Lucido Shiny Biancone Biancone Glänzend Biancone Brillant

Kelly E OKELE70C OKELE70V H 81–Seat 39,6 P 80 L 70


T03 Grigio Grey Grau Gris


Jacket Jacket Outdoor

T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir

T08 Marrone Brown Braun Brun

Kelly H OKELH104C OKELH104V H 126–Seat 43 P 78 L 104

Cromo Satinato Matt Chromed Satiniert Verchromt Satiné

T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir

T05 Grigio cemento Concrete grey Betongrau Gris béton







Arancio Orange Orange Orange

Base cromata Chrome-plated base Gestell verchromt Base chromée

Oro Champagne Opaco Matt Champagne Gold Champagner-Gold Matt Champagne Opaque

Rame Spazzolato Opaco Brush Matt Copper Matt Gebürstet Kupfer Brossé Mat Cuivre

Premi Awards

by Christophe Pillet

Armchair, Sofa


Misura S⁄M⁄L⁄XL

by Claesson Koivisto Rune

Armchair, Sofa, Sofa Bed


Misura S OMIS61P OMIS61R H 77 – Seat 46 P 66 L 61

Misura L OMIL93 H 77 – Seat 42 P 76 L 93

Misura XL Bed H 70 – Seat 42 P 91 L 130

Rosso Red Rot Rouge

Turchese Turquoise Türkis Turquoise

Rosa Pink Rosa Rose

Verde Green Grün Vert

T19 Blu Blue Blau Bleu



T02 Bianco White Weiß Blanc

T04 Grigio Grey Grau Gris

Giallo Yellow Gelb Jaune



Verde Green Grün Vert

p.196 p.200



Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

H 41 P 49,5 L 104,4

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

T24 Base cromata Chrome-plated base Gestell verchromt Base chromée

Black Travertino Opaco Matt Black Travertino Matt Black Travertino Black Travertino Opaque

by Patrick Norguet

OJACK86 H 79 – H Seat 42 P 80 L 89


OJACK86OU Armchair H 79 H Seat 42 P 80 L 89

T04 Grigio Grey Grau Gris

OJACKP54OU Ottoman H 32,5 P 47 L 54 OMAY64 H 82 – Seat 44 P 69 L 64

T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir


T08 Marrone Brown Braun Brun

T13 Bordeaux Bordeaux Bordeaux Bordeaux

OMAY131 H 82 – Seat 44 P 74 L 131

T16 Blu Blue Blau Bleu

Misura M OMIM76P OMIM76B H 77 – Seat 42 P 70 L 76

Misura XL OMIXL130 H 70 – Seat 42 P 87 L 130

Misura XL Bed OMIXLB130 185 × 85 cm

Misura S

Misura M

Piedini o ruote Feet or wheels Füßen oder rollen Patins ou roulettes

Piedini o base girevole Feet or swivel base Füßen oder Drehgestell Patins ou base pivotante

(3.2) Armchairs Moon


by Pietro Arosio


T20 OMO183 H 89 – Seat 38 P 73 L 83,5

Scocca esterna Shell Struktur Structure


Nero Lucido Gloss Black Schwarz Glänzend Noir Brillant

(3.2) Armchairs Sesann



by Gianfranco Frattini

by Pietro Arosio

OSESC110 OSESV110 H 67 P 94 L 110 Seat 38

Armchair, Sofa

p.248 T23


Schienale poltrona Armchair backrest Rückelehne Sessel Dossier fauteuil

Imbottito Upholstered Gepolstert Rembourré

by Claesson Koivisto Rune

Alluminio Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium


Schienale divano Back sofa Rückelehne Sofa Dossier canapé


Imbottito Upholstered Gepolstert Rembourré

Rame Spazzolato Opaco Brush Matt Copper Matt Gebürstet Kupfer Brossé Mat Cuivre

Struttura verniciata Painted structure Struktur lackiert Structure laqué

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

Nero Black Schwarz Noir

Piedini Feet

Tinto Noce Scuro Dark Walnut Dunkel Walnuss Noyer Sombre

Piedini o base girevole Feet or swivel base Füßen oder Drehgestell Patins ou roulettes

Premi Awards

by Achille Castiglioni


Oro Champagne Opaco Matt Champagne Gold Champagner-Gold Matt Or Champagne Opaque





Cromo Satinato Matt Chromed Satiniert Verchromt Chrome Satiné


Armchair, Sofa

T02 OSAN124 H 92 – Seat 45 P 83,5 L 124

Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

Bianco White Weiß Blanc


T61 Verde Green Grün Vert



Blu Blue Blau Bleu


by Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance

T49 Tinto Grigio Grey Grau Gris

Armchair, Ottoman



T06 Grigio Grey Grau Gris

Cromo Nero Lucido Polished Black Chromed Schwarz-Glänzend Noir Brillant

Arancio Orange Orange Orange


OSAN62 H 118 – Seat 45 P 92 L 62,5


Cromo Nero Opaco Matt Black Chromed Schwarz Matt Noir Opaque

p.172 Ocra Ochre Ocker Ocre

OPIS67P OPIS67G H 77 – Seat 45 P 76 L 67


Cromo Lucido Polished Chrome Poliert Verchromt Chrome Brillant


T50 OPATE140 H 75 – Seat 45 P 65 L 143


T21 Bianco Lucido Gloss White Weiß Glänzend Blanc Brillant

Struttura cromata Chromed structure Struktur verchromt Structure chromée

OPAW80 OPAA80 OPAT80 H 75 – Seat 45 P 65 L 80


OSHE69C OSHE69V H 114,5 – Seat 41 P 85 L 69,5

OSHE60C OSHE60V H 41 P 51 L 60

Base cromata Chrome-plated base Gestell verchromt Base chromée

Cromo Nero Opaco Matt Black Chromed Schwarz-Chrom Matt Chrome Noir Opaque

T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir


Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

T03 Grigio Grey Grau Gris

T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir

T08 Marrone Brown Braun Brun

(3.2) Armchairs



by Christophe Pillet

T20 OSOUL110 OSOULO110 OSOUF110 H 139 – Seat 43 P 68 L 110

Struttura Structure Struktur Basement


Nero Lucido Gloss Black Schwarz Glänzend Noir Brillant

(3.3) Ottomans


T21 Bianco Lucido Gloss White Weiß Glänzend Blanc Brillant

by Pietro Arosio


(3.3) Ottomans



Faggio Beech Buche Hetre

OTRI56 H 36 – Seat 36 P 52 L 56


Base Base Struktur Basement


(3.4) Chaises-longues

by Pietro Arosio




by Patrick Norguet



OATOL85 H 94 – Seat 24,5 P 170 L 85,5

Piedini Feet Füße Pieds


by Pietro Arosio

OPI200 + OPITE H 42 – Seat 42 P 77 L 205

Base Base Struktur Basements

Slalom Slalom Outdoor

by Pietro Arosio


Bianco Opaco White Mat Weiß Matt Blanc Mat

Nero Opaco Black Mat Schwarz Matt Noir Mat



T23 OXLTE80 H 71 – Seat 35 P 71 L 80


Cromo Lucido Polished Chromed Poliert Verchromt Chrome Brillant

by Claesson Koivisto Rune



Tinto Noce Chiaro Light Walnut Licht Walnuss Noyer Clair

Premi Awards




p.272 p.275

T23 OQUAR46 H 46 P 46 L 46

OQUAR62 H 38 P 62 L 62


OQUAR112 H 33 P 112 L 112

by Claesson Koivisto Rune



01 OSPIN60 H 39 Ø 60

OSPIN90 H 39 Ø 90

OSPIN117 H 39 Ø 119

Cuciture Stitches Nähte Coutures

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

02 Beige Beige Beige Beige

03 Rosso Red Rot Rouge

04 Blu Blue Blau Bleu

05 Nero Black Schwarz Noir

Cromo Lucido Polished Chromed Poliert Verchromt Chrome Brillant

T24 OSLA56 H 78⁄98 – Seat 31⁄19 P 160⁄168 L 56

OSLAES56 H 78⁄98 – Seat 31⁄19 P 160⁄168 L 56

Base Base Struktur Basements

Cromo Satinato Satin Chromed Satiniert Verchromt Chrome Satiné

(3.5) Chairs & Stools



by Achille + Pier Giacomo Castiglioni

T43 OBAB56 H 80 – Seat 49 P 59 L 56

Base Base Struktur Basement


Tinto Noce Scuro Dark Walnut Dunkel Walnuss Noyer Sombre


T45 Frassino Naturale Natural Ash Frêne Natural Eche

(3.5) Chairs & Stools


T46 Tinto Bianco White Weiß Blanc

T47 Tinto Nero Black Schwarz Noir



by Pearson Lloyd

ODOBC51 ODOBV51 H 91 – Seat 45 P 60 L 51

OEDP61 OEDB61 H 78 – Seat 45 P 62 L 61


by Claesson Koivisto Rune

Chair, Armchair, Stool


ODODC87 ODODV87 H 77 – Seat 41 P 78 L 87

ODOSC49 ODOSV49 H 100 – Seat 76 P 53 L 49

ODOBGC51 ODOBGV51 H 91 – Seat 45 P 60 L 51

ODOCC62 ODOCV62 H 85 – Seat 46 P 59 L 62

ODOAGC51 ODOAGV51 H 80 – Seat 45 P 57 L 51

Cerniera Zip Reißverschluss Fermeture éclair

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

ODOCGC62 ODOCGV62 H 85 – Seat 46 P 59 L 62

T02 Bianco White Weiß Blanc

Cuciture Stitches Nähte Coutures

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir



T08 Marrone Brown Braun Brun

02 Beige Beige Beige Beige

OFIX37 H 68⁄80 P 37 L 37

Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué


by Claesson Koivisto Rune

T02 Bianco White Weiß Blanc


Kelly S

Kelly P




H 79 – Seat 45,5 P 51 L 52



Arancio Orange Orange Orange

Chair, Stool, Ottoman

Rosso Red Rot Rouge

T14 Verde Green Grün Vert


H 41 P 36 L 44

Cerniera Zip Reißverschluss Fermeture éclair

H 35 P 100 L 132,5

Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

T04 Grigio Grey Grau Gris

T05 Grigio Cemento Concrete Grey Betongrau Gris Béton

T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir


T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir

T09 Giallo Yellow Gelb Jaune

T02 Kelly C


Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir

05 Nero Black Schwarz Noir

Giallo Yellow Gelb Jaune

ODRES59 H 77 – Seat 48 P 57 L 59

Grigio Grey Grau Gris


Cromo Satinato Satin Chromed Satiniert Verchromt Chrome Satiné

04 Blu Blue Blau Bleu

by Luca Nichetto



Bianco White Weiß Blanc

Piedini (OEDP61) o base girevole (OEDB61) Feet (OEDP61) or swivel base (OEDB61) Füßen (OEDP61) oder Drehgestell (OEDB61) Patins (OEDP61) ou base pivotante (OEDB61)

T24 Base cromata Chrome-plated base Gestell verchromt Base chromée

Rosso Red Rot Rouge

Nero Black Schwarz Noir

by Pearson Lloyd

Kelly C⁄S⁄P Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué


T48 Tinto Grigio Grey Grau Gris

T02 ODOAC51 ODOAV51 H 80 – Seat 45 P 57 L 51


Bianco White Weiß Blanc

Nero Black Schwarz Noir

T10 Arancio Orange Orange Orange

T12 Rosso Red Rot Rouge

T15 Turchese Turquoise Türkis Turquoise

T17 Rosa Pink Rosa Rose

T18 Verde Green Grün Vert

T19 Blu Blue Blau Bleu

T61 Verde Green Grün Vertn

(3.5) Chairs & Stools



by Christophe Pillet


T02 OMAY57 H 80 – Seat 45,5 P 56 L 57

Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué


(3.5) Chairs & Stools



Bianco White Weiß Blanc

Nero Black Schwarz Noir

by Claesson Koivisto Rune



by Barazzuol⁄Malisan

T02 Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

Parentesi Light

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

by Pietro Arosio

(3.6) Furnishing Accessories



T08 OTVT48 OTVL48 H 82 – Seat 47 P 55 L 48

Marrone Brown Braun Brun

p.306 T02

OMON54 H 80 – Seat 47 P 62 L 54


T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir

Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

Sedia in legno Wooden chair Holzstuhl Chaise en bois

Frassino Naturale Natural Ash Frêne Natural Eche


T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir

T09 Giallo Yellow Gelb Jaune

T10 Arancio Orange Orange Orange



by Pearson Lloyd

Furnishing Accessories

ONEB181T ONEB181S H 181 P 4 L 124

Poggiato a terra o sospeso On the ground or suspended Auf den boden gestellt oder suspendiert Placé sur le sol ou suspendu

T50 OLIVW60 ⁄ OLIAW60 OLIVA60 ⁄ OLIAA60 OLIVTE60 ⁄ OLIATE60 H 76 – Seat 45 P 59 L 62

Schienale Backrest Rückenlehne Dossier

Imbottito Upholstered Gepolstert Rembourré

Alluminio Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium


Piedini alluminio Aluminium feet Füße aluminium Pieds aluminium

Alluminio Opaco Matt Aluminium Matt Aluminium Aluminium Opaque

Alluminio Lucido Gloss Aluminium Aluminium Glänzend Aluminium Brillant

Piedini verniciati Painted Feet Füße lackiert Pieds laqué

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

T12 Rosso Red Rot Rouge


Marrone Brown Braun Brun


T06 Grigio Grey Grau Gris


ONEB122T ONEB122S H 125 P 4 L 124

ONEB150T ONEB150S H 150 P 4 L 124

Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

T09 Giallo Yellow Gelb Jaune


T04 Grigio Grey Grau Gris

T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir

T08 Marrone Brown Braun Brun


T14 Verde Green Grün Vert

(3.7) High & Low Tables



by Gordon Guillaumier

(3.7) High & Low Tables

Low Table

Kelly O⁄B⁄W Kelly T


T29 1CAGTC50 1CAGT50 H 47 Ø 50

1CAGTC100 1CAGT100 H 32 Ø 100

T32 Marmo Marquinia Black Marquinia Marmor Marquinia Marbre Marquinia

1CAGQC50 1CAGQ50 H 47 P 50 L 50



Black Travertino Opaco Matt Black Travertino Matt Black Travertino Black Travertino Opaque


Piano Top Tischplatte Plateau


Verde Guatemala Green Guatemala Grün Guatemala Vert Guatemala


Specchio Bronzato Bronze Mirror Bronzespiegel Miroir Bronzé

Laminato Bianco White Laminate Laminat Weiß Laminé Blanc

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

Base Cromata Chrome-Plated Base Gestell Verchromt Base Chromée

Oro Champagne Opaco Matt Champagne Gold Champagner-Gold Matt Or Champagne Opaque

Marmo Calacatta White Calacatta Marmor Calacatta Marbre Calacatta

Kelly O 1KELO50 H 39,5 P 34,6 L 50

T02 Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué




Cromo Nero Opaco Matt Black Chromed Schwarz-Chrom Matt Chrome Noir Opaque


Cromo Nero Lucido Polished Black Chromed Schwarz-Chromglänzend Chrome Noir Brillant

Low Table

Rame Spazzolato Opaco Brush Matt Copper Matt Gebürstet Kupfer Brossé Mat Cuivre

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

Bianco White Weiß Blanc


T31 Marmo Calacatta White Calacatta Marmor Calacatta Marbre Calacatta



Goffrato Embossed finish Geprägte Oberfläche Finiture Gaufré


Kelly T 1KELT99 ⁄ 1KELT220 ⁄ 1KELT2809 H 72 P 99 L 99 ⁄ 220 ⁄ 280

T05 Grigio Cemento Concrete Grey Betongrau Gris Béton

T15 Turchese Turquoise Türkis Turquoise


T09 Giallo Yellow Gelb Jaune

T18 Verde Green Grün Vert

Grigio Grey Grau Gris

Kelly T H 72 P 120 L 120 ⁄ 220 1KELT120 ⁄ 1KELT280

T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir

T17 Rosa Pink Rosa Rose

T52 Nero Black Schwarz Noir

T32 Marmo Marquinia Black Marquinia Marmor Marquinia Marbre Marquinia

T59 Laminato Bianco White Laminate Laminat Weiß Laminé Blanc

by Lievore Altherr Molina

T60 Laminato Nero Black Laminate Laminat Schwarz Laminé Noir

T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir

p.366 p.342

T19 Blu Blue Blau Bleu

T54 Grigio Cemento Concrete Grey Betongrau Gris Béton

T10 Arancio Orange Orange Orange

T61 Verde Green Grün Vertn

T55 Rosa Pink Rosa Rose

T56 Turchese Turquoise Türkis Turquoise


Labanca Marmo Carrara Lucido Shiny White Carrara Marmor Carrara Marbre Carrara


T51 Piano laccato Lacquered top Lackiert Tischplatte Plateau laqué

Kelly W OKELW90 H 62 P 50 L 90

Grigio Grey Grau Gris


Oro Champagne Lucido Polished Champagne Gold Champagner-Gold Glänzend Or Champagne Brillant

T29 Piano Top Tischplatte Plateau

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

Rosso Red Rot Rouge

by Gordon Guillaumier

1COOT50 H 48,5 L 50

Kelly B 1KELB125 H 27 P 88 L 125

T60 Laminato Nero Black Laminate Laminat Schwarz Laminé Noir

Nero Black Schwarz Noir


High & Low Table


Marmo Carrara Lucido Shiny White Carrara Marmor Carrara Marbre Carrara


Specchio Fumé Smoked Mirror Geräucherte Spiegel Miroir Fumé

by Claesson Koivisto Rune


Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué


1CAGQC100 1CAGQ100 H 32 P 100 L 100


T38 1LABNE 1LABBI H 36 P 66 L 66

Cristallo Verniciato Nero Black Painted Glass Schwarz Lackiert Glas Verre Laqué Noir

Cristallo Verniciato Bianco White Painted Glass Weiß Lackiert Glas Verre Laqué Blanc

Low Table


T50 Wengé Wengé Wengé Wengé

(3.7) High & Low Tables



by Franco Albini

1MON49 H 49 Ø 55

1MON100 H 29 Ø 100

Base Base Struktur Basement

Tinto Noce Chiaro Light Walnut Licht Walnuss Noyer Clair

Low Table



(3.7) High & Low Tables



by Pietro Arosio


1NAR109 H 25 P 109 L 109

High Table

Marmo Cristallino Lucido Shiny Cristallino Marmor Cristallino Glänzend Marbre Cristallino Brillant

by Lievore Altherr Molina

Low Table

1NAR80R H 36 Ø 80

Bianco White Weiß Blanc


by Pietro Arosio

1NAR110R H 26 Ø 110

High Table

Nero Black Schwarz Noir

Testa di Moro Dark Brown Schwarzbraun Tête de Nègre

Base Base Sockel Base



Bianco White Weiß Blanc

T03 Grigio Grey Grau Gris

T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir

by Pearson Lloyd

1NAS120 H 72 P 120 L 200

1NAS300 H 72 P 90 L 300

Bianco Opaco White Mat Weiß Matt Blanc Mat

T51 Piano Top Tischplatte Plateau


Bianco White Weiß Blanc

Nero Black Schwarz Noir

Low Table

T20 1POLU 1POOP H 43 P 41 L 49

1NAS200 H 72 P 90 L 200


T36 Piano Top Tischplatte Plateau

T02 1NAR70 H 30 P 70 L 70


Nero Lucido Gloss Black Schwarz Glänzend Noir Brillant

T21 Bianco Lucido Gloss White Weiß Glänzend Blanc Brillant


T22 Giallo Lucido Gloss Yellow Gelb Glänzed Jaune Brillant

T53 Grigio Grey Grau Gris

(3.7) High & Low Tables



by Gordon Guillaumier

1RULT50 Ø 50 H 46

1RULT100 H 28 Ø 100

1RULQ45 H 46 P 45 L 45

Piano in marmo Marble Top Marmor Tischplatte Marbre Plateau

Black Travertino opaco Matt Black Travertino Matt Black Travertino Black Travertino opaque



(3.7) High & Low Tables

Low Table

1RULQ100 H 28 P 100 L 100

1RUL120 H 28 P 55 L 120

Base Base Struktur Basement

Tinto Noce Chiaro Light Walnut Licht Walnuss Noyer Clair

T34 Biancone Lucido Shiny Biancone Biancone Glanzend Biancone Brillant


1RULE49 H 46 Ø 49


1RULE100 H 28 Ø 100

by Claesson Koivisto Rune

1SPLI53 H 50 Ø 53

1SPLI70 H 72 Ø 70

Piano Top Tischplatte Plateau

Full Color Bianco White Full Color Weiß Full color Full Color Blanc


by Gordon Guillaumier

High Table


1SPLI53A H 110 Ø 53


T58 Full Color Nero Black Full Color Schwarz Full Color Full Color Noir

High & Low Table

1SPLI45 H 50 P 45 L 45


1SPLI65 H 72 P 65 L 65


1SPLIQ53A H 110 P 53 L 53


Marmo Carrara Carrara Marble Marre Carrara Marmor Carrara

Black Travertino opaco Matt Black Travertino Matt Black Travertino Black Travertino opaque



1SPI90Q H 73 P 90 L 90

1SPI145Q H 73 P 145 L 145

1SPI145 H 73 P 70 L 145

1SPI185 H 73 P 95 L 185

1SPLI130 H 72 Ø 127

1SPLI120 H 72 P 120 L 120

Piano Top Tischplatte Plateau

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

1SPLI220 H 72 P 220 L 120



Bianco White Weiß Blanc



Piano Top Tischplatte Plateau

Vetro Verniciato Bianco White Painted Glass Weiss Lackiert Glas Verre Lacqué Blanc

Vetro Verniciato Grigio Grey Painted Glass Grau Lackiert Glas Verre Lacqué Gris

Grigio Grey Grau Gris

T11 Arancio Orange Orange Orange

T19 Blu Blue Blau Bleu

T40 Vetro Verniciato Blu Blue Painted Glass Blau Lackiert Glas Verre Laqué Bleu

Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué


Marmo Carrara White Carrara Marre Carrara Marmor Carrara

Bianco White Weiß Blanc

T07 Nero Black Schwarz Noir

1SPI240 H 73 P 95 L 240 T51

Base verniciata Painted base Struktur lackiert Basement laqué

1SPLI180 H 72 P 110 L 180

T41 Specchio Fumé Smoked Mirror Geräucherte Spiegel Miroir Fumé

T43 Tinto Noce Scuro Dark Walnut Dunkel Walnuss Noyer Sombre

T49 Tinto Grigio Grey Grau Gris

T52 Nero Black Schwarz Noir


T33 Black Travertino Opaco Matt Black Travertino Matt Black Travertino Black Travertino Opaque

T08 Marrone Brown Braun Brun

(4.0) Read More



Read More about the full range of Tacchini T’16 Collection in alphabetical order, in seven different categories: Sofas p.427 — 432, Armchairs p.432 — 437, Ottomans p.437 — 438, Chaises-longues p.438, Chairs & Stools p.438 — 441, Furnishing Accessories p.441, High & Low Tables p.441 — 443. A complete, detailed and comprehensive description in Italian, English, German and French language for each one of Tacchini products. (4.1)







T’16 Made by Hand, Chapter (B)

(4.1) Sofas

new opportunities in terms of settings, arrangements and use, starting from the (IT) Angoli obliqui che ricordano le sofa: it comes in two sizes and its main CHILL-OUT (p.028) forme di antichi obelischi, creando un feature is the padding sewn directly architettonico gioco di luci e di ombre. into the fabric. A solution inspired by (IT) Sistema di divani, poltrone, pouf Volumi pieni che sembrano magicamente the world of sportswear, it also applies e tavolini ispirati al tema della libertà, galleggiare sul pavimento, su una base to the armchair and chair that can be semplicità e leggerezza, Chill-Out nascosta alla vista. Crystal è una famiglia easily matched with the sofa. può vivere negli spazi domestici e (DE) Die Familie Dressed wird durch weitere di divani e poltrone, che si distacca dagli collettivi, come singolo elemento o Elemente, welche neue Möglichkeiten standard e dai luoghi comuni, generando come composizione angolare o lineare. der Einrichtung, Zusammensetzung und un senso di sospensione e di dinamismo, Caratterizzati da volumi sottili ma al des Nutzens ermöglichen erweitert: senza utilizzare inutili artifici estetici, ma tempo stesso confortevoli e accoglienti, puntando su una sapiente, quanto assoluta, beginnend mit dem Sofa, welches in zwei gli elementi imbottiti sono affiancati semplicità. (EN) Oblique corners reminding verschiedenen Größen vorgeschlagen da tavolini in marmo di Carrara o of ancient obelisk shapes, creating an ist und durch direkt in die Verkleidungen marmo basaltina, con raffinata finitura architectural play of light and shadow. eingenähten Füllungen charakterisiert opaca: un materiale storico che Full volumes seem to float above the floor, wird. Eine Lösung, welche von der Welt aggiunge valore e fascino a un progetto on a hidden base. Crystal is a collection of der Sportswear inspiriert wurde und sich raffinatamente contemporaneo. sofas and armchairs away from ordinary auch in Sessel und Stuhl, welche bestens (EN) A system of sofas, armchairs, standards and clichés which gives birth to mit dem Sofa kombiniert werden können, poufs and coffee tables, inspired by a suspended and dynamic effect with no wiederfinden lässt. (FR) La famille Dressed the themes of freedom, simplicity s’agrandit avec des éléments ultérieurs need of aesthetical devices. It’s just about and lightness, Chill-Out are ideal for smart and absolute simplicity. (DE) Schräge offrant de nouvelles possibilités d’insertion domestic or collective spaces, on their Ecken erinnern an antike Obelisken und au sein des espaces, de composition et own or in a linear or corner composition. schaffen ein architektonisches Spiel von d’utilisation : à commencer par le canapé, Featuring slim yet comfortable and Licht und Schatten. Volle Volumen, welche proposé en deux dimensions différentes cosy volumes, the upholstered pieces magisch über dem Boden zu schweben et caractérisé par les rembourrages are accompanied by coffee tables in scheinen, befinden sich auf einer vor cousus directement dans le revêtement. Carrara or basaltina marble, with an Blicken versteckten Basis. Crystal ist Une solution qui s’inspire au monde du elegant matt finish: a historic material eine Sofaund Sesselfamilie, welche sportswear et que l’on retrouve aussi dans that adds both value and charm to this sich von Standard und Gemeinplätzen le fauteuil et dans la chaise, pouvant être refined, contemporary design. (DE) Chillunterscheidet und ein Gefühl des associés librement avec le canapé. Out ist ein Sitzmöbelsystem aus Sofas, Schwebens und der Dynamik schafft ohne Sessels, Ottomane und Couchtischen, unnötige ästhetische Schöpfungen zu GALLERIA (p.036) das von Freiheit, Schlichtheit und benutzen, aber auf eine wissentliche und Schwerelosigkeit geprägt ist; ideal für (IT) Galleria è un progetto completo uneingeschränkte Schlichtheit pocht. Wohnungen oder kollektive Räume, als (FR) Des angles obliques qui font penser che consente di creare le più svariate Einzelmöbel oder Komposition, mit oder aux formes des obélisques anciens, en soluzioni: da una panca lineare, a una ohne Eckelemente. Die Polstermöbel créant un jeu architectonique de lumières seduta angolare doppia, a un’isola mit den schlanken, aber gleichzeitig et d’ombres. Des volumes pleins qui dedicata all’attesa, al relax o alla bequemen und behaglichen Volumen, semblent flotter sur le sol d’une manière convivialità. Tutto questo partendo da werden flankiert von Couchtischen magique, sur une base cachée à la vue. una semplice barra d’acciaio, sulla quale aus Carrara-Marmor oder Basalt mit Crystal est une famille de canapés et de si agganciano liberamente elementi dalle eleganter, matter Oberfläche: ein fauteuils qui s’éloigne des standards et des forme geometriche semplici e dai materiali Material von großer Tradition, das lieux communs, en engendrant un sens de ricchi di personalità: legno, pelle, tessuto einem exklusiven, zeitgemäßen Entwurf suspension et de dynamisme, sans utiliser e metallo verniciato in diversi colori. zusätzlichen Wert und Reiz verleiht. d’inutiles artifices esthétiques, mais en Ogni composizione può essere utilizzata (FR) Système de canapés, fauteuils, poufs misant sur une simplicité aussi vivante da sola oppure in gruppi, moltiplicando et tables basses s’inspirant du thème de qu’absolue. praticamente all’infinito le possibilità d’uso la liberté, de la simplicité et de la légèreté, e armonizzandosi con qualsiasi spazio o Chill-Out peut vivre dans les espaces DRESSED (p.068) stile. (EN) Galleria is a complete design with domestiques et collectifs, comme élément the versatility to create a wide range of indépendant ou comme composition (IT) La famiglia Dressed si amplia con different solutions: from a linear bench to d’angle ou linéaire. Caractérisés par ulteriori elementi che nuove possibilità a double corner seat, to an island perfect des volumes fins mais en même temps for waiting, relaxation and conviviality. confortables et accueillants, les éléments di ambientazione, composizione ed utilizzo: a iniziare dal divano, proposto in And all this is developed around a simple rembourrés sont complétés par des steel bar, onto which to freely attach the tables basses en marbre de Carrare ou en due diverse dimensioni e caratterizzato dalle imbottiture cucite direttamente nel various simple, geometrically-shaped marbre basaltine, avec une finition mate elements in a range of materials bursting raffinée : un matériau historique qui ajoute rivestimento. Una soluzione ispirata al mondo dello sportswear che si ritrova with character: wood, leather, fabric and de la valeur et du charme à un projet de anche nella poltrona e nella sedia, metal painted in a range of colours. Each goût contemporain d’une grande finesse. liberamente abbinabili con il divano. composition can be used on its own or (EN) The Dressed product range expands in groups, offering endless possibilities with additional elements that give rise to for use that will blend beautifully with CRYSTAL (p.064)

(4.0) Read More

428 d’en modifier l’inclinaison ou de les placer en ligne avec les accoudoirs.

any space or style. (DE) Galleria ist ein komplettes System, das die Gestaltung unterschiedlicher Lösungen ermöglicht: gerade Bank, doppeltes Eckelement und Insel bilden eine ideale Sitzlandschaft für Warteräume, Bereiche zum Relaxen oder für gemütliche Geselligkeit. Ausgangsbasis ist eine einfache Stahlschiene, in die sich die geometrisch schlichten Elemente aus Materialien von starker Wirkung beliebig einhaken lassen: aus Holz, Leder, Textil und lackiertem Metall in verschiedenen Farben. Jede Kombination kann allein oder in Gruppen eingesetzt werden, um so die Möglichkeit ihrer Nutzung vielfach zu erweitern und harmonisch auf Raum und Einrichtungsstil abzustimmen. (FR) Galleria est un projet complet qui permet de créer les solutions les plus variées : une banquette linéaire, une banquette d’angle double, un îlot consacré à l’attente, à la détente ou à la convivialité. Tout cela en partant d’une simple barre d’acier, sur laquelle on accroche librement des éléments de formes géométriques simples réalisés dans des matériaux riches de personnalité : bois, cuir, tissu et métal laqué en différentes couleurs. Chaque composition peut être utilisée seule ou en groupes, en multipliant pratiquement à l’infini les possibilité d’emploi et en s’harmonisant avec n’importe quel espace ou style.

(IT) Havana è una sintesi armoniosa di eleganza e flessibilità. Da elegante divano protagonista dello spazio, si trasforma in comodo letto dotato di contenitore, con un semplice gesto. Versatile anche l’estetica, grazie alla scelta fra più rivestimenti sfoderabili e basi con rivestimento in alluminio o wengè. (EN) Havana is a synthesis of elegance and flexibility. From an elegant centrepiece of any space it can be transformed with a simple action into a bed with storage. Versatile also by virtue of the choice of a number removable covers and base options in aluminium or wengè finish. (DE) Havana ist eine Synthese aus Eleganz und Flexibilität. Aus einem Sofa der schlichten Linien wird mit einem einfachen Handgriff ein bequemes Bett mit praktischem Stauraum. Die Bezüge sind abziebar, das Untergestell mit Verkleidung aus Aluminium oder Wengè. (FR) Havana est une synthèse harmonieuse d’élégance et de flexibilité. Il se transforme de canapé élégant protagoniste de l’espace à un lit confortable équipé de rangement, avec un simple geste. Versatile dans l’esthétique, grâce au choix parmi plusieurs revêtements amovibles et bases avec revêtement en aluminium ou wengè.

HAPPY HOUR (p.140)

HIGHLIFE (p.056)

(IT) Happy

Hour è un sistema di divani caratterizzato da una grande flessibilità, nell’ambientazione e nell’uso. La seduta di base, disponibile in diverse dimensioni, è completabile con schienali dotati di uno snodo, che permette di variarne l’inclinazione o di collocarli in linea con i braccioli. (EN) Happy Hour is a system of sofas characterized by its great flexibility of function and integration. The seat which is available in a number of sizes is linked to the backrest via a mechanism which allows degrees of inclination or complete alignment with the armrests. (DE) Happy Hour ist ein sehr vielseitiges System aus flexiblen Sofas. Die Basis in vier Breiten wird durch bewegliche Rückenund Armlehnen komplettiert, diese sind in verschiedenen Schräglagen bis horizontal verstellbar. (FR) Happy Hour est un système de canapés caractérisé par un niveau élevé de flexibilité dans la définition et l’utilisation. L’assise de base, disponible en différentes dimensions peut être complétée par les dossiers avec une sphère, qui permet

HAVANA (p.126)

(IT) La soluzione è stata puntare sulla

semplicità e sul dinamismo: ogni pezzo ha uno schienale con altezza diversa, mentre i braccioli ed i cuscini sono caratterizzati da una piacevole essenzialità. In questo modo si crea un gioco di forme e volumi interessante, con molteplici possibilità di composizione, creando sempre abbinamenti personali e spazi ideali per lavorare, dialogare o rilassarsi. Tutto questo con una realizzazione sartoriale e preziosa, nella quale i grandi bottoni cuciti a mano fanno da visibile riferimento al mondo della moda. Il tessuto che si indossa e si sveste come un abito e la possibilità di aggiungere cuscini addizionali, aggiungono un ulteriore tocco di eleganza, praticità e versatilità a questa nuova collezione. (EN) Simplicity and dynamism are the key elements for this solution: every piece features backs in different heights, whilst arms and cushions are pleasantly essential. This way, you can play with shapes and volumes and several composition opportunities are offered to create customized matches and ideal spaces to work, chat or relax. A tailor-

429 made creation, undoubtedly precious, where big hand stitched buttons are a clear reference to fashion. Fabrics look like a dress to be worn and taken off, and the possibility of additional cushions enriches this new collection in elegance, comfort and versatility. (DE) Die Lösung ist es auf Einfachheit und Dynamik zu pochen: jedere Artikel hat eine Rückenlehne in unterschiedlichen Höhen, während die Armstützen und die Kissen durch das Wesentliche gekennzeichnet werden. Auf diese Art wird ein Spiel interessanter Formen und Volumen geschaffen mit vielfältigen Kombinationsmöglichkeiten, wodurch persönliche Kombinationen und ideale Räumlichkeiten kreiert werden können um zu arbeiten, zu dialogieren oder um sich zu erholen. All das mit einer wertvollen Realisierung der Schneiderkunst durch welche die von Hand aufgenähten großen Knöpfe einen sichtbaren Bezug zur Welt der Mode darstellen. Der Stoffbezug, welcher wie ein Kleid an- und ausgezogen werden kann, und die Möglichkeit zusätzliche Kissen beizufügen, verleihen dieser neuen Kollektion einen besonderen Glanz an Eleganz, Praktik und Vielseitigkeit. (FR) Miser sur la simplicité et le dynamisme a constitué la solution : chaque pièce a un dossier avec une hauteur différente, alors que les accoudoirs et les coussins sont caractérisés par une agréable essentialité. Un jeu intéressant de formes et de volumes est ainsi créé, avec de nombreuses possibilités de composition, en concevant toujours des assortiments personnels et des espaces idéaux pour travailler, dialoguer ou se détendre. Tout cela avec une réalisation de couturier, précieuse, où les grands boutons cousus à la main sont une référence visible au monde de la mode. Le tissu que l’on revêt et que l’on ôte comme un vêtement et la possibilité d’ajouter des coussins supplémentaires apportent une touche ultérieure d’élégance, de praticité et de versatilité à cette nouvelle collection. INTERCITY (p.120) (IT) Intercity è un sistema componibile che permette di creare spazi a misura di qualsiasi ambiente ed esigenza. Grazie a un’ampia scelta di moduli base, è possibile realizzare delle composizioni lineari, ad arco oppure ad isola. Le sedute imbottite si possono accostare a piacimento, scegliendo fra diversi moduli, per comporre le più diverse soluzioni. Alle sedute possono essere alternati dei piani di raccordo in laminato o in cristallo. (EN) Intercity is a modular

range that allows the creation of spaces suited to any environment and any requirement. With a wide choice of basic modules, straight, curved or peninsula configurations can be created. The upholstered seats can be combined as required, choosing different modules, to configure widely varying solutions. Seats can be alternated with glass or laminate connecting tops. (DE) Intercity ist ein mobiles Einrichtungssystem, mit dem Räume nach Maß für jeden Lebensraum und Bedürfnis gestaltet werden können. Durch die große Auswahl an Grundelementen können gerade oder bogenförmige Zusammenstellungen oder Insel-Kompositionen entstehen. Die gepolsterten Sitzmöbel können in den verschiedenen Grundmodulen beliebig zu unterschiedlichsten Zusammenstellungen verbunden werden. Die Sitzmöbel können abwechselnd mit Ablagen aus Laminat oder Kristallglas angeordnet werden. (FR) Intercity est un système composable qui permet de créer des espaces adaptés à n’importe quel environnement et exigence. Grâce au vaste choix de modules de base, il est possible de réaliser des compositions linéaires, courbes ou en îlot. Les sièges rembourrés peuvent être juxtaposés à volonté en choisissant entre différents modules pour composer les solutions les plus variées. Les sièges peuvent être alternés à des plans de liaison en stratifié ou en verre. LABANCA (p.092) (IT) Un sistema di divani, poltrone, panche estremamente versatile, pensato per arredare e caratterizzare qualsiasi spazio, esprimendo uno stile essenziale, trasversale ed internazionale, fatto di volumi sottili ed eleganti. (EN) A system of extremely versatile sofas, armchairs, and benches, developed and designed to suit any space and expressing an universal and international style with a fine and elegant form. (DE) Ein System sehr vielseitiger Sitzmöbel: Sofas, Sessels und Bänke. Erdacht, um kollektive Räume zu prägen und einzurichten in einem schlichten, übergreifenden, internationalen Stil und eleganten Linien. (FR) Un système de canapés, fauteuils, bancs extrêmement versatiles, crée pour meubler et caractériser tout espace, exprimant un style essentiel, transversal et international, fait de volumes minces et élégants.

LABANCA SYSTEM (p.096) (IT) Un versatile sistema di divani e sedute, ispirato al modello Labanca, per

realizzare molteplici soluzioni d’arredo. Le sedute sono disponibili con schienale e due braccioli, oppure con un solo bracciolo a destra o sinistra. Quest’ultima configurazione è completata con un piano di appoggio in cristallo, sul lato opposto rispetto al bracciolo. (EN) A versatile system of sofas and benches inspired by the idea of designing a system with multiple options and uses. The seats are available with backrest and side arms as well as a single arm to the left or right. This latter configuration can be completed with a glass side table in place of the arm rest. (DE) Ein vielseitiges system aus Sofas und Bänke, vom Modell Labanca inspiriert, um verschiedene Situationen zu meistern. Die Sitzmöbel sind mit Rückenlehne und zwei Armlehnen, oder nur eine Lehne rechts oder links. Diese letzte Variante hat auf der Lehne gegenüberliegenden Seite eine Abstellfläche. (FR) Un système versatile de canapés et assises, inspiré au modèle Labanca, pour réaliser de nombreuses solutions d’ameublement. Les assises sont disponibles avec un dossier et deux bras, ou avec un seul bras à droite ou à gauche. Cette dernière configuration est complétée avec un plan d’appui en cristal, sur le côté opposé par rapport au bras. LIMA (p.098) (IT) Un sistema composto da divani e poltrone di differenti dimensioni, caratterizzati da una particolare forma sinuosa che accoglie piacevolmente il corpo. Un comfort ulteriormente enfatizzato dal cuscino poggiareni, collocato sulla seduta ampia dal volume generoso. Elegantemente sottili sono invece i piedi della struttura, per aggiungere un tocco di dinamismo alla comodità. (EN) A system consisting of sofas and armchairs in different sizes, with a markedly sleek shape to receive the body nicely. Extra comfort is given by the large lumbar supporting cushion on the ample seat. Elegantly thin are the feet at the base of the frame, adding a touch of dynamism to the comfort. (DE) Das Sitzsystem, zusammengestellt aus Sofas und Sessels verschiedener Abmessungen, zeichnet sich durch eine besonders geschwungene Form aus, die den Körper bequem umschließt. Ein Rückenkissen, das am ausladenden Sitz mit seinem großzügigen Volumen angeordnet ist, sorgt noch für zusätzlichen Komfort. Schlank und sehr elegant sind hingegen die Füße am Unterbau, die der Bequemlichkeit einen dynamischen Touch verleihen. (FR) Un système composé de canapés et de fauteuils de différentes dimensions,

caractérisés par une forme sinueuse particulière qui accueille agréablement le corps. Un confort amplifié par la présence du coussin lombaire, qui complète l’assise au volume généreux. La fine élégance des pieds de la structure ajoute une touche de dynamisme à la commodité. MILLENNIUM DRIVE (p.136) (IT) Scenografico nell’impatto visivo, eppure essenziale nelle forme, Millennium Drive accoglie il corpo in un morbido ed ergonomico abbraccio, caratterizza lo spazio con il suo design originale, giocato sul contrasto fra la seduta trapuntata e la base liscia, con rivestimento sfoderabile: una comodità nella comodità. (EN) Theatrical in its visual impact yet minimalist in design, Millennium Drive holds the body in a soft and ergonomic embrace and defines space with its original design, played out on the contrast between the quilted seating and the plain base with removable covers for convenience in comfort. (DE) Millennium Drive, wirkungsvoll für das Auge und dennoch puristisch in den Formen, nimmt den Körper in einer weichen, ergonomischen Umarmung auf, das eigenwillige Design im spielerischen Kontrast von gesteppter Sitzfläche und glatter Basis verleiht dem Raum Charakter. Bezüge abnehmbar: für noch mehr Komfort. (FR) D’un grand impact visuel, bien qu’essentiel dans les formes, Millennium Drive accueille le corps dans une douce étreinte ergonomique, il caractérise l’espace avec son design original, joué sur le contraste entre l’assise matelassée et la base lisse avec revêtement déhoussable : une commodité en plus.

MONTEVIDEO (p.072) (IT) Linee e proporzioni studiate con cura, per offrire un comfort totale: questo é il principio ispiratore del divano Montevideo. Braccioli e schienale disegnano un’unica forma morbida e accogliente, completata da cuscini in piuma che sostengono la base della schiena. Ergonomico ed elegante, il divano Montevideo è inoltre abbinabile ad una poltrona coordinata. Un volume soffice che accoglie piacevolmente il corpo, un cuscino con imbottitura in piuma da posizionare liberamente per un comfort ancora più personalizzato: è la poltrona Montevideo, una sintesi di estetica ed ergonomia per gli ambienti più diversi, da sola o in abbinamento al divano dal design coordinato. (EN) Carefully designed shapes and sizes for all-round comfort:

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this is the guiding principle behind the Montevideo sofa. Armrests and backrest trace a soft and cozy outline, complete with feather cushions supporting your lower back. Ergonomic and elegant, the Montevideo sofa is also paired with a matching armchair. A soft, enveloping frame that warm accomodates the body, a feather cushion to be arranged at will for a more customized comfort: this is the Montevideo armchair, the net result of aesthetic and ergonomic principles and designed for a variety of settings, either as stand-alone or combined with its matching sofa. (DE) Bestens durchdachte Linien und Proportionen um umfassenden Komfort bieten zu können: das ist das inspirierende Prinzip des Sofas Montevideo. Die Arm- und Rückenlehnen ergeben eine einzige gemütliche und behagliche Form, welche durch Federkissen ergänzt wird um den Rücken zu stützen. Ergonomisch und elegant ist das Sofa Montevideo desweiteren auch mit dem koordinierbaren Sessel kombinierbar. Ein gemütliches Volumen, welches auf angenehme Art und Weise den Körper umgibt, ein mit Federn gefülltes Kissen, welches so positioniert werden kann, dass es einen noch persönlicheren Komfort schafft: das ist der Sessel Montevideo, eine Synthese aus Ästhetik und Ergonomie, geschaffen für die verschiedensten Räumlichkeiten, allein oder auch in Kombination mit dem Sofa in koordiniertem Design. (FR) Des lignes et des proportions étudiées avec soin pour offrir un confort total : voici le principe qui a inspiré la création du canapé Montevideo. Les accoudoirs et le dossier dessinent une forme unique, souple et accueillante, complétée par des coussins en plume qui soutiennent la base du dos. Ergonomique et élégant, le canapé Montevideo peut être associé en outre à un fauteuil coordonné. Un volume moelleux qui accueille agréablement le corps, un coussin avec un rembourrage en plume, peut être positionné librement pour un confort encore plus personnalisé : voici le fauteuil Montevideo, une synthèse d’esthétique et d’ergonomie pour les milieux les plus divers, seul ou associé au canapé du design coordonné.

a piacere, creando sei diverse tipologie di divani. Il sistema è completato da un’accogliente poltrona coordinata e da un originale complemento, utilizzabile come seduta o tavolino. (EN) Polar is inspired by the shear forms of the ice caps in the arctic seas, thus giving life to an extremely versatile seating system. The seats and backrests , characterized by their full and sheared forms can be coupled together in a variety of ways, creating numerous seating layouts or options. The system is completed by a rather beautiful armchair and an original accessory which can be used as a seat or side table. (DE) Die Inspiration von Polar kommt von den Eisblöcken, die in nördlichen Meeren treiben.Das System ist extrem vielseitig. Die Sitze und Lehnen, immer voluminös mit schrägen Kanten,können beliebig miteinander kombiniert werden. Es enstehen dabei verschiedene Modelle, ergänzt durch einen Sessel und ein originelles Objekt, das Tischchen oder Hocker sein kann. (FR) Polar s’inspire aux formes de blocs de glace qui flottent sur les mers nordiques pour faire naître un système d’ameublement extrêmement versatile. Les sièges et les dossiers, caractérisés toujours par des volumes pleins et des coupes obliques, peuvent être accouplés librement, en créant six différents types de canapés. Le système est complété par un fauteuil confortable et coordonné par un complément original, utilisable comme assise ou petite table.

POLAR (p.078) (IT) Polar si ispira alle forme dei blocchi di ghiaccio che galleggiano sui mari nordici, per dare vita a un sistema d’arredo estremamente versatile. I sedili e gli schienali, sempre caratterizzati da volumi pieni e tagli obliqui, si possono abbinare

POLAR PERCH (p.050) (IT) Il progetto Polar nasce nel 2006 dalla creazione di un oggetto multifunzionale, utilizzabile come seduta e tavolino, e da allora si è evoluto in una completa collezione di elementi d’arredo, ispirati della natura e dallo studio degli ambienti contemporanei. Polar Perch introduce in questo “work in progress” un’inedita coppia di elementi curvi, di altezza diversa e con forme complementari. L’elemento più basso può diventare un divano, mentre quello più alto può essere utilizzato come seduta da appoggio. Un concetto d’arredo innovativo, per creare infinite soluzioni, nei più diversi spazi collettivi. (EN) The Polar project began in 2006 with the creation of a multifunctional piece that could be used as a seat and an occasional table. Since then it has evolved into a complete furniture collection that draws its inspiration from nature and from the study of contemporary spaces. In the context of this “work in progress”, Polar Perch introduces an original pair of curved elements of different heights and

431 complementary shapes. The lower element can be used as a sofa, while the higher one offers seating support. An innovative furnishing concept with scope to create innumerable solutions for the widest range of communal areas. (DE) Ausgangsbasis von Polar ist ein 2006 kreiertes Mehrzweckmöbel, das als Sitzelement oder kleiner Tisch einsetzbar ist. Es hat sich seit damals zu einer kompletten Linie von Einrichtungselementen entwickelt, die ihre Anregung aus der Natur und dem Studium von zeitgemäßen Räumen beziehen. Polar Perch bereichert diese “Work in Progress” durch zwei innovative, verschieden hohe Polsterelemente von komplementärer Form. Das niedrigere Element kann zum Sofa werden, während das höhere eine zusätzliche Sitzfläche ergeben kann. Ein innovatives Einrichtungskonzept, das kreativen Lösungen für verschiedenste, kollektive Bereiche Raum gibt. (FR) Le projet Polar naît en 2006 de la création d’un objet polyvalent, utilisable comme siège et table basse, et depuis, il a évolué en une collection complète d’éléments de mobilier, s’inspirant de la nature et de l’étude des environnements contemporains. Polar Perch introduit dans ce « work in progress » un duo inédit d’éléments courbes, de hauteur différente et avec des formes complémentaires. L’élément le plus bas peut devenir un canapé, tandis que le plus haut peut être utilisé comme siège d’appoint. Un concept de mobilier innovant, pour créer d’innombrables solutions, dans les espaces collectifs les plus variés. QUADRO (p.104) (IT) Quadro è un sistema modulare che consente di creare divani, poltrone e pouf di qualsiasi tipologia e dimensione, risolvendo ogni necessità d’utilizzo e di ambientazione, con semplicità e senso del comfort: nei piccoli come nei grandi spazi. Tutti i rivestimenti sono sfoderabili. (EN) Quadro is a modular system which enables several configurations of sofas, armchairs and ottomans in a variety of combinations and dimensions addressing the needs of any space or environment with simplicity and comfort for large and small spaces. All covers are removable. (DE) Quadro ist ein modulares System: die schlichten Formen können sich zu Sofas, Sessels, Hocker und grossen Wohnlanschaften formen, für jede Nutzung und Lebensraum. Alle Bezüge sind abnehmbar. (FR) Quadro est un système modulaire pour créer les canapés, les fauteuils et les poufs de quelconque typologie et de dimension,

pour résoudre chaque besoin d’emploi et d’ambiance, avec simplicité et le sens du confort : dans les petits comme dans les grands espaces. Tous les revêtements sont déhoussable.

SESANN (p.020, 154)

(IT) Un sistema di divani e poltrone che suscitano una sensazione di sensuale calore, con le loro forme morbide, accoglienti, pienamente protagoniste dello spazio anche in virtù dell’importanza QUILT (p.086) dei volumi. A questa sensazione estetica (IT) Quilt nasce dal desiderio di andare oltre e fisica, si aggiunge la peculiarità della struttura avvolgente ed a vista, in tubolare le mode del momento, proponendo un sistema di imbottiti adattabile all’ambiente metallico cromato o verniciato. I piedi di supporto sono in legno di frassino domestico e al mondo del contract, tinti noce o grigio. Diversi i rivestimenti caratterizzato dalla trapuntatura che disponibili, in pelle o tessuto, per creare trasmette immediatamente, alla vista molteplici sensazioni e abbinamenti come al tatto, una piacevole sensazione cromatici con la struttura. (EN) A system di comfort e prestigio. Quilt, proposto of sofas and armchairs that create a in diverse misure, é appoggiato su un feeling of sensual warm, with their soft, basamento in acciaio, mentre la poltrona comfortable shapes which are definitely può anche essere dotata di base a disco the protagonists of space also due to the in acciaio verniciato. La collezione importance of volumes. In addition to this è completata da un pouf quadrato, accostabile al divano oppure alla poltrona. aesthetic and physical feelings, there is the peculiarity of its embracing structure, (EN) Quilt is born from a desire to go which can be in metallic chromed or beyond the latest design fad, offering painted tubular. The feet are made with a system of cushioned sofas that fit ash wood dyed grey or walnut. Different perfectly into both the home and contract upholsteries are available, leathers environment. Its quilted stitching or fabrics, in order to create various immediately communicates a feeling of feelings and chromatic combinations comfort and a sense of luxury. Quilt is with the structure. (DE) Ein System von available in different sizes with a steel Sofas und Sesseln, die ein Gefühl von base; the armchair can also have sinnlicher Wärme geben. Ihre Formen a disc-shaped base in painted steel. sind weich und gemütlich. Zu diesem The collection is complemented by a ästhetischen und physischen Gefühl square ottoman that can be placed next kommt die Besonderheit der sichtbaren to the sofa or armchair. (DE) Quilt will über einhüllenden Struktur: ein verchromtes Tagesmoden hinausgehen und präsentiert oder lackiertes Metallrohr. Die Füße sind sich als System von Polstermöbeln für aus grau gebeizter Esche oder Nuss. den häuslichen Bereich ebenso wie für Verschiedene Bezüge aus Leder oder Stoff Objekteinrichtung. Charakteristisch die sind verfügbar und formen haptische und gesteppte Ausführung, die sowohl für farbliche Kombinationen mit der Struktur. das Auge als auch bei der Berührung ein (FR) Un système de sofas et fauteuils unmittelbares Gefühl von Komfort und qui suscitent une sensation de chaleur Prestige vermittelt. Das in verschiedenen sensuelle avec leurs formes douces, Größen angebotene Sofa stutzt sich auf accueillantes, qui sont les protagonistes ein Stahlgestell, der Sessel kann auch de l’espace aussi grâce à ses volumes eine runde Bodenplatte aus lackiertem importants. À cette sensation esthétique Stahl haben. Die Kollektion wird durch et physique, s’ajoute la particularité de einen quadratischen Hocker Ergänzt, der la structure enveloppante et exposée, en neben Sofa oder Polstersessel aufstellbar tubulaire métallique chromatique ou verni. ist. (FR) Quilt nait du désir d’aller au-delà Les pieds sont en bois de frêne teinté des modes du moment, en proposant un gris ou noyer. Différents revêtements système de meubles rembourres adaptable disponibles en cuir ou tissu, pour créer a la vue comme au toucher, une agréable de multiples sensations et associations sensation de confort et de prestige. Quilt, chromatiques avec la structure. proposé en différentes mesures, repose sur une base en acier, tandis que le fauteuil SLIDING (p.132) peut aussi avoir une base circulaire en acier laque. La collection est complétée (IT) Un divano essenziale ed elegante, par un pouf carre, qui peut être associé au caratterizzato dalla base in pressofusione canapé ou au fauteuil. di alluminio, che si trasforma in un comodo letto a due piazze, semplicemente abbassando lo schienale con meccanismo brevettato. I cuscini con imbottitura in

piuma d’oca, sono funzionali ad entrambi gli utilizzi. Tutti i rivestimenti sono sfoderabili. (EN) A practical and extremely elegant sofa characterized by its base in cast aluminium which transforms itself into a comfortable double bed simply by lowering the backrest via the patented mechanism. The cushions are upholstered in duck down. All covers are removable. (DE) Ein elegantes schlichtes Sofa, zeichnet sich durch sein Alluminiumgestell auf Rollen aus, verwandelbar in ein bequemes Doppelbett durch einfaches Runterdrücken der Lehne. Die Kissen mit Daunenfüllung sind für beide Anwendungen funktionell. Alle Bezüge sind abziehbar. (FR) Un canapé essentiel et élégant, caractérisé avec la base moulage sous pression en aluminium, qui se transforme dans un lit confortable à deux places, simplement en baissant le panneau arrière avec le mécanisme breveté. Les coussins rembourrés avec plume d’oie sont fonctionnels pour les deux emplois. Tous les revêtements sont amovibles. STONE (p.110) (IT) Un nuovo sistema di divani modulari, semplice nelle forme, ma ricco di elementi e possibilità compositive, per accogliere le esigenze dei più diversi spazi pubblici. Morbidi e confortevoli, ispirati alla rotondità delle pietre levigate dall’acqua, proposti con un’ampia gamma di rivestimenti, i divani Stone sono disponibili in numerose varianti, utilizzabili da soli oppure aggregati in molteplici layout. Le basi metalliche a T, caratterizzate da una fessura che ne sottolinea l’eleganza, possono essere scelte in due altezze: una adatta al contract alberghiero, alle sale d’attesa ed agli spazi pubblici, l’altra studiata per gli ambienti della ristorazione, i bar e le caffetterie. Il sistema è inoltre completato da una famiglia di tavoli coordinati: terminali o indipendenti, con due gambe a T oppure con singola base centrale. (EN) Stone is a new system of modular sofas with simple, easy shapes but rich in elements and with enough assembling choice to fulfill the needs of the widest range of public areas. Soft and comfortable, they draw upon the roundness of stones honed by flowing water, and come in a wide range of upholstery. Stone sofas are manufactured in many variants and can either stand alone or set in cleft to enhance their elegance, are available in two heights: one is suitable for hotel contracting, waiting rooms and public areas while the other is more suited for catering areas, bars and cafes. The system is also complemented by a full

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set of matching tables: free-standing or end-tables, with two T-shaped legs or a single central base. (DE) Ein neues System modulierbarer Sofas, einfach in seiner Form, aber reich an kombinierbaren Elementen und Möglichkeiten, um den Bedürfnissen verschiedenster öffentlicher Räumlichkeiten gerecht zu werden. Weich und bequem, mit Formen, bei denen man sich von den Abrundungen der Steine im Wasser, abgeschliffen durch die Strömungen, hat inspirieren lassen, sind die Stone Sofas in verschiedensten Ausführungen und mit einer Vielzahl von Bezügen erhältlich und sind einzeln oder in Gruppen zur Schaffung von unterschiedlichsten Raumgestaltungen einsetzbar. Die Metallsockel in T-Form, durch einen Spalt, der die Eleganz unterstreicht charakterisiert, können in zwei verschiedenen Höhen gewählt werden: eine für das Hotelgewerbe, für Wartezimmer und öffentliche Räumlichkeiten, die andere für das Restaurantwesen, für Bars und Cafés. Das System wird des weiteren durch eine komplette Serie an koordinierbaren Tischen vervollständigt. Endständig oder unabhängig, mit zwei T-Beinen oder auch mit einzelner zentraler Basis. (FR) Ce nouveau système de canapés modulaires aux formes simples mais extrêmement riche du point de vue des éléments et des possibilités de composition est parfait pour répondre aux nécessités les plus diverses des espaces publics. Doux et confortables, inspirés à la rotondité des pierres polies par l’eau, proposés avec une gamme ample de revêtements, les canapés Stone sont disponibles en nombreuses variantes, utilisables seuls ou associés à multiples typologies. Les bases métalliques en T, qui se distinguent par une rainure qui en rehausse l’élégance, sont disponibles en deux hauteurs : l’une pensée pour les contrats hôteliers, parfaite pour les salles d’attente et les espaces publics, l’autre pour les restaurants, les bars et les cafés. Une gamme entière de tables coordonnées complète le système : tables de bout ou tables indépendantes, tables à deux pieds en T ou à base centrale unique.

e cura di ogni dettaglio, dalla struttura in legno di frassino, con diverse finiture, all’armonioso insieme della scocca, dello schienale e dei braccioli, con cuciture sartoriali, Agnese può essere abbinata a un pouf coordinato, sempre su progetto originale di Gianfranco Frattini. (EN) Agnese is the relaunch of an historic project of Gianfranco Frattini, protagonist of Italian design and architecture in the XX century. Agnese armchair was in fact pointed out at Compasso d’Oro in 1956. Realized with philological fidelity and attention for every detail, from the ash wood structure with different finishes, to the harmonic set of body, backrest and arms, made with sartorial stitches, Agnese can be combined with a coordinated ottoman, like the original project of Gianfranco Frattini. (DE) Agnese ist eine neue Interpretation eines historischen Projects von Gianfranco Frattini, einer der wichtigsten Persönlichkeiten des italienischen Designs und der Architektur im 20. Jahrhundert. Der Sessel Agnese war zu Compasso d’Oro 1956 signalisiert. Er wurde mit philologischer Genauigkeit realisiert, von der Struktur aus Eschenholz mit verschiedenen Oberflächen bis zur harmonischen Gesamtheit von Schale, Rückenlehne und Armlehnen mit Ziernähten. Agnese kann mit einem Ottomanen kombiniert werden, wie im Originalprojekt von Gianfranco Frattini. (FR) Agnese est la nouvelle proposition d’un projet historique de Gianfranco Frattini, protagoniste du design et de l’architecture italienne du XX siècle : le fauteuil Agnese a été signalisé au Compasso d’Oro 1956. Réalisé avec fidélité philologique et soin de tous les détails, de la structure en bois de frêne de différentes finitions jusqu’à l’ensemble harmonieux de la coque, du dossier et des accoudoirs avec coutures fines, Agnese peut être coordonné avec un pouf toujours sur le projet original de Gianfranco Frattini.

(4.2) Armchairs AGNESE (p.156) (IT) Agnese è la riproposizione di uno storico progetto di Gianfranco Frattini, protagonista del design e dell’architettura italiana del Novecento: la poltrona Agnese fu segnalata al Compasso d’Oro 1956. Realizzata con fedeltà filologica

BAOBAB (p.220) (IT) Baobab si distingue per il contrasto fra il volume pieno e rotondeggiante della seduta e il sottile profilo dello schienale. Il risultato, oltre a dimostrarsi particolarmente ricco di personalità, è anche piacevolmente comodo e accogliente. (EN) Baobab is characterised by the contrast of the full rounded form of the seat with the fine and elegant profile of the back. The result, quite apart from its unique personality is a very pleasing, comfortable and eye catching piece. (DE) Baobab zeichnet sich durch den Kontrast der vollen, runden Formen der

433 Sitzfläche und dem schlanken Profil der Rückenlehne aus. Das Ergebnis, mehr als nur Persönlichkeit Baobab ist angenehm einladend und bequem. (FR) Baobab se distingue pour le contraste entre le volume complet et arrondi de l’assise et le profil mince du dossier. Le résultat, outre être particulièrement riche de personnalité, est également agréablement confortable et accueillant. BIANCA (p.192) (IT) Dal progetto originale di Franco Albini, maestro dell’architettura e del design italiano del XX secolo, un inedito assoluto che prende una forma concreta ed affascinante. Disegnata nel 1939 per l’arredamento della prestigiosa Villa Monzino, sul Lago di Como, questa poltrona con elegante struttura in legno e morbida imbottitura in espanso, esprime una classe senza tempo, unita a una personalità sorprendentemente contemporanea nella sua leggerezza e rigore. (EN) Drawn from the original design by Franco Albini, a true maestro of 20th century Italian architecture and design, here is an absolute unseen model that takes on a both concrete and fascinating form. Designed in 1939 as an addition to the furnishings of the prestigious Villa Monzino on Lake Como, this armchair boasts a sleek wooden frame and soft foam upholstery and conveys a timeless sort of classical nature, combined with a surprisingly contemporary personality that shines through in its lightness and stylistic precision. (DE) Vom Originalprojekt Franco Albinis, maßgeblicher italienischer Architekt und Designer des 20. Jahrhunderts, nimmt dieser Entwurf eine neuartige, konkrete Form großer Faszination an. Entworfen 1939 für die Einrichtung der noblen Villa Monzino am Comer See, bringt diese Sessel mit dem eleganten Gestell aus Holz und der Schaumstoffpolsterung eine zeitlose Klasse zum Ausdruck, aber ist dank Schwerelosigkeit und Rigorosität gleichzeitig von einer überraschend modernen Persönlichkeit. (FR) Sur la base du projet original de Franco Albini, maître de l’architecture et du design italien du XXe siècle, un inédit absolu qui prend une forme concrète et fascinante. Dessiné en 1939 pour la décoration de la prestigieuse Villa Monzino, sur le lac de Côme, ce fauteuil à la structure élégante en bois avec un rembourrage moelleux en mousse, exprime une classe intemporelle, associée à une personnalité étonnamment contemporaine dans sa légèreté et sa rigueur.

COMPACT (p.228) (IT) Le forme compatte di questi divani e poltroncine, facilitano il loro inserimento in qualsiasi spazio, senza dover rinunciare all’eleganza ed al comfort. Due le versioni disponibili: con piedini in legno, per esprimere uno stile più classico, o con basamento in metallo cromato, con uno spirito più contemporaneo. Il rivestimento è sempre sfoderabile. (EN) The compact forms of this range of sofas and armchairs facilitate its use in almost any space without the need to compromise elegance or comfort. There are two versions available: with wooden feet to give a classic style or chromed metal base giving it a more contemporary feel. The covers are fully removable. (DE) Die kompakten Formen dieser Sofas und Sessel erleichtern das Einfügen in jedes Lebensraum, ohne dafür auf Komfort und Eleganz zu verzichten. Zwei Varianten sind möglich: mit Holz-füssen für eine klassische Aussicht oder mit verchromten Kufen für einen zeitgenössischen Stil. (FR) Les formes compactes, des fauteuils et des canapés, facilitent leur inclusion dans quelconque espace, sans renoncer à l’élégance et au confort. Deux versions disponibles : avec les pieds en bois, pour exprimer un style plus classique, ou avec la base en métal chromé, avec un esprit plus contemporain. Le revêtement est toujours déhoussable.

CRYSTAL (p.208) (IT) Disegnata con linee oblique che si distinguono dagli schemi consueti, la poltrona Crystal è proposta in versione quadrata o rotonda, con base fissa o girevole. Quest’ultima è collocata in modo da risultare invisibile alla vista, generando un magico effetto di sospensione sul pavimento. (EN) Designed with oblique lines that differ from the usual, the Crystal armchair comes either square or round, with fixed or swivel base. The latter is placed so as to be invisible to the eye, giving rise to a magic effect of being suspended over the floor. (DE) Der mit Schräglinien designte Sessel Crystal unterscheidet sich von den üblichen Schema und ist in quadratischer oder runder Form, mit fixer oder drehbarer Basis erhältlich. Die Drehbasis wurde so realisiert, dass sie mit bloßem Auge nicht zu erkennen ist, was einen magischen Effekt der Erhebung vom Boden zur Folge hat. (FR) Dessiné à l’aide de lignes obliques qui se distinguent des normes habituelles, le fauteuil Crystal est proposé en version carrée ou ronde, avec une base fixe ou

pivotante. Cette dernière est située de manière à rester invisible à la vue, en créant un effet magique de suspension sur le sol. CURVE (p.212) (IT) Le forme curve di questa poltrona comunicano già al primo sguardo una sensazione di comodità e morbidezza, ed al tempo stesso di dinamica leggerezza, grazie ai contorni sapientemente definiti da bordi sottili, anziché da volumi pesanti. Il cuscino della seduta, soffice e confortevole, è provvisto di rivestimento sfoderabile. (EN) The curved shapes of this armchair convey at first glance a feeling of comfort and softness, and at the same time a dynamic lightness. Its contours are marked by ultra-thin edges rather than a bulky outline. The seat cushion is soft and comfortable and has a removable cover. (DE) Die gekurvten Formen dieses Sessels vermitteln bereits auf den ersten Blick ein Gefühl von Gemütlichkeit und Weichheit, aber auch gleichzeitig eine gewichtslose Dynamik dank der wohlweislich von feinen Einfassungen anstatt von beschwerenden Volumen definierten Umrisse. Das Sitzkissen, weich und gemütlich, ist mit einem abnehmbaren Bezug ausgestattet. (FR) Déjà au premier regard les formes courbes de ce fauteuil communiquent une sensation de commodité et de souplesse et dans le même temps, de légèreté dynamique, grâce aux contours savamment définis par des bords fins à la place de volumes lourds. Le coussin du siège est doux et confortable et possède un revêtement déhoussable.

DOT (p.180) (IT) La poltrona Dot raccoglie i valori simbolici della casa ideale, traducendoli in morbide curve, geometrie avvolgenti, sensazioni tattili e linee essenziali. Il suo progetto è caratterizzato da una forma unica e continua, con lo schienale curvato che si trasforma delicatamente in un elemento strutturale, mentre l’imbottitura conferisce stabilità e comfort alla seduta, sollevata da una base dalla forma contrastante, disponibile sia in legno che in metallo. (EN) Dot armchair embraces the symbolic values of the ideal home and turns them into soft curves, embracing geometries, tactile feelings and simple lines. Its project is characterized by a unique and continuous shape, with a curved backrest which gently becomes a structural element, while the padding gives stability and comfort to the seat, raised by

a contrasting basement shape, available in wood and metal. (DE) Der Sessel Dot nimmt die die symbolischen Werte des idealen Heims auf und übersetzt sie in weiche Kurven, umhüllende Geometrien, angenehme Haptik und einfache Linien. Er ist durch eine eigene und fließende Form charakterisiert. Die gekrümmte Rückenlehne wird zum Strukturelement, während die Polsterung Stabilität und Komfort gibt. Das alles sitzt auf einer kontrastierenden Basis, die in Holz oder Metall lieferbar ist. (FR) Le fauteuil Dot accueille les valeurs symboliques de la maison idéale et les traduit avec des courbes douces, des géométries envoûtantes, des sensations tactiles et des lignes essentielles. Son projet est caractérisé par une forme unique et continue, avec un dossier courbé qui se transforme délicatement en un élément structural tandis que le rembourrage donne stabilité et confort à l’assise qui est relevé par une base à la forme contrastante, disponible en bois et en métal. DRESSED (p.218) (IT) Le imbottiture cucite nel rivestimento, ricordano le toppe protettive dei capi di abbigliamento tecnico o sportivo. Un elemento piacevolmente caratterizzante per la poltrona Dressed, come per il comodo pouf e per gli altri elementi della stessa famiglia: il divano e la sedia, sempre con lo stesso caratterizzante vestito di cuscini. (EN) The padding sewn into the fabric, reminds the woven patches sewn onto sports or technical clothing. A nice distinguishing feature for the Dressed armchair, as for the comfortable ottoman and other furnishings of the same product range: the sofa and chair, always with the same distinctive range of cushions. (DE) Die direkt in die Verkleidungen eingenähten Füllungen erinnern an die Schutzaufsätze von Technik- und Sportbekleidung. Ein für den Sessel Dressed, aber auch für das Sitzkissen und die anderen Elemente der gleichen Familie angenehm charakterisierendes Element: das Sofa und der Stuhl, immer mit dem gleichen auszeichnenden Sitzkissenbezug. (FR) Les rembourrages cousus dans le revêtement font penser aux pièces protectrices des vêtements techniques ou sportifs. Un élément agréablement caractéristique pour le fauteuil Dressed, tout comme pour le pouf confortable et pour les autres pièces de la même famille : le canapé et la chaise, toujours avec la même particularité revêtue de coussins.

(4.0) Read More GIROLA (p.226) (IT) Una poltrona girevole che avvolge totalmente il corpo e ruota completamente su sé stessa, grazie ad un meccanismo a sfera collocato nella base. Un elemento d’arredo originale e confortevole, adatto a porsi al centro di qualsiasi spazio. Struttura in legno multistrato di betulla, con imbottitura in poliuretano espanso a quote differenziate. (EN) A swivel armchair which enfolds the body and rotates fully on its own axis thanks to a ball mechanism in the base. An original and comfortable item of furniture, suitable for placing in the centre of any space. The frame is in beech plywood, upholstered in differentiated-density polyurethane foam. (DE) Ein Drehstuhl, der den Körper perfekt umschließt und sich durch einen Kugelmechanismus im Untergestell vollständig selbst drehen kann. Ein originelles und bequemes Einrichtungselement, das in jedem Raum zum Mittelpunkt werden kann. Struktur aus Mehrschichtholz Birke, Polsterung aus PU-Schaumstoff unterschiedlicher Stärken. (FR) Un fauteuil pivotant qui enveloppe complètement le corps et tourne complètement sur soi, grâce à un mécanisme à billes placé dans le piétement. Un élément d’ameublement original et confortable, pouvant être placé au centre de n’importe quel espace. Structure en multiplis de bouleau, avec rembourrage en polyuréthane expansé de hauteurs différentes.

GLIDE (p.242) (IT) L’ispirazione di partenza per Glide è l’osservazione della natura, il fluido e continuo passaggio da una forma ad un’altra, da uno stato all’altro: come la neve in primavera. Un concetto dal quale nasce una seduta ampia, morbida e sottile, realizzata in poliuretano espanso a quote differenziate, sostenuta da aerei sostegni metallici, che accoglie il corpo in un abbraccio aereo e spontaneo. (EN) The basic inspiration for Glide is observation of nature, the fluid and constant change from one shape to another, from one state to another, like the snow in spring. A concept that has produced a large, soft and slim chair in polyurethane foam with differentiated density, supported by an airy metal frame, which holds the body in a light and spontaneous embrace. (DE) Die erste Inspiration für Glide kommt aus der Beobachtung der Natur, dem fließenden, dauernden Übergang von einer Form zur anderen, von einem Zustand

434 zum anderen: wie der Schnee im Frühling. Ein Konzept, aus dem ein großzügiges, weiches und schlankes Sitzmöbel entstanden ist, hergestellt aus PU-Schaum in differenzierten Höhen und getragen von Metallstützen, das den Körper in einer lockeren, spontanen Umarmung aufnimmt. (FR) L’inspiration de départ pour Glide est l’observation de la nature, le passage fluide et continu d’une forme à une autre, d’un état à l’autre: comme la neige au printemps. Un concept d’où naît une assise ample, moelleuse et fine, réalisée en polyuréthane expansé à densité variable, soutenue par d’élégants supports métalliques, qui accueille le corps dans une étreinte aérienne et spontanée. IPANEMA (p.224) (IT) Un classico della collezione Tacchini, in una forma che esprime un’attualità oltre il tempo. Essenziale, armoniosa e accogliente, Ipanema è una poltroncina versatile eppure ricca di personalità, adatta agli ambienti più diversi: dagli spazi della cultura, agli hotel e ristoranti di alto livello. (EN) A classic in the Tacchini collection, it expresses a timeless quality. Fine, elegant and eye catching, Ipanema is a versatile armchair rich in character and ideal for cultural spaces and high end restaurants and hotels. (DE) Ein Klassiker aus der Tacchini Kollektion, in aktueller zeitlose Form. Nüchtern, harmonisch, gemütlich, Ipanema besitzt Vielseitigkeit sowohl Persönlichkeit, passend zu den verschiedensten Räumlichkeiten: Kultur, Hotels, Restaurants mit hohem Niveau. (FR) Un classique de la collection Tacchini, sous une forme qui exprime une actualité outre le temps. Essentielle, harmonieuse et accueillante, Ipanema est un fauteuil versatile pourtant riche de personnalité, adaptée aux besoins des différents milieux: dans les espaces de la culture, les hôtels et les restaurants.

ISOLA (p.204) (IT) Avvolgente, accogliente, invitante come un’isola in mezzo al mare, questa poltrona è caratterizzata dalla forma organica e dalla struttura leggera. Ideale nel panorama del contract come nell’habitat, perfetta per tuffarsi nel relax ma anche per immergersi nel lavoro o nello studio, grazie a un tavolino opzionale, posizionabile sul lato destro o sinistro e realizzato in pregiato marmo biancone o travertino nero opaco.La struttura è disponibile cromata o verniciata. (EN) Enveloping, cozy, and as inviting as an island out at sea, this armchair is marked

435 by a more organic shape and loosely structured frame. It fits in ideally in home furnishings and public contracts alike, perfect for relaxing as well as soaking up work or study due thanks to its optional table, placed on the right or left and made in precious white marble or matte black travertine. The frame may be either chromed or painted. (DE) Komfortabel, gemütlich, einladend, wie eine Insel mitten im Meer charakterisiert dieser Sessel durch eine organische Form und eine leichte Struktur. Ideal sowohl im Bereich Contract, als auch im Bereich Habitat ist er perfekt, um zu relaxen, aber auch um sich der Arbeit oder dem Studium zu widmen und zwar dank eines Zusatztischchens, welches auf der rechten oder linken Seite angebracht werden kann und aus wertvollem Biancone Marmor oder matt schwarz Travertin besteht. (FR) Enveloppant, accueillant, invitant comme une île au milieu de la mer, ce fauteuil est caractérisé par sa forme organique et par sa structure légère. Idéal au sein d’un panorama contract comme dans l’habitat, il est parfait pour se plonger dans le relax mais aussi pour s’immerger dans le travail ou dans l’étude grâce à une petite table en option, située sur le côté droit ou gauche et réalisée dans un précieux marbre biancone ou en travertin noir opaque. La structure est disponible chromée ou vernie. JACKET (p.196) JACKET OUTDOOR (p.200) (IT) Visibilmente ispirata al mondo della moda, la poltrona Jacket si presenta in una versione rinnovata nella realizzazione sartoriale e nelle tonalità della struttura metallica, dalle linee snelle e sinuose. Il tessuto trapuntato non si limita a vestirla, ma diventa esso stesso una morbida ed accogliente scocca, con un bordo che ricorda il bavero di una giacca. Due cuscini aggiungono una soffice sensazione di comfort. La versione Jacket Outdoor apre ulteriori possibilità di utilizzo per la poltrona Jacket, mettendo a nudo la sua struttura sinuosa ed elegante, realizzata in tubolare metallico di diametro 30 mm, con verniciatura epossidica resistente alle intemperie. L’ampia scocca, anch’essa in metallo, e resa ancora più comoda e accogliente da un sottile cuscino, in diversi tessuti e colori adatti per l’utilizzo in esterni. La poltrona Jacket Outdoor può essere affiancata da un elemento coordinato, utilizzabile come seduta o piano d’appoggio. (EN) Drawing evident inspiration from the fashion world, Jacket armchair now appears in a renewed

version, with revamped sartorial details and new colours for its sleek and slender metal frame. The quilted fabric, in addition to dressing the piece, forms its soft, cosy shell, with edging reminiscent of a jacket lapel. Two cushions add a sense of snug comfort. The Jacket outdoor version opens up new possibilities of use for the Jacket armchair, revealing its sleek and sophisticated frame: powder-coated and weather resistant metal tubing with a 30 mm diameter. The broad shell, which is also made of metal, has been made even more comfortable and snug with a thin pillow in different fabrics and colors suitable for outdoor use. The Jacket Outdoor chair may be paired up with a matching furnishing element to be used as a seat or surface top. (DE) Der Sessel Jacket, der sichtbar von der Welt der Mode beeinflusst ist, präsentiert sich in einer erneuerten, maßgeschneiderten Ausführung und in neuen Farben für das metallische Untergestell in schlanken, geschwungenen Linien. Der gesteppte Bezug ist nicht nur eine Bekleidung, sondern wird selbst zu einer weichen, behaglichen Sitzschale, mit einem oberen Abschluss, der an einen Rockkragen erinnert. Verstärkt wird der flauschige Komfort durch zwei Kissen. Die Variante Jacket Outdoor eröffnet dem Lehnstuhl Jacket neue Nutzungsmöglichkeiten, indem seine elegant beschwingte Struktur freigelegt wird: sie besteht aus Metallrohr, Durchmesser 30 mm, mit witterungsbeständiger Pulverlackierung. Die großzügige Sitzschale, ebenfalls aus Metall, ist noch bequemer durch ein dünnes Kissen in verschiedenen Textilien und Farben, die sich für den Gebrauch im Freien eignen. Der Lehnstuhl Jacket Outdoor kann durch ein koordiniertes Element ergänzt werden, das als Sitz oder Ablage nutzbar ist. (FR) S’inspirant clairement du monde de la mode, le fauteuil Jacket se présente dans une version renouvelée dans la fabrication très « couture » et dans les teintes de la structure métallique, aux lignes fines et sinueuses. Le tissu matelassé ne se limite pas à l’habiller mais devient lui-même une coque douce et accueillante, avec un bord qui rappelle le revers d’une veste. Deux coussins ajoutent une sensation de confort douillet. La version Jacket Outdoor offre des possibilités d’utilisation supplémentaires pour le fauteuil Jacket, en mettant à nu sa structure sinueuse et élégante, réalisée en tube métallique de 30 mm de diamètre, avec peinture époxy résistant aux intempéries. La large coque, elle aussi en métal, est rendue encore plus confortable et accueillante par un

fin coussin, réalisé en différents tissus et coloris adaptés pour une utilisation à l’extérieur. Le fauteuil Jacket Outdoor peut être complété par un élément coordonné, utilisable comme siège ou plan d’appui. KELLY E⁄H⁄L+F (p.186) (IT) Kelly è una famiglia di sedute

caratterizzate da uno spirito amichevole e giocoso, espresso attraverso forme organiche, colori puri e brillanti, sensazioni positive. La personalità di ciascun modello è caratterizzata dalle diverse forme e proporzioni dello schienale e del sedile, sempre sospesi su sottili strutture metalliche, con un richiamo agli arredi vintage e alle opere dell’arte moderna. Le sedute Kelly possono vivere da sole oppure creare diversi abbinamenti e composizioni, negli ambienti domestici come negli spazi del contract. La poltrona lounge può essere completata da un pouf poggiapiedi coordinato. (EN) Kelly is a collection of chairs characterized by a friendly and jovial spirit which is expressed with organic shapes, pure and shiny colours and positive feelings. The personality of every model is distinguished by various shapes and sizes of seat and backrest, always suspended on thin metallic structures which remind vintage furniture and modern art’s works. Kelly chairs can stay independent or create different combinations and compositions, both in domestic and public environments. Kelly lounge armchair can be also combined with a coordinated footrest. (DE) Kelly ist eine Familie von Sitzmöbeln, die durch fröhliche, positive Ausstrahlung, organische Formen und klare, strahlende Farben charakterisiert ist. Jedes Modell hat seine eigene Persönlichkeit durch verschiedene Formen und Proportionen der Rückenlehnen und des Sitzes. Gemeinsam sind immer die schlanken Metallstrukturen, Erinnerung an vintage Möbel und moderne Kunstwerke. Die Kelly Stühle können allein gestellt werden oder in vielfältigen Kombinationen und Kompositionen im Haus oder im Objekt. Der Loungesessel kann mit einer passenden Ottomane ergänzt werden. (FR) Kelly est une famille de sièges caractérisée par un esprit convivial et gai exprimé par des formes organiques, des couleurs pures et brillantes, des sensations positives. La personnalité de chaque modèle est caractérisée par les différentes formes et proportions du dossier et de l’assise, toujours suspendu sur de fines structures métalliques, avec un rappel au mobilier vintage et aux œuvres de l’art moderne. Les sièges

Kelly peuvent être indépendants ou créer différentes compositions et associations dans les espaces domestiques comme dans les espaces contract. Le fauteuil lounge peut être complété avec un pouf coordonné. MAYFAIR (p.230) (IT) Compatta e avvolgente, la collezione Mayfair presenta un duplice aspetto: assolutamente lineare all’esterno, come un unico foglio ricurvo, piacevolmente morbida all’interno, come una tana o un nido. Le linee organiche sono sottolineate dalle cuciture a vista. Il rivestimento, in pelle o tessuto è disponibile in diversi colori. (EN) Compact and snug, the Mayfair’s collection has a dual appearance: totally straight from the outside, like a single curved leaf, and pleasantly soft on the inside, like a den or nest. The organic lines are emphasised by the visible stitching. The upholstery, in leather or fabric, is available in various colours. (DE) Der kompakte, anschmiegsame Kollektion Mayfair hat zwei verschiedene Seiten: streng lineare Optik von außen, wie ein einziges, gebogenes Blatt, angenehm weich im inneren, wie eine Höhle oder ein Nest. Die organischen Linien werden durch Ziernähte betont. Die Bezüge aus Leder oder Stoff sind in verschiedenen Farben erhältlich. (FR) Compacte et enveloppant, la collection Mayfair présente un double aspect : absolument linéaire à l’extérieur, comme une unique feuille courbe, agréablement douce à l’intérieur, comme une tanière ou un nid. Les lignes organiques sont soulignées par les coutures apparentes. Le revêtement, en cuir ou tissu, est disponible en différentes couleurs.

MISURA S⁄M⁄L⁄XL (p.238) (IT) Leggera, compatta e dinamica, Misura S è adatta ad un tavolo da pranzo o ad una sala riunioni, mentre Misura M, L, XL soddisfano le esigenze più diverse, dallo spazio lounge alle sale d’attesa. Molteplici, oltre alle dimensioni, anche le versioni: Misura S è disponibile con piedini o ruote, Misura M è proposta con piedini o base girevole a 360° con meccanismo a sfera, mentre Misura L e XL si presentano con piedini. (EN) Light, compact and dynamic, Misura S is suited to a dining table or meeting room, while the Misura M, L and XL satisfy more needs ranging from lounge areas to waiting rooms. Variety in both dimensions and range: Misura S is available with feet or castors, Misura M is offered with feet or

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a 360º swivel base, whilst Misura L and XL are equipped with feet. (DE) Leicht, kompakt und dynamisch, eignet sich Misura S vor allem für Esstische oder Sitzungssäle, während Misura M, L, XL für unterschiedlichste Bedürfnisse in Lounge und Wartebereichen konzipiert sind. Neben den Größen ist die Auswahl auch in den Ausführungen groß: Misura S gibt es mit Füßen oder Rollen, Misura M mit Füßen oder Drehgestell auf 360° mit Kugelmechanismus, während Misura L und XL sind mit Füßen ausgeführt. (FR) Légère, compacte et dynamique, Misura S est adaptée à une table de salle à manger ou à une salle de réunion, tandis que Misura M, L, XL satisfont les exigences les plus variées, du hall aux salles d’attente. En dehors des dimensions, elles sont disponibles également en nombreuses versions : Misura S est disponible avec pieds ou roulettes, Misura M est proposée avec pieds ou piètement pivotant à 360° avec mécanisme à bille, tandis que Misura L et XL sont munies de pieds.

d’ambientazione e composizione. Lo schienale può essere arricchito con un rivestimento in essenza, alluminio, tessuto o pelle. (EN) The Parentesi armchair re–visits a classic form, with style and versatility in its use and its finishes. The back of the chair can be enriched with upholstery in fabric leather or an aluminium cladding. (DE) Der Sessel Parentesi nimmt eine klassische Form in ihrer Wesentlichkeit auf: für eine schlichte und essenzielle Einrichtung. Die Rückenlehne kann aber auch mit furniertem Holz, Alluminium, Stoff oder Leder bereichert werden. (FR) Le fauteuil Parentesi retrouve une forme classique et envoûtante, sous le signe de l’essentialité et de la versatilité de la scène et de la composition. Le dossier peut être enrichi d’un revêtement, en bois, aluminium, tissu ou en cuir.

437 dessin géométrique, avec dossier incliné et son profil coupé caractéristique, donne une forte personnalité malgré la taille compacte. SANCARLO (p.216)

(IT) Un progetto storico che ritorna ad affascinare per l’attualità ergonomica dello sdoppiamento fra poggiareni e poggiatesta: un concetto all’avanguardia per l’epoca in cui venne presentato, oggi reso ancora più efficace dalla moderna imbottitura a densità differenziata. Anche la struttura in tubo curvato, tipica espressione della cultura del progetto del XX secolo, diventa ancora più piacevole ed espressiva, al tatto ed alla vista, grazie alla moderna finitura colorata. (EN) An historical project that fascinates us once again thanks to the current ergonomic value of the split between the headrest and lumbar support: an PISA (p.172) advanced concept for its time when it (IT) Disegnata principalmente per spazi was presented, now made even more pubblici, uffici o alberghi, Pisa è una effective by modern upholstery in varying poltrona imbottita di dimensioni compatte, degrees of thickness. The curved tubular adatta ad ambienti ristretti, senza structure, typical example of twentieth MOON (p.234) tralasciare il comfort e l’estetica. Le sue century design culture, is even more (IT) Una poltrona che si distingue forme minimali avvolgono il corpo, creando fun and expressive to touch and look nell’universo dell’arredo, per la sua forma una sensazione intima e personale. at thanks to its modern coloured trim. (DE) Ein geschichtsträchtiges Projekt, avvolgente e dinamica, nata dall’incontro Il suo disegno geometrico, con schienale welches aufgrund seiner ergonomischen fra la creatività e la tecnologia. La scocca inclinato e caratteristico profilo tagliato, Aktualität der Teilung zwischen Nierengirevole in poliuretano forma un tutto crea una forte personalità nonostante und Kopfstütze wieder neu fasziniert: unico con il rivestimento, grazie a un le misure contenute. (EN) Essentially designed for public spaces, offices or ein fortschrittliches Projekt für die particolare procedimento produttivo. (EN) An armchair which is easily hotels, Pisa is an upholstered armchair Epoche, in welcher es präsentiert wurde, distinguished in the world of interiors with compact dimensions, suitable welches heute durch die moderne Füllung for its embracing and dynamic forms, for tight spaces but without excluding mit differenzierten Härtegraden noch a result of a coming together of creativity aesthetic and comfort. Its minimal effektiver wird. Auch die Struktur aus and technology. The swivelling, all in shapes embrace the body, creating an gebogenem Rohr, typischer Ausdruck one polyurethane seat and leather intimate feeling. Its geometric shape, with der Kultur des Projektes des XX. cover is possible as a result of the very the sloping backrest and a cut profile, Jahrhunderts, wird noch angenehmer und latest technology and production skills. creates a strong personality despite ausdrucksstärker, sowohl für den Seh- als (DE) Ein Sessel, der sich abhebt im restrained measures. (DE) Vor allem für auch für den Tastsinn, dank der modernen Einrichtungsuniversum, seine umhüllende den öffentlichen Raum, Büros oder Hotels farbigen Endbearbeitung. (FR) Un projet historique qui fascine de nouveau par wie dynamische Form wurde aus dem entwickelt, ist Pisa ein gepolsterter l’actualité ergonomique du dédoublement Zusammentreffen von Kreativität und Sessel mit kompakten Dimensionen für de son appui-reins et de son appui-tête : Technologie geboren. Die Schale aus kleine Räume, ohne Komfort und Ästhetik un concept à l’avant-garde à l’époque où il Polyurethan ist Eins mit dem Bezug, dank zu verlieren. Seine minimalistischen fut représenté et qui est rendu aujourd’hui eines speziellen Produktionsverfahrens. Formen hüllen den Körper ein und (FR) Un fauteuil qui se distingue dans encore plus efficace par un rembourrage schaffen ein intimes und persönliches l’univers de l’ameublement, pour sa forme moderne à densité différenciée. La Gefühl. Seine geometrische Gestaltung envoûtante et dynamique, né de l’union structure en tube courbé, une expression mit geneigter Rückenlehne und dem entre la créativité et la technologie. La typique de la culture du projet du XX siècle, besonders geschnittenen Profil schafft coque tournante en polyuréthane forme un eine starke Persönlichkeit mit kleinen devient encore plus agréable et expressive, ensemble unique avec le revêtement, grâce Maßen. (FR) Dessiné principalement au toucher et à la vue, grâce à une finition pour les espaces publiques, bureaux et à une méthode de production particulière. colorée moderne. hôtels, Pisa est un fauteuil rembourré aux dimensions compactes, adapté PARENTESI (p.248) SHELTER (p.164) pour les espaces étroits, sans négliger (IT) La poltrona Parentesi rivisita una le confort et l’esthétique. Ses formes (IT) Con la sua scocca a forma di uovo e forma classica ed avvolgente, nel segno minimales enveloppent le corps et créent l’ampio poggiatesta completato da un dell’essenzialità e della versatilità une sensation intime et personnelle. Son cuscino, la poltrona Shelter è disegnata

per accogliere il corpo come in un abbraccio. Protettiva e avvolgente, è comunque caratterizzata da un disegno estremamente semplice e leggero, fatto di curve armoniose e sottili profili che le conferiscono un fascino particolare. (EN) With its egg-shaped structure and the large headrest completed by a cushion, Shelter armchair is designed to embrace the body. Protective and enveloping, it is characterized by an extremely simple and light design, made of harmonic curves and thin profiles, which give to this armchair a unique charm. (DE) Mit seiner eiförmigen Schale und einer breiten Kopfstütze, die mit einem Kissen ergänzt wird, ist der Sessel Shelter gemacht, um den Körper wie mit einer Umarmung zu empfangen. Schützend und umhüllend, ist seine Linie einfach und leicht mit harmonischen Kurven und dünnem Profil, das einen besonderen Charme gibt. (FR) Avec sa coque qui rappelle la forme d’un œuf et le large appuie-tête complété par un coussin, le fauteuil Shelter est dessiné pour accueillir le corps comme une embrassade. Protecteur et envoûtant, il est caractérisé par un dessin extrêmement simple et léger, fait de courbes harmonieuses et des profils fins qui lui donnent un charme particulier. SOUTHBEACH (p.250) (IT) Suggestivo come un trono, avvolgente come una culla, una seduta che unisce i concetti di forza e di morbidezza in un unico oggetto d’arredo. La sinuosa struttura, realizzata con listelli in massello di faggio, avvolge e sostiene la seduta e il poggiatesta in multistrato di betulla, rivestiti in tessuto. Un pezzo importante, destinato a catalizzare l’attenzione in qualsiasi spazio venga collocato: domestico o collettivo. (EN) As fascinating as a throne and as protective as a cradle, a seat that combines the concepts of strength and softness in a single piece of furniture. The sleek structure, made from solid beech strips, surrounds and supports the seat and the headrest in birch plywood with fabric upholstery. An important piece, destined to grab attention in whatever space it is placed, whether in the home or in the community. (DE) Imposant wie ein Thron, beschützend wie eine Wiege, ein Sitzmöbel, das Kraft und flauschige Weichheit in einem Einrichtungsobjekt vereinigt. Die Struktur in geschwungenen Linien aus Buchen-Massivholzleisten, umfängt und stützt Sitzschale und Kopfstütze aus Birke-Mehrschichtholz, die mit Stoff bezogen sind. Ein edles Stück und Blickfang in jedem Lebensraum: in der

Wohnung oder im Gemeinschaftsraum. (FR) Suggestif comme un trône, enveloppant comme un berceau, un siège qui associe les concepts de force et de douceur dans un unique objet. La structure sinueuse, réalisée avec des lattes en hêtre massif, enveloppe et soutient l’assise et l’appuie-tête en multiplis de bouleau, recouverts de tissu. Une pièce d’ameublement importante, destinée à catalyser l’attention quel que soit l’espace qui l’accueille: domestique ou collectif. XL (p.246) (IT) Essenzialità assoluta e larghezza molto generosa, per questa poltrona ambientabile in ogni contesto ed accostabile ai più diversi elementi d’arredo. Il basamento in piatto metallico si armonizza con il profilo sottile della seduta e dello schienale. (EN) Absolute purity with generous seating dimensions, the XL armchair can be set in any space and will fit well in very diverse interiors. The flat metal base is in complete harmony with the fine profile of the seat and back. (DE) Absolute Schlichtheit und genügend Breite für diesen Sessel, in jeder Umgebung einsetzbar neben verschiedensten anderen Einrichtungselementen. Die Basis im flachen Metall, das gut mit dem dünnen Profil des Sitzes harmoniert. (FR) Essentialité absolue et largeur très généreuse pour ce fauteuil situable dans chaque contexte et accostable facilement aux différents éléments d’ameublement. La base métallique s’harmonise avec le profil mince de l’assise et du dossier.

different sizes and different colours. Their square lines and visible stitching in contrasting tones, are reminiscent of buildings in a “cartoon” strip. A young and funny new product both practical and versatile at the same time, giving new forms to comfort and conviviality. (DE) Eine Metropole aus Miniaturgebäuden, farbig, bequem und einladend, um das Wohnumfeld privat und im Objekt zu gestalten: das ist die creative Idee, aus der sich die neuen Sitzkissen Quartier vom Studio Claesson Koivisto Rune entwickeln. Sie sind in drei Maßen und diversen Farben verfügbar. Ihre eckigen Linien und die Nähte in Kontrastfarben erinnern an die Backsteinhäuser der “cartoon”. Eine junge und zugleich praktische Neuheit, um Wohnen neue Formen zu geben. (FR) Une métropole d’immeubles en miniature, colorées, souples et accueillantes pour meubler divers espaces publics et privés. C’est de cette idée que sont nés les nouveaux poufs Quartier. Imaginés par le studio Claesson Koivisto Rune, ils sont disponibles en trois différentes dimensions et dans plusieurs coloris. Ses lignes et ses coutures à vue conçues dans des tonalités contrastées, rappellent les palais de briques des “cartoon”. Une nouveauté jeune et amusante, pratique et qui s’adapte à diverses ambiances pour donner des nouvelles formes de confort et de convivialité de la maison. SPIN (p.258)

(IT) Spin è una famiglia di pouf che riprende la tecnica delle cuciture a vista con andamento “random”, già sperimentata (4.3) Ottomans dallo studio Claesson Koivisto Rune nelle sedute Doodle, per disegnare un decoro a QUARTIER (p.254) spirale giocoso, leggero e quasi ipnotico. Un motivo che caratterizza le forme (IT) Una metropoli di edifici in miniatura, arrotondate e amichevoli di questi morbidi colorati, soffici e accoglienti, per arredare elementi d’arredo, proposti in diverse il paesaggio domestico e collettivo: questa dimensioni e tonalità. (EN) Spin is a family of ottomans which resumes a technique è l’idea creativa da cui nascono i nuovi such as “random” stitching, already pouf Quartier. Disegnati dallo studio applied in the Doodle chairs by designers Claesson Koivisto Rune, sono disponibili Claesson Koivisto Rune, that traces soft in tre diverse misure ed in diversi colori. and playful whirls with an almost hypnotic Le loro linee squadrate e le cuciture a effect. The stitches characterize the vista in tonalità contrastanti, ricordano i palazzi di mattoni dei “cartoon”. Una novità generous, rounded shapes of these soft giovane e divertente, ma allo stesso tempo furnishings, available in different sizes and colours. (DE) Spin ist eine Familie pratica e versatile, per dare nuove forme von Ottomanen, bei der die Technik der al comfort ed alla convivialità domestica. (EN) A metropolis of buildings in miniature, Sichtnähte mit Zufallsverlauf wieder colourful, soft and cosy, to combine the aufgenommen wird. Mit dieser Technik wide range of differing private and public hat bereits Claesson Koivisto Rune bei areas. This is the creative idea from which den Doodle-Sitzmöbel experimentiert, arise the new ottoman Quartier. Design um eine spielerisch lockere, leichte, ja Claesson Koivisto Rune, available in three beinahe hypnotisierende Verzierung in

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Spiralform zu entwerfen, ein Motiv, das die abgerundeten und ansprechenden Formen dieser weichen Einrichtungsgegenstände, die in verschiedenen Größen und Farben erhältlich sind, kennzeichnet. (FR) Spin est une famille de pouf, qui reprend la technique de coutures à vue avec une tendance “aléatoire”, déjà connue par le Studio Claesson Koivisto Rune dans les assises Doodle, pour dessiner une décoration à spirale plaisante, légère et presque hypnotique. Un motif qui caractérise les formes arrondies et respectueuses de ces éléments d’ameublement, disponibles dans différentes dimensions et couleurs.

und die originelle Asymetrie, mit einer Armlehne auf einer Seite und einer offen konkaven Form auf der anderen Seite, ist die Chaise Longue Atoll ausgesprochen vielseitig. Sie kann im privaten und im öffentlichen Raum, in der Relax Zone eines Hotels, eines Wellness-Centers, oder in der Lounge eines Flughafens eingesetzt werden. Mit Stoff bezogen, liegt sie auf einer Metallstruktur, die von vier Füßen aus Holz getragen wird. (FR) Caractérisée par un design envoûtant, mais aussi surprenant par son asymétrie originale, avec un bras sur une partie et une concavité sur l’autre, la chaise longue Atoll se distingue par sa versatilité: de la maison aux environnements collectifs, de la zone relax d’un hôtel au centre bien-être ou à la zone lounge d’un aéroport. Avec un revêtement en tissu, elle est appuyée sur une structure en métal soutenue par quatre pieds en bois.

TRIFOGLIO (p.260) (IT) Un sistema di pouf dalle dimensioni compatte e dalla forma studiata per permettere infinite composizioni, con spontaneità ed eleganza. Il rivestimento è sempre sfoderabile. (EN) A system of ottomans of compact dimensions designed with a shape which allows an infinite number of combinations, spontaneous and elegant. The covers are fully removable. (DE) Kleinformatige Hocker, können auch aneinander gereiht werden in verschiedenen Kompositionen. Die Bezüge sind abnehmbar. (FR) Un système de pouf avec des dimensions compactes et une forme conçue pour permettre des compositions interminables, avec spontanéité et élégance. Le revêtement est toujours déhoussable.

PICK-UP (p.268)

(IT) Dormeuse destinata ad arricchire gli spazi più diversi, con la sua personalità e il suo versatile comfort, è dotata di due snodi interni che consentono di assumere molteplici posizioni, sia dal lato testa che dal lato piedi. Anche il cuscino si può spostare a piacere, per assumere una corretta posizione della testa. Dietro lo schienale c’è inoltre una comoda vaschetta portaoggetti e portariviste. Il rivestimento è completamente sfoderabile. (EN) A lounger designed to enrich any space with its strong character, versatility and comfort. Two internal joints (4.4) Chaises-longues allow the adjustment of the lower leg rest and of the back rest allowing the user to ATOLL (p.262) achieve the most comfortable position. Behind the back rest is a convenient little (IT) La chaise longue Atoll è formata da pouch and magazine holder. The covers quattro elementi distinti che creano are completely removable. (DE) Durch seinem wandlungfähigen Komfort und un insieme avvolgente e rilassante, ma Persönlichkeit ist dieses Tagesbett eine anche sorprendente nella sua originale Bereicherung für die unterschiedlichste asimmetria. Un bracciolo da un lato, una Räume. Die gepolsterte Fläche mit zwei concavità aperta dall’altro, suggeriscono integrierten Gelenken erlaubt sowohl la possibilità di sedersi in più posizioni, Kopf wie Fussende zu verstellen. Auch sempre nel rispetto dell’ergonomia. das Kissen ist verstellbar. Unter dem La seduta, rivestita in tessuto o pelle, Rückenteil ist eine Ablage. Der Bezug poggia su una struttura in metallo, a sua ist abziehbar. (FR) Dormeuse enrichit volta sostenuta da quattro piedi in legno. (EN) Characterized by an enveloping les espaces les plus diversifiés, avec sa design, but also surprising for its original personnalité et son confort versatile, asymmetry, with an armrest on one side and est équipée de deux pivots internes qui an open concavity on the other side, Atoll peuvent prendre plusieurs positions, soit chaise longue armchair stands out for its du côté de la tête soit du côté des pieds. versatility: from home to collective spaces, On peut déplacer librement l’oreiller, from the relax area of an hotel or wellness pour prendre une position correcte de la centre to the lounge area of an airport. tête. Un bac pour porte-objets et porteCovered with fabric, it lies on a metallic revues confortable est positionné derrière structure supported by four wood feet. le panneau arrière. Le revêtement est (DE) Charakterisiert durch ein umhüllendes complètement déhoussable.

439 SLALOM (p.272) SLALOM OUTDOOR (p.275) (IT) Una chaise-longue dalle forme estremamente eleganti ed ergonomiche, che rivela una sorprendente versatilità. Può infatti assumere due diverse inclinazioni, con la semplice rotazione del basamento. Il cuscino poggiatesta è a sua volta collocabile in diverse posizioni a piacere, grazie a un magnete. Slalom è disponibile anche in versione outdoor, con struttura in legno di betulla multistrato, trattato per resistere alle intemperie e viti in metallo inossidabile. Per chi desidera il massimo del comfort, può essere arricchita da un’imbottitura completamente sfoderabile. (EN) A chaise-longue with extremely elegant and ergonomic form and which is able to offer a surprising versatility. It can be set to a different position of inclination simply by rotating the base. The head rest can be fixed in various positions by means of a simple magnet. Slalom is also available in an outdoor version with a structure in treated birch plywood and fixings in stainless steel. For further comfort there is an upholstered version with fully removable cover. (DE) Eine sehr elegante und ergonomische Liege, Durch eifaches Drehen des Untergestells ist ihre Neigung auf zwei Positionen verstellbar. Das Kopfkissen hält durch Magneten in verschiedenen Positionen. Slalom ist auch in der version outdoor erhältlich, geeignet für den einsatz im freiem, aus imprägniertes Birkenholz erhältlich mit rostfreien Stahlschrauben. Die Liege kann durch eine abziehbare PU-Schaumstoff Polsterung komplettiert werden. (FR) Une chaise-longue avec des formes très élégantes et ergonomiques, qui révèle une versatilité surprenante. Elle peut prendre deux inclinaisons différentes, avec une simple rotation de la base. L’appuitête oreiller est à son tour positionné dans différentes positions, grâce à un aimant. Slalom est également disponible en version pour l’extérieur avec une structure en bois de bouleau multiplis, traité pour résister aux intempéries et vis en acier inoxydable. Pour ceux qui veulent le confort maximum, elle peut être enrichie par un rembourrage complètement déhoussable.

(4.5) Chairs & Stools BABELA (p.290) (IT) Nata nel 1958 per l’arredamento della Camera di Commercio di Milano, questa poltroncina è stata progettata per

unire comfort e impilabilità. Lo stesso concetto è stato ripreso per gli ambienti contemporanei, ma con un cambiamento fondamentale: la struttura, anziché in ferro come nel progetto originale, è in caldo legno di frassino, con finitura naturale, noce, bianco, nero o grigio. (EN) Created in 1958 for the interiors of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, this chair is designed to combine comfort and stackability. The same concept was revived for contemporary settings, but with a fundamental difference: unlike the iron frame of the original project, it is now in warm ash wood with natural, walnut, white, black or gray finish. (DE) 1958 als Einrichtungsgegenstand für die Mailänder Handelskammer entstanden, wurde dieser Sessel entwickelt um Komfort und Stapelmöglichkeit zu vereinen. Das gleiche Konzept wurde für die zeitgenössischen Bereiche wieder aufgenommen, aber mit einer grundlegenden Änderung: die Struktur anstatt aus Eisen, wie im Originalprojekt, besteht nun aus warmem Eschenholz in den Endbearbeitungen Natur, Nuss, weiß, schwarz oder grau. (FR) Crée en 1958 pour l’ameublement de la Chambre de Commerce de Milan, ce petit fauteuil a été conçu pour unir confort et empilabilité. Ce même concept a été repris pour les espaces contemporains, mais avec un changement fondamental : au lieu d’être en fer comme dans le projet original, la structure est composée de la chaleur d’un bois de frêne, avec une finition naturelle, noyer, blanc, noir ou gris. DOODLE (p.310) (IT) La parola inglese “Doodle” indica quei disegni che tutti facciamo mentre parliamo al telefono o abbiamo la mente occupata in chissà quali pensieri. Linee, spirali, ghirigori sempre diversi, dai quali prende spunto il design concept di questa famiglia di sedute. Le cuciture a vista delle poltroncine Doodle, creano disegni tono su tono o contrastanti con la tinta del rivestimento. Sedute e basi di diverse tipologie, formano una famiglia completa, per aggiungere poesia e comfort ad ogni spazio: dal contract, all’ufficio, alla casa. La collezione si arricchisce oggi di un nuovo elemento: lo sgabello alto, disponibile in diversi colori, con cuciture in tonalità contrastanti. La base metallica, sottile ed elegante, viene proposta con verniciatura bianca, nera o marrone, oppure con finitura cromo satinata. (EN) Doodle: those drawings we do while on the phone or with our minds on whatever other things. Lines, spirals and swirls that are always different, the

inspiration behind the design concept of this seating range. The visible spiralling lines of Doodle armchairs, stitched onto the fabric or leather in contrasting or matching colours, create various options of seat and complete a family suitable for all spaces, where comfort and fun are required: from contract, office to the home. Today the collection takes on a new element: the high stool, available in several colours, with stitching in contrasting hues. The metal base is available painted white, black or brown, or with satin chrome finish. (DE) Das englische Wort “Doodle” bedeutet “Kringel” diese machen wir alle beim telefonieren oder in gedanken versinkenkt. Lineen, Spiralen, Schnörkel, immer andere, davon ist das konzept für diese Stühle abgeleitet. Die dekorative Nähte schaffen Muster passend oder kontrastierend zur Farben der Bezüge. Stühle und Gestelle in verschiedenen Ausführungen fügen sich zu Komplettfamilie, um in den verschiedensten Räume Komfort und Poesie hinzufügen. Die Kollektion wird durch ein neues Element bereichert: den hohen Hocker, der in verschiedenen Farben mit Kontrastnähten erhältlich ist. Die schmale und elegante Metallbasis ist mit weißer, schwarzer oder brauner Lackierung, aber auch in einer satinierten verchromten Endverarbeitung erhältlich. (FR) Le terme anglais “Doodle” indique les dessins ou modèles que nous faisons tous quand nous parlons au téléphone ou quand nous nous perdons dans des rêvieres. Lignes, spirales, toujours différentes, à partir desquelles naît le projet de cette famille d’assises. Les coutures à vue des fauteuils Doodle, créent des dessins ton sur ton ou en conflit avec la teinte du revêtement. Les sessions et les siéges de différentes typologies, forment une famille complète, pour ajouter poésie et confort à chaque espace : du contrat, au bureau, au domicile. La collection compte aujourd’hui un nouveau produit : un tabouret haut, disponible en plusieurs couleurs, qui se caractérise par ses coutures aux tonalités opposées. La base métallique, fine et élégante, existe en version vernissée blanc, noir ou marron ou avec finition chromée satinée. DRESSED (p.302) (IT) La poltroncina girevole Dressed è contraddistinta dai cuscini cuciti nel rivestimento, con un effetto che ricorda i capi di abbigliamento sportivo e con un comfort molto personale e gradevole. Compatta e versatile, adatta all’utilizzo domestico come allo spazio ufficio o alle

sale riunioni, Dressed può anche essere abbinata alla poltrona ed al divano della stessa famiglia. (EN) The Dressed swivel chair stands out for its high performance and outstanding comfort, as well as for its cushions sewn into the fabric, an effect that recalls sports clothing. Compact and versatile, it is suitable for household or office use or in meeting rooms. The Dressed chair may also be combined with the armchair and the sofa of the same family. (DE) Der Drehstuhl Dressed zeichnet sich durch die in den Bezug eingenähten Füllungen aus und zwar mit einem Effekt, welcher an Sportbekleidung erinnert und ein sehr persönliches und angenehmes Ergebnis zur Folge hat. Kompakt und vielseitig, geeignet für den häuslichen Gebrauch, aber auch für Büros und Konferenzräume kann Dressed auch mit dem Sessel und dem Sofa derselben Familie kombiniert werden. (FR) Le petit fauteuil pivotant Dressed est caractérisé par des coussins cousus dans le revêtement, avec un effet qui fait penser aux vêtements sportifs et offrant un confort très personnel et agréable. Compacte et versatile, adaptée tout aussi bien à l’utilisation domestique qu’à l’espace du bureau ou aux salles de réunion, Dressed peut être associée aussi au fauteuil et au canapé de la même famille. EDDY (p.318) (IT) Leggerezza e versatilità sono i tratti distintivi della sedia Eddy, una fresca novità che si aggiunge alla collezione Polar, disegnata dallo studio britannico Pearson Lloyd. Le sue linee fluide ed avvolgenti risolvono con eleganza delle esigenze concrete: ergonomia, praticità, ambientabilità. Disponibile in due versioni, con base girevole rotonda oppure con piedini, la sedia Eddy si presta ad arredare ogni tipologia d’ambiente: dalla casa, all’ufficio, agli ambienti collettivi. (EN) Lightness and versatility are the hallmarks of Eddy chair, a fresh new addition to the Polar collection, design Pearson Lloyd. Its flowing and enveloping lines solve elegantly some concrete needs: ergonomics, practicality, adaptability. Available in two versions, with round swivel base, or with feet, Eddy chair is suitable for furnishing every type of environment: from home, office, to the collective spaces. (DE) Leichtigkeit und Vielseitigkeit sind die Kennzeichen des Stuhls Eddy. Ein frisches, neues Design, zusätzlich zur Polar-Kollection, entworfen von Pearson Lloyd. Die fließenden und umhüllenden Linien lösen konkrete Bedürfnisse: Ergonomie, Zweckmäßigkeit

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und Anpassungsfähigkeit. Verfügbar in zwei Ausführungen: mit runder DrehstuhlBasis oder mit Füßen. Stuhl Eddy passt sich jeder Art von Umwelt an: zu Hause, im Büro, die Aufenthaltsräumen. (FR) Légèreté et innovation sont les traits distinctifs du siège Eddy, une nouveauté qui vient s’ajouter à la collection Polar, dessinée par le studio Pearson Lloyd. Ses lignes fluides et enveloppantes répondent avec élégance à des exigences concrètes : ergonomie, praticité, capacité d’adaptation.Disponible en deux versions, avec la base pivotante ou avec les pieds fixes, la chaise Eddy convient pour l’ameublement de différentes ambiances : de la maison, au bureau, aux collectivités.

KELLY C⁄S⁄P (p.286)

FIXIE (p.298) (IT) Fixie è uno sgabello realizzato con una struttura tubolare che oltre ad essere pratica,caratterizza il prodotto e lo rende immediatamente riconoscibile,come un motivo grafico tridimensionale o una scultura d’arredo.Questo effetto è accentuato dall’utilizzo di colorazioni originali che rendono Fixie ancora più unico.La qualità estetica non va a discapito della funzionalità: lo sgabello è infatti regolabile in altezza e girevole a 360°. (EN) Fixie is a stool featuring a functional tubular structure which deeply identifies the product,making it instantly recognizable as a 3D graphic pattern or a furniture sculpture.This effect is enriched by original colours making Fixie definitely unique.The aesthetic quality does not hide its functionality: the stool is adjustable in height and it’s 360° revolving. (DE) Fixie ist ein Hocker, der aus einer Rohrstruktur realisierte wurde, welche das Produkt charakterisiert und es sofort unvergleichlich wie ein dreidimensionales graphisches Motiv oder eine Einrichtungsskulptur erscheinen lässt. Dieser Effekt wird noch mehr durch die originelle Farbgebung hervorgerufen und lässt Fixie so noch einzigartiger erscheinen. Die ästhetische Qualität nimmt der Funktionalität jedoch nichts: der Hocker ist höhenverstellbar und um 360° drehbar. (FR) Fixie est un tabouret réalisé avec une structure tubulaire, qui est pratique mais qui caractérise aussi le produit et le rend reconnaissable immédiatement, comme un motif graphique tridimensionnel ou une sculpture de décoration. Cet effet est accentué par l’utilisation de colorations originales qui rendent Fixie encore plus unique. La qualité esthétique ne nuit pas à la fonctionnalité : en effet le tabouret est réglable en hauteur et il pivote à 360°.

(IT) Forme semplici e sottili strutture metalliche, dal sapore piacevolmente vintage, per la sedia Kelly. Dinamica e leggera, condivide il proprio “dna” con la poltroncina della stessa collezione, ispirata al mondo dell’artista statunitense Ellsworth Kelly. La stessa ispirazione si ritrova nello sgabello Kelly, utile e amichevole complemento per mille situazioni diverse. (EN) Simple shapes and thin metal structures of vintage taste for Kelly chair. Dynamic and light, it shares its “dna” with the little armchair, which is part of the same collection inspired by the world of the American artist Ellsworth Kelly. We find the same inspiration in Kelly stool, an useful and friendly element for a thousand of different situations. (DE) Einfache Formen und dünne Metallstrukturen im vintage Stil für den Stuhl Kelly. Er ist dynamisch und leicht und teilt seine „DNA“ mit den kleinen Sesseln aus derselben Kollektion, die von der Welt des amerikanischen Künstlers Ellsworth Kelly inspiriert ist. Dieselbe Inspiration findet man im Hocker Kelly, einer nützlichen Ergänzung für alle Lebenslagen. (FR) Formes simples et fines structures métalliques avec un goût vintage pour la chaise Kelly. Dynamique et légère, elle partage son «dna » avec un petit fauteuil de la même collection inspiré par le monde de l’artiste américain Ellsworth Kelly. La même inspiration se retrouve dans le tabouret Kelly, utile et amical complément pour mille différentes situations.

MAYFAIR (p.320) (IT) La sedia Mayfair riprende le forme avvolgenti e sottili della poltrona con lo stesso nome, presentandosi come un unico foglio leggero, agile e accogliente allo stesso tempo, sospeso su sottili gambe metalliche. Un complemento d’arredo originale, adatto agli spazi domestici come agli ambienti pubblici ed ai ristoranti, grazie alla facilità di spostamento ed alla forte personalità del design. (EN) The Mayfair chair resumes the thin and enveloping shapes of the armchair by the same name, presenting itself as a single, light sheet, lithe and comfortable at the same time, perched upon thin metal legs. A highly original furnishing element, it is equally suited to households and public areas such as restaurants, thanks to its easily-arranged frame and powerful design. (DE) Der Stuhl Mayfair übernimmt die einnehmende und schmale Form des gleichnamigen Sessels und präsentiert sich wie ein einziges leichtes,

441 agiles und behagliches auf schmalen Metallbeinen aufgehängtes Blatt. Ein originelles Einrichtungsstück, das sowohl für häusliche, als auch für öffentliche Räumlichkeiten, aber auch für Restaurants geeignet ist. All dies dank der Einfachheit, wenn man ihn verrücken möchte, aber auch dank seinem anziehenden Design. (FR) La chaise Mayfair reprend les formes douces et chaleureuses du fauteuil avec le même nom. Elle se présente comme une feuille légère unique, à la fois souple et accueillante, suspendue sur des piètements métalliques d’une grande finesse. Ce complément d’ameublement original, particulièrement facile à déplacer et avec une personnalité très forte en termes de design, est parfait aussi bien pour la maison que pour les espaces publics et les restaurants. MONTEVIDEO (p.306) (IT) Gambe snelle e forme avvolgenti per la sedia Montevideo, un progetto che non sacrifica sicuramente la comodità all’eleganza. La morbida imbottitura in gomma accoglie il corpo, garantendo un relax perfetto. Il rivestimento sfoderabile la rende particolarmente pratica nell’utilizzo, in qualsiasi contesto d’arredo, sempre con una personalità speciale. (EN) With its slender legs and soft shapes, the Montevideo chair certainly does not trade in comfort for elegance. The soft foam cushion envelops the body, ensuring perfect relaxation. The removable cover makes it particularly handy in any context of use, always with its own special character. (DE) Schlanke Beine und gemütliche Formen für den Stuhl Montevideo , ein Projekt, das die Gemütlichkeit auf keinen Fall der Eleganz opfert. Die weiche Gummifüllung nimmt den Körper so auf, dass perfektes Erholen gewährleistet wird. Der abziehbare Bezug ist praktisch im Gebrauch, aber auch geeignet für jeden Einrichtungskontext und zeugt immer von ganz besonderer Persönlichkeit. (FR) Des pieds fins et des formes enveloppantes pour la chaise Montevideo, un projet qui ne sacrifie certainement pas la commodité à l’élégance. Le rembourrage moelleux en mousse accueille le corps, en garantissant un relax parfait. Son revêtement déhoussable lui offre une grande praticité d’utilisation, dans n’importe quel contexte d’ameublement et toujours avec une personnalité spéciale.

PARENTESI LIGHT (p.322) (IT) Forme avvolgenti e dinamiche, gambe in fusione di alluminio, per una poltroncina perfettamente a suo agio in ogni spazio: dagli ambienti collettivi, alla casa. Lo schienale può essere arricchito con un rivestimento in essenza, alluminio, tessuto o pelle. (EN) A form which is both eye catching and dynamic, the legs are in die cast aluminium, making this armchair sit perfectly well in any space, public or domestic. The back rest can be enriched with thin layer of aluminium, leather or fabric. (DE) Eine umhüllende Form, ein Sessel perfekt in jedem Bereich: öffentlich wie privat. Der Rücken kann in Holz, Aluminium, Stoff oder Leder sein, Füßen aus Aluminium. (FR) Formes envoûtantes et dynamiques, pieds en fusion d’aluminium, pour un fauteuil confortable dans quelconque espace : des milieux collectifs, à la maison. Le dossier peut être enrichi d’un revêtement en bois, aluminium, tissu ou en cuir. T-CHAIR (p.294) (IT) La sedia T-Chair è costituita da un sottile telaio in profilo rettangolare di ferro, curvato e verniciato, sul quale sono fissate le forme morbide del sedile e dello schienale, realizzati in legno oppure imbottiti e rivestiti con tessuti di eleganza sartoriale. Semplice, versatile e raffinata, è adatta a una molteplicità di situazioni, dalla casa agli ambienti collettivi, anche grazie alla sua impilabilità. (EN) The T-Chair is made of a thin rectangular iron frame that is curved and painted. Secured onto the frame are then the seat and backrest, made of wood or upholstered with sartorially elegant fabrics. Straightforward, versatile and stylish, it fits in with a variety of settings, from household interiors to public spaces, also because it is easily stackable. (DE) Der Stuhl T-Chair besteht aus einem dünnen Rahmen mit rechteckigem Eisenprofil, gebogen und lackiert, auf welchem die gemütlichen Formen des Sitzes und der Rückenlehne montiert wurden, die aus Holz bestehen oder mit Stoffen von ganz besonderer Eleganz gepolstert und bezogen sind. Einfach, vielseitig und raffiniert fügt er sich in vielfältige Situationen ein, vom Wohnbereich bis hin zu öffentlichen Räumlichkeiten, auch dank der Stapelmöglichkeit. (FR) La chaise T-Chair est constituée par un fin châssis en profil rectangulaire de fer, courbe et verni, sur lequel sont fixées les formes douces du siège et du dossier, réalisés en bois ou bien rembourrés et revêtus avec des tissus à l’élégance de couturier. Simple,

versatile et raffinée, elle est adaptée à une multiplicité de situations, de la maison aux espaces collectifs et ce grâce aussi à son empilabilité.

(4.6) Furnishing Accessory NEBULA (p.326) (IT) Nebula è un sistema di elementi divisori piatti e tridimensionali, pensato per delimitare e organizzare lo spazio, ma al tempo stesso per unire situazioni e modellare scenari, creando ambienti al tempo stesso intimi e aperti. Caratterizzati da forme pulite ed organiche, gli elementi Nebula si articolano in tre dimensioni diverse e in altrettante varianti cromatiche che possono essere sia sospese, sia appoggiate a terra. (EN) Nebula is a system of flat and three-dimensional dividing elements, realized to delimit and organize the space, and to connect situations and to model sceneries, creating at the same time intimate and open environments. Characterized by clean and organic shapes, Nebula elements are structured in three different dimensions and many chromatic varieties which can be suspended or based on the floor. (DE) Nebula ist ein System von Trennelemente, die flach und dreidimensional sind. Sie sind dafür gedacht, den Raum zu teilen und organisieren, aber auch zu verbinden und zu modellieren. Gekennzeichnet durch saubere und organische Formen werden die Nebula-Elemente in drei verschiedenen Größen und in vielen Farbvarianten vorgestellt, und können entweder aufgehängt oder auf den Boden gestellt werden. (FR) Nebula est un système d’éléments diviseurs plats et tridimensionnels, pensé pour délimiter et organiser l’espace, mais aussi pour unir des situations et modeler des scénarios en créant des environnements intimes et ouverts. Caractérisés par des formes propres et organiques, les éléments Nebula s’articulent en trois différentes dimensions et en autant de variantes chromatiques qui peuvent être soit suspendus soit posés au sol.

(4.7) High & Low Tables CAGE (p.384) (IT) Minimalismo ed eleganza allo stato puro contraddistinguono i tavoli Cage, con prezioso piano in diverse tipologie di marmo, di forma rotonda o quadrata. (EN) Minimalism and pure elegance characterize the Cage tables, whose

precious top comes in different types of marble, round or square. (DE) Reiner Minimalismus und pure Eleganz kennzeichnen die Tische Cage mit der wertvollen Tischplatte aus verschiedenen Marmortypologien in runder oder quadratischer Form. (FR) Les tables Cage se distinguent par un minimalisme et une élégance à l’état pur, avec un plateau précieux en différentes typologies de marbre, de forme ronde ou carrée. COOT (p.388) (IT) Le forme della natura,rappresentano una delle principali fonti di ispirazione del designer Gordon Guillaumier. Il piano del tavolino Coot, ispirato alla pura e semplice geometria di un petalo, è un motivo perfetto per comporre una molteplicità di modelli diversi,partendo da un unico modulo. La struttura di sostegno è pensata per permettere al piano di librarsi sopra una poltrona o un divano: una funzione particolarmente utile quando si utilizza un computer portatile. (EN) Nature’s shapes represent a major source of inspiration for designer Gordon Guillaumier.The top of the Coot table was inspired by the simple geometry of a petal;it is a perfect motif for generating a variety of different models from one single form. The support structure is designed to allow the top to open up over a chair or sofa,a particularly useful feature when using a laptop computer. (DE) Die Naturformen stellen eine der Hauptinspirationen des Designers Gordon Guillaumier dar. Die Tischplatte des Tisches Coot, inspiriert durch die einfache und pure Geometrie eines Blütenblattes, ist ein perfektes Motiv welches auf einem einzigen Modul basiert aber die Kombination vieler verschiedener Modelle zulässt. Die Stützstruktur wurde so gedacht, dass die Tischplatte die Möglichkeit hat sich über einem Sessel oder einem Sofa zu entfalten: eine besonders nützliche Funktion, wenn man ein Notebook benutzt. (FR) Les formes de la nature représentent l’une des principales sources d’inspiration du designer Gordon Guillaumier. Le plateau de la petite table Coot s’inspire à la géométrie pure et simple d’un pétale ; c’est le motif parfait pour composer une multiplicité de modèles différents en partant d’un seul modèle. La structure de soutien est conçue afin de permettre au plateau de planer au-dessus d’un fauteuil ou d’un canapé : une fonction particulièrement utile lorsque l’on utilise un ordinateur portable.

(4.0) Read More KELLY O⁄B⁄W (p.366)


Formsprache der Kollektion sprechen. Zahlreiche Typologien und Dimensionen (IT) Concepiti per completare le sedute stehen zur Verfügung: Quadratisch, della collezione Kelly, ma utilizzabili rechteckig, mit zentralem Fuß oder in un’infinità di situazioni, dalla casa mit vier Füßen, um jedes Bedürfnis im al contract, questi tavolini con diverse Haus, Büro oder Objekt zu befriedigen. altezze sono caratterizzati dalla forma Die Struktur kann mit verschiedenen piacevolmente organica del piano e dalla Farben lackiert werden, oder sie kann sottile struttura metallica, che li rende für anspruchsvolle Umgebungen dinamici e leggeri. (EN) Created in order verchromt werden. Die Oberfläche gibt to complete Kelly seating collection, but es ebenfalls in verschiedenen Farben, usable in every situation, from home to mit einem besonderen Finish, das sich contract, these small tables with different samtig und weich anfasst. (FR) Les tables Kelly forment une famille complète de heights stand out for the top’s organic propositions caractérisées par le même shape and for the thin metallic structure langage formelle de la collection, fait de that make them dynamic and light. (DE) Entwickelt, um die Sitzmöbel der géométries arrondies et accueillantes. Kelly Kollektion zu ergänzen, aber in einer Ils sont disponibles avec des typologies Vielzahl von Situationen einsetzbar, sowohl et dimensions différentes pour satisfaire zuhause als auch im Objekt. Diese Tische toutes les exigences à la maison, au bureau mit unterschiedlichen Höhen stechen ou au contract : carrés, rectangulaires, heraus durch die angenehmen organischen avec base centrale ou quatre pieds. Formen und die dünnen Metallstruktur. La structure peut être vernie de différentes Sie sind dynamisch und leicht. (FR) Conçus couleurs ou chromée pour les espaces pour compléter les sièges de la collection plus sophistiqués. Le plateau, également Kelly, mais utilisables pour d’infinies de différentes couleurs, peut avoir une situations, de la maison au contract, ces finition particulière qui le fait devenir petites tables de différentes hauteurs sont velouté et soyeux au toucher. caractérisées par une forme organique du plateau et par une fine structure métallique LABANCA qui les rend dynamiques et légères. (IT) Realizzato con un’unica lastra di cristallo curvato, verniciato con finitura KELLY T (p.342) lucida all’esterno e opaca all’interno, il (IT) I tavoli Kelly formano una famiglia tavolino Labanca è pensato per completare completa di proposte, caratterizzate dallo i divani dell’omonima collezione Tacchini, stesso piacevole linguaggio formale della ma può trovare infiniti altri abbinamenti collezione, fatto di geometrie arrotondate ed utilizzi, nello spazio giorno come e accoglienti. Sono disponibili in diverse nello spazio notte. (EN) Manufactured from one sheet of glass, painted with a tipologie e dimensioni, per soddisfare gloss finish on the outside and an opaque ogni esigenza in casa, in ufficio o nel finish on the inside. The Labanca table contract: quadrati, rettangolari, con is designed to complete the unique basamento centrale o con 4 gambe. La struttura può essere verniciata in diversi sofa collection by Tacchini but can find a place in many other spaces from the colori oppure cromata per gli ambienti day to the night time living zones of our più sofisticati. Il piano, anch’esso in homes. (DE) Aus eine Kristallglasscheibe diversi colori, può avere una particolare gebogen, lackiert glänzend außen matt finitura che lo rende vellutato e soffice innen, der Beistelltisch Labanca wurde al tatto. (EN) Kelly tables are a complete collection of proposals characterised by zur Komplettierung der gleichnamigen the same enjoyable formal language made Sofas von Tacchini gedacht, kann aber of rounded and comfortable geometries. anderweitig Verwendung finden, auch im They are available in different types and Schlafbereich. (FR) Faite avec une unique plaque de verre courbée, peinte avec une dimensions in order to satisfy every need finition brillante à l’extérieur et opaque à at home, in the office or for the contract l’intérieur, la table Labanca a été pensée market: square, rectangular, with central pour compléter les canapés de la même base or with four legs. The structure collection Tacchini, mais elle peut trouver can be painted with different colours des innombrables accouplements et or chromed for more sophisticated emplois, dans l’espace jour comme dans environments. In different colours the l’espace nuit. top as well, which can have a particular finish that makes it velvety and soft to the touch. (DE) Die Kelly Tische bilden eine ganze Familie, die dieselbe freundliche

443 MONZINO (p.372) (IT) Tacchini prosegue la sua opera di

riscoperta degli inediti di Franco Albini (1905–1977), maestro riservato e perfezionista dell’architettura e del design, con la riedizione di un coffee table disegnato nel 1939 per l’arredamento della Villa Monzino, sul lago di Como. Caratterizzato dal piano in marmo con bordo a spacco, su gambe in legno, quest’opera rivela una forza espressiva straordinaria e immutata nel tempo. Altrettanto assoluti sono la qualità dei materiali e il pregio della realizzazione, come da sempre nella tradizione Tacchini. (EN) Tacchini continues its journey of rediscovery of previously unknown designs by Franco Albini (1905-1977), the discreet, perfectionist master of architecture and design, with this reissue of a coffee table designed in 1939 to furnish Villa Monzino, on Lake Como. Featuring a marble top with a cleft edge, set on wooden legs, this piece reveals an extraordinary expressive power undiminished by time. Equally supreme is the quality of the materials and of the craftsmanship, as has always been the tradition at Tacchini. (DE) Tacchini setzt die Wiederentdeckung von originalen Arbeiten von Franco Albini (1905-1977) fort, berühmter Architekt und Designer, zurückhaltend und absoluter Perfektionist: es ist ein 1939 für die Einrichtung von Villa Monzino am Comer See entworfener Couchtisch. Prägend die Marmorplatte mit grob geschnittenen Kanten, auf Holzbeinen, ein ausdrucksstarkes Design, dem die Zeit nichts anhaben kann. Von ebenso absolutem Wert sind die Qualität der Materialien und Güte der Fertigung, wie sie bei Tacchini zur Tradition gehören. (FR) Tacchini poursuit son travail de redécouverte des inédits de Franco Albini (1905-1977), maître discret et perfectionniste de l’architecture et du design, avec la réédition d’une de ses tables basses dessinée en 1939 pour le mobilier de la Villa Monzino, sur le lac de Côme. Caractérisée par le plan en marbre, avec bord brut de taille, posé sur des pieds en bois, cette œuvre révèle une force d’expression extraordinaire qui n’a pas pris une seule ride. La qualité des matériaux et de la réalisation sont de très haut niveau, comme depuis toujours dans la tradition Tacchini. NARA (IT) Totalmente rivestito in cuoio, il tavolo Nara è un volume geometrico puro, una presenza calda ed essenziale allo stesso tempo. Due i modelli disponibili:

uno utilizzabile come tavolino nella zona conversazione, l’altro pensato come mobile di servizio, facilmente abbinabile a qualsiasi altro elemento d’arredo. (EN) Completely upholstered in leather the Nara table has a pure geometric form and at the same time has warmth and finesse. Two models are available: one which can be used as a lounge or living area coffee table and the other as a side table accompanying any other piece of furniture. (DE) Ganz mit Leder verkleidet, der Tisch Nara, ein klares, geometrisches Volumen, simpel und gleichzeitig warm. Zwei Varianten, niedrig und breit für die “plauderecke” oder höher und kleiner, vielseitig anwendbar. (FR) Totalement recouvert de cuir, Nara est un volume géométrique pur, une présence indispensable et chaude en même temps. Deux modèles sont disponibles: un peut être utilisé comme une table de café dans la conversation, l’autre pensé comme meuble de service, il peut être uni avec un autre élément de l’ameublement. NASTRO (p.360) (IT) Dall’ambiente ufficio agli spazi domestici, da solo o in composizioni con penisole laterali, il tavolo Nastro consente di creare molteplici soluzioni, partendo da una forma assolutamente essenziale e giocando liberamente con colori, finiture e geometrie. (EN) From the office environment to the home, on its own or in a composition with lateral returns, the Nastro table allows the creation of a number of layouts from the most basic of forms and the ability to vary colours, finishes and configuration. (DE) Vom Bürobereich bis im privatem Raum, der Tisch Nastro spielt mit eine einfache geometrische Form und viele möglichen Farbkombinationen bei Gestell und Tischplatte. (FR) Du bureau àu domicile, seul ou dans des compositions avec des péninsules latérales, la table Nastro permet de créer plusieurs solutions, à partir d’un module absolument essentiel et jouer librement avec les couleurs, les finitions et les géométries.

POLAR (p.390) (IT) Concepito come complemento della serie Polar, ma utilizzabile anche in altri contesti e accostamenti, può essere utilizzato appoggiandolo da un verso o da un altro, in interni oppure in esterni. (EN) Designed to complement the Polar series it can be used placing it one way up or the other, indoors or outdoors. (DE) Zur Ergänzung der Polar Series erdacht, ein vielseitig benutzbaren Teil,

aufstellbar in beiden Richtungen, im Innen-und Außenbereich einsetzbar. (FR) Conçu pour compléter la série Polar, mais utilisable dans d’autres contextes et approches, il peut être utilisé en l’appuyant vers une direction ou vers une autre, dans les internes ou les externes. RULER (p.380) (IT) Un abaco di semplici forme geometriche, sostenute da tre o quattro gambe di legno di forma elementare e di sapore artigianale. Una famiglia di tavoli studiati per inserirsi nei contesti più diversi, caratterizzati dall’incredibile sottigliezza del piano, realizzato in marmo biancone lucido o travertino nero opaco. (EN) An abacus of simple geometric shapes, supported by three or four wooden legs of basic form and traditional style. A range of tables designed to fit into many different settings, featuring an incredibly thin surface made of polished biancone marble or matte black travertine. (DE) Ein Abakus in einfachen geometrischen Formen, gestützt von drei oder vier Holzbeinen in elementarer Form und Handwerkskunst. Eine Tischfamilie, welche entwickelt wurde, um sich in die verschiedensten Umgebungen einzufügen, charakterisiert durch die unglaubliche Feinheit der Tischplatte, hergestellt aus glänzendem Biancone Marmor oder matte schwarz Travertin. (FR) Un abaque de simples formes géométriques, soutenues par trois ou quatre pieds en bois de forme élémentaire et au goût artisanal. Une famille de tables étudiées pour s’insérer dans les contextes les plus divers, caractérisées par la finesse incroyable de leur plateau, réalisé en marbre biancone brillant ou en travertin noir opaque.

SPINDLE (p.352) (IT) Collezione di tavoli caratterizzati dalla forma affusolata delle gambe, realizzate in pressofusione di alluminio e raccordate al profilo smussato e sottile del piano, con un effetto di piacevole morbidezza e leggiadria. Le gambe smontabili e l’impilabilità dei tavoli, sono due doti particolarmente indicate per un utilizzo contract, mentre la gamma completa di dimensioni dei piani, di forma quadrata o rettangolare, permette di soddisfare le più diverse esigenze d’uso, sia in ambienti collettivi che residenziali: come scrittoio, tavolo da pranzo o da riunione. (EN) A collection of tables characterized by tapered legs realized through die casting of aluminium and linked with the thin rounded top that gives a pleasant softness

and prettiness. The removable legs and its stackability are two characteristics that make it particularly suitable for the contract use, while the complete range of tops dimensions, square or rectangular, allows to satisfy different needs both in collective and residential environments: like writing desks, dining or meeting tables. (DE) Kollektion von Tischen, deren Füße eine schlanke Form haben, realisiert in Aluminium-Druckguss und verbunden mit einer abgerundeten Tischplatte, die eine weiche und leichte Wirkung hat. Die Füße sind zerlegbar und die Tische stapelbar - zwei Eigenschaften, die besonders im Objektbereich wichtig sind. Die Auswahl an Formaten, quadratisch oder rechteckig, erfüllen die Anforderungen sowohl in öffentlichen, als auch in privaten Umgebungen, ob als Schreibtisch, Esstisch oder als Besprechungstisch. (FR) Collection de tables caractérisées par la forme fuselée des pieds, réalisés en aluminium moulé sous pression et raccordés au profil arrondit et fin du plateau avec un effet d’agréable douceur et de grâce. Les pieds démontables et empilables des tables sont deux caractéristiques particulièrement indiquées pour un usage contract, tandis que la gamme complète de dimensions des plateaux, de forme carrée ou rectangulaire, permet de satisfaire les plus diverses exigences d’utilisation dans les espaces collectifs et résidentielles comme bureau, table de repas ou de réunion. SPLIT (p.376) (IT) Un completo sistema di tavoli dalla forma rotonda, ovale, quadrata o rettangolare, di diversa altezza e con molteplici finiture, accomunati dal design caratteristico della base metallica: una risposta unica ed originale alle più diverse esigenze del contract e dell’arredo casa. (EN) A complete system of round, oval, square or rectangular tables of varying height and finishes. They are characterised by the very simple yet rigid and sturdy metallic base which veers away from the conventional single column and round base type. (DE) Ein komplettes System von Tische, rund, oval, quadratisch oder rechteckig, in diversen höhen und viele ausführungen, mit sofort erkennbarer Identität, für den Objektbereich und die Wohnungseinrichtung. (FR) Un système complet de tables rondes, ovales, carrées ou rectangulaires, de différentes hauteurs et avec plusieurs finitions avec le projet caractéristique de la base métallique : une réponse unique et originale aux exigences les plus diversifiées du contrat et de l’ameublement maison.

444 T’16 Made by Hand Edition 2016 ©Tacchini Italia Forniture Srl Concept and design Think Work Observe Product photography Andrea Ferrari Massimo Gardone Silvia Rivoltella Photographic concept and styling Gabriella Zecca Text editing Massimiliano Di Bartolomeo Daniele Varelli

Colour separation Luce Srl Papers Fedrigoni Savile Row Fedrigoni Woodstock GardaMatt Ultra Printing and binding GFP, Italy March 2016

Thanks to &Tradition Alessi Artemide spa Attico, Cristina Celestino Bitossi Home Bosa Casamania cc tapis Centro Pelletteria Menini Danese Milano Davide Groppi D-Moch Domus-Licht Dott. Alberto Benzoni Fabriano Boutique srl Fabrica⁄Design Department Fedrigoni Flos Gruppo Campari Hay Iittala Group OY (FISKARS Milano) Italtessil La Lattoniera – Sara Ricciardi Leucos spa⁄Fdv Group Lumina Italia srl Lurisia Acque Minerali srl Luxit Mater Mh Way Moleskine srl Muuto Nava Design Spa Nemo Cassina Lighting Nodus, de Il Piccolo srl Omikron Design Orsjo Pallucco Penta Light Plus Minus Zero Raffaella Mangiarotti Design Richard Ginori Rotaliana Saskia Diez Tobeus A Matter Of Toys Vago Forniture Valenti Venice Factory Vibia Vistosi Wastberg Zero Lighting Special thanks to the artists Marcello Morandini, Michael Roger, Patrizia Novello courtesy by Martina’s Gallery, Seregno

Tacchini Italia Forniture Srl 19, via Domodossola 20822 Baruccana di Seveso (Monza Brianza) Italy T: +39 0362 504182 F: +39 0362 552402 E–mail: info@tacchini.it www.tacchini.it

Made by Hand: the craftmanship of Tacchini production in 1 comprehensive volume, divided into 2 chapters — Chapter (A): (1.0) T’Center, (2.0) T’Catalogue, (A, B, C) T’Curation; Chapter (B): (3.0) Technical Overview, (4.0) Read More. Edition 2016, format 21×25 cm, 444 pages on quality coated and uncoated papers, 340 pictures, 8 sketches, 85 products, 21 designers and 3 artists. With contributions by Marina Rosso (Berlin), Karin Söderquist (Stockholm) and Andrea Ferrari (Milan).

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