Being Well May Edition

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Table of Contents Monthly Newsletter 01 02 03 04 06 08 09 10 11 Creating a Child Friendly Haven Happy Mother’s Day Property Showcase Focusing on Bathrooms and Kitchens Safe Pool Practices Just Listed Just Sold To the Hard Workers in Real Estate

01 Monthly Newsletter

May Edition of the Monthly Newsletter written by Cheyenne Pillay

May is a jam- packed month with a lot to celebrate here at Ingwe. We kick off the month by celebrating Workers Day, a day to honor the many hard-working individuals in our beloved land that contribute to us having a functional society. The efforts of all South African workers, from drivers to doctors and everything in between, do not go unrecognized and we are grateful for every single one of you.

In addition to Workers’ Day, May is also a month to honor the heart of the home, our mothers. Whilst it is a day to celebrate our mum’s, it is also a day to remember the mothers that are no longer with us. It is a time to reflect on the sacrifices they make for us, and the countless hours they dedicate to making a house into a home.

Out of a mother, life flows, and motherhood can look different for many. This is a reminder to also spoil the mothers who are bonus mums, fur mamas, the mothers that must face this day without their children, and even the parents who play both roles. Motherhood can often be a thankless job, so use this opportunity to thank the mothers around you.

At Ingwe, we are blessed with many women who are both successful property practitioners and amazing mothers. They show up each day determined to help you find your dream home and end their days nurturing their own homes. Our final cause for celebration this May is the birthday of our fearless leader,

Noeleen Naidoo. A woman of many roles, from mentor to real estate boss to amazing mum, Noeleen wears every hat with an ease that leaves you astounded. She shows up in every role 100%, making you believe that you really can do it all, because she does. Noeleen is a force to be reckoned with, and every single one of us at Ingwe is better for knowing her and being under her leadership.

Happy birthday Noels, we love and appreciate you!

Monthly Newsletter 01


Focusing on Kitchens and Bathrooms

Focusing on bathrooms and kitchens can significantly impact the appeal and value of a property in the real estate market. Here's how:

Bathrooms and kitchens are often the focal points of a home. Upgrading these areas with modern fixtures, stylish countertops, and sleek cabinetry can instantly elevate the overall aesthetic appeal of the property. A well-designed kitchen and bathroom can leave a lasting impression on potential buyers and increase their interest in the home.

Buyers place a premium on functionality when it comes to bathrooms and kitchens. These are high-traffic areas that need to be practical and efficient for daily use.

Updating outdated appliances, improving storage options, and optimizing layout can enhance the functionality of these spaces, making the home more desirable to prospective buyers.

Homes with updated bathrooms and kitchens tend to sell faster and at a higher price point compared to properties with outdated or poorly maintained facilities. These features are often highlighted in marketing materials and listing descriptions to attract potential buyers. A modern, well-appointed kitchen or luxurious bathroom can set a property apart from the competition in the real estate market.

Focusing on Kitchens and Bathrooms
03 Property Showcase 03 Property Showcase Highbury Gardens Hillcrest 4 Bedrooms 2.5 Bathrooms 2 Garages VIEW ON WEBSITE

0 Happy Mother's Day

Celebrating Home, Heart, and Heritage

In the realm of real estate, mothers hold a unique significance, often serving as the heart and soul of the household and the guiding force behind major decisions, including finding the perfect home.

Beyond the emotional connection, mothers are also practical navigators in the world of real estate. They're the ones who meticulously research neighborhoods, schools, and amenities to ensure their family's comfort and security. They understand the importance of finding not just a house but a home—a place where dreams are nurtured, milestones are celebrated, and bonds are strengthened.

To all the mothers out there—thank you for turning houses into homes, for teaching us the true meaning of love and resilience, and for being the guiding light in our real estate adventures.
05 Happy Mother’s Day 4Need a Gift for Mom? Simply click on an image below to access the link R 395.00 R 499.99 R 199.99 R 99.99 R 139.99 R 499.99

0 Creating A Child Friendly Haven

As Mother's Day approaches, there's no better gift for moms than a home tailored to their needs. For mothers navigating the real estate market, finding a space that balances style, functionality, and child-friendliness can be a challenge. But fear not, because we've compiled expert advice to help you transform your house into a haven for both you and your little ones.

Create Play Zones

Designate specific areas in your home for playtime to contain clutter and foster creativity. Whether it's a cozy corner in the living room for building forts or a dedicated craft space in the kitchen, carving out play zones allows kids to express themselves while keeping the rest of the house tidy.

Embrace Durability

Opt for furniture and decor that can withstand the wear and tear of energetic little ones. Look for stain-resistant fabrics, easy-to-clean surfaces, and durable materials like hardwood or laminate flooring.

Investing in quality pieces that can withstand spills and roughhousing will save you time and money in the long run.

Safety First, Always

When scouting for a new home or refining your current one, prioritize safety measures. Consider installing childproof locks on cabinets, securing heavy furniture to walls, and covering electrical outlets. Additionally, ensure that your home has sturdy handrails on staircases and safety gates to prevent falls.

Creating a Child Friendly Haven 06


As you celebrate Mother's Day this year, remember that the greatest gift of all is a home where you and your children can thrive. By following these tips, you can create a space that is both stylish and kid-friendly, allowing you to enjoy precious moments with your family for years to come.

Things a South African mother would say when their child is in trouble


"You've got some explaining to do, mister/missy!"

"I was not born yesterday?"

"I didn't raise you to behave like this."

"You're in for it now!"

"You've crossed the line this time."

"You know better than that!"

"We're going to have to rethink your privileges."

"This behavior is not acceptable in this household."

"I won't tolerate this kind of behavior."

"You've got some explaining to do, young man/lady!"

"I expect better from you."

"Actions have consequences, and you're about to learn that."

07 Creating a Child Friendly Haven

06 Safe Pool Practices

Essential tips for Moms

As a real estate agent, you can offer valuable advice to moms regarding pool safety, especially if they are buying or renting a property with a pool. Here are some tips:

Inspect Pool Safety Features

When considering a property with a pool, ensure that it has necessary safety features such as a fence with a self-closing gate, a pool cover, and alarms on doors leading to the pool area. This not only ensures the safety of your own children but also makes the property more attractive to potential buyers or renters concerned about safety.

Educate Children about Pool Safety

Teach your children about pool safety rules from a young age. Emphasize the importance of never swimming alone, always having adult supervision, and not running near the pool area. This education can also serve as a selling point for families interested in the property.

Emergency Preparedness

Make sure there are safety essentials nearby, such as a lifebuoy, first aid kit, and a phone with emergency numbers programmed in. This demonstrates to potential buyers or renters that the property is equipped to handle emergencies and prioritize safety

By incorporating these pool safety tips into your real estate discussions, you not only provide valuable guidance to moms but also demonstrate your expertise and commitment to finding them a safe and secure home.

08 Focusing on Kitchens and Bathrooms

07 To the Hard Workers in Real Estate

As we celebrate Worker’s Day, Ingwe wants to extend a heartfelt appreciation to all the dedicated real estate agents out there. Your hard work, perseverance, and unwavering commitment to helping people find their dream homes or lucrative investments truly make a difference in countless lives.

Amidst the challenges and uncertainties, you continue to navigate the ever-changing landscape of the real estate market with resilience and adaptability. Your dedication to excellence sets a shining example for us all.

Happy Workers' Day!

09 To the Hard Workers of Real Estate


Just Listed

Simply click on the images below visit our website and view these properties.

Just Listed
Queensburgh, Malvern Durban, Dawncliffe Phoenix, Redfern Pinetown, Ashley Pinetown, Padfield Park
09 Just Sold 11
Just Sold
Pinetown, Nagina Kloof, Gillits
Let’s Get You Home MAY 2024 ISSUE 31

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