Search Engine Optimization — A White Paper on B2B Client Results

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Search-Engine Optimization (SEO) Client Case Study & White Paper Brief Overview: For a client who agreed to allow their company’s results to be featured in a profile and for project-specific data to be utilized as the featured subject of this white paper, but who requested we withhold their company name and any specifically identifiable project details — given our specific usage of their prior vendor’s name and results — Ink, Inc. Creative Group was able to achieve highly effective results that drastically over-performed the company’s prior SEO marketing strategy, developed and implemented by a well-known firm — AdIQ — herein referred to as “Competitor.”

Context & Results In order to demonstrate the superiority of our services, and to secure a long-term business relationship with Client, Ink, Inc. Creative Group agreed to a paid-for trial period wherein Client would observe the impact of our approach—versus the results of Competitor—and then, should we overperform current results, engage a long-term commitment of our broader services.

The trial period—rather short in comparison to industry average, at only one month—was highly-successful for Client, resulting in an increase in organic search impressions of 209% compared to prior period, and an overall increase in search click-through traffic to Client website of 43% in the same period. Better yet, given the superior nature of the strategies we employed, the traffic generated was of a far higher-quality than previous search traffic, increasing broader market exposure through an association with the marque brands that Client had worked with.

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