Useful tools for the English Lesson. Inmaculada Guadix

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Welcome to my ERASMUS + Workshop on New Technologies for the English Lesson in Wales by Graham Workman and my course on Introduction to MaterialDevelopment, by Lindsay Warwick, in Cambrige.

By Inmaculada Guadix

These are highly interesting tools to be used in the English lesson, or in any other content subject lesson. By Inmaculada Guadix

1. Studystack 2. VoiceThread 3. Plickers 4. Padlet 5. Animoto 6. Zunal 7. Google Classroom 8. Jimdo 9. Tools to identify and edit English Level in texts. 10. Bookcreator. By Inmaculada Guadix

1. Study stack Study stack is a multipurpose tool so it can be used to present new VOCAB as a digital flash card; as a warming up activity to revise VOCAB; as a matching activity defining VOCAB; as a game Homework activity to study. It is easy to share since it provides you of a link to paste on google classroom, or email or blog. It requieres an account, but it is free.

Tips Name or label your creations wisely so that they can later be easily chosen from the dashboard. By Inmaculada Guadix

http://www.studystack,com/fashcard-2656158 By Inmaculada Guadix


VoiceThread VoiceThread is a very useful tool to foster speaking and to provide a speaking feedback by the teacher. It is easy to use, although students need to sing up, so younger students may need some help at this previous stage. It is also a good time-saving tool since all this work is done and evaluated outside the classroom.

Tips. The free version allows us only three or four opened Theads, so we may need download our final product so we can erase it and create a new one. By Inmaculada Guadix

By Inmaculada Guadix

3. Plickers This app is very useful to test students understanding after reading a text, a book, watching a video, or even after studying a content unit. Questions can be shaped into True or False answer, or multiple choice A, B, C, D answer. It is a highly convenient app to practice Flipped Classroom Methodology. And the most interesting part is that it is only the teacher who needs a device, students don’t need their mobile phones nor laptops, only a flash card provided by the teacher with a QR code. THE inconvenient is that it is not possible to share your questionnaires with your partners yet.

Tips: keep your device in vertical position while camara sweeping, otherwise the results will be altered dramatically. By Inmaculada Guadix

Here you are a link in Spanish to keep on digging. By Inmaculada Guadix

4. Paddlet Padlet is a user-friendly web page to upload and store any kind of docs and links to open share in its public option, or to share with a selected group in a private section. It can also be used as a writing activity where students can colaborarte in a writing task or comment on a topic.

Tips It is also useful to create a code so that only your students can have access to this padlet in certain creations. By Inmaculada Guadix

By Inmaculada Guadix

5. Animoto Animoto is a user-friendly movie maker website which provides frameworks and music to create your videos in only some steps. It is useful to tell a story or to summarize a trip experience.

Tips Some frameworks allow only a certain number or characters, so you may count and think carefully what and how to put it. By Inmaculada Guadix By Inmaculada Guadix

6. This is a professional web page to create web quests. It’s easy to use and very efficient. The only inconvenient is that the free version only allows us to make one web quest. The rest of them must be under subscription, and therefore it requires monthly or annual fees. Tips It is advisable to read some other Zunal we quest creations before starting. They are public and ready to use. That can also be a useful model to start with. By Inmaculada Guadix By Inmaculada Guadix

7. Google Classroom I use this web as a means for uploading my VoiceThread links, my padlet links and to communicate homework to my group class. It is very useful for Flipping the classroom. I use it to give in Listening homework where the test or the questions will be answered in class. This listening activities can include grammar teaching videos. It is also our private (group class) web where my students can upload their writings d speaking assignments; they can ask me questions or doubts.

Tips Sometimes it is also interesting to share this class group Google Classroom with a teacher or some teachers, especially when working in Intergrated Curriculum Activities, such is the case of Bilingualism in Spain. By Inmaculada Guadix

By Inmaculada Guadix

8. Jimdo This is a user- friendly tool to create your first webpage. It provides you of already made framework ready to be used if you wish. You can also customize them. By Inmaculada Guadix

By Inmaculada Guadix

9. Tools to classify & edit the English level of a text according to the European Reference.

To use the Oxford Text Checker, first choose which wordlist you want to check against. Next, type or paste your text into the box, then click "Check Text". When checking against the Oxford wordlists, the words which are not part of the selected wordlist will be highlighted in red. For the Academic Word List, any words that are on the list will be highlighted in red. The Text Checker will also tell you what percentage of the words in the text are/are not part of the wordlist. You can use this information to judge the difficulty of a text. When checking against the Oxford keywords lists, the more words highlighted in red, the more difficult the text. In a typical low intermediate text, close to 100% of the words will be Oxford 3000 keywords. In a typical high intermediate text, 90-95% of the words will be Oxford 3000 keywords. In a typical advanced text, 75-90% of the words will be Oxford 3000 keywords. By Inmaculada Guadix is powerful, free, online software that improves reading, learning, and teaching. This site can:Intelligently simplify difficult English, for faster comprehension. Effectively teach words, for building a better vocabulary. Help teachers save time and produce engaging lessons.Help improve learning outcomes.

English Profile helps teachers and educationalists understand what the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) means for English. It describes what aspects of English are typically learned at each CEFR level. This tells teachers, curriculum developers, course-book authors and test writers what is suitable for learning at each level. The English Vocabulary Profile contains information about phrases, idioms and collocations as well as the words themselves. By leaving the text box blank and selecting one of the levels, you can generate lists of words for each level; but you can also filter these using the advanced search functions, to find out what 'food and drink' vocabulary A1 learners know, or which phrasal verbs are known at B2 level. You can also use the wildcard * search to discover, for example, which '-ing' adjectives are known at B1 (see example). There is a British and American English version, and there is audio pronunciation for all entries. By Inmaculada Guadix

10. Book Creator This presentation has been created with Book Creator. This free App for iOS and Android makes it simple to embed pictures, web links, recordings and drawings. It can be exported as PDF, Video or ePub.

By Inmaculada Guadix

By Inmaculada Guadix

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By Inmaculada Guadix

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