LSP - LSPR (brochure)

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“The Choice To Be Your Very Best”


Yunita Permatasari, M.Si

Asesor Kompetensi No. Reg. MET.000.000669 2013

Level of Competency S1 / Bachelor Degree

S2 / Postgraduate Programme

Junior Public Relations

Expert Public Relations

Humas Muda

Humas Madya

Intermediary Public Relations Support & Endorsed by

Humas Ahli

Humas Managerial

Managerial Public Relations Shanghai Public Relations Association

Latar Belakang


Sebagai seseorang yang berprofesi Public Relations harus dibekali dengan berbagai kompetensi yang merujuk kepada kompetensi pengetahuan, keterampilan serta attitude yang memadai dan professional. Untuk itu dibutuhkan suatu pengakuan yang telah disepakati oleh berbagai unsur yang terkait, antara lain; asosiasi/perhimpunan Public Relations, unsur pendidikan kehumasan, industri dan lain sebagainya.

A Public Relations professional must be equipped with a wide range of competences in respect of; knowledge, skills, and attitudes which are required for an appropriate professional attitude. Recognition has been agreed on, by various organizations that are related to amongst others; Associations of the Society of Public Relations, Institutions, Industries, etc.

Kompetensi Public Relations tidak hanya terkait dengan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan juga attitude, namun diperlukan juga pemahaman mengenai kode etik public relations sebagai landasan etika dalam berprofesi. Untuk mencapai kebutuhan seorang tenaga Public Relations yang paripurna, maka tenagatenaga public relations harus mengikuti uji kompetensi untuk mendapatkan sertifikat kompetensi public relations. Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi – London School of Public Relations (LSP – LSPR), Jakarta telah diberikan lisensi oleh BNSP (Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi) untuk memberikan sertifikasi kepada calon lulusan dan lulusan LSPR serta nantinya memberikan sertifikasi kepada praktisi Humas di Indonesia dan International. Pembentukan LSP – LSPR ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan standarisasi ruang lingkup kerja Humas berdasarkan level kompetensinya.

Public Relations competence is not only associated with knowledge, skills and attitude, but also in understanding the necessary public relations code of ethics as the foundation of ethics in the profession. To achieve the needs of plenary public relations, the public relations officer must take a proficiency test to gain a certificate of competence accredited by BNSP Indonesia. Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi – London School of Public Relations (LSP – LSPR), Jakarta has been licensed by BNSP (Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi) to certify all students and LSPR graduates. Moreover, in the future LSP – LSPR will also certify PR practitioners in Indonesia and Internationally. The formation of LSP – LSPR aims to establish standardization of the scope of work based on the levels within Public Relations. Competence means knowledge, skills, attitude and appropriate professional attitude.

Kompetensi artinya Pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan sikap kerja sudah sesuai


Acuan Normatif

Normative Reference

1. Undang-Undang No. 13 tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan; 2. Undang-Undang No. 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional; 3. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 23 tahun 2004 tentang BNSP 4. Peraturan Presiden Nomor 8 tahun 2012 tentang KKNI

1. Law No. 13 of 2003 on employment 2. Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System 3. Government Regulation No. 23 of 2004 concerning BNSP 4. Presidential Decree No. 8 of 2012 on KKNI

Acuan Standar Sertifikasi Kompetensi

Reference of Competency Certification Standards

Acuan Standard dari Sertifikasi Kompetensi untuk bidang kehumasan (PR) yang ditetapkan oleh LSP-LSPR adalah SKKNI (Standard Kualifikasi kerja Nasional Indonesia). Melalui SK menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Indonsia No:Kep.39/men/II/2008 tentang penetapan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia sektor komunikasi dan informatika bidang kehumasan.

The standards of competence certification for the field of public relations is set by LSP – LSPR based on SKKNI (Standard Kualifikasi Kerja Nasional Indonesia), through the decree of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration Indonesia, No:Kep.39/men/II/2008 on the competency standard of national labour Indonesia for the communication and informatics fields.

Kualifikasi/Jenjang Kompetensi Public Relations

Qualifications/Level of Competency for Public Relations

Kualifikasi atau jenjang profesi Public Relations yang diterapkan dalam uji kompetensi pada LSP-LSPR ini mengacu pada sistem cluster dan atau unit yang mengacu kepada SKKNI. Pada SKKNI tertera bahwa cluster untuk profesi kehumasan terdiri dari 4 level: Humas Muda (Junior Public Relations), Humas Madya (Intermediary Public Relations), Humas Ahli (Expert Public Relations), Humas Managerial (Managerial Public Relations)

Qualifications or levels of the profession of Public Relations applied in the assessment of competency by LSP – LSPR refer to the cluster and system or unit set by SKKNI. SKKNI states that the cluster for the PR Profession consists of 4 levels: Humas Muda (Junior Public Relations), Humas Madya (Intermediary Public Relations), Humas Ahli (Expert Public Relations), Humas Managerial (Managerial Public Relations)

Namun pada tahap ini, kita membagi 4 (empat) level tersebut menjadi 2 (dua) kelompok, sebagai berikut:


The 4 (four) levels of competency are divided into two groups which are:

I. Tahap ini menjelaskan 2 (dua) level pemula untuk sertifikasi humas. Level tersebut dikhususkan untuk mahasiswa dan alumni S1 LSPR. Pembagian level tersebut adalah sbb: This section explains the 2 (two) beginner levels of certified Public Relations specialized for S1 students and alumni of LSPR, which are:

1. Humas Muda

1. Junior Public Relations

2. Humas Madya

2. Intermediary Public Relations

Jika anda baru lulus kuliah atau masih berstatus sebagai mahasiswa anda disarankan untuk mengambil level Junior Public Relations sebelum melanjutkan ke jenjang ahli yang lebih senior.

Jika anda sudah bekerja dan menjadi seorang praktisi PR, anda diperkenankan mengambil level yang lebih tinggi secara berjenjang mulai dari Level Madya, Level Ahli, hingga Level Managerial.

If you are fresh graduate or still studying you are required to take Junior Public Relations level before advancing to intermediary and eventually to expert level.

If you are already working and a practitioner in PR, you are able to advance to intermediary, expert, and managerial levels consecutively.

II. Pada level Humas Ahli dan humas Managerial, diperuntukkan untuk mahasiswa Post Graduate Programme (PGP) dan alumni LSPR, pembagian level lebih tinggi tsb adalah sbb: The expert and managerial levels are specialized for Post Graduate Programme Students (PGP) and alumni of LSPR. The levels are:

1. Humas Ahli

Pada level ahli anda di haruskan mengambil level humas madya sebelum mendaftar pada level ini. Namun, jika anda memiliki curriculum vitae atau portfolio yang mendukung, anda dapat mendaftar untuk mengikuti level ini setelah mendapatkan approval dari LSP – LSPR.

2. Humas Managerial

Jika anda mempunyai pengalaman PR selama minimal 5 (lima) tahun sebagai PR Executive, anda diperbolehkan mengikuti level humas manajerial dengan menyertakan curriculum vitae dan portfolio anda dan menyerahkannya kepada LSP – LSPR. Anda akan melewati seleksi uji oleh dewan penguji.


1. Expert Public Relations

Before undertaking the expert level, you are required to take intermediary level. However, if you have a curriculum vitae or portfolio that supports study at expert level, you can sign up to follow this level after receiving approval from LSP - LSPR.

2. Managerial Public Relations)

If you have a minimum 5 (five) years working as a PR Executive, you will be allowed to advance your level to managerial level by submitting your curriculum vitae and portfolio to LSP – LSPR. They will be examined and should be approved by the examination board.


Perincian Sertifikasi Berdasarkan Konsentrasi Di Lingkungan Strata 1 Programme Details Based on Majoring for Bachelor Degree 1. Konsentrasi Public Relations - Major in Public Relations 1. Membuat Siaran Pers Creating Press Release 2. Menjalin Hubungan Dengan Media Forging ties with the media 3. Merancang Identitas Perusahaan / institusi Designing identity of organization / institution 4. Membuat Publikasi Internal Making an internal publication 5. Melaksanakan MC Being a Master of Ceremony 6. Membuat Perencanaan Program Kehumasan Planning a PR Programme

2. Konsentrasi Marketing - Major in Marketing 1. Melakukan presentasi Presenting a presentation 2. Menyelenggarakan pameran Conducting Exhibition 3. Menyeleksi proposal sponsorship Selecting sponsorship proposal 4. Melaksanakan ajang khusus (special event) Special Event 5. Memberikan sosialisai dan edukasi stakeholders Giving socialization and education for stakeholder 6. Membuat Kegiatan open house Conducting an open house

3. Konsentrasi International Relations - Major in International Relations 1. Melakukan lobby Lobbying 2. Melakukan komunikasi dengan kelompok tertentu Communicating with certain groups 3. Melakukan negosiasi Negotiating 4. Melaksanakan program kemanusiaan Conducting Humanitarian Programme 5. Melaksanakan fungsi juru bicara / spokesperson Exercise function of spokesperson 6. Melaksanakan tata kelola organisasi yang baik (good governance) Good Governance


4. Konsentrasi Mass Communications - Major in Mass Communications 1. Melakukan wawancara Doing An Interview 2. Melaksanakan master ceremony Being a Master of Ceremony 3. Memetakan media Mapping The Media 4. Membuat dokumentasi kegiatan Documenting Activities 5. Membuat opini untuk media massa Create Opinion for The Mass Media 6. Membuat publikasi eksternal Making an External Publication

5. Konsentrasi Digital Media & Advertising - Major in Digital Media & Advertising 1. Menyeleksi proposal sponsorship Selecting sponsorship proposal 2. Memetakan media Mapping the media 3. Melakukan presentasi Presenting a presentation 4. Menyusun data dan informasi strategis Composing strategic data and information 5. Membuat materi ringkasan (briefing material) Briefing material 6. Membuat opini untuk media massa Create opinion for the mass media

6. Konsentrasi Performing Arts Communication - Major in Performing Arts Communication 1. Melaksanakan master ceremony Being a Master of Ceremony 2. Melaksanakan ajang khusus (special event) Conducting a Special Event 3. Melaksanakan pendekatan human relations Approaching human relations 4. Melaksanakan fungsi moderator Being a moderator 5. Melaksanakan kegiatan internal gathering Conducting Internal Gathering 6. Menjalin hubungan dengan media Relationship with the media

Perincian Sertifikasi Berdasarkan Konsentrasi Di Lingkungan Strata 2 Programme Details Based on Majoring for Post Graduate Programme 1. Konsentrasi Corporate Communication - Major in Corporate Communication 1. Membuat opini untuk media massa Create Opinion for The Mass Media 2. Mengelola tim dan staff Managing team & staff 3. Melakukan komunikasi dalam situasi krisis Communicating during crisis 5

4. Menyelenggarakan cyber public relations Conducting cyber public relations 5. Menyusun anggaran laporan Arranging the reporting budget 6. Melakukan fungsi spokesperson Exercise function of spokesperson

2. Konsentrasi Marketing Communications - Major in Marketing Communications 1. Melaksanakan survey khalayak Implementing public survey 2. Menerapkan leadership Leadership 3. Melaksanakan Pendekatan Human Relations Approaching human relations 4. Melaksanakan investor relations Conducting investor relations 5. Membuat laporan tahunan Making annual report 6. Mengelola tim & staff Managing team and staff

3. Konsentrasi International Relations - Major in International Relations 1. Manajemen isu dan pendapat umum Issues and general polling management 2. Melakukan Komunikasi dalam situasi krisis Communicating during crisis 3. Mengelola tim & staff Managing team & staff 4. Melaksanakan koordinasi lintas fungsi dalam organisasi Executing function coordination traffic in an organization 5. Melakukan pidato Speech 6. Menerapkan kepemimpinan Leadership

Perincian Alternatif berdasarkan Unit Kompetensi Alternative Details based on Unit of competency Unit Kompetensi - Unit of Competency 1. Melaksanakan open house Conducting Open House 2. Melaksanakan kegiatan internal gathering Conducting Internal Gathering 3. Membuat siaran pers Creating Press Release 4. Melaksanakan Konferensi Pers Creating Press Conference 5. Melaksankan Media Tour Conducting Media Tour 6. Menjalin Hubungan dengan Media Forging Ties with The Media 7. Melaksanakan Master Ceremony Being a Master of Ceremony 6

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Melaksanakan fungsi moderator Being a Moderator Menyampaikan presentasi lisan dalam bahasa Inggris Delivering Presentation in English Melakukan pidato Delivering Speech Menyusun naskah pidato Arranging script for speech Melaksanakan fungsi juru bicara Being a spokesperson Membuat publikasi internal Creating internal publication Membuat publikasi eksternal Creating external publication Membuat Company Profile Making company profile Menyelenggarakan Pameran Conducting exhibition Menyelenggarakan Survey Public Relations Conducting public relations survey Melaksanakan Survey Khalayak Conducting polling Membuat tata laksana humas Creating public relations governance Mengelola bidang pekerjaan humas Managing the public relations job Melaksanakan evaluasi kegiatan humas Conducting the evaluation of PR activity Mengelola tim & staf Managing team & staff Monitor kinerja staf Monitoring staff appraisal

Perincian Sertifikasi Berdasarkan Cluster di Lingkungan Strata 1 Programme Details Based on Cluster for Bachelor Degree Cluster : Humas Muda - Cluster : Junior Public Relations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Membuat dan Mengakses Dokumen dikomputer Creating and accessing computer documents Merancang dan mengembangkan dokumen, laporan kerja dengan komputer Designing and developing documents, reporting of work using a computer Membuat kliping Making clippings Membuat Dokumentasi Kegiatan Documenting activities Melaksanakan kegiatan open house Conducting Open House Melaksanakan kegiatan internal gathering Conducting Internal Gathering


Cluster : Humas Madya - Cluster : Intermediary Public Relations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Merencanakan Penggunaan Teknologi Informasi Di bagian Humas Planning the use of information technology in the public relations section Menulis dalam bahasa inggris Writing in English Menyelenggarakan kompetisi Conducting a competition Melaksanakan aktivitas protokoler Conducting a protocol activity Menyeleksi Proposal Sponsorship Selecting sponsorship proposal Melaksanakan Ajang Khusus Special event Melaksanakan Kegiatan Seminar, Konferensi, dan Lokakarya Conducting seminar, conference, and workshop activities Membuat Materi Ringkasan Conducting briefing material Memetakan Media Mapping the media Monitoring Media Media monitoring Membuat Siaran Pers Creating press release Melaksanakan Konferensi Pers Conducting press conference Melaksanakan Media Tour Conducting media tour Menjalin Hubungan Dengan Media Forging ties with the media Melaksanakan Program Darurat Executing emergency programme Membuat Laporan Program Kehumasan PR programme report Melaksanakan Master of Ceremony Being a master of ceremony Melaksanakan Peran Moderator Being moderator

Note: 1. Bisa diambil per unit kompetensi secara bertahap, setiap kompetensi mendapatkan sertifikat The certification can be taken per-unit of competence with each unit receiving a certificate of competence. 2. Apabila telah memenuhi 6 Unit Kompetensi berhak mendapatkan Sertifikat Profesi Humas Muda If the six units of competence are fulfilled, a professional certificate of Junior Public Relations will be awarded. 3. Apabila telah memenuhi 18 Unit Kompetensi berhak mendapatkan Sertifikat Profesi Humas Madya If the 18 units of competence are fulfilled, a professional certificate of Intermediary Public Relations will be awarded.


Perincian Sertifikasi Berdasarkan Cluster di Lingkungan Strata 2 Programme Details Based on Cluster for Postgraduate Programme Cluster : Humas Ahli - Cluster : Expert Public Relations 1. Menyampaikan Presentasi Lisan Dalam Bahasa Inggris Delivering a presentation in English 2. Merencanakan Penggunaan Teknologi Informasi di Bagian Humas Planning the use of information technology in the public relations section 3. Melaksanakan Koordinasi Lintas Fungsi Dalam Organisasi Executing function coordination traffic in an organization 4. Membuat Proposal Program/Kegiatan kehumasan Making proposal / PR activity 5. Membuat Perencanaan Program Kehumasan Planning a PR programme 6. Melakukan Presentasi Presenting a presentation 7. Melakukan Pidato Speech 8. Menyusun Naskah Pidato Preparing script for a speech 9. Melakukan Wawancara Doing an interview 10. Membuat Publikasi Internal Making an internal publication 11. Membuat Publikasi External Making an external publication 12. Menyusun Data dan Informasi Strategis Composing strategic data and information 13. Membuat Company Profile Making a company profile 14. Melaksanakan Fungsi Juru Bicara/spokesperson Exercise function of spokesperson 15. Mengikuti Pameran Joining exhibitions 16. Merancang Identitas Organisasi/ Institusi Designing identity of organization / institution 17. Membuat Laporan Tahunan Making annual report 18. Melaksanakan Program Kemanusiaan Conducting humanitarian programme 19. Merancang Evaluasi Program Kehumasan Designing the programme evaluation for humanitarian programme 20. Melaksanakan Pendekatan human relations Approaching human relations 21. Memberikan Konseling Counselling 22. Melakukan Lobby Lobbying 23. Melakukan Negosiasi Negotiating 24. Melakukan Komunikasi Dengan Kelompok Tertentu Communicating with certain groups 25. Memberikan Sosialisai dan Edukasi Stakeholder Giving socialization and education for stakeholder


26. Melaksanakan Community Relations Conducting community relations 27. Melaksanakan Investor Relations Conducting investor relations 28. Melakukan komunikasi Dalam Situasi Krisis Communicating during crisis 29. Mengelola Isu Negatif Managing negative issues 30. Membuat Opini Untuk Media Massa Creating opinion for the mass media 31. Manajemen Isu dan Pendapat Umum Issues and general polling management 32. Menyelenggarakan Pameran Conducting exhibition 33. Menyelenggarakan Cyber Public Relations Conducting cyber public relations 34. Merencanakan dan Melaksanakan Rapat Planning and conducting a meeting 35. Menyusun anggaran Laporan Arranging the reporting budget

Cluster : Humas Managerial - Cluster : Managerial Public Relations 1. Menerapkan Kepemimpinan (leadership) Leadership 2. Melaksanakan Prinsip-prinsip Tata Kelola Organisasi yang baik Good Governance 3. Melaksanakan survey khlayak Implementing public survey 4. Melaksanakan Focused Group Discussion (FGD) Conducting Focused Group Discussion (FGD) 5. Melaksanakan Penelitian Keterbacaan (Readability) Conducting readability survey 6. Melaksanakan Pengumpulan Pendapat Umum (Polling) Conducting Polling as General 7. Melaksanakan Analisis Isi / Pesan (Kontent Analisis) Conducting content analysis 8. Membuat Mekanisme Tata Laksana Humas Making a mechanism for administration 9. Mengelola bidang Pekerjaan Kehumasan Managing Public Relations Dept. 10. Melaksanakan Evaluasi Kegiatan Humas Evaluating exercise of public relations activities 11. Mengelola Tim dan Staf Managing team and staff 12. Memonitor Kinerja Staf Monitoring staff performance Note: 1. Bagi yang telah lulus pada ujian sertifikasi profesi Humas Ahli akan mendapat tambahan gelar “EPR” pada belakang namanya. Those who pass the assessment as PR Expert will be given “EPR” title to be put after their last name 2. Bagi yang telah lulus pada ujian sertifikasi profesi Humas manajerial akan mendapat tambahan gelar “MPR” pada belakang namanya. Those who pass the assessment as PR Managerial will be given “MPR” title to be put on their last name 10

Metode Ujian - Method of Assessment a.

Pra Assesment: Pendaftaran dan penyerahan dokumen Pre-assessment: Registration and submission of documents


Bimbingan Teknis Workshop Berdasarkan Cluster / Based in Cluster


Cluster Humas Muda Cluster for Junior PR

Cluster Humas Madya Cluster for Intermediary PR

Cluster Humas Ahli Cluster for Expert PR

Cluster Humas Managerial Cluster for Managerial PR

1. Tugas Praktik / Practice 2. Wawancara / Interview

1. Tugas Praktik / Practice 2. Wawancara / Interview

1. Portopoilio / Port folio 2. Wawancara / Interview

1. Portopolio / Port folio 2. Wawancara / Interview

Waktu Bimbingan Teknis (Duration for Workshop) 3 hari,@ 3 jam / hari 3 days, @ 3 hours / day

4 hari, @ 3 jam / hari 4 days, @3 hours/day

4 hari, @ 3 jam / hari 4 days, @3 hours/day

3 hari, @ 3 jam / hari 3 days, @3 hours/day

2. Berdasarkan Unit Kompetensi / based on unit of competency 1. Portopolio / Port folio 2. Tugas Praktik / Practice 3. Wawancara / Interview * Waktu Bimbingan Teknis (Duration for Workshop) 1 hari, @ 3 jam c. Ujian Assessment Cluster Humas Muda Cluster for Junior PR

Cluster Humas Madya Cluster for Intermediary PR

Cluster Humas Ahli Cluster for Expert PR

Cluster Humas Managerial Cluster for Managerial PR

Berdasarkan Unit Based on Unit

3 jam (3 hours)

5 jam (5 hours)

5 jam (5 hours)

3 jam (3 hours)

2 jam (2 hours)

d. Inagurasi Inauguration

Investasi - Investment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Humas Muda (Junior Public Relations) Humas Madya (Intermediary Public Relations) Humas Ahli (Expert Public Relations) Humas Managerial (Managerial Public Relations) Per Unit Kompetensi (per unit of Competency)

Rp. 3.500.000,Rp. 6.000.000,Rp. 5.000.000,Rp. 7.500.000,Rp. 800.000,-


Tahapan Sertifikasi Profesi - The Stage of Professional Certification

Pendaftaran & Pembayaran Registration and Payment Mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran Fill in application form (APL – 01 & APL – 02) Bimbingan Teknis Workshop Ujian Assessment Inagurasi Inauguration


Contoh Sertifikat - Sample of Certificates 1. Contoh Sertifikat untuk Kategori Cluster - Sample of Certificate for Cluster Category

2. Contoh Sertifikat untuk Kategori Unit Kompetensi - Sample of Certificate for Unit of Competency


Struktur Organisasi LSP - LSPR Organizational Structure of LSP - LSPR Advisory Board

: Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR

Director Kualifikasi : 1. Instruktur Muda 2. Asesor Lisensi 3. Asesor Kompetensi 4. Auditor

: Dr. Andre Ikhsano, M.Si

Deputy Director I & Bidang Management Mutu Kualifikasi : 1. Instruktur Muda 2. Asesor Lisensi 3. Lulus pelatihan Verifikasi TUK 4. Auditor

: Melvin Hendriks, S.E

Deputy Director II & Bidang Sertifikasi Kualifikasi : 1. Instruktus Muda 2. Asesor Lisensi 3. Auditor

: Deddy Irwandy, M.Si

General Secretary Kualifikasi : 1. Instruktur Muda 2. Asesor Lisensi 3. Lulus pelatihan Verifikasi TUK

: Vanny Adriani, M.Si

Bidang Keuangan

: 1. Rini Candra, SE, Akt.MM 2. Irfan Dedi, S.E

Kualifikasi : 1. Asesor Lisensi 2. Auditor Bidang Standarisasi Kualifikasi : 1. Instruktur Muda 2. Asesor Lisensi 3. Asesor Kompetensi 4. Auditor


: Rani Chandra Oktaviani, S.Si

Daftar Asesor Kompetensi - List of Assessors for Competency

Adi Pratama Susilo, M.Si MET.000.000666 2013

Agnes Amelia, M.Si MET.000.000663 2013

Alexander Mamby Aruan, M.Si MET.000.000691 2013

Angeline Liangie Mandasari, M.Si MET.000.000671 2013

Bernida Nathania Goin, M.Si MET.000.000692 2013

Daniari Setiawati, M.Si MET.000.000687 2013

Dendy Muris, M.Si MET.000.000664 2013

Dewi Rachmawati, M.Si MET.000.000689 2013

Dr. Andre Iksano, M.Si MET.000.000688 2013

Dr. Felix Jebarus, M.Si MET.000.000678 2013

Dr. Rino F. Boer, MM MET.000.000677 2013

Elke Alexandrina, M.Sc MET.000.000683 2013

Febria Wulandari,S.Si MET.000.000667 2013

Fiona Suwana,M.Si MET.000.000672 2013

Ida Bayuni, MM MET.000.000668 2013

Ilona Paramita G. Daluas, M.Si MET.000.001120 2013

Imanuel E. Hutagalung, M.Sc MET.000.001119 2013

Janette M. Pinariya, M.Si MET.000.001118 2013

Job Aser Tomasoa, S.Si MET.000.000670 2013

Kamal, S.Sos, MM, IAPR MET.000.000684 2013

Mahdi Alraniry, M.Si MET.000.000673 2013

Mary Lemona, M.Si MET.000.000690 2013

Mikhael Yulius Cobis, M.Si MET.000.000674 2013

Nana Labana, S.I.Kom MET.000.000676 2013


Daftar Asesor Kompetensi - List of Assessors for Competency


Novrita Widiyastuti, S.Sos MET.000.000673 2013

Ramona Tirta Kurniawan, M.Si MET.000.000680 2013

Rani Chandra Oktaviani, S.Si MET.000.001826 2013

Rizka Septiana, M.Si MET.000.000686 2013

Sophia Bernadette, SE MET.000.000675 2013

Sweeta Melanie, SE MET.000.000681 2013

Sylvia Ronnfeld, M.Si MET.000.000665 2013

Taufan Teguh Akbari, M.Si MET.000.001221 2013

Yovi Bathesta, M.Pd MET.000.000682 2013

Yunita Permatasari, M.Si MET.000.000669 2013

Pertanyaan & Jawaban - Questions & Answers Q : Bagaimana tahapan pendaftaran sertifikasi kompetensi? What is the certification process? A : Setelah melakukan pembayaran dan pendaftaran, tahap berikut nya yaitu mendapatkan workshop dan melakukan ujian. After registration, the next steps are training and assessment. Q : Data apa saja yang diperlukan untuk sertifikasi kompetensi? What data is needed for the certification? A : Data yang diperlukan adalah portfolio, dokumen pendukung, dan foto, dll. You will need to have portfolio, clippings, supporting documents and photos, etc. Q : Apakah manfaat dari sertifikasi ini? What are the benefits of this certification? A : Anda akan menjadi salah satu PR Profesional bersertifikasi pertama di Indonesia yang membuat anda lebih kompetitif di dunia kerja. You will be among the first certified PR Profesional in Indonesia, which make you more competitive in your future career. Q : Bagaimana jika saya hanya ingin mendaftar untuk satu unit kompetensi? What if I only wanted to apply for 1 (one) unit certification? A : Bisa, anda bisa memilih unit kompetensi alternative yang telah ditawarkan oleh LSP - LSPR. It’s possible, you may choose from the alternative units of competence that are offered by LSP - LSPR. Q : Apakah manfaat dari sertifikasi ini untuk mahasiswa diluar konsentrasi Public Relations? What are the benefits of this certification for non-Public Relations students? A : Anda akan mendapatkan sertifikat berdasarkan unit kompetensi yang berhubungan dengan bidang pekerjaan. You will gain certification of unit competency which is related with your future career. Q : Bagaimana jika saya tidak lulus dalam ujian? What if I fail during the assessment? A : Anda bisa mengajukan proses banding, atau anda harus melakukan assessment kembali. You may lodge an appeal through the appeal process, and you will have to retake the assessment.



Sekretariat Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi – LSPR Sudirman Park Campus Jl. KH Mas Mansyur Kav 35 Jakarta Pusat 10220 Phone : 021 5794 3801 Fax : 021 5794 7462 Hotline : 0815 1021 0120 Email : Website :

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