LSPR Students Handbook

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Student Handbook

Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR Director

Pesan dari Direktur Selamat Datang di Milenium Baru dan di dalam dunia komunikasi yang luas. Di seluruh dunia, disiplin Komunikasi telah mengalami pertumbuhan pesat dengan pendekatan milenium baru. Dengan kemajuan dalam teknologi komunikasi dan ragam media, Studi Komunikasi semakin memiliki peranan yang penting, khususnya di kalangan generasi muda. Para ahli telah mengangkat lebih banyak pertanyaan dan menghasilkan lebih banyak pengamatan mengenai keadaan sehari-hari yang berhubungan dengan Komunikasi, sehingga menghasilkan banyak teori baru.

Message from Director Welcome to the New Millennium and to Wide World of Communication. Worldwide, the discipline of Communication has experienced rapid growth with the approach to the new millennium. With advancements in communication technologies and the ubiquitous nature of the media, there has been greater interest in the study of Communication. Scholars have raised more questions and generated more observations regarding everyday and policy concerns in Communication – resulting in the flux of theories and researches produced within the discipline. In addition, today’s students, whose lives have revolved around the electronic media, have decided to embark in careers in Communication – the opportunities of which being tremendous. As a result, educational institutions and the number of degrees in Communication have been expanding. The International Communication Association (ICA) already has 18 divisions and interest groups including Public Relations, Journalism and Mass Communication.

Mahasiswa saat ini juga, yang hidupnya banyak dipengaruhi dengan media elektronik, telah banyak yang memutuskan untuk memulai karir dalam dunia Komunikasi karena peluang yang terbuka menjadi semakin banyak dan menjanjikan. Akibatnya, lembaga pendidikan dan jumlah jurusan dalam Komunikasi semakin luas. Asosiasi Komunikasi Internasional (ICA) telah memiliki 18 divisi dan kelompok peminatan termasuk Hubungan Masyarakat, Jurnalistik dan Komunikasi Massa. Di Indonesia, kebutuhan akan sarjana Komunikasi semakin banyak. Jatuhnya Orde Baru pada tahun 1998 telah mendorong proses demokratisasi di negeri ini. Secara ekonomi, Krisis Asia menggambarkan kerentanan pasar lokal terhadap tekanan asing. Sekarang ini kebutuhan investasi asing dan pembangunan infrastruktur semakin terbuka untuk globalisasi. Tsunami pada Desember 2004 dan kecelakaan alam yang lain menggambarkan pentingnya komunikasi krisis. Sesungguhnya, negara ini membutuhkan orangorang komunikasi yang lebih efektif dan efisien untuk mengatasi lanskap sosial politik baru.


Student Handbook

In Indonesia , the need for a degree in Communication is more pronounced than ever. The fall of the New Order in 1998 has spurred a process of democratization in the country. Economically, the Asian Crisis illustrated the susceptibility of the local market to foreign pressures. The need for new foreign investments and for greater infrastructure development presents the case for globalization. The December 2004 tsunami and other recent natural mishaps illustrate the importance of crisis communication. Truly, the country needs more effective and efficient communication people to cope with the new sociopolitical landscape. So, we welcome you to London School of Public Relations – Jakarta . For the next 8 semesters at the Undergraduate Programme for BA in Communication Studies and 3 semesters at the Postgraduate Programme for MA in Communication Management, you will learn what it is to become an excellent Communication practitioner – whether in Marketing, Public Relations, Mass Communication, Journalism or Advertising. And to assist you in your academic training, we offer you this handbook – complete with its policies, procedures and guidelines. We hope that you will have a pleasant stay with us – learning and at the same time having fun.

Oleh karena itu, kami sangat senang menyambut Anda di London School of Public Relations - Jakarta. Selama 8 semester berikutnya di Program Sarjana untuk Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi dan 3 semester di Program Pascasarjana untuk Magister Manajemen Komunikasi, Anda akan belajar bagaimana menjadi seorang praktisi Komunikasi yang profesional, baik dalam Pemasaran, Hubungan Masyarakat, Komunikasi Massa, Jurnalisme, atau Advertising. Untuk membantu Anda selama masa studi Anda di LSPR, kami menyediakan Buku Panduan LSPR, lengkap dengan kebijakan, prosedur, dan pedoman, yang akan memberikan informasi yang Anda butuhkan mengenai peraturan di LSPR. Kami berharap agar Anda akan mendapatkan kesan yang menyenangkan selama belajar di LSPR. Adalah sebuah kebanggan bagi kami untuk menyambut Anda sebagai bagian dari keluarga besar LSPR, dan terima kasih atas kepercayaan Anda kepada London School of Public Relations Jakarta. Prita Kemal Gani , MBA , MCIPR , APR Direktur

It is a pleasure to have you, and thank you for your interest with The London School of Public Relations – Jakarta.


Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR Director

Student Handbook

Imanuel Hutagalung M.Sc Deputy Director III

Pesan dari Wakil Direktur III Mahasiswa yang terhormat , Ini adalah kehormatan bagi saya untuk menyambut Anda ke semester baru di LSPR ! Sebagai keluarga LSPR , Anda akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari dosen, manajemen, dan staff yang berdedikasi untuk memberikan pengalaman akademik dan non-akademik yang komprehensif. Lingkungan intelektual yang menantang dan mendukung akan membantu dalam pertumbuha Anda sebagai seorang mahasiswa.

Message from Deputy Director III – STUDENT AFFAIRS Dear Students, It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the new semester at LSPR! As a family of LSPR, you will benefit from a faculty and staff dedicated to providing a comprehensive academic and non-academic experience. The intellectually challenging and supportive environment will assist in nurturing you as a student. As a student at LSPR, you possess a valuable opportunity to gain knowledge and skills that will ensure success in college and throughout your life. You will learn how to explore new ideas and express yourself creatively to achieve your personal and educational goals. Your involvement in the classroom, in student organizations, and at campus events will ensure your experiences at LSPR are rewarding.

Sebagai mahasiswa di LSPR, Anda memiliki kesempatan berharga untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang akan menjadi bekal untuk kesuksesan di LSPR dan disepanjang hidup Anda. Anda akan belajar untuk mengeksplorasi ide-ide baru dan mengekspresikan diri secara kreatif untuk mencapai tujuan pribadi dan pendidikan Anda. Keterlibatan Anda di kelas, di organisasi mahasiswa, dan di acara-acara kampus akan memberikan pengalaman yang menguntungkan.


Student Handbook

This Student Handbook is designed to give you the tools for an enriching education. It provides information on campus rules and regulations, as well as the expectations of LSPR of you as a member of this community. Please use it to help guide your successful path here at LSPR.

Saya mendorong Anda untuk mengambil bagian dalam prestasi LSPR. Jadilah proaktif tentang peluang di depan Anda. Minta arahan dan bantuan dari para dosen, manajemen, dan staf untuk membantu Anda untuk terus tumbuh dan berkembang sebagai mahasiswa. Demikian juga, Anda harus tetap mengingat tanggung jawab Anda untuk menjangkau dan membantu orang lain. Buku Panduan Mahasiswa ini dirancang untuk memberikan Anda informasi yang Anda butuhkan selama kuliah. Gunakanlah untuk membantu memandu jalan sukses Anda di LSPR .

Best wishes for an enjoyable year.

Semoga tahun Anda yang menyenangkan.

Imanuel Hutagalung M.Sc Deputy Director III

Imanuel Hutagalung M.Sc Wakil Direktur III


I encourage you to take pride in LSPR, and in the work you do. Be proactive regarding opportunities in front of you. Seek assistance from faculty and staff to help you continue to grow and develop as student. Likewise, remember your responsibility to reach out and assist others.

Student Handbook

Alma Mater Hymne (LSPR song)

Years that past through time
 We’re still one of the best
 Where aducation and friendship are the soul Remaining strong for just every one of us
 We always try to be better at LSPR

 All for one at LSPR
All for one at LSPR

 Remaining strong for just everyone of us
 We always try to be better at LSPR
All for one at LSPR
All for one at LSPR
All for one at LSPR


The London School of Public Relations

Student Handbook



LSPR VISION: To be the role model in Communication Studies application and development in Indonesia as recognized internationally.

LSPR VISION: Menjadi panutan dalam penerapan and pengembangan Ilmu Komunikasi di Indonesia dan diakui secara International.

LSPR MISSION: 1. To prepare ready-to-work graduates with competencies and skills to excel in international environments.

LSPR MISSION: 1. Mempersiapkan lulusan yang siap bekerja dengan kompetensi dan keterampilan yang unggul dalam lingkungan internasional.

2. To create education and learning based on cutting edge technology and knowledge in communication studies.

2. Menyediakan sistem pengajaran yang terbaik dengan menggabungkan applikasi dan teori ilmu komunikasi.

3. To provide the best educational quality system supported with specified expertise in communication studies.

3. Menyediakan sistem pengajaran yang terbaik dengan menggabungkan applikasi dan teori ilmu komunikasi.

4. To provide a venue for research in the development of communication studies with community based outcomes.

4. Memberikan sumbangsi kepada masyarakat melalui hasil penelitian guna pengembangan ilmu komunikasi.

5. To establish and maintain collaborations with local and international institutions.

5. Menjalin kerja sama dengan institusi, baik dalam maupun luar negeri.

6. To actively take part in the enormous challenge in the community development and to be an important contributor to the society as a whole.

6. Berperan aktif dalam membantu pengembangan masyarakat melalui kegiatan pengabdian sebagai bentuk kesadaran institusi.


Student Handbook


OBJECTIVES • To develop student’s soft skills. • To practice the knowledge outside the class. • To fulfill the Non Academic Points.

TUJUAN • Mengembangkan soft skill mahasiswa • Untuk mempraktekkan pengetahuan di luar kelas • Untuk memenuhi Poin Non Academic.

THE LSPR CLUBS: 1. LSPR Choir 2. LSPR Teatro 3. LSPR Dance 4. LSPR Martial Arts 5. LSPR Band 6. LSPR Marching Band 7. LSPR Modelling 8. LSPR English Club 9. LSPR Public Speaking 10. LSPR Entrepreneurs Club 11. LSPR Research Center Club 12. LSPR Advertising Society 13. LSPR Climate Change Champions Club (4C) 14. LSPR Photography Club 15. LSPR Basketball Club 16. LSPR Futsal 17. LSPR Hockey 18. LSPR Cares 19. Federation of Moslem Students 20. London School Prayer Group 21. Komunitas Mahasiwa Buddhist

KLUB LSPR: 1. LSPR Choir 2. LSPR Teatro 3. LSPR Dance 4. LSPR Martial Arts 5. LSPR Band 6. LSPR Marching Band 7. LSPR Modelling 8. LSPR English Club 9. LSPR Public Speaking 10. LSPR Entrepreneurs Club 11. LSPR Research Center Club 12. LSPR Advertising Society 13. LSPR Climate Change Champions Club (4C) 14. LSPR Photography Club 15. LSPR Basketball Club 16. LSPR Futsal 17. LSPR Hockey 18. LSPR Cares 19. Federation of Moslem Students 20. London School Prayer Group 21. Komunitas Mahasiwa Buddhist

For more info :

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi:

Vicky Sihombing : Ilona Paramita Deputy Director III Office: Campus C, 1st Floor

Vicky Sihombing : Ilona Paramita : Deputy Director III Office: Campus C, 1st Floor



Student Handbook

The Academic Regulations and Conditions A.

Principles and Sources

• The Regulations used by LSPR-Jakarta are based on: • Indonesian Government Regulations No. 20 Tahun 2003 regarding the National Education System • The Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture Degree no. 232/U/2000 • The Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture Degree no. 184/U/2001 • The Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture Degree no. 045/U/2002 • Government Regulation No. 60 tahun 1999 B.

Student Status

Based on their status, students are classified as: • The ACTIVE (continuing) Student. The continuing student has fulfilled all administrative requirements and has the right to follow academic activities. • The Student on academic leave. The student on academic leave is officially exempted from obligations to follow academic activities during a given semester. • The Student on academic sanction. One is being sanctioned academically due to violation of the school regulations and is thus forbidden from following academic activities during a given period. • The Reinstated Student. Reinstatement is readmission of students who have been on academic leave and want to rejoin the same study programme / concentration. C.

Academic Leave

• After Semester 2 • Maximum of 2 semesters of leave. • Done before the semester begin • Pay the Academic Leave to accounting • Complete an Academic Leave form Reinstatement • Reinstatement after the leave is over • Done before the semester begin • Complete a Reinstatement Form Resignation • Filling a resignation during KRS • Submit an explanation letter

Regulasi dan Kondisi Akademik A.

Prinsip dan Sumber

• Peraturan yang digunakan oleh LSPR – JAKARTA berdasarkan pada: • Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional • Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia no. 232/U/2000 • Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia no. 184/U/2001 • Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia no. 045/U/2002 • Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 60 Tahun 1999 B.

Status Mahasiswa/i

Berdasarkan status mereka, mahasiswa/i diklasifikasikan sebagai: • Mahasiswa/i AKTIF (lanjutan). Mahasiswa/i lanjutan telah memenuhi semua persyaratan administrasi dan berhak mengikuti kegiatan akademik. • Mahasiswa/i cuti akademik. Mahasiswa/i cuti akademik secara resmi dibebaskan dari kewajiban untuk mengikuti kegiatan akademik selama semester/waktu yang diberikan. • Mahasiswa/i mendapat sanksi akademik. Mahasiswa/i yang sedang dikenakan sanksi akademis akibat melanggar peraturan sekolah maka dengan demikian dilarang mengikuti kegiatan akademik selama periode tertentu. • Mahasiswa/i yang AKTIF Kembali. Pengaktifan/ Reinstatement adalah pendaftaran kembali mahasiswa yang telah cuti akademik dan ingin kembali mengikuti program studi / konsentrasi yang sama. C.

Cuti Akademik

• Setelah Semester 2 • Maksimum cuti 2 semester • Pengajuan cuti diselesaikan sebelum semester berjalan • Membayar biaya cuti akademik ke accounting • Mengisi fomulir cuti Academik Aktif Kembali • Pengaktifan dilakuan setelah masa cuti akademik berakhir • Diselesaikan sebelum semester berjalan • Mengisi formulir Pengaktifan/ Reinstatement ‘


Pengunduran Diri • Mengisi formulir pengunduran diri saat KRS • Mengirimkan surat alasan pengunduran diri

Student Handbook


Mentorship consists of consultative activities between students and their academic counselors, which occur from time to time during the semester, so that the student can complete studies in an optimal way. The academic counsellor is a lecturer who has at least two years teaching experience, is appointed by the Director, and is given the responsibility to guide and counsel a class or group of students so they can complete their studies in an optimal way, including: • Checking the study programme that has been completed. • Filling out the Study Plan registration forms (KRS). • Guiding, monitoring and motivating. E.


1. Semester Test Mid test & Final test Semesters are taken in the mid semester and at the end of semester. The Mid Semester test is given after completing several discussion topics. While the Final Examinations are executed after lecturers’ material have been given for the entire semester. These examinations are scheduled according to the academic calendar that will be announced to the students. 2. Thesis Defense & Project • This oral test is one final requirement after completing 139 units of academic study. • A minimum GPA of 2.00 to be eligible to write the Thesis/Non-Thesis. • The test is based on Thesis/Non-Thesis, decided by the Faculty. • The comprehensive test is executed in a comfortable examination rooms that has been especially prepared. • It is conducted with a minimum one hour and a maximum of two hours. 3. International Examinations on 3 subjects: Students must take International Examinations from the following examinations bodies: • London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations Board (LCCIEB) • City and Guilds of London Institute • University of Cambridge International Examinations • Northumbria University, UK • Curtin University, Australia • The Hague University, Netherlands



Bimbingan terdiri dari kegiatan konsultasi antara mahasiswa dan penasehat akademis, yang dilakukan dari waktu ke waktu selama semester berjalan, sehingga mahasiswa dapat menyelesaikan studi secara optimal. Academic Counselor adalah dosen yang memiliki setidaknya dua tahun pengalaman mengajar, ditunjuk oleh Direktur, dan diberi tanggung jawab untuk membimbing dan memberi nasihat dikelas atau kelompok mahasiswa/i sehingga mereka dapat menyelesaikan studi mereka secara optimal, termasuk: • Memeriksa program studi yang telah selesai. • Mengisi formulir Kartu Rencana Studi (KRS). • Membimbing, mengawasi dan memotivasi. E.


1. Ujian semester • Ujian Tengah dan Akhir • Ujian dilakukan pada pertengahan dan akhir semester. Ujian tengah semester • Diberikan setelah menyelesaikan beberapa topik diskusi. • Sementara Ujian Akhir semester dijalankan setelah materi dosen telah diberikan untuk seluruh semester. • Ujian ini dijadwalkan sesuai dengan kalender akademik yang akan diumumkan kepada siswa. 2. Thesis Defense & Project • Ujian lisan ini merupakan salah satu persyaratan akhir setelah menyelesaikan 139 sks studi akademis. • Batas minimum IPK untuk menulis Skripsi adalah 2.00. • Tes ini didasarkan pada Tesis / Non-Thesis, diputuskan oleh Fakultas. • Tes komprehensif dilakukan dalam ruangan nyaman yang telah disediakan secara khusus. • Ujian ini dilakukan selama minimal satu jam dan maksimal dua jam. 3. Ujian International untuk 3 mata kuliah: Mahasiswa/I harus mengikuti ujian International dari lembaga dibawah ini : • London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations Board (LCCIEB) • City and Guilds of London Institute • University of Cambridge International Examinations • Northumbria University, UK • Curtin University, Australia • The Hague University, Netherlands



Student Handbook




Syarat Mengikuti Ujian

Final Exam Requirements a. An attendance of 90% for every subject to enable students to take part in examinations. b. To sit for exams, a student has to show a Study Card. c. Have settled all Financial obligations for the ongoing semester. d. To seek clearance from the Library for outstanding borrowed books.

Persyaratan Ujian Akhir a. 90% kehadiran dalam setiap mata kuliah bagi mahasiswa/i untuk dapat ikut ujian. b. Untuk mengikuti ujian mahasiswa/i harus menunjukkan Kartu Studi. c. Sudah menyelesaikan administrasi (Finance) pada semester berjalan. d. Tidak ada terkait pengembalian peminjaman buku di perpustakaan.

Test Execution a. All faculties/academic staff has the obligations and are fully responsible for the execution of the test. b. The comprehensive test committee consists of the examination team.

Pelaksanaan Ujian a. Semua staf fakultas / akademik memiliki kewajiban dan bertanggung jawab penuh atas pelaksanaan tes. b. Panitia tes komprehensif terdiri dari tim penguji.



• Test takers have to be present in the test room 10 minutes before the test begins. • The takers who come late (not more than 30 minutes), maybe allowed to test the test without extending the time of test. • Test taker who are in the test room cannot withdraw from the test after distribution of the test materials. • Test takers are only allowed to bring equipment/ materials approved by the test committee. • Test taker who violate the test rule will be subject to academic sanctions. • The rules for the comprehensive test/ final assignment will be decided by the examination team in the faculty. • The faculty can make additional regulations regarding test rules as long as they are not contrary to the general rules. • CHEATING, STUDENTS COUGHT CHEATING in any exams will be disqualified from taking the exam. Automatically, he/she will be given an E (failure) mark for that exam. This however, does not affect his/her marks in his/her attendance and course works.


Peraturan Ujian

• Peserta ujian harus hadir di ruangan ujian minimal 10 menit sebelum ujian dimulai. • Peserta ujian yang datang terlambat (tidak lebih dari 30 menit), mungkin diperbolehkan untuk menguji tes tanpa memperoleh perpanjangan waktu. • Peserta ujian yang berada di ruang ujian tidak dapat mengundurkan diri dari ujian setelah bahan ujian telah dibagikan. • Peserta ujian hanya diperbolehkan untuk membawa peralatan / bahan yang disetujui oleh panitia ujian. • Peserta ujian yang melanggar aturan ujian akan dikenakan sanksi akademik. • Peraturan untuk ujian komprehensif / tugas akhir akan diputuskan oleh tim penguji di fakultas. • Fakultas dapat membuat peraturan tambahan mengenai aturan ujian selama tidak bertentangan dengan aturan umum. • MENCONTEK, MAHASISWA TERTANGKAP MENCONTEK dalam setiap ujian akan didiskualifikasi dari ujian. Secara otomatis, dia akan diberikan nilai E (gagal) untuk ujian itu. Namun ini, tidak mempengaruhi nilai kehadiran dan tugastugas kuliah.


Student Handbook


GRADING AND GPA (Grade Point Average)

Grade Components



Komponen Penilaian

Students Grade Point Average is organized into the following categories: GPA (IPK) 0.00-1.99 GPA (IPK) 2.00-2.49 GPA (IPK) 2.50-2.99 GPA (IPK) 3.00-3.49 GPA (IPK) 3.50-4.00


Kategori IPK GPA (IPK) 0.00-1.99 GPA (IPK) 2.00-2.49 GPA (IPK) 2.50-2.99 GPA (IPK) 3.00-3.49 GPA (IPK) 3.50-4.00




Conversion Value


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


4 2 0 3 4 3 2 3 3 4

8 4 0 6 8 6 4 6 6 8

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Conversion Value K*N GPA = 56/20 = 2.8

20 56

Subject Credit


Conversion Value


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


4 2 0 3 4 3 2 3 3 4

8 4 0 6 8 6 4 6 6 8

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Conversion Value K*N

20 56

GPA = 56/20 = 2.8



Student Handbook

FAILED SUBJECTS Cross Enrollment, Remedial and Short Semester Conditions

CROSS ENROLLMENT • Repeating the subject in the regular semester • Did not pass the subjects, D, E grade • Will be charged for cross enrollment for the second times as much Rp. 400.000,• Can obtain A grade • One time meeting: 1,5 hours • Maximum SKS: 24 SKS


SHORT SEMESTER • Repeating the • Repeating the subject in the subject in the current current semester break semester break • Repeating • Repeating because of because of D or absent or D, E E grade grade • Cost per • Cost per class Rp. class Rp. 900.000, 500.000,• The subject is determined by the LSPR • Class period: 2 weeks • One time meetings : 2 hours • Maximum Grade: B

• The subject is determined by the LSPR • Class period: 1 week • One time meeting: 2 hours • Maximum Grade: B

MATA KULIAH GAGAL Kondisi Cross Enrollment, Remedial and Short Semester

MATA KULIAH MENGULANG • Mengulang subject di semester reguler • Karena mata kuliah tidak lulus, nilai D, E • Akan dikenakan biaya untuk cross enrollment yang kedua kali sebanyak Rp. 400.000,• Bisa mendapat nilai A • Satu kali pertemuan 1,5 jam • Batas maksimum sks: 24 sks

REMEDIAL • Mengulang subject di saat liburan semester • Mengulang karena absen yang banyak atau nilai D, E • Biaya per kelas Rp. 900.000,-

SEMESTER PENDEK • Mengulang subject di saat liburan semester • Mengulang karena nilai D atau E • Biaya per kelas Rp. 500.000,-

• Mata kuliah • Mata kuliah ditentukan oleh ditentukan oleh LSPR LSPR • Kelas berlangsung selama 2 minggu • Satu kali pertemuan : 2 jam • Nilai maksimum: B

• Kelas berlangsung selama 1 minggu • Satu kali pertemuan : 2 jam • Nilai maksimum: B


Student Handbook




Bagian 1 Pernyataan Kebijakan tentang Tanggung Jawab dan Hak Mahasiswa

LSPR - JAKARTA, being a premiere tertiary communication educational institution, is committed to the advancement of learning and holistic development of its students. While the School recognises individual experience and aspirations, students, on the other hand, must be committed to learn and are expected to act in ways that are just, humane and ethical. 1.2

Student Responsibility

1.2.1 It is a student’s responsibility to: a) Develop their potential to the fullest so that they may be of responsible service to their families and to society. b) Strive for academic excellence and moral integrity, and adhere to the rules and regulations governing their academic and moral responsibilities. c) Promote peaceful, harmonious relationships with all members of the academic community and help maintain order and cleanliness in the campus. d) Participate actively and responsibly in school activities such as the Annual Spring Ball Charity, Foundation Anniversary Celebrations and civic affairs for the development of the community and the country. e) Uphold, preserve and maintain the good name of their alma mater. f) Exercise the rights responsibly, recognising and accepting liability for any breach or violation of the public welfare and of the rights of others.

1.1 Harapan kedua pihak antara STIKOM The London School of Public Relations-Jakarta dan Mahasiswa/i STIKOM The London School of Public Relations Jakarta, menjadi lembaga pendidikan komunikasi utama yang berkomitmen untuk kemajuan pembelajaran dan pengembangan mahasiswa/i. Selain itu, pihak Sekolah menghargai pengalaman dan aspirasi individu, mahasiswa/i. Di sisi lain, mahasiswa/i harus berkomitmen untuk belajar dan diharapkan untuk bertindak dengan cara yang adil, manusiawi dan beretika. 1.2

Tanggung Jawab mahasiswa/i

1.2.1 Berikut ini adalah tanggung jawab siswa: a) Mengembangkan potensi sepenuhnya sehingga dapat menjadi bertanggung jawab kepada keluarga dan masyarakat. b) Mengupayakan keunggulan akademik dan integritas moral serta mematuhi peraturan dan regulasi yang mengatur tanggung jawab akademik dan moral. c) Mencintai perdamaian, hubungan yang harmonis dengan seluruh anggota komunitas akademik dan membantu menjaga ketertiban dan kebersihan di kampus. d) Berpartisipasi secara aktif dan bertanggung jawab dalam kegiatan perkuliahan dan kegiatan pengembangan masyarakat serta negara. e) Menjunjung tinggi, menjaga dan memelihara nama baik almamater. f) Melaksanakan hak-hak secara bertanggung jawab, mengakui dan bertanggung jawab untuk setiap pelanggaran atau pelanggaran terhadap kenyamanan masyarakat ataupun hak orang lain Semua mahasiswa/i bertanggung jawab untuk: a) Mengetahui Dekan masing-masing, Academic Manager, Student Guidance Officer, Student Service Officer dan administrasi Kampus. b) Mengetahui tanggal-tanggal penting di Kampus/ kalender akademik dan tenggat waktu yang relevan.


1.1 Mutual Expectations between LSPR JAKARTA and its Students

Student Handbook

All students are responsible for: a) Knowing who their respective Dean, Academic Manager, Student Counsellor and other campus administrators are. b) Knowing the important dates in the School calendar and complying with relevant deadlines. c) Obtaining his/her copy of the Handbook; he/she is expected to know the contents of the Handbook and abide by the policies and procedures therein. d) Settling his/her financial obligation (tuition fees, study guides, etc) with the Accounting Office on time. e) Keeping him/herself informed about School announcements and changes in procedures and processes. f) Securing information and/or assistance from other offices/departments in the School and for knowing about the facilities and other services available to him/her. 1.2.2 Compliance with LSPR – JAKARTA Policies and Indonesian Laws By admission to or attendance at LSPR - JAKARTA, a students accepts the responsibility to at all times should abide by all the laws of the land and adhere to the norms and regulations prescribed by the School. Ignorance of these provisions does not excuse students form stipulated sanctions. 1.2.3 Completion of All Curricular Requirements As LSPR - JAKARTA advocates a well-rounded education for its learners, students must fulfil all their academic requirements as requisites for graduation. 1.2.4 Conduct Befitting Young Adults Every member of the LSPR - JAKARTA community has the responsibility to conduct oneself in a manner that does not violate the rights of others. As such students are expected to give due respects to persons, property, policies, practices and authority, and at all times fulfil the following expectations:

Semua mahasiswa/i bertanggung jawab untuk: a) Mengetahui Dekan masing-masing, Academic Manager, Student Guidance Officer, Student Service Officer dan administrasi Kampus. b) Mengetahui tanggal-tanggal penting di Kampus/ kalender akademik dan tenggat waktu yang relevan. c) Memiliki salinan Handbook, mahasiswa/i diharapkan untuk mengetahui isi Handbook dan mematuhi kebijakan dan prosedur di dalamnya. d) Memenuhi kewajiban keuangan (biaya kuliah, dll) tepat waktu. e) Mengetahui informasi atau pemgumuman tentang perkuliahan dan perubahan dalam prosedur serta proses. f) Menjaga informasi dan membantu departmen di kampus dan mengetahui fasilitas serta layanan lain yang tersedia untuk mahasiswa/i. 1.2.2 Kepatuhan terhadap Kebijakan STIKOMJakarta dan Hukum di Indonesia Dengan mendaftar ke atau hadir di STIKOMJakarta, mahasiswa menerimatanggung jawab dan mematuhi semua hukum negara serta mematuhinorma-norma dan peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh Sekolah. Ketidaktahuanketentuan ini adalah bukan merupakan alasan mahasiswa/i untuk tidakmenerima sanksi yang ditetapkan. 1.2.3 Penyelesaian Semua Persyaratan Kurikuler LSPR - Jakarta menyarankan kepada seluruh peserta didik, mahasiswa/i harus memenuhi semua persyaratan akademis mereka sebagai syarat kelulusan. 1.2.4 Berperilaku Dewasa Setiap anggota komunitas LSPR - JAKARTA memiliki tanggung jawab untuk berperilaku yang tidak melanggar hak orang lain. Dengan demikian, siswa diharapkan untuk memberikan rasa hormat kepada orang lain, properti, kebijakan, praktik dan otoritas, serta setiap saat memenuhi harapan sebagai berikut:


Student Handbook Respect people regardless of gender, faith, race, status, political affiliations, disability, age, and other attributes Hormat kepada orang lain tanpa memandang gender, agama, ras, status, afiliasi politik, cacat, usia dan atribut lainnya. Participate actively in the learning process within and beyond the classroom. Students are expected to conform to agreed-upon classroom policies, they must also comply with the rules and regulations set by other offices within the School. Siswa diharapkan agar sesuai dengan kebijakan kelas yang telah disepakati, mereka juga harus mematuhi aturan dan peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh kantor-kantor lain di area kampus. Comply with instructions from persons (e.g. lecturers, student counsellors, academic managers/ staff, security personnel, administrators) imbued with authority as they act in the best interests of the students. Secure all means of identification and proof of enrolment, which include Student Identification Card, Official Receipts and similar paperwork. For security reasonsm enrolled students must present their ID card when entering the campus and it must be worn at all times while within the premises of LSPR - JAKARTA. In cases of loss or damage due to wear and tear, students are requested to apply for a replacement at the Academic Office. Recognize the sensibilities of others by dressing properly in accordance with Campus Dress Code and by adhering to the conventions of good grooming. Students are expected to dress modestly, decently and in a manner appropriate for a formal academic learning environment. Recognize the hazards of smoking to people’s eath. As such, LSPR - JAKARTA Campuses are no-smoking premises. Students are also prohibited from smoking anywhere within the campus. Handle campus facilities/eqiupment with reasonable care and use them for their intended purpose. Mematuhi instruksi dari orang lain (misalnya dosen, petugas pembimbing mahasiswa, manajer akademik / staf, personil keamanan, administrasi) dengan otoritas karena mereka bertindak dalam kepentingan terbaik dari mahasiswa/i. Simpan semua sarana identifikasi dan bukti pendaftaran, yang meliputi Student Identification Card, Penerimaan resmi dan dokumen-dokumen penting. Untuk alasan keamanan, mahasiswa/i harus menunjukkan kartu ID mereka ketika memasuki kampus dan harus dipakai setiap saat di area LSPR - JAKARTA. Dalam kasus kehilangan atau kerusakan karena pengguanan, siswa diminta untuk mengajukan pengganti di kantor Student Service. Mengerti perasaan orang lain dengan berpakaian dengan baik sesuai dengan Kampus Dress Code dan dengan mengikuti peraturan berpakaian yang baik. Siswa diharapkan untuk berpakaian baik, sopan dan dengan cara yang tepat untuk suatu lingkungan belajar yang resmi. Silakan lihat BAGIAN SGO/PUKET 3 LSPR - JAKARTA merupakan kampus bebas rokok. Siswa tidak dibenarkan merokok di dalam kampus LSPR – JAKARTA. Menggunakan fasilitas dan peralatan LSPR - JAKARTA dengan hati-hati, sebaik-baiknya dan semestinya.

16 Observe honesty in one’s academic work, in dealing with other members of the community, and in the use and disposition of School and other private equipment/property/assets. Students are expected to turnover to the Office Manager someone else’s lost belongings. Menghargai kejujuran dalam karya akademis seseorang, berurusan dengan anggota masyarakat lainnya, dan dalam penggunaan peralatan / properti / aset kampus lainnya. Bila menemukan barang yang bukan miliknya, mahasiswa/i wajib menyerahkan ke Lost & Found Counter/ SGO.

Student Handbook


Students’ Rights

The School recognises that students have rights and privilages. However, students must understand that there are related duties and obligations stated in this Handbook and in the exercise of their rights, students should take care not to infringe on nor violate the rights of others in the LSPR - JAKARTA community and in society as a whole. Students must therefore exercise the following rights responsibly, with the end view of promoting the common good: 1.3.1 All Students shall be accorded the following rights: • The right to pursue quality education through competent and effective instruction; • The right to provide feedback/opinion regarding their curricula to their respective Deans or Academic Affairs Director;


Hak Mahasiswa/i

Sekolah mengakui bahwa mahasiswa/i memiliki hak dan keistimewaan.Namun, mahasiswa/i harus memahami bahwa ada tugas dan kewajiban yang berkaitan sebagaimana tercantum dalam buku ini. Dalam pelaksanaan hak-hak mereka, mahasiswa/i harus berhati-hati untuk tidak melanggar hak orang lain didalam LSPR - JAKARTA dan masyarakat secara umum. Maka, siswa harus melaksanakan hak-haknya dengan bertanggung jawab dengan melihat peraturan umum. 1.3.1 Semua Siswa harus diberikan hak-hak berikut: • Hak untuk mengejar pendidikan berkualitas melalui instruksi kompeten dan efektif; • Hak untuk memberikan umpan balik / pendapat mengenai kurikulum ke Dekan masing-masing;

• The right to consult with the lecturer at designated times and places in the school, and to inquire with respect to their academic requirements and standing as well as regarding co-curricular programs and extra-curricular activities;

• Hak untuk berkonsultasi dengan dosen pada waktu dan tempat yang ditentukan di kampus. Hak untuk menanyakan persyaratan akademik dan mengenai program ko-kurikuler dan kegiatan ekstra kurikuler;

• The right to verify the bases for their grades. If the lecturer is not available, students are entitled to consult with the Dean, Academic Affairs Director or Academic Manager concerned.

• Hak untuk memverifikasi atas dasar untuk nilainilai mereka. Jika dosen tidak tersedia, mahasiswa/i berhak untuk berkonsultasi dengan Dekan, atau Manajer Akademik yang bersangkutan;

• Students with balances in their accounts have the right to take the mid test but not the final test. Nevertheless, they shall be subject to the right of the School to withhold the release or issuance of their school records or documents, or to be denied admission for the next semester until all accounts due are fully paid.

• Mahasiswa/i yang belum menyelesaikan urusan keuangan memiliki hak untuk mengikuti mid-test tetapi tidak untuk final-test. Namun demikian, mereka harus tunduk pada peraturan Sekolah yang dapat menahan penerbitan nilai rapor atau dokumen lain, atau akan ditolak masuk untuk semester berikutnya sampai semua urusan keuangan diselesaikan.


Student Handbook

1.3.2 Counseling for Minor Cases

1.3.2 Konseling untuk Kasus Minor

Beside academic and non-academic achievement, LSPR is also concerned in building excellent student character and a strong resilience in dealing with problems that might arise during the four years learning period in LSPR such as:

Dalam pencapaian mahasiswa secara akademik dan non akademik, LSPR juga menaruh perhatian untuk membentuk karakter mahasiswa/i yang unggul dan memiliki ketahanan dalam menghadapi masalah yang mungkin muncul selama empat (4) tahun masa perkuliahan di LSPR seperti:

There are three (3) types of counseling : i) Walk-In Counseling • Student can come to SGO by their own initiatives if there is any problem that might disturb their academic performance during SGO working hours on Monday-Friday at 9 am - 6 pm. • Guidance Officer Staff will explore, stimulate students’ to think about solution alternatives and explain the consequences of each alternative to the student regarding their problem or ask help from Head of SGO if the staff has difficulty in finding solution for the case.

1) Kesulitan untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan kehidupan kampus, dengan teman sekelas, kelompok, dosen, staff ataupun dengan budaya/cara hidup setempat 2) Kedukaan keluarga inti 3) Masalah keluarga 4) Masalah dalam berpacaran 5) Kebingungan mengenai orientasi seksual 6) Motivasi rendah untuk belajar 7) Disiplin diri yang rendah dan kebiasaan yang tidak bertanggung jawab 8) Perilaku yang tidak pantas di kampus 9) Kurangnya rasa percaya diri dan konsep diri yang rendah 10) Gangguan kesehatan mental yang disebabkan alasan psikologis seperti insomnia, anorexia, bulimia, stress dan depresi 11) Kebingungan menentukan pemilihan jurusan yang akan diambil 12) Masalah pribadi lainnya. Ada tiga (3) tipe konseling: i) Konseling yang diinisiasi mahasiswa (WalkIn Counseling) • Mahasiswa bisa datang ke SGO dengan inisiatif mereka sendiri jika ada masalah yang berpotensi menganggu performa akademik mereka selama waktu kerja dari hari Senin-Jumat pk 09.0018.00. • Staff Guidance Officer akan mengeksplorasi, menstimulasi mahasiswa untuk memikirkan beberapa alternative solusi dan menjelaskan konsekuensi dari setiap alternatif berkenaan dengan masalah mereka atau meminta bantuan dari Head of SGO jika staff mengalami kesulitan untuk menemukan solusi untuk kasus tersebut.


1) College Life Adjustment Difficulties with classmates, peer, group, lecturer, staff or any culture shock 2) Family Grief 3) Family Problem 4) Boyfriend-Girlfriend Relationship Problem 5) Sexual Orientation Confusion 6) Low Motivation to Study 7) Low Self-Discipline and Irresponsible habit 8) Inappropriate behavior in the campus 9) Low Self-Confidence/Low Self-Concept 10) Mental health problem caused by psychological reasons like insomnia, anorexia, bulimia, stress and depression 11) Confuse in choosing major 12) Other Personal Problem

Student Handbook

ii) Referral Counseling • The referral can come from lecturer or staff from other department.

ii) Konseling Rujukan • Rujukan bisa datang dari dosen atau staff dari departemen lain.

• Lecturer can ask SGO to handle student who misbehave in the class by write referral form that provided in the back of manual attendance record or directly ask the student to SGO. SGO will take a role as the bridge between lecturer and the student to prevent learning activity’s conducive atmosphere in the class and anticipate bad relationship between lecturers with the studentin the future.

• Dosen bisa meminta SGO untuk menangani mahasiswa yang melakukan perbuatan yang tidak sepantasnya di kelas dengan menulis form rujukan yang disediakan di bagian belakang setiap absensi manual atau meminta mahasiswa tersebut secara langsung untuk menghadap SGO. SGO akan mengambil peran sebagai jembatan antara dosen dan mahasiswa untuk mencegah rusaknya situasi yang kondusif dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas dan mengantisipasi hubungan yang buruk antara dosen dengan siswa bersangkutan di masa yang akan datang.

iii) Parent/Guardian’s Report • Parent can also counsel with SGO about their son/daughter bad attitude or behavior that affects their low academic performance. By having communication with the parents, SGO will gain information to determine the most effective approach to discuss with the student. However, it is need to be underlined that SGO only take a role as supporting part but the one who should take fullresponsibility to monitor and follow up the success of each student’s academic performance is still their own parent/guardian. Section 2: POLICY STATEMENT OF STUDENT ATTENDENCE • Students are allowed to be absent for 4 times, per subjects, per semester. • No permission letters are accepted. • There are no re-sit tests for Mid Test and Final Test unless: • Adjacent exam schedule with other subjects • Mourning/death of immediate family • Business trip assignment (for working students) • Serious illness and required hospitalization

• Staff dari departemen lain juga bisa memberi rujukan kepada SGO untuk memberikan pendekatan yang lebih psikologis baik untuk memperingati perilaku buruk mahasiswa, atau untuk memberikan input dan motivasi kepada mahasiswa agar bisa mengambangkan dirinya lebh baik lagi. Hal tersebut merupakan bagian dari tindakan kuratif SGO. iii) Laporan Orang tua/Wali • Orang tua juga bisa melakukan konseling dengan SGO tentang perilaku atau sikap buruk putra/i mereka yang mempengaruhi performa akademik putra/i-nya. Dengan berkomunikasi dengan orang tua mahasiwa, SGO bisa menentukan cara yang paling efektif untuk berdiskusi dengan mahasiswa tersebut. Namun demikian, perlu digarisbawahi bahwa SGO hanya mengambil peran pendukung tetapi yang bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya untuk memonitor dan menindaklanjuti keberhasilan performa akademik student yang bersangkutan adalah orangtua atau wali mahasiswa/i tersebut. Bagian 2. Pernyataan Kebijakan Kehadiran Mahasiswa/i


• Siswa dapat absen selama 4 kali, per mata pelajaran, per semester. • Tidak menerima surat izin. • Tidak ada ujian susulan untuk Ujian Tengah dan Akhir kecuali: • Jadwal ujian yang bersamaan dengan mata kuliah lain • Mourning / kematian keluarga kandung • Perjalanan bisnis/ tugas kantor (untuk mahasiswa/i yang bekerja) • Penyakit serius dan harus dirawat inap

Student Handbook

Non-Academic Points (NAP) is a credit score as a form of appreciation to the students that have been doing the non-academic activities. This NAP represents the accumulated score of extracurricular activities and non-curricular activities at the end of the study period, specified in the form of NONACADEMIC Transcript. NAP is one of the requirements for: a. Thesis Hearing and Graduation. Students cannot register for Thesis Hearing if the point is not complete. b. Determine Best Student NAP Score: 1. 50-75 2. >75

= Good = Very Good

Documents to be submitted: 1. Copy of Certificate 2. Medals/Vandels/Trophy 3. Event Attendance 4. Legalized letter 5. Documentation

Bagian 3. Pernyataan Kebijakan Poin Non Akademik Poin Non Akademik (NAP) adalah nilai kredit sebagai bentuk penghargaan kepada mahasiswa/i karena telah mengikuti kegiatan non akademik. Nilai tersebut merupakan akumulasi nilai kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dan kegiatan non kurikuler yang pada akhir masa studi, dicantumkan dalam bentuk NON-ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPT. NAP merupakan salah satu syarat untuk: 1. Mengikuti sidang skripsi dan wisuda. Mahasiswa yang tidak memenuhi syarat poin NAP tidak dibenarkan untuk mengikuti siding skripsi. 2. Salah satu dasar penilaian “Best Student� Predikat NAP: 1. 50-75 = Baik 2. >75 = Sangat Baik Dokumen yang harus diserahkan: 1. Fotocopy Sertifikat/Piagam 2. Foto Piala/Medali/Vandel 3. Copy bentuk penghargaan lain 4. Daftar hadir 5. Surat pernyataan resmi 6. Karya Nyata/Dokumentasinya



Student Handbook



Student Handbook


Section 4: Penyataan Kebijakan Jejaring Sosial dan Media Sosial

LSPR - JAKARTA recognizes the importance of Social Networking & Social Media and its impact to institutions’ reputation. Indeed social media are now acknowledged as powerful tools of communication, if it is used effectively it will definitely offer huge benefits and opportunities to students, lecturers, management & staff. However, it must be fully understood that LSPR follows the same behavioral standards on-line; similarly, the same laws, professional expectations and guidelines are being followed in general.

LSPR - JAKARTA memahami pentingnya Jejaring Sosial & Media Sosial dan dampaknya terhadap reputasi lembaga. Sebagai salah satu alat komunikasi, jika digunakan secara efektif maka Media Sosial akan memberikan manfaat yang besar bagi mahasiswa, dosen, manajemen & staf LSPR JAKARTA. LSPR akan mengikuti standar perilaku yang sama , kebijakan yang sama dan pedoman yang diikuti secara umum.


Penggunaan jejaring sosial dan media sosial di LSPR - JAKARTA akan diatur melalui sebuah kebijakan sesuai dengan prinsip, nilai dan 10 Pilar LSPR.

The usage of social networking and social media is now integrated in the school policy of LSPR - JAKARTA and therefore it is with utmost commitment to implement the usage of social media in accordance to the principles, values and the 10 Pillars of LSPR. This policy applies to all social networking & social media that is being use on behalf of the institution, including contents created and published by students, alumni, lecturers, staff & management; violations are subject to applicable sanctions stipulated in the LSPR policy. 1.2


LSPR - JAKARTA utilizes the following social media platforms: a. Facebook b. Twitter c. LinkedIn d. Youtube 1.3


This is to ensure that information related to the affairs of the institution are accurate, consistent that protect the integrity, image and reputation of LSPR - JAKARTA. It is through this policy that all members of the institution will be well guided in the appropriate usage of social networking and social media.


Kebijakan ini berlaku untuk semua jaringan sosial & media sosial yang sedang digunakan atas nama lembaga, termasuk isi yang dibuat dan diterbitkan oleh mahasiswa, alumni, dosen, staf & manajemen; pelanggaran akan dikenakan sanksi yang berlaku ditetapkan dalam kebijakan LSPR. 1.2


LSPR - JAKARTA menggunakan media sosial seperti: a. Facebook b. Twitter c. Youtube d. LinkedIn 1.3


Bertujuan untuk memastikan bahwa informasi yang terkait dengan LSPR merupakan informasi yang akurat, berintegritas dan melindungi citra dan reputasi STIKOM The London School of Public Relations-Jakarta. Melalui kebijakan ini, semua anggota institusi akan dipandu dalam penggunaan yang tepat dari jaringan sosial dan media sosial.




Student Handbook



As members of the institution LSPR – JAKARTA, i.e. students/alumni, lecturers, management & staff, it is essential to note the following rules & regulations in publishing, positing contents & materials may or may not be within or outside the institution’s domains, specifically it is against the LSPR policy to undertake the following actions : 1. To publish & post information & material that is considered confidential & private to LSPR. 2. To publish & post content, information, & any materials that could be deemed to harassment, malicious, threatening, illegal, obscene, slanderous, insulting, offensive, libelous, or hostile towards any individual or entity that will tarnish the name and reputation of LSPR. 3. Posting contact details such as phone numbers, e-mail address, home address & other personal data without proper permission from LSPR and/or the member concern. 4. Plagiarize, trespass on the rights including privacy, intellectual property, publication, academic materials of LSPR as institution and other members namely lecturers & management. 5. To observe copyright law in posting photos, video or audio materials that is under the property of LSPR unless with written permissions. 1.5 VIOLATIONS OF THE RULES & REGULATIONS 1. Non-compliance of the stated rules and regulations from any members (students, alumni, lecturer, management & staff) of LSPR – JAKARTA will subject to disciplinary actions stipulated in the LSPR Student Discipline or Employees Discipline. 2. Depending on the severity and degree of serious cases; LSPR - JAKARTA maintains the right to deduct NAP, Social work and expel offenders.


3. The offenders must cooperate to remove/ with all attempts to remove all published & post contents, information, & any materials where LSPR - JAKARTA views it as a violation to the rules and regulations of the institution. Failure to do so, offenders is subject to appropriate punishment in accordance to LSPR Student Discipline or Employees Discipline.


Detail Peraturan dan Kebijakan

Sebagai Civitas Akademika STIKOM The London School of Public Relations - Jakarta, yaitu mahasiswa / alumni, dosen, manajemen & staf, berikut adalah peraturan dalam penggunaan Media Sosial yang tidak dibenarkan: 1. Mempublikasikan & memposting informasi & materi LSPR yang dianggap rahasia. 2. Mempublikasikan & memposting konten, informasi, & bahan-bahan yang bisa dianggap sebagai bentuk pelecehan, berbahaya, mengancam, ilegal, cabul, fitnah, menghina, menyinggung, memfitnah, dan tindakan negatif lainnya, yang akan mencoreng nama baik dan reputasi LSPR. 3. Mempublikasikan dan memposting rincian kontak seperti nomor telepon, alamat e-mail, alamat rumah & data pribadi lainnya tanpa izin dari LSPR atau pihak terkait. 4. Menjiplak tulisan, pelanggaran hak-hak termasuk privasi, kekayaan intelektual, publikasi, bahan akademis LSPR sebagai institusi dan anggota lainnya yaitu dosen & manajemen. 5. Mempublikasikan & memposting foto, video atau materi audio yang dimiliki oleh LSPR kecuali dengan izin tertulis. 1.5


Pelanggaran terhadap kebijakan Media Sosial akan dikenakan sanksi yang berlaku, baik untuk mahasiswa, dosen, staff dan management. 1. Untuk kasus pelanggaran yang ringan akan mendapatkan pengurangan NAP, dan untuk kasus pelanggaran yang berat akan mendapatkan sanksi kerja sosial ataupun diskorsing dari LSPR. Sanksi ini akan mengacu pada kebijakan aturan disiplin yang berlaku. 2. Para pelanggar harus bekerja sama untuk menghapus semua materi yang dipublikasikan dan diterbitkan, jika LSPR - JAKARTA memandangnya sebagai bentuk pelanggaran terhadp aturan yang berlaku.

Student Handbook


All information, contents & any materials published & posted must adhere to the current enforced Legal & Government Policy on Social Media of the Republic of Indonesia : 1. KUHP Pasal 310 tentang Merusak Kehormatan/ Nama Baik 2. Undang - Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 Tentang Informasi Dan Transaksi Elektronik 3. Undang - Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 44 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pornografi Section 5: POLICY STATEMENT OF STUDENT DISCIPLINE LSPR- Jakarta maintains administrative sanctions as necessary to uphold its institutional norms and ensure an atmosphere conducive to the promotion of the common good, in instilling discipline, inculcating values, truth, justice, and social responsibility to help the students make choices based on moral and ethical principles. 5.1

Minor Offences

• Behaviour unbecoming of a student (repeated tardiness, cutting classess,habitual absences). • Minor acts of disrespect and/or discourtesy towards any member of the LSPR - JAKARTA community including visitors. • Disrupting peace and order; disrupting classes or interupting performances during Schoolsanctioned activities or functions. • Entering a class in which a student is NOT enrolled; joining a school function without permission of concerned parties or authorities. • Loitering in corridors during class sessions. • Littering • Bringing in or playing cards or any paraphernalia used for gambling within the School premises. • Any violations of the dress code and conventions of good grooming. • Entering the campus without an ID. • Using areas exclusively intended for the opposite gender. • Eating in the classroom or in other designated non-eating areas. • Using and/or failure to turn off mobile phones and similar communication gadgets and electronic devices during classes or any Schoolsanctioned activities or functions.



Semua informasi, isi & bahan yang diterbitkan & diposting, harus mematuhi Hukum & Kebijakan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dalam kaitannya dengan Media Sosial: 1. KUHP Pasal 310 tentang Merusak Kehormatan/ Nama Baik 2. Undang - Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 Tentang Informasi Dan Transaksi Elektronik 3. Undang - Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 44 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pornografi Section 5: Penyataan Kebijakan Disiplin Mahasiswa/i LSPR - JAKARTA memberlakukan sanksi administratif yang diperlukan untuk menegakkan kedisplinan yang sesuai dengan norma kelembagaan dengan senantiasa memastikan suasana yang kondusif untuk kebaikan bersama, menanamkan nilai-nilai, kebenaran, keadilan, dan tanggung jawab sosial untuk membantu siswa membuat pilihan berdasarkan moral dan etika prinsip. 5.1

Pelanggaran Ringan

• Perilaku yang tak semestinya dari seorang mahasiswa ( Sering terlambat, tidak menghadiri perkuliahan ). • Berprilaku tidak hormat dan / atau tidak sopan terhadap setiap Keluarga Besar LSPR – Jakarta termasuk pengunjung . • Mengganggu ketenangan dan ketertiban ; mengganggu kelas atau interupting pertunjukan selama kegiatan. • Memasuki kelas di mana seorang siswa tidak terdaftar tanpa izin dari pihak terkait atau pihak berwenang . • Berkeliaran di koridor selama sesi kelas . • Tidak menjaga kebersihan • Membawa kartu remi atau melakukan aktivitas judi. • Melanggar aturan berpakaian • Tidak menggunakan kartu mahasiswa • Menggunakan atau memasuki daerah lawan jenis, misalnya toilet. • Makan di dalam kelas atau di daerah yang tidak ditujukan untuk makan. • Menggunakan HP atau perlengkapan elektronik lainnya selama berada di dalam kelas atau kegiatan akademik lainya, kecuali mendapatkan ijin dari pihak yang berwenang.



Student Handbook


Major Offences

• Direct assault upon the person of any member of the lecturers, admininstration, nonteaching staff or any School personnel, or any student or person vested with authority, while such person is in the performance of official duties, or an occasion of such performance. • Threat another person’s life of property. • Initiating or participating in activities that threaten national security or public order. • Possession of deadly weapons or objects that can be usede to cause physical injury or death, within the School premises or during school sanctioned activities or functions on/off campus. • Forging, falsifying, or tempering with academic or official records, of documents of any kind. • Malicious dissemination of information • Lending, borrowing or using someone else’s ID card. • Dishonesty and/or any fraudulent act. • Possesion or be under the influence of prohibited drugs or substance inside the School premises or outside during an academic function or school activity. • Smoking within inside LSPR - JAKARTA LSPR campus. • Possession and/or drinking or be under the influence of alcoholic beverages within the School premises or during off-campus activities sponsored by the School. • Wilful failure to comply with the summons issued for purposed of investigation conducted in connection with discipline related cases. • Defiance, wilful disregard of establishmed norms, policies, rules and regulations or noncompliance of with the requirements set by the Office of the Counselor for the Student Affairs. • Commission or accumulation of three (3) minor offences of any nature within the period of stay in school. • Acts of cheating in any forms. • Bringing in, viewing, displaying, sending, creating, copying or distributing pornography or foul and malicous messages in whatever form or means. • Public display of affection; inappropriate display of intimacy within the School premises that offend or tend to offend the sensibilities of the community and which may be deemed or perceived as vulgar, repulsive or immoral.


Pelanggaran Berat

• Melakukan penyerangan kepada Dosen , Management, Staff dan siswa LSPR – Jakarta , dimana orang tersebut berada dalam pelaksanaan tugas resmi. • Melakukan tindakan pengancaman. • Memulai atau berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan yang mengancam keamanan nasional atau ketertiban umum. • Memiliki senjata api atau benda yang dapat menyebabkan cedera fisik atau kematian , di dalam lingkungan LSPR – Jakarta atau selama kegiatan akademik maupun non akademik. • Memalsukan dokumen catatan akademis dan dokumen resmi lainnya milik LSPR – Jakarta. • Menyebarkan infomarsi yang merugikan bagi LSPR – Jakarta. • Pemberian Kredit , pinjaman atau menggunakan KTP orang lain . • Ketidakjujuran dan / atau perbuatan curang . • Memiliki, menggunakan, mengedarkan atau berada di bawah pengaruh obat-obatan terlarang selama berada di lingkungan kampus atau selama merupakan siswa aktif LSPR – Jakarta. • Merokok di dalam Kampus LSPR – Jakarta. • Memiliki , meminum minuman berakohol atau berada di bawah pengaruh alkohol selama berada di lingkungan kampus atau sedang mengikuti kegiatan akademis maupun non akademis LSPR – Jakarta. • Menghindar dalam penyelidikan pelanggaran kasus ringan maupun kasus berat. • Mengabaikan norma, kebijakan , peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh SGO. • Mencontek atau memberikan contekan dalam bentuk apapun. • Membawa , melihat , menampilkan , mengirim , membuat , menyalin atau mendistribusikan pornografi • Melakukan tindakan asusila selama berada di lingkungan kampus atau ketika sedang mengikuti kegiatan akademis maupun non akademis.


Student Handbook


Spot Check

Spot checking is one of LSPR commitments to keep the campus clean from any destructive lifestyles such as drugs, pornography, pre-marital sex, gambling and violence behaviour. In the spot check, the team will complete a bag and body check of all students in the target class. The spot check team will confiscate anything pertaining to destructive lifestyle indication and counsel the student who owns that particular thing in order to minimize a worsening of a student’s academic performance. Spot checks will be conducted a minimum of once in a semester with random targeted classes.

• Menjadi provokator atau pelaku yang menimbulkan perkelahian terhadap civitas akademika LSPR – Jakarta. • Melakukan tindakan perusakan terhadap fasilitas LSPR – Jakarta. • Melakukan percobaan atau pencurian. • Melakukan tindakan yang tidak sopan atau tidak hormat, baik verbal maupun non verbal terhadap civitas akademika LSPR – Jakarta. 5.3


Razia adalah salah satu komitmen dari LSPR – Jakarta untuk menjaga kampus ini bersih dari gaya hidup yang merusak seperti narkoba, pornografi, seks pra-nikah, perjudian dan perilaku kekerasan. Tim Razia akan melakukan pemerikasaan pada barang bawaan dan pemeriksaan fisik dari semua siswa di kelas yang dipilih secara acak minimal sekali dalam satu semester. Tim akan menyita barang atau benda yang berkaitan dengan indikasi gaya hidup yang merusak.


• Provocation to a fight of any kind whether or not such act results in heated verbal or physical confrontation between students and/or groups of students on/off campus. • Vandalism; damage or destruction of School property or that belonging to any member of the community or to a visitor while on campus; tampering with official announcements on bulletin board. [The student concerned shall pay for the damage incurred without prejudice to any other penalty or sanction imposed by the School.] • Stealing, whether attempted, frustated or consummated; knowingly possessing/receiving stolen goods or property. • Gross acts of disrespect, in words, gesture, signs or deeds, that put or tends to put any member of the lecturers, administration, non-teaching staff, personnel or another student or a visitor in ridicule or contempt.

Student Handbook

5.4 Campus Dress Code (Peraturan Cara Berpakaian)



Student Handbook

5.5 Disciplinary Sanctions


The sanction to be imposed for each offence shall be depend on the nature and/or gravity of the violation. A just and reasonable disciplinary action shall be rendered for any offences or violation. The primary objective of these actions is to guide and correct the erring student. However, no cruel or physically harmful punishment shall be imposed or applied against any student..

Sanksi yang akan dikenakan untuk setiap pelanggaran akan tergantung pada jenis pelanggaran. Sanksi disiplin yang adil dan wajar akan diberikan untuk setiap pelanggaran. Tujuan utama dari tindakan ini adalah untuk membimbing dan memberikan efek jera. Namun, tidak akan ada hukuman yang kejam atau berbahaya secara fisik yang dikenakan atau diterapkan terhadap pelanggar.

5.5.1 Sanctions

5.5.1 Sanksi

As corrective action, there are several sanctions (Deduction of NAP, Essays, Social Work, Suspended and Drop Out) to the violators, depending on Minor or Major Offence and case to case basis:

Sebagai tindakan korektif, ada beberapa sanksi (Pengurangan NAP, Essay, Pekerjaan Sosial, Skorsing dan Drop Out) kepada pelanggar, tergantung pada tingkat pelanggaran apakah ringan atau berat dan kasus per kasus:

2) Second violation: Student has to write scientifical essay and attached the source. 3) Third Violation: Social work and student’s parent will be called. 4) Fourth violation: Student will got suspension or Drop Out.

1) Pelanggaran pertama: Selain dikurangi NAP, nama pelanggar akan diletakkan di papan pengumuman kelas untuk menambahkan efek jera. SGO akan mengumumkan Kumulatif Daftar NAP Pengurangan melalui papan pengumuman di setiap awal semester. 2) Pelanggaran Kedua: Mahasiswa harus menulis esai ilmiah dan memberikan referensi. 3) Pelanggaran Ketiga: Melakukan pekerjaan sosial dan orang tua siswa akan dipanggil. 4) Pelanggaran Keempat: Mahasiswa akan mendapat skorsing atau Drop Out.


1) First violation: Aside from deduction of NAP, violator’s list will be put in class announcement board to add deterrent effect. SGO will announce Cumulative NAP Deduction List through SGO’ announcement board every beginning of the semester.

Hukuman Disiplin

Student Handbook

5.5.2 NAP Deduction Rules (Peraturan Pengurangan NAP) ID VIOLATIONS (1) Lost ID without report to Student Service (2) Do not use ID even he/she has ID (3) Do not bring ID (4) Lend ID to other friends (5) Using other student’s ID

: : : : :

1 point 2 points 2 points 2 points 2 points

DRESS CODE VIOLATIONS (6) Tattoo exposed/Uncovered Tattoo : (7) Using inappropriate sandals : (8) Using inappropriate clothing : (9) Piercing :

2 points 2 points 3 points 3 points

VIOLATIONS IN THE CLASSROOM/CAMPUS AREA (10) Disturb class when learning session is on progress : 2 points (11) Impolite and rude to the lecturer/staff : 5 points (12) Cheating in the mid test or final exam : 10 points* (13) LSPR document fabrication : 10 points (14) Stealing : 10 points Notes: *For cheating, every student caught cheating in mid or final exam will automatically get zero (0) in the particular exam followed and 10 point NAP deduction as consequencies.


Student Handbook

SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU KOMUNIKASI THE LONDON SCHOOL OF PUBLIC RELATIONS JAKARTA Sudirman Park Office Building, Jl. KH Mas Mansyur Kav.35 Jakarta Pusat, 10220 =========================================== DECISION BY THE CHAIRMAN OF STIKOM LSPR - Jakarta

SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU KOMUNIKASI THE LONDON SCHOOL OF PUBLIC RELATIONS JAKARTA Sudirman Park Office Building, Jl. KH Mas Mansyur Kav.35 Jakarta Pusat, 10220 =========================================== KEPUTUSAN KETUA STIKOM LSPR - JAKARTA





Under the regulations of: 1. Indonesian Government Regulation No. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System 2. Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia no. 232/U/2000 3. Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia no. 184/U/2001 4. Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia no. 045/U/2002 5. Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia no. 24/D/O/1999, February 15, 1999, on the establishment of STIKOM LSPR-and granted registered status as a communications course for a first degree in communication 6. Government Regulation No. 60 Year 1999 As a Result of: The meeting of the Academic Management with the Deputy Director I, Deputy Director II, Deputy Director III, and Chairman of STIKOM LSPR – Jakarta

Menimbang: 1. Bahwa selama semester 7, seluruh mahasiswa/i LSPR wajib magang dan akan mengenakan pakaian formal pada saat pelaksanaannya 2. Bahwa LSPR adalah merupakan city-based school dengan lokasi yang dikelilingi gedung perkantoran dan merupakan lokasi yang berdekatan dengan lingkungan kerja Mengingat: 1. Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional 2. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia no. 232/U/2000 3. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia no. 184/U/2001 4. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia no. 045/U/2002 5. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia no. 24/D/O/1999, 15 Februari 1999, tentang pendirian STIKOM LSPR-dan diberikan status terdaftar sebagai program studi komunikasi untuk gelar pertama dalam komunikasi 6. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 60 Tahun 1999 Memperhatikan: Hasil rapat Management Akademik dengan Deputi Ketua I, Deputi Ketua II, Deputi Ketua III, dan Ketua STIKOM LSPR - Jakarta


In consideration that: 1. In the 7th semester, it will be mandatory for all students taking the LSPR compulsory internship program to wear formal business attire 2. LSPR is a city-based school surrounded by office buildings and located to adjacent business environments

Student Handbook

IT WAS DECIDED: Firstly: All students in LSPR that have already entered semester VI - VIII must wear formal business attire during class or in the campus premises Secondly: Women are allowed to wear basic make-up when attending lectures, to support the mandatory wearing of formal business attire. For men, neatly styled hair and face is acceptable, however, the wearing of any type of make-up is NOT. Thirdly: Failure to adhere to the rules above will mean being penalised with a reduction of Non - Academic Point by 1 (one) and 1 (one) for the day of violation. Fourthly: This letter was delivered to the students of LSPR and parents, as information that must be implemented by either parties. Signed Date

: In Jakarta : February 24, 2014

MEMUTUSKAN: Menetapkan: Pertama: Seluruh mahasiswa/i LSPR yang sudah memasuki semester VI – VIII wajib mengenakan pakaian formal pada saat kegiatan perkuliahan berlangsung atau saat berada di lingkungan kampus Kedua: Wanita diperkenankan untuk menggunakan make-up sederhana selama kegiatan perkuliahan berlangsung, untuk mendukung busana formal yang wajib digunakan. Sedangkan untuk Pria, rambut dan wajah ditata rapi dan tidak menggunakan make-up. Ketiga: Kelalaian dalam melaksanakan peraturan ini akan dikenakan sanksi pengurangan Non-Academic Point sebanyak 1 (satu) untuk 1 (satu) hari pelanggaran. Keempat: Surat ini disampaikan kepada mahasiswa/i LSPR serta orang tua, sebagai informasi agar dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik Ditetapkan Tanggal

: Di Jakarta : 24 Februari 2014

Chairman of STIKOM LSPR – Jakarta Ketua STIKOM LSPR – Jakarta,

Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR


Student Handbook


appropriately and not be more than one size student’s body size. gns, or pictures on shirts. , midriffs, bare backs, and/or low necklines

Blazer is highly suggested Printed Pattern Skirt is acceptable, For as long as the length of the skirt reach the knee level. Printed pattern are not acceptable for pants. Formal Leather shoes (HighHeels) are highly suggested, with minimum height of 3cm

r shoes are acceptable. and boots are not acceptable. t acceptable. ts are allowed to wear formal flat shoes



9.Inappropri Any cloth low-cut clo accessori exposes th symbols, breasts, • Referbu t are • not Are acc of (For examp • Are ob items • Byare virtp Formal Bo section: ga denote is Accepta fishnet, me advoca be• long-le through m Threat must be Printed orat • Promo necklines are not acc condu Appropria • Pose a Accessorie any pe (Necklace, • Otherw Bracelet) educat Appropria Consequ are accept

••Inappropriately sheer, loose or low-cut clothing is highly suggested e Items••••Blazer Inappropriately sheer, loose, the or stomach, back, breast, All studen that bares or exposes Printed pattern skirt is acceptable. For as long


clothing or thatgenitalia bares orare not acceptable. (For Noncompl the lengthdisruptive of the skirt reach the not knee level low-cut buttocks tems areasdeemed and are exposes the stomach, back, example, the following items are prohibited under ••Printed pattern are not acceptable for pants following: LSPR grounds or at school functions or section: ••Formal leather shoes (high heels) are highly breasts, this buttocks, orgarments genitaliamade of fishnet, mesh, or suggested, with minimum height of 3 cm

, or other similar clothing shorter than gth DO’S ats, or headscarves worn inside a building sheer, tight, loose, or low-cut clothing that ses the stomach, back, breasts, buttocks, or example, the following items are prohibited tion: garments made of fishnet, mesh, or similar material, and midriff, halter tops, backless tops, muscle tops, revealing tank tops, or c.) footwear such as bedroom slippers & flip flops . outerwear ot allowed for male students. grooming or hygiene re or grooming that is prohibited in the student plicable to the particular school

• Student w similar see-through material) are not acceptable. • • Printed or studded flat shoes are not acceptable • Students (For example, the following Code will items are prohibited under this pointSho eac Super Formal Body Contouring Dress section: garments made of DONT’S acceptable is Acceptable, thesimilar sleeveseemust fishnet, mesh, or the approp be long-length, and the skirt through material) Casual Flat must be at the knee-level. Low Printed or Studded FlatShoes acceptable necklines are not permitted. are not acceptable. The over-u Appropriate using of are not sug Accessories is acceptable (Necklace, Earring, Ring, Bracelet) Appropriate working flat shoes are acceptable

The over-using of accessories are not suggested.


••Super short sleeve are not acceptable, sleeve ••Formal body contouring dress is acceptable, Super Short are not must Sleeve be in the appropriate length the sleeve must be long-length, and the skirt DONT’S acceptable, sleeve innot acceptable ••Casual flatmust shoesbe are must be at the knee-level. Low necklines are not ••The over-using permitted the appropriate length.of accessories are not suggested ••Appropriate using of accessories is acceptable Casual Flat Shoes are not (necklace, earring, ring, bracelet) acceptable. ••Appropriate working flat shoes are acceptable

Student Handbook


Colorful professional clothing is acceptable. Subdued color (soft color) is suggested. The clothing must fit properly, and not be more than one size larger than the student’s body size. Formal wedges are acceptable


Any Dress kind of se LSPR

garment is no

Applied No hat,for capStu o

inside of cam LSPR’s dress cod for religious expectations onp No colored pa outlined below. jeggings, or je image represent the only acce ready to enter th only Black, Da semesters of VI, Brown, Khaki reduce distractio Printed Stu pride in ourorscho are notto accep expected pre manner at all tim student appropr deviate from the Students in the S LSPR dress code

••Any kind of see-through garment Dress is not Code ••Colorful professional clothing is acceptable. Any kind of see-through acceptable Subdued color (soft color) is suggested DONT’S garment is not acceptable. ••No hat, cap or headscarf worn inside Pants/Skirts: of the ••The clothing must be fit properly, and not be No hat, cap or headscarf • Solid tan or bl campus, except worn for religious purpose more than one size larger than the student’s body inside of campus, except • No ••No colored pants, jegging or jeans allowed, themore than size for religious purpose. • Worn only acceptable colors are only black, dark blue, at the w ••Formal wedges are acceptable No colored pants, leggings, • No low-rise, b dark brown, khakis and grey • • Printed or studded wedges are not acceptable jeggings, or jeans allowed, • No cuffs in the

the only acceptable colors only Black, Dark Blue, Dark Brown, Khaki and Grey. Printed or Studded Wedges are not acceptable.

• No jeans, carg sweatpants of • Skirts must be • No boxers, run

Top or Shirt St

• Blazer is highl • Cap sleeve an approved.


••Vest or cardigan could be the option for the outer-wear ••Business pants are acceptable. The pants must fit properly, and mid length (3/4 pants) are not acceptable

••Any kind of sleeveless blouse is not acceptable ••No leggings, jeggings or leather pants allowed in the campus ••No colored pants allowed, only black, dark blue, dark brown, khakis and grey ••No boots or athletic shoes are acceptable

Student Handbook



Sweater or C the options f The using of Sweater or C students are patterns are As for the co Black, Dark B Khakis and G options.

••Any kind of patterned shirt are not acceptable. tion that: ••Blazer and tie are highly suggested Except Batik that could be worn only on Friday ••The shirt be fit properly. Plaidstaking and stripes 7th semester, it will be must mandatory for all students the ••Casual shoes, boots or athletic shoes are only pattern other than that is prohibited ompulsoryare internship programme to wear formal business prohibited ••Business pants and leather belt are compulsory. Theschool pantssurrounded must be fit and mid a city-based by properly, office buildings and length (3/4 pants) are not acceptable d to adjacent business environments ••Formal leather shoes are highly suggested gulations of: esian Government Regulation No. 20 Year 2003 on National Patterned ou Sweater or Cardigan could be ion System DONT’S DO’S Vest, Sweate the options for the outer-wear. y of Education and Culture of Indonesia no. 232/U/2000 No colored p y of Education and Culture of Indonesia no. 184/U/2001 The using of Solid Colored pants, jeggin y of Education and Culture of Indonesia no. 045/U/2002 Sweater or Cardigan for male y of Education and Culture of Indonesia no. 24/D/O/1999, students are acceptable. No patterned bo ry 15, 1999, on the establishment of STIKOM LSPR-and jeans, allowe patterns are allowed. d registered status as a communications course for a first As for the color of the pants, e in communication Black, Dark Blue, Dark Brown, nment Regulation No. 60 Year 1999

f: ng of the Academic Management with the Deputy eDeputy Director II, Deputy Director III, and Chairman of SPR – Jakarta

Khakis and Grey are the only options.


••Patterned outer wear (jacket, vest, sweater, ••Sweater or cardigan could be the options for Patterned etc) outer wear (Jacket, is prohibited the outer-wear DONT’S Vest, Sweater etc) is prohibited. ••No colored pants, training pants, jegging, ••The using of solid colored sweater or cardigan No colored pants, training cropped, cargo, patterned bottoms, shorts, or for male students are acceptable. No patterns are pants, jegging, jeans cropped, allowed incargo, the campus allowed patterned bottoms, shorts, or ••As for the color of the pants, Black, Dark Blue, jeans, allowed in the campus. Dark Brown, Khakis and Grey are the only options

Student Handbook



Long-sleeved shirt is highly suggested, formal shortsleeved is acceptable. The using of proper accessories for male students (Watch, Bracelet, Ring) for male students are acceptable. As for the color of the pants, Black, Dark Blue, Dark Brown, Khakis and Grey are the only options.



“Style is a way to say who we are without having speak” (Rachel Zoe)

IT WAS DECIDED: Rolled-up sho Firstly: is prohibited. All studen NoLSPR ripped clo must wear form bottom) or le premises acceptable al Secondly: campus. Women are allo Casual Shoes to support the The using ofhu neatly styled accessories ar type of make-u Vest could be suggested. Thirdly: therevealing outer-we Failure to adhe No reduction ofofN The using kind of under of violation. Shirt for male Fourthly: acceptable. This letter As for thewas col information th

Style is a distinctive appearance, typically determined by the Black, Dark B principles according to which something is designed. Everyone wants to have their own style, which can be shown Khakis and G Signed : In through their appearance. Someone’s appearance is strongly options. : Fe supported by the way they dress up. That is why, dress Date ••Rolled-up short sleeve for shirt is prohibited ••Long-sleeved shirt is highly suggested, formal becomes an important thing in our life, not only to cover our Rolled-up short sleeve for shirt ••No ripped clothing (tops and bottom) or leather short-sleeved is acceptable DONT’S body, but also become one of our personal identities. is prohibited.

••The using of proper accessories for male

pants are acceptable allowed in the campus

No ripped clothing (tops and

Chairman of STIK n, we know that people (watch, use non-verbal communication than ••Casual shoes are prohibited students bracelet, ring) formore male students bottom) or leather pants are cation. It means communication without words has the biggest ••The using of unnecessary accessories are not arethat acceptable ife, and dress is one of its components. Dress can give a message about acceptable allowed in the highly suggested • • As for the color of the pants, black, dark blue, stitution behind him or her. Dress will also support a person to become campus. ••No revealing of the socks or any kind of brown, we know as, dark dress for success.khakis and grey are the only options

Prita Kemal Gani

Casual Shoes are prohibited undergarment

hool of communication in Indonesia, LSPR-Jakarta realizes that our The using of unnecessary duate as a successful professional communicator. We teach students to accessories are not highly professionalism while they are still in school. Professionalism is not could be the option for suggested. ugh the way they speak but also the way they dress. This is one of the Vest DO’S ask our students in their 6th semester to wear business attire everyday. the outer-wear. No revealing of the socks or any

dents are categorized as the senior students who are ready to become o represent LSPR-Jakarta. We believe that by wearing business attire nts will look more professional and be ready to compete with other real business world.

udents, especially those who are in the 6th semester, I would like to ur cooperation and support in bringing the good name of your -Jakarta, through our new regulations about business attire. will make you look distinct and different, because people notice your u are badly dress, but when you are well dressed, people will notice

The of Solid Colored kindusing of undergarment Shirt for male students are acceptable. As for the color of the pants, Black, Dark Blue, Dark Brown, Khakis and Grey are the only options.


Patterned ou Vest, Sweater No Jeans, skin the color is b cargo pants, s pants allowed Casual Shoes



•outer •Patterned outer wear (jacket, vest, sweater, ••Vest or cardigan could be the option for Patterned the wear (Jacket, DONT’S etc) etc) is prohibited outer-wear Vest, Sweater is prohibited. •No jeans, ••The using of solid colored shirt for male No Jeans, •skinny jeans skinny (Even if jeans (even if the color is black), jeggings, students are acceptable the color is black), jeggings,cargo pants, shorts or leather pants allowed in the campus ••As for the color of the pants, black, dark blue, cargo pants, shorts or leather ••Casual shoes are prohibited dark brown, khakis and grey are the only options

pants allowed in the campus. Casual Shoes are prohibited

Student Handbook BATIK FOR FEMALE

Batik Top or Batik Dress are acceptable for female students The length of the skirt is knee-length. As for pants, no jeans are allowed


Batik Shirt, lo short-sleeved for Male stud Business pan suggested. N jeans allowed No patterned for male stud

••Batik Shirt, long-sleeved or short-sleeved are ••Batik Tops or Batik Dress are acceptable Batik for Shirt, long-sleeved or BATIK FOR acceptable for Male students female students MALE short-sleeved are acceptable ••Business pants is highly suggested. No colored ••The length of the skirt is the knee-length. As for for Male students pants or jeans allowed in the campus pants, no jeans are allowed Business pants highly pants (even Batik) for male ••No are patterned suggested. No colored pants or students


jeans allowed in the campus. No patterned pants (even Batik) for male students.

Student Handbook

Student Handbook Receipt and Acknowledgment Form I ______________________ certify and acknowledge the following statements: • I have received and read a copy of the Student Handbook of London School of Public Relations - Jakarta. I understand that the policies, rules, and benefits described are subject to change or may be revised based on LSPR’s particular circumstances of a given situation. • I agreed and understood that by signing this form, I will follow all the policies, rules, regulations, and benefits written in LSPR Handbook. _____________________________ Student’s Signature _____________________________ Student’s Name _____________________________ Date Acknowledge by, Imanuel Hutagalung, M.Sc Deputy Director III London School of Public Relations - Jakarta

Tanda Terima Student Handbook Saya ______________________ menyatakan dan mengakui pernyataan berikut: • Saya telah menerima dan membaca salinan Student Handbook of London School of Public Relations - Jakarta. Saya memahami bahwa kebijakan, aturan, dan manfaat yang dijelaskan dapat berubah atau dapat direvisi berdasarkan kebijakan LSPR - Jakarta dan terhadap situasi tertentu. • Saya setuju dan memahami bahwa dengan menandatangani formulir ini, saya akan mengikuti semua kebijakan, aturan, peraturan, dan manfaat yang ditulis dalam LSPR Handbook. ___________________________Tanda tangan Mahasiswa ___________________________ Nama Mahasiswa ___________________________Tanggal Diketahui oleh, Imanuel Hutagalung, M.Sc Wakil Direktur III London School of Public Relations - Jakarta





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