Oaklands, Melbourne

Yearlings catalogued in the Inglis Gold Yearling Sale may be stabled at Oaklands from Tuesday 9 May
We ask that all yearlings are on the grounds by 8am Friday 12 May at the latest.
We ask that yearlings NOT arrive between 9am and 4pm from Thursday 11 May to minimise the disruption to parades.
Please contact Ben Arnot on 0404 421 318 or to advise us of your horses’ arrival day and approximate time.
Horses will have their microchip scanned upon entering Oaklands, and every horse being led to or from the loading area must have a bit in its mouth at all times.
Horse trailers/floats may be parked at Oaklands over the duration of the sale. To confirm a float parking space over the sale period please contact Colin Brown on 0413 148 956.
Important note: Please ensure there is someone present to show your horses to prospective buyers during inspection times. The official parade times for the sale are:
Thursday 11 May to Saturday 13 May - 8.30am to 5.00pm
Sunday 14 May - 8.30am to end of sale
Please note your horse/s will be called up by our staff approximately 20 minutes before being offered in the sale ring.
Inglis will be providing a Welcome Pack for all vendors containing the following:
• Door Pedigrees
• Lot Cards
• Vendor Guides for staff
Please collect these packs upon arrival from Inglis Reception.
Foal Identification cards should be posted prior to the sale to Ben Arnot in the Inglis Riverside office, PO Box 388, Moorebank NSW 1875 or handed into the Oaklands office marked to his attention when you arrive. Proceeds of the sale cannot be paid until the Foal Identification card is received in our office.
If you have not already done so, you must advise us if your horse(s) is a roarer (including those who have undergone laryngoscopic surgery), windsucker and/or wobbler. You must also disclose any invasive joint surgery or abdominal surgery (colic) of any type (see clause 10 (c) of the Terms & Conditions of Sale for further information).
Hip stickers, along with any bonus scheme stickers will be distributed prior to the sale on each sale day morning.
It is the responsibility of the vendor to ensure that each lot wears the appropriate hip sticker(s) when going through the ring.
Please establish eligibility for any bonus schemes well in advance of the sale.
If you have not yet paid up for your horse in the VOBIS System but would now like to nominate your horse and have it announced when your horse comes into the ring you must pay the nomination fee to Racing Victoria by 30 April 2023.
Importantly, a yearling MUST be Parentage Verified before it can be Super VOBIS nominated.
Please ensure you have submitted your x-rays, surgical reports and any other relevant material no later than Wedneday 10 May.
X-rays remain the property of the veterinary practice identified on the radiographs. X-rays must be taken within 42 days of the sale date. If your vet is suppling x-rays taken for Premier or an earlier sale please ensure they send an accompanying report that is uploaded clearly stating the x-rays were taken outside the normal 42 day protocol and advise the date the x-rays were taken.
Please be aware of our Repository policies. For more information please contact Wayne Massingham on 02 9399 7999 or on
During the sale the Repository is located adjacent to the under cover parade ring and will be open from Thursday 2 March until the end of the sale.
Repository Opening Hours:
Thursday 11 May to Saturday 13 May 8.30am to 5.00pm
Sunday 14 May 8.30am to end of sale
No submissions may be removed from the repository.
Please be aware of our repository policies. The repository is only to be used in the manner provided in the Inglis Conditions of Sale (please refer to Clause 12 in this catalogue’s Conditions of Sale). Repository terms and procedures of use are available on the Inglis website.
The repository is accessible to registered vets ONLY.
On a voluntary basis, you may choose to have your horse/s undergo a presale endoscopic examination, conducted by a veterinarian of your choice and lodged in the Inglis repository.
These will be maintained in the same repository system as the x-rays.
Please note that all pre-sale scope reports submitted to the repository must be completed at Oaklands and lodged no later than 5pm Saturday 13 May.
If you are planning on having your horse/s scoped, please have your appointed veterinarian contact Ben Arnot 0404 421 318 or to book one of our custom designed scoping facilities to conduct this procedure. For the safety of staff and horses, yearlings are not permitted to be scoped in their boxes.
Please contact Ben Arnot on if you require a list of vets who perform pre-sale scopes at our sales.
We recommend this is performed early in the morning and on the first or second day after you arrive.
Once the endoscopic evaluation has been completed you may choose to lodge it in the Inglis Repository and/or keep a copy on your laptop at the barn and show interested veterinarians as requested.
Pre-sale scopes not performed at Oaklands will not be accepted into the repository.
Post-sale scoping remains in place at the purchaser’s request.
Any horse that has been immunised with the Hendra Vaccine must be notified to the Auctioneer prior to the Sale and this information will be advised to the buyers at the time of the Sale. Failure to notify the Auctioneer of this information could lead to cancellation of the sale of your lot.
Please note horses that have been immunised with the Hendra Vaccine are currently banned for export to several countries including China, Indonesia and Malaysia.
If your horse/s catalogued in this sale is being transported from a property that is located in the area from Port Macquarie to Tamworth, Tamworth north to Tenterfield, Tenterfield north to the Queensland border and all of Queensland and has NOT been vaccinated, the attending veterinarian is required to complete a Declaration of Health (available upon request) and return it to Ben Arnot in the Inglis Riverside office by 5pm, Thursday 11th May.
Should you require the form be resent, please contact Ben Arnot.
Under our Conditions of Sale all yearlings sold at this sale are eligible for a post-sale blood test for anabolic androgenic steroids and receptor modulators. This test will be conducted at either the purchaser’s or Racing Victoria Stewards request and expense. Purchasers wanting to avail themselves of this procedure must check the box on the Acknowledgement of Purchase iPad in the sale ring. The yearling will have a blood sample collected by an Australian Racing Board approved veterinarian shortly after the lot is returned to its stable. For further information please read Condition 14 of the Terms and Conditions of Sale as listed in the catalogue and our website.
Special Note: ALTRENOGEST (Regu-Mate)
Vendors are advised not to administer Altrenogest (Regu-Mate) to yearlings entered in this sale as this product may produce swabs with traces of the steroids trenbolone and trendione.
Please note under condition 14, if a horse returns a positive test for anabolic androgenic steroids and/or receptor modulators the sale may be cancelled. Furthermore, under the Australian Rules of Racing, any horse that returns a positive test for anabolic androgenic steroids may be stood down for 12 months.
The Inglis Conditions of Sale have been updated to include a new post-sale blood test for Bisphosphonates (commonly traded under Osphos or Tildren). This test needs to be specifically requested by the purchaser and is separate to the current anabolic steroid test.
Should the sample prove positive to Bisphosphonates, then the purchaser will have the right to cancel the sale within 24 hours of being notified and the results referred to the relevant PRA. Please see Clause 14.1 to 14.3 of the Conditions of Sale for more information.
Randwick Equine Centre will have a veterinarian on site during the sale should you require a vet over the course of the sale. REC’s phone number is 0408 166 355 (Dr Chris O’Sullivan). The Veterinary area is past Barn E at the northwest end of the property.
A farrier will be available at Oaklands from Thursday 11 May until the end of the Sale. Alternatively please contact Inglis reception or Colin Brown on 0413 148 956 as required.
Lucerne hay, oats, lucerne chaff, oaten/wheaten chaff and bran are available upon request. Feed buckets, water buckets, rakes, brooms, manure bins, hoses and wood shavings (bedding) are supplied.
Should you wish to have other feed delivered prior to your arrival at the sale Pet Horse & Farm deliver to Oaklands. Their number is 1300 362 326 or text on 0411 267 637 or email Free Delivery Monday to Friday in the lead up to and during the sales.
If you place a feed order with the above please notify Colin Brown on 0413 148 956 of the delivery details so these can be stored in a secure room in your barn.
We advise vendors need to supply their own mucking out gear to ensure staff have sufficient equipment to carry out relevant duties.
We strongly encourage you to upload photos and videos of your catalogued horses to the Inglis website.
Please refer to our Guide to Sale Photos & Videos for important details, tips and tricks as well as uploading instructions. You can find the helpful guide at
It is a simple process and a very useful marketing tool. If you require further assistance with this process, please contact our IT Department on 02 9399 7999 or
We encourage vendors to post any videos or photos to the Inglis website in a timely manner in advance of the sale.
The opportunity to measure and weigh your horse(s) after arrival at Oaklands is available. These details can then be added to the website.
The measuring stick and scales are located at the vet complex behind Stable E.
Please speak to Alex Manning 0466 324 647 to arrange a suitable time for your horse to be assessed.
We ask that a vendor representative is present at the auction box when your lot is offered for sale. Please make your way to the auction box at least 2 lots before your horse is to be offered. Inglis Bloodstock staff will ask for your reserve 5 to 10 mins before your lot enters the ring to allow the auctioneers to sell at a quicker rate.
If you do not intend to be present at the sale when your horse is offered, please give your sale instructions to James Price at au or on 0409 806 595.
If no instructions are received and you are not represented at the auctioneer’s box at the time of sale, we will offer your lot for unreserved sale.
If you have any withdrawals from your draft, please notify our office as soon as possible and supply a veterinary report.
If you have any questions or concerns leading up to or during the sale, please don’t hesitate to contact any member of our friendly bloodstock team on 03 9333 1422.
If you are arriving by car there is plenty of parking available. Please refer to the inside front cover of the catalogue for directions to Oaklands.
If you have any questions on parking please contact Colin Brown on 0413 148 956 or
The sales complex possesses a well-equipped amenities block with showers and changing facilities for your convenience. We would encourage staff to use these facilities after completing their morning work with the horses to alleviate the need to return to offsite accommodation.
Below is a list of local laundry services that may be able to be of further service.
There is a first aid room located adjacent to the stable manager’s office behind the main toilet/shower block. A medical professional will be on site during all inspection and sale days.
Should you require medical assistance during the sale please see the attendant at the first aid room or in the case of an emergency contact Colin Brown on 0413 148 956.
Guards will patrol the grounds throughout the sale from Tuesday 9 May. A list of vendor contact numbers has been given to our security firm who will contact your designated staff member or yourself if necessary. The security office is located at the Stable Manager’s office between stables A and C, refer to the map in this guide.
Inglis will supply a pedigree for each lot to display in the holder on the stable door.
Vendors are permitted to display further promotional material on the stables, but this must be attached with double sided tape ONLY. The use of nails, staple guns and screws will not be permitted as these will damage the stables.
Snap Campbellfield is located close to Oaklands and have a range of signage options such as corflute signage / graphic design / inspection cards etc. Please contact directly on 03 9308 9800 for details. Please also allow plenty of time for your signage requirements to be met in time for the sale.
The Business Centre is located near Reception. Please ask Reception for directions if required.
Breakfast is available daily from 6.30am Wednesday 10 May until Sunday 14 May and open for lunch on sale day.
Full bar available from 11am from on Sunday 14 May for the duration of the sale.
Located off the restaurant is open from Tuesday 9 May 8am to 6pm until the end of the sale.
Located next to the snack bar, open daily from 6.30am Tuesday 9 May until Sunday 14 May.
The newly built vet facilities at Oaklands are located past Barn E at the northwest end of the property. The vet facilities include two purpose built scoping rooms (Vet Room 1 & 2) with Vet Room 1 including weighing scales and measuring tools. Vet Room 2 includes a more general treatment area. The facilities include showers and toilets.
Inglis ‘Travel Phone’ for client travel requests and assistance during sales and inspections
+61 477 426 993 or
Sinead Flannery
Insurance Manager
+ 61 3 9333 1422
+61 416 243 696
Lily France
Client Relations & Event Co-ordintor +61 2 9399 7999
Narelle Stocker Insurance Consultant
+ 61 3 9333 1422
+61 404 093 660
Andrew Munce – Chief Operations Officer
+61 412 575 452
Sebastian Hutch CEO – Bloodstock Sales
+61 423 770 854
Jonathan D’Arcy General Manager of Bloodstock Operations & International Development/Auctioneer
+61 412 965 729
James Price VIC Bloodstock Manager
+61 409 806 595
Chris Russell/Auctioneer
NSW Bloodstock Manager
+61 412 644 452
Brett Gilding
Senior Bloodstock Consultant/Auctioneer
+61 401 300 280
Will Stott
Senior Bloodstock Consultant
+61 408 126 952
Harry Bailey
Senior Bloodstock Consultant
+61 420 997 417
Jin Tian
Senior Bloodstock Consultant
+61 419 679 970
Brittany Hussey
Bloodstock Consultant
+61 409 333 823
Ziva Mullins
Bloodstock Consultant
+61 435 743 222
Angus Robertson
Bloodstock Consultant
+61 477 179 393
Sinead Flannery
Bloodstock Consultant
+61 416 243 696
Vendor representative
Name (please print):
• This treatment sheet should be lodged with Inglis no later than 48 hours prior to the horse being offered through the ring.
• If the horse is treated within 48 hours of being offered, please submit to Inglis as soon as possible and speak to either Ben Arnot or Jonathan D’Arcy
• Please EMAIL all treatment sheets to Ben Arnot ONLY on
Is there an ATM at the complex?
No, Greenvale shopping centre is the closest which is a 7 minute drive.
Where are the toilets located?
There are toilets on the far side of the sales auditorium, toilets are also located at the end of the parade ring at the auditorium end as well as throughout the complex. Please refer to the complex map located in this guide.
Where is the disabled access?
Disabled access is via the Auditorium reception. This will take you through to the Sales Arena and out into the stabling precinct.
Where is the cloakroom?
Located next to the gift shop in the auditorium reception.
What are the smoking rules on the complex?
The entire Oaklands complex is a smoke-free zone. There are allocated smoking areas on the outskirts of the complex. One is located out the front in the car park.
What are the dining options on sale day?
All outlets will be operational on inspection and sale days. Please refer to the dining information located in this guide for times.
How can I get a taxi/uber?
If you are having trouble with ordering a taxi or uber, please see reception and they will assist you. Once you have one ordered for you, be sure to wait out the front of reception as taxi’s/ubers often get lost in the carpark area.
What restrictions will there be as a result of COVID19?
All visitors to Oaklands are advised to practise social distancing measures and good personal hygiene in line with advice from the VIC Department of Health. Details of any other restrictions will be made available in advance of the sale. If you have any queries please contact a senior member of the Inglis Bloodstock Team.
Will I be able to park on site?
Yes. There is plenty of parking spaces available at the complex.
Is there WiFi on the complex?
Yes, there is free WiFi access throughout the whole complex. There is no password required.
Will there be shuttles running from any hotels to the sales?
Yes, there is a shuttle running from Park Royal at Melbourne Airport, as well as from Crown Promenade in Southbank, on mornings and afternoons for inspection and sale days. A full timetable will be released closer to the sale and can be found on the sale page of the Inglis website, on the right hand side.
Is there a laundry available to use?
There are a number of local services that can assist. They are listed in this guide.
Is there 24 hour security?
Yes, throughout the sale period, from the moment horses arrive on site, there will be 24 hour security of the whole precinct.
Where can I get a coffee?
Located adjacent the snack bar open daily from 6.30am.
How long does it take to get to the airport from Oaklands? Approximately 15 minutes.
How long does it take to get to the city from Oaklands? Depending on traffic, the time is approximately 30 minutes.
All Horses
Identification Card (or passbook) submitted to Inglis.
Notify Inglis of declarations - listed in section 10 Vendor Warranties or section 13 Special Characteristics in the Inglis Terms and Conditions of Sale.
Un-named Horses (yearlings, weanlings etc)
Parentage Verified with the ASB
By default, this also means the horse must be
ALL Mare Returns up to date on the ASB
Certificate Of Paternity (COP) submitted to the ASB by stallion proprietor (usually stud farm standing stallion your mare is in foal to) once the current service fee has been paid or other private arrangements have been made.
Pregnancy certificate dated within 7 days of the sale OR
Breeding report dated within 14 days of the sale submitted for maiden or barren mares (not compulsory but recommended)
Foals At Foot
Relevant Mare Return completed with the ASB
Relevant COP submitted to the ASB by stallion proprietor (see above)
Ownership declaration completed on the ASB
Cancel any Lease Agreements with the relevant PRA
Declare to Inglis any embargoes
Declare to Inglis if the current racing status is ’retired’