“One of the largest pastoral and cropping enterprises to be offered to the market in the venerated Eastern Riverina in recent times.”
Inglis Rural Property are pleased to exclusively present Yambla Station, a large-scale premier holding totalling 2,654.4* hectares of well-balanced grazing and farming country in the highly regarded and reliable Eastern Riverina region of New South Wales.
Yambla Station is being offered for the first time in 36 years following continual development and improvement since acquisition.
A blue ribbon holding with a strong history of management and development with a focus on sustainability and preservation of the natural capital and biodiversity of the asset. Long term objectives of soil health, continual ground cover, riparian conservation and vegetation management underpinning profitability and enhancing the asset for future owners.
Dynamic and innovative development of perennial pastures and cash cropping in conjunction with soil amelioration to lift productivity to what is now a top tier enterprise exhibiting enviable economies of scale and streamlined operations.
Versatile mixed-farming operation, equipped with significant dedicated infrastructure, accommodation and natural water resources. Positioned in one of New South Wales most sort-after districts offering consistent and reliable climatic conditions and high rainfall resulting in unwavering production and performance.
PRESTIGE OFFERING - The sale of Yambla Station represents one of the most significant offerings to the public market in recent times. Offerings of the calibre of Yambla Station, boasting scale, high percentage of established pastures and turnkey enterprise are seldom offered to the market. Yambla Station has been continually developed over the last 36 years under the single ownership. A real estate landbank of expansive scale close to Albury and Melbourne.
ECONOMIES OF SCALE - Representing substantial and rare scale of approximately 2,654* hectares (6,559* acres) of productive and versatile eastern Riverina country centrally located between Holbrook and Albury. The property boasts a significant portion of improved perennial pastures including phalaris, clovers, fescue, ryegrass, chicory, and cocksfoot along with a consistent 35 year history of fertiliser application.
HOMESTEAD - Expansive, architecturally designed homestead positioned on an elevated site enjoying commanding views to the north and east, designed to maximise light and position. Renovated with a seamless extension and internal reconfiguration, the brick homestead features 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen with multiple living areas and 3 car garage. The home offers a wonderful north easterly aspect and is privately positioned, surrounded by mature trees and well-maintained grounds along with an in-ground swimming pool. A modern studio/contained shed is located adjacent.
ADDITIONAL ACCOMMODATION - Quality accommodation, reflective of a pastoral holding of this magnitude include:
• Managers house – 4 bedroom residence with verandah, deck, garage, established lawns and landscaping ideal for management or family.
• Modern (Off-grid) farm lodge, fully insulated with kitchen, 1 bedroom, living and bathroom.
VERSATILITY - Multi-enterprise agricultural business suitable to a broad spectrum of commodities. Currently focused on meat sheep and wool production, as well as beef and fattening and cereal crops (wheat, triticale). Allowing risk management through exposure to multiple commodities and markets.
REPUTATION - One of the largest contiguous holdings in the district, Yambla Station is well regarded in the region as a high-quality operation producing premium livestock with professional and sustainable management.
IDEAL LOCATION - Providing excellent access to and from livestock markets via the Hume Highway allowing management to freely capitalise on seasonal opportunities. Situated 27*km from Holbrook, 54*km from Albury and 100*km from Wagga Wagga. Providing a competitive advantage over other geographical locations. The greater region of Wagga Wagga and Albury is popular due to its extensive services and industry, offering a broad range of excellent agronomic, commercial, educational, medical, and retail services.
HIGH PRODUCTIVITY - Productive and fertile country with a combination of well drained heavy red and brown loams ranging to granite soils in the steeper country. Yambla Station features a large portion of country sown to perennial pastures with stocking rates ranging from 10* DSE/ha up to 20*DSE/ha in peak growth periods. Agronomically the property has enjoyed a strong fertiliser and lime history. The property has a good balance of scattered yellow and grey box timber.
WATER - Water is a feature supplied from a solar powered pump on the permanent spring fed Daly Creek and storage dam spring/well, a bore plus a large network of 51 surface dams which are primarily spring fed. Water reticulates through the farm ensuring multiple watering points (most paddocks have two water sources). House water is supplied from the Creek and rainwater.
OPERATING IMPROVEMENTS - The farm boasts excellent operating improvements including modern infrastructure and centrally located cattle/sheep processing facilities (5 stand circular/raised board shearing shed, undercover sheep yards, cattle yards, containment yards and abundant grain/fodder storage) and a developed laneway system allowing streamlined livestock movements. Shedding consists of 2 x machinery sheds, 2 x workshops and 1 x large hay shed.
DRAMATIC LANDSCAPE - Unrivalled scenic countryside ranging from soft open heavy granite valleys rising to elevated plateaus with primarily easterly aspect allowing a long growing season.
LIVESTOCK - High-quality genetics carrying Mumblebone Merino sheep flock, and a Coffin Creek Angus herd. The inherent productivity and scale of the property is evident from the current livestock numbers of 9,500* composite ewes and followers, 150* breeding cows, 250* backgrounding cattle exhibiting a total carrying capacity of 30,000*DSE.
PROPERTY ADDRESS.........................
TITLE AREA......................................
LOT/DEPOSITED PLAN.......................
COUNCIL RATES 2023 .......................
362 Yambla Road, Mountain Creek NSW 2644
2,643.9* hectares (6,539* acres)
See Annexures
Greater Hume Shire Council
RU1: Primary Production 100.0 Hectares
$20,294.00* per annum
Yambla Station is well situated to the Hume Highway, 54km* North-east of the regional city of Albury/Wodonga (population 158,052*), 100km* south of Wagga Wagga (population 64,000*) and 379km* north east of Melbourne.
Yambla Station is well serviced by an extensive range of amenities including agricultural services and supplies, transportation, retail, financial, medical (including numerous public and private hospital services, government services, education (an extensive list of private/public schools in Albury/ Wodonga), trendy pubs and cafes as well as sporting facilities.
Livestock markets are held weekly in Albury/Wodonga (Barnawartha), Wagga Wagga and Corowa. Grain receival sites are located in close proximity to Yambla Station at Culcairn, Brocklesby, Corowa and Rand.
Yambla Station is positioned closely to the iconic Hume Dam, numerous snow fields, Rutherglen wine
• Wodonga Cattle (Barnawartha NVLX) - 29km*
• Corowa Sheep - 39km*
• Wagga Wagga Sheep & Cattle - 153km*
• Corowa - 38km*
• Brocklesby - 27km*
• Rand - 60km*
• Culcairn - 64km
• Culcairn - 64km*
• Wagga Wagga - 143km*
• Albury/Wodonga - 23km*
• Ascot Meats, Wodonga (McPhee) - 29km*
• Teys Wagga - 151km*
• Gundagai Meat Processors - 200km*
• Junee Lamb - 179km*
• Tallangatta Meat Processors - 69km*
• JBS Brooklyn, Melbourne - 349km*
• Inchbold Wangaratta - 75km*
• Jindalee, Cootamundra - 249km*
• JBS Yanco - 179km*
• Intercity rail service points at Albury, Culcairn & Wagga Wagga
• Albury Airport, Domestic, Sydney & Melbourne - Qantas & Rex - 27km*
• Wagga Airport, Domestic, Sydney & Melbourne - Qantas & Rex - 168km*
• Melbourne Airport, International & Domestic - 339km*
• Albury/Wodonga - 23km*
• Wagga Wagga - 143km*
• Upton Engineering – 35*km
Yambla Station is in a temperate climatic zone with winter dominant rainfall. Nearby Bureau of Meteorology is located at Hume Reservoir (Albury) which indicates an annual rainfall of 700* millimetres over an analysis of 101 years (1922 to 2023).
February typically receives the lowest monthly rainfall of 42* millimetres with July and August typically receiving the highest monthly rainfall of 76* and 76* millimetres respectively.
The vendor estimates annual on farm rainfall to be 800*mm per annum (32* inches).
In the past 30 years, there have been 5 wet years (>130% avg.) and 5 dry years (<70% avg.). Over the historical record, annual rainfall typically varies within 28% of the long term average of 700* mm.
Soils are a feature of Yambla Station with significant input applied under current management. Soils consist of predominantly red and brown clay loams with an alluvial influence along the creek lines and some exposed rock outcrop on the higher points. The country consistently offers gently undulating topography with a small portion of steeper grazing hills and remnant timbered country towards the southern and western boundaries.
The Property enjoys a mixture of aspects (primarily easterly) providing seasonal variation benefitting grazing and pasture management. The country features scattered Yellow Box, Grey Box and Red gum as well as designated tree plantings across the holding.
The Property features a mixture of annual cropping, perennial pastures and native grasses with sub-clovers which complement the current management program of fast-growth, high-quality feed through varying seasonal conditions.
Native pastures comprise microlaena, danthonia and themeda species interspersed with a substantial sub-clover base. Improved pastures contain a mixture of Phalaris, ryegrass, chicory, plantain and sub clover. All paddocks offering improved pasture have been planted over several years.
A rotation of triticale, wheat, oats and Italian ryegrass has been utilised to aid in cleaning up paddocks before being sown down to perennial pastures. After a crop rotation of 3-4 years, Perennial grasses are planted which consists of Phalaris, ryegrass, chicory, plantain and sub clover. Crops serve a dual-purpose for grazing and may be cut for silage/hay production or stripped for grain production. There is currently 400* hectares sown down to oats, triticale and ryegrass.
Management have adopted an annual fertiliser program over the last 30 years via aerial (via the on-farm airstrip) and ground application which has seen significant benefit in the soils organic matter and increased carrying capacity. The fertiliser history includes annual spreading of single super phosphate at a rate of 90kg per hectare, MAP applied at a rate of 125kg per hectare at time of crop planting, as well as a strong history of Lime at rates of 1 tonne per hectare. Annually, approximately 150-200 tonnes of fertiliser is applied.
Approximately 1,450* hectares (55* percent) of Yambla Station is considered arable and is currently cropped or sown down to pasture. The apportionment is outlined below along with a paddock plan included nominating the pasture/crop rotation:
The charts included provide an indicative guide to kg’s of dry matter production per hectare through varying seasonal conditions. Yambla Station, due to the inherent winter dominant rainfall pattern translates to reliable and strong growth period during Spring (August -September) annually.
Yambla Station features a fail-safe water system with multiple natural water resources including a network of 51 catchment dams which are primarily spring fed. Yambla Station also benefits from extensive double frontage to permanent Daly, Yambla and Table Top Creeks which traverse through the property providing reliable water across the entire holding.
A water system from a 7*KW solar pump is situated in ‘P29’ paddock pumps to an elevated header tank (25,000* litres/day) above the main homestead to the north in ‘P30’ paddock and reticulates via a poly pipe to a network of troughs in the feed containment yards and surrounding paddocks. Domestic water is supplied by the well as well as rainwater.
To further support the enterprise, there is a stock and domestic bore located nearby the homestead with a depth of 50* metres providing contingency water supply.
The combination of dams and creeks rounds out a highly secure water supply on the Property.
Fencing is considered to be in very good condition. Excellent access roads throughout with a central laneway system ensuring all-weather access throughout the farm. Strategically subdivided into over 65* main paddocks with laneways feeding to livestock handling facilities ensuring low stress livestock movement.
Considered fencing of specific riparian and heavily timbered segments of the property protects the diversity and soil structure around water courses. Fencing along varying topography and land types allows more sustainable grazing management and ensures ground cover, whilst further enhancing productivity. Fencing presents in good to excellent condition and comprising steel strainers and steel end assemblies, steel galvanised posts, a mixture of ringlock, netting and hinge joint, plain and barbed wire with some sections of electric fence. Containment yards are utilised during extended dry periods to protect the landscape along with finishing lambs and managing the breeding flock’s conception rate.
Yambla Station has been running a high performing Mumblebone merino flock and Coffin Creek Angus herd in recent years. Approximately 9,500 Merino ewes crossed with Dorset rams and followers and 150 breeding cows, 250 backgrounding cattle. Estimated total carrying capacity of 30,000* DSE - 32,000* DSE.
With current management operating on sustainable stocking rates, scope exists to increase production for the new-purchaser to walk into a turn-key operation with outstanding weed management and high-quality ready-made pastures.
The property is operated with two permanent staff highlighting the efficiency in labour. Agriwebb Software is utilized for management operations and reporting reflective of the progressive management.
YAMBLA HOMESTEAD (C.1989) - An architecturally designed five-bedroom brick homestead accessed via a lemon scented gum treelined driveway. Built by the Satchell family in 1989, offering abundant natural light, a large open plan kitchen and multiple living rooms with an in-ground swimming pool set amongst established landscaped gardens. The homestead is situated in an elevated position with commanding district views.
A modern design with a functional layout, style, scale and comfort. Ideally suited as a family home with the ability to entertain.
• 450*sqm
• Single Storey
• Five Bedrooms, two bathrooms
• Billiard room
• Corrugated iron roof
• Modern kitchen with commercial grade stove
• Dining room
• Multiple living areas
• Verandah with northerly easterly aspect
• 3 car garage
Studio/Gym – Newly erected, fully enclosed/insulated gym/studio is located adjacent to the homestead
GARDEN - A picturesque low-maintenance garden consisting of Japanese maples, Manchurian pears, Golden elms and silver birch trees. Set amongst the garden is a sauna and pizza oven alongside the pool.
• Impressive four-bedroom, two-bathroom manager’s house
• Northerly aspect
• Kitchen, living room, study and laundry
• Established gardens
• Recycled hardwood floors salvaged from Sydney Wool Stores
• Two car garage with concrete floor
• Stylish corrugated iron and timber construction
• New rainwater (20,000* gallon) tank connected
• Newly completed, well-maintained one-bedroom bungalow
• Off-grid with solar power and diesel generator connected
• Easterly aspect
• Kitchen, living room and bathroom
• Steel frame with corrugated iron cladding and roof
• Five stand raised, circular board with Heiniger shearing plant
• 1,500* head storage capacity
• 18*m x 15*m
• All steel sheep yards
• Bugle design with concrete races and feed
• 3-way drafting race, classing race with concrete floor
• 2,500 head working capacity
• Undercover (270*sqm) working area
• Mains power connected
• Standard crush
• 80 head working capacity
• Loading ramp
• Drenching race and supporting holding yard
• Standard crush
• 50 head working capacity
• Loading ramp
• Drenching race
• Third set of auxiliary yards in fair condition
• Steel construction
• 5 High clearance bays
• 12*m x 30*m
• Earth floor
• Five medium clearance bays
• 12*m x 30*m
• Concrete floor
• Steel construction
• 10*m x 20*m
• Earth floor
• Steel construction
• Three medium clearance bays
• 12*m x 24*m
• Earth floor
• Steel construction
• Two medium clearance bays
• 8*m x 12*m
• 2 x 132T New Elevated Cone Bottom Kotzur Silo
• 1 x 105T Flat Bottom Kotzur Silo
• 1 x 40T Elevated Cone Bottom Silo
• 1 x 10T Elevated Cone Bottom Silo
Yambla Station is being offered for sale via Expression of Interest closing Thursday 16 November 2023 at 3.00pm AEST.
Inspections are strictly by appointment with the marketing agents.
The sale represents one of the largest contiguous holdings in the Holbrook district available to purchase. An excellent opportunity for the incoming purchaser following some 36 years of ongoing development by the Satchell family with scope for further increases in production via investment in pasture and fertiliser.
The high quality sheep flock, cattle herd along with plant and equipment will be made available as separate modules.
For more information, please contact the listing agents
+ 61 410 683 891
+ 61 427 474 900
JAMIE INGLIS + 61 412 064 442
For sale via Expressions of Interest with submissions
closing Thursday 16th November 2023 at 3.00pm AEST.
Purchasing Entity:
Purchasers Registered Business Address:
362 Yambla Road, Mountain Creek NSW 2644
Land and Fixed Improvements
Plant and Machinery
TOTAL Expression of Interest
Purchasers contact number:
Email Address:
Purchaser’s Solicitor Details:
Deposit ($AUD)
Settlement Terms
In the event that we are the successful tenderer we have approved funds to proceed:
Will the purchase of the property require FIRB approval?
Does the purchasing entity currently own any other rural land holdings in Australia which required FIRB approval?
• The following process is expected from interested parties whom wish to participate in the Expression of Interest process:
• To formally be involved with the Expression of Interest process, a prospective purchaser must complete an Expression of Interest (EOI) form.
• The Expression of Interest form must be lodged at the office of Inglis Rural Property
155 Governor Macquarie Drive, Warwick Farm NSW 2170 or by email:
• The vendor is under no obligation to accept your offer or any other offers submitted.
Inglis Rural Property
155 Governor Macquarie Drive, Warwick Farm NSW 2170 Tel: +61 2 9399 7999
Disclaimer: All care has been taken in compiling these particulars which have been furnished to us by the vendor or his representatives, for those whom the companies act as agent only. We have not verified whether or not the information is accurate and do not have any belief one way or the other in its accuracy. We do not accept any responsibility to any person for its accuracy and do no more than pass it on. Intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the correctness of these details which are not intended to form part of any contract.
Disclaimer: All data provided by the vendor is as accurate as they can make it. Due to the significant volume of data and information provided, the vendor notes that the buyer should satisfy themselves with the accuracy of information and not rely solely on this information. All reasonable efforts and best endeavours have been made by the vendor however the vendor accepts no liability for this information.