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Inklings May 30, 2014 Founded in 1933

Students debate wi-fi policy Claudia Chen ’16


FACILITATED FRIENDSHIP A speech and language teacher, Christine Frederick, works with third grader Harrison Putnam, to help him navigate the computer system to communicate with Wyatt Davis ’14, during one of their mentoring sessions. Despite different communication software, Frederick has found a solution, and the two have become fast friends.

Friendship flourishes in mentoring program Adam Kaplan ’16


n awkward silence looms in the air between Wyatt Davis ’14 and Harrison Putman during one of their first meetings. Suddenly Davis breaks the silence: “What’s your favorite baseball team?” “I like the Yankees,” Harrison replies. A snicker sounds. “Eww Yuck!” The two of them break out in laughter, and a friendship stronger than stone is formed. Both Davis’ and Putman’s lives have been affected by cerebral palsy (CP), which, according to KidsHealth, is a disorder that

affects muscle tone, movement, and motor skills. For Davis, it means that cerebral palsy has completely shut down most of his ability to move. Despite his physical shortcomings, Davis has had his own radio show, taken photos for Inklings and won student of the month. Davis’s accolades caught the attention of Putman, an eightyear-old at Greens Farms Elementary School. The Special Ed departments at GFS and Staples met up and agreed to have a once a week “hang-out” between the two students. The problem with the two meeting at first was communication software differences; as a result the pair could not have

full conversations. But Speech and Language teacher Christine Frederick solved that problem. “Harrison got his new talker, and we knew that Wyatt used the same set of pictures, so we wanted to see if they could hang out with each other. At first Wyatt was hesitant, but they had so many similar interests they bonded immediately,” Frederick said. Sharon Magera Gunther, the paraprofessional for Davis, also spoke of the sessions starting off strong. The bond, she said, “was instantaneous. They are both so alike, both such great people.” The two boys make every second of their one-hour sessions count as they talk about topics from siblings to sports. They

Staples put under new lock and key Aileen Coyne ’16 & Bailey Ethier ’15 Almost 18 months ago, Adam Lanza shot and killed 20 elementary school students and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. While the shootings have prompted a nationwide debate regarding school security, Staples hasn’t had a lockdown drill this school year. And the first physical and significant security changes, installing new locks on interior doors throughout the district’s eight schools, will be implemented this summer. The system’s delays were prompted by a series of events.

spice up their activities from time to time, playing games like bingo. Davis has taken on the responsibility of being Putman’s role model head-on as he continues to be an active influence. “One day, Wyatt was playing his radio show, and he wanted to show Harrison what he can accomplish,” Megara Gunther added. The day before Putman’s birthday, Davis made sure to give him a big surprise. The previous day, Davis threw the first pitch out to adoring fans during Staples’ 2-1 game against Greenwich. He returned to Greens Farms the next day with a game ball, along with a new Staples baseball hat. Putman was thrilled. INFOGRAPHIC BY MEGAN ROOT ’15

The Westport Board of Education (BOE) was scheduled to vote on a contract with a security auditing firm, Kroll Advisory Services, on March 5, 2013. However, the BOE withdrew the vote that day due to controversy surrounding the selection. Some town officials wanted to consider other companies; some were unsure how useful Kroll’s report would be. So the approval for the $100,000 Kroll report wasn’t finalized until June. Kroll then spent three days conducting an audit in September, once school began again, and the report was released to Superintendent Elliott Continued on page 3

Inside the Issue

Scrolling through her Facebook news feed during lunch, Emily Flood ’16 came across a picture of Iggy Azalea and Rita Ora dressed in revealing clothing. Intrigued, Flood almost clicked on the link. Almost. The knowledge that the school could see what she was viewing stopped her. Many students forget that when they signed the Westport Public Schools Acceptable Use Policy, they agreed to this loss of privacy. The policy reminds students that their use of the school system’s computers is not private: the district reserves the right to monitor use. “When using school resources, [people] have no expectation of privacy,” Coleytown middle school librarian John Horrigan said. “It’s like a locker; the administration wouldn’t normally go in it, but they can, and we’re not supposed to put our private resources out using school resources anyway.” The issue of internet privacy has come into play recently. Supreme Court cases have considered the constitutionality of police seizures of cell phones; the press has also reported that the government has sought and received permission to monitor its own citizens online. Although students’ cell phones are not being physically searched, the school’s monitoring of mobile devices raises similar questions, some feel. And with the situation involving the notorious app Yik Yak still fresh in the minds of many, the question of whether the school should have the right to monitor devices is more relevant than ever, students said. Emma Cataldo ’16 said that monitoring is only necessary in situations like Yik Yak; otherwise, students deserve privacy. “[Tracking] IP addresses is the right thing to do,” Cataldo said. “People shouldn’t get away with things like Yik Yak.” But, she added, “students are people too, and all people deserve privacy.” According to social studies teacher Rob Rogers, the school usually only monitors use in serious situations, though he said he is unsure what type of situation the administration would consider serious enough for a deeper look at a person’s internet traffic. “Considering there are thousands of devices on our network, they are not seeing much,” he said. “That would need a team of people to monitor that kind of traffic.” How often is student internet usage monitored by Westport Continued on page 5


Staples, Yik Yak, and Rape

The Westport Memorial Day Parade


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