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This is our team: Inma, Konstantin, Tamara, Agata & Georgios
This project started in August 2016, at Cambridge University. We were taking a course for English teachers thanks an Erasmus KA1.
This project is called
FACE_IT ;) Fun Activities Curriculum-oriented Exercises for success in life with Information Technology
We have 4 MOBILITIES in total. We are going to travel, to learn about other cultures, To study abroad for a week, to do assignments to work in international collaborative team groups To share knowledge and info, to visit monuments And to have fun while learning !!!
The final product of our project is to create an Android App for our students to play a Quiz with our Curriculum content.
Our Project is being very successful since we have been marked with 92,1 out of 100 because of
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1. Up-to-date Methodology. 2. Well curriculum oriented. 3. Well-structured internal organization. 4. School Quality will be improved. 5. Student-oriented. 6. Different learning levels. 7. Quality targets. 8. ITC -oriented. 9. Smart and Quality plan of activities. 10. Fostering Team work. 11. Sharing Knowledge. 12.Fostering deep learning from our students. 13. Using different social media to make it public to Europe. 14. Our App will be free.
Mobilities & dates Poland
2nd to 10th December 2017
10th to 18th February 2018
3rd to 11th April 2018
October/ November 2018
May 2019
We all will master a specific subject in each country Germany ENGLISH
Poland Maths
Holland Geography We need a content subject teacher in each of them
Spain Bilingualism U.Lit
Greece App
Selection Criteria We have been funded for: 16 students, 4 teachers plus the Coordinator. The coordinator will take to each country the 4 best Students in English and/ or in the destiny subject, as well as a permanent member teacher of the destiny subject who has an appropriate English level.
There will participate 4 students from 2nd Eso 2017 4 students from 3rd Eso 2017 4 students from 4th Eso 2017 4 students from 1st Bach 2017
Participants per MOBILITY
A student representing each course level, That is 5; 6; 5 students in total, A subject teacher & the Coordinator Will travel to each MOBILITY.
Students will stay in host families Students must host an international student Students must participate in all activities & assignments, at home & abroad.
Students must do their assignments b4, during and after their mobilities.
This project lasts 2 years for everyone, except for BACH
Face_it Agenda 1. National LOGO Competition. 2. Transnational Logo Competition. 3. Students selection. 4. Know my village in our Facebook. We will also have a blog. 5. It will have a space in our bilingual web page. 6. Activities for our host week. 7. Questionnaires for our Quiz.
We make a Gr8 Team: All 4 1 & 1 4 All
Thanks 4 ur time
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Colonial High School
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INMACULADA Guadix Montero Spanish Coordinator Thanks 4 ur time
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