2YOwinnerandahalf-sistertoastakeshorse,infoaltoLeading FirstCropSireTRAPEZEARTIST.CHEEKYASisahalf-sisterto5 winners,includingthestakesperformedABBA.Thismarehails fromthefamedSCANDINAVIAfamily,whichfeaturesthelikesof Group1winningandproducingstallionsMAGNUS&ALLTOO HARD,aswellastheimmortalmareBLACKCAVIAR.
CHEEKYAShasanunraced3YOcoltnamedMARSHALCOGBURN, anunraced2YOfillynamedCHEEKYDANCER($70kInglisClassic purchasebyTripleCrownSyndications)trainedatRandwickbythe powerfulPeter&PaulSnowdenstable,ayearlingcoltbyINVADER andaweanlingcoltbyTRAPEZEARTIST.
ShesellsinfoaltoTrapezeArtist(LSD13.11.22).Aneliteracehorse whoishavingamagnificentstarttohisstudcareer.ABlackOpal winnerandSiresProduceplacedat2,TRAPEZEARTISTwentonto winfourGroupOnesincludingtheSiremakingGoldenRose,TJ Smith,AllAged&CanterburyStakes,breakingtwotrackrecordsin theprocess!

FulltoGroupOneperformer.Thismarehasahugepedigree,and representsanultra-commercialopportunity.Coromandelisoutofthe exceptionalmareJOHAN’STOY.Adualstakeswinnerandtwotimes Gr.1placed,shewonover$800,000incareerearningsandhas producedsixwinnersfromninerunners.

ThismakesCoromandelafullsistertotheoutstandingTOYDINI,a multiplegroupwinneraswellasGr.1placedandthewinnerofcloseto $700,000.ShealsohailsfromthefamilyofEXTRAZERO,theadmiral Gr.2winnerandmultipleGr.1placed.It’samagnificentpedigreeproven toproduceblacktypewinners.
Coromandelhasproducedthreefoalstodate,includingthetalented FLYINGTRAPEZE.AwinnerattheopeningtrialsdayatRandwick, defeatingEmpireOfJapan,hehassincewontwofurthertrialsandhas runadmirablyinboththeBreedersPlateandGoldenGift.
ShealsohasayearlingfillybyTrapezeArtist,whosoldatthisyears GoldCoastsalefor$120,000andistobetrainedbyAnnabelNeasham. BeingsoldbackinfoaltoTRAPEZEARTIST,sheiscarryingafullsibling toFlyingTrapezeandtheAnnabelNeashamtrainedfilly.Anelite racehorsewhoishavingamagnificentstarttohisstudcareer.
Wellrelatedmarefromfastfamily.Diziredisaexceptionallywell bredmare,hailingfromastrongandveryfastfamily.ByBelEsprit, oneofthebestbroodmaresiresaround;BEAUTYGENERATION,OLE KIRK,SWATSTHAT&HUMMAHUMMAamongstmanyotherswereall producedoutofBelEspritmares.
Sheisahalfsistertothreeblacktypeperformersincluding MARVEENandJESTAJEWEL,whointurnisthedamofthe outstandingsprinterPAMPELONNE,thewinneroftheGr.2Shorts andover$800,000inearnings!It’sapedigreethatcontinuesto provideelitelevelrunnersdownthepage,includingDANGLISSA,an outstandingfillyandsuccessfulintheGr.1Flightstakes.Sheisalso closelyrelatedtotheexceptionallyfast2yoandnowwellsupported sire,PROFITEER.

Fromjustahandfuloffoals,Diziredhasalreadyproducedthesmart SINGLEDIZIRE(NotASingleDoubt)awinnerof4ofher13starts includingatCitylevel,andit’sunlikelythatwehaveseenthebestof thistalentedmare.
Sheisbeingsoldinfoaltomostpromisingyoungstallion,TRAPEZE ARTIST.Aneliteracehorsewhoishavingamagnificentstarttohis studcareer.
HalfsistertothedamofFacile.Ayoungmare,outofaGr.1placegetter andahalfsistertothedamofoneofthemostexciting2yosthisyear.
EasyForMeisoutoftheseventimewinningGeneralNediymmare, GAI’SCHOICE,alistedwinnerandalsoGr.1placedintheTattsTiara. Fromsixnamedfoals,shehasproducedthreewinners,includingthe classystakeswinnerILIKEITEASY.ILikeItEasy’sfirstfoalwasafilly byTRAPEZEARTIST,nowknowasFACILE,arguablythebestmaidenin AustraliahavingfinishedanarrowsecondintheGr.2SweetEmbrace andbeatenbytheslenderestofmarginsintheGr.2ReislingStakes behindstar2yoLearningtoFly.
EasyForMehasacoltfoalonthegroundbyTrapezeArtist,helooksa sharp,forwardtypewhichisunsurprisingwhenyouconsiderthatthis familyisknownforproducingearlyspeed.Sheisbeingsoldbackin foaltooneofSnitzel’sbestperformedson’sinTrapezeArtist,making theresultingfoalathreequarterinbloodtothefantasticFACILE.

HiddenJewelrepresentsanopportunitytopurchaseastakeswinning mare,alreadythedamofthreewinning,cityperformingprogenyand infoaltoahotyoungsire,TRAPEZEARTIST.Arealcommercial package.
HIDDENJEWELwasasmartracemarewinningthreeofherseven starts(7-3-1-1)collectingalmost$150,000intheprocess.Shewasa dominantwinnerofherpenultimatestartintheListedPrincessstakes beforeaforcedretirementtostud.Shehasprovenherselftobea decentbroodmaresinceretiring,producingthreeindividualwinners, whichareallcityperformers.MasterRedisafourtimewinnerwith earningsover$120,000.
Shealsolookstohaveapotentiallysmart2yobyTRAPEZEARTIST, namedFlyingJewel,whohasplacedinhisonlystarttodateandlooks awinnerwaitingtohappen.BackinfoaltoTrapezeArtistagain,sheis carryingafullsiblingtothepotentiallysmartFlyingJewel.

Lanziniisayoung,wellcredentialedmarewhocomeswithapedigree litteredwithblacktype.

SheisahalfsistertonotonebuttwoclassyGroupwinningfillies; SABATINI&VIVVELOCE.Sabatiniwasafivetimewinnerincludingthe Gr.2ArmanascoStakes,whileViviVelocewasasmart2yowhowas victoriousintheGr.2SAJCNationalStakes.Bothofthesefillieshave nowretiredandarevisitingsomeoftheleadingsiresinbothAustralia andNewZealandincludingDundeel,DeepFieldandSnitzel.Theynow alsohavedaughtersatstudvisitingthelikesofchampionsireSavabeel. Makenomistake,withsomanyfilliesworkinginthefamily,thisisa pedigreewithhugepotential.
Sheisthedamofonefoaltoraceforonewinner,theRichard&Will FreedmantrainedLadyPercival’swasagoodwinnerofhermaidenon herpenultimateoutingandlookssuretogoontobetterthings.She thenhasanunraced2yobyTRAPEZEARTISTnamedLaJoyawhowasa $70,000InglisMelbournePremierpurchaselastyear,andisbeingsold backinfoaltothehighlytoutedsonofSnitzelagainthisyearto produceamid-Septemberfoal.
A 4-time winner in foal to Leading First Crop Sire TRAPEZE ARTIST.
PARIS FOR ME was a smart sprinting mare, winning 4 races from 1000-1200m and placing on a further 5 occasions. She is by emerging broodmare sire FOXWEDGE, who is the dam sire of 7 Stakes horses from just 58 starters… that’s 12% Stakes horses to runners!
This mare has a rich blacktype pedigree with her dam a half-sister to 3 Stakes horses – Group 3 winner WALKING OR DANICING (8 wins & $611,425), Stakes winner IRONGAIL (7 wins & $322,950) & Group 1 placed 2yo AIM FOR GOLD (1 win & $203,750). The family also contains Group 1 winners VOW AND DECLARE (5 wins & $6,714,920), HAURAKI (5 wins & $2,546,660) & KIDNAPPED (5 wins & $715,427) etc.
PARIS FOR ME’s first foal is the unraced 3YO filly Champ de Mars with Richard and Will Freedman, she also has a 2YO Star Witness filly, yearling Divine Prophet colt and a weanling Trapeze Artist colt. She sells in foal to Trapeze Artist (LSD 8.11.22)
An elite racehorse who is having a magnificent start to his stud career.

Young PIERRO mare, out of a Stakes placed FASTNET ROCK mare, in foal to Leading First Crop Sire TRAPEZE ARTIST.
PIERRO is an elite broodmare sire in the making, from just 22 runners he is the dam sire of Group 1 winner JACQUINOT, 2YO Stakes winner THE SPIRIT OF ZERO, Group 2 placed 2YO FACILE, Group 3 placed 2YO EXCEL D’OR and Stakes placed KARMAN LINE… that’s 23% Stakes horses to runners!
The unraced Queen Petra is a half-sister to 5-time winner Defense Attorney and is out of the Stakes placed 2YO Kincara Miss, herself a sister to Majesty, dam of Stakes winner and this season’s multiple Group placed mare Lady Of Honour (11-4:2:2 & $376,075).

Queen Petra is the dam of one foal, a quality Nicconi colt that has been weaned and will be retained by the owner. This mare is selling in foal to Trapeze Artist (LSD 27.10.22).
An elite racehorse who is having a magnificent start to his stud career.
Half-sister to 2 Stakes winners in foal to Leading First Crop Sire TRAPEZE ARTIST.
SHE’S JUSTIFIED is a half-sister to dual Group 2 winner and Group 1 placed sire MAHUTA (6 wins & $1,752,960) and Stakes winner ANLON (7 wins & $285,280).
This is a strong pedigree page, with her dam VAHINE a threequarter-sister to Group 1 winning 2yo ISOLDA, herself the dam of Group 3 winner BID SPOTTER. This is also the family of this season’s Group 2 winner & Group 1 placed gelding BALLER.

SHE’S JUSTIFIED’s first foal is a classy TRAPEZE ARTIST weanling filly that will be retained by the owner and she sells in foal to Trapeze Artist (LSD 28.10.22).
An elite racehorse who is having a magnificent start to his stud career.
TRUST HER is a commercial young mare with huge potential going forward. Unraced herself, she boast a substantial pedigree, littered with black type and in foal to one of the hottest young sires around at the moment in TRAPEZE ARTIST.
A half sister to ANAJAA, who was a stakes winner and Gr.1 performed when finishing a close 4th in the Thousand Guineas, she was a multiple winner as a 2yo and that’s something striking about this pedigree, full of speed with many 2yo performers housed within it. She is also a half sister to the talented HK galloper, Splendour And Gold who won close to $3 million in prize money.
Another half relation is the current 2yo by Trapeze Artist named Carnival Row who ran a promising 3rd on debut for the McEvoy stable earlier this year, this makes the foal in utero a three quarter to this promising 2yo. A pedigree full of black type performers, this young mare has plenty going for her.
Being offered in foal to TRAPEZE ARTIST to produce an early September foal. An elite racehorse who is having a magnificent start to his stud career.

Fast looking colt from Black Caviar’s family. Out of a 2yo winner by Helmet, this colt looks very much like his pedigree suggests – an early ‘jump and run’ 2yo type.
It’s a pedigree full of early speed, with no less than 22 individual 2yo winners in four generations! A close relation to the smart city winning 2yo Cheeky Babe, since retiring she has visited the likes of Deep Field and Trapeze Artist and had yearlings sell to $150,000.

This colt arguably hails from the best family in the Australian Studbook, his fourth dam being Song Of Norway, herself just an unraced mare, but the dam of 11 to race, all of them winners. The dam of SCANDINAVIA who in turn gave us the almighty MAGNUS. Song Of Norway was also the dam of HELSINGE who produced not only the terrific, once in a lifetime BLACK CAVIAR but also the elite racehorse and now sire, ALL TOO HARD. Pedigrees don’t get any better than this!
Bred on the Snitzel x Exceed And Excel cross, it’s speed on speed. The current top class sprinter LOFTY STRIKE is also bred on this cross.
Speedily bred, sharp looking son of Trapeze Artist. This colt looks all about speed and precocity, unsurprising when you take his pedigree into account. From Just Add Water, an unraced daughter of a grand source of speed, SNIPPETSON, she has had yearlings sell up to $150,000! This colt houses a duplication of one of the best speed influences in Australia, SNIPPETS.
This duplication tends to produce sharp, precocious sprinting types including the likes of the hugely talents Loft Strike as well as smart 2yo performers Hard Landing, Dracarys, Royalzel, Unite And Conquer amongst others. It’s a cross noted for it’s early speed influence.

Just Add Water is a half sister to the ultra tough and fast sprinter, CHARLIE BOY. An elite black type performer, he won five times up to Group Two level and wasn’t beaten far into second in the Group One Doomben Ten Thousand.
This fast family is complemented even further by his sire, TRAPEZE ARTIST, an elite racehorse who is having a magnificent start to his stud career.
Stylish filly from six-time winning mare. This likeable PRIDE OF DUBAI filly is a nice style with decent size and strength about her. She has good substance for a filly and a lovely outlook.
She is the first foal out of the well performed O’Reilly mare, O’Princess, a six time winner no less. O’Princess is a full sister to the talented NZ and HK galloper, PRESIDENT LINCOLN who was a Group 2 winner and listed placed in the Hong Kong Classic Cup. This is a family littered with black type, and descends through the outstanding kiwi mare, COVERED N’ GREY who unbelievably won TWENTY FOUR races!
This filly represents not only great racing potential, but also houses great residual value for breeding purposes. She is also bred on the same cross which has produced recent Coolmore Classic Group One runner up, PRIDE OF JENNI with the cross currently performing at over 60% winners to runners.
She can also boast being by the superbly bred son of Street Cry, PRIDE OF DUBAI. The sire of 18 stakes winners including the recent Gr1 winner Dubai Honour and the seriously talented sprinting filly Bella Nipotina, he is also the sire of smart 2yo Maharba who won the recent Talindert Stakes.

Trapeze Artist Colt from strong black type family, By one of the hottest young sires in the country, out of a ZABEEL mare – arguably the greatest broodmare sire ever!
This colt is out of a fantastic proven mare, herself hailing from an incredibly strong black type family. Claystone is the dam of five runners, ALL are winners including the seven time winner of over $300,000, Destiny’s Own (Sepoy). She now gets a substantial upgrade with TRAPEZE ARTIST, too.
This colt’s second dam is littered with black type, and catalogues beautifully. From the family of the outstanding sprinter miler, WALKING OR DANCING (8 time winner of over $600,000), Champion stayer & Melbourne Cup winner VOW AND DECLARE and Epsom Handicap winner HAURAKI amongst a host of other Group winners and performers. As is pedigree suggests, he is a scopey, athletic colt and will just keep improving.
He is by the elite racehorse, and highest rated son of champion sire Snitzel, TRAPEZE ARTIST, who is having a magnificent start to his stud career.

Precocious, short coupled filly.

This sharp, short coupled, quality filly is the second foal out of the exceptionally fast WRITTEN TYCOON mare, HOW TO FLY. She was a four-time winner over the flying five furlongs (1000m) and placed second in the Magic Millions WA 3yo Trophy at Listed level.
She is also closely related to the smart South Australian Group Two winner, Goon Serpent and the multiple stakes winning WA filly, Solaia.
With these two black type fillies working for the pedigree, this is sure to be an expanding family. This filly offers great residual value once her racing career is over.
She is also by the elite racehorse, and highest rated son of champion sire Snitzel, TRAPEZE ARTIST, who is having a magnificent start to his stud career.
Strong Looking colt by Trapeze Artist.
This colt is the first foal out of the three time, city winning Written Tycoon mare, Alexandra Dreaming. Herself a half sister to the talented Group Three winning mare, Yattarna.
This is a young, progressive family with Yattarna already the dam of the two time winning Waterhouse/Bott inmate, Bundchen and has a Zoustar 2yo colt followed by a yearling filly also by Zoustar to run for her. We can certainly expect this pedigree to grow sooner rather than later.
He is by the elite racehorse, and highest rated son of champion sire Snitzel, TRAPEZE ARTIST, who is having a magnificent start to his stud career.

Strong, running type filly, from proven mare.
This is filly looks every inch a runner, strong and rather precocious looking and she’s from a running family too. Misplaced has already thrown five individual winner including the smart two year old black type performer CAN’T FIND SNIPPY making this filly a half sister.

With Can’t Find Snippy now at stud visiting the likes of NICCONI & CAPITALIST, you can expect that this pedigree is one to follow closely, especially given how regularly black type performers appear in this family.
This is a fast, precocious family which certainly fits into the mould of this filly, and it shouldn’t take long before she is hitting the race track. This is a family which includes smart two year olds including NEDIYMS GLOW, a three time winner at 2 including the Blue Diamond Prelude, GENERAL BEAU, also a three time winner at 2 including the Blue Diamond Preview & Prelude and the Group One placed two year old SCRATCH ME LUCKY. It’s a family, which matures quickly and has plenty success with juveniles.
What’s more is that she is by the elite racehorse, and highest rated son of champion sire Snitzel, TRAPEZE ARTIST, who is having a magnificent start to his stud career.