En Clair Autumn 2015

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22 May 2015

EN CLAIR Spiritual Guidance and Insights to Inspire and Uplift Welcome! I wish you a wonderful Autumn/Winter transition and hope that within this edition my words bring what is needed to those in need. Together we will embark on an adventure! Exploring evolution and the processes of change as we delve into the magic of Autumn and how to best support your personal transformations as we transition into winter. I share some of my great loves in life and leave you with a relaxation meditation to get you in the zone for a wonderful winter. As always questions and comments are welcome and for all enquiries you will find my contact details are on page 12. Thank you, Enjoy! With much Love Angelette xo How things evolve over time! It is wonderful to bear witness to the process of evolution and the cycles that these processes accompany. It is important to remember that these not only exist around us but also within us. Just like a wheel slowly turning on its axis, we edge ever forward, negotiating the terrain, circumnavigating our way through valleys and rising peaks as we go through life. These cycles, these seasons of life presenting different experiences which fit together as a whole in the processes of our growth and spiritual evolution. None more or less valuable than its counterpart but all adding to the whole picture. One unable to exist without the other but paradoxically each independent of the other. From within these cycles it isn’t always as easy to see situations as existing as an independent piece of the whole and through distorted vision it can be perceived as being the whole picture. If we are to loose our reference point we can loose sight of the bigger picture of the impermanence of matter and all that exists external to self. The briefness of each moment and the fragile balance that is life. Be sure to honour the precious gift we are given each day on this journey as we expand in our capacity to give and receive love. Pď ? 1

22 May 2015

Autumn Winds‌ Autumn has brought with it a special kind of magic. As nature prepares to enter the restful slumber of winter, moving farther from the productive summer months, we drift deeper into the heart of Autumn. An in-between time where it may appear that not much is happening but when we delve deeper into the unseen we realise that more is going on than can be imagined and as the blustery westerly winds of change pick up, the daylight hours shrink, much work is being done beneath the surface if only we look close enough. Historically a time of harvest, we begin to see the rewards of labour from the productive months, the fruits of hard toil are gathered and stored and fallen seeds lay dormant, the trees drop their leaves and stand naked. The leaf litter and mulch providing protection to the seeds from the elements and feed the soil in preparation for a new cycle. Autumn energies present massive opportunities for tremendous inner work, reflection and growth. This is a time whereby much can be accomplished if we take the time to nurture our souls, feed our minds and expand our consciousness. Like the trees we too can drop our leaves, to encourage new growth and invite in the next cycle. There are actions which can support your inner growth at this time, harnessing this energy now is simple and by utilising it’s full potential it is working in tune with the flow. As the daylight hours shorten and the air temperature continues to cool, naturally more time is spent indoors, what a perfect opportunity to start doing our homework!! Reassess, Plan and Develop are the keywords for Autumn. Build the solid foundations now within the areas that you wish to see moving forward. Now is the time to start setting the wheels in motion, the preparatory steps that you take today will ensure your future personal success. Step within the silence, enter the peace and bring that peace into your life to share with all those around you. What does the peace reveal for you, what secrets are uncovered? Bring that wisdom into your awareness and trust that what you are shown is for your highest good, be patient as the secrets will reveal slowly, eventually it will begin to fall into place. Autumn can be a challenging time and if you have felt the effects of the season strongly, if recent times have been more of a struggle than usual please take comfort in the knowledge that you are definitely not on your own. Autumn encourages us to let go of all that does not serve us which can be confronting and conflicting. Massive shifts have been occurring on a global and universal basis for quite some time, recently this has stepped up a few notches and very few people have avoided the effects of this intense momentum. For some it may seem unrelenting, know that there is much support available to assist through these transformations and adjustments, open yourself to receiving the support you seek and you will find the journey through winter will be smoother and easier to navigate. Yď ™


22 May 2015

I love reading, I always have and perhaps it is because of my own love for reading that I read as much as I can to my boys. It is important to me. So important that it doesn't matter what kind of day I have had, how exhausted I am or how much I need to do. Every day without fail, I make the time to make sure that we read together. If it wasn’t important to me I would find it a lot easier to find an excuse to avoid it. If I am really honest about it, I’m almost certain that I am learning more than my children are in our little snuggle sessions….

Once Upon a Time To Choose your own Adventure… I brought a new book for us to share a choose your own adventure book. I was so excited as it triggered memories of my own childhood and we all eagerly cuddled under the blanket to begin our adventure together! We were taken deep into the jungle of the amazon. We started off trekking by foot until we were presented with a choice to continue by foot on our own or travel by boat down the amazon river with some scary looking locals. My son decided to combine with the group which he rationalised because he didn’t want to be by himself, we were then taken down the river, entrusting our lives with strangers as journeyed deeper into the jungle. Personally I wasn’t too happy about hooking up with the strangers and would have much preferred to keep walking by myself but never the less it sparked a deep and meaningful conversation about stranger danger! Our ride down the river brought us to the entrance to a water cave and another choice to continue into the cave or eat a meal with our new found friends. Lukas loves his food so no prizes for guessing his choice here but when presented with a local delicacy of yellow and black frogs, he decided that he wasn't so hungry after all and we backtracked to the point where we could choose to go into the water cave instead! So the story continued on with Lukas in the drivers seat guiding us. Through the decisions that he made along the way our fate was determined and when he found himself in trouble or didn’t like where the story was going, we could backtrack and choose something different.


22 May 2015

Don’t we all get to ‘Choose our Own Adventure’ on a daily basis?

Wherever we find ourselves, don’t we have the ability to change the story? In life can’t we just choose our own adventure and take a different pathway?? It wasn’t so much the story but the concept behind the story that got me thinking about an acquaintance that I bumped into last week. Her two children are exactly the same ages as mine and they coincidentally are in the same classes as my boys so we regularly cross paths. She runs her own business as well as being a busy mum and wife of a very successful professional. We swapped pleasantries as we sent our youngest children off to daycare and I happened to ask what her plans were for the day. Her body language changed in a microsecond and with slumped shoulders, down turned eyes and a huge sigh she muttered “I HAVE to work Monday to Friday EVERY week.”

Really? You HAVE to? or is it a result of your CHOICES?

Is it time to choose a new adventure?

Is this nothing less than a great opportunity to review some of the beliefs that you have carried? All of which have led you to the place that you now find yourself?

The words we use and how we word things may seem to be inconsequential but what we say whether to ourselves or out loud to others is of great significance. All words carry a vibration and a meaning and at times these meanings of the words that we use on a very frequent basis is overlooked and underestimated. What can seem like merely a comment in passing can in fact carry with it a wealth of knowledge and understanding if only we really allow ourselves to truly listen.

It has always been a “thing” of mine! Almost bordering on obsession as the words which we choose, weave together to create the reality in which we live. Feeding our inner world with the fuel which in turn colours the outer “real” world that we see.

Our methods of communication, our words leave out so much. In the voids where words could be we frequently leave spaces open for interpretation.

A statement so seemingly benign as “I HAVE TO….” carries so much more meaning than perhaps was even intended by the speaker. It does not place one in a position of power to change or effect the situation. Instead, it infers obligation and duty, the binding of one morally or legally to a situation. Where morals are the distinction between what is right and what is wrong. This statement, in combination with the tone and body language used in the example given could really be saying, “I believe that I have to work Monday to Friday every week, I believe that I am doing the right thing but every pore of my being is in direct opposition with this belief and others which directly interrelate with this belief. My heart is conflicted with my mind and at a very deep level, I am at war with myself.” deeper still may be a complex web of truths and untruths waiting to be excavated and explored.

Often we face these moral quandaries where our belief over what is right and wrong comes up against our heart knowledge. Where what has been taught to us as being true presents itself as perhaps not being true for us. It is often said that when something doesn’t feel right that usually it isn’t right, but when this happens and it is not congruent with what we believe to be true it can be agonising until we are able to review and explore 4

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our inner world. Until we are willing and able to assess what we have been taught to be “true” and shift those beliefs to be in line with what we know is true in our heart.

If we clear out our closet and find a miniskirt that we haven’t worn in years which at one time may have been a favourite, if we now find it no longer fits us because we put on a little bit of weight and it no longer suits the style of clothing that we now wear. Do we continue to try to make it work just because at one time in our life it fitted us and suited us? Do we hold onto it in the hope that we might just get back into it one day, or as a trophy of what has been. ***Apologies to all the men and women out there who may not have had a direct experience with not fitting back into a miniskirt! Please replace ‘miniskirt’ with suede jacket or if you connect better with the miniskirt, go with that!! ; )

Or instead do we choose let go? Do we wear something that feels more comfortable, something a little more suited to how we see ourselves now? The item has not changed but we have grown out of it so why hold on?

Is this not the same for our beliefs, our job, our relationships, our house etc. If something no longer fits then why keep trying to squeeze into it? If we are aware that we have outgrown something then should we not be looking at making some choices so that we can let go of the past, by making space for the present? How can we hope to move forward before we completely close the door on what once was?

The stories that we believe ultimately weave the reality that we see. The reality that so many seem to wish to escape from is only a product of their own creation. So if we tell ourselves that we HAVE to work then to a certain degree we are effectively surrendering our free will, our personal power and our ability to change our position within the situation. By placing ourselves in a position of being A VICTIM OF CIRCUMSTANCE we effectively cut ourselves off from being able to perceive other possibilities which may be staring us right in the face.

However when we tell ourselves that we CHOOSE to work we place ourselves in the drivers seat, we take our position of power and are able to take responsibility for the decisions that we have made. This is important to me therefore I choose it, I AM IN CHARGE OF MY LIFE AND THE DIRECTION THAT IT FLOWS.

In saying all of this how easily we forget that we have a choice when you consider how many choices that are presented to us on a minute by minute basis every day of our lives?

Doesn’t life actually boil down to the choices that we individually make??

Did you not choose to get out of bed this morning?

Did you not choose what you would and would not wear?

Did you not choose wether or not you would eat breakfast?

If you chose to have breakfast did you not choose what you put into your mouth?

Did you not choose the colour of your day through the attitude that you chose to carry?

Many of these may not always seem like choices to us. It’s just what we do right?

But isn’t it in these choices that we don’t see as choices that we create what we call our life?


22 May 2015

When we practice making the same choice frequently enough, does it not create a habit? When taken to the extreme can’t that very habit which initiated as a choice become so much a part of how we see ourselves, sometimes to the point that we can temporarily forget where we start and finish? We forget that we at one time made that choice and that we still have the ability to make a different choice. Do we just forget that we get to choose our own adventure every minute of everyday?

Each choice is an internal action for which there is an external reaction, no matter how seemingly big or small the decision, it is cause and effect. Even choosing not to make a decision is in itself a choice. The implications of each choice may or may not be instantaneous and may or may not work out as we imagine that it would/could/should but all of that is beside the point. If we can see that every decision that we have made has led us to the present moment then we are in the ultimate position of power over the direction that our lives take. We essentially give ourselves the power to own our choices, to own that we are the creator of our lives, we have absolute freedom to create at will what we wish and all it takes is a choice.

It is truly one of the most amazing occurrences when we take the step to simply make a choice. Even when it is just within our own mind, when in our heart of hearts we commit to something, spirit sees to it that our choice sets off a chain reaction and it is astounding how easily things begin to flow as a result. We find ourselves in a place where we need to do nothing but be open to receiving the gifts that spirit presents to us and as some doorways begin to close, naturally others will open, gently showing us the way forward.

When you find what is true to your heart and you commit to it, you must then find the courage to follow it, to back it up and when you do, the small things, the details will always take care of themselves. So for those who have forgotten, this is your once upon a time and you get to choose your own adventure!! Enjoy it! Q

“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.” - Richard Bach


22 May 2015

Autumn In The Garden Henry Van Dyke When the frosty kiss of Autumn in the dark Makes its mark On the flowers, and the misty morning grieves Over fallen leaves; Then my olden garden, where the golden soil Through the toil Of a hundred years is mellow, rich, and deep, Whispers in its sleep. 'Mid the crumpled beds of marigold and phlox, Where the box Borders with its glossy green the ancient walks, There's a voice that talks Of the human hopes that bloomed and withered here Year by year,-Dreams of joy, that brightened all the labouring hours, Fading as the flowers. Yet the whispered story does not deepen grief; But relief For the loneliness of sorrow seems to flow From the Long-Ago, When I think of other lives that learned, like mine, To resign, And remember that the sadness of the fall Comes alike to all. What regrets, what longings for the lost were theirs! And what prayers For the silent strength that nerves us to endure Things we cannot cure! Pacing up and down the garden where they paced, I have traced All their well-worn paths of patience, till I find Comfort in my mind. Faint and far away their ancient griefs appear: Yet how near Is the tender voice, the careworn, kindly face, Of the human race! Let us walk together in the garden, dearest heart, Not apart! They who know the sorrows other lives have known Never walk alone. 7

22 May 2015

Food Glorious Food!! Inspiration has many forms, appearing from anywhere, anyone at anytime. You need only be open to accepting it as such. Passion for life is a gift which we all possess from birth and no matter our position in life we have the ability to be a source of inspiration to those around us just as every person can be a source of inspiration to us. When a person is passionate, when they pour their heart and soul into what they are doing or creating, that life force energy is infectious. It has the potential to move, to shift, to alter us. It can be the ignition fuel for us on our own creative journey, getting us in touch with the depths of our soul. It can pull one out of a slump, it can throw one into a frenzy of creative abandon, passion feeds inspiration just as inspiration feeds passion. Food is one of my main creative passions in life! I have many but I really love cooking. More than cooking though, I love to feed people, to fill their bellies and souls with nurturing sustenance. Sharing the food, feeding their bodies and their souls is one of the most gratifying things about the whole creative process for me. If I am feeding only myself, I will usually cheat, opting for quick and easy, cheese and crackers or fruit from the bowl and when I am really lazy, a packet of Twisties does the trick! It is always in the sharing of what we have created that we are given the greatest gifts. I enter a zone in my kitchen, picture Chef from the Muppets and this is how I look when I cook! It is a nickname that I have carried for years and with good reason! With three or four dishes cooking all at the same time, cook books splattered with food, the kitchen closely replicating an atomic bomb site strewn with debris and unwashed pans pilled high, almost every cupboard open and the mixed aromas of sweet treats and savoury delicacies wafting through the house. When I am in that zone it is as if nothing outside my immediate space exists. It still amazes me how cooking happens! That food transforms the moment it is cut, heated and mixed. That flavours can compliment each other through their very contrasting natures and that opposing textures, combined can create harmony and be the balancing factor for a dish. It amazes me to this day that flour, butter and milk combine to make delicious, piping hot fluy pillows. They are known as scos in our home, lovingly named by my son, known to the rest of the world as scones! Such simple 8

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ingredients that individually are nothing much, but when combined and put in the right conditions create such a yummy treat. Never complete without generous lashings of jam and freshly whipped cream on a cold mid-morning and guaranteed to bring a smile and fond memories of Grandma’s cooking to even the manliest man! For my little men, perhaps I am creating memories that they will one day look back upon fondly! When something such as food comes from the heart, it touches the soul. It feeds not just our belly but our it feeds our heart and it leaves us with a gift. It connects us with our heart and inspires us to share our heart and soul with the world. I love that food brings people together. That unconsciously when someone is connecting to the food that they are eating they savour the tastes and texture by closing their eyes. Just as we do when we kiss, by shutting out to the external noise of the world we connect to the soul in that moment. These are the gifts I receive from feeding people, seeing them connect with their soul, seeing the love that I have placed into the food being transferred to them and is feeding their soul and nurturing their bodies and knowing that they will take themselves out into the world and will share that love with others. Often it is in the small things that we do that the biggest impact is made. Cď ƒ



22 May 2015

Take a Journey…. Guided meditation transcript You may like someone to read this to you, or to dictate it onto a tape or CD. To begin with make sure the body is in as comfortable a position as possible, either sitting in a chair or lying down on the bed or the floor. Allow the weight of the body to settle down towards the earth, taking a few deeper breaths and letting go a little bit more on each out breath. Now allow the breath to settle and to find its own natural rhythm, letting the breath breathe itself. Try not to interfere with this process, and notice how the body moves in response to the breath: the chest expanding and relaxing, the belly rising and falling. If your breath is affected in any way by your illness or pain, then just noting this with a gentle awareness. Try to let go of any ideas about how you think it ought to be, and just rest with an awareness of how things actually are for you in each moment. [Pause] Sometimes it can help to include an image with a sense of the breath: you can imagine a wave flowing up the beach, turning, and flowing back out to sea again, noticing how the movement of the breath has a rhythm very like this. Or you might have another image that you find evocative and calming. Use your imagination in your own way to help the mind and the body settle around the breath. [Pause] Notice how each breath is unique, how no two breaths are the same. Notice the texture, the quality, and the duration of each breath. If you notice the body or the mind tensing up around your experience, in the noticing you can gently let go again without judgement. Do this over and over again if necessary with a gentle awareness. Include any pain or discomfort in the body within your broad field of awareness. Very often we resist feelings of pain or discomfort, and this just leads to more tension, more pain and more discomfort. Use the breath to help soften the hard edges around the pain and allow a tender, gentle awareness to permeate the in- and the out-breaths. As you use the breath to soften resistance to the pain or discomfort, you may notice how the experience of pain is in fact a constantly changing mass of different sensations. Experience how it comes into being and passes away moment by moment. [Pause] Now you can broaden out your experience even more to invite in the pleasurable dimensions of your field of awareness. They might be very subtle, such as tingling in the fingers, some sort of pleasure around the breath, or maybe the sun is shining through the window onto the skin. In your own way scanning through your whole experience and noticing little moments of pleasure, no matter how fleeting – arising and falling with each moment. You may notice that each moment of life contains elements that are painful and elements which are pleasurable. This is the way things are in this world for everyone. Notice the tendency to harden against pain and to grasp after pleasure, and in the noticing relax back into the broad field of awareness. [Pause] Now broaden out your awareness still more to include an awareness of others. Become aware that all humanity experiences a mixture of pain and pleasure moment by moment in much the way that you do. The stories of our lives are unique, but the range of basic human experience and emotions will be very similar. We all have hopes and dreams, fears and regrets, no matter where we live, our age, colour or wealth. In this way we can allow our own experience of pain and illness to become a moment of empathy for others who are in pain, or who are ill, rather than a moment of isolation. All life suffers in one way or another. All life experiences pleasure in one way or another. In the same way that you imbued the breath with a kindly awareness towards your own experience, you can now allow a kindly awareness to permeate the in- and the out-breaths as you think of others. Maybe you can get a sense of the whole world breathing – all life breathing, like waves on the ocean. Rising and falling. Allow a sense of the hard edges of separation to soften, letting go into a sense of all that we share and a feeling of connection with all life as you sit or lie here resting quietly with the breath moment by moment. Rest with this quality of awareness for as long as feels appropriate for you at this time. [Pause] Now in your own time bring the meditation to a close. Come back to a full awareness of the body lying on the bed or sitting on the chair. Feel in firm contact with the earth. Tune into the movements of the breath in the body and gradually externalise your awareness. When you’re ready gently open the eyes, take in your surroundings, and re-engage with the day. See if you can take this quality of awareness with you on into your life as it unfolds moment by moment. 10

22 May 2015

Meditation as a regular practice brings a multitude of benefits physically, mentally and emotionally. It is one of the best tools available to effect and support personal growth and spiritual development. Maintain an observer’s perspective during all meditative practices by dropping all judgement of the experience, much insight can be obtained for the dedicated student and the awareness it can bring will be transformative on so many levels. When going into your meditative state understand that putting aside this time for yourself to connect at a deeper level is a sacred space that you have been instrumental in creating. A commitment in your own journey of self discovery. A gift that only you can give to yourself that will benefit all those around you. Individuals will all have slightly different experiences and to support your personal development, you must remain open to the insights and messages that you receive. It can be beneficial and I highly recommend keeping a meditation journal, specifically dedicated to documenting your own observations and any visions, thoughts, feelings or overall themes just as you would if you were journalling your dreams. Do this at the completion of your meditation as part of a closing ritual, accompany it with a cup of warm herbal tea or a glass of water to assist in cleansing and grounding before you continue onto the other activities of your day. There is a wealth of free and paid resources available online offering a myriad of guided meditations, you will find yourself being drawn to what you need most for your own personal journey now. Trust in this and watch the evolution!

To conclude I thank you for being a part of En Clair by taking your time reading the Autumn edition. Please feel free to share it with those who you think will benefit from the experience! To be included on the mailing list please contact me with your details. As some of you will already be aware that I am not making an appearance at the Mind Body Spirt Festival in Sydney or in Melbourne. This was a decision of great difficulty and deliberation but one that I had to make for my family and myself at this time in my life. However, I will be available to give private readings in Sydney on the 19th, 20th and 21st of June and Melbourne on the 24th, 25th and 26th of July. I am really looking forward to catching up with as many of you as I can but am more focused on high quality readings over high quantity readings so only a very limited number of appointments are available. It is such an honour to share in your lives, to see the growth and development through the different stages and cycles. It is a position that I feel very privileged to hold and one that I do not take lightly. By stepping out on my own I am able to stand behind what is important to me and that is to give the best that I can to each of you. More details on these dates and locations can be found on the following page or by contacting me directly. Until we next meet, thank you all for your support and encouragement. With Blessings, Best Wishes and Much Love, Angelette xo


22 May 2015

Connect with Angelette Dawson on Facebook for updates on upcoming events!

Inner Eden Psychic Readings to uplift, inspire and guide.

Upcoming Events: Sydney June 19th, 20th & 21st Meriton Serviced Apartments, Campbell Street, Sydney.

Melbourne July 24th, 25th & 26th 52 Fitzroy Street, St. Kilda

CONTACT www.angelette.com.au angelette@rocketmail.com

0412 226 316 12

22 May 2015


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