On the brink of an elec琀椀on we have the topic of FREEDOM.
Letís explore what this day means for South Africans.
This day reminds us of the immeasurable sacrifices made by individuals and na琀椀ons to break the chains of injus琀椀ce and segrega琀椀on.
It’s a day that reminds us of the efforts of our na琀椀onal heroes, in par琀椀cularly our beloved Madiba.
It is a day that not only marks the emancipa琀椀on of South Africans from apartheid but also returned essen琀椀al human rights.
On the journey of progress and to right the wrongs we have allowed a different type of injus琀椀ce. Yet again as South Africans, mul琀椀tudes are without essen琀椀al human rights.
This Freedom Day, we find ourselves pivo琀椀ng towards thoughts of what truly unifies us as a country? Has the landscape of the marginalized really changed?
Isabel Allende said, What I fear most is power with impunity. I fear abuse of power, and the power to abuse.
This seems to be the story of South Africa, be it pre or post libera琀椀on. If struggle is what unifies us, our story needs to be rewri琀琀en.
Together we can change the script, together we can make choices for a be琀琀er, brighter tomorrow, together we can leave a legacy of hope and unity.
ITíS TIME to >>>
Sound the call to come together, And united we shall stand, Let us live and strive for freedom, In South Africa our land.
Freedom Day on 27 April is an annual celebra琀椀on of South Africa's first non-racial democra琀椀c elec琀椀ons of 1994. It is significant because it marks the end of over three hundred years of colonialism, segrega琀椀on and white minority rule and the establishment of a new democra琀椀c government led by Nelson Mandela and a new state subject to a new cons琀椀tu琀椀on.
The 27th of April this year marks the 30th anniversary of South Africa’s first democra琀椀c elec琀椀ons. This day now known as Freedom Day is commemorated every year to honour those unsung heroes and heroines who fought for our freedom and paved the way for an equal, representa琀椀ve, non-racial na琀椀on. During the month, we also reflect on the progress made over our democra琀椀c journey thus far and consider how we can further strengthen our democracy.
The 22nd of April is Earth Day! No ma琀琀er how you choose to honour nature, make it posi琀椀ve. We need a healthy Planet Earth to thrive, and Planet Earth needs us.
The unwavering commitment is to end plas琀椀cs for the sake of human and planetary health, demanding a 60% reduc琀椀on in the produc琀椀on of all plas琀椀cs by 2040.
Millions of people will take part in Earth Day, and it is hoped that many will volunteer to improve the environments where they live. This could involve anything from cleaning up li琀琀er to helping plant new trees.
Focus on educa琀椀on:
It's only by focusing on the next genera琀椀on that the environmental fight can con琀椀nue. Educa琀椀on about environmental challenges and individual ac琀椀ons we can all take, such as recycling, can all help.
Plant a tree:
Plan琀椀ng a tree in a local park or garden is a simple but effec琀椀ve way to celebrate Earth Day.
Be an ar琀椀st for the Earth:
Crea琀椀ng art can play a huge part in capturing the public’s imagina琀椀on and helping to spread the message of environmental urgency.
Inspiring the next genera琀椀on at Kearsney Career Day 2024!
Recently, our team had the privilege of par琀椀cipa琀椀ng in a career day at a local school, Kearsney College, where we aimed to educate students about the world of real estate. Through engaging discussions and interac琀椀ons we showcased the diverse opportuni琀椀es within the industry. By sharing personal experiences and success stories, we inspired young minds to consider real estate as a viable and rewarding career path.
We offer ter琀椀ary level training, meaning you can start straight out of school.
This year’s theme is My Health, My Right. It was chosen to champion the right of everyone to have access to quality health services, educa琀椀on, and informa琀椀on, as well as safe drinking water, clean air, good nutri琀椀on, quality housing, decent working and environmental condi琀椀ons, and freedom from discrimina琀椀on.
"Going for regular preven琀椀ve screening checks is an investment in your own health."
- Dr Noluthando Nematswerani, Head of Discovery Health's Centre.
Annually observed on the 7th of April, World Health Day serves as a reminder of the importance of global health and encourages ac琀椀on to promote well being for all. This day highlights various health issues that affect communi琀椀es worldwide, fostering awareness and advocacy. It's a day to celebrate the progress made in healthcare while acknowledging the challenges that s琀椀ll exist. Through educa琀椀on, outreach, and collec琀椀ve efforts, World Health Day aims to inspire individuals, governments, and organiza琀椀ons to priori琀椀ze health equity, accessibility, and sustainable prac琀椀ces, ul琀椀mately striving for a healthier and more resilient world.
Isabel Pillay is the perfect balance between tough and charming. When you're making a big financial, personal and some琀椀mes emo琀椀onal decision, you want to work with people who will be a good listener, a strong nego琀椀ator and who is respected by his/her clients. Isabel meets all expecta琀椀ons. We have worked with her to secure our first home purchase. She was a great coach to us as first 琀椀me homebuyers and efficient in absolving any concerns throughout our purchase process.
-Loyiso MakungaFrom starter apartments to large family homes, we cater to all your property needs. Visit our website or click on one of our exclusive proper琀椀es to begin your journey.
Our favourite four le琀琀er word! We love helping our clients sell their homes and are grateful for the trust they impart on us. If your property hasn’t been ge琀�ng the a琀琀en琀椀on it deserves, Contact an Ingwe agent to begin your selling journey.