IGH MV 163 september 2019

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September 2019 •

IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper

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IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper • September 2019

Men’s Health

Man up! Local icons create ‘Real Men Get Tested’ campaign to prevent men from getting cancer By Daniel Baldwin


ormer Boilermaker President Tim Reed and local radio talk show host Bill Keeler have both heard the terrifying three-word phrase, “You have cancer,” from their local doctors. Reed was diagnosed with prostate cancer last year, and Keeler had colon cancer. The two of them worked hard and got all the treatment they could to win the fight, and fortunately they did and are now cancer-free. “When I first heard the word cancer, it was devastating to me,” Reed said. “When you hear that word with your name, it takes your mind a little while to catch up to it because it supposed to only happen to other people. “Well, I guess that day I was the other people. This happens every day, and you got to go into it with hope and faith, and I’m fortunate now to be cancer free.” Despite the great news, Keeler and Reed both said they could have avoided getting this disease by scheduling a cancer screening or colonoscopy ahead of time. “Our experience of going through the fears and nightmare of cancer could have been avoided had I been tested earlier,” Keeler said. “Had I gotten a colonoscopy earlier, the doctors would have caught it before it became cancerous.” The two of them cannot change their past, but they could try to persuade others to take these sorts of cancer tests and stay one step ahead from this deadly disease. Reed and Keeler together started a campaign to encourage men to get tested called “Real Men Get Tested,” and they later partnered with the Community Foundation of Herkimer and Oneida Counties to try to get their message out their on billboards and during TV commercial breaks. This campaign is in progress right

Oneida, Herkimer in good

Launching the initiative

“About three months ago, Tim Reed came in, and we’re very close with Mr. Reed, and he was just throwing ideas to me about what he could do to spread the word,” Grimmer said. “We met a few times and talked about setting up a project underneath the Community Foundation’s umbrella, and that’s how the ‘Real Men Get Tested’ project was developed.” The foundation is in the early stages of the project, which is advertising. Grimmer said the group plans to air a few commercials related to this issue. Reed and Keeler’s message will be up on billboards and inside the pages of newspapers, and there will also be a website which gives out all the information on the campaign. “This is done under the Commu-


Health MV’s Healthcare Newspaper

now, and is expected to end June 21, 2020. “I read an article talking about why men don’t get tested,” Reed said. “It kind of shocked me to think that men are just really poor with going to get tested in regards to dealing with things like cancer. That was my inspiration to get this thing started. We’re the ones to kind of nudge guys and say, ‘hey listen, this is an important thing.’ It’s much easier to deal with a cancer diagnosis if it’s caught early rather than later.” The Community Foundation is a charitable nonprofit entity that has been around since 1952, according to Nick Grimmer, the foundation’s director of giving strategies. They work with many different individuals, families, businesses and nonprofit organizations to deliver the group’s message and set up charitable projects. Grimmer has known Reed for years and was willing to help him and Keller spread their message across the valley.


Local radio talk show host Bill Keeler, left, joins former Boilermaker President Tim Reed in launching a major health care initiative. nity Foundation’s brand,” Grimmer said. “It’s 100 percent charitable, so nobody is getting paid to run this campaign. It’s all volunteer-driven.” Reed himself put in $25,000 to get this project off the ground. “It’s not meant to encourage them to go to any specific health provider, and it’s not encouraging men to do anything other than simply getting tested, period,” he said. Reed has always been an advocate of the Community Foundation, but the main reason why he joined Keeler to ask the foundation for help was to avoid starting another nonprofit group from scratch and competing with the hundreds of other charitable organizations for ad time or space. “We did not want to set up an-



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In Good Health is published 12 times a year by Local News, Inc. © 2019 by Local News, Inc. All rights reserved. Mailing Address: 4 Riverside Drive, Suite 251, Utica, NY 13502 • Phone: 315-749-7070 Email: lou@cnymail.com

Editor & Publisher: Wagner Dotto Associate Editor: Lou Sorendo Contributing Writers: Barbara Pierce, David Podos, Deb Dittner, Jessica Arsenault Rivenburg, Brooke Stacia Demott, Daniel Baldwin Advertising: Amy Gagliano Layout & Design: Dylon Clew-Thomas Office Assistant: Nancy Nitz

other nonprofit organization,” Reed said. “There’s probably too many of these organizations in this community. What we’d rather do is go under the umbrella of the Community Foundation and have them handle the money and acknowledgements. It’s an opportunity to use them at what they do best.” These cancer tests are time consuming and uncomfortable, according to Grimmer, but early detections of cancer could save a person’s life. “The earlier that they can get tested, the more time they have to spend with their families,” Grimmer said. “It is just encouraging men to get over any worries for getting tested. It’s not a fun process, but don’t be stubborn. Do this for your family or loved ones.”

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No material may be reproduced in whole or in part from this publication without the express written permission of the publisher. The information in this publication is intended to complement — not to take the place of — the recommendations of your health provider.


A Portion of All Proceeds Go To: Spring Farm Cares & Stevens Swan Humane Society

September 2019 •

IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper

Page 3

News in Brief Home care agency in expansion mode


t. Joseph’s Health Home Care, a leading force in home health, is expanding into Oneida and Madison counties, bringing quality home care services to residents in those areas. Oneida and Madison counties cover a total of 1,919 square miles. Home care services are seriously lacking in the rural region, leaving patients underserved, said Michelle Eymer, director of patient services for St. Joseph’s Health Home Care. St. Joseph’s Health Home Care’s expansion extends service excellence from the hospital, clinics and physician offices to the home setting, allowing for a safe transition home following a procedure or illness. “There is an ever-increasing demand for quality homecare services that allow people to recover in the comfort of their own home and prevent re-hospitalizations,” Eymer said. “Our staff is committed to promoting health, managing disease and providing compassionate care to all the patients we serve.” St. Joseph’s Health Home Care provides an array of services, including skilled nursing, psychiatric nursing, rehabilitation, social work and home health aides. With this expansion, St. Joseph’s will increase job opportunities in the community, Eymer said. Job descriptions and applications can be accessed in the career section on the St. Joseph’s Health website, www.sjhsyr.org.


Your Doctor

By Barbara Pierce

Dr. Sumeet Makhijani Dr. Sumeet Makhijani, a plastic and reconstruction surgeon, is part of Bassett Healthcare Network’s team of board-certified plastic surgeons. He helps to provide advanced care in reconstructive, cosmetic, and hand and wound care surgery, specialties considered rare in a rural setting.

Q.: Do you have a special interest or passion for any particular type of plastic surgery? A.: I do have an interest in treating skin cancer by excising skin cancer. Also, I oftentimes perform reconstruction involving skin grafts or rearranging skin in the local area of the defect. Q.: Are there specific surgeries in which you specialize? A.: I specialize in breast reductions, skin cancer treatments, and general plastic surgery. Q.: How did you become interested in plastic surgery? A.: When I was a medical student, I had the opportunity to work at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. I worked for three months with the plastic surgeons at that institution and that is what really sparked my interest in plastic surgery as a young medical student. Q.: You specialize in cosmetic, plastic, and reconstructive surgery, which covers a very diverse field. What kind of training did you have to prepare you for this broad career? A.: My residency was in integrated plastic surgery that generally requires seven years of residency after medical school. However, I went directly into plastic surgery after medical school to save two years of training so that I could become a plastic surgeon. I did three years of general surgery followed by three years of plastic surgery. I do all three types of plastic surgery: cosmetic, general plastic and reconstruction. Q.: How would you define the mission of your career as a plastic and reconstruction surgeon? A.: The mission of my career is

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your body, it can also affect you mentally and emotionally. Having support throughout your recovery can help relieve any built-up emotional stress, as well as provide extra motivation if the recovery process seems too difficult or too long. Another challenge is patients who are chronically ill from other issues, such as diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease. This can affect their healing for the surgery that they need with me. The complications of these diseases can make for unfavorable outcomes from surgery.

Q.: You do general plastic surgery, which involves cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery. Can you tell us the difference? A.: Cosmetic surgeries are those we often see on television. This can involve cosmetic surgery for the breasts, face, abdomen, or body. An example is breast augmentation or a tummy tuck. The remaining types of plastic surgery fall typically under the reconstructive surgery category. This would include injuries to the hand or face typically, or skin cancer treatments, or a number of other types of defects that may require a plastic surgeon.

to improve the lives of those who need reconstructive surgery, whether that be hand injuries, skin cancer or chronic conditions that I am able to help in a surgical fashion. Q.: What issues and challenges are you faced with? A.: There are many challenges that we face in our practice. Often this could be something such as social issues — for example, a patient who does not have the resources to even come to appointments with us. Other issues include patients that may not have the support system they need around them for a successful recovery. A support system during the recovery period is important as a person may have physical limitations and needs the help of others. Beyond the physical impact surgery has on

Q.: You are an assistant professor at Columbia University School of Medicine. What are some of the things future physicians need to learn? A.: Medicine is constantly changing. A career that seems hot today may be cold tomorrow. Therefore, future physicians need to choose a career in medicine that they’re passionate about, and in which they feel they’ll be happy performing for the rest of their lives. Q.: What else would you like people to know about you? A.: I have been serving the Mohawk Valley for the last eight years and I really enjoy taking care of patients in this region. There are a lot of fantastic patients that I have come across in my time working at Little Falls Hospital and Bassett Hospital. I truly enjoy taking care of such nice patients.

Lifelines Birth year: 1979 Birthplace: Chattanooga, Tenn. Current residence: Cooperstown Education: Bachelor of Science degree, Creighton University, Omaha, Neb.; medical degree, University of Tennessee College of Medicine; residency, Albany Medical Center Affiliations: Bassett Hospital, Little Falls Hospital Hobbies: Tennis, cooking plant-based meals, reading, snowboarding, construction

IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper • September 2019

Men’s Health Where’s Dad? If you are a dad who doesn’t live with his kids: This is for you By Barbara Pierce

No words can describe what a father goes through when he gets separated from the mother of his children,” says a divorced dad on allprodad.com. “Not only does he lose his partner, he’s removed from his own kids.” It’s painful — it’s tough being a dad separated from his children. “I can understand why some fathers move away from their children, allprodad.com continues. “Not because they don’t love their children but because of the pain and the emotional roller coaster they go through. It’s their way of dealing with their pain. I can understand.” But your kids really need you to be a part of their lives; they need you badly. Don’t be an absentee dad. “Father involvement is huge; we’re always looking for a father to be as involved as possible,” said Allison Jackson, associate executive director of programs at ICAN (Integrated Community Alternative Network, previously known as Kids Oneida.) ICAN’s mission is to keep families together. It provides mentors to children so that they will have a male influence. “Having a dad is especially important for pre-adolescent and adolescent boys,” said Sandy Seaman, family counselor at the Center for Family Life & Recovery, Herkimer. The children she works with have mental health issues and are at risk of being taken out of their home. Of the 20 families she is working with, only one is in a two-parent

home. “When there is no dad, we find a male role model for the boys,” she said. “There is a lot of parenting support offered in our community.” It’s not that single mothers can’t be great mothers. They can. But they can’t be fathers. Kids need mothers and fathers to prepare them to function and thrive in the world. “When the father’s not there, something gets broken that cannot be fixed,” Shawn Hardnetts said online. He thought there was something wrong with him because his father wasn’t around. “Your kids need you to be a part of their life. While divorce is difficult, I want to encourage others that you can remain close to your children,” according to allprodad.com. Growing up without a father is destructive to both boys and girls, but each sex suffers differently. Girls are more likely to become depressed, more likely to self-harm, and more likely to be promiscuous.

Fatherless boys are trouble

Boys who grow up with a father tend to act out in a manner that’s harmful to others. Some say 90% of mass shooters, prisoners and ISIS ter-

rorism recruits are males who were deprived of a father. (For more on this, see “Between You and Me” on Page 6 in this edition.) Some suggestions for dads to be involved in their child’s life after the split, from dads who have been there: — First, no matter what happens, you’re still a father. Even though your relationship with their mother is gone, your love for your child doesn’t stop. — Work at being a part of your child’s life. Reach out to him or her. Ask questions about their life. Go to parent-teacher conferences, send cards to them, go to their school stuff and sporting events. — Remain on good terms with your ex so you’ll have better access to your kids. You can even call every night and see how their day went. — Don’t bad mouth their mother in front of your child. Children need to feel good about both parents. — Never force your child to take sides; every child will have loyalties to both parents. — Don’t argue with their mother in front of your child. — You don’t have to take them on pricey adventures when they spend time with you. You don’t need to cover them with gifts or keep them

entertained. Just spend time with them being dad; they’re as happy just to be with you. — Talk with your child about what’s going on. The earlier you tell your child what is happening and the more often you talk, the more comfortable he will feel. Encourage him to share his fears, worries, and feelings with you. This can help make him feel safe and special. — When talking with your child about the split, be open and honest about what will happen. Talk about it in simple terms. Make sure they know the split is not their fault. Children often assume blame for the problems of their parents. Reassure your child that you love him and will not leave him. — Be patient with his questions. Sometimes carefully listening is more helpful than talking. — If you have a new family, make sure your children are part of it. Make sure your new partner wants your children to be part of your life together. As the man in the middle between your new partner and your children, show them that they are all important to you. Above all, maintain a strong connection — just be Dad.

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September 2019 •

IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper

Page 5

Men’s Health Between You and Me

By Barbara Pierce

Faltering Fathers Absence of dads may be at the root of mass shootings By Barbara Pierce


wenty-two killed at a Walmart in El Paso. Nine killed in Dayton. Three in Gilroy. Two at a Walmart in Mississippi. Many, many more injured and critically injured. And that’s just the first week in August. One week — an alarming tally. There have been 251 mass shootings in the United States since the beginning of this year. A mass shooting is defined as incidents in which four or more people were killed. So many killed — people of Pierce all ages, sexes and backgrounds. These are people who woke up that morning, drank their coffee and thought their day would be just like any other day — but it was the day their life ended. More than 2,000 were wounded in random gunfire that ripped through public places. Yes, gun violence is a national health epidemic. Yes, limited access to mental

health services is to blame. Yes, social media and the news media carry responsibility for this crisis. Those are all huge issues with no easy solutions. But there is something we can all do. Something you probably haven’t heard in all the hours of news coverage. These deadly mass shooters have one thing in common — one thing that is a big clue to how we can begin to solve this horrendous crisis. The vast majority of the shooters did not have a consistent father throughout their childhood. Very few had good, stable, present dads. Some examples: Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz was adopted at birth; his adoptive father died when he was 6. When Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was 7, his father was arrested for bank robbery and imprisoned. A single mother raised Dylann Roof, who slaughtered African Americans in a church. His dad died before he was born. Adam Lanza, who killed his mother and school children at Sandy Hook: Parents were divorced and he had no contact with his father. There is direct correlation between boys who grow up without a father and boys who kill.

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Call to Register – Limited Space Page 6

“There’s a hole in their lives,” said Warren Farrell, author of “The Boy Crisis.” It’s something that has been brewing for years and is changing America. They are “dad deprived.” Farrell states online and in USA Today that 90% of mass shooters, prisoners and ISIS terrorism recruits were deprived of a dad while growing up. Boys who do not have a strong relationship with their fathers lack a role model, a model of healthy masculinity. Fathers help boys develop self-control, self-discipline, and empathy toward others. Also, fathers tend to be tougher on boundary enforcement.

Tupac speaks truth

The late rapper Tupac Shakur said online, “I know for a fact that if I had a father, I’d have some discipline. I’d have more confidence. Your mother can’t calm you down the way a man can. You need a man to teach you how to be a man.” Shakur, who was murdered in 1996, started hanging out with gangs because he wanted to belong to a family. It’s not that single mothers can’t be great mothers. They can. But they can’t be fathers. Dad-deprived boys. Yes, I believe that is a crisis. And I’m seriously concerned. I experienced this when I worked as a counselor in a moderately secure juvenile detention facility a few years ago. It was a locked facility for teenage boys who violated the law by assault, battery, stealing, fighting, etc. The regime there was tough. Strong males provided leadership and set clear boundaries, and most boys responded well.

I noticed that when I met with families, there weren’t many dads involved. So I did my own research on the 35 boys in the facility. I was stunned by what I found. Of the 35 boys locked up, only two lived with a mother and father. Only two of the 35 boys had a stable family! Thirty-three were dad-deprived. Many had no male influence at all in their life: no stepdad, no granddad, no uncle and no one to teach them how to be a man. Boys need a dad to teach them how to be a man. They are in serious trouble without this. We are all in serious trouble when more and more mass murders emerge each week. If you are a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle of a boy, there is something you can do. If you are not, there are still things you can do to help turn this around. Boys need a dad. Help that boy in your life keep his dad in his life. Do all you can to support the relationship between son and father. Don’t be too quick to dismiss the father as one who can make a valuable contribution to his child. If that’s not possible, be a surrogate dad for him, or find him one. The good news is that some communities are devising creative ways to help make up for the absences of dads. Let’s do that in our community. • Related story, Page 5. • Barbara Pierce is a retired licensed clinical social worker with many years of experience helping people. If you would like to purchase a copy of her book, “When You Come to the Edge: Aging” or if you have questions for her, contact her at barbarapierce06@yahoo.com.

Valley Health Services accepts syringes


alley Health Services is accepting the community’s medical waste of needles, syringes and lancets from noon until 2 p.m. on Sept. 18. The service is available on the third Wednesday of every month. The waste must be in approved puncture-resistant containers available at local pharmacies and properly

IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper • September 2019

marked “biohazard.” The containers may be brought to the outpatient receptionist on the ground floor at VHS, who will contact the personnel responsible for medical waste disposal. VHS is located at 690 W. German St., Herkimer. For more information, call 8663330, ext. 2308.

Men’s Health PTSD renders victims powerless Post-traumatic stress disorder brings battlefield to the back yard By Barbara Pierce

I don’t know what the trigger was, but it hit me hard. One evening, all of sudden, I felt tightness in my chest, and it was hard to breathe. I felt closed in and panicky. “I bolted out of bed thinking I was dying. I paced the room in the dark for hours before I exhausted myself. I almost went to the ER, but the soldier in me said to stick it out.” This is how Carlos Huerta online describes the PTSD that began five years after he left the battlefield. PTSD: post-traumatic stress disorder. It’s an anxiety disorder that some people get after seeing or living through a dangerous event. When in danger, it’s natural to feel afraid. This fear causes many split-second changes in the body to make the body prepare to defend against danger or to avoid it. PTSD is a debilitating mental disorder that can happen to anyone who has lived through or witnessed a traumatic or terrifying event. Huerta goes on to describe the panic, claustrophobia, and chest pains that he though was a heart attack. “Even though I was home, I never left the battlefield. I brought the war home and it took a toll on me and my family, wife and children. I got to be good friends with Jim and Jack. Mr. Beam and Mr. Daniels,” he said. “I remember the first time I was woken by Simon crying out: this awful, blood-curdling scream,” said a wife online. “Suddenly he was back in the war zone with a gun in his hand and a woman covered in blood in front of him. He squeezed my hand tightly and wouldn’t let go until morning.” Terrifying nightmares are common in PTSD. As are disturbing, intrusive thoughts and frightening flashbacks. Other symptoms include avoidance of situations that bring back the trauma, and heightened reaction to stimuli, anxiety, or depressed mood.

Other symptoms include agitation, irritability, hostility, hyper-vigilance, self-destructive behavior, social isolation, mistrust, insomnia, and withdrawal. A significant number of veterans suffer from PTSD. “But PTSD is not the sole domain of vets. So many suffer from it,” said Bradley Nelson, a holistic chiropractic physician. PTSD can result from any traumatic or life-threatening incident, such as sexual assault, child abuse, accidents, bombings, or natural disasters. Even witnessing a trauma can cause PTSD — something that threatened your life or someone close to you.

may not work for another. Find what works best for you. “For veterans, we have a PTSD psychologist based in Rome,” said Shawne Steiger, substance abuse/ PTSD team lead, Syracuse VA Medical Center. “Our psychologist in Rome offers groups aimed at addressing and

reducing symptoms of PTSD such as PTSD 101 (psychoeducation), anxiety groups, anger groups, and groups focused on transitioning from the war zone,” Steiger said. He offers individual therapy on request. If the waiting time becomes too long, vets may come to Syracuse or receive help over the internet, she added. “Or, if the veteran prefers face-to-face visits, we submit a referral for Care in the Community.” Early treatment is better. Symptoms may get worse. Dealing with them now might prevent them from getting worse in the future. Treatment can help even if your trauma happened years ago. And treatment for PTSD has gotten much better over the years. If you tried treatment before and you’re still having symptoms, it’s a good idea to try again. Nelson’s approach to PTSD is unconventional and described in his book, “The Emotional Code.” He proposes that trapped emotions contribute to the symptoms of PTSD. “This treatment is an incredibly powerful tool for healing from the effects of trauma,” he said.

Take action now

What if you think you have PTSD? The only way to know if you have PTSD is to talk to a mental health professional. After a traumatic event, it’s normal to think, act, and feel differently than usual. If your symptoms last longer than a few months, you should get help. Treatment includes different types of psychotherapy and medication. A treatment that works for one

It’s 1927 and local radio personality Nevelle Haspin invites you to the broadcast of a gala reception for silent film diva Lorraine Bowes who is making a film portraying hometown hero and notorious WWI spy Florence Goode a.k.a. Hata Mahma. Joining Lorraine will be her leading man, if he’s sober, Roland DeHay, and Lorraine’s agent. Harold “Hawk” Toohey. Arriving without an invitation is nationally syndicated gossip columnist Helena Handbasquet. Be careful. These celebrities autograph with poisoned pens.

September 2019 •

IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper

Page 7

The Balanced Body

By Deb Dittner

Heart-to-heart talk can save lives

Welcoming New Patients to Five Local Family Health Centers!

Get pumped about protecting one of most vital organs in the body


adly, the leading cause of death for both men and women — approximately one in four — is heart disease. Even with all of the information out there (including right here in your Mohawk Valley’s health care newspaper), you’ve been provided with ways to live a clean life, the dangers of sugar, red meat, too little sleep, and a shortage of exercise. Dittner But still, many people continue to become victim to a medical structure and food practice that does not supply the appropriate tools necessary to regain health or prevent disease in the first place. Even medical research from one day to the next doesn’t necessarily agree with another. So who and what do you believe? There has been great debate as to whether saturated fat has anything to do with cardiovascular disease. Saturated fat found in meat (fatty cuts of beef, pork, lamb, processed meats such as salami, and the skin on chicken), coconut oil, and dairy (butter, cream, regular fat milk, cheese) has been touted by the medical system as artery-clogging, leading you directly to heart disease, stroke, and diabetes in adults. But there is also research showing how these saturated fats are not linked to the above-mentioned conditions but can actually be beneficial, especially coconut oil. The medical system also believes that cholesterol plays a large role in heart health. A preferable predictor is actually the ratio between high-density lipoproteins (HDL or good cholesterol) and triglycerides (trig or TB). This ratio is also good in the determination for insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome. When lifestyle changes take place, these numbers tend to improve immensely. So what actually causes heart disease? Chronic inflammation will deposit cholesterol at the walls of the arteries leading to plaque formation and clogging. What causes this inflammation? Research is showing that a diet high in carbohydrates, Page 8

increased stress, and little exercise is likely.

Plan a strategy

So what is the best way to tackle heart disease? The Mediterranean diet (consisting of 41% fat) has been shown to decrease cardiovascular conditions. Research shows that the omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish and other seafood, nuts and seeds), polyphenols (found in berries, nuts, beans, non-berry fruit, dark chocolate, spices such as cloves, oregano, and celery seed), and alpha linoleic acids (found in flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, and tofu) fight inflammation in the body. More recent research is showing the Ketogenic diet (high fat such as avocado, avocado oil, olive oil, chia and flax seeds, nuts and nut butter, coconut oil, cheese, and low carbohydrates such as broccoli, bell peppers, asparagus, mushrooms, cauliflower, zucchini, avocado, and spinach) which has actually been around for about 100 years, reboots metabolism and is disease protective. Of course, it’s important to note that no one diet alone is the answer for heart protection. Physical movement consisting of a minimum of 150 minutes per week of cardio activity (walking, running, cross-country skiing, cycling) and at least two days per week of muscle-strengthening activities (weight lifting, racquet sports, martial arts) is needed. It is also necessary to address chronic stress by incorporating a yoga practice, meditation, and breathing techniques. Be sure not to smoke, as this will increase your risk for heart disease. Proper sleep consisting of 7-8 hours nightly is another important factor to keep your heart healthy. Sleep reduces stress, causes you to stick to a healthy nutrition program and exercise program, thusly reducing your risk for heart problems. It’s important to read, read and read some more when it comes to heart health and what you need to do to protect your heart and prevent symptoms on a daily basis. I empower you to take this challenge. Before partaking in any specific nutritional program or exercise program, consult with your primary provider, especially when chronic disease is already present.



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IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper • September 2019

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Men’s Health

Attack of the artery cloggers What is cholesterol? Does it really even matter? By Barbara Pierce


t’s confusing and hard to make sense of our cholesterol numbers. And you wonder does it really matter? Yes, it does really matter, said Pat Zawko, director of quality resources, risk management and corporate compliance, Little Falls Hospital. She said there’s a clear association between your cholesterol levels and your chances of having a heart attack or stroke. “Your life Zawko depends on knowing your numbers,” she said. “Yes, it’s confusing; we’re exposed to a lot of misleading, conflicting, even false information.” What is clear is the link between high cholesterol in your blood and serious heart problems. “Cholesterol is a soft, fat-like, waxy substance found in the blood stream and in all your body’s cells,” she explained. “Your body needs cholesterol to make hormones, vitamin D, and substances that help you digest foods. Your body makes all the cholesterol it needs.” Some cholesterol is “good” and some cholesterol is “bad.” HDL (high-density lipoprotein), or “good” cholesterol, is considered good because it removes the bad cholesterol from your arteries, said Zawko. The higher the level of HDL, the better. Sixty milligrams per deciliter and above is healthy and protects you against heart disease and stroke. LDL (low-density lipoprotein), or “bad” cholesterol, makes up most of your body’s cholesterol. When your body has too much LDL cholesterol, it can clog your arteries and eventually choke off the supply of blood

to your heart. When the blood flow to your heart is blocked, it can cause chest pain or a heart attack. LDL cholesterol levels should be less than 100 mg/dL. “You want your total cholesterol level to be less than 200,” Zawko said. Your total cholesterol is a measure of HDL and LDL. Many factors, including genetics, can play a role in your cholesterol levels. If a close relative has high cholesterol, you’re more likely to have it. However, many lifestyle factors, particularly diet and exercise, also affect levels of cholesterol. Zawko has the following suggestions to lower your numbers and lower your risk of heart attack or stroke: — Eat a heart-healthy diet: Eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean poultry and fish, and avoid excess sodium and sugar.

Labels are revealing

Too much sugar raises cholesterol. Read the labels. “Anything ending in ‘ose’ (fructose, maltose, glucose, sucrose) or syrups (corn

syrup, rice syrup, malt syrup), and even “natural sweeteners” (agave nectar, coconut sugar, date sugar, honey, fruit juice concentrates) are all forms of added sugar which should be avoided. This is especially true if they are listed toward the top of the list of ingredients, said Zawko. Avoid saturated fats and trans fat: Saturated fats are common in our diet. They are solid at room temperature — think cooled bacon grease. Common sources of saturated fat include red meat, whole milk and whole milk dairy foods, cheese, coconut oil, and many baked goods. A diet rich in saturated fats drives up total cholesterol, and tips the balance toward more harmful LDL cholesterol. The worst type of dietary fat is the kind known as trans fat. As trans fats have no known health benefits and there is no safe level of consumption, they have been officially banned in the U.S. As trans fats give foods a desirable taste and texture, many restaurants and fast-food outlets use trans fats to deep-fry foods. Trans fats are found in many foods

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— doughnuts, cakes, pie crust, biscuits, frozen pizza, cookies, crackers, and stick margarines. To spot trans fats, look for the ingredient referred to as “partially hydrogenated oils.” “Look for foods low in saturated, trans fats, and cholesterol to help reduce the risk of heart disease. Most of the fats that you eat should be polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, such as those found in fish, nuts and vegetable oils,” Zawko said. — Get regular physical activity: Move more. Get up and move throughout the day, choose the stairs over the elevator, and take short walks. Even walking around the mall in winter months can do the trick. Aim for at least two and a half hours of exercise every week, say experts. — Avoid tobacco smoke: Even second-hand smoke is bad. Smoke raises levels of LDL and lowers HDL. “Cigarette smoking harms nearly every organ of your body, causes many diseases and reduces the health of smokers in general,” said Zawko. “Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the U.S.” — Limit alcohol to no more than one drink per day for women and two for men. Drinking more than this raises your levels. — Maintain a healthy weight. — Take prescription medication, if necessary: “Medication can be a supplement to lifestyle changes,” said Zawko. “There are several types of cholesterol medications available, including statins. Each works differently with different side effects. If one doesn’t work, try another. Your health care provider is the best person for you to discuss the need for medication.” Keep your goal in front of you. Every day remind yourself that you are committed to your heart health.

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IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper

Page 9

Baby can test husband-wife bond How to stay close as a couple now that baby is here By Barbara Pierce


o money, no sex, and no time. This isn’t how you pictured parenthood with the man you love. Whether you’ve been a couple for years or just met and wanted to have a baby quickly, jumping from a twosome to a family is challenging. Adding a baby is exciting, exhilarating, and wonderful. It’s also exhausting, exasperating, and worrisome — a combination that can be deadly to the romantic relationship that made you parents in the first place. “I knew having a baby would change my day-to-day. But I didn’t know it would rock my relationship too,” says Cynthia Hanson on Parents.com. “The first year of our son’s life was the worst of our marriage. And we’re not alone. About twothirds of couples become dissatisfied with their relationship after having a child, according to research. It’s no wonder: sleepless nights, raging hormones, scant time for long talks or sex — they all converge to forge a divide between you and him.” A sort of domino effect happens when a baby enters a couple’s life. They have less time to spend together, which, necessarily, means you’re having less sex, which often leads to more frequent fights, which consequently finds both of them less

happy. It is, in fact, hard to maintain a close relationship with a partner when you have this massive additional responsibility that requires so much attention. There’s no doubt that a first baby changes things between partners. Here are steps you can take to stay close: — Prioritize sleep: First, you need a creative plan to get some sleep. Lack of sleep creates a tremendous strain on a relationship. In addition to feeling tired, it affects your mood and ability to think clearly. It can lead you to over-react to little things. Ask for help so you can sleep. — Prioritize your time together: There’s a mountain of tasks each day. These won’t go away, but it’s essential to make sure you have time together as a couple, when the baby is asleep or Grandma takes over. Or ask a close family member or friend to babysit, even if you both stay at home, to give you together time without having to jump up at the first cry from the nursery. Rather than using your last ounce of energy to do a load of laundry, enjoy a few minutes of conversation when you can.

Share time together

Just be together, be close as a couple, like you were before the baby. Watch a movie or talk. Share your

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small children tend to feel less stress in their relationship, experts say. — Make sure Dad is involved with the newborn: When people think about bonding with a newborn, images of a mother and baby come to mind. While it’s essential for mothers and babies to develop a deep connection, it’s also important for fathers to spend quality time bonding with their babies. “We do all we can to keep Dad involved with the baby,” said Michelle Firlit, supervisor of community health worker services at The Neighborhood Center. Community health worker services offers free home visits for women during the child-rearing years, she explained. “We work with women before they have a baby, during pregnancy, and after pregnancy. We help and support women and their families.” “Both parents have important roles in caring for the baby,” Firlit stressed. “We teach the dad how to be involved with the baby, so that both Mom and Dad are included in bonding with the baby.” An increasing amount of research suggests a strong correlation between early father-infant bonds and the happiness of the entire family.

Griffiss Professional Complex

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thoughts and feelings about your changing world. Even better is if you can get out of the house together for a little while, to remind you both that you’re still a couple, not just Mom and Dad. — Prioritize “me” time: You both need “me” time to reenergize you as individuals. Speak up when you need a break; arrange an hour or two for your partner to watch the baby while you hit the mall (or do whatever makes you feel human again). If you’re wary of using a sitter, set up a babysitting co-op with pals. Exercise is great as it’s a way to de-stress. Just 10 minutes on a home treadmill or walking in place while you watch TV or listen to your favorite tunes can make a difference. — Make time for sex: Physical intimacy is incredibly important to feeling connected to each other. This may take planning. It also means making your bedroom a “kid-free” area. Nothing kills the mood like having diapers and baby toys all over the bed. — Establish a routine for your baby: It sounds obvious, but without a set routine, you won’t be able to find time for your relationship. Couples with strong routines for their

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IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper • September 2019

Nature’s Way Here’s prescription you can’t fill at pharmacy By Barbara Pierce


eed a pick-me-up? Try a parkme-up. A study by researchers at the University of Alabama-Birmingham finds that spending 20 minutes in a park or green space makes the average person happier. What’s more, it doesn’t matter whether you sit on a bench just passing the time or play Frisbee with a friend. The boost of happiness occurs whether or not you are physically active. Being outdoors is linked to a person’s wellbeing. As more and more studies Bean demonstrate the health benefits of nature, increasing numbers of doctors are writing prescriptions for time outdoors. These doctors are among a growing number of health care providers that incorporate nature into their treatment plans as evidence mounts for the health benefits of time spent in wild spaces. Search for a Baltimore oriole. Discover a red tulip. Sketch a snowflake. These are some of the prescriptions you might receive if you go to a doctor who believes in nature as a way to improve your health, whether you are suffering from stress, heart disease, diabetes, depression, anxiety, or other chronic conditions. Spending time outdoors causes your stress levels to drop dramatically, lowering blood pressure. Spending time in green spaces can lift your mood and reduce depression and anxiety. Soaking in the beauty of nature lowers levels of inflammation in the body. Nature may even help with addiction. A recent study indicated that daily access to a garden or green spaces lowered the frequency and occurrence of harmful cravings. “I understand that when people live in proximity to a park, this has a positive impact on their health; their blood pressure is lowered,” said

Philip Bean, executive director of the Central New York Conservancy in Utica. The nonprofit Central New York Conservancy works to preserve and enhance Utica’s historic parkway and parks. “Our historic parkway and parks (Conkling and T.R. and F.T. Proctor parks) comprise about 90% of the park land in Utica,” explained Bean. “They cover an area about 70% the size of Central Park in Manhattan, which makes this an unusually large quality-of-life amenity.” “Our parks offer a diversity of opportunities to engage in healthy activity, whether it be tennis; swimming; fields for organized sports; miles of trails for hiking, running, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing; beautiful vistas; golfing; a zoo; large open fields for informal exercise or just contemplating. Each park offers slightly different opportunities,” Bean said.

Park amenities abound

He enjoys the opportunities the parks offer. “Conkling Park is big and the most diverse. A few days ago, I parked on Prospect Street, hiked up the hill, took in views and then hiked down. I haven’t had that much exercise, ever!” he exclaimed. “At the base of the hill, you can exit or go into the South Woods. The South Woods is a world unto itself. With zigzagging trails and a canopy of trees, it’s a beautiful place to walk and is popular with walkers,” he said. “More relaxing is F.T. Proctor, with level ground paths, a big loop that goes around the gigantic meadow, all ringed by trees. There’s a lily pond and a ravine with a stream. People like to walk the loop; it’s very popular,” he said. Daphne Miller prescribes time outdoors for her patients. Her patients like her prescriptions, and stick to it. “It seems that a number of things contribute to this ‘stickiness,’” she says online. “The constantly varying scenery, the camaraderie of the trail, the fact that monthly dues and expensive Spandex outfits aren’t required. And my patients report a host of other benefits from their na-

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ture routine: less fatigue throughout the day, a sense of calm, better sleep, a drop in weight, and even lower blood pressure.” It’s a remedy that has absolutely no side effects and is readily available at no cost. It’s a remedy that will lift your spirits, reduce your stress hormones, increase your feelings of wellbeing, lower your blood pressure, and improve your cognitive functioning. Try this out next time you find yourself stressed out and near some green space. Find a spot. Leave your phone and camera behind. You are going to be walking aimlessly and slowly; you don’t need any devices. Let your body be your guide. Listen to where it wants to take you. Take your time. It doesn’t matter if you don’t get anywhere. You are sa-

voring the sounds, smells and sights of nature and letting the wilderness in. Even viewing scenes of nature will make you feel better emotionally and contribute to your physical wellbeing. Research done in hospitals found that even a simple plant in a room has a significant impact on stress and anxiety. Another study found that post-surgery patients with a view of trees out their window needed less pain medication than those without this view. When we get close to nature — untouched wilderness or even a back yard tree — we do our overstressed brains and bodies a favor. There’s a reason they call nature the miracle medicine.

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September 2019 •

IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper

Page 11

Diet & Nutrition Midday meals Eating healthy lunch vital to overall well being By Jessica Arsenault Rivenburg


n our busy, hurried lives, it can be difficult to find the time to eat right. According to a new study, workplace lunch breaks can be one of the most challenging times to eat a healthy, well-balanced meal. According to the recent survey by the American Heart Association and Aramark, the largest U.S.-based food service company, 56 percent of employed Americans who typically eat lunch during work hours struggle to eat a healthy lunch at work. The online survey conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of the AHA and Aramark collected responses from 907 working American adults aged 18 and older. “The finding that healthier food choices at work may impact food choices throughout the rest of the day presents a unique opportunity for the workplace to have a positive influence on not only the employee’s health, but also the health of the employee’s family,” said Anne Thorndike, vice chairwoman of the AHA’s nutrition committee and associate professor at Harvard Medical School.

Ninety-one percent of respondents said they are interested in improving the healthfulness of their typical workplace lunch. To achieve that, planning is key, said Crystal Hein, owner of Crystal Clear Nutrition PLLC in Herkimer. “I am a firm believer that having a plan makes us more successful in meeting our health goals and choosing healthy foods,” Hein said. “Not packing a lunch for work can leave you looking for food when you are starving, and this often leads to poor food choices. Packing a lunch does, Hein however, take work, motivation and dedication. “Make it part of your nightly routine. Reinvent leftovers — if you had tacos for dinner, bring a taco salad for lunch. Or cook an extra meal on Sunday to pre-portion and put in the freezer to have for the week. Also have some staples prepared or on hand at home, such as hard boiled

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eggs, tuna, frozen vegetables, and instant rice.” What you plan is just as important as the act of planning itself, said Rachel White, dietitian care manager at Excellus in Buffalo. “When planning your lunch, make sure you are including a lean source of protein, a whole grain, plenty of vegetables, and a little fruit,” White advised. “For example, a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread, with a side of cucumbers and a small apple. Make sure your drink is low in sugar. Pick options like water, unsweetened iced tea, or naturally flavored seltzer water.

Keep it light

“For days that you are unable to pack a lunch, keep some healthy options on hand like whole grain crackers, light tuna pouches, low-fat cheese sticks, no sugar added canned fruit, nuts, and low-sugar protein bars,” she added. “This way you can build a healthy meal quickly or when you are on the run.” But if you just don’t have time to pack a healthy lunch one day and have to turn to a workplace cafeteria or vending machine for sustenance, all is not necessarily lost. Healthy choices can be found in such places, said Hein. If a workplace cafeteria or nearby café is an option, Hein suggests sticking with a salad bar while avoiding large amounts of rich creamy dressing, or cold cut sandwiches on whole grain bread with vegetable fillers and a piece of fruit on the side rather than chips. For hot lunch options, Hein advises to look for grilled, broiled and baked options, and to make half your plate vegetables. Avoid things that are fried or involve heavy, creamy sauces, and sugary desserts and snacks. If a vending machine is your only option, go for granola bars, trail mix, Newtons and pretzels, Hein said. If you’re able to pair those options with a yogurt or a piece of fruit, you’ll be able to put together a reasonably healthy and satisfying meal, she said. The AHA/Aramark survey also

IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper • September 2019

found that 77 percent of respondents say they are more likely to make healthier decisions at other times of the day if they eat healthy at lunch. That fact is most likely not a coincidence, said White. “When you eat a balanced and healthy lunch, you are better able to focus on your afternoon tasks and you are less likely to experience an afternoon energy slump,” she said. “Also, when you have a healthy lunch versus an unhealthy lunch or no lunch at all, you are more likely to opt for a healthy dinner meal and less likely to overeat at night.” Hein agrees. “I do believe that making one ‘good’ food choice can lead to others. When we treat our bodies well, we feel better about ourselves and want to continue this effort,” she said. “Being successful in [reaching] small goals increases our self-confidence and internal motivation.”

The survey says …

— 91% of those surveyed are interested in improving the healthfulness of their typical workday lunch, with employees younger than 40 more likely to be extremely/very interested compared to employees aged 40-plus (65% vs. 55%). — 82% agree that having healthy food options at work is important to them and 68% value help from their employer in becoming healthier. — 79% whose workplace has onsite cafeteria, food service or vending machines get food there at least some of the time. — 86% prepare work lunches at home at least some of the time, with women more likely to do so than men (91% vs. 82%). — When eating an unhealthy lunch, employees under age 40 are more likely to be impacted at least a little bit by cost than those older than 40 (91% vs. 79%), and are more likely to be impacted by the choices of their peers or coworkers (75% vs. 50%). — On a stressful day at work, about 1 in 3 (35%) say their lunch is less healthy than a typical day, with women more likely to say so than men (40% vs. 32%).


By Anne Palumbo

The skinny on healthy eating

Lose weight, improve skin with zucchini


ears ago, when gardening friends left baskets of zucchini on my front porch, I used to get so rattled. Blind to its taste, ignorant of its nutrition, I’d fret over what to do with the unwelcome lot. But now that I’ve become zucchini-savvy, I’m genuinely elated when zucchini season rolls around. I adore this versatile summer squash! It’s as nutritious as it is delicious. Similar to watermelon, zucchini’s most bountiful nutrient is water: 95%. This all-important nutrient helps to regulate temperature, promote healthy digestion and curb constipation by producing softer stools. And while zucchini doesn’t have the fiber content of, say, peas or broccoli, it’s got enough to help move things along by producing bulkier stools. Zucchini teems with vitamin C, with one small zucchini providing close to 40% of our daily needs. A powerful antioxidant and immune-booster, vitamin C is certifiably our skin’s best friend: it helps keep skin strong and firm by triggering the production of collagen; it helps prevent sun damage by neutralizing

damaging free radicals; and it promotes wound healing. Some say you can even use zucchini to treat puffy eyes by placing raw slices over your eyes for 10 minutes. Feeling blah? Reach for some zucchini! Because zucchini provides healthy doses of many B vitamins, especially vitamin B6, it can help boost energy production and reduce fatigue. What’s more, vitamin B6, which is involved in the production of mood-elevating serotonin, may also help regulate sleep and lift spirits. And, like most plant-based foods, zucchini is packed with antioxidants, those magical molecules that minimize cell damage that may lead to heart disease, cancer, macular degeneration, and other age-related diseases. Research indicates the highest levels are found in the zucchini’s skin and that yellow zucchinis may contain slightly higher levels than green ones. Finally, regular consumption of zucchini may help you lose weight. Rich in water and fiber and yet low in calories (only 40 per small zuc-

chini), zucchini may help you feel full longer and reduce hunger—potentially leading to weight loss over time.

Zucchini “Noodles” with Sesame-Peanut Sauce Adapted from Fat-Free Vegan Kitchen

3 small zucchini (or, one package of fresh zucchini noodles) 1 red bell pepper, julienned 2 tablespoons peanut butter 2 tablespoons water 1 tablespoon cider or rice vinegar 1 tablespoon soy sauce 2 – 3 cloves garlic, minced ½ - 1 teaspoon Sriracha or hot sauce 1 teaspoon sesame oil 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger Salt and pepper to taste Wash zucchini; trim ends. Use a spiralizer to turn zucchini into “noodles.”

Helpful tips:

Select small- to medium-sized zucchini with shiny, unblemished skin; it should feel firm and heavy for its size. Smaller zucchini tend to taste better. Don’t cut up or wash zucchini until ready to use. Store it in a loosely closed plastic bag for up to one week. Leave the rind on whenever possible: it’s loaded with nutrients! Line a large bowl with paper towels; place zucchini noodles in the bowl along with the julienned red bell pepper. Let rest 10 minutes. In a small bowl, whisk the peanut butter with the water until well combined; then mix in all the remaining ingredients. Taste and adjust seasonings. Remove the towels from under the zucchini. Add the sauce and stir well to coat the noodles completely. Serve immediately, garnishing it with fresh basil if desired. (Optional: Add a legume such as edamame or black beans to make it more filling.)

Anne Palumbo is a lifestyle colum-

nist, food guru, and seasoned cook, who has perfected the art of preparing nutritious, calorie-conscious dishes. She is hungry for your questions and comments about SmartBites, so be in touch with Anne at avpalumbo@aol.com.

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IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper

Page 13

Back to School Leaving the nest Support your child who is embarking out into the world of academia college. Yes, absolutely — beginning college is stressful,” said Alison Franklin, director of counseling, Utica College. “Any transition brings with it some pressure and tension, and the transition to college is no different,” said David Walden, counseling center director at Hamilton College, Clinton. We asked these experts what parents and students should do to prepare for a successful first year. Talk about what to expect with your child beforehand: “Have a conversation about what to expect,” advised Franklin. “Talk before that transition to college and process the kind of relationship they want to have heading into this new time in their lives,” Walden said. “While those visions may not always match, it can be so helpful for both parents and students to know what the other wants in terms of things like how often they want to talk and what level of support they want.” Talk about the challenges that he

By Barbara Pierce


he first year of college is hard — really hard. It’s hard because nobody cares. You’re on your own. “That nobody cares was without a doubt the hardest thing for me to learn,” says Marisa Wood online. “I was so accustomed to having my teachers, parents, and peers there for me, always willing to help me and support me in every way. In college, if you don’t show up for class, nobody cares. If you get sick, nobody cares. If you don’t study for your exams, nobody cares.” It’s hard because you have to take care of yourself. Classes are hard and the workload is heavy. It’s a lot different from high school in many ways. As they begin college, each student tests his or her resilience and ability to cope on their own. Even good students from supportive families can become unmoored in college. Students who sailed through high school can run into serious problems beginning




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or she may face. Let your child know that things will get tough; encourage resilience and perseverance. When challenges arise, help them figure it out. “Part of the value of the transition into college is that students are now in a more adult role, and have the opportunity to learn how to take care of themselves,” said Walden. “Your student will inevitably call you seeking help with a problem. Instead of fixing it for them, you’ll have the chance to help them figure out how they want to deal with it,” he said. “We all deal with things differently and it can be a real gift to help someone learn how to deal with life’s challenges.” Ask open-ended questions to help them figure out how to move forward, such as, “What do you think you should do?” Then support that solution. We all learn better when we figure things out for ourselves, instead of someone handing us the solution. Encourage your child to identify where to go on campus for support. It’s important that students do this themselves. Taking charge of their own college experiences provides students a great opportunity to become more independent.

Seek out resources

Helpful resources may include the counseling center, financial aid officers, academic advisers, health services, clubs, recreational facilities, and religious organizations. Talk about how important it is for your student to take care of their mental health. Wood advises students: “Make sure to allow time in your hectic schedule for some ‘me time’ and take

a few hours a week to do something you love. Feeling stressed? Check out your school’s counseling services and make an appointment. Trust me, talking to an unbiased counselor is one of the best stress relievers. And no, it doesn’t make you crazy.” Hamilton and Utica colleges both have counseling available for students. Hamilton College offers a wide array of wellness-based services, including group therapy, and meetings with staff or peer counselors. Counselors are available at any time for crisis, 24/7, on campus or off. Licensed counselors staff the counseling center at Utica College and are always on call for a crisis. Both colleges find that increasing numbers of students are taking advantage of their counseling services. “There has been a significant increase in the number of students coming to us since I began in 2014,” said Franklin. “The number of college students utilizing college counseling centers has increased dramatically over the last five to seven years, and Hamilton is part of that trend,” said Walden. Nationwide, the number of college students seeking counseling and the severity of their concerns has dramatically increased, so much so that many call it a manifestation of a mental health crisis. If you have mental health concerns about your child, connect him or her to treatment. “One in five children aged 13-18 experience a serious mental health disorder,” said Franklin. “If you have concerns about your child, let us know before they begin college. We can look out for them. Make sure your child knows how to connect with us.”

MVHS Stomp Out Cancer Telethon goal


he 21st annual Stomp Out Cancer Telethon raised $250,000, according to the Mohawk Valley Health System Foundation and the MVHS Cancer Center. This year, gifts had double the impact as all donations, up to $125,000, were matched. “This generous donation was made anonymously and is gifted in memory of a remarkable man,” said Nancy Butcher, director of the MVHS Cancer Center.

IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper • September 2019

Dollars raised through this year’s telethon will support the purchase of a new, state-of-the-art linear accelerator that is needed for the F.E. Romano Family Radiation Oncology Department at the MVHS Cancer Center. A new linear accelerator will allow the MVHS Cancer Center team to target tumors more accurately in a shorter treatment time while also minimizing the dose of radiation to surrounding healthy tissue and organs.

Back to School Nursing: a career ripe with opportunity Utica College introduces new nursing master’s degrees By Barbara Pierce


ealth care delivery changes by the minute. Utica College is addressing these changes by adding three new nursing master’s degrees to its nursing programs. Students can earn their nursing master’s degrees in family nurse practitioner, nurse educator or nurse leader. Jennifer Klimek-Yingling, assistant professor of nursing who Klimek-Yingling was instrumental in developing these programs, is excited about offering this opportunity to the community. Prior to this, she taught nursing at SUNY Poly for 10 years. “It’s been wonderful to start a program from the ground up,” she said. “It’s a great endeavor; there’s a huge need for these programs in our community;” she said. Utica College’s three online nursing master’s programs offer students a fast and convenient way to earn an advanced nursing degree online. Students can earn their nursing master’s online at Utica College in 16 to 20 months in the hours and days that work best for them. The flexible nature of the online program allows students to structure coursework according to their work-life commitments, Klimek-Yingling explained. “We’re harnessing the technology available to develop a quality program,” she said. “We’re modern, current, and flexible.” “We’ll meet in a virtual class. Students will have one-to-one contact with the instructor, and the opportunity for group projects,” she explained. “Students will have a practicum, a hands-on experience wherever they are, which we will coordinate.” Students from all over the state have begun participating in the program. Requirements for admission into the programs include an unencumbered RN license in the state in which the student resides, a bachelor’s degree in nursing from an accredited nursing program, a minimum GPA of 3.0, and 2,000 hours of work experience. The FNP program is for nurses who seek more autonomy in caring for their patients. An FNP provides a higher level of patient care, and can test, diagnose, treat and create preventive health care plans for patients. Given the shortage of health care professionals at the physician and nursing levels, FNPs are relied on

more often as the first provider of care for common, family health problems. On average, FNPs earn more than $100,000 a year and there is an expected 31% job growth through 2026. The FNP program mandates a three-day immersion-residency experience and 720 practicum hours. Nurse educators have become increasingly important as new education requirements for entry-level clinical care emerge and as the number of new positions created and available to those with master’s degrees continues to grow.

program for people who have already earned a bachelor’s degree and wish to embark on a rewarding career in nursing. The program blends online courses with hands-on lab simulations and clinical rotations, and is offered through UC’s learning sites in Syracuse, St. Petersburg, Fla., and

South Florida. To learn more about Utica College’s online graduate nursing program, see https://programs. online.utica.edu/programs/masters-nursing. Or, if you’d rather speak to a person who can answer questions now, call 315-732-2640 or 866-295-3106.

Big demand for educators

There’s an urgent demand for nursing educators to prepare the next generation for nursing excellence and to help them reach the next level of their careers. “There’s a huge shortage of nurse educators nationwide,” said Klimek-Yingling. Nurse educators earn approximately $74,000 a year. Employment is expected to grow by 24% through 2026. The education curriculum requires 180 practicum hours, divided between two classes, dedicated to working with qualified nurse educators. As a nurse leader, be it a senior manager or executive leader, one needs management expertise including the planning, direction, and coordination of medical and health services for an entire facility; a specific clinical area or department; or a medical practice of physicians. With these roles, a person is responsible for implementing necessary actions to adhere to changes in health care laws, technologies, and regulations. “With our new hospital emerging, there is a real need for nurse leaders,” Klimek-Yingling added. Salaries for nurse leaders range from $120,000 to $250,000. The education curriculum requires 180 practicum hours, dedicated to working with qualified nurse educators. As with any new program, accreditation is pending. “We couldn’t apply for accreditation until we had students,” explained KlimekYingling. “Next fall, an accreditation team will come out. Becoming accredited shouldn’t be a problem.” The new programs will be added to the number of options already available to nursing students. Utica College offers a traditional campus-based four-year undergraduate nursing program, an online RN to BSN program, and an accelerated Bachelor of Science in nursing program. The RN to BSN program is for licensed nurses who have completed an associate’s degree program and are seeking a higher credential. The ABSN is an accelerated (16-month)

Upstate can provide all the comprehensive treatment and support you need at our offices in Oneida, or if needed, at the Upstate Cancer Center in Syracuse. Our patients benefit from: • Over 25 years experience in treating patients in Oneida. • A full complement of treatment options including radiation oncology. • Access to the latest advances including immunotherapy, molecular targeted therapy and clinical trials. • The same multidisciplinary case review as those treated at the Upstate Cancer Center in Syracuse, the area’s only academic medical center.


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IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper

Page 15

Back to School Back to school? Maybe not NYS bill removes religious exemption for vaccines By Brooke Stacia Demott


hile debate about the safety and legitimacy of childhood vaccination isn’t new, in recent days, residents of New York state have drawn lines in the sand over a hotly contested legislative move on behalf of the state government. Governor Andrew Cuomo recently signed a bill removing religious exemptions for vaccination, mandating that every child entering public, parochial or private school — as well as those entering pre-K and daycare — must receive certain vaccines prior to enrollment. This makes New York the fifth state after California, Maine, Mississippi and West Virginia to require school children to be vaccinated unless they have a valid medical reason for exemption. “The science is crystal clear: Vaccines are safe, effective and the best way to keep our children safe,” Cuomo stated following the bill’s approval. “While I understand and respect freedom of religion, our first job is to protect the public health and by signing this measure into law, we will help prevent further transmissions and stop this outbreak right in its tracks.” The outbreak Cuomo cited took place in Rockland County earlier this year, with 266 confirmed measles cases, resulting in 16 hospitalizations. Not everyone, however, shares the governor’s enthusiasm for mandatory preventive health care. Tina Stickney, a Central New York resident and homeschooling mother of 11, says, “this issue is not about whether you agree with vaccines or not. This issue is about how much power we want government to have over our decisions as parents for our children.” In recent years, a small but growing population rejects the Centers for Disease Centers’ recommendations for childhood vaccines, linking vaccines to certain chronic medical conditions, such as autism and autoimmune disorders. As a result, an estimated 26,000 state residents have claimed a religious exemption. Gretchen Thompson, whose children previously attended the Oswego Community Christian School with a religious exemption, says that vaccines are not an option. “My oldest child received the HPV vaccine 8 years ago, and was hospitalized for 31 days with autoimmune encephalitis. Vomiting, crying … he stared at the ceiling for six hours until I crawled up into the hospital bed to close his eyelids.” Thompsons’ children will not be returning to OCCS this fall. “We are extremely sad for our children, who loved their private school so much,” she said.

‘Law has been devastating’

Dave Proietti, principal of OCCS, shares Thompson’s sadness. “This Page 16

the alternative method of education. The Long Island resident oversees more than 90 chapters of regional home school localities and cooperatives statewide, and reports a surge of inquiries from first-time homeschoolers. “The interest in locating a ‘Homeschooling 101’ type course is off the charts right now,” Snyder says. “Just recently my wife Jen and a representative from the Home School Legal Defense Association gave a three-hour tutorial to 800 people in a Long Island hotel conference center, largely due to this new legislation.” As a Christian organization, Homeschool NY intends to capitalize on these new relationships as opportunities to share the gospel. “Long Island isn’t exactly the Bible Belt,” Snyder said. “This is an opportunity for us as Christians to share the gospel, wrapped up in homeschooling. We’re here to dispel myths, provide honest and quality answers, and be the best source of truth. As an organization, we don’t change; we exist to support home school legislation and families.”

Faith in system


Required vaccines

he vaccines required under the bill are the, Polio, MMr, Hep B, Hib, PCV, and MENacwy, depending on the student’s age. Certain vaccines are not required after the sixth grade 6. DTap/Tdap: DTaP is a vaccine that helps children younger than age 7 develop immunity to three deadly diseases caused by bacteria: diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough (pertussis). Tdap is a booster immunization given at age 11 that offers continued protection from those diseases for adolescents and adults. Polio: Polio vaccines are vaccines used to prevent poliomyelitis. The World Health Organization recommends all children be fully vaccinated against polio. MMR vaccine: The MMR vaccine is a vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella. The first dose is generally

new law has been devastating to our school. Some of our families have very strong views on not having their children vaccinated and until very recently, have exercised their rights through the religious exemption available in New York state. I don’t know if I can adequately convey the pain these parents have expressed at the reality that they would no longer be able to have their children attend our school and the sense of outrage that this law was pushed through.” However, not all private schools are experiencing the same sting. William Crist, superintendent of schools for the Catholic Diocese of Syracuse, says the impact on enrollment has been minimal. “Across the seven counties and 22 schools under my jurisdiction, the bill hasn’t sent much of a tremor. The Catholic faith doesn’t frown on vaccines, and I do believe the new legislation will protect the population

given to children around 9 to 15 months of age, with a second dose at 15 months to 6 years of age, with at least four weeks between doses. Hep B: The hepatitis B vaccine is a vaccine recommended for all infants at birth and for children up to 18 years. Hib: The Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine, often called Hib vaccine, is a vaccine used to prevent Haemophilus influenzae type b infection. PCV: Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is a pneumococcal vaccine and a conjugate vaccine used to protect infants, young children, and adults against disease caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae. MenACWY: The MenACWY vaccine protects against four different strains of the meningococcal bacteria that cause meningitis and blood poisoning (septicaemia). of our schools. While we certainly welcome all families, we must comply with the law,” Crist stated. There are approximately 4,700 students under his charge. “The school with the greatest loss of enrollment has been St. Patrick’s in Oneida. Here, about 8% of our students will not be returning,” he said. How have parents responded? “Families believed that they would be insulated in a private school. We have tried to encourage them to get the vaccines and to stay, but many are opting to leave the state. A few will be homeschooling,” he said. Homeschooling, which has in recent years become increasingly mainstream, may be an option for displaced anti-vaxxers. Rob Snyder, co-president and a member of the executive committee of Homeschool NY, is seeing a dramatic increase of interest concerning

IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper • September 2019

Although homeschoolers are not required to vaccinate, many — if not most — homeschoolers do choose to vaccinate their children. Pepper Castle, a licensed practical nurse and homeschooling mother of four, has vaccinated her children, and although she has adverse reactions to the flu shot, does not contest the administration of standard childhood vaccines. Neither does Susan Humphrey, co-op coordinator for Homeschool NY in Oswego County. Humphrey, wife of a local family practitioner and mother of two, believes that vaccines are safe and effective. While Maine passed an identical bill removing religious exemptions earlier this year, the Pine Tree State has given its residents until Sept. 1, 2021 to figure out how to proceed. By comparison, time frames in New York state seem far more demanding, requiring students to receive their first round of vaccines within 14 days of the first day of school or day care in order to maintain enrollment for the 2019-20 school year. Regina Bullman, public education coordinator for the Oneida County Health Department, said, “we have worked very hard to get the message out to parents to make them aware of the new law and to encourage them to schedule their back-to-school vaccination appointments with their health care provider as early as possible. We have seen no increase in vaccination requests at our public health clinic so far this summer,” but are hoping that patients will visit their primary care provider to be vaccinated. “I’m not sure what I will do,” Cayuga Community College student Rohan Jacobs, 22, said. Jacobs has one semester left before graduation, and has never been vaccinated. “It just wasn’t something I thought I’d have to consider. I might get caught up, or I might try and finish my education through online courses,” he said. “I can understand why they passed the law; I just wish they had been a little more compassionate about giving us time to figure out what to do now.” Visit the NYS Department of Health website for further details.

Spiritual Health Milk & Honey

By Brooke Stacia Demott

Loving My Neighbor: Part 2 How do I love my neighbor? (Editor’s note: This is the second and final segment of a two-part series discussing what Jesus meant when he said to love our neighbors as ourselves. Part two discusses how to love our neighbors in a godly manner.)


marvelous observation about loving our neighbors. “Trying to do the Lord’s work in your own strength is the most confusing, exhausting, and tedious of all work. But when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, then the ministry of Jesus just flows out of you.” In 1947, ten Boom was speaking on the topic of forgiveness at a church in Munich. Suddenly, after the service, the Nazi soldier who had imprisoned and abused her many years before confronted her.

his was supposed to be my writing night. For two weeks, I’ve ducked and weaved my way around shopping lists and itineraries, back-toschool curriculum, farm emergencies, and impromptu Power of forgiveness home renovations. The man described his converBut tonight, sion to Christianity, and implored her busy, we’re tired, and frankly, we the computer and scoop up the tearwriting was the forgiveness. Ten Boom was numb; streaked baby, gently shepherd the don’t feel like altering our schedules plan. the memories flooded her mind and girls back to bed, and lift my hands to meet the messy need in the road. So, I fed dinshe froze, unable to speak, unwilling to the good work of loving my little Or perhaps we are so self-involved ner to my seven to forgive. This is her account of the neighbors. that we don’t even notice. kids, kissed them incident: I can do that much. Sometimes, extending love goodnight, and “Jesus, help me!” (ten Boom) And I can trust the to sup- Propo comes naturally. But more often, the MPLord Order sent them off to prayed silently. “I can lift my hand. ply the feeling, confident that it is his opportunities present as interrupThis ad will appear at the classification of: bed in the family I can do that much. You supply the great pleasure to assist. tions. This is when the Lord reminds Demott room (a safe disfeeling. Live a life of love, just as Christ me that it isn’t necessary for me to Rome NY tance away from the “And so woodenly, mechaniloved us and gave himself up for us feel like loving my neighbor, but simaccumulating sawdust haze). cally, I thrust my hand into the one as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to I settled into bed, flipped open with in Home Date 05/2014 ply to lift my hand, and let him love stretched out to me. And as I did, God. (Ephesians 5:2) them, through me. the laptop and then- the baby woke Date: March Acct# A1ZGFE Sales Rep: GRIMALDI, JENNIFER L let Size: HCN6 an incredible thing 17, took 2014 place. The Dear children, us not love Ad Id: A His enduring strength, and up. He turned over in his crib, and current started in my shoulder, raced powerful love, courses through our with words or tongue but with acstared at me. I stared back. Then, he down my arm, sprang into our joined willing hands as the spirit of the tions and in truth. (1 John 3:18) burst into tears. hands. And then this healing warmth Lord causes us to marvel with the Aroused by the drama, my 3 seemed to flood my whole being, psalmist: But you, O Lord, are a year old waltzed through the door, • Brooke Stacia Demott is a columbringing tears to my eyes. compassionate and gracious God, confidently imploring me to let her nist with In Good Health newspaper. Got “‘I forgive you, brother!’” I cried. slow to anger, abounding in love and watch “Minions” at 9:30 p.m. Never a question for Demott? Feel free to email “‘With all my heart!’” faithfulness. to be outdone, my 5-year-old wailed her at brooketo@aol.com. This miraculous strength, gifted All at once I find that I can close like a siren in the background for her by the Lord to ten Boom by way of fair share of attention. her prayers and outstretched hands, I sighed. Don’t they know that Diabetes? allowed her to not only endure the I’m supposed to be writing an article encounter with her former prisMP Order Proposal# about loving your neighbor? How This ad will appear at the classification of: Flat Feet? Ad on guard, but embrace it. She was Letter can I do that when they won’t leave Rome NY strengthened to stand, yes, but Plantar Fasciitis? me alone? with in Home Date 05/2014 beyond that, she was strengthened to Last month, we learned that Date: March 17, 2014 Acct# A1ZGFEYou Sales Rep: GRIMALDI, L Size: HCN6 Ad Id: AMZHMA1 Contract# may be JENNIFER eligible for shoes at little or5544766 no cost! reach out, to meet this man in his huwhoever occupies our immediate miliation and shame, in the moment vicinity becomes our neighbor. This of his own great need for forgiveness. evening, a fussy 6-month-old, a The remarkable story of the wide-eyed 3-year-old, and a caterGood Samaritan teaches us that our wauling 5-year-old are my neighneighbor’s identity is found not only Diabetes? bors, and God is pleased to allow the in who he is, but also, when he is. Flat Feet? object lesson. The Pharisee and Sadducee ignored Plantar Fasciitis? I’m tempted to wax philosophYou may be eligible for shoes at little or no cost! both the man and the moment, but ical, with lofty platitudes of philanthe Samaritan saw past his own plans thropic application. It’s my comfort and followed the compassion of the zone, the stratosphere of elevated Lord in a new direction. language and the beautiful serene A minister we knew spoke of waters of deep theology. how sad he felt one morning, when I could tell you for hundreds of he had to step over a homeless words how to love your neighbor man sleeping in the doorway of the in practical ways, all of which you church in order to get to work. have likely heard before, or could’ve I was sad, too. God would have thought up yourself. But the real had him roll up his sleeves in the enchallenge isn’t in compiling and extranceway, and not on the other side ecuting a list of loving activities. The of a closed office door. In pursuit of challenge is in lifting your hand to the job, he had bypassed the work. the moment, when it’s the last thing It happens more often than we you want to do. AMZHMDNLM 14-Mar-2014 07:57 realize. I’ve waved away a crying Corrie ten Boom, a Christian child when I was on the phone, or writer and speaker who famousignored a stranded motorist in order ly survived a World War II Nazi to make it to church on time. We’re concentration camp, once made a Corresponding Listing Information: September 2019 •

AMZHMDNLM 14-Mar-2014 07:57

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Page 17

Health in good

Health care in a Minute e n d c i e Co Res



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Medicare for all?

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thought the quality of care would be diminished via telehealth. 2. Lack of awareness is most pronounced in rural areas (72%) where telehealth Advertise your health-related services or products and makes the most sense. 3. None (0%) on the autism spectrum of the patients indicating they are in reach potential customers throughout the Mohawk Valley poor health used telehealth. People Ability to work within home and community settings for as little as $90 a month. Call 749-7070 for more info. in good/better health are more likely to use telehealth. 4. Consumers aren’t - Attend to the health and personal needs of individuals sure what it costs. 5. Consumers are ith a national election next in the program split on whether telehealth is more or year, the subject of healthless as personal than an onsite visit care dominates debates, - Focus on fostering social and emotional development with a provider. 6. Telehealth is used news and talk shows. Medicare for more out west (11%) than here in the All, universal coverage and single - Excellent opportunity to have a positive impact - Seeking compassionate, east (6%). payer models are being touted. The on someone else’s life!surveyed Urban Institute recently hardworking applicants to support individuals close to 10,000 people about their on the autism spectrum Opioid deaths decline thoughts on healthcare. For the first time in 30 years, - Ability to work within home and community settings When asked about a “single deaths due to opioid abuse actually - Attend to the health and personal needs of individuals payer” system, 41% responded they fell about 5% from approximately in the program neither supported nor opposed 72,000 in 2017 to approximately the concept. But when asked about - Focus on fostering social and emotional development 68,000 in 2018. “Medicare for All,” 30% were in - Excellent opportunity to have•a High positive impact A decline in prescriptions for School Diploma or IRA support and 28% opposed.Chittenengo (Mediopioids was an obvious factor in the on someone else’s life! Equivalent care for All is a single payer system.) new hire incentives! recent decline in deaths. Despite the Forty five percent of the respondents decline, the number of 68,000 unnec• Valid Driver’s License said they do not support or oppose essary deaths is still unacceptable. • Ability to make independent a “public health option,” while 32% The CDC contributed to the decline would support it and 21% would decisions when needed in deaths by clarifying opioid preoppose it. • High School Diploma or • Must submit to a background Chittenengo IRA scribing guidelines for providers. The obvious problem here is Equivalent newand hirefingerprinting incentives! Success varies by state. Sixteen check healthcare is very complicated and • Valid Driver’s License states had more deaths in 2018 versus often confusing. Consequently, the • Ability to make independent 2017. Two states with the worst drug Full-time: $350 majority of Americans are ambivalent problems fared far differently from decisions when needed Part-time: $200 about the various models of care and each other. Missouri opioid overdos• Must submit to a background check and fingerprinting are understandably fearful of change. es increased 16% while New Hampshire experienced a 7% decrease in Best states for health care deaths. WalletHub has ranked the five states and DC, from best to worse, for Most common medical conditions healthcare. Rankings were based on a If you have been to your doctor’s variety of factors including availabili- Seeking compassionate, Chittenengo office lately, your chief medical comty, access, cost and outcomes. plaint/condition was probably from hardworking applicants to support individuals Chittenengo The top five states beginning the top 10. They are in no particular IRA on the autism spectrum with No. 1 are: Minnesota, MassaIRA order: skin disorders, stiff joints, bad chusetts, Rhode Island, District of - Ability to work within home and community settings back, high cholesterol, upper respiColumbia, and Vermont. The bottom ratory infection, anxiety/depression, Online at - Attend to the health and personal needs of individuals five states beginning with No. 47 are: Online at chronic neurological disorder, high kelbermancenter.org Arkansas, South Carolina, Mississipin the program blood pressure, headaches and diakelbermancenter.org pi, North Carolina and Alaska. New betes. - Focus on fostering social and emotional development York ranked in the middle at No. 24. Notably, four of the top five - Excellent opportunity to have a positive impact Climate anxiety/grief states are in the northeast, while four on someone else’s life! The clinical term is “solastalgia”. of the five worst states for healthcare Unfortunately, it is on a precipitous are in the southeast. increase worldwide. It is defined as the distress/anxiety produced by enTelehealth growing slowly vironmental change impacting peoAccording to a survey by J.D. ple while they are directly connected Power, patient usage/acceptance of • High School Diploma or to their home environment. Chittenengo IRA telehealth services is growing slowEquivalent The American Psychiatric Associnew hire incentives! er than envisioned. Just under 10% ation has produced a climate change • Valid Driver’s License of those surveyed said they used We’re looking for dependable people to help us distribute copies of guide to help physicians and mental Ability to make independent telehealth in lieu of an onsite visit Full-time: $350 in offices In Good Health, Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper, health providers diagnosis and treat. decisions when needed to a physician, urgent care center or Rising temperatures have actually Part-time: $200 other high traffic locations in the Utica-Rome-Clinton region. Must submit to a and background emergency room. led to more suicides. It is estimated check and fingerprinting J.D. Power, known for rating that climate change contributes to cars, is going to set benchmarks for Great for active retirees or at-home moms in need of some extra cash. 250,000 deaths per year worldwide. patient satisfaction later this year so Work only one or two days a month during office hours (9 to 5). they can measure consumer satisfacCompensation: $11.10/h plus 30 cents per mile. It amounts to about tion with telehealth. Fifty six percent $150 per distribution.The paper is usually distributed at the beginning of George W. Chapman of those surveyed said they would be is a healthcare busithe month. Drivers pick up the papers (in bundles of 100 copies) in North more inclined to use telemedicine if ness consultant who there was some sort of ranking/satisUtica and leave copies at various locations, following a list of places we works exclusively faction measurements. Most of those provide. No heavy lifting. Drivers are required to have a dependable with physicians, hossurveyed weren’t sure whether or not Chittenengo vehicle, be courteous and reliable. We audit all areas of distribution. pitals and healthcare their insurance covered telehealth. organizations. He opOnly 17% were sure either way. IRA erates GW Chapman Most insurers cover telehealth, but Consulting based in are reluctant to “sell” it fearing over Call 315-749-7070 and ask for Online at Syracuse. Email him utilization of medical services. The Nancy for more information. at gwc@gwchapmansurvey produced six key findings. kelbermancenter.org consulting.com. 1. Almost half of the respondents By George W. Chapman

t L o ca i o n

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Page 18

IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper • September 2019

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Health News Valley Health Services awards scholarship

Work Internship Network program continues

Samantha Raymo, a West Canada Valley High School graduate, was recently awarded the Valley Health Services’ 2019 Healthcare Scholarship of $500. From a young age, Raymo was known as “Nurse Sammy,” as she always strived to help others. She began working at VHS in her junior year of high school as a resident assistant, and soon realized nursing was the field she aspired to study. Raymo started Raymo her certified nurse assistant training in Valley Health Services’ July class. While in her senior year of high school, Raymo participated in an internship at Bassett Healthcare, Herkimer, in the adult primary care unit. VHS awards a scholarship annually to a senior graduating from a high school located in Herkimer County and planning to pursue higher education in a field employable by a nursing home. Raymo will attend SUNY Polytechnic Institute’s 1+2+1 nursing program, in partnership with St. Elizabeth College of Nursing, while continuing to work at VHS.

The Kelberman Center and Utica College recently celebrated the conclusion of the second class of the Work Internship Network program. The WiN program is a 40-week internship rotation opportunity for individuals with autism or related developmental disabilities that allows participants to develop work-readiness skills with support in a real-world environment. “With an estimated 50,000 people with autism across the country aging out of school-based supports every year, the need for opportunities such as those provided through the WiN program has never been greater,” said Robert Myers, executive director of the Kelberman Center. “We are incredibly grateful to the many professionals and students at Utica College that not only continue to support our WiN interns, but are actively involved in expanding the program and embracing diversity and acceptance across campus.” The WiN program interns are immersed in rotating work experiences at various departments across the Utica College campus. Participants also receive on-going classroom instruction and career exploration support throughout the program. “My new friends and job coaches showed me communication, teamwork and cooperation,” said WiN intern Joshua Davila. “I couldn’t have done it without them.” For more information, contact Rachel Richie at 315-797-6241 ext. 330 or email rachel.richie@kelbermancenter.org.

Community Memorial 5-star recipient Community Memorial in Hamilton is 5-star rated for knee replacement outcomes, according to a study released by Healthgrades, the leading online resource for comprehensive information about physicians and hospitals. This achievement is included in the new findings and data featured in Healthgrades 2019 Report to the Nation. The report demonstrates how clinical performance continues to differ dramatically among hospitals regionally and nationally. Every year, Healthgrades evaluates hospital performance at almost 4,500 hospitals nationwide for 32 of the most common inpatient procedures and conditions, and tracks outcomes in appendectomy and bariatric surgeries using all-payer data provided by 15 states and the District of Columbia. A 5-star rating indicates that Community Memorial’s clinical outcomes are statistically significantly better than expected, when treating the condition or performing the procedure being evaluated. “Community Memorial Hospital and Hamilton Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine are well-known as a destination for orthopedic care and joint replacement surgery,” said Sean Fadale, president and CEO of Community Memorial. “High quality care, excellent patient satisfaction scores, low infection rates, and shorter inpatient days are the result of continued efforts by the two organizations to achieve excellence in patient care and outcomes as evidence by the 5-star rating for knee replacement for the past 18 years.”

Urogynecologist Joins Bassett Medical Center

Richard M. Cherpak, M.D. Richard M. Cherpak, M.D. Richard M. Cherpak, M.D. Garth J. Garramone, D.O., F.A.C.P. Garth Garramone, D.O., F.A.C.P. Dr J.Stanley Weiselberg GarthBrett J. Garramone, F.A.C.P Brett R. Gandhi, Gandhi,D.O., M.D. R. M.D. Dr Norman Neslin Norman R. Neslin, M.D. Brett R. Gandhi, M.D. Dr Robert Pavelock Norman Neslin, M.D. Robert R.R.Pavelock, M.D. Norman R.F. Sklar, Neslin, M.D. Bradley M.D. Dr Bradley Sklar Robert R. Pavelock, M.D. Stanley P. Weiselberg, M.D. Dr Richard Cherpak Robert R. Pavelock, M.D. 116 Business Park Drive, Bradley F. Sklar, M.D. Dr Harvey Allen Utica,F.NYSklar, 13502M.D. Bradley p. 315 -624-7070 | f. 315-316-0367 Dr info@mveccny.com Emil MiskovskyM.D. Stanley P. Weiselberg, Stanley P. Weiselberg, M.D.

Samuel Badalian, regarded as among the world’s foremost urogynecologists, was recently named chief of women’s health for Bassett Medical Center. Urogynecologists are specialists in the female urinary and reproductive tract and treat problems associated with UT-000595577 dysfunction of the pelvic floor and bladder. Badalian Badalian’s decision to join Bassett makes available important surgical and non-surgical treatments for incontinence, pelvic prolapse and other women’s health issues in the eight-county region served by Bassett Healthcare Network. “Prior to my arrival, patients had to travel long distances for these services. This is a quality-of-life issue rather than life or death. Many women just learn to live with incontinence and pelvic prolapse, and they should not have to do this,” O.K. says Badalian. PROOF BY:___________________________ According to the National Association of PLEASE Continence, incontinence READ CAREFULLY • SUBMIT CORRECTIONS ONLINE affects 25 million Americans, and it is nearly twice as common in womUT-000595577 (100%)


116 Business Park Drive, Utica, NY 13502 Phone Fax p.315-624-7070 315 -624-7070 | f.315-316-0367 315-316-0367 info@mveccny.com mveccny.com

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September 2019 •

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Health News Continued from Page 19 en. “We are making women’s lives better, whether they are in their 50s or their 90s, correcting incontinence and prolapse. It is so rewarding, seeing how we are changing lives every day,” Badalian says. A diplomate of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery, Badalian trained in his native Armenia as well as in Russia and the United States. He routinely travels to Ghana, Kazakhstan, France, Armenia and other countries to train physicians and surgeons in surgical and non-surgical treatments for women’s health issues.

LFH nurse captures excellence award Kimberly Whiteman of Little Falls Hospital, a part of Bassett Healthcare Network, was recently awarded the Ahluwalia Excellence in Nursing Award. The award was made possible by the generosity of Prabhat Ahluwalia, who has privileges at LFH, and his wife, Kanella Ahluwalia. The award is given to a registered nurse who has demonstrated Whiteman superior performance in upholding the values of LFH. Whiteman was chosen for this award because of her overall performance in each of the value areas, including relationships, excellence, accountability, service, learning and integration. Whiteman has been with LFH since 1994, and was recently honored at the hospital’s employee service ceremony for celebrating 25 years of service.

LFH plugs into radiology accreditation Little Falls Hospital, a subsidiary of the Bassett Healthcare Network, has been awarded a three-year term of accreditation in computed tomography as a result of a recent review by the American College of Radiology. CT scanning — sometimes called CAT scanning — is a noninvasive medical test that helps physicians diagnose and tailor treatments for various medical conditions. The ACR gold seal of accreditation represents the highest level of image quality and patient safety. Board-certified physicians and medical physicists who are experts in the field award facilities meeting ACR practice parameters and technical standards after a peer-review evaluation. Image quality, personnel qualifications, adequacy of facility equipment, quality control procedures Page 20

ESPN Radio Utica/Rome awards scholarship to area student ESPN Radio Utica/Rome, recently presented a scholarship award to Zach Wilbert, Rome Free Academy class of 2019, for his exceptional athleticism and outstanding character on behalf of Rome Memorial Hospital, a supporter of high school sports broadcasts. The son of Bruce and Kathy Wilbert, he will major in sports management at Endicott College in the fall. From left, Rome Memorial Hospital Director of Business Development and Therapy Services Rena Hughes; Zach and his parents Kathy and Bruce Wilbert; and Nick Medicis, Rome Free Academy varsity basketball coach, celebrate the occasion. A scholarship was also awarded to Abby Edsall, a 2019 graduate of Oriskany High School. The daughter of John and Sheri Edsall, she has begun her college nursing program in South Carolina. and quality assurance programs are assessed. The findings are reported to the ACR Committee on Accreditation, which subsequently provides the practice with a comprehensive report that can be used for continuous practice improvement. LFH is an inpatient 25-bed acute care hospital.

RMH receives quality achievement award Rome Memorial Hospital has received the Mission: Lifeline® Gold Referring Quality Achievement Award for implementing specific quality improvement measures outlined by the American Heart Association for the treatment of patients who suffer severe heart attacks. This is the second year in a row that the AHA has recognized the hospital for saving lives. Every year, more than 250,000 people experience an ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), the deadliest type of heart attack, caused by a blockage of blood flow to the heart that requires timely treatment. To prevent death, it’s critical to restore blood flow as quickly as possible, either by mechanically opening the blocked vessel or by providing

clot-busting medication. The AHA’s Mission: Lifeline program’s goal is to reduce system barriers to prompt treatment for heart attacks, beginning with the 9-11 call, to EMS transport and continuing through hospital treatment and discharge. RMH earned the award by meeting specific criteria and standards of performance for promptly diagnosing STEMI patients and transferring them to hospitals that provide emergency procedures to re-establish blood flow to blocked arteries when needed.

Orthopedic surgeon joins Rome practice Board-certified orthopedic surgeon Alfred Moretz III is accepting new patients at Rome Medical Practice Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, 107 E. Chestnut St., Rome. A member of Rome Memorial Hospital’s medical staff, Moretz joins R. Mitchell Rubinovich at the Chestnut Commons practice, which has been open in Rome since 2005. Moretz has more than 40 years of experience in private practice orthopedic medicine with a focus on sports medicine, knee and shoulder problems as well as arthroscopic

IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper • September 2019

procedures of the knee and shoulder. He has served as the official team doctor for high school and college sports teams including Utica College, where he served for over 13 years. Moretz earned his bachelor’s degree in anthropology at Duke University and graduated from medical Moretz school at the Emory University, Atlanta, Ga. He completed his residency in orthopedics at the University of Oklahoma Hospitals, Oklahoma City, Okla. He is board-certified by the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery.

Delta Medical welcomes nurse practitioner Nurse practitioner Elizabeth (Liz) Scialdone recently joined the staff of Delta Medical in Rome. Scialdone joins RN Lynne Philley

Continued on Page 21

Health News Continued from Page 20 and family nurse practitioner Libby Gleasman. “With experience in both primary care and hospital settings, Liz is a welcome addition to our staff,” said director Kristen Hutchins. For Scialdone, caring for patients in a primary care setting means developing and maintaining relationships with patients and their families. “At Delta Medical, patients are at the center of all we do,” Scialdone said. Scialdone Scialdone has eight years experience as an FNP. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in nursing and her Master of Science in nursing as a family nurse practitioner from SUNY IT, Utica. An adjunct nursing instructor at SUNY Polytechnic Institute, Utica, she utilizes her experience to help her students take one day at a time and to embrace learning. Delta Medical, part of Rome Memorial Hospital, is recognized as a patient-centered medical home dedicated to providing every patient with the highest level of individualized primary care, including prevention and wellness.

St. E’s attains orthopedic surgery accreditation The St. Elizabeth campus of Mohawk Valley Health System has achieved accreditation as a Center of Excellence in Orthopedic Surgery by Surgical Review Corporation. A Center of Excellence in Orthopedic Surgery accreditation distinguishes the St. Elizabeth campus from many other hospitals by providing the highest quality of care to its patients as determined by an independent, external process of evaluation. Status as an accredited Center of Excellence in Orthopedic Surgery means that the St. Elizabeth campus, along with orthopedic surgeon John P. Sullivan, and Andrew B. Wickline, orthopedic surgeon and total joint medical director at the St. Elizabeth campus, have met nationally recognized standards. “The program was identified as having zero deficiencies and was noted to be a top performing program nationally,” said Darlene Stromstad, president-CEO of MVHS. Health care organizations and surgeons seeking accreditation by SRC undergo an extensive self-assessment and on-site inspection. This process includes physicians, nurses and administrators who are actively involved in the accredited program.

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She also served as a senior vice president at the Massachusetts Hospital Association, For several years, she also ran her own consulting company which focused on health care marketing and strategy, advocacy, community health, as well as providing communications support to start-up companies. From 2013 to February 2019, she led the public affairs, communications and marketing function for the Greater Waterbury Health Network in Waterbury, Conn. Charvat graduated from Utica College with a dual bachelor’s degree major in journalism and public relations.

Musician raises funds for CMN hospitals

Students explore health care careers at Rome Memorial Hospital Sean Byard, right, a pilot for Mercy Flight Central, explains the inner workings of a rescue helicopter to students from the Medical Academy of Science and Health Camp at Rome Memorial Hospital. Twenty-one students from 12 different schools spent three days at the hospital learning about the wide array of health care careers available to interested students. “The students had an opportunity to meet with health care workers from numerous departments throughout the hospital, talk about their jobs and see them in action in addition to participating in hands-on activities,” said Rome Memorial Hospital Director of Education, Volunteer Services and Employee Health Julie Chrysler.

MVHS Stomp Out Cancer Telethon achieved The 21st annual Stomp Out Cancer Telethon raised $250,000, according to the Mohawk Valley Health System Foundation and the MVHS Cancer Center. This year, gifts had double the impact as all donations, up to $125,000, were matched. “This generous donation was made anonymously and is gifted in memory of a remarkable man,” said Nancy Butcher, director of the MVHS Cancer Center. “The support of this community is amazing,” Butcher said. “What is being done at the MVHS Cancer Center is touching the lives of thousands and will continue to do so for generations to come.” Dollars raised through this year’s telethon will support the purchase of a new, state-of-the-art linear accelerator that is needed for the F.E. Romano Family Radiation Oncology Department at the MVHS Cancer Center. A new linear accelerator will allow the MVHS Cancer Center team to target tumors more accurately in a shorter treatment time while also minimizing the dose of radiation to surrounding healthy tissue and organs. Those wishing to make a donation to the MVHS Cancer Center may visit mvhealthsystem.org/stompout-cancer.

MVHS names marketing, strategy leader Patricia Charvat has been named senior vice president of marketing and strategy at the Mohawk Valley Health System. Charvat has been working with MVHS for the past several months on a consulting basis. In this newly developed role, Charvat will provide leadership and direction, in Charvat conjunction with the organization’s senior executives, for establishing growth, business development and marketing strategies. She will help MVHS establish community relationships that target programs to demonstrably improve the health of the communities served by MVHS throughout the region. She will develop advocacy strategies at the federal, state and local levels and manage the marketing and communications functions and staff. Charvat brings extensive experience to MVHS, as well as knowledge of New York health care and of Utica. Charvat served as vice president of corporate communications and marketing for the Healthcare Association of New York State in Albany.

September 2019 •

Tony Mandour, a doctor and area musician, played the piano during an event titled, “Dynamic Duos & Tony’s Picks: A Musical Review” recently. Mandour performed to a sold-out crowd to raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network hospitals at the Mohawk ValMandour ley Health System. The event was held at the Kirkland Art Center in Clinton. The event raised $2,200 for the special cause. The Mandours have organized fundraisers for children’s health initiatives for more than 18 years. Mandour extended thanks to Mark Bolos and Big Apple Music for donating the sound system for the event.

Neighborhood Center focuses on nutrition The Neighborhood Center Inc. child and adult care food program is now enrolled in the team nutrition child and adult care food program organization program. As a member, The Neighborhood Center will be among the first to hear about new nutritional education and training materials and receive special nutrition education and promotion materials. Its enrollment confirms The Neighborhood Center’s dedication to promoting lifelong healthy food choices and physical activity. Childcare providers who would like to join the Neighborhood Centers’ CACFP program can contact Sue Todora at 315-272-2630. The Neighborhood Center is a comprehensive human services agency in Central New York. For more information about The Neighborhood Center and its services, go to www.neighborhoodctr. org.

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IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper

Page 21

Smile with Dr. Suy

By Dr. Salina Suy

What is laser dentistry?


appy September everyone! If this September is anything like last year, it’s basically going to be an extended summer, which I am totally OK with! September means pumpkin spice, apple cider, warm colors and fall boots. I love when the leaves change and going on hikes with gorgeous views. What is Suy September like for you? Thank you again for joining in on this month’s “Smile with Dr. Suy” segment and our continuing series “Defining Dentistry.” This month’s column is laser dentistry.

What is a laser?

We hear the term laser all the time, but do we truly understand what it is? Laser stands for light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation. The instrument creates light energy in a very narrow and focused beam. This laser light produces a

reaction when it hits tissue, allowing it to remove or shape the tissue.

How is a laser used in dentistry?

Laser dentistry was introduced in the late ‘80s. It can potentially offer a more comfortable treatment option compared to the dental drill. Lasers can modify both hard and soft tissue, meaning it can be used on bone, teeth and oral tissues. Laser dentistry is used in many fields of dentistry, including the treatment of sensitivity, tooth decay, gum disease, whitening, clinical crown lengthening, weaning out infections in root

canal therapy, removing tumors, treating cold sores and dissecting frenal attachments, among other uses. Benefits of laser dentistry include less need for anesthesia, sutures, cauterizing tissue by promoting blood clotting, sterilization of the area, tissue regeneration, less trauma and easy use.

Do I need laser dentistry?

Depending on your oral health, your treatment may involve laser dentistry. In my office at Zalatan Dental Modern Dentist, we have three vari-

eties of lasers which all have their different uses. Our most common laser procedure is LBR — laser bacterial removal — in which our amazing hygienist go into the gums with the laser to remove bacterial deep within the gum pocket. This is beneficial for all patients with gingivitis and periodontitis since it reaches areas humans cannot physically penetrate. My second most common laser procedure is crown lengthening. Dr. Justin Zalatan or myself can remove soft tissue around the tooth and then hard tissue to make the tooth taller. Depending on the procedure, we may or may not utilize our other lasers. Ask your dentist if you are interested in laser dentistry. I hope you have learned about laser dentistry and its many uses. Please feel free to contact me with questions and comments. Have some questions to ask me in person? Call for a free consultation at 315724-3197. • Dr. Salina Suy is a health and wellness advocate and general dentist in Utica. Want to learn more? Visit Facebook @smilewithdrsuy or www.smilewithdrsuy.com.

s d i K Corner

Are kids prescribed too many antihistamines? Drugs such as Benadryl provide little benefit to kids with colds


any U.S. doctors are much less likely to recommend cough and cold medicines for young children ever since experts advised against it in 2008, new research shows. That’s the good news. The bad news? Physicians are still more likely to recommend antihistamines for children under age 12 with colds, despite the fact that they provide little known benefit, the researchers from Rutgers University in New Jersey said. “Sedating antihistamines such as diphenhydramine [Benadryl] may have a small effect on some cold symptoms in adults,” said study Page 22

lead author Daniel Horton. He is a physician and assistant professor of pediatrics at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. “However, there is little evidence that antihistamines actually help children with colds feel better or recover faster. We do know that these medicines can make kids sleepy and some kids quite hyper,” Horton said in a university news release. Just over a decade ago, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommended against cough and cold medicines for children under age 2 due to safety concerns and uncertain benefits. The American Academy of Pediatrics later advised against cough and cold medicines in children

under age 6. “Families often treat their children’s respiratory infections with cough and cold medicines, some of which include opioid ingredients, such as codeineor hydrocodone. However, there is little proof that these medications effectively ease the symptoms in young children,” Horton explained. “Also, many cough and cold medicines have multiple ingredients, which increases the chance of serious accidental overdose when combined with another product,” he added. In the study, the researchers analyzed more than 3 billion visits by children to U.S. clinics and emergency departments from 2002 to 2015. They found that physicians ordered a total of about 95.7 million cough and cold medications, 12% of which contained opioids.

IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper • September 2019

After the FDA’s advisory, there was a 56% drop in physician recommendations for non-opioid cough and cold medicines in children under 2 and a 68% decrease in recommendations for opioid-containing medicines in children under 6. Yet the researchers also found a 25% increase in doctor recommendations for antihistamines to treat respiratory infections in children under 12. “It is nice to see physicians are heeding the advice to avoid cough and cold medications for children, but switching them to antihistamines is not necessarily an improvement,” said study co-author Dr. Brian Strom, chancellor of Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences. The study was published recently in the journal JAMA Pediatrics.



Got a health-related activity or event that you would like publicized? Call Lou Sorendo at 315-749-7070 or email lou@cnymail.com.


Grandparents support group takes shape The Center for Family Life and Recovery, Inc., in partnership with the Parkway Center, will be providing a grandparents support group. The support group will be held from 2-3 p.m. Mondays at the Parkway Center, 220 Memorial Parkway, Utica. The group is open to grandparents who are raising children of loved ones that are experiencing active addiction, working on recovery, in residential-outpatient treatment, are hospitalized, incarcerated, or are dealing with other familial concerns. Those interested may contact CFLR’s Utica office at 315-733-1709 or the Parkway Center at 315-223-3973.

Food Addicts in Recovery to meet Food Addicts in Recovery holds an anonymous meeting from 6:308 p.m. Mondays at Trinity United Methodist Church, 8595 Westmoreland Road, Whitesboro. For more information, call Helen at 315-794-2314.


Insight House offers family support group Insight House Chemical Dependency Services, Inc. is offering a family support group meeting from 6:15-7:30 p.m. Tuesdays at Insight House, 500 Whitesboro St., Utica. The group is free and open to anyone who is concerned about a loved one’s relationship with alcohol, opiates/heroin, or other substances. For more information about the group, call 724-5168, ext. 265, from 8:30-4 p.m. weekdays. All calls are strictly confidential.


Loved one on drugs? There is support CNY Services Milestones is featuring a support group for anyone dealing with another person’s drug and/or alcohol addiction. The support group meets at 6 p.m. Thursdays at 502 Court St., Suite 210, Utica. The support group is free and open to those struggling with a child, partner, wife, husband, mother, father or friend who is battling addiction. For more information, call Tony at 315-717-9153.

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Sept. 4

Narcan training classes available In response to the influx of overdoses in the local community, Insight House will be offering free community Narcan training classes on a twice-monthly basis. Classes will be held from 2-3 p.m. on the first and last Wednesday of every month at 500 Whitesboro St., Utica. The next sessions will take place on Sept. 4 and Sept. 25. Space is limited and preregistration is recommended by calling 315-724-5168 ext. 238.

Sept. 7

Parents: Learn baby care basics Parents-to-be can learn about childbirth, newborns and other related topics by attending Baby Care Basics, a two-hour program taught by Rome Memorial Hospital maternity nurse Michelle Bates. Classes are available from 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays on Sept. 25 and Nov. 6, and from 10 a.m. to noon Saturdays on Sept. 7 and Nov. 16 in the hospital’s classroom. The program is free and no advance registration is required. Call 315-338-7143 for more information.

Sept. 9

Support forum for patients, cancer survivors The Mohawk Valley Health System’s Cancer Center’s monthly support forum for patients and cancer survivors will be held at 6 p.m. Sept. 9. The cancer support forum meets at 6 p.m. on the second Monday of every month in the Cancer Center’s fireplace lounge on the main floor of Faxton Campus, 1676 Sunset Ave., Utica. The forum, led by the Cancer Center’s social worker, offers support to anyone who has received a cancer diagnosis. Light refreshments will be served. For more information or to RSVP, call 315-624-5241.

Support group to meet at Rome Memorial Hospital The brain aneurysm, AVM (arteriovenous malformation) and stroke support group will meet from 5:307:30 p.m. Sept. 9 at Rome Memorial Hospital’s second-floor classroom. The group meets on the second Monday of every month. RMH is located at 1500 N. James

St., Rome. For more information, call Deb Dunn at 315-533-6467 or email RomeNY@JoeNiekroFoundation.org.

Sept. 16

Sept. 12

Families who are dealing with the problems of addiction can find help and information at a support group meeting from 6-7 p.m. Sept. 16 in the second floor classroom at Rome Memorial Hospital. The group meets the third Monday of each month and is free and open to everyone. Offered by the hospital’s Community Recovery Center, the support group provides an opportunity to discuss issues with others who are in the same situation. Certified by the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, the Community Recovery Center, 264 W. Dominick St., Rome, offers alcohol and substance abuse treatment for adolescents and adults. Open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday and Friday and from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday, the center participates with most major insurance programs, including Medicare and Medicaid. A sliding scale fee is available for self-pay clients. For more information about the support group or the Community Recovery Center, call 334-4701.

Laryngectomy support group to meet The Laryngectomy Support Group will hold its monthly meeting at noon Sept. 12 in the Sister Regina Conference Room on the first floor of the St. Elizabeth Medical Center hospital building, 2209 Genesee St., Utica. The support group is sponsored by SEMC. Laryngectomy support group meetings are held at noon on the second Thursday of each month. A laryngectomy is the procedure to remove a person’s larynx and separates the airway from the mouth, nose and esophagus. The laryngectomee breathes through an opening in the neck, called a stoma. The public is welcome to attend. Those with questions can call the speech therapy department at 315801-4475.

Sept. 13

Breastfeeding Café opens at Rome Memorial The Mohawk Valley Breastfeeding Network, in partnership with Rome Memorial Hospital, has opened a new Breastfeeding Café to provide pregnant and breastfeeding moms and their families a place to support one another, socialize and get breastfeeding clinical support if needed. The group meets from noon to 2 p.m. on the second and fourth Fridays of the month at Rome Memorial Hospital, fourth floor, 1500 N. James St. The next meetings will be on Sept. 13 and Sept. 27. There is no cost to participate and mothers can bring their babies to be weighed at the hospital’s “Weighto-Go” station. Snacks will be provided. Dads and grandparents are welcome. For more information, contact Laurie Hoke in RMH’s maternity department at 315-338-7291. You can find meeting announcements on Breastfeeding Café and Rome Memorial Hospital Facebook pages.

Sept. 14

Class focuses on feeding newborn Human milk is the best possible nutrition for your baby. With knowledge and practice, both mother and baby can learn how to successfully breastfeed. Rome Memorial Hospital will be featuring classes where parents-to-be can learn about their baby’s nutritional needs, feeding by breast or bottle and other hand-feeding methods. All are welcome to attend regardless of feeding choice. International board-certified lactation specialist Amanda Huey N, IBCLC will lead the free class. Classes will be offered from 10 a.m. to noon Saturdays on Sept. 14 and Nov. 9. Classes will be held in the hospital’s second floor classroom. No registration is required. For more information, call the education department at 315-338-7143.

September 2019 •

Family support group focuses on addiction

Sept. 26

Community Wellness Partners slates film To commemorate the 100th anniversary of its affiliate, LutheranCare, Community Wellness Partners is hosting a free and open to the public, one-time screening of the critically acclaimed documentary, “Lives Well Lived,” a film by Sky Bergman. “Lives Well Lived” celebrates the wit, wisdom and life lessons of people aged 75 to 100 years old through their memories and inspiring personal histories encompassing over 3,000 years of collective life experience. The event will be featured at 5 p.m. Sept. 26 at the Performing Arts Theatre of Clinton Central School, Chenango Avenue, Clinton. With a combined 150 years of service, the affiliation of LutheranCare and Presbyterian Homes & Services that is Community Wellness Partners offers health and wellness services for older adults in Oneida County. For more information, call 315235-7104 or email kostinett@lutherancare.org.

Sept. 28

Parkinson Awareness Walk on agenda Community Wellness Partners invites the community to join together in solidarity as part of an event to raise awareness of those living with Parkinson’s disease. The 17th annual Parkinson Awareness Walk will begin at 10 a.m. Sept. 28 at the Presbyterian Homes & Services Campus at 4290 Middle Settlement Road, New Hartford. Pre-registration will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 27 in the lobby of the Presbyterian Home. Pre-registration is not mandatory but appreciated. For more information, call 315-235-7110 or visit www.communitywellnesspartners.org.

IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper

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Is CBD right for pets? Can trend in using CBD for medicinal purposes be applied to animals? By David L. Podos


here are quite a few companies that manufacture and sell pet-formulated CBD products and according to each company, will help pets with a wide array of conditions. These include mobility issues, seizures, stress, anxiety, digestive issues, pain and inflammation, to name just a few. CBD stands for cannabidiol and is the second-most prevalent of the active ingredients of cannabis, or marijuana. It is derived directly from the hemp plant, which is a cousin of the marijuana plant. While CBD is a component of marijuana, by itself it does not cause a high. CBD seems to be popping up everywhere in conversations regarding health. It is being highly touted as a treatment to help people with a slew of physical as well as emotional problems ranging from migraines to anxiety to inflammation. But what are its applications in regards to treating animals? What if our four-legged family member becomes ill? Can CBD be used as an adjunct therapy for pets? There seems to be no lack of information when it comes to CBD and its treatment for humans. Information on treating animals, however, can be a bit trickier. However, there

are many sites with information about companies that sell CBD products specifically formulated for pets. If one was to seek the advice of a veterinarian on this matter, they might find themselves a bit surprised. The vet may have limited knowledge about CBD and its application in treating animals. Much of this is due to the confusion on whether or not CBD can be legally prescribed by veterinarians for treating their animal patients, so many veterinarians simply stay away from the topic altogether.

Sharlana Scott, membership administrative assistant for the New York State Veterinary Medical Society, said the state allows for the sale, growth, distribution, transportation and processing of industrial hemp and products derived from such hemp, which includes CBD oil derived from hemp. Therefore, veterinarians would be allowed to sell and prescribe hemp and hemp-related products in New York because it is legal under both state and federal law. Nonetheless, many vets are wait-

ing for more conclusive evidencebased research from prominent animal research facilities like Cornell University and verifiable legal legislation — if and when passed — allowing them to use CBD products for their animal patients. A local veterinarian who requested anonymity said the industry is awaiting more clinical information. This particular clinic also said that it has seen an up-tick in many animals coming in with CBD overdosing issues. Symptoms include lethargy, gastrointestinal problems, and urinary tract problems, to name a few. Eliminating the CBD products and or cutting back is the suggested course of action. California-based HolistaPet manufactures and sells a variety of CBD products for cats and dogs. Its website states that it spent 12 years researching and experimenting to create what are some of the purest and best CBD pet products on the market. On its customer review page, one can find a considerable number of people that has purchased CBD for their pets with glowing reviews. If a pet owner decides to purchase CBD pet products, they may be in for a price sticker shock. CBD products are not cheap and as much as we love our four-legged family members and want to do our best in keeping them as healthy as possible, cost considerations can be an issue for many. Taking time to do a little research about companies that sell pet-formulated CBD can give potential buyers lots of information. Of course, if you have a veterinarian, consult with him or her first.

1 IN 10 CHILDREN IS AFFECTED BY ASTHMA BE PREPARED. The return to school is tough for

kids with asthma. Because they head straight into peak virus season and may be exposed to new triggers, they’re more likely to have an asthma attack. Make sure you have an action plan.

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IN GOOD HEALTH – Mohawk Valley’s Healthcare Newspaper • September 2019

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