School Dates 2015 -2016 September 1st September Staff Professional Development Day 2nd September Staff Professional Development Day 3rd School opens for the Autumn Term Y1 – Y6 4th Reception and Nursery children start school October Wk beginning 5th Assessment Week Monday 12th – school photographs Tuesday 13th – EYFS Open Day Thursday 15th Parent Consultation (twilight) / EYFS Open Day Monday 19th Parent Consultations (twilight) Thursday 22nd Parent Consultations (twilight) 23rd Half term holiday November Monday 2nd November - school re-opens Monday 9th Anti Bullying Week Wednesday 1th Governor’s Meeting
December 7th Y1/2 afternoon Christmas Performance 8th Y1/2 morning Christmas Performance 9th EYFS morning and afternoon Christmas Performances / Y5/6 evening performance 5pm 10th Y5/6 morning Christmas Performance 14th Carol Service 15th Y3/4 party day 16th Y5/6 and EYFS party day 17th Y1/2 party day 18th Break up for Christmas
January Monday 4th Return to school Week beginning 11th – Story Telling Week Monday 11th – Peter Pan Performance February Wk beginning 1st - Assessment week 12th Break up for half term 22nd February - school reopens Monday 29th Carlton Week March Thursday 3rd – World Book Day Thursday 10th Parent Consultations Monday 14th March Parent Consultations Thursday 17th March Parent Consultations Wednesday 16th Governor’s Meeting 24th School closes for Easter Break
April 11th School reopens May 2nd Bank Holiday 9th SATs week 16th Assessment Week 23rd – The Hobbit performance 27th Whit holiday June 6th School reopens 8th Governors’ Meeting
July 4th July Activity Week 6th KS1 sports day 1:15 7th KS2 sports day 1:15 8th Reports out to parents 15th End of the school year 18th to 20th Staff PD Days