Inklings March 16

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March 16, 2012

Founded in 1933

The Fight for Phys Ed SIMON STRACHER ’14


Staff Writer

s Physical Education a time waster or a lifesaver? Students and teachers have been debating that question since Superintendent of Schools Dr. Elliot Landon proposed axing P.E. from Westport elementary schools. The cuts, designed to save money and increase the length of “core classes,” would apply to physical education for second through fifth grade students. Landon argued that the time required for physical education for these students interferes with the school district’s ability to give teachers large amounts of time to address, as he called it, “their primary instructional mission.” P.E. teachers across the Westport School District disagree with the implication that Physical Education is not as important as other classes. “Each student’s physical as well as mental well being is important,” says Staples P.E. teacher Janet Zamary. “In our current society we walk less and do less manual labor than our predecessors. The amount of work confines us to our desks for numerous hours. Without developing and instilling the importance of being physically active, we may be intellectually smart; however, we won’t live as long.” Long Lots elementary school P.E. teacher Jennifer Dayton agrees with Zamary. “No Physical Education should be cut. If anything we should add physical education classes at both the elementary schools and middle schools.” Dayton’s reasoning behind that was that while recess and sports allow students to be active, then it does not ensure that the students are actually physically active, while physical education does. Many Staples athletes, for example, think they are active enough. Lucas Jackson ’15, who plans on trying out for the Staples Lacrosse team, thinks P.E. is not necessary for those who play sports. “If you don’t [play sports], then you need it. If you do, you don’t need it because you’re getting a workout,” he says.

BOE strikes down proposal to cut elementary PE

Continued on page 3 PHOTO BY MADISON HORNE ‘12

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Celebrity Crushes


Girls Lacrosse Preview


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