Easter Newsletter 2015 www.westpark.hartlepool.sch.uk - our school website DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 13th April - Y2 Teacher Assessment Half Term (the Y2 children will be assessed by their class teacher throughout this half term). 4th May - Bank Holiday 11th May- Y6 SATs week 18th May - Assessment Week (Y1, Y3, Y4, Y5) 25th May to 29th May - Half Term 11th June - Class and team photos 15th to 19th June - Y1 / 2 Phonics Screening 29th June - Y5/6 Carlton Week 6th July - Y6 transition fortnight 6th July to 10th July - Olympic Legacy Activity Week 8th July (pm) - Key Stage 1 Sports Day 9th July (pm) - Key Stage 2 Sports Day 17th July - School closes for the Summer Holidays. Thursday 3rd September - School re-opens for 2015 / 2016 school year.
The Giving Machine Parents have been made aware in the past that West Park School is able to benefit if you register with “The Giving Machine” when any online purchases are made. This site is completely secure and its use results in donations to the school on a regular basis. Although 60 parents have registered, only four are currently active. Amazingly, these four parents have raised almost £350 after registering and then using sites such as Amazon, Tesco etc as normal. We would obviously encourage you to take a look at this site, as simply shopping online can really benefit our school.
OPERATION ENCOMPASS Operation Encompass is a multi-agency approach to give early notification to schools that a child or young person has been present, witnessed or been involved in a domestic abuse incident. Nominated key adults within local schools will receive information from Cleveland Police to afford them the opportunity of assessing the needs of the child during the school day and, should it be deemed appropriate to do so, to provide early support. Miss Hall is the key person for West Park School. Please note the letter to parents on the reverse of this newsletter.
BEST WISHES Well done to all of the children and staff who dressed up on Red Nose Day, making their faces funny for money and bringing in their coin to support this great cause. As a school, we managed to raise a fantastic amount:
£418.90 in total.
Best wishes to Mrs Dobson, who will begin her maternity leave this Friday. We welcome Mrs Potter into our Y3/4 class. Mrs Allen will return to the school nursery to teach alongside Mrs Salvin, after the Easter break.