[ I N G A L I L L W A H L R O O S - R I T T E R ,
[ E D U C A 1987 1990 1994 1994, 1999
A I A ] ingalill@wroad.net IIIIIIIIIIIII 2 0 2 0 l e m o y n e s t r e e t LOS ANGELES ca 90026 323 788 7038 M 323 662 7731 T
T I O N ] Bachelor of Arts, University of California, Los Angeles Master of Architecture, University of California, Los Angeles (summa cum laude) NCARB Certification (National Council of Architecture Registration Boards) Architectural Licenses, California and New York State (lapsed)
[ T E A C H I N G E X P E R I E N C E ] [ W O O D B U R Y U N I V E R S I T Y ] 2011-present Chair, Graduate Architecture Program, Burbank / Los Angeles 2009-2011 Chair, Undergraduate Architecture Program, Burbank / Los Angeles 2010-present Professor, Woodbury School of Architecture 2006-2009 Associate Chair, Undergraduate Architecture Program, Burbank / Los Angeles 2006-2010 Associate Professor, Woodbury School of Architecture [ Y A L E 2003-06
U N I V E R S I T Y ] Lecturer, ‘Exploring Glass’ Seminar, with Tim Macfarlane
[ S C I - A R C ] 2004-05 Hard-Tech Coordinator 2003-06 Design Instructor [ T H E B A R T L E T T S C H O O L O F A R C H I T E C T U R E , U C L ] 2002-03 Design Tutor, Second and Third Year Design Studio and Technical Component, Unit 1 [ O X F O R D B R O O K E S U N I V E R S I T Y ] 2002-03 Design Tutor, Diploma (Fifth and Sixth Year) Design Unit [ C O R N E L L U N I V E R S I T Y ] 2000-02 Visiting Professor, Second and Third Year Design Studios and Glass seminar [ P I L C H U C K G L A S S S C H O O L ] 2002 Visiting Lecturer, ‘Given: Site, glass, light’, workshop for glass artists [ U C L A ] 1987-93 Teaching Assistant to Professors Barton Myers, Charles Jencks, Thomas Hines [ W O O D B U R Y U N I V E R S I T Y C O M M I T T E E S A N D A C T I V I T I E S ] 2012 Initial NAAB (National Architecture Accrediting Board) Accreditation Visit, Chair 2012-present University Faculty Development Committee 2012-present School of Architecture Dean’s Advisory Curriculum Committee 2012 School of Architecture Career and Outreach Coordinator Search Commmittee 2011-present School of Architecture Graduate Admissions Committee, Chair 2012 NAAB visit team room 2011 School of Architecture Director of Communications Search Committee 2011-2012 University Elections Committee 2009-2011 University Curriculum Committee 2011 School of MCD, Fashion Chair Search Committee 2011 School of Architecture Visiting Faculty Search Committee, Chair 2010 University Adjunct Faculty Review Committee, Chair 2010 School of Architecture Representation Search Committee, Chair IIIIIIIIIIIIII 1