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MAC is a brand for cosmetics/make-up art, originally a Canadian company, founded

in 1984 by two Canadian guys Frank Toskan as a creative director and Frank Angelo as marketing director. The first U.S. store opened in 1991, New York, the brand was de-

signed only for professional make-up artists in the beauty and fashion industry who had to depend on heavy cosmetics which was just perfect for photo shoots and lightening

targeting the fashion and beauty industry. Soon after, M.A.C gained such popularity from fashion shows, Madonna video clips, on the cutting edge of the arts. Then M.A.C was

sold worldwide, if you see a model walking down the catwalk, there’s a big chance she is wearing at least one part of mac product.

BUT WHAT MADE M.A.C COSMETICS POPULAR? The global beauty company “Estée Lauder”, it helped M.A.C grow further and made them gain popularity in 1500 locations and selling the brand in 78 different countries worldwide. M.A.C began expanding to other retail stores and dynamically began opening industry stores. Sadly after shocking death of Angelo, Toskan decided to leave the

company he built up with Angelo and sold it back to Estee Lauder for $60million in 1998. Estee Lauder currently owns 27 brands including MAC, Aveda, Clinique and more, the company has its headquarters in Midtown Manhattan, New York City.

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Products Age group M.A.C’s motto is “All ages, All races, All sexes” and so their Websites make up is designed to be acwww.maccosmetics.com cessible for all. www.macpro.com

Area served

78 different countries Worldwide.

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M.A.C cosmetics can be found at department stores worldwide such as, Belk, Nordstrom, Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s and Dillar as well as MAC store etc. M.A.C provides; nail polish, lipsticks, lip-gloss, foundation, concealer, eye-shadow, mascara, stage makeup, fragrances, brushes and skin care products.

“The whole point of M.A.C. is to create an environment where people can write their own story,” Gordon Espinet

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“ All rac All ages, Mac Cosmetics not only want to please their main customers, however while produc-

ing and selling their products they want to make good for the economy and others, they want to use an advantage of what they get to make even better and happier economy,

that’s why they’ve been making sustainable efforts and demonstrating social responsibility in the retail sector.

Mac runs a “Back to Mac” recycling program which, basically is inspiring customers to bring back six empty containers or bottles of the product they have purchased before

and getting a brand new Mac Lipstick for a return as saying thank you. This idea reduces wastage and makes Mac company find a better shade of green in the industry.

“ “ “Because we share your commitment to the environment, MAC accepts returns of its primary packaging through the Back to MAC program,” MAC’s website.

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PRODUCT - Eye/Facial/Nail/Body Cosmetics

In all M.A.C stores, visual merchandising is

I had a chance to explore few M.A.C stores

the same, minimalistic with Marble counter

such as Selfridge’s and John Lewis, paying

tops, wood or poured cement floors, with

attention to the products and information

open tester units. There are sections with

about them. The key pieces of their prod-

each product separately, presented very

ucts is, packaging as it is the first thing that

neatly and colour wise. The store is quite

caught your attention. M.A.C’s packaging

easy to go through and you don’t have to

is quite simple, it is plane black box with

search for whatever you are looking for,

M.A.C logo on it, very minimalistic but has

because it’s simple to notice, customers

its own identity.

tend to be a bit overwhelmed, because all of the products are open and available to

The other important element is the quality,


it is important to check and sample the

product, that’s why I like the fact that in

Overall the personnel seemed very nice,

M.A.C stores there are always professional

helpful and easy to talk to and the fact

makeup artists who can help you apply

that there was also no music in the store

and try out their products, this gives M.A.C

disappointed me as I have always preferred

better connection with the customer, which

hearing using in every store, as it creates a

improves customer service.

better atmosphere and mood.

The brand doesn’t want to disappoint the customers but want to make sure they are happy with the products they are about to purchase.

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All ages, Loved and adored by women of all ages, one of the fewer fashion make up brands that go beyond age. The brand personality is multi-cultural, original and cheeky which makes it trendy and mainstream, however M.A.C varies in performance and meets the needs of specific market of women.

“MAC fits into the classification of consumer products known as “shopping prod-

ucts”. A shopping product is usually more expensive than a convenience product

and is found in fewer stores. Consumers usually buy a shopping product only after comparing several brands or stores on style, practicality, price and lifestyle comparability.”







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• • • • • • • •

Managers guarantee high sales volumes and achieving retailers financial goals, as well deliver image of the brand to consumers and retailers. Money inflow. Collaboration with local people. Personnel training. Stable business control. Products tolerated on every type of skin. High marketing costs. Lower flexibility. Higher revenues.

O P P O RT U N I T I E S • • • • • • •

Innovation. Global expansion. Benefit from exporting products around the world/low costs. Creativity. Higher revenues . Ease of industry change. Rate of change of customer tastes.


M.A.C has not changed their sale strategy or new retail sale contracts. Slowed down it’s spreading out around Europe. Higher revenues/sales. Weak promotion causes awareness decline and lower sales. Refuse the offers from abroad to get MAC products in there. Low fixed costs. Finding discounted products is not easy.

• • • • • •


• • • • • • • •

Tough and growing comeptition within the market. Political/economical weaknesses. International awareness of the brand can cause exporting, the brand will have to innovate even more. Low advertisement/offering harder and more costly products. Possible loss of control. Lack of consideration of Cultural differences within product ingridients. Worsening reputation. Global promotional campaigns.

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“ All race All ages, There is loads of brands and competition out there in the industry and one of the main competition for M.A.C is a brand Smashbox Cosmetics, found in 1996 by dapper LA brothers Davis and Dean Fac-

tor. Smashbox is one of these brands that got into a wider business empire in the fashion industry, it was quite big for the Factor brothers, they launched Smashbox Studios which was made out of

modelling agency, photo studio and clothing line. The actual Smashbox Cosmetics focus on bringing the customer a perfect long-lusting products that give a beautiful and flawless look of Hollywood stars. However sadly in the summer of 2010 Smashbox Cosmetics were sold to Estee Lauder just like M.A.C Cosmetics.


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STRENGTHS • • • • • •

Estee Lauder owns Smashbox Cosmetics just like M.A.C Cosmetics. Products tolerated on every type of skin. Wide colour range. Similar story with M.A.C Cosmetics. Smashbox at the beginning was used for professionals, studios, fashion. More coverage over the past years. Professional makeup artists.

WEAKNESSES • • • • • •

Very high prices of their product, average price of their foundation costs $74. Very weak presentation of their website comparing to M.A.C’s website which is more professional. High pricing might cause less customers. Finding discounted products is not easy Slowly growing brand. In 1998 at the brand launch a furore happened which bounced on the Factor brothers, many beauty editors sidestepped and gave it very little coverage. Struggled to make its mark.

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O P P O RT U N I T I E S • • • • • •

Innovation improvement of their website. Creativity. Collaboration. Improved advertisement. Earning shares and interactions on the key social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter and You-tube.


• • • • •

Growing social media websites such as youtube, official website. Low advertisement. Seamless integration between its social channels and brand website. Customer needs, unstable demand for product information is posting new challenges for brand. Different expectations on how they expect to communicate and interact with brands.

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“ All race


All ages,

Although M.A.C cosmetics are in the niche market where the target market is only female, of all ages and ethnicity, M.A.C sells a lot of different make-up products such as; Make up • • • • • • • • •

Eye shadow; £13 - £30 Eye Liner; £14 - £17 Mascara; £14-£19

Eyebrow; £13.50 - £15.50 Eyelashes; £10 - £10.50

Lipstick/Lip Gloss/Pencil; £10 - £35 Primer; £13

Lip kits and bags; £35

Foundation/Powder/Cheek/Concealer; £16.50 - £50

Skin care •

Removers - £10 - £22

Moisturisers - £10 - £31

Fragrances - £16 - £38.50

Solutions - £10 - £17

Tools •

Brushes - £9.50 - £40

Bags - £21 - £40

Accessories - £4 - £35

M.A.C concentrates on all ingredients in their products so they can be safe for use. The safety tests are run by a collabora-

tion of science experts across several places to, make sure the quality and excellence of all the products are brought to the market. Looking online they have a highest quality of products with high pricing, because of the prices of some products such as pro products, average people are unable to reach them, which is quite different comparing to L’Oreal, Benefit or Revlon who’s prices are on standard and cheap in each collection.


Buyer power is relatively high as there is a large number of them in this industry, they get the brand going and keeping

high in the market, the price is average and no switching costs. This is why M.A.C stands out as the world’s largest make

up company, by following it’s strategy which is personal selling, one of the most common forms of promotion. For the fact that M.A.C doesn’t have to include any forms of advertisement, as it is up to the word of publicity to get M.A.C where it is

standing now. Celebrity endorsement was and still is one of their highest success, this includes models, pro make-up artists and actresses advertising M.A.C.

"M.A.C uses celebrities such as Nicki Minaj, Ricky Martin and Lady Gaga to promote Viva Glam product line” this suggest that M.A.C is trying to use young people to promote their product, younger people are more out there and could be their strategy to get more customers think and feel young with their M.A.C makeup. M.A.C cosmetics value more on the higher market and more exclusive retail shops throughout the high-street shops instead of small niche brands. There are loads of shops and places that M.A.C is sold at for example; John Lewis, Debenhams, Beales, Westfield London, Selfridge’s, House Of Fraser etc. Also the products are sold online, on their UK/USA/PL/DE and other countries official sites however, people might also look on Amazon, Ebay, Etsy and they should be careful because the product might not be original but fake.

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CUSTOMER A passionate women who wants to look and feel beautiful on everyday basis, showing it through expression of make up art. No matter how old, no matter what race, a confident, elegant, quirky and fun women who is being herself and feeling


great, this is what the brand is all about. Highlighting best features of her face to show them off with this unique cosmetics, looking professional and confident.



All sexes CHICK

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• • • • • •

Tax policy. Trade and tariff restrictions. Environmental regulations. Political stability. Employment laws. Strong legal system.

• • • • • •

SOCIAL • • • • • • • •

Population growth rate Age distribution. Customer behaviour. Religion/culture. CUstomer orientation. Customer satisfaction. Investing for the future. Limited foreign investment.

Enough attention must be put to economic stability. Weather conditions/very high-low temperatures might cause less customers. Economic growth. Interest rates. Exchange rates. Possible conditions needed in order to gain competetive advantage within the marketplace. Condition of competitors.

All r


• • •

PPC advertising. Online fit technology to third-party retailers in a bid to become a fashion technology firm and improve accuracy for shoppers when purchasing online. Barriers to entry. Production levels. Retailers are increasingly using online video content to drive sales and boost customer loyalty.

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“ M

ac is one of the most known make up brands around the world, you don’t have to use it, you don’t have to own it, but you will still know and have a knowledge what is M.A.C make up. The products that are selling are to suit every person, every type of skin and skin colour. It is one of the few brands on the market which has colours to match every skin tone and colour.

It is better for advertisement and marketing, customers will then know they have spoken to professional who knows what they are talking about, and could follow their guidance towards choosing the right products.

All ages,

The brand provides natural brushes for dry/ powder products and synthetic brushes are provided mainly for liquid or cream products, as they soak up fewer product than the actual natural hair. According to NPD Group, “M.A.C sells more lipstick, blush, eye shadow, eye-liner, lip gloss, lip liner and make up brushes than any other non-drug store brand. These products alone contributed $70million in revenue.” As we can tell it’s not just lips anymore, it goes across all make up category. It becomes stronger in the sales act in make up across the year. The brand offers secure and challenging work environment for their employers, to work for M.A.C you have to have a knowledge of each product and it’s materials.

Both M.A.C directors Toskan and Angelo relied on their advertisement strategy as no advertising, no gifts with purchase, promotions but low prices and word of mouth which meant; giving away cosmetics to make up artists who worked with top models and actresses.

“I always believed in earning your customer, not buying her,”

All ra Says Toskan

Another strategy was the VIVA GLAM lipsticks, it was decided that all the money earned on these lipsticks would go to the M.A.C AIDS Fund. That’s why VIVA GLAMS’s first lipstick was red, to represent and symbolize the fight against AIDS throughout the world. Looking at the statistics M.A.C has provided over $95 million to date for their AIDS fund.

Food and drug administrator defines cosmetics as;

“Intended to be applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance without affecting the body’s structure or functions.”

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Augmented reality is a virtual reality which allows

Further into my research I have found the same

people to integrate into the computer-generated

Augmented Reality Make up Mirror, however, it is

virtual environment, as well as synthesis of virtual

made by Panasonic the same technique, which is

objects in the real environment. Use of augment-

to be able to put make up products on without

ed reality technology allows real objects to inter-

really having to put it on.

act directly with virtual objects. It’s main charac-

teristics are combination of real life and virtual,

There is a big display with a camera inside which

real life interactivity and three dimensional.

makes you be able to see yourself with an intelli-

gent software which detects all your moves. The

All ra

There are a lot of new and fascinating technolo-

fact that the camera detects all your moves, while

gies in the world, trying to improve the environ-

chosing a product means that users can pick and

ment and make living easier for humanity, here

choose different options and see the changes

is one of the new innovations, a Barbie Digital

happen almost in real-time.

Makeover Mirror, it is a new designed mirror used with or without an ipad, which let’s girls “try on”

In this case this technology would be perfect for

make up such as lipstick, eye-shadow, etc.

M.A.C and it’s customers, being able to try make up on before would make it easier for custom-

It is made for kids to have fun and play around

ers to see if the colour of any product would

with virtual make up rather than smearing and

suit them instead of providing testers to the store

playing around with their mothers make up. It is

and wasting products. This opportunity would im-

easy to use, there is a wand which is used to pick

prove cutomer service make m.a.c innovate and

a colour from colour palette which then you put

gain not just the profit however more customers

on your lips, eyes etc. The augment reality and a

which are fascinated by new technology.

photo facial recognition make the makeup appear on the user while looking at this special mirror. Perfect for little ones, no mess to clean up also the mirror will be sold for $69.99.

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Almost every organization does business

This type of marketing is very effective and easier

through internet as there is a greater opportu-

to make money from the internet. Affiliate mar-

nity for spreading, getting to know people and

keting overlaps with other Internet marketing

advertising which is mainly on every second

methods such as PPC advertising which is Pay Per

page people visit. Internet is a critical tool that

Click, affiliate marketing relies purely on financial

is used to inform consumers of their product

motivations to drive sales. That’s why you can see


M.A.C all over the internet.

M.A.C uses a affiliate marketing sales technique to have a better opportunity to reach into the internet at low costs, this works by having allowance to place ads on different websites and for every click, the website owner gets a small commission. This type of marketing is very effective and easy, a lot of fashion bloggers use this idea to gain money, by promoting different advertisement on their blogs. It is a selling technique where buyers from the website are directed to the website of sellers. They push themselves; take advantage and interaction in social media just like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc.

This advertisement contains three rhetorical appeals, logos, pathos, and ethos. As for M.A.C, it has used many different celebrities to promote their products, these people are role models to certain people, it is almost like these celebrities bring along new costumers. Their fans are interested in the actions taken by their idols and want to get involved, this is how successfully this type of advertisement got M.A.C so high in the industry.

All ra

“M.A.C supports community organizations providing direct services to men, women

and children affected or infected by HIV/

AIDS. To date the foundation has risen over $295.000.000 usd since its inception in 1994.”

Another communication strategy for M.A.C would be their charities, the fact that bigger range of population supports a lot of different charities gave M.A.C opportunity to get involved, to help rise money for the charities to help people. By this M.A.C gained a lot of trust from people as well as more consumers, their main big charities is Viva Glam campaigns which has raised $224million for M.A.C Aids fund. The brand uses a lot of economical strategies, to be productive and helpful as much as they can, to provide the best outcome for their customers, that’s why M.A.C has a high place in marketing and has it’s own strategy to please each and every one of their consumers with the possibilities they have.

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M.A.C is an innovative company, the brand loves to make people feel and look good on the inside and the outside, it has experienced great success by evolving to stay relevant. It is easy for M.A.C to stay close to its customers and never lose touch with them, mainly through their advertisement online, on many websites and their own official website.

The brand has used effective brand management planning to reclaim the brand and to turn around, M.A.C’s vision and values all revolve around the notion of individuality, equality and originality. M.A.C needs a fashion film to have a improved and more exciting advertisement and marketing, the customers are always involved when the company brings something new and unique to the brand, film advertisement will bring new customers and give a new meaning and message to people who don’t believe in advertisement through graphics, this is a unconventional and innovative marketing, breaking away from the safe and obvious.

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The brand rarely uses film advertisement to show off their products, there are just few short films on M.A.C’s website that show new collections with different celebrities. The fact that M.A.C used basic and easy way to promote the company doesn’t necessary mean that they have to stay with this technique continually. It’s always better to improve the strategy if there are possibilities, film advertisement might help to spread the products more around the world, more audience will be intrigued by the film. The fact that M.A.C is for everyone means that there should be also diverse type of advertisement aimed at different type of customers, public want to have realistic understanding of the products and some believe that graphics and photography might be professionally Photoshopped to make the products visually more exciting.

Through my idea of film advertisement for M.A.C I want to prove and express how the brand appeals to me as a young and mature consumer, by this ad campaign I want to send message to wider audience and show them that by using M.A.C’s products they will feel fierce and beautiful at the same time. I feel that by using young women as my models in my ad campaign I will convey many customers to feel elegant, amazing and wonderful by using M.A.C’s products. My aim is to make this ad campaign have a positive atmosphere and send optimistic message to younger and older viewers, persuading them that by using M.A.C’s products everyone should feel young, beautiful and alluring. In contrast I wanted to use models that are true to what they wear and feel instead of using someone well known.

Showing vibrant and contrasting colours in the ad campaign will make the film stronger and more powerful, this is what M.A.C is all about colour, wildness and being yourself, that’s why I asked my models to feel free and have fun in front of the camera, to also show inner beauty and express your personality.

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IMAGE 19 - Kirei Makeup. (2015). Brun. Available: http://www.kireimakeup.com/brun-2/. Last accessed 02/02/15. IMAGE 20 - Beauty. (2013). The french know. Available: http://peanutonthetable.com/tag/growing-older-beautifully/. Last accessed 02/02/15. IMAGE 21 - Kin Wong. (2013). These days. Available: http://myadultdentalcare.com/prevent-tooth-loss-with-yourburlington-dentist/. Last accessed 02/02/15. IMAGE 22 -Sebastian Kessler. (2013). natural makeup. Available: http://www.stationhealth.com/the-best-natural-makeup-removers/. Last accessed 02/02/15. IMAGE 23 -Kesha Photography. (2013). sweet 16. Available: http://keshaphotography.com/2013/02/. Last accessed 02/02/15. IMAGE 24- Jimmy. (2013). Beautiful City. Available: http://www.shedoesthecity.com/10-holiday-gifts-fit-for-abeauty-queen/beautiful-woman. Last accessed 02/02/15. IMAGE 24 - Stylelist. (2015). How this 63-year-old model stays gorgeous. Available: http://www.stylelist.com/ view/how-this-63-year-old-model-stays-gorgeous/#!slide=850454. Last accessed 02/02/15.

30 Paulina Kleparska RAport.indd 30

12/02/2015 23:49:11


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Paulina Kleparska

RAport.indd 31


12/02/2015 23:49:11

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