2012 cv final

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[ I N G A L I L L W A H L R O O S - R I T T E R ,

[ E D U C A 1987 1990 1994 1994, 1999

A I A ] ingalill@wroad.net IIIIIIIIIIIII 2 0 2 0 l e m o y n e s t r e e t LOS ANGELES ca 90026 323 788 7038 M 323 662 7731 T

T I O N ] Bachelor of Arts, University of California, Los Angeles Master of Architecture, University of California, Los Angeles (summa cum laude) NCARB Certification (National Council of Architecture Registration Boards) Architectural Licenses, California and New York State (lapsed)

[ T E A C H I N G E X P E R I E N C E ] [ W O O D B U R Y U N I V E R S I T Y ] 2011-present Chair, Graduate Architecture Program, Burbank / Los Angeles 2009-2011 Chair, Undergraduate Architecture Program, Burbank / Los Angeles 2010-present Professor, Woodbury School of Architecture 2006-2009 Associate Chair, Undergraduate Architecture Program, Burbank / Los Angeles 2006-2010 Associate Professor, Woodbury School of Architecture [ Y A L E 2003-06

U N I V E R S I T Y ] Lecturer, ‘Exploring Glass’ Seminar, with Tim Macfarlane

[ S C I - A R C ] 2004-05 Hard-Tech Coordinator 2003-06 Design Instructor [ T H E B A R T L E T T S C H O O L O F A R C H I T E C T U R E , U C L ] 2002-03 Design Tutor, Second and Third Year Design Studio and Technical Component, Unit 1 [ O X F O R D B R O O K E S U N I V E R S I T Y ] 2002-03 Design Tutor, Diploma (Fifth and Sixth Year) Design Unit [ C O R N E L L U N I V E R S I T Y ] 2000-02 Visiting Professor, Second and Third Year Design Studios and Glass seminar [ P I L C H U C K G L A S S S C H O O L ] 2002 Visiting Lecturer, ‘Given: Site, glass, light’, workshop for glass artists [ U C L A ] 1987-93 Teaching Assistant to Professors Barton Myers, Charles Jencks, Thomas Hines [ W O O D B U R Y U N I V E R S I T Y C O M M I T T E E S A N D A C T I V I T I E S ] 2012 Initial NAAB (National Architecture Accrediting Board) Accreditation Visit, Chair 2012-present University Faculty Development Committee 2012-present School of Architecture Dean’s Advisory Curriculum Committee 2012 School of Architecture Career and Outreach Coordinator Search Commmittee 2011-present School of Architecture Graduate Admissions Committee, Chair 2012 NAAB visit team room 2011 School of Architecture Director of Communications Search Committee 2011-2012 University Elections Committee 2009-2011 University Curriculum Committee 2011 School of MCD, Fashion Chair Search Committee 2011 School of Architecture Faculty Search Committee, Chair 2010 University Adjunct Faculty Review Committee, Chair 2010 School of Architecture Representation Search Committee, Chair 2010 School of Architecture Visiting Faculty Search Committee IIIIIIIIIIIIII 1

2008-present 2008-present 2008-09 2008-09 2005-2008 2008 2008 2008 2007-08 2007-08 2007 2007 2007

School of Architecture Curriculum Workgroup (convener) School of Architecture Website + Archive Committees Interior Architecture Position Search Committee School of Architecture Building Technology Position Search Committee Technology Committee, Presidential Advisory Committee IT Advisory Board Fashion Position Search Committee Ad hoc Personnel Appeals Committees Council of Deans and Directors Architecture Faculty Meeting Facilitiator San Diego Architecture Position Search Committee Presidential Web Marketing Committee Wellness Team (Campus Wellness Campaign)

[ S C H O O 2012 2012 2012 2009-present 2009-present 2009 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007-08 2007-08 2006-07 2006 2006 2006 2006

L O F A R C H I T E C T U R E I N I T I A T I V E S ] Groundwork, two week pre-program for incoming graduate students, initiator and coordinator Re:Work, summer workshops for professionals, alumni and students, initiator and coordinator Graduate Portfolio and Internship Workshop (with Barbara Bestor) Director, WUHO (Woodbury Hollywood Gallery) Art of Architecture, Children’s Architecture Summer Program, Co-coordinator with Undergraduate Chair Jeanine Centuori Universal Design Workshop, Co-coordinator with Professors Roberts and Liptak ‘NAAB Faculty Student & Alumni Exhibition,’ Curator ‘Graduate School Evening,’ Coordinator ‘End of Year Student Exhibition,’ Curator and Coordinator ‘Los Angeles : City of the Future’, Exhibition and Event Curator Hollywood Exhibitions, Co-coordinator with Professor Centuori School of Architecture Lecture Series (Burbank / Los Angeles), Coordinator Architecture Department Lecture Series, Co-coordinator with Professor Centuori ‘Mapping Woodbury: 31 Architects’ Exhibition, Curator and Coordinator ‘Hollywood Confidential’ Event @ LACE, Curator ‘i-scape’ Student Competition, Co-coordinator with Associate Professor Joshua Stein ‘Sustainability’ Mini-conference for the Ministry of Construction Delegation from China, Co-coordinator with Chair Norman Millar

[ W O O D B U R Y C O U R S E S ] 2012 Summer, Graduate Thesis Independent Study, Graduate Student Fawaz Binsarra 2012 Spring, ARCH 692, Graduate Thesis Studio (co-coordinator with Anthony Fontenot) 2011 Fall, PPDV 200, Transition to Woodbury for Architecture Students 2011 Summer, ARCH 4752 Tahiti Fieldwork Studio (with Randall Stauffer) 2011 Spring, ARCH 2703 Matter of Polynesia (with Randall Stauffer and Sabrina Dalla Valle) 2011 Spring, ARCH 492 Degree Project Studio (with Ewan Branda and Mark Ericson) 2010 Fall, PPDV 200, Transition to Woodbury for Architecture Students 2010 Summer, ARCH 4752 Tahiti Fieldwork Studio (with Randall Stauffer) 2010 Spring, ARCH 2703 Matter of Polynesia (with Randall Stauffer and Sabrina Dalla Valle) 2010 Spring, ARCH 492 Degree Project Studio (with Andrea Dietz and Eric Olsen) 2009 Professional / Personal Development 200 (with Associate Dean Vic Liptak and Dr. Phyllis Cremer) 2009 ‘Skin City,’ Paris Study Abroad Studio (with Professor Paulette Singley and Associate Professor Eric Olsen) 2009 Degree Project Studio (with Adjunct Professor David Freeland and Associate Professor Eric Olsen) 2008 Degree Project Studio 2007 Professional Practice 2 2007 ‘Clean Data : Dirty Mapping,’ China Study Abroad Studio (with Professor Nick Roberts) 2007 Degree Project Advisor 2006 ‘Vertical Dynamics: the Aspirating Tower,’ Comprehensive Studio 2006 ‘Paris (Un)limited’ Study Abroad Studio (with Professor Nick Roberts and Roland Wahlroos-Ritter) 2006 ‘Berlin (D)limited’ Study Abroad Studio (with Professor Gerard Smulevich and Roland Wahlroos-Ritter) 2006 ‘Hollywood Confidential’ seminar 2006 ‘Ecodynamic Materials’ seminar (San Diego) IIIIIIIIIIIIII 2

2006 2006 2005 2005

‘Lyceum Competition / Advanced Object Making’ seminar (San Diego) Degree Project Advisor ‘Immaterial Skins’ seminar ‘Feathers, latex, tissue ...’, Topic Studio

‘Bloom’, with Doris Sung, Matthew Melnyk

[ S C H O L A R L Y A C T I V I T I E S ] [ R E S E A R C H , C O N F E R E N C E S , A W A R D S ] 2012 AIA/LA Design Conference :: Design Performance, speaker 2012 ‘Bachelors, Brides and Open-Source Technologies,’ ACSA conference, panel convener and moderator 2009-present ’Bloom’, Experimental Installation at M&A Gallery Collaboration with DoSu Studio Architecture,and Matthew Melnyk, Structural Engineer 2011 ‘Bloom,’ Graham Foundation Grant Award, with Doris Sung and Matthew Melnyk 2011 Woodbury University Faculty Development Grant, for ‘Bloom’ collaboration with Doris Sung 2011 ACADIA: Interfaces and Immersion, Conference, session moderator 2011 Maxine Frankel Award, funding for WUHO Gallery signage (with Barbara Bestor) 2010 ‘Archipelago Construct: The Matter of Polynesia,’ ACSA Conference, New Orleans, peer-reviewed paper 2010 ‘Archipelago Construct: Museum of the Society Islands, Polynesia,’ Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, peer-reviewed paper 2010 Maxine Frankel Award, funding for WUHO Gallery Faculty Installations 2007 Maxine Frankel Award for Hollywood Exhibitions (with Jeanine Centuori) 2006 ‘Surfacing Urbanisms : Recent Approaches to Metropolitan Design,’ ACSA Conference, moderator 2005 Maxine Frankel Award, i-scape, student honoraria 2005 Maxine Frankel Award, i-scape, faculty honoraria 2005 Maxine Frankel Award, ‘Hollywood Confidential’, AIA event 2002 ACSA International Symposium, Helsinki, moderator [ P U B L I C A T I O N S , P R E S E N T A T I O N S , E X H I B I T I O N S ] 2012 MAK Center, ‘Light My Way, Stranger,’ exhibition 2012 ‘Bloom Team Tells All,’ M&A Gallery, presentation / gallery talk 2012 ACADIA: Synthetic Digital Ecologies, Conference, ‘Bloom’ included in curated exhibition 2012 NAAB Faculty and Alumni Exhibition, Woodbury University 2011 ‘Architecture: A Woman’s Profession,’ Tanja Kullick (ed.), featured contributor 2011 ‘Architecture: A Woman’s Profession,’ panelist at MAK Center for Art and Architecture ‘Lättsinnig’, for MAK auction 2011 ‘Architecture: A Woman’s Profession & Fallow City Project,’ book launch and exhibition, WUHO Gallery 2010 ‘Chair for The Page,’ Guggenheim Gallery at Chapman University, exhibition 2010 ‘Interviews,’ Idea News, Fall 2009, University of Southern California, publication 2009 ‘Intensive Fields: New Parametric Techniques for Urbanism,’ USC School of Architecture, conference, session responder 2009 ‘Los Angeles Architectural Discourse, To Be Continued ...,’ Abitare, Ilaria Mazzoleni, publication 2009 ‘Pendulum Plane : Oyler Wu Collaborative,’ Todd Gannon, publication 2009 ‘Liner competition’, LA Forum, exhibition coordinator 2009 ‘Pecha Kucha Night: Femmes Trois,’ LA Forum, presentation 2009 ‘Performative Skins,’ USC, lecture 2009 ‘WROAD work,’ Westfield Lecture Series 2008 ‘The Glass House,’ UCLA, lecture 2008 ‘WROAD work,’ Loose Talk with Neil Denari: Out There Doing It 2008, LA Forum @ MAK Center 2008 ‘Exposing,’ SOIAS Lecture Series: Designers and Educators, Woodbury University, lecture 2008 NAAB Faculty, Student, Alumni Exhibition, Woodbury University 2007 ‘1927-2007: Memorial Collections for 80th Anniversary,’ Southeast University, publication 2007 ‘Exposed : The Dematerialized Envelope,’ Southeast University, Nanjing, lecture 2007 ‘Enveloping’, UCLA, lecture 2007 ‘Pecha Kucha Night: Femmes Fatales,’ LA Forum, presentation 2006 ‘The Glass House’, UCLA, lecture 2006 ‘Artists’ Conversation - Glass: Material Matters,’ Los Angeles County Museum of Art, lecture 2006-present ‘Structural Glass and Façade Consulting,’ Lectures and workshops as Senior Associate for Dewhurst Macfarlane and Partners for Jerde Partnership, Gensler, Cannon, CoArchitects, Harley Ellis Devereaux, Pugh + Scarpa, Barton Myers Associates, Leo Daly, TEC Architects, KPF, and KMA, San Diego. 2006 ‘Morphosis. Continuities of the Incomplete,’ Pompidou Exhibition Catalogue, publication 2006 ‘Glass : Material Matters, LACMA, exhibition IIIIIIIIIIIIII 3

2006 2006 2005 2005 2005 2005 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2001 2000 2000

‘Mapping Woodbury: 31 Architects,’ Hollywood CCRD, exhibition ‘Glass: Material Matters’, LACMA exhibition catalogue, Howard Fox ‘Nap’, Main Event, SCI-Arc, napkin sketch exhibition ‘[WROAD] Work,’ Cal Poly Pomona, lecture ‘Ingalill Wahlroos-Ritter,’ Woodbury University, lecture ‘[WROAD] Work,’ JACCC Los Angeles, exhibition ‘In/Discrete Materials,’ Columbia University, lecture ‘Shoptalk: Beyond Transparency’, Architects Newspaper, Ingalill Wahlroos-Ritter ‘Three Standard Slumpages’, Neoteric Conjunctive Exhibition ‘Summer Stage’, Bartlett Works, Iain Borden, Peter Cook (Eds.), publication ‘Ingalill Wahlroos Architects,’ Praxis, Marta Falkowska, publication ‘Glass Ceiling’, Pilchuck Glass School, Seattle, exhibition ‘Glorifying Glass at Corning’s Summer Stage,’ Architectural Record, Ingrid Whitehead ‘Glassworks,’ Pilchuck Glass School, lecture ‘Glass Ceiling,’ Pilchuck Glass School, exhibition ‘Architecture (de)light,’ Rockwell Museum of Art, New York, lecture ‘Art and Science Melded: An unusual course explores old and new capabilities of glass, a material that is both poetic and technical,’ Cornell AAP Publication, Beth Saulnier ‘Earth, Glass, Construction,’ Cornell University, lecture ‘Glassworks: Own Projects,’ Rockwell Museum of Art, New York, lecture

[ I N V I T E D J U R O R ] 2012 Guest Design Critic: SCI-Arc, USC, Cal Poly Pomona, UCLA, Otis, Art Center, Georgia Tech, UC Berkeley 2006-2010 Guest Design Critic SCI-Arc annual Graduate and Undergraduate Thesis reviews Art Center (studio hosts: Dan Gottlieb / Penny Herscovitz, Linda Taalman / Alan Koch) Cal Poly Pomona (studio hosts: Axel Schmitzberger, Michael Fox) Otis (studio host: Mathias Cremer) Parsons (The New School for Design), New York (studio hosts: David Lewis, Kim Ackert) Pasadena Community College (studio host: Coleman Griffith) Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc) (Thesis coordinators: Hernan Diaz Alonzo, Dwayne Oyler, and studio hosts: Devyn Weiser, Ilaria Mazzoleni) Syracuse University, New York (studio host: Jon Yoder) University of California, Los Angeles (studio hosts: Hadrian Predock, Kevin Daly, Mark Mack) University of Southern California (studio hosts: Annie Chu, Doris Sung, Alice Kimm, Christoph Kapeller) [ P R O F E S S I O N A L W O R K ] [ W R O A D ] 2002-present A partnership practice of architecture with Roland Wahlroos-Ritter 2011-present Leg Avenue Retail Stores 2012 2026 Lemoyne Street duplex 2012 Grove Retail Carts 2011 46CN Crystal Airport Masterplan ‘Bigger is Better House’, WROAD 2011 ‘99% House’ 2010-present ‘Bigger is Better House,’ Diamond Bar, California 2009-2011 Louis Vuitton Showroom Façade, Singapore (with Dewhurst Macfarlane & Partners Engineers) 2009-2011 aSH Installation, Shanghai, China (with Buro Happold Engineers and Nick Pisca) 2009 MHP Competition - Museum of Polish History in Warsaw (with Fletcher Studio Landscape Architecture + Urban Design 2009 Hawthorne Office (collaboration with DoSu Studio Architecture) 2009 Silicon Mountain - Shenzen Competition (collaboration with MADA s.p.a.m.) 2008-09 Mason Residence, Santa Monica (with Ryall Porter Architects) 2008 2020 La Jetée Wall 2008 Korean Embassy Tokyo Competition (with Chang-Jo Architects, Seoul, Korea) 2008 Y-Project, Seoul, Korea (with Chang-Jo Architects, Seoul, Korea) 2007-08 Leg Avenue, Los Angeles, California 2006 RIBS Residence 2005-07 Montoya Kessler Residence, Topanga Canyon, California 2005 Bonnett + Smith Residence, Los Angeles, California 2004 Slow Glass Facade Prototype IIIIIIIIIIIIII


2004-05 2004 2003 2003 2003

Dent-Eliasberg Residence, Los Angeles, California RJ Hendricks Residence, Los Angeles, California First Step Housing, New York NY, Competition entry Chiles-Mantel Residence, Vermont San Jose State University, Museum of Art and Design, Competition entry

[ D E W H U R S T M A C F A R L A N E A N D P A R T N E R S ] 2003-present Senior Associate, International Facade Group Founder and Manager of the Los Angeles Office. Project Manager on all DMP-LA projects listed below. 2006-07 CoArchitects / Confino, Los Angeles Natural History Museum 2006-07 KMA, Mondrian Residential Tower, San Diego 2005-06 Pugh + Scarpa, Pier 59 Studio Glass Bridge, Santa Monica 2005-06 Morphosis - Pompidou Exhibition, Paris, France 2005-07 agps (Angelil Graham Pfenninger Scholl Architects), Portland Aerial Tramway 2003-06 Rick Mather Architects - Virginia Museum of Fine Arts 2005 Antonio Citterio & Partners, de Beers Flagship Store, Beverly Hills, California 2004-05 Fields Devereaux Architects Engineers, John Broome Library Competition entry 2002 Studio Daniel Libeskind - Renaissance Royal Ontario Museum 2002-03 Kenneth Hobgood Architects - Villa Al Bahar, Kuwait [ I N G A L I L L W A H L R O O S A R C H I T E C T S ] 1999-2002 Principal (Woman Owned Business Enterprise) 2002 Summer Stage, Corning Museum of Glass 2002 McKee/Cole Residence 2001 Studio Expansion, Corning Museum of Glass 2001 Exhibition Gallery, Corning Museum of Glass 2001 Steuben Store, New York City 2001 Art & History Offices, Corning Museum of Glass [ S M I T H - M I L L E R - H A W K I N S O N A R C H I T E C T S ] 1991-1999 Project Architect / Project Manager 1995-1999 Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, New York 1996 Moncho Lobo Loft (unbuilt) 1996 Shaye House 1996 North Carolina Museum of Art [ V E N T U R I S C O T T B R O W N A S S O C I A T E S ] 1995 Designer, Staten Island Ferry Terminal Building [ B A R T O N M Y E R S A S S O C I A T E S ] 1991-95 Project Architect 1995 New Jersey Performing Arts Center 1993 Ivan Reitman Productions 1993 Native American Preparatory School (competition) 1992 Cerritos Performing Arts Center 1991 United States Pavilion, World Exposition, Seville [ P R O F E S S I O N A L A F F I L I A T I O N S A N D A C T I V I T E S ] 2007-2012 Los Angeles Forum for Architecture and Urban Design, board member 2007-present American Institute of Architects (AIA), member 2000-present National Council of Architectural Registration Board (NCARB), member 2006-08 LACE Advisory Board, member 2008 AIA/LA ‘2x8: Skin,’ Academic Outreach Committee 2008 LA Forum, Co-Director for Liner competition and exhibition 2008 Design Award Jury for Albuquerque chapter AIA 2007 AIA/LA ‘2x8: Vert,’ Academic Outreach Committee 2000 Woman-Owned Business Enterprise Certification, New York State LA Forum exhibition at WUHO Gallery, 2012 IIIIIIIIIIIIII 5

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